5 litres SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Operator protection Dimethoate 40 contains an anticholinesterase organophosphorus compound. DO NOT USE if under medical advice NOT to work with such compounds. Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment: WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) when applying by vehicle-mounted equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES, RUBBER BOOTS AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling contaminated surfaces and applying by hand-held equipment. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS WITH HOOD), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when acting as a ground marker for aerial application. However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection. WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves. TAKE OFF IMMEDIATELY all contaminated clothing. AFTER CONTACT WITH SKIN OR EYES, WASH IMMEDIATELY with plenty of water. AVOID ALL CONTACT BY MOUTH. DO NOT BREATHE VAPOUR OR SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before eating, drinking or smoking, and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). UN 3017 Packaging Group III Organophosphorus pesticide, liquid, toxic, flammable (contains dimethoate, cyclohexanone and xylene) Severe marine pollutant ® = Registered trademark of BASF 81050105GB1070 This label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance Supplied by: BASF plc Crop Protection PO Box 4, Earl Road Cheadle Hulme, CHEADLE Cheshire SK8 6QG Tel: 0161 485 6222 Emergency Information: (24 hours freephone): 0049 180 2273112 Technical Enquiries: 0845 602 2553 (office hours) MAPP 13949 An emulsifiable concentrate, systemic insecticide, containing 400 g/l (37.4 % w/w) dimethoate, for the control of aphids and certain other pests in wheat, rye, triticale, sugar beet and other beet crops, agricultural herbage (seed crops) and ornamental plant production. Dimethoate is an anticholinesterase organophosphate. Handle with care. Dimethoate 40 ® The (COSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations may apply to the use of this product at work. 4 014348 419253 Environmental protection HIGH RISK TO BEES. Do not apply to crops in flower, nor to those in which bees are actively foraging. Do not apply when flowering weeds are present. Residual surface residues of dimethoate may also cause bee mortality following spraying. DANGEROUS TO FISH OR OTHER AQUATIC LIFE. Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water. THIS PRODUCT IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR BUFFER ZONE REDUCTION UNDER THE LERAP HORIZONTAL SPRAYERS SCHEME. DO NOT ALLOW SPRAY from aerial application to fall within 250 m horizontal distance of surface waters and ditches. This product must not be applied to a cereal crop if any product containing either a pyrethroid insecticide or dimethoate has been applied to that crop after the start of ear emergence. HIGH RISK TO NON-TARGET INSECTS OR OTHER ARTHROPODS. Do not spray cereals in spring/summer within 6m of the edge of the crop. For advice on risk management in other crops see DIRECTIONS FOR USE. HARMFUL TO LIVESTOCK. Keep all livestock out of treated areas for at least SEVEN DAYS. HARMFUL TO GAME, WILD BIRDS AND ANIMALS. Bury or remove spillages. Storage and disposal DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER FOR ANY PURPOSE. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place under lock and key. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frostproof and under lock and key in a suitable pesticide store. Medical Advice Details are given under Directions For Use. ~xmam1279877969.indd 1 23.07.2010 11:39:32

Dimethoate 40 - BASFDimethoate 40 is dangerous to bees. Under no circumstances should the product be applied to crops where bees are present. In these cases, applications should be

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  • 5 litres ℮SAFETY PRECAUTIONSOperator protectionDimethoate 40 contains an anticholinesterase organophosphorus compound. DO NOT USE if under medical advice NOT to work with such compounds.Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment:WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate.WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) when applying by vehicle-mounted equipment.WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES, RUBBER BOOTS AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling contaminated surfaces and applying by hand-held equipment.WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS WITH HOOD), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when acting as a ground marker for aerial application.However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection.WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves.TAKE OFF IMMEDIATELY all contaminated clothing.AFTER CONTACT WITH SKIN OR EYES, WASH IMMEDIATELY with plenty of water.AVOID ALL CONTACT BY MOUTH.DO NOT BREATHE VAPOUR OR SPRAY.WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before eating, drinking or smoking, and after work.WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE.IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible).

