Confidential: For Review Only Dietary Sources of Calcium and Protein Reduce Hip Fractures and Falls in Institutionalised Older Adults: a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial Journal: BMJ Manuscript ID BMJ-2021-066231 Article Type: Original research Date Submitted by the Author: 03-May-2021 Complete List of Authors: Iuliano, Sandra; University of Melbourne, Medicine Poon, Shirley; University of Melbourne, Medicine Robbins, Judy; University of Melbourne, Medicine Bui, Minh; 3Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Melbourne, CEB Wang, Xiao-Fang; University of Melbourne, Medicine de Groot, Lisette; Wageningen University Van Loan, Marta; University of California Davis Ghasem-Zadeh, Ali; University of Melbourne, Endocrine Centre, Austin Health Nguyen, Tuan; Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Osteoporosis and Bone Biology Program; University of Technology Sydney Seeman, Ego; University of Melbourne, Endocrine Centre, Austin Health Keywords: Aged-care, Dairy food, Falls, Fractures https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/bmj BMJ

Dietary Sources of Calcium and Protein Reduce Hip

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Confidential: For Review OnlyDietary Sources of Calcium and Protein Reduce Hip

Fractures and Falls in Institutionalised Older Adults: a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial

Journal: BMJ

Manuscript ID BMJ-2021-066231

Article Type: Original research

Date Submitted by the Author: 03-May-2021

Complete List of Authors: Iuliano, Sandra; University of Melbourne, MedicinePoon, Shirley; University of Melbourne, MedicineRobbins, Judy; University of Melbourne, MedicineBui, Minh; 3Centre for Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Melbourne, CEBWang, Xiao-Fang; University of Melbourne, Medicinede Groot, Lisette; Wageningen UniversityVan Loan, Marta; University of California DavisGhasem-Zadeh, Ali; University of Melbourne, Endocrine Centre, Austin HealthNguyen, Tuan; Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Osteoporosis and Bone Biology Program; University of Technology SydneySeeman, Ego; University of Melbourne, Endocrine Centre, Austin Health

Keywords: Aged-care, Dairy food, Falls, Fractures



Confidential: For Review Only


Dietary Sources of Calcium and Protein Reduce Hip Fractures and Falls in

Institutionalised Older Adults: a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial

S Iuliano Ph.D.1 [email protected] Principal Investigator

S Poon B.Nutr.Diet.1 [email protected] Dietician

J Robbins D.Diet.1 [email protected] Dietician

M Bui Ph.D.2 [email protected] Statistician

X Wang M.D. Ph.D.1 [email protected] Statistician

L De Groot Ph.D.3 [email protected] Nutritionist

M Van Loan Ph.D.4 [email protected] Physiologist

A Ghasem Zadeh M.Sc1 [email protected] Medical Physicist

T Nguyen Ph.D.5,6 [email protected] Statistician

E Seeman M.D.1 [email protected] Endocrinologist

1Departments of Medicine and Endocrinology, Austin Health, University of Melbourne, Australia2School of Population and Global Health, University of Melbourne, Australia

3Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University, Wageningen, The Netherlands4US Department of Agriculture-ARS, University of California, Davis, USA

5Garvan Institute of Medical Research and 6University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Correspondence: Dr. Sandra Iuliano, Department of Endocrinology, Austin Health, Repatriation

Campus, Level 2 Centaur Wing, West Heidelberg, Victoria, 3081 Australia, Phone: + 61 3 9496 3216.

Fax: + 61 3 9496 3365 Email: [email protected]

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Summary box

What is already known is this topic

Few studies have investigated the efficacy and safety of a nutritional approach to fracture risk

reduction in aged-care residents.

One study using pharmacological doses of calcium and vitamin D reduced hip fractures in female

nursing home residents with low calcium intakes and vitamin D deficiency.

What this study adds

Supplementation using high-calcium, high-protein dairy foods reduced falls and fractures in older

adults in aged-care.

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Objectives: To assess the antifracture efficacy and safety of a nutritional intervention in

institutionalised older adults with daily calcium and protein intakes of 600 mg and < 1 g /kg body

weight but replete in vitamin D.

Design: Two-year cluster-randomised controlled trial.

Setting: 60 residential aged-care facilities.

Participants: 7195 residents [72% females, mean (SD) age 86.0 (8.2) years].

Intervention: Thirty facilities were randomised to provide residents with high-calcium and high-

protein milk, yogurt and cheese containing 562 (166) mg/day calcium and 12 (6) g/day protein. Thirty

control facilities continue their residents’ current daily intakes of 700 (247) mg calcium and 58 (14 )

g protein.

Main outcome measures: Fractures, falls and all-cause mortality.

Results: A total of 324 fractures, of which 135 were hip fractures, and 4302 falls occurred

during 2 years. The intervention was associated with risk reductions of 33% for all fractures (HR

0.67, 95% CI, 0.48 to 0.93, P = 0.018), 46% for hip fractures (HR 0.54, 95%CI, 0.35 to 0.83, P =

0.005) and 11% for falls (HR 0.89, 95% CI, 0.78 to 0.98, P = 0.041). The risk reduction for hip

fractures and falls achieved significance at 5 months (P = 0.021) and 3 months (P = 0.004)

respectively. Mortality was unchanged (HR 1.01, 95%CI, 0.43 to 3.08).

