Different for Gamble

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  • 8/2/2019 Different for Gamble


    Presentation on Different for Gamble case study

    Submitted to: Submitted by:

    Prof. Pragya Keshari Suyash ChaturvediAvinash AstyaSiddharthArya

  • 8/2/2019 Different for Gamble


    Summary P&G is a global consumer product giant, it entered in

    Japanese market with American products and initiallywere unsuccessful. Until 1991 when it turned out for

    then second most favorable market after they adaptedto Japanese marketing culture.

    It entered Indian market in 1985 were HLL andJohnson & Johnson already had strong presence.

    P&G restructured themselves after suffering lowerrevenues in India but did not leave operations.

    Meanwhile they were also operating in China whichwas a favorable territory for them.

  • 8/2/2019 Different for Gamble


    There premium brand was Ariel which was propagatedby lower cost per wash.

    P&G had to import certain ingredient which madeAriel costlier than competitors products in detergent.

    HLL fought back with its premium brand Surf Excel.

    There compact technology was not a success in India.

    There low cost per wash concept wasnt populareither.

    BY 1996 Ariel's equity as high performance waseffected and its equity was also getting eroded.

  • 8/2/2019 Different for Gamble


    SWOT AnalysisStrengths

    P&G was globally Known as most admired

    marketing machine. Showed its adaptation capabilities in Japanese

    market were it suffered loss initially but convertedit into profitable market in 1991.

    Established it self in Chinese market with the helpof proper penetration plan.

    Introduced innovative compact technology.

  • 8/2/2019 Different for Gamble



    Made several investments in India which did not paid

    of convincingly. Did not adapted according to price sensitive Indian


    Couldnt promote its low cost per wash concept

    properly. Couldnt perform well in target segment of high

    disposable income group.

  • 8/2/2019 Different for Gamble



    Being an MNC company has operated convincingly in

    several locations, Company can use its previousadaptation knowledge in Indian context as well andcan get good sales figure.

  • 8/2/2019 Different for Gamble



    Indian environment was not favorable for P&G and

    they had to import material to India which increasedcost of products.

    Local players like HLL were operating nicely in Indianmarket and were giving good competition in each

    segment of detergent.

  • 8/2/2019 Different for Gamble


    Questions and AnswersQ1 Discuss the reasons for the initial failure of P&G inJapan.

    Ans. Following are the reasons of initial failure of P&G in

    Japan. IT entered Japanese market selling American products ,used American sales methods and also American managersfor the task.

    P&G failed to study and adapt according to Japanese

    market. It failed to study Japanese consumer behavior which wasdone nicely by local players.

  • 8/2/2019 Different for Gamble


    Q2. Where did P&G go wrong (if it did) in the evaluation ofIndian market and its strategy?

    Ans. Following are situations where P&G went wrong. Did not scan Indian market environment properly.

    Did not adapted according to price sensitive Indian market.

    Couldnt promote its low cost per wash concept properly.

    Couldnt perform well in targeted segment of high disposableincome group.

    They did not pay much attention to competitors marketingstrategy in Indian market .

  • 8/2/2019 Different for Gamble


    Q3. Discuss the reason for the difference inperformance of P&G in India and China.


    P&G was one of the first entrant after Chinese liberalizationpolicies while in India they had to face stiff competition fromalready present HLL

    Par capita income in China was competitively higher than India

    therefore it was easier to operate in Chinese market. China was growing faster than India.

    There was more disposable income available to Chinese .

    P&G understood Chinese culture better than Indian culture.