Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the IT Company Konnekted. Also for other employers in the future and for further education, colleges and universities. To show how I can do the jobs needed and to show off my skills to work for konnected. It also shows that I can meet deadlines show all my qualifications and all my completed work for Btec. A good portfolio should have a lot of interesting content like Images Videos Interactive Features Animation It should be eye-catching and it should also show people a lot about my personality by my portfolio that’s why it should be Creative, very inviting with a good use of nice colours. My E-Portfolio should also work effectively all my links and interactive content should work accordingly they all should work and it should be well laid out and easy to access and above all it should look professional and the best it can be.

Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

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Page 1: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

Digital Portfolio unit 3

Dylan woods

Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1)

The audience for my portfolio is the IT Company Konnekted. Also for other employers in the future and for

further education, colleges and universities.

To show how I can do the jobs needed and to show off my skills to work for konnected. It also shows that I

can meet deadlines show all my qualifications and all my completed work for Btec.

A good portfolio should have a lot of interesting content like Images Videos Interactive Features Animation

It should be eye-catching and it should also show people a lot about my personality by my portfolio that’s

why it should be Creative, very inviting with a good use of nice colours. My E-Portfolio should also work

effectively all my links and interactive content should work accordingly they all should work and it should

be well laid out and easy to access and above all it should look professional and the best it can be.

Page 2: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

User Requirements: The digital portfolio website must contain 8 pages and contain audio and sound

features throughout each page, it must also contain Images still and moving also. My digital portfolio

website must be well laid out and look professional and have good use of colour. It must have good

navigation and well linked pages and my entire website must be hosted on a webserver.

Elements to be included

Home page

• Introduction

• Movie about me and an introduction of what my digital portfolio is about.

• About the units

• Graphics of different aspects of my BTEC course such as a banner of BTEC ICT for example.

• Subjects I study

About Me

• Section 1-Introduction about me

• Section 2-Video of me

• Section 3-My CV

Unit 13 Website development

• Section 1

Page 3: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

• Section 2

• Section 3

Unit 1 Online World

• Section 1

• Section 2

• Section 3

Unit 3 Digital Portfolio

• Section 1

• Section 2

• Section 3

I will have an introduction to my digital portfolio I will explain what it is and explain why I choose BTEC ICT.


Section 1

I will have the video of myself on my Digital Portfolio as to intrigue my audience and what I would be

interested in doing when I leave school with my BTEC ICT qualifications.

Section 1- My about me page will contain a CV all about my achievements, qualifications for example showing

any business that I have experience in many different subjects and aspects of life.

Section 2- For my section 2 I will include a list of all my subjects that I study in the high school so that

people who view my digital portfolio will have a better idea of what I am like by what I study.

Section 3- I will also contain a list of all my hobbies I like to do outside of school such as playing a gaming

console for example so that people will have a better understanding of what I like to do.

Page 4: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

Section 1- I will have an introduction to my portfolio which is all about my life inside and outside of school

and showcasing my qualification, awards and subjects that I study for example so that a business such as

Konnekted will be interested in hiring me in the future.

A Target Audience & Purpose 01:30 B Design Documents 2 A C Creating E Portfolio 10 A,B D Navigation Links 1 C E Asset List fully referenced 1 C

F Testing and Update website after testing 2 C,D

G Evaluation 1 A,B,C,D,E,F,

Page 5: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

Timeline 2A.p2

Page 6: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

Digital Assets

File Name Location

/Folder File Type/Compression



Btec Ict Banner Image 1 JPEG

Digital Portfolio Images Folder

JPEG https://www.tes.com/teaching-resource/btec-level-3-unit-2-computer-systems-11462757

Image of Myself

Digital Portfolio Images Folder

My own photographs

Web design image 2 JPEG

Digital Portfolio Images Folder


Digital Portfolio words Image 3 JPEG

Digital Portfolio Images Folder



Digital Portfolio Images Folder

I created this myself

I choose Btec Digital Portfolio Images Folder

JPEG http://qualifications.pearson.com/en/about-us/qualification-brands/btec.html?id=59583

Page 7: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

Dreamweaver Digital Portfolio Images Folder

JPEG http://venonba.hatenablog.com/entry/2017/05/19/095718

Btec Banner Digital Portfolio Images Folder

JPEG https://qualifications.pearson.com/en/qualifications/btec-specialist-and-professional-qualifications/it-telecoms-and-digital-industries/btec-specialist-ict-systems-and-principles-l3.html

Mobileworld printscreens

Digital Portfolio Pages Folder


Globe graphic Digital Portfolio Images Folder

JPEG http://www.redorbit.com/news/technology/1112905410/state-of-the-internet-report-akamai-072413/

Text Online Documents revision sheet

Digital Portfolio Pages Folder


Threats to data revision sheet

Digital Portfolio Pages Folder


Page 8: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

CV Digital Portfolio Pages Folder


Design Task Digital Portfolio Pages Folder


Investigating websites

Digital Portfolio Pages Folder



The video of myself

Digital Portfolio Pages Folder

SWF Created by me in Moviemaker

Sound Can’t hold us Video Folder

MP3 In video

Buttons/Navigation Buttons that link

Digital portfolio

HTML I created this myself

Page 9: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the



About Me

Unit 13

Unit 3

Unit 1

Page 10: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

2A D1

For the layout of my digital portfolio I will be placing many items in the same location on each page in the interest of keeping my portfolio


Justify Design Decision:

Title: I will keep my title at the top of the page each slide I will do this to keep the layout neat, tidy and consistent.