Conclusions: Improving calcium and protein intakes using dairy foods is a widely accessible, safe,

intervention that reduces risk of fractures and falls commonly occurring in aged-care residents.

Trial Registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ACTRN12613000228785).

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Longevity increases the proportion of older adults in the population. The accompanying increased

prevalence of chronic illnesses, loss of musculoskeletal mass, frailty and bone fragility increase the

risk of falls and fractures.(1) Loss of independence increases the number of individuals requiring full-

time institutionalized care, the source of ~30% of all hip fractures in the community.(2) Thus,

targeting an intervention to all aged-care residents is a rational approach to reducing the fracture

burden in the whole community.

The widespread use of antiresorptive therapy is unlikely to reduce this fracture burden because of a

paucity of evidence of antifracture efficacy in persons over 80 years of age, the common occurrence

of adverse events, and high cost given large numbers of individuals must be treated.(3) These persons

often have calcium intakes below 700 mg daily, an amount unlikely to offset obligatory loss of

calcium.(4) They also often have protein intakes below 1 gram/kg body weight/day predisposing to

loss of lean muscle mass.(5) Thus, an alternative approach is to target all institutionalized older adults

to a non-pharmaceutical nutritional intervention.

Few studies have investigated the efficacy and safety of a nutritional approach to fracture risk

reduction in aged-care residents. Chapuy et al. demonstrated anti-fracture efficacy using

pharmacological doses of calcium and vitamin D in female nursing home residents with low calcium

intakes and vitamin D deficiency.(6) No studies have examined effects of protein supplementation on

fracture risk reduction, but there is evidence of improved muscle function and reduced falls.(7)

Consumption of milk, yoghurt and cheese, foods rich in calcium and protein, slows bone loss and

improves IGF-1.(8, 9) These foods are widely available, palatable, low cost and so are likely to be

adhered to. Accordingly, we conducted a two-year cluster-randomized controlled trial to test the

hypothesis that achieving recommended intakes of 1300 mg/day calcium and 1 gram protein/kg body

weight, will reduce the risk of fragility fractures and falls when targeted to institutionalized older

adults replete in vitamin D but with intakes below these levels.


Study design This two-year cluster-randomized controlled intervention involved 60 residential

aged-care facilities housing 7195 older adults in metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria,

Australia recruited between December 2013 to August 2016. To ensure similar standards of care, we

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recruited only facilities accredited with the Australian Aged-Care Accreditation Agency that housed

predominantly ambulant residents (similar to residential care in the UK and assisted care facilities

in the USA). Facilities recruited were representative of charitable, private and religious organisations

with an even distribution of small (up to 50 beds) medium (51-100 beds) and large (>100 beds)

facilities (supplementary figure S3). Menu audits were performed to ensure facilities met the

inclusion criteria of providing 2 or less dairy servings daily.

Randomization procedure The unit of randomization was facility. Eligible facilities were

randomly assigned in a 1:1 ratio to either intervention (n = 30) or control (n = 30), with the later

maintaining their existing menus. The randomization was conducted with the use of a computer with

block sizes being varied according to oraganization (to ensure similar procedures and policies) and

was stratified by geographical location (similar socio-economic status). An organization may have 2

to 10 facilities, and randomization was done within an organization.

Consent Facility managers consented to provided non-identifiable details of age and sex of residents,

and access to all mandatory incident reports. Falls (time, location, circumstances and outcome /

injury) were verified from mandatory incident reports maintained at all facilities and fractures verified

using hospital x-ray reports. Residents and families were informed of the study during regular

meetings. Residents (n = 371) or their next of kin (n = 345) from all facilities voluntarily consented

to have dietary intake recorded and medical records reviewed. The 371 residents also consented to

blood sampling, measurement of body composition, bone mineral density and bone


Intervention Dairy foods were classified using the Australian Dietary Guidelines with a ‘serving’

defined as milk (250 ml), yogurt (200 grams) and cheese (40 grams).(10) Lactose free options were

provided to accommodate the few participants (<0.001%) with reported lactose intolerance. Butter,

cream and ice-cream were not provided as they contain little calcium or protein. Vitamin D adequacy

in aged-care residents is achieved by routine supplementation as dairy foods are not vitamin D

fortified. All facilities prepared and cooked foods on-site. Intervention facilities were assigned a food

service dietician to assist food service staff to increase the provision of dairy foods at all meals and

snacks. Methods used to increase dairy foods included milk powder to fortify milk used in recipes

and beverages and dairy-based desserts and snacks offered in place of less nutritious foods such as

cakes and biscuits.

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Dairy foods were provided by Fonterra International (New Zealand) and distributed by Bidfoods

(Australia). A single distributor ensured accurate recording of costs for all dairy foods provided.

During dietary assessments, foods and beverages were weighed on a food scale (±1g) (Sohnele Page

Profi, Germany) at all facilities. During 2-days every 3 months dieticians assessed compliance using

the validated visual estimation of plate-waste with data collected from 55,000 foods and beverages

during the study.(11) Nutrient intakes were calculated using a nutritional analysis software

(FoodWorks, Australia), or the Australian food composition database NUTTAB 2010.

