Igor Sokolov, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties, instruments 25th Smoluchowski symposium, Cracow 2012

Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

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Page 1: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Igor Sokolov, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Diffusion in crowded environments:Models, properties, instruments

25th Smoluchowski symposium, Cracow 2012

Page 2: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Igor Sokolov, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Diffusion in crowded environments:Models, properties, instruments

Page 3: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Different stories to tell:

• Normal diffusion• Subdiffusion: Experiments, models, and

mathematical instruments– CTRW– Percolation– Slow modes of multiparticle models

• Aging• Case study 1: REM • Case study 2: “The twins”: exactly solvable examples• Conclusions

Page 4: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Emergence of normal diffusionEinstein (1905)

Postulates:0)i) ∃ time interval τ < ∞, so that theparticle’s motion during the two consequent intervals is independentii) The displacements s during subsequent τ-intervals are identically distributed. For unbiased diffusion:iii) The second moment of s exists

∞<= ∫∞


dsss )(22 φλ

)()( ss −= φφ

),(),( txPtxn →

Essentially, a Random Walk Model(1880, 1900, 1905×2)

Stationary increments

Non-correlated increments

Page 5: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)




1)(Motion as a sum of small increments:

mean relaxation timemean free path2/12

is=λ∞<< λ0

2/12/ vλτ ∝∞<< τ0

τ/tN ≅



ii ssNsNstx 2)( 2



2 +=⎟⎠⎞

⎜⎝⎛= ∑

=~ t1



the central limit theorem (for independent steps)



⎛−= −




τλτ /22 ≡∝ vKwith

Page 6: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

RW models vs. continuum models






lim dttCttx






jijit C



2 ssx







∫= vx

∫ ∫

∫ ∫



t t

t t



0 0

0 0



''')''()'()( vvx


Stationary velocity process → x-process with stationary increments


∞<<−= ∫∞

0')'(0),'''()'','( dttCttCttC

dDtt =)(2x Stationarity of increments=

Stationary (equilibrium) state of the bath




Page 7: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)





Page 8: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)
Page 9: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)
Page 10: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Experimental techniques

• Ensemble properties:

• measurements of mass transport, current or polarization• FRAP

•Single-particle properties:

•Trajectories• single-particle tracking

•First passage times• FRET

•Sojourn times• FCS

“Measure and fit!”

Page 11: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Why do we need it?

Experiment Mathematical model of the process

Physical model of the system

Mathematical model of other processes

(e.g. reactions)

New experimentally relevant predictions

Statistical tests: Differ on ensemble and on the single trajectory level

Page 12: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Physical modelsCrowded environments: experiments hint onto subdiffusion:

α < 1, or D = 0.Possible sources of anomalous subdiffusion:

1. Trapping models as arising from variants of random potential models (energetic disorder, trapping environment) often translated to CTRW (in d = 3)

2. Trapping models of geometric nature (combs, “spikes”)(even closer to CTRW)

3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters(geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment).

4. Temporal correlations due to slow modes (typical forviscoelastic environments)

Page 13: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Physical modelsCrowded environments: experiments hint onto subdiffusion.

α < 1, or D = 0.Possible sources of anomalous subdiffusion:

1. Trapping models as arising from variants of random potential models (energetic disorder, trapping environment) often translated to CTRW (in d = 3)

2. Trapping models of geometric nature (combs, “spikes”)(even closer to CTRW)

3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters(geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment).

4. Temporal correlations due to slow modes (typical forviscoelastic environments)

(can be considered as a complex combination of fractal diffusion and projections from state to configuration space)

Page 14: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

CTRW: Fractional diffusion (or Fokker-Planck) equation, or a couple of Langevin equations describing the evolution of the coordinate and of the clock time as functions of the operationaltime (Fogedby’s approach).

Fractals: Percolation and other labyrinthine models. No equation known. Often approximately described by diffusion equations with distance-dependent diffusion coefficient.

fBm (viscoelastic models): Generalized (integrodifferential ) Langevin equation. No Fokker-Planck analogue known.

sBm: “Time-dependent diffusion coefficient taken seriously”: Diffusion equation with time-dependent diffusion coefficient. Often used by experimentalists for fitting of anomalous diffusion of unclear origin.