    UN 3017Packaging Group IIIOrganophosphorus

    pesticide, liquid, toxic, flammable

    (contains dimethoate, cyclohexanone and xylene)

    Severe marine pollutant

    ® = Registered trademark of BASF 81050105GB1070

    This label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance

    Supplied by:BASF plcCrop ProtectionPO Box 4, Earl RoadCheadle Hulme, CHEADLECheshire SK8 6QGTel: 0161 485 6222Emergency Information:(24 hours freephone): 0049 180 2273112Technical Enquiries: 0845 602 2553 (office hours)

    MAPP 13949An emulsifiable concentrate, systemic insecticide, containing 400 g/l (37.4 % w/w) dimethoate, for the control of aphids and certain other pests in wheat, rye, triticale, sugar beet and other beet crops, agricultural herbage (seed crops) and ornamental plant production.Dimethoate is an anticholinesterase organophosphate. Handle with care.

    Dimethoate 40®

    The (COSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations may apply to the use of this product at work.

    4 0 1 4 3 4 8 4 1 9 2 5 3

    Environmental protectionHIGH RISK TO BEES. Do not apply to crops in flower, nor to those in which bees are actively foraging. Do not apply when flowering weeds are present. Residual surface residues of dimethoate may also cause bee mortality following spraying.DANGEROUS TO FISH OR OTHER AQUATIC LIFE. Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container.DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR BUFFER ZONE REDUCTION UNDER THE LERAP HORIZONTAL SPRAYERS SCHEME.DO NOT ALLOW SPRAY from aerial application to fall within 250 m horizontal distance of surface waters and ditches.This product must not be applied to a cereal crop if any product containing either a pyrethroid insecticide or dimethoate has been applied to that crop after the start of ear emergence.HIGH RISK TO NON-TARGET INSECTS OR OTHER ARTHROPODS. Do not spray cereals in spring/summer within 6m of the edge of the crop. For advice on risk management in other crops see DIRECTIONS FOR USE.HARMFUL TO LIVESTOCK. Keep all livestock out of treated areas for at least SEVEN DAYS.HARMFUL TO GAME, WILD BIRDS AND ANIMALS. Bury or remove spillages.

    Storage and disposalDO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER FOR ANY PURPOSE.KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS.KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place under lock and key.RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely.Keep dry and frostproof and under lock and key in a suitable pesticide store.

    Medical AdviceDetails are given under Directions For Use.

    ~xmam1279877969.indd 1 23.07.2010 11:39:32

  • Dimethoate 40®An emulsifiable concentrate containing 400 g/litre (37.4% w/w) dimethoate.Contains cyclohexanone.




    FOR USE ONLY AS AN AGRICULTURAL INSECTICIDE, as directed below:Crop Maximum Individual Maximum number of Latest Time of Application Dose Treatments per Crop

    Sugar beet, fodder beet, mangel, red beet 1 l/ha 2 30 June in year of harvestAgricultural herbage (seed crop) 0.85 l/ha 4 14 days before harvestWheat, rye, triticale 1.7 l/ha 2 Up to and including flowering (see ‘other specific restrictions’) (see ‘other specific complete stage (GS 69) (see restrictions’) ‘other specific restrictions’) Aerial: 31 March in year of harvestOrnamental plant production (see ‘other specific restrictions’) - 7 days before harvestOther Specific Restrictions* This product must not be applied from the air in less than 25 litres of water/hectare.* This product must not be applied from the air in tank mix with any other product.* One application at 1.7 litres product per hectare with a latest timing of up to and including leaf sheaths erect (GS 30) and one application at 0.85 litres product per hectare with a latest timing of up to and including flowering complete stage (GS 69).* For ornamental plant production - the maximum concentration must not exceed 85 ml product per 100 litres of water.

    To avoid risks to man and the environment, comply with the instructions for use.

    This product is approved under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986IMPORTANT INFORMATION


    ~xmam1279877969.indd 2 23.07.2010 11:39:32


    Medical advice

    SYMPTOMS OF POISONINGThese may include excessive sweating, headache, weakness, faintness and giddiness, nausea, stomach pains, vomiting, small pupils, blurred vision, muscle twitching.

