Different camer angles

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  1. 1. Different camera angles Here are my pictures that I had taken with 11 different camera angles. In this post I will analyse each shot and evaluate it whether it will be suitable to use an image with this particular angle shot for my front cover, contents page or double spreadsheet. This will help me with my camera work and will ensure that I will take clear shots which are suitable and effective for my target audience.
  2. 2. Camera angle 1: Medium shot This is a medium shot from 'Walk to remember' film. This medium shot allows the audience to see the actresses in more detail, while still allowing the audience to see the whole setting. I think this shot is successful and effective for a front cover picture because it will allow the readers to focus on the artist whilst allow the editor to add puffs, anchorage text and a masthead. For my front cover I will use a medium shot to present my main artist. Alternatively, I might use it in some of my images for a contents page or a double spreadsheet. At home, I had used my teddy bear as a prop, to practise different angels. This is because I wanted to practise taking clear camera shots so that my pictures won't come up blurry, regardless of the angle the picture is taken. Here's an example of a medium shot that I had taken:
  3. 3. Camera angle 2: Long shot This is a long shot from the same movie 'walk to remember'. This long shot presents the two actors sitting together, which allows the audience to see the setting of the theatre as well as to see the whole length of the actors. A long shot can be used effectively in fashion magazines to presents the outfit of the model so that the main focal focus is the outfit. Therefore, I will use a long shot in the fashion section in my music magazine. This is another example, of a long shot which I had taken at home. This shot denotes that the teddy bear is sitting on my desk.
  4. 4. Camera angle 3: close up A close up shot draws the audience attention to a certain detail that the director/editor deliberately wants them to focus. It's usually used to present a specific facial expression/emotion when two characters have a conversation to create a mood and a certain atmosphere. From my music magazine research I had found out that almost no music magazine have a close up picture to feature on their front cover, regardless of their music genre. Therefore, I will not use a close up on a front cover as this is not appropriate and it's unusual. However, I will still consider using a close up shot for images included in my contents page and the double page. Here'smytrialoftakingacloseup:
  5. 5. Camera angle 4: extreme close up An extreme close up shot focuses the camera on a particular element. This extreme zoom in directs the audience to this specific subject. Commonly, it is used to change the mood and the atmosphere. Using the eye example, the audience watching a scientific-thriller movie would experience the eye pupil decreasing its size. This connotes that the person drunk a substance which caused mutation. However, this camera technique is unusual to see in a music magazine unless the editor is indicating a music instrument. Alternatively, this can be effective in my fashion section in the contents page as I can take images of shoe's and other clothing. Here'sacloseupthatIhadtakenofmyteddy'sear.
  6. 6. Camera angle 5: eye level shot Aneyelevelcamerashotisoneofthemosteffectivecamerashotsasitengagesthe audience.Thisisbecausethecamerashotgivestheimpressionoftheaudiencestandingin frontoftheperson.Thiscreatesarealisticatmosphereastheaudiencefeelastheyare thereinthescene. On the other hand, this shot can be very intimidating for the audience as it denotes a model looking at the readers directly. This attracts the audience attentions as the audience feel like they are actually looking at the person. Often, this camera shot is used to portray confidence in the model artist and to attract new readers. This is because the eye level camera shot is strongly effective when used in prints and ads. Therefore, I will emerge an eye level shot with a medium shot for my central image of my front cover.
  7. 7. Camera angle 6: Point of view shot This is a point of view camera angle which allows the audience to see what the actor sees. Usually, its used to show that the character is inferior and intimated by others. However, this is not a successful camera angle for a music magazine as I want my audience to see my model not to see what they see in the picture. Alternateivly, in my articles and interviews I want my readers to see the how my artist sees the world, but that will be done through the use of specific language that will allow my readers to put themselves into my artist's position.
  8. 8. This is my re-creation of a reverse shot: Camera angle 7: reverse shot A reverse shot is a shot which shows conversations between two people. This shot is effective in movie TV shows only. Therefore, I won't look at this in much detail as this won't be used in my music magazine unless I use it on the double age where there will be a picture of a journalist interviews an artist.
  9. 9. Camera angle 8: Low angle shot A low angel is used to make the subject look superior than the reader/audience. This camera angel is some times used in a music magazine to make the artist look as if she/he is on top of the world, better than everyone else, making the readers feel powerless. However, I don't want my readers to feel inferior therefore I will not have a low angle shot featuring on my front cover. An example of a low angle shot, that I had taken:
  10. 10. Here's an example of a high angle shot that I had taken: Camera angle 9: High angle shot High angle shots are mostly used to make the artist look innocent and smaller than the audience or the character the artist is looking up on. However, I don't want my readers to look down on my model as it suggests that my model is a rebel or someone who isn't important in a music show. Therefore, I am now convinced to use an eye-level shot so that my readers can be levelled up with my artist, meaning that they can achieve as much as they did as long as my readers read my magazine. This is because my magazine will have articles and competitions which will help my audience break into their music careers.
  11. 11. Camera angle 10: Oblique angle This is an oblique angle-an angle, which is slightly tilted to suggest imbalance, transition and instability. Often used in horror and action movies such as Taken. This is unusual to see in a music magazine therefore, I will not use this shot in my magazine.
  12. 12. Camera angle 11: establishing shot An establishing shot is a shot which establishes the location/setting. This is a good shot to use for my double page in my music magazine as it will allow the readers to establish the location the artist has come from. This is effective as often the location we are from describes our personalities and creates positive and negative stereotypes about us. Also, it allows the readers who live or lived in a similar or the same location that the artist have to relate with the article or the interview. For example, Landon Carter (Played by Shane West in Walk to Remember film) is shown to be in a rural; isolated area where he is looking at the lake. This isolation indicates that his character is endorsing himself into his thoughts. This suggest that he is over-thinking a particular situation, which makes the audience stereotype the character as having problems with expressing himself using words, but rather a down-to-earth character which prefers to deal with his own problems by himself. The image below, is an image of Central London. The use of an urban-city location in a music magazine, on the double page suggest that the character is living "on the edge" or in a street. These assumption allows the teenage audience to relate to an article. Therefore, if I use an establishing shot in my double page, it will be of a city as most of my target audience live there. This means that it will be easier for them to relate with the magazine as well as it will be more attractive and appealing.