Data monitoring Data safety monitoring was carried out by the Study Trial Review Board who

were provided with quarterly reports.

Outcomes The primary outcome was time to fragility fracture. Secondary outcomes were time to

fall and changes in body composition, bone morphology and biochemistry. All-cause mortality was

a tertiary outcome. Fasting morning serum samples were obtained from 189 residents at baseline and

12 months for measurement of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (baseline only), C-terminal telopeptide of type

1 collagen, procollagen type 1 N propeptide and parathyroid hormone (Roche Cobas E170) and

insulin-like growth factor 1 (LIASON) (supplementary figure S1).

Body composition and bone morphology were assessed at baseline and 12 months in 72 residents

(supplementary figure S2). Total and appendicular (arms and legs) lean mass and fat mass were

determined from total body scans and BMD was measured at the lumbar spine and femoral neck using

dual x-ray absorptiometry (Prodigy, GE Lunar, Madison, WI, CV=1%). Volumetric bone mineral

density (vBMD) was measured at the distal tibia and distal radius using high-resolution peripheral

quantitative computed tomography (Scanco Medical AG, Switzerland, CV 0.5–4.0%).(12) Cortical

porosity was determined using automated image processing (StrAx1.0, Straxcorp, Melbourne,


Blinding and power Once a facility was randomized, only the principal investigator, food service

research dieticians, facility managers and food service staff were aware of allocation. Data acquisition

and analyses were carried out by staff blinded to group allocation (SP, XW, MB, AGZ, TN). The

sample size was determined based on a hypothesized effect size and intra-cluster correlation

coefficient (r). Under the hypothesis that the intervention reduces the risk of fracture by 30%, and

that r ranges from .10 to .50, the sample size needed was 25 to 50 residents per facility and 25 facilities

per arm to achieve the power of 80%. From falls data, an r of .20 was used to calculate the sample

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size.(13) To account for ~20% annual attrition, we recruited 60 facilities with a minimum number of

50 residents per facility.

To maintain the required sample size, recruitment continued throughout the 24-months. This was

achieved by including new admissions (forming the replacement cohort) to the same bed as occupied

by the participant lost from the initial (inception) cohort. The study commenced with 3980 residents

with an additional 3215 residents included as residents were lost to follow up due to death or

discharge. Details of new residents and those lost to follow-up were obtained from admission and

discharge records from each facility.

Analyses Baseline data were expressed as mean (± standard deviation, SD) with the unit of

analysis being clusters. Fracture incidence, falls and death were expressed per 100 person-years

follow-up. The product limit (Kaplan–Meier) method was used to determine the cumulative risk of

an event. There were no missing data for outcomes. The duration of follow-up was based on date of

study entry to date of an event. When no event occurred, follow-up duration was date of study entry

to date of study termination.

As individuals were 'nested' within clusters (facilities), the primary analysis was based on the mixed-

effects Cox’s proportional hazards model; effects of intervention, age and sex were fixed effects, and

the facility considered the random effect. (See Supplement for additional statistical analysis). The

results were expressed as a hazard ratio with 95% confidence limits. Model parameters were

estimated by the ‘coxme’ package. Mortality competing risk analysis was also conducted using the

Fine - Gray sub-distribution method with the 'cmprsk' package.

Between-group differences in serum biomarkers and measurements of body composition and bone

morphology at baseline were tested by the weighted t-test with cluster being the unit of analysis.

Biomarkers not normally distributed were log transformed. Effects of intervention were analysed by

the mixed-effects model in which the within-person change in outcome was modelled as a function

of treatment or control group, time of follow-up, age, weight and sex. All analyses used the R

Statistical Environment.

Ethics The study was approved by the Austin Hospital Human Research Ethics committee

(Project Number 04958) and is recorded on the Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry


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Of the 60 facilities, 54 completed the 24-month intervention (figure 1). One control facility and 3

intervention facilities withdrew after randomisation. Two intervention facilities closed at months 15

and 20 but the data were included up to the date of closure. At baseline, the two groups had

comparable demographics and were vitamin D replete. Daily calcium and protein intakes were 689

(266) mg and 57 (16) grams respectively (Table 1, Supplementary figure S4).

Nutritional Changes Dairy food intake increased from 2.0 to 3.5 servings daily with

intervention (figure 2). This provided 562 (166) mg calcium, achieving 1142 (353) mg calcium daily,

and 12 (6) g protein achieving an intake of 69 (15) g (1.1 g/kg body weight) daily. In controls, dairy

intake remained at < 2 servings daily with intakes of 700 (247) mg calcium and 58 (14) g protein

(0.88 g/kg body weight) daily. There were no adverse gastrointestinal events related to the

intervention. No detectable within or between group differences in energy intake were observed

during follow-up (Figure 2). However, group differences were observed for the change in body

weight (Table 2). In absolute terms, there was no weight change in the intervention group (0.3 kg,

95%CI -0.8 to 1.4, P = 0.563). In controls, weight loss of 1.4 kg (95% CI 0.6 to 2.1, P = 0.0001) was

due to a 0.3 (95%CI -0.6 to 0.0) kg decline in appendicular lean mass (P = 0.028) and 0.8 kg (95%CI

-1.6 to -0.2) decline in total body fat mass (P = 0.017).