    FIRST AIDIf ANY of the above symptoms occur, particularly if there is known contamination:-Stop work.Remove contaminated clothing. Wash exposed skin and hair.Prevent all exertion.Call doctor AT ONCE and show him this label.

    GUIDE TO DOCTORThis product contains an organophosphorus anticholinesterase compound.

    Specific treatmentPlease see section 4 of the Safety Data Sheet at the back of this leaflet.

    Other measures1. Keep airway clear.2. Watch respiration. Artificial respiration, intubation with endotrachael tube or tracheotomy may be necessary

    in conjunction with artificial ventilation.3. Put patient at complete rest in hospital for 24 hours at least.

    Confirmation of diagnosisBy estimating cholinesterase activity. (5 ml blood, unhaemolysed, collected in an anticoagulant).

    Further advice from:-BASF plc, Agricultural Division, P O Box 4, Earl Road, Cheadle Hulme, CHEADLE, Cheshire SK8 6QG.Tel: 0161 485 6222or for doctors from National Poisons Information Centre (24 hours).

    IMPORTANT: This information is approved as part of the Product Label. All instructions within this section must be read carefully in order to obtain safe and successful use of this product.

    1. Restrictions/Warnings

    Best results will be obtained when the crop is growing vigorously. Systemic activity is reduced when crops are suffering from the effects of drought or under stress.

    During hot weather conditions spray in the early morning and evening for best results.

    Do not apply Dimethoate 40 to any crop suffering from stress or likely to suffer from stress in the immediate future, particularly if this is due to water deficit, frost or herbicide damage.

    Do not apply Dimethoate 40 if rain or frost is expected, nor if the crop is wet.

    ~xmam1279877969.indd 3 23.07.2010 11:39:32

  • Dimethoate 40 is dangerous to bees. Under no circumstances should the product be applied to crops where bees are present. In these cases, applications should be made early or late in the day when bees are not likely to be in the crop. Local beekeepers should be warned of intended applications.Dimethoate is a broad-spectrum insecticide, likely to cause adverse effects on beneficial arthropods.When spraying crops other than cereals avoid application within 6m of the field boundary to reduce effects on non-target insects or other arthropods.

    Avoid spray drift on to neighbouring crops.Wash equipment thoroughly after use.


    2. Crops and Pest Control

    See Table 1 below for full details.


    In sugar beet and other beet crops, strains of the peach-potato aphid (Myzus persicae) resistant to organophosphorus insecticides are common. Dimethoate 40 or any other dimethoate containing product must not be used for control of the peach-potato aphid as it will be ineffective, leading to a seasonal build-up of resistant populations.

    Some populations of other aphid species are also now resistant to organophosphorus compounds. In these cases Dimethoate 40 is unlikely to give satisfactory control.

    Table 1

    Crop Pest Time of Application Maximum Number of


    Rate of Application Latest timing or Harvest interval (days before harvest)Low Volume High


    mls per hec-tare

    litres of water


    mls per 100 litres of water

    Sugar beetFodder beetMangelsRed beetSEE ‘Resistance’ ABOVE

    Beet leaf miner (Man-gel fly)

    When eggs begin to hatch (late May – early June).

    1 210 220 – 30 June in year of harvest

    Black bean aphid

    When aphid colonies are first found.

    1 1000 450 –

    Sugar beet and Mangel seed cropsSEE ‘Resistance’ ABOVE

    Black bean aphid

    When aphids are first seen.

    1 1000 450 –

    Agricultural herbage (seed crops)

    Aphids When aphids are first seen

    4 850 220 – 14 days

    ~xmam1279877969.indd 4 23.07.2010 11:39:32

  • Crop Pest Time of Application Maximum Number of


    Rate of Application Latest timing or Harvest interval (days before harvest)Low Volume High


    mls per hec-tare

    litres of water


    mls per 100 litres of water

    Winter and spring wheat, Winter and spring rye, Triticale

    Wheat bulb fly

    Spray when pest damage is first seen.