Mathematical instruments

Page 15: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Subdiffusion: In disordered solids…

The sum of slopesis always 2

H. Scher and E. Montroll, 1975

Page 16: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Explanation: Multple trapping and CTRW










αψ −−∝ 1)( ttThe waiting-time distribution between the two jumpswith 0/ ETkB=αDiffusion anomalies for 0 < α < 1: the mean waiting time diverges!

Mean squared displacement 1with)(2 <∝ ααttx

Mean rate of steps 1)( −∝= αtdtdntMMean number of steps αttn ∝)(

Page 17: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

The subordination

PDF of the particle’sposition after n steps

(say, a Gaussian)

Probability to makeexactly n steps up to

the time t





n tnxWtxP χ

Transition to continuum:

τττ dtTxWtxP ∫∞



operational time

Page 18: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)
Page 19: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Short way to the result:• Independent steps => •Steps follow inhomogeneously in the physical time t.•The number of steps up to the time t may be calculated using the renewal approach:



0 ')'(1)( ψχ

∫ −=t


01 ')'()'()( χψχ........................................

∫ −= −


nn dttttt0

1 ')'()'()( χψχ

no steps up to time t:

1 step up to time t:

n steps up to time t:

)()( 22 tnatx =


== ∑∞

=nn tntn χ

Page 20: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

)(~)(~1)(~ uu

uu nn ψψχ −

=After Laplace-transform:

[ ].)(~1)(~





























αψ −−∝ 1)( tt ...1)(~ +−≅ αψ cuu

α−−−≅ 11)(~ ucunαttn ∝)(

The the FDE can be derived from the properties of the parent process and those of subordinator (operational time)

Page 21: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Other relevant models: PercolationGeometric disorder: Percolation cluster at criticality: Markovian model with non-iid steps. Mapped on a non-Markovian model after averaging over realizations

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slope 1/2

Slow modes: Subdiffusion in a Rouse polymer chain.Each mode normally diffusing (OU-process).More complex models: polymer networks, intramolecular interactions etc. Close relative: Single file diffusion in a 1d tube

Other relevant models: Polymers

The whole process is a non-Markovian process with stationary increments

Page 23: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Back to basics

)()(),( sxtxst =φ

[ ] )()(2)()()()( 222 sxtxsxtxsxtx −+=−

Displacement during the time interval between s and t (t > s)

Anomalous diffusion with stationary increments:[ ] )()()( 22 stxsxtx −=−

Process starting at t0

[ ]αααφ ststKst −−+=2


αKttx =)(2

e.g. → fractional Brownian Motion

[ ] )()()()( 200

2200 stxtsttxtsxttx −=+−−=−−−

No age, no aging!

Normal diffusion was a process with stationary, non-correlated increments.Position-position correlation function

Page 24: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Anomalous diffusion with symmetric non-correlated increments

)()()()()()()(),( 2 sxsxstxsxsxsxtxst =−∆+==φ

[ ] )()()()(2)()()()( 22222 sxtxsxtxsxtxsxtx −=−+=−

Displacement during the time interval between s and t (t > s)

Anomalous diffusion: αKttx =)(2

[ ] αα KsKtsxtx −=− 2)()(

Process starting at t0

[ ] αα )()()()( 002

00 tsKttKtsxttx −−−=−−−

Age s – t0 at beginning of observation can be determined for 1≠α

Page 25: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Resampling of CTRW









CTRW as a process with dependent, yet uncorrelated increments


Page 26: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Aging properties in CTRW[ ] )(2)()()( 2121

2212 ttDttxtxtx −=−=−In normal diffusion:

)()()(,/)( 1212 ttntntnttn −=−= τExplanation: Since

t = 0 ttN t1 1 2

The process ages.

