Differences between Differences between Chinese food and Western food Chinese food and Western food With the development of opening- With the development of opening- up policy, western food enters to up policy, western food enters to our daily life day by day and our daily life day by day and Chinese food goes global step by Chinese food goes global step by step. step. There is a There is a tendency of food combination between tendency of food combination between Chinese food and western food. Chinese food and western food. However, as different nations have as different nations have different culture and life styles, different culture and life styles, Chinese food and western food differ Chinese food and western food differ in four aspects as follows. in four aspects as follows.

Differences between Chinese food and Western food With the development of opening-up policy, western food enters to our daily life day by day and Chinese

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Differences between Differences between Chinese food and Western foodChinese food and Western food

With the development of opening-up With the development of opening-up policy, western food enters to our daily life policy, western food enters to our daily life day by day and Chinese food goes global day by day and Chinese food goes global step by step. step by step. There is a There is a tendency of food combination between tendency of food combination between Chinese food and western food. Chinese food and western food. However, as different nations have different culture as different nations have different culture and life styles, Chinese food and western and life styles, Chinese food and western food differ in four aspects as follows. food differ in four aspects as follows.

Differences between Differences between Chinese food and Western fChinese food and Western f

oodood• The first differenceThe first difference seems to be food co seems to be food co

ntents. In China, we always make the cerntents. In China, we always make the cereal as the main food. Chinese food contaeal as the main food. Chinese food contains fruit, green vegetable, Jiaozi, noodleins fruit, green vegetable, Jiaozi, noodles, spring rolls and so on. s, spring rolls and so on. On the contrarOn the contraryy, the westerner’s ancestors are going i, the westerner’s ancestors are going in for animals’ husbandry. n for animals’ husbandry.

Differences between Chinese food and Western fChinese food and Western f

oodood•Therefore, their food is meat and miTherefore, their food is meat and mi

lk. Roast beef, beef stew, pork chop, lk. Roast beef, beef stew, pork chop, fried chicken, eggs, are the food, whfried chicken, eggs, are the food, which they usually eat. For example, to ich they usually eat. For example, to many people, American food means many people, American food means hamburgers, hot dogs, fired chicken,hamburgers, hot dogs, fired chicken, and pizza. and pizza.

Differences between Chinese food and Western fChinese food and Western f

oodood• The second differenceThe second difference seems to be seems to be

food culture. In China, when we are food culture. In China, when we are eating, people should sit around the eating, people should sit around the round table, so we always eat round table, so we always eat together. “Chinese consider that diet together. “Chinese consider that diet not only a target of tasting and not only a target of tasting and enjoying but also an intermediary of enjoying but also an intermediary of people communicates the emotion.”people communicates the emotion.”

Differences between Chinese food and Western fChinese food and Western f

oodood• ButBut in western country also conclude En in western country also conclude En

gland and the USA, they pursue to eat segland and the USA, they pursue to eat separate dishes. After they are eating one parate dishes. After they are eating one dish then they could eat anther one. Thedish then they could eat anther one. Therefore, they never eat like that many diffrefore, they never eat like that many different kind dishes on one table.erent kind dishes on one table.

Differences between Chinese food and Western fChinese food and Western f

oodood• The third differenceThe third difference seems to be food e seems to be food e

tiquette. The ways people eat, that is, thtiquette. The ways people eat, that is, the table manner, really distinguish a lot. Te table manner, really distinguish a lot. The reason for this is probably because of he reason for this is probably because of the different dining tools and menus. In the different dining tools and menus. In ChinaChina ,, we use bowls to have rice and swe use bowls to have rice and soup and use thin and long chopsticks to oup and use thin and long chopsticks to send food to mouths. send food to mouths.

Differences between Differences between Chinese food and Western fChinese food and Western f

oodood• WhileWhile the etiquette in the West requests the etiquette in the West requests

that when eating, bowls and plates cannthat when eating, bowls and plates cannot leave the tables. Food should be cut bot leave the tables. Food should be cut by knives to fit into the mouths. Of course y knives to fit into the mouths. Of course your mouth cannot touch the plates or byour mouth cannot touch the plates or bowls.owls.

Differences between Chinese food and Western fChinese food and Western f

oodood• The last differenceThe last difference seems to be seems to be

the nutrition of food. The Chinese the nutrition of food. The Chinese food is considered to be the food is considered to be the healthiest in the world. It contains a healthiest in the world. It contains a lot of fruit and green vegetables. It is lot of fruit and green vegetables. It is rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat. rich in fiber and low in sugar and fat.

Differences between Chinese food and Western fChinese food and Western f

oodood• In contrastIn contrast, people in the Western worl, people in the Western worl

d eat too much fat and sugar and don’t d eat too much fat and sugar and don’t take enough exercise. Because of this, thtake enough exercise. Because of this, they put on weight very easily. Many peopley put on weight very easily. Many people in the Western countries are fat and soe in the Western countries are fat and some have bad teeth.me have bad teeth.