    1 1700 220 – Up to and including leaf sheaths erect (GS 30)Aerial: 31 March in year of harvest

    Winter and spring wheat, Winter and spring rye, Triticale

    Aphids When aphids are first seen.

    1* 850 220 – Up to and including flower-ing complete (GS 69)Aerial: 31 March in year of harvest

    Ornamental plant production (excluding Chrysanthemums or ornamental Prunus species)

    AphidsRed spider miteLeaf miner

    When pests are first seen. Ensure good spray cover.

    – – – 85 7 days

    * This product must not be applied to a cereal crop if any product containing either a pyrethroid insecticide or dimethoate has been applied to that crop after the start of ear emergence.

    3. Mixing and SprayingApply as a MEDIUM spray, as defined by BCPC.Where the crop is dense, increase the water volume to improve spray penetration.

    MixingHalf fill the spray tank with clean water and start the agitation. Pour in the required amount of Dimethoate 40. Add the remainder of the water and continue agitation until spraying is completed.When tank mixes are to be used, each product should be added separately to the spray tank taking due note of any instructions given as to the order of mixing.

    SprayingBest results will be obtained when the crop is growing vigorously. Systemic activity is reduced when crops are suffering from the effects of drought or under stress.During hot weather conditions spray in the early morning and evening for best results.

    Aerial ApplicationDimethoate 40 may be applied from the air to wheat, rye, triticale and sugar beet at the recommended rates 25–60 litres of water per hectare. Aerial applications to cereals are permitted only up to 31 March in the year of harvest.Aerial application must not be made in tank mix with any other products.

    ~xmam1279877969.indd 5 23.07.2010 11:39:32

  • 4. CompatibilityFor up to date details of compatible tank-mixes contact your distributor, local BASF representative, the BASF Technical Services Hotline: 0845 602 2553 or visit our website on: www.agriCentre.basf.co.uk.

    The following does not form part of the product label under the Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986.

    With many products there is a general risk of resistance developing to the active ingredients. For this reason a change in activity cannot be ruled out. It is generally impossible to predict with certainty how resistance may develop because there are so many crop- and use- connected ways of influencing this. We therefore have to exclude liability for damage or loss attributable to any such resistance that may develop. To help minimise any loss in activity the BASF recommended rate should in all events be adhered to.

    Numerous, particularly regional or regionally attributable, factors can influence the activity of the product. Examples include weather and soil conditions, crop plant varieties, crop rotation, treatment times, application amounts, admixture with other products, appearance of organisms resistant to active ingredients and spraying techniques. Under particular conditions a change in activity or damage to plants cannot be ruled out. The manufacturer or supplier is therefore unable to accept any liability in such circumstances. All goods supplied by us are of high grade and we believe them to be suitable, but as we cannot exercise control over their mixing or use or the weather conditions during and after application, which may affect the performance of the material, all conditions and warranties, statutory or otherwise, as to the quality or fitness for any purpose of our goods are excluded and no responsibility will be accepted by us for any damage or injury whatsoever arising from their storage, handling, application or use; but nothing should be deemed to exclude or restrict any liability upon us which cannot be excluded or restricted under the provisions of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 or any similar applicable law.

    ~xmam1279877969.indd 6 23.07.2010 11:39:32

  • Section 6 of the Health and Safety at Work Act Additional Product Safety Information

    The product label provides information on a specific pesticidal use of the product; do not use otherwise, unless you have assessed any potential hazard involved, the safety measures required and that the particular use has „off-label“ approval or is otherwise permitted under the Control of Pesticides Regulations.

    The information on this label is based on the best available information including data from test results


    Product Name: DIMETHOATE 40MAFF Number: 13949Company: BASF plc PO Box 4 Earl Road Cheadle Hulme Cheadle Cheshire SK8 6QGTel: 0161 485 6222Fax: 0161 486 0891

    Emergency information: 0049 180 2273112 (24 hours freephone)

    2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTSUse: Agricultural insecticide.Formulation: An emulsifiable concentrate containing 400 g/litre (37.4% w/w) dimethoate.Hazardous ingredients CAS No. g/l Symbol R PhrasesDimethoate 60-51-5 400 Xn (Harmful) R21/22Cyclohexanone 108-94-1 400 Xn (Harmful) R10, R20Xylene 1330-20-7 50 Xn (Harmful) R10, R20/21, R38




    ~xmam1279877969.indd 7 23.07.2010 11:39:32

  • 4. FIRST AID MEASURESGeneral advice: If a person thinks that they have been exposed to this product and feels

    unwell, call a doctor or take them to a hospital. Remove all contaminated clothing. Keep them at REST away from source of contamination. DO NOT ALLOW smoking or eating. First aider should avoid becoming contaminated and wear protective clothing if necessary.