Fractures, falls and mortality During 90,557 person-months follow-up [mean (SD) 12.6 (8.9)

months], there were 324 fractures: 121 (3.7%) in the intervention group and 203 (5.2%) in controls

(HR 0.67, 95% CI, 0.48 to 0.93, P = 0.018); a 33% risk reduction. The incidence of hip fracture was

1.3% (n = 42) in the intervention group and 2.4% (n = 93) in controls; a 46% risk reduction (HR 0.54,

95% CI, 0.35 to 0.83, P = 0.005). The separation in cumulative incidence of fractures between the

groups achieved significance at 5 months for all fractures (P = 0.015) and hip fractures (P = 0.021)

(Figure 3). Competing risk analysis adjusted for mortality showed that intervention was associated

with average fracture risk reductions of 27% (HR 0.73, 95% CI, 0.58 to 0.92) for all fractures and

44% (HR 0.56, 95% CI, 0.39 to 0.82) for hip fractures. A Markovian analysis showed that the effect

was observed in the transition between no fracture to fracture (see supplementary file).

The cumulative incidence of falls was 57% (n = 1879) in the intervention group and 62% (n = 2423)

in controls; an 11% relative risk reduction (HR 0.89, 95% CI, 0.78 to 0.98, P = 0.041). The separation

in the incidence of falls between groups achieved significance at 3 months (P = .004) (Figure 3). All

but one fracture was the result of a fall. Mortality did not differ between the intervention and control

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groups (28%, n = 900 versus 28%, n = 1074 respectively) (HR 1.01, 95% CI, 0.43 to 3.08, P = 0.913)

(figure 3). The numbers needing treatment to prevent any fracture, hip fracture or a fall were 52, 82

and 17, respectively.

We examined the effects of the intervention on fracture risk and falls relative to controls in a post-

hoc analyses of the inception and replacement cohorts separately. The inception cohort was older

that the replacement cohort [86.5 (8.1) versus 85.2 (8.4) years, P < .001] but age did not differ between

the intervention and control groups in the inception cohort [86.7 (8.2) versus 86.4 (8.0) years, P =

0.245], nor did age differ between the two groups in the replacement cohort [85.1 (8.5) versus 85.3

(8.2) years, P = 0.601]. Significant reductions in all fractures, hip fractures and falls were observed

in the intervention group relative to the controls in both the inception and replacement cohorts (see

Supplementary figure 5).

Biochemistry and bone morphology The subgroup providing data for biochemistry, body

composition and bone morphology did not differ from the entire cohort in age (85.9 [8.2] versus 85.6

[8.2] years), proportion of women to men (70% versus 69%) and proportion with prior fractures (38%

versus 39%) respectively.

As shown in table 2, at 12 months, there was a 20.4% between-group difference in serum CTX (P =

0.002), the result of no change in the intervention group and a 13.1% increase in controls (P < 0.05).

There was no between-group difference in P1NP or PTH. There was a 7.9% between-group

difference in serum IGF-1 (P = 0.044), the result of a 5.9% increase in the intervention group (P <

0.05) and no change in controls.

There was a 1.8% between-group difference in spine BMD (P = 0.037), the result of a 2.1% increase

in the intervention group (P < 0.001) and no change in controls. The 1.7% between-group difference

in femoral neck BMD was not significant (P = 0.091). The 3.3% between-group difference in distal

radius total vBMD (P = 0.017) and 2.0% between-group difference in distal tibial total vBMD (P =

0.065) were the result of decreases at each site in controls (both P < 0.05). There was a 4.6% between-

group difference in distal radial trabecular vBMD (P = 0.033) due to a nonsignificant decrease in

controls and a 0.7% increase in distal tibia cortical porosity in controls (P < .05).

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This nutritional approach using high-calcium and high-protein dairy foods to increase calcium and

protein intakes in institutionalized older adults replete in vitamin D was associated with a 33%

reduction in risk of fractures of any type, a 46% reduction in risk of hip fractures, and an 11%

reduction in risk of falls relative to controls. There was no group difference in all-cause mortality.

Most interventions aimed at reducing fracture risk target a pharmacological therapy to individuals

with osteoporosis because they are at high risk of fracture. This approach confers a large benefit to

the individual and does so cost-effectively, because few persons need to be treated to avert one event.

However, averting fractures in small numbers of persons at high risk does not reduce the burden of

fractures in the community.

The population burden of fractures - the number of events, the morbidity, mortality and cost to the

community arises from the vast numbers of individuals with risk factors that confer a modest

attributable risk to the individual.(14) For example, most fragility fractures in the community arise

among women with osteopenia (BMD T-score– 2.5 to 1 SD) because they form the largest segment

of the community.(15) Likewise, most fractures attributable to nutritional inadequacy arise among

the great many individuals with intakes of calcium and protein that are below recommended

levels.(16) This nutritional inadequacy confers a small attributable risk to the individual but accounts

for a large attributable fraction of the fracture burden in the community as a whole. This is the

Geoffrey Rose prevention paradox; a community-based approach producing a small benefit to an

individual may still confer a large benefit to the community.(14) Safety is essential because most

individuals treated may derive little or no benefit from the intervention. For example, the Dietary