Navigation Bar: I am going to keep my navigation bar underneath my title as to keep things professional for everyone who visits my website.

Banner: For my banner I am going to have my logo on the left-hand side and then next to the image I will have my title.

Information: This will include my achievements, what I study, hobbies etc. As people, will be interested in what qualifications I have particularly business’

such as konnected.

Links: I also may be able to make a link to my Yr11 work such as my Mobile World Website where people and business individuals would be able to see,

comment and evaluate the work I did in YR11.

Writing/Introduction: I will probably start my introduction like: Welcome to my Digital Portfolio here you will be able to see all my achievements that I have

obtained by hard work over the years the classes that I have studied and all my hobbies I have outside of school so you have a friendlier impression. Enjoy.

Navigation: My navigation buttons are at the top under my title as they are in my navigation bar these will include buttons such as About Me page, My

Movie page and my Qualifications page they will be blue in colour. I am going to use these navigation buttons at the top of my screen so that it is easier for

my intended audience to roam freely around the portfolio website but also as it is very neat and noticeable at the top of the screen

Page 11: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

Colour Scheme: For my colour scheme, I will have my background colour as Green with my navigation buttons as blue this will create a nice colour pallet

that I think people will enjoy.

Banner Images: I may use images such as a Games console, A picture of a test to qualify as a CV to show people everything they will see in my Website.

Copyright information: I included copyright information into my digital portfolio so that no one can copy my information and use it as their own.

Social media links: I will include social media links in my digital portfolio so that if people want more information they can contact me via my online media


How will it meet the user requirements and the digital portfolio’s purpose?

The audience for my portfolio is the IT Company Konnekted. Also for other employers in the future and for further education, colleges and universities the

design for my digital portfolio has helped meet the purpose of the portfolio as it shows off my skills and qualifications it also has information about me via

online media websites etc.

How will the navigation system aid user interaction?

I have divided my website up into different sections these include: Unit 13 Website development, unit 1 online portfolio, Unit 3 Digital portfolio, about me,

Home page I have done this for organisational purposes that people can easily access the website with ease. I have chosen navigation buttons for easy

access to the pages in my website. There are navigation buttons on all pages so that people can travel through all pages without problems.

How will the assets selected enhance the portfolio?

My text is going to be black in font and it’s going to be typed in the Arial rounded MT bold font this will give style and gravitas to my website and make

people interested in my digital portfolio website.

My images will be chosen with great consideration for my website these may include my hobbies, school life, images of me etc. These will give my target

audience more information about me and feel like they are learning more about me via my website.

I will use videos to make my website more interactive these will include the video of me about why I choose BTEC ICT and what I would consider as a career

in the future from studying BTEC ICT

Page 12: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

My templates will be same on every page to give the audience a sense of consistency my navigation buttons will be on the top along with my banner,

images will be in the middle of my website page, along with links to social media pages at the bottom of my pages also.

My links to other websites and social media websites will be at the bottom of my pages these will let people get to know me a little better along with the

option to explore other digital portfolios. My navigation buttons will be under my banner at the top of the page these will let my audience travel with ease

around the digital portfolio website.

Sound will be incorporated into my website via the music in my video on why I choose BTEC ICT this will give more personality to my video and my website

in general.

Page 13: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the


Introduction to Digital


Home About Me Digital




Font-Black -Background-Blue

Btec Ict Image

Online World

Btec Ict Image

Page 14: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the











-Info Digital Portfolio

-Class Photo-

Type=Arial Black-


Box=Black Outline



Page 15: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

About me

About me


Unit 1

Unit 3

Unit 13



Type=Arial Black


Box=Black outline



Page 16: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

Home About Me Digital




Online World

Information about Myself

Movie Of Me

Links to my achievements

Write up of a piece of my


-About me


Page 17: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the



Home About Me

Explanation of my Digital


Graphic- Portfolio examples

-About me

Digital Portfolio





Online World

Font=Black Background= Blue

Page 18: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

Website Development

Unit 13

Page 19: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

Unit 3 Digital portfolio


Home About Me

Explanation of Website


Graphic- Dream weaver logo

Website Development





Online World


programme logo

Page 20: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

Website Development

Page 21: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

Online World

Explanation of the Online


Explanation of the Online


Home About Me

Explanation of Website


Graphic-The Globe

Website Development





Online World

Page 22: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the

Online World

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Page 24: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the
Page 25: Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Portfolio Website... · Digital Portfolio unit 3 Dylan woods Audience and purpose of the portfolio (2A..p1) The audience for my portfolio is the