    Eye contact: Immediately irrigate affected eyes for at least 15 minutes under flowing water, with eyelids open.

    Skin contact: Immediately remove contaminated clothing and footwear and flush skin with plenty of water. Wash affected area thoroughly with soap and water as soon as possible.

    Ingestion: DO NOT INDUCE VOMITING. Wash out mouth with clean water. Seek medical attention immediately.

    Inhalation: Keep person calm, remove to fresh air.Unconsciousness: If danger of loss of consciousness, place person in recovery position.

    Apply artificial ventilation if necessary, but care must be taken to avoid contamination of the first aider.

    GUIDE TO PHYSICIAN – general adviceActive ingredient group: Dimethoate - organophosphorus compound.Toxic effects: This organophosphorus compound is of moderate toxicity and acts

    by inactivation of acetylcholinesterase, resulting in an accumulation of acetylcholine, which prevents the transmission of impulses through ganglia to the neuromuscular mechanism.

    Symptoms of accidental over exposure: The main signs and symptoms of poisoning may include excessive

    sweating, headache, weakness, faintness and giddiness, nausea, stomach pains, vomiting, small pupils, blurred vision and muscle twitching. The symptoms usually start within ½ to 2 hours after exposure.

    Any unusual symptoms which occur after exposure (by any mode of entry) should be recorded and reported to BASF at Cheadle.

    (i) Remove all clothing and wash patient thoroughly with soap and water. Irrigate eyes if they have been contaminated.

    (ii) Ensure airway is cleared of mucous or saliva. Give oxygen if there is respiratory distress and artificial respiration if necessary.

    (iii) Withdraw blood for plasma and red cell cholinesterase estimation as soon as possible but do not delay treatment until the laboratory report is available, if the clinical diagnosis suggests poisoning.

    (iv) Treatment is by Atropine given intravenously at 1–2 mg every 15–30 minutes, until mild atropine intoxication occurs. Up to 40 mg daily can be given.

    (v) If response to Atropine is unsatisfactory 1g of 2-PAM (Pralidoxine Chloride) may be given slowly intravenously and the atropine treatment continued.

    (vi) Atropinisation should be maintained for at least 24–48 hours and then slowly withdrawn at rate determined by the clinical condition.

    (vii) Anxiety may be treated by 5–10 mg Diazepam intra-muscularly.(viii) Plasma and red cell cholinesterase may be depressed for several weeks. Return to work should be

    delayed until blood cholinesterases have returned to 75% of normal values.

    ~xmam1279877969.indd 8 23.07.2010 11:39:32

  • 5. FIRE FIGHTING MEASURESSuitable extinguishing media: Water spray, foam, dry chemical and carbon dioxide.Possible harmful fumes in a fire: Carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and phosphoric

    acid can be released. Avoid breathing smoke and fumes.Protective equipment: Self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing.Further information: Call the Fire Brigade at once to deal with all fires involving

    pesticides unless the fire is small and immediately controllable. Spray unopened containers with a mist spray to keep cool. If without risk, remove intact containers from exposure to fire. Contain fire-fighting water, bunding if necessary with sand or earth. Do not allow contamination of public drains or surface or ground waters. Dispose of fire debris and contaminated water as advised in the DEFRA publication ‘Code of practice for using plant protection products.’

    6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURESIf spilled: Wear prescribed protective clothing. Clear spillage immediately.