[ ] )()()()( 122

12 tntnntxtx −=∝−







)( tttttttttt



αα12 tt −∝


Page 27: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

αAttn ≅ens


[ ] [ ]ens1ens2



212 )()()()( tntnatxtx −=−

[ ] [ ]∫∫ −+=−+=TT









2 '')'(')'()'(1)( αα

Moving time average

•Ensemble average of moving time averages = moving time average of ensemble av.

enstnatx )()( 22 =




2 )( −= αone gets:•For Tt <<

•Prediction: time dependent mean diffusion coefficient

2/)( 12eff

−= αATaTK

Page 28: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Ensemble-averaged moving time-averaged behavior

Ensemble-averaged behavior

moving time-averaged behaviorin a single realization

Moving time averages in CTRW

8.1~)( −ttψSome numerical results for the caseA. Lubelski, IMS, J. Klafter, PRL 100, 250602 (2008)Y. He, S. Burov, R. Metzler and E. Barkai, PRL 101, 058101 (2008)

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Test on ensemble level

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Test on single trajectory level

p-variance test for temporal homogeneity

Page 31: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Properties of the most popular models of subdiffusion

Environment Model Correlations Aging prop. Moving time av.


trapping CTRW none aging normal non-Gauss.

labyrinthine fractal antipersistent equilibr. anomal. non-Gauss.

“changing” sBm none aging normal Gaussian

viscoelastic fBm antipersistent equilibr. anomal. Gaussian

Page 32: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

• Anomalous is normal

• Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way

Page 33: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Case study: Non-interacting particles in a random potential

( )∑ −=j

ijijiji nwnwn&

detailed balance00ijijij nwnw = with




NMn i

i exp0











exp2* µσ en=


Page 34: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)












• Superdiffusion is impossible: The enumerator never diverges in finite dimensions and the denominator never vanishes

Two (and only two) sources of subdiffusion in our system:

• Either diverges (“strong energetic disorder”)

• or the percolation concentration in the system is unity, e.g. on the percolation threshold, in 1d, or on a finitely ramified fractal (“structural disorder”). No anomalous diffusion in random barrier models in d > 1.• both can apply simultaneously (“subdiffusion of mixed origins”)e.g. in 1d barrier model




F. Camboni & IMS, Phys. Rev. E 85, 050104(R) (2012)

Page 35: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Two (and only two) sources of subdiffusion in our system:

• Either diverges (“strong energetic disorder”)

The disorder-averaged partition function diverges (at lower limit). Different realizations of a finite system might be strongly different.

• or the percolation concentration in the system is unity, e.g. on the percolation threshold, in 1d, or on a finitely ramified fractal (“structural disorder”).

The system may not homogenize even at largest scales. Different realizations of a finite system might be strongly different.

• both can apply simultaneously (“subdiffusion of mixed origins”)e.g. in 1d barrier model




Formal theory: Y. Meroz, IMS and J. Klafter, PRE 81 010101 (2010)

Page 36: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Aging and closeness to equilibriumInitial distribution: Homogeneous

Final (equilibrium) distribution: all particles in the deepest trap.(Sub)diffusion without dispersion(Anderson localization, not in CTRW*)

Final (equilibrium) distribution: homogeneous

Page 37: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

The (unequal) twins

G. H. Weiss and S. Havlin, Physica A 134, 474 (1986)

K. W. Kehr and R. Kutner, Physica A 110, 535 (1982)


Y. Meroz, IMS and J. Klafter, PRL 107, 260601 (2011)

Markovian RW models, mapped on non-Markovian models under projection (and averaging over realizations in RWRW)

Page 38: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

The PDFs

Page 39: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

The FPT densitystart at x = 0


)4/1(||2)( −


≅ txtf

asymptotics comb


2...64.0)( −≅ txtf

asymptotics RWRW

finish at x

Page 40: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Aging properties

There are three curves here!




ta> 0

[ ]22 )()(|)( aat txttxtxa




Page 41: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

The (unequal) twins

G. H. Weiss and S. Havlin, Physica A 134, 474 (1986)

K. W. Kehr and R. Kutner, Physica A 110, 535 (1982)


Y. Meroz, IMS and J. Klafter, PRL 107, 260601 (2011)

Markovian RW models, mapped on non-Markovian models under projection (and averaging over realizations in RWRW)

Page 42: Diffusion in crowded environments: Models, properties ... · 3. Diffusion on fractal structures, e.g. on percolation clusters (geometrical disorder, or labyrinthine environment)

Take home messages• Anomalous is normal• Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family

is unhappy in its own way• Knowledge of the PDF as a function of time (and

even of an equation for this function) is not too much

• The most important distinction has to be made between models with stationary increments and models with uncorrelated increments.

• Models of mixed origin make the situation even more complex