( ) Engineering Information Abstracts Part I 422 mation from the PC can be distributed through a company’s local area network or web using client-server technologies. Currently, with the convergence of underlying microprocessor technology and software programming techniques, many users find that PLCs provide a cost-effective solution to real-time control in small- to medium-sized process plants, especially when combined with supervisory PCs using hybrid systems. The major work of this article demonstrates that PLCs are responsive to rapid and repetitious control tasks, using PCs that present the flow of information automation and accept operator instructions, thereby providing the user a tool to modify and monitor the process as the requirements change. Ž . In English Author abstract 9 Refs. EI Order Number: 98024087416 Keywords: Flexible manufacturing systems; Programmable Ž . logic controllers; Personal computers; Interfaces computer ; Data acquisition; Local area networks; Computer pro- gramming Title: RECENT ADVANCES IN BASIC PHYSICAL TECH- NOLOGY FOR PARALLEL SCSI: ULTRASCSI, EX- PANDERS, INTERCONNECT, AND HOT PLUGGING () Author s : Ham, William E. Source: Digital Technical Journal v 9 n 3 1997. Digital Equip- ment Corp Littleton MA USA. p 6-31 ISSN: 0898-901X CO- DEN: DTJOEL Publication Year: 1997 Abstract: DIGITAL uses SCSI technology in most of its storage products and consequently has led major standards and industry bodies to improve the technology in the following areas: increased synchronous data phase speed beyond fast SCSI; longer, more complex electrical configurations by means of expander circuits; versatile and more manageable connec- tivity through a smaller, improved physical interconnect; and dynamic device insertion and removal. Data phase transmis- sion rate extension is achieved through understanding and controlling silicon chip timing and transmission media parameters. Using expander devices to confine transmission line effects to shorter segments allows large increases in the maximum distance between devices and in the device popula- tion within the same SCSI domain. Expanders enable com- plex, hublike configurations to be created without changing existing SCSI devices or software. The use of 0.8-millimeter connector technology and consideration of cable losses has reduced the physical size of the external shielded interconnect by approximately two thirds, decreased the number of parts required to support complex configurations by a factor of 10, and increased the interconnect density to the same level used in serial SCSI. Finally, the mating and demating events that occur during device insertion and removal produce a spectrum of small, undetectable, electrical disturbances on the active bus that appear to be limited by the physics of the media and Ž . device capacitance. In English Author abstract 7 Refs. EI Order Number: 98024090912 Ž . Keywords: Interfaces computer ; Computer peripheral equip- ment; Digital signal processing; Data transfer; Storage alloca- Ž . tion computer ; Parallel processing systems; Computer soft- ware Title: DIGITAL MEDIA CONVERGENCE PLATFORM () Author s : Mitchell, Neil Source: Proceedings of the 1997 WESCON Conference Nov 4-6 1997 San Jose, CA, USA. Sponsored by: IEEE Wescon Los Angeles CA USA. p 56-60 CODEN: WCREDI Publication Year: 1997 Abstract: Multimedia communication and high quality digital video have become pervasive. The market has many segments, and media processing capabilities have incarnated in many different ways and embedded in many different kinds of devices and computers. In this environment, an open multime- dia platform architecture reigns with programmable medi- aprocessor hub. Philips intends to establish TriMedia as the mediaprocessor for different applications to provide com- pelling digital multimedia content on heterogeneous systems around the world. In English EI Order Number: 98024091248 Keywords: Microprocessor chips; Digital signal processing; Ž . Interfaces computer ; Video telephone equipment; Program Ž . processors; Computer software; C programming language ; Optimization; Algorithms; Videocassette recorders; Consumer electronics; Personal computers Title: PC AUDIO TECHNOLOGIES IN TRANSITION () Author s : D’Orfani, Renato Source: Proceedings of the 1997 WESCON Conference Nov 4-6 1997 San Jose, CA, USA. Sponsored by: IEEE Wescon Los Angeles CA USA. p 61-64 CODEN: WCREDI Publication Year: 1997 Abstract: The transition to peripheral component intercon- Ž . nect PCI audio is inevitable. PC98 requirements drafted by Microsoft and Intel Corporation, including PCI bus attached audio, add fuel to the fire in the convergence to PCI. This transition to PCI audio provides a number of benefits: solves system overhead issues; increases the overall system perfor- mance and stability; eliminates the need for local read only memories and random access memories from subsystem de- sign; solves the bandwidth limitations; and enables the down- Ž . loadable sounds DLS wavetable and interactive three dimen- sional positional audio for the masses. In English EI Order Number: 98024091249 Ž . Keywords: Interfaces computer ; Interactive devices; Digital signal processing; Audio systems; Computer software; Band- width; Microprocessor chips; Three dimensional computer graphics; ROM; Computer music; DOS; Network protocols; Distributed computer systems Title: TRENDS IN PC AUDIO () Author s : Rossum, Dave Source: Proceedings of the 1997 WESCON Conference Nov 4-6 1997 San Jose, CA, USA. Sponsored by: IEEE Wescon Los Angeles CA USA. p 82-88 CODEN: WCREDI Publication Year: 1997

Digital media convergence platform

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( )Engineering Information Abstracts Part I422

mation from the PC can be distributed through a company’slocal area network or web using client-server technologies.Currently, with the convergence of underlying microprocessortechnology and software programming techniques, many usersfind that PLCs provide a cost-effective solution to real-timecontrol in small- to medium-sized process plants, especiallywhen combined with supervisory PCs using hybrid systems.The major work of this article demonstrates that PLCs areresponsive to rapid and repetitious control tasks, using PCsthat present the flow of information automation and acceptoperator instructions, thereby providing the user a tool tomodify and monitor the process as the requirements change.

