DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

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Page 1: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

DiffProbeDetecting ISP Service Discrimination

Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Page 2: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Net Neutrality

Recent FCC-ISP debates Comcast throttling dispute, etc.

FCC broadband mapping framework Tools to estimate performance $350m stimulus funds

Page 3: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

What is Service Discrimination?

ISPs can classify certain apps as low-priority: and service them accordingly

Discrimination can manifest as (relatively): high delays high loss rates

ISP can also do shaping: leads to low throughput (=> both delay and loss) ShaperProbe: first step

Page 4: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis


Problem: Is an application's traffic being

classified low-priority by an ISP? Is the ISP doing loss or delay

discrimination or both? Can we identify scheduler type?

Solution: Compare performance of normal

and application traffic sent simultaneously

Identifying discrimination is not easy:

1. Congestion events can be short-lived (us-ms scales)

– Bad idea: compare delays/loss rates from different times

2. Customer may see same performance if there is no cross-traffic

– Bad idea: call this as no-discrimination


Page 5: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis


Delay Discrimination: Practice

Non-discriminatory schedulers (single queue): First-Come-First-Serve (FCFS)

Discriminatory schedulers (multiple classes): Strict Priority (SP) Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ)

Delay discrimination creates difference in delay distributions

Page 6: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Loss Discrimination: Practice

Non-discriminatory buffer managers: DropTail (DT) Random Early Detect (RED)

Discriminatory buffer managers: Weighted RED (WRED) Drop-from-Longest-Queue

Loss discrimination creates difference in loss rates


Page 7: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Rest of the talk…

High level design Detecting delay discrimination Detecting loss discrimination The DiffProbe tool


Page 8: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

High-level design

Send normal (P) and application (A) traffic simultaneously

Measure one-way delays (OWDs) and lost packets for each flow


Application traffic (A)

Normal traffic (P)

Page 9: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Avoiding Classification

A flow: , ... P flow has to be:

sufficiently different from A to avoid classification Ex: alter payload, ports, gaps

sufficient similar to A to observe same network performance as P when there is no discrimination same packet size distribution between A and P send a P packet at about same time as A

Page 10: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Probing Patterns

Create two probing structures using A and P: Balanced Load Period (BLP): send both flows at

their normal rates

Load Increase Period (LIP): scale up P flow's rate

Why create LIP? To maximize chances of queuing in ISP network



Page 11: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Discrimination Identifiability

The user does not always “see” discrimination no high-priority backlog “=>” Low-priority gets link

capacity We use BLP to detect unidentifiable conditions

for delay discrimination P delays created during LIP are larger than BLP

90th percentile of P's delays during LIP

median of P's delays during BLP>

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High level designHigh level design Detecting delay discrimination Detecting loss discrimination The DiffProbe tool

Page 13: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Detecting Delay Discrimination

We observe empirical delay distributions of A and P flows during LIP: and

No delay discrimination:

Delay discrimination:WRR 1:3



Page 14: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Detecting Delay Discrimination (2)

Pre-processing: Pairing: Consider only those (A,P) sample pairs

which were sent within an MTU-transmission time, τ

Discard delay values in τ-neighborhood of estimated propagation delay such samples don't see queuing

Subtract propagation delay estimate from samples


Page 15: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Detecting Delay Discrimination (3)

Hypothesis test for :1. Null hypothesis: equal distributions

2. Compute Kullbeck-Leibler (KL) Divergence of pre-processed samples

3. Compute KL Divergences of uniform random partitions of

4. Is (2) > (3)?

• Test for Compare all higher percentiles (50th - 90th) of A and P delay

distributions Redo the test, swapping A and P as inputs If this test fails, we state that delay discrimination is unknown

Page 16: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Delay Discrimination: Accuracy

Evaluate using simulations: Discrimination using SP and WFQ Skype iSAC packet trace as A flow Cross-traffic: interactive TCP sessions

