Unknown Title CHAPTER 1 t is almost dusk as I make my way through the hungry crowds, every pair of eyes trained on my panicked face. I I’m caught. There’s no way around it. How am I going to make it to James in time…? “Stop! Wait!” an angry voice calls out to me. It can only belong to the same guard that has been chasing me for hours. My sides are far past cramping as well as my legs as I  push them to keep going.  Just a little farther , I tell them. James will be waiting at the cave. He’s hungry, thirsty... It’s been days since either one of us has had anything close to a mouthful of food or a spoonful of water. Dehydration is drawing close I can tell from my sandpaper tongue and quenched throat that feels as if it is going to close up in a matter of seconds. Which way was the cave again? I shake my head, but nothing is going to clear the fog that is clouding my mind. My body’s longing for fluid is stronger than I had intended on. Is James holding up in the day that I left him in while I scavenged for food? The cave! My mind is now fully aware of the small open ing in the distance. Home has never looked so good in the twenty-four hours that I have abandoned it. I look behind me, well aware that I am no longer being followed. Has the guard in the village given up? Has he spotted where I was running and run to get backup? These questions linger in my mind as I come to the cave’s dark opening. The only light  provided in the space is a small lantern’s glow and the sheer sunlight that is coming through the cracks of the gray stone. James looks up in alarm, but soon takes me up into his tan arms once he realizes whom it is. “Oh, Sarah.” His voice is groggy and ho arse. When was the last time he had spoken? “I’m here,” I breathe, my voice equally failing. “I was so worried.” I look up into his suntan face, caked with dirt from the ground of our home. His short ashy hair is sheen with perspiration, sticking slightly to his forehead. I reach my hand up to his cheek, his forehead. “You’re running a fever,” I say in alarm. “It’s nothing,” he assures me before pulling me onto the ground next to h im. “Let’s see what you’ve got in that bag of yours.” I take a deep breath and open the small, gray backpack before pulling out three medium-sized loaves of raisin bread, a few legs of unknown meat from the market, and four raw eggs from the village square. “I know it’s not much,” I say, “but it will last us a while if we’re careful.” “Water?” he questions.

Different Worlds(First few chapters)

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