• • 1) Appetizers•• 2) Soup•• 3) Salad•• 4) Entrée•• 5) Main Dish ( meat or fish )•• 6) Dessert•• 7) Coffee

Ordering Food in a Ordering Food in a RestaurantRestaurant

One of the most important tasks in One of the most important tasks in

English is ordering food when you go to English is ordering food when you go to a restaurant. There are basic forms and a restaurant. There are basic forms and questions, as well food vocabulary that questions, as well food vocabulary that you can use in places where people speayou can use in places where people speak English.k English.

Ordering Food in a Ordering Food in a RestaurantRestaurant Take a look at Take a look at this Menuthis Menu


• Chicken Soup $2.50Chicken Soup $2.50

• Salad $3.25Salad $3.25

Ordering Food in a Ordering Food in a RestaurantRestaurant Take a look at Take a look at this Menuthis MenuSandwiches - Main CourseSandwiches - Main Course• Ham and cheese $3.50Ham and cheese $3.50• Tuna $3.00Tuna $3.00• Vegetarian $4.00Vegetarian $4.00• Grilled Cheese $2.50Grilled Cheese $2.50• Piece of Pizza $2.50Piece of Pizza $2.50• Cheeseburger $4.50Cheeseburger $4.50• Hamburger deluxe $5.00Hamburger deluxe $5.00• Spaghetti $5.50Spaghetti $5.50

Ordering Food in a Ordering Food in a RestaurantRestaurant Take a look at Take a look at this Menuthis Menu


• Coffee $1.25Coffee $1.25

• Tea $1.25Tea $1.25

• Soft Drinks - Coke, Sprite, Root Soft Drinks - Coke, Sprite, Root Beer, etc.Beer, etc.


Ordering Food in a Ordering Food in a RestaurantRestaurant Read this Read this dialoguedialogue

WaiterWaiter: Hello, Can I help you?: Hello, Can I help you?

KimKim: Yes, I'd like to have some lunch.: Yes, I'd like to have some lunch.

WaiterWaiter: Would you like a starter?: Would you like a starter?

KimKim: Yes, I'd like a bowl of chicken soup, please.: Yes, I'd like a bowl of chicken soup, please.

Ordering Food in a Ordering Food in a RestaurantRestaurant Read this Read this dialoguedialogueWaiterWaiter: And what would you like for a : And what would you like for a

main course?main course?

KimKim: I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich.: I'd like a grilled cheese sandwich.

WaiterWaiter: Would you like anything to drink?: Would you like anything to drink?

KimKim: Yes, I'd like a glass of Coke, please.: Yes, I'd like a glass of Coke, please.

Ordering Food in a Ordering Food in a RestaurantRestaurant Read this Read this dialoguedialogueWaiterWaiter... (After Kim has her lunch.)... (After Kim has her lunch.): :

Can I bring you anything else?Can I bring you anything else?

KimKim: No thank you. Just the bill.: No thank you. Just the bill.

WaiterWaiter: Certainly.: Certainly.

KimKim: I don't have my glasses. How : I don't have my glasses. How much is the lunch?much is the lunch?

Ordering Food in a Ordering Food in a RestaurantRestaurant Read this Read this dialoguedialogueWaiterWaiter: That's $6.75.: That's $6.75.

KimKim: Here you are. Thank you very : Here you are. Thank you very much.much.

WaiterWaiter: You're welcome. Have a good : You're welcome. Have a good day.day.

KimKim: Thank you, the same to you.: Thank you, the same to you.

Ordering Food in a Ordering Food in a RestaurantRestaurant Read this Read this dialoguedialogue Notice how the waiter asks: Notice how the waiter asks:

What What wouldwould you like? you like? and Kim and Kim responds: responds: I'I'd liked like ... ...

""Would likeWould like"" is the polite form is the polite form used when asking and requesting.used when asking and requesting.

Useful VocabularyUseful VocabularyIn the RestaurantIn the Restaurant

• bar bar

• bill, check bill, check

• menu menu

• table table

• waiter, waitress waiter, waitress

Useful VocabularyUseful Vocabulary On the tableOn the table

• bowl, dish bowl, dish

• fork fork

• glass glass

• knife knife

• pepperpepper

Useful VocabularyUseful Vocabulary On the tableOn the table

• plate plate

• salt salt

• serviette, napkin serviette, napkin

• spoon spoon

• tablecloth tablecloth

• wine glass wine glass

Useful VocabularyUseful Vocabulary On the MenuOn the MenuEntree or StarterEntree or Starter

• chips, fries chips, fries

• garlic bread garlic bread

• salad salad

• soup soup

• spring rollsspring rolls

Useful VocabularyUseful Vocabulary On the MenuOn the Menu Main MealMain Meal• burger with chips anburger with chips an

d salad d salad • fish and chips fish and chips • omelette omelette • pasta with tomato sapasta with tomato sa

uce uce • pizzapizza

Useful Vocabulary Useful Vocabulary On the MenuOn the Menu Main MealMain Meal

• roast chicken and vegetables roast chicken and vegetables

• steak with chips and salad steak with chips and salad

• stir-fried vegetables with rice stir-fried vegetables with rice

Useful Vocabulary Useful Vocabulary On the MenuOn the Menu DessertDessert

• apple pie apple pie

• cheesecake cheesecake

• chocolate cakechocolate cake