    Contain spillage and absorb onto earth, sand or suitable absorbent material. Collect contaminated material and place in a marked container for disposal. Thoroughly wash area of spillage. Dispose of contaminated materials as advised in the DEFRA publication ‘Code of practice for using plant protection products.’

    Wash thoroughly immediately after handling spillages, or at once if contaminated.

    Personal protective equipment: See Section 8Environmental precautions: Do not allow contamination of public drains or surface or ground

    waters. Inform local water plc if spillage enters drains and the Environment Agency (England & Wales), the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency (Scotland), or the Environment and Heritage Service (Northern Ireland) if it enters surface or ground waters. Keep people and animals away.

    7. HANDLING AND STORAGEHandling: No special measures are necessary. Avoid contact with skin

    and eyes. When using do not eat, drink or smoke.Protection against fire and explosion: Take precautionary measures against static discharges.

    Keep away from sources of ignition.Storage: Keep dry and frostproof in a suitable pesticide store. Store

    separately from food, drink and animal feed.

    ~xmam1279877969.indd 9 23.07.2010 11:39:32

  • 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS AND PERSONAL PROTECTION(i) PRECAUTIONS (from product label) Operator protection Dimethoate 40 contains an anticholinesterase organophosphorus compound. DO NOT USE if

    under medical advice NOT to work with such compounds. Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to


    AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate. WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) when applying by vehicle-mounted


    RUBBER BOOTS AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling contaminated surfaces and applying by hand-held equipment.


    However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection.

    WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves. TAKE OFF IMMEDIATELY all contaminated clothing. AFTER CONTACT WITH SKIN OR EYES, WASH IMMEDIATELY with plenty of water. AVOID ALL CONTACT BY MOUTH. DO NOT BREATHE VAPOUR OR SPRAY. WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before eating, drinking or smoking, and after work. WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE. IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible). Environmental protection

    HIGH RISK TO BEES. Do not apply to crops in flower, nor to those in which bees are actively foraging. Do not apply when flowering weeds are present. Residual surface residues of dimethoate may also cause bee mortality following spraying.

    DANGEROUS TO FISH OR OTHER AQUATIC LIFE. Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container.

    DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, or within 1m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application.

    DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body.


    HORIZONTAL SPRAYERS SCHEME. DO NOT ALLOW SPRAY from aerial application to fall within 250 m horizontal distance of surface

    waters and ditches. This product must not be applied to a cereal crop if any product containing either a pyrethroid

    insecticide or dimethoate has been applied to that crop after the start of ear emergence. HIGH RISK TO NON-TARGET INSECTS OR OTHER ARTHROPODS.

    ~xmam1279877969.indd 10 23.07.2010 11:39:32

  • Do not spray cereals in spring/summer within 6m of the edge of the crop. For advice on risk management in other crops see DIRECTIONS FOR USE.

    HARMFUL TO LIVESTOCK. Keep all livestock out of treated areas for at least SEVEN DAYS. HARMFUL TO GAME, WILD BIRDS AND ANIMALS. Bury or remove spillages.

    Storage and disposal

    DO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER FOR ANY PURPOSE. KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDING STUFFS. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place under lock and key. RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually

    rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely. Keep dry and frostproof and under lock and key in a suitable pesticide store.


    In tests with a range of pesticide products, protective gloves made of nitrile rubber at least 0.5 mm thick and 300 mm long have been found to be the most suitable. Gloves made of viton, butyl rubber, neoprene and PVC can also offer good protection. Gloves must protect the whole hand and wrist and repeated use of these gloves depends upon spillages being washed off immediately. The gloves should be thoroughly washed after each operation. Faceshields should conform to BS EN 166. Rubber boots should extend to just below the knees.

    The wearing of other personal protective equipment may be required to supplement the items listed above. These are described in the DEFRA publication ‘Code of practice for using plant protection products.’

    Decontaminate all personal protective equipment after use. When this is not possible dispose of as contaminated wastes.

    (iii) OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS (OESs) Hazardous ingredients Long term Short term exposure limit exposure limit Cyclohexanone 10 ppm 20 ppm Xylene 50 ppm/220 mg/m3 100 ppm/441 mg/m3

    For guidance on the application of OESs when working with pesticides refer to the DEFRA publication ‘Code of practice for using plant protection products.’