Approach to Stop Hypertension study reduced blood pressure by replacing a ‘Western’ diet with a

diet rich in fruit, vegetables and low-fat dairy foods; an approach associated with fewer cardiovascular


Most nutrition-based studies assessing anti-fracture efficacy in aged-care residents and persons in the

community used pharmacological doses of calcium with or without vitamin D.(18) In a meta-analysis

of 17 of these studies, only two studies reported a fracture risk reduction - a study of nursing home

residents with calcium intakes < 600 mg/day and vitamin D levels < 50 nmol/L, and a community-

based study in women and men, ≥ 65 years of age with mean calcium intakes of 700 mg/day.(18) In

the remaining 15 studies, poor compliance, large numbers of dropouts and a low prevalence of the

risk factor may have contributed to the null findings.(19, 20) Benefits are unlikely if the prevalence

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of a risk factor (like inadequate calcium and protein intakes) is low.(21) For example, in the meta-

analysis, fracture risk reduction reported with treatment was confined to the 7272 individuals with

calcium intakes < 700 mg/day (RR 0.80; 95%CI 0.71 - 0.89), not the 45,241 individuals with calcium

intakes above 700 mg daily.(18)

The fracture risk reduction observed using calcium and protein rich foods in this study may have been

the result of attention to several of the above factors. Compliance was addressed by supervised

provision and consumption of the foods. Those lost to follow up were replaced by newly admitted

residents. We intentionally targeted a cohort at high risk for fracture in whom low calcium and protein

intakes were common, and so, were likely to partly contribute to the already high fracture burden in

this community.

This nutritional intervention produced two unanticipated novel observations. The risk reduction for

falls and fractures was detected by 3 and 5 months, respectively, and the relative risk reduction for

fractures was similar to that found in trials using potent antiresorptive therapy to treat high risk

individuals with osteoporosis. The two most likely explanations for each of these observations is a

risk reduction for falls and slowing progression of bone fragility. IGF-1 increased in the intervention

group only, while the decrease in appendicular lean mass was confined to controls, consistent with

the notion that protein intakes of 1 to 1.5 gm/kg/day is needed to prevent protein catabolism and

preserve or increase muscle mass in older adults, in particular, those at risk of malnutrition or

frailty.(22) The increase in serum CTX and deterioration in tibial and radial total vBMD in controls

was not observed in the intervention group consistent with slowing of bone loss and slowing of

microstructural deterioration.(23) These changes were modest, but slowing microstructural

deterioration disproportionately reduces progression of bone fragility because fragility increases as a

power function to the bone loss producing it.(24)

Mortality did not differ between the groups. Some, but not all, studies suggest milk consumption is

associated with increase mortality but consumption of yogurt and cheese (fermented foods) with

reduced mortality and favourable blood lipid profiles .(25),(26, 27) Fermented and non-fermented dairy

foods were used during the intervention. and milk consumption did not differ between the intervention

and control groups (data not shown).

The results were robust to interrogation using different models of analysis such as standard mixed

effects model, competing risk adjusted model and Markovian model. All gave a similar effect size.

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In addition, the benefits of the dietary intervention in reducing fracture risk and falls in the whole

cohort were replicated when analyses were done in the inception and replacement cohorts separately.

The study has several limitations. Less than half of the participants had follow-up longer than 15

months. However, the risk reduction in fractures and falls reduction was detected within 6 months.

Compliance was monitored in ~10% of residents. However, recorded intakes of 55,000 foods and

beverages consumed are likely representative of all residents as most, if not all, food is provided at

facilities. Facilities were randomised to intervention or control so we could not compare fracture risk

stratified by intakes of calcium and protein. Assessment of body composition, bone morphology and

biochemistry was confined to a subgroup of residents. Attrition of these participants limited the

power to examine differences in body composition, morphology and biochemistry between the

groups. Therefore, our ability to make inferences concerning the role of this intervention in slowing

microstructural deterioration and loss of muscle mass is limited. Serum PTH remained unchanged,

perhaps due to administration of the ~1100 mg calcium throughout the day as food, not as a single

supplement of elemental calcium.(28) Moreover this intervention used whole dairy foods so any

potential benefit of other components of the dairy matrix cannot be determined.

In conclusion, targeting a nutritional intervention of high-calcium and high-protein milk, yoghurt and

cheese to older individuals with low intakes of these nutrients reduced the risk of fractures and falls.

This is an effective, safe, widely available approach that is palatable and easily adhered to; features

that support the use of this nutritional intervention as a public health measure to avert fragility


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Table 1. Baseline characteristics of residents in clusters assigned to two-years of dairy

supplementation (intervention), or maintenance of existing menu (controls).


n = 3301


n = 3894

Number of clusters (facilities) 27 29

Median residents per cluster 111 125

Percent of female 70 67

Age (yrs) 86 (2.3) 86 (2.2)

Height (m) 1.60 (0.02) 1.61 (0.03)

Weight (kg) 66 (6.3) 68 (8.4)

Medications (n)* 11 (2.9) 12 (4.1)

Medical Conditions (n)* 10 (2.8) 12 (4.1)

Prior fracture 44% 44%

Cognitive impairment 47% 45%

CVD 65% 72%

Malnourished/At risk/Normal (%)^ 16 / 64 / 20 16 / 65 / 19

Biochemistry n = 170 n = 135

25(OH)D (nmol/L) 72 (15) 72 (21)