(200 users) Half of user traffic classified low-priority BLP, LIP durations: 30s

90+% accuracy among detectable trials

95% confidence, 2% error margin

WFQ weights


1:1.5 is similar to FCFS

Page 17: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

SP or WFQ? SP-like or WFQ-like scheduling create diff. delays

Idea: some P packets serviced just after A would: see only A's non-preemption delay (if any) in SP but, see A's queuing delays in WFQ

Low-prioritySP WFQ 1:2

non-preemption queuing


Distribution of P subset

Method: choose a subset of P samples:

received very close but after an A packet

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High level designHigh level design Detecting delay discriminationDetecting delay discrimination Detecting loss discrimination The DiffProbe tool

Page 19: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Detecting Loss Discrimination

Estimate loss rates of A and P flows during LIP as fraction of packets lost: and

No loss discrimination:

Loss discrimination:

WRR 1:3 Drop-Longest-Queue(emulated)

Page 20: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Detecting Loss Discrimination (2)

Pre-processing: to estimate and Pairing: same as that for delay discrimination

ensure the A and P flows sample the same congestion events if DropTail/RED

Use the Two-Proportion Test on and Unidentifiability: less than 10 dropped packets

in each flow

Page 21: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Loss Discrimination: Accuracy

Buffer sizes according to BW-Delay product

90+% accuracy for discriminating configurations

WRED accuracy

f: Min queue thresholdof normal flows:

Drop-Longest-Queue (WFQ) vs. DT

WFQ 1:1.5 is similar to DT

similar loss rates

Page 22: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis


High level designHigh level design Detecting delay discriminationDetecting delay discrimination Detecting loss discriminationDetecting loss discrimination The DiffProbe tool

Page 23: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Implementing DiffProbe

DiffProbe runs as client-server (~7500 LoCs) Classifier types: port, payload A flow: Skype and Vonage voice traces P flow: randomize payload, port of A flow LIP, BLP durations: 30s each

Pre-probing: estimate path capacity using packet trains

Page 24: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis


Emulations: discriminating link configured using tc Pareto cross-traffic SP, WRR, and Drop-Longest-Queue discriminators No FPs, FNs

Real-world experiments (Skype and Vonage):

KL-test p-values: Access ISP runs

We do not have ground truth A high p-value of KL-test is a good “indicator” of no-discrimination One ISP showed multi-path routing, which created different delays

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ISPs have so far not disclosed details of application discrimination practices (if any) No ground truth!

Discrimination: significant difference in delays and/or losses of A and P Why? : controlled environment trials!

Validation ideas?

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High level designHigh level design Detecting delay discriminationDetecting delay discrimination Detecting loss discriminationDetecting loss discrimination The DiffProbe toolThe DiffProbe tool

Page 27: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis


A pre-probing module of DiffProbe to answer:

Can we detect traffic shaping by ISPs?

What is the shaping configuration?

Key idea: probe and detect level shifts in rate

the token bucket signature Upload: 7Mbps -> 2Mbpsin 8s

Page 28: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

ShaperProbe (contd.)

Deployed at Google M-Lab 60,000+ runs so far

Who shapes traffic?

...among 700+ other ASes.

Page 29: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Thank You!

partha @ cc.gatech.edu

Page 30: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Detecting Delay Discrimination (3)

Hypothesis test for : Null hypothesis: equal distributions Compute Kullbeck-Leibler (KL) Divergence of pre-

processed samples call it

Bootstrap: compute KL Divergences of uniform random partitions of this gives us a KL distribution

Reject null hypothesis if p-value is < 0.05:

Page 31: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

Detecting Delay Discrimination (4)

Test for (if KL-test rejects null hypothesis) Compare higher percentiles of A and P delay


Redo the test, swapping A and P as inputs If this test fails, we state that delay

discrimination is unknown

Page 32: DiffProbe Detecting ISP Service Discrimination Partha Kanuparthy, Constantine Dovrolis

SP or WFQ? (2)

For the distribution of this subset of P samples: SP if: 95th percentile P delay ≈ 5th percentile WFQ-like, otherwise



WFQ-SP accuracyDistribution of P subset