    9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESForm: Liquid, emulsifiable concentrate.Colour: BlueOdour: OffensiveFreezing/crystallisation temperature:

  • Vapour pressure: 5 mbar (20 °C) 25 mbar (50 °C)Density: Approx. 1.04–1.10 kg/l (20 °C)Solubility in water: EmulsifiablepH value: 5.5–7.5 (at 1g/l, 25 °C)

    10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITYHazardous reactions: Influenced by alkalis. Ignitable air mixtures can form when the

    product is heated above the flash point and/or when sprayed or atomised.

    Substances to avoid: Water, alkalis.Hazardous decomposition products: The following are possible: sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides,

    phosphoric acid, organic phosphoric compounds and ignitable gases/vapours.

    11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATIONAcute toxicity:Ingestion: Moderate toxicity (LD50 oral (rat): 791 mg/kg)Skin contact: Moderate toxicity (LD50 dermal (rat): 762 mg/kg) Skin absorption can be a major route of entry May cause sensitisation by skin contactInhalation: Can be a major route of entry (LC50 inhalation (rat) 4 h: >3.8 mg/l)Eye contact: Non-irritantSensitising potential: Possible sensitising effect.

    12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATIONEcotoxic effects: Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) LC50 96 h: 61.3 mg/l Algae EC/LC50 (0–72 h): 260.17 mg/l Daphnia EC/LC50 (48 h): 5.44 mg/l

    13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONSLeaking containers: Damaged or leaking containers must be dealt with as soon as noticed

    by sealing them in impermeable containers.Disposal of used containers: Follow the directions given in the DEFRA publication ‘Code of practice

    for using plant protection products.’Disposal of diluted pesticide: Advice for the disposal or re-use of diluted pesticide is given in the

    DEFRA publication ‘Code of practice for using plant protection products.’

    ~xmam1279877969.indd 12 23.07.2010 11:39:33

  • 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATIONUN Number: 3017Packaging Group Number: IIIROAD/RAILADR/RID Class: 6.1ADR/RID Item No: 71 (c) Organophosphorus pesticide, liquid, toxic, flammable (contains dimethoate, cyclohexanone and xylene).SEAIMDG Class: 6.1 Organophosphorus pesticide, liquid, toxic, flammable (contains dimethoate, cyclohexanone and xylene). Severe marine pollutant.AIRICAO/IATA Class: 6.1 Organophosphorus pesticide, liquid, toxic, flammable (contains dimethoate, cyclohexanone and xylene). Severe marine pollutant.Pack sizes: 5 litresNo per outer: 4

    15. REGULATORY INFORMATIONThis product is approved under the “Control of Pesticides Regulations 1986” and is labelled accordingly

    R-phrases – see Section 3S-phrases – see Section 8The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (COSHH) may apply to the use of this product at work.This product is subject to The Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road Regulations, The Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail Regulations and The Carriage of Dangerous Goods (Classification, Packaging and Labelling) and Use of Transportable Pressure Receptacles Regulations and amendments (United Kingdom).

    16. OTHER INFORMATIONFor further medical advice Doctors should contact the National Poisons Information Service.In an emergency further information can be obtained from the National Chemical Emergency Centre 01865 407333 (24 hours).The information contained herein is based on the present state of our knowledge and does not therefore guarantee certain properties. Recipients of our product must take responsibility for observing existing laws and regulations.