CTX (ng/ml) 0.41 (0.14) 0.39 (0.11)

P1NP (g/L) 52.9 (19.1) 48.5 (9.7)

PTH (pg/ml) 6.85 (2.04) 7.27 (1.74)

IGF-1 (nmol/L) 15.4 (2.8) 15.1 (3.1)

Body composition n = 77 n = 79

Lean mass – total (kg) 39.7 (8.6) 39.8 (8.1)

Appendicular lean mass 16.3 (1.2) 16.4 (3.7)

Fat mass (kg) 22.5 (9.5) 27.2 (11.0)

Bone morphology n = 77 n = 79

FN BMD (g/cm2) 0.76 (0.08) 0.74 (0.12)

LS BMD (g/cm2) 1.08 (0.22) 1.13 (0.23)

Distal Tibia

Total vBMD (mgHA/cm3) 215 (44) 228 (63)

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Cortical porosity (%) 75 (5.6) 75 (6.6)

Trabecular vBMD (mgHA/cm3) 155 (35) 167 (47)

Distal Radius

Total vBMD (mgHA/cm3) 257 (41) 247 (68)

Cortical porosity (%) 68 (3.8) 69 (7.5)

Trabecular vBMD (mgHA/cm3) 155 (34) 148 (47)

Results are shown as mean (SD) or *median (interquartile range). ^Mini Nutrition Assessment Score;

24-30 = normal nutritional status, 17 – 23.5 = at risk of malnutrition, <17 = malnourished. 25(OH)D

= 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D), CTX = C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen, P1NP =

procollagen type 1 N propeptide, PTH = parathyroid hormone, IGF-1 = Insulin-like Growth Factor

1, FN = femoral neck, LS = lumbar spine (2-4), BMD = bone mineral density, vBMD = volumetric

bone mineral density.

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Table 2: Percentage change from baseline at month 12 in biochemistry and bone morphology in each

group and between group mean percentage difference with 95% confidence interval.

Percentage change Intervention Control Mean between group

Difference (95% CI)


Biochemistry n = 106 n = 83

Bone resorption marker (CTX) -7.3 (40.7) 13.1 (45.5)* -20.4 (-33.2 to -7.6) 0.002

Bone formation marker (P1NP) -4.7 (35.4) -3.9 (55.1) -0.8 (-14.6 to 12.9) 0.903

Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) 1.1 (20.7) -0.16 (32.0) 1.3 (-6.7 to 9.2) 0.755

Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 5.9 (27.0)* -2.0 (22.4) 7.9 (15.7 to 0.2) 0.044

Bone morphology n = 33 n = 39

Lumbar spine BMD 2.1 (2.7)** 0.3 (2.4) 1.8 (0.1 to 3.5) 0.037

Femoral Neck BMD 0.7 (3.0) -1.0 (4.4) 1.7 (-0.3 to 3.7) 0.091

Distal Radius

Total vBMD 0.7 (2.7) -2.6 (5.6)* 3.3 (0.6 to 6.0) 0.017

Trabecular vBMD 0.9 (2.3) -3.5 (8.7) 4.6 (0.4 to 8.2) 0.033

Cortical porosity 0.0 (1.7) 0.7 (3.3) -0.6 (-2.3 to 1.0) 0.432

Distal Tibia

Total vBMD -0.1 (2.5) -2.1 (4.4)* 2.0 (-0.1 to 4.2) 0.065

Trabecular vBMD 0.2 (2.3) -2.2 (8.5) 2.4 (-1.4 to 6.2) 0.210

Cortical porosity 0.4 (1.3) 0.7 (1.2)* -0.3 (-1.1 to 0.4) 0.385

Body composition

Body weight 0.6 (8.3) -1.9 (5.2)** 2.5 (0.6 to 4.1) 0.009

Lean mass -0.2 (2.7) -0.4 (2.8) 0.3 (-0.9 to 1.6) 0.596

Appendicular lean mass 0.3 (4.5) -1.7 (5.0)* 2.0 (.02 to 4.1) 0.048

Fat mass 3.8 (20.6) -3.3 (8.1)* 7.3 (0.1 to 14.5) 0.046

Result as shown as mean ± SD. *P < 0.05 or **P < 0.001 denote significant difference from baseline

within a group. Between group mean differences with 95% confidence intervals (CI) and P values are

shown. CTX = C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen, P1NP = procollagen type 1 N propeptide,

PTH = parathyroid hormone, FN = femoral neck, LS = lumbar spine (2-4), BMD = bone mineral

density, vBMD = volumetric bone mineral density.

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Confidential: For Review Only


Figure 1. Flow chart for participating aged-care facilities. Of 108 eligible facilities, 48 were

excluded leaving 60 randomised to intervention or control. Three intervention and one control

facility did not commence leaving 27 intervention and 29 control facilities participating of which two

intervention facilities closed during the study period. The median number of residents in the

intervention and control groups were 111 (IQR 75 to 147) and 125 (IQR 88 to 163) respectively; P

= 0.42 by Wilcoxon's rank test.