Ž .In English Author abstract 9 Refs. EI Order Number:98024087416Keywords: Flexible manufacturing systems; Programmable

Ž .logic controllers; Personal computers; Interfaces computer ;Data acquisition; Local area networks; Computer pro-gramming


( )Author s : Ham, William E.Source: Digital Technical Journal v 9 n 3 1997. Digital Equip-ment Corp Littleton MA USA. p 6-31 ISSN: 0898-901X CO-DEN: DTJOELPublication Year: 1997Abstract: DIGITAL uses SCSI technology in most of itsstorage products and consequently has led major standardsand industry bodies to improve the technology in the followingareas: increased synchronous data phase speed beyond fastSCSI; longer, more complex electrical configurations by meansof expander circuits; versatile and more manageable connec-tivity through a smaller, improved physical interconnect; anddynamic device insertion and removal. Data phase transmis-sion rate extension is achieved through understanding andcontrolling silicon chip timing and transmission mediaparameters. Using expander devices to confine transmissionline effects to shorter segments allows large increases in themaximum distance between devices and in the device popula-tion within the same SCSI domain. Expanders enable com-plex, hublike configurations to be created without changingexisting SCSI devices or software. The use of 0.8-millimeterconnector technology and consideration of cable losses hasreduced the physical size of the external shielded interconnectby approximately two thirds, decreased the number of partsrequired to support complex configurations by a factor of 10,and increased the interconnect density to the same level usedin serial SCSI. Finally, the mating and demating events thatoccur during device insertion and removal produce a spectrumof small, undetectable, electrical disturbances on the activebus that appear to be limited by the physics of the media and

Ž .device capacitance. In English Author abstract 7 Refs. EIOrder Number: 98024090912

Ž .Keywords: Interfaces computer ; Computer peripheral equip-ment; Digital signal processing; Data transfer; Storage alloca-

Ž .tion computer ; Parallel processing systems; Computer soft-ware


Source: Proceedings of the 1997 WESCON Conference Nov4-6 1997 San Jose, CA, USA. Sponsored by: IEEE WesconLos Angeles CA USA. p 56-60 CODEN: WCREDIPublication Year: 1997Abstract: Multimedia communication and high quality digitalvideo have become pervasive. The market has many segments,and media processing capabilities have incarnated in manydifferent ways and embedded in many different kinds ofdevices and computers. In this environment, an open multime-dia platform architecture reigns with programmable medi-aprocessor hub. Philips intends to establish TriMedia as themediaprocessor for different applications to provide com-pelling digital multimedia content on heterogeneous systemsaround the world. In English EI Order Number: 98024091248Keywords: Microprocessor chips; Digital signal processing;

Ž .Interfaces computer ; Video telephone equipment; ProgramŽ .processors; Computer software; C programming language ;

Optimization; Algorithms; Videocassette recorders; Consumerelectronics; Personal computers

Title: PC AUDIO TECHNOLOGIES IN TRANSITION( )Author s : D’Orfani, Renato

Source: Proceedings of the 1997 WESCON Conference Nov4-6 1997 San Jose, CA, USA. Sponsored by: IEEE WesconLos Angeles CA USA. p 61-64 CODEN: WCREDIPublication Year: 1997Abstract: The transition to peripheral component intercon-

Ž .nect PCI audio is inevitable. PC98 requirements drafted byMicrosoft and Intel Corporation, including PCI bus attachedaudio, add fuel to the fire in the convergence to PCI. Thistransition to PCI audio provides a number of benefits: solvessystem overhead issues; increases the overall system perfor-mance and stability; eliminates the need for local read onlymemories and random access memories from subsystem de-sign; solves the bandwidth limitations; and enables the down-

Ž .loadable sounds DLS wavetable and interactive three dimen-sional positional audio for the masses. In English EI OrderNumber: 98024091249

Ž .Keywords: Interfaces computer ; Interactive devices; Digitalsignal processing; Audio systems; Computer software; Band-width; Microprocessor chips; Three dimensional computergraphics; ROM; Computer music; DOS; Network protocols;Distributed computer systems

Title: TRENDS IN PC AUDIO( )Author s : Rossum, Dave

Source: Proceedings of the 1997 WESCON Conference Nov4-6 1997 San Jose, CA, USA. Sponsored by: IEEE WesconLos Angeles CA USA. p 82-88 CODEN: WCREDIPublication Year: 1997