    ~xmam1279877969.indd 13 23.07.2010 11:39:33

  • 5 litres ℮SAFETY PRECAUTIONSOperator protectionDimethoate 40 contains an anticholinesterase organophosphorus compound. DO NOT USE if under medical advice NOT to work with such compounds.Engineering control of operator exposure must be used where reasonably practicable in addition to the following personal protective equipment:WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling the concentrate.WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS) when applying by vehicle-mounted equipment.WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES, RUBBER BOOTS AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when handling contaminated surfaces and applying by hand-held equipment.WEAR SUITABLE PROTECTIVE CLOTHING (COVERALLS WITH HOOD), SUITABLE PROTECTIVE GLOVES AND FACE PROTECTION (FACESHIELD) when acting as a ground marker for aerial application.However, engineering controls may replace personal protective equipment if a COSHH assessment shows that they provide an equal or higher standard of protection.WASH ALL PROTECTIVE CLOTHING thoroughly after use, especially the insides of gloves.TAKE OFF IMMEDIATELY all contaminated clothing.AFTER CONTACT WITH SKIN OR EYES, WASH IMMEDIATELY with plenty of water.AVOID ALL CONTACT BY MOUTH.DO NOT BREATHE VAPOUR OR SPRAY.WASH HANDS AND EXPOSED SKIN before eating, drinking or smoking, and after work.WHEN USING DO NOT EAT, DRINK OR SMOKE.IF YOU FEEL UNWELL, seek medical advice immediately (show the label where possible).

    UN 3017Packaging Group IIIOrganophosphorus

    pesticide, liquid, toxic, flammable

    (contains dimethoate, cyclohexanone and xylene)

    Severe marine pollutant

    ® = Registered trademark of BASF 81050105GB1070

    This label is compliant with the CPA Voluntary Initiative Guidance

    Supplied by:BASF plcCrop ProtectionPO Box 4, Earl RoadCheadle Hulme, CHEADLECheshire SK8 6QGTel: 0161 485 6222Emergency Information:(24 hours freephone): 0049 180 2273112Technical Enquiries: 0845 602 2553 (office hours)

    MAPP 13949An emulsifiable concentrate, systemic insecticide, containing 400 g/l (37.4 % w/w) dimethoate, for the control of aphids and certain other pests in wheat, rye, triticale, sugar beet and other beet crops, agricultural herbage (seed crops) and ornamental plant production.Dimethoate is an anticholinesterase organophosphate. Handle with care.

    Dimethoate 40®

    The (COSHH) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations may apply to the use of this product at work.

    4 0 1 4 3 4 8 4 1 9 2 5 3

    Environmental protectionHIGH RISK TO BEES. Do not apply to crops in flower, nor to those in which bees are actively foraging. Do not apply when flowering weeds are present. Residual surface residues of dimethoate may also cause bee mortality following spraying.DANGEROUS TO FISH OR OTHER AQUATIC LIFE. Do not contaminate surface waters or ditches with chemical or used container.DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from horizontal boom sprayers to fall within 5 m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body, or within 1 m of the top of a ditch which is dry at the time of application. DO NOT ALLOW DIRECT SPRAY from hand-held sprayers to fall within 1m of the top of the bank of a static or flowing water body. Aim spray away from water.THIS PRODUCT IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR BUFFER ZONE REDUCTION UNDER THE LERAP HORIZONTAL SPRAYERS SCHEME.DO NOT ALLOW SPRAY from aerial application to fall within 250 m horizontal distance of surface waters and ditches.This product must not be applied to a cereal crop if any product containing either a pyrethroid insecticide or dimethoate has been applied to that crop after the start of ear emergence.HIGH RISK TO NON-TARGET INSECTS OR OTHER ARTHROPODS. Do not spray cereals in spring/summer within 6m of the edge of the crop. For advice on risk management in other crops see DIRECTIONS FOR USE.HARMFUL TO LIVESTOCK. Keep all livestock out of treated areas for at least SEVEN DAYS.HARMFUL TO GAME, WILD BIRDS AND ANIMALS. Bury or remove spillages.

    Storage and disposalDO NOT RE-USE CONTAINER FOR ANY PURPOSE.KEEP AWAY FROM FOOD, DRINK AND ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS.KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN.KEEP IN ORIGINAL CONTAINER, tightly closed, in a safe place under lock and key.RINSE CONTAINER THOROUGHLY by using an integrated pressure rinsing device or manually rinsing three times. Add washings to sprayer at time of filling and dispose of safely.Keep dry and frostproof and under lock and key in a suitable pesticide store.

    Medical AdviceDetails are given under Directions For Use.

    ~xmam1279877969.indd 14 23.07.2010 11:39:33