Aged-Care facilities assessed for eligibility (n = 108)

Excluded (n = 48) No response (n = 7)Busy / other projects (n = 22)Organizational decision (n = 16)Facility closure (n = 3)

Randomized (n = 60)

Intervention (n = 30) n = 27 n = 12 n = 11

n = 4n = 3

Control (n = 30) n = 29 n = 11 n = 13n = 5 n = 1

n = 2 Facility closed: month 15 (n = 1)

month 20 (n = 1)

n = 0

n = 27 n = 25n = 1n = 1111

75 to 147

n = 29 n = 29n = 0n = 0125

88 to 163

Commenced - total - 50-99 residents - 100-199 residents - 200+ residentsDid not commence

Lost to follow up


Total Completed 24 months

20 months 15 monthsResident / facility Interquartile range

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Figure 2. Mean (SD) daily dietary intake of dairy servings, energy, calcium and protein at

baseline (regular menu) and during the two-year study period in the intervention group (orange line)

compared to controls (blue line). *P < 0.05 denotes significant difference between groups at the

corresponding time point.








Dairy Servings

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24


* * **

* *






Dietary Calcium

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24


* * * ** *

0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24






Dietary Proteing/day

* *

** *








0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24



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Figure 3. Cumulative probability of an event over 24-months for (a) all fractures, (b) hip

fractures, (c) falls and (d) mortality in intervention group (orange line) and controls (blue line). The

numbers of participants in the two groups at risk for each event are shown below the panels.

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We thank dieticians; Anishya Gangadharan, Annemarie Murrell, Caryn Batchelor, Deanna Lavanty,

Ella Smits, Lexie Griffin, Stephanie Renehan, Samantha Chiodo, Sally Collins, Simone Karafilis,

Simone Mastronado, Kako Choi, for assisting in data collection, food service specialists Brenda

Cook, Denise Burbidge and Megan Dodds for their work with food service staff and research nurses

Angela Sones and Kylie King. This study was support by grants from Dairy Australia (grant number

TP 701722), California Dairy Research Foundation, National Dairy Council, Aarhus University

Hospital and Danish Dairy Research Foundation, Fonterra Co-operative Group Ltd, Dutch Dairy

Association, Dairy Council of California, Dairy Farmers of Canada the Centre national

interprofessionnel de l’economie laitiere, University of Melbourne, Austin Hospital Medical

Research Foundation and Sir Edward Dunlop Medical Research Foundation. The funding groups

played no role in the design, execution, analyses or interpretation of the data or any aspect that is

pertinent to the study. We dedicate this manuscript to the late Dr Gonca Pasin of the California Dairy

Research Foundation whose drive, enthusiasm and vision were instrumental in the initiation of this

project. SI has received lecture fees from Abbott. TVN has received research support and lecture fees

from Amgen, MSD and Novartis. ES has received research support from Amgen and MSD, and has

received lecture fees from Amgen, Eli Lilly, and Allergan. ES is a director and board member of

StraxCorp. SI was involved in the conception, design, planning and management of the study, data

acquisition, interpretation of results, drafting the manuscript and critically reviewing or revising the

manuscript for important intellectual content. SP was involved in data acquisition and management,

and critically reviewing or revising the manuscript. JR was involved in data acquisition and

management, and critically reviewing or revising the manuscript. MB was involved in data analysis,

interpretation of results and critically reviewing or revising the manuscript for important intellectual

content. XW was involved in data analysis, interpretation of results and critically reviewing or

revising the manuscript. LDG was involved in the design of the study and critically reviewing or

revising the manuscript. MVL was involved in the design of the study, data acquisition and critically

reviewing or revising the manuscript. AGZ was involved in data acquisition and interpretation of

results. TN was involved in the design of the study, data analysis, interpretation of results, and

critically reviewing or revising the manuscript. ES was involved in the conception and design of the

study, interpretation of results, drafting the manuscript and critically reviewing or revising the

manuscript for important intellectual content.

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Supplementary Material

Supplementary Figure S1: Flow chart for assessment of biochemistry at baseline and month 12 among residents in aged-care facilities randomized to intervention or control.

Residents who consented to provide serum samples (n = 371)

Excluded (n = 69) Cognitive decline (n = 2)Deceased (n = 6)Hospitalized / ill health (n = 11)Unavailable / left facility (n = 15)Refused / withdrew (n = 13)Unknown / other (n = 22)

Intervention (n = 173) Control (n = 129)

Total n = 67 n = 5

n = 17 n = 19n = 5n = 7

n = 14

Analyzed (n = 106) Analyzed (n = 83)

Total n = 46 n = 9n = 5

n = 16n = 8n = 6n = 2

Baseline assessment

Lost to follow up

Cognitive declineDeceasedHospitalized / ill healthUnavailable / left facilityRefused / withdrewUnknown / other

Month 12 assessment

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Supplementary Figure S2: Flow chart for assessment of bone and body composition at baseline and month 12 among residents in aged-care facilities randomized to intervention or control.

Residents who consented to bone and body composition assessment (n = 371)

Excluded (n = 215) Cognitive decline (n = 20)Deceased (n = 12)Hospitalized / ill health (n = 45)Unavailable / left facility (n = 18)Refused / withdrew (n = 40)Poor mobility (n = 18)Regional facility (n = 35)Unknown / other (n = 27)

Intervention (n = 80) Control (n = 76)

Total n = 47 n = 6n = 8n = 9n = 3n = 3n = 9n = 9

Analyzed (n = 33) Analyzed (n = 39)

Total n = 37 n = 4n = 2

n = 13n = 6n = 3n = 6n = 3

Baseline assessment

Lost to follow up

Cognitive declineDeceasedHospitalized / ill healthUnavailable / left facilityRefused / withdrewPoor mobilityUnknown / other

Month 12 assessment

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Supplementary Figure S3: The median number of residents in each facility in the intervention (orange bars) and control (blue bar) groups were 111 (IQR 75 to 147) and 125 (IQR 88 to 163) respectively; not different (P = 0·42 by Wilcoxon's rank test). There were 12 intervention and 11 control facilities with between 50-99 residents, 11 intervention and 13 control facilites with between 100 to 199 residents and 4 intervention and 5 control facilities with over 200 residents.








Number ofResidents


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Supplementary Figure S4: Distribution of the potential confounders. (a) Age, (b) Body Mass Index, (c) proportion of females, and (d) proportion with a fracture history among residents in control (blue) and intervention (orange) facilities. No significant between-group differences were observed.

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Further statistical analysis

Power consideration Based on a fracture rate of 7% per year in older Australians living in aged-care, (14% over the 2-year study) 2000 participant are needed to detect a 30% reduction in fractures with 80% power.(1, 2) We used an estimation of an average of 60 residents per facility, so that 50 facilities will provide a minimum of 3600 residents. With an estimated 20% yearly attrition rate, 2400 residents will remain by the completion of the 2-year study providing the sample size needed to detect a fracture rate reduction of 30% at 80% power, P < 0·05.

Data Analysis The study was designed as a cluster randomized clinical trial where participants were clustered within facilities. There are two approaches to the analysis of data: patient-level and cluster-level. We used the traditional cluster-level approach with the mixed effects model to analyze the data. Let the hazard of an outcome for an individual i at time t be . The hazard ℎ𝑖(𝑡)was modelled as follows: , where ℎ𝑖(𝑡) = ℎ0(𝑡)𝑒𝑥𝑝(𝛼𝑗 + 𝛽1𝑇𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 + 𝛽2𝐴𝑔𝑒 + 𝛽3𝑆𝑒𝑥) 𝛼𝑗denotes the random effect associated with the jth facility; , , and represent the effect of 𝛽1 𝛽2 𝛽3intervention, participant's age and sex, respectively. In this formulation, the random effect can be thought of as a random intercept that modifies the linear predictor, while the exponential of the random effect has a multiplicative effect on the baseline hazard function. Scaled Schoenfeld residuals showed that the assumption of proportionality was satisfied. The R package 'coxme' was used to estimate the model parameters.(3) We further used the analyzed the data by taking into account the competing risk of death, and the results remained statistically unchanged. The analysis was conducted on the basis of the intention to treat principle (ITT).

Markovian analysis We also conducted a Markvian analysis to gain insights into the transition between states. There were 3 states: (i) no fracture at baseline; (ii) survived and sustained a fracture; and (iii) death. The following table presents the hazard ratio for each pair of states:

Effect of intervention (intervention vs control)From To Hazard Ratio No fracture Fracture 0·71 (0·56 - 0·89)No fracture Death 1·03 (0·94 - 1·13)Fracture Death 1·20 (0·76 - 1·90)


1. Chapuy MC, Arlot ME, Duboeuf F, Brun J, Crouzet B, Arnaud S, et al. Vitamin D3 and calcium to prevent hip fractures in the elderly women. The New England journal of medicine. 1992;327(23):1637-42.

2. Sanders KM, Nicholson GC, editors. Anti-fracture treatment of nursing home and hostel residetns is cost effective. 10th National Osteoporosis Society Annual Conference; 2004; Harigate, UK.

3. Therneau TM, Grambsch, P. M., Pankratz, V. S. Penalized survival models and frailty. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics. 2003;12(1):156-75.

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Supplementary table S1: Total number and type of first fractures over a 2-year period among residents in the intervention and control groups.

Fracture type Intervention ControlAnkle / tibia / fibula 2 5Facial / nasal / skull 5 8Femur 5 8Finger / hand 3 3Foot / toe 3 2Hip 42 93Patella 2 0Humerus 6 17Pelvis 10 16Ribs 10 14Scapula / clavicle 4 6Spine 10 13Sternum 0 1Wrist / radius / ulna 19 17

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Supplementary figure 5: The respective cumulative incidence of any fracture was lower in the intervention than control group in both the inception cohort (4·5% vs. 6·4% respectively, P = 0·009, panel a) and replacement cohort, (2·5% vs. 3·6% respectively, P = 0·044, panel b). Likewise, the cumulative incidence of hip fractures was lower in the intervention than control group in the inception cohort (1·6% vs. 2·8% respectively, P = 0·012, panel c) and replacement cohort (0·8% vs. 1·9% respectively, P = 0.014, panel d). The incidence of participants having falls was also lower in the intervention than control group in the inception (64·2% vs 70·0%, P < 0·001, panel e) and replacement (46·6% vs 53·7%, P < 0·001, panel f) cohorts.

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