Diet for Beauty & Health - Global Edulink · There is no science or research behind them and they can jeopardize your health. The problems with fad diets include: ... Weight Watchers

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Page 1: Diet for Beauty & Health - Global Edulink · There is no science or research behind them and they can jeopardize your health. The problems with fad diets include: ... Weight Watchers
Page 2: Diet for Beauty & Health - Global Edulink · There is no science or research behind them and they can jeopardize your health. The problems with fad diets include: ... Weight Watchers

Diet for Beauty & Health

Module 09

Page 3: Diet for Beauty & Health - Global Edulink · There is no science or research behind them and they can jeopardize your health. The problems with fad diets include: ... Weight Watchers

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9. Module 09- Weight Management

Table of Contents 9. Module 09- Weight Management .................................................................................................................. 1

9.1 What is Weight Management? ................................................................................................................. 2

9.2 Popular Researched Diets ........................................................................................................................ 3

9.3 Powerful Metabolism Boosting Foods..................................................................................................... 5

9.4 When and How to eat for Weight Loss .................................................................................................... 6

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9.1 What is Weight Management?

It is a long-term approach towards having a healthier lifestyle. It means maintaining a healthy weight based

on your BMI (Body Mass Index) and your age. It consists of eating healthily and doing physical exercise.

Weight Management is not:

Fad dieting

Temporary weight loss


Weight management is:

A healthy long-term approach to achieving weight-loss goals slowly, which is then followed by the retention

of the ideal body weight based on your sex, age and height.

Weight management is important, in order to avoid obesity and other weight-related diseases such as:



Type 2 diabetes

Cardiovascular disease

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Why People should not go on Fad Diets

Celebrity endorsement and the media are much to blame for fad diets. Fad diets are appealing to people that

want a weight loss quick-fix. There are many problems with fad diets. There is no science or research behind

them and they can jeopardize your health. The problems with fad diets include:

No long-term weight loss

Post-diet weight gain

No scientific research



Loss of essential minerals and vitamins

People are influenced by the tabloids and celebrities regarding fad diets. Some of the most popular, but

dangerous fad diets include:

Low-carb diets which negatively affect your mental and physical well-being. The body reacts

negatively by producing and storing more fat to make up for its loss of energy. Other negative side

effects of the low-carb diet are moodiness, irritability, headaches, dizziness, mineral and vitamin

deficiencies and constant hunger.

Restriction diets which promote eating a specific food such as, grapefruit juice or cabbage soup. Weight

loss is mostly water weight, which will return once the diet has ended. Negative side effects of the

restriction diet are dizziness, gas, gastrointestinal disturbances and eating disorders.

9.2 Popular Researched Diets

There have been diets and lifestyle plans which have had positive effects on those trying to lose weight.

These are not fad diets and most of them have had extensive research carried out on them. When assessing

whether a diet is the right one for you, you need to take into consideration your:


Food preferences

Medical conditions

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1. Weight Watchers

Weight Watchers offers a dieter a range of dieting services and products that will facilitate initial weight loss

and weight maintenance through a restriction of calories. The Weight Watchers program promotes making

healthy food choices and exercise in a supportive environment.

Dieter selects a viable weight loss goal under guidance

Encouraged to lose 2lbs per week

Reduction of calories through healthy eating

Meets all nutritional requirements

Exercise encouraged

Points system

Food and activity plans

Support groups

Weekly meetings

Slower long-term weight loss

Drawback: Over time it can get expensive

2. Ornish Diet

The Ornish Diet is a type of fat restricting diet. The dieter is allowed to consume fat, but it must be less than

10% of the daily calorie intake. This diet focuses on high fiber consumption and following a low-fat

vegetarian diet. It is recommended to combine the diet with exercise to promote fat burning.

Does not restrict your calories

Does not slow down your metabolism

Burns fat quickly with exercise

Promotes yoga and meditation

Reverses coronary blockage

Can eat whenever

Eat until full

Consume as many legumes, beans, fruits, vegetables, and grains as you like.

Low-fat dairy products recommended in moderation

Drawbacks: This is a restrictive diet and needs a lot of will power.

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3. TLC Diet

The TLC diet is endorsed by the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association. The TLC

diet is otherwise known as the Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes diet. The aim of the TLC diet is to promote

better lifestyles through diet and lower the risk of heart disease. This diet has not been designed primarily

for weight-loss, but instead it promotes healthy weight maintenance.

Lowers saturated fat intake

Reduces cholesterol level

Simple and easy to follow

Promotes positive healthy changes in your lifestyle

Lowers high blood pressure

Education about healthy living e.g. reading food labels

Promotes food awareness

Drawbacks: Although you will lose a little bit of weight on the TLC diet, you will not achieve big weight

loss goals. It is a diet to maintain a healthy weight. You will also have to take the time to educate yourself

and learn how to calculate saturated fats and read food labels.

9.3 Powerful Metabolism Boosting Foods

Everybody’s bodies are different. Some people have normal metabolism rates, some have quick ones, and

some have slower ones. Those who have slower metabolisms will be more prone to weight gain. Slow

metabolisms could be a sign of:


Being overweight


Thyroid problems

The way a person’s metabolism works is usually based on genetics, but it is still possible to boost your

metabolism by eating special foods.

Egg whites are full of branched-chain amino acids. These keep the metabolism working.

Lean meats are packed with iron. Iron deficiencies slow down the metabolism.

Water regulates the metabolism. Even mild dehydration will slow down your metabolism.

Chili peppers boost the metabolism due to the secret ingredient of capsaicin.

Black filtered coffee increases a person’s average metabolic rate by 16%.

Green tea contains the EGCG compound which promotes fat burning.

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Low-fat milk contains calcium that helps the body to metabolize fat more quickly.

Whole grains like oatmeal and brown rice take more to break down therefore the body works harder to

burn fatter.

Lentils are very high in iron. 20% of all women have an iron deficiency. The body needs iron to burn

calories. Just 1 cup of lentils will provide your body with 35% of the body’s daily iron needs.

9.4 When and How to eat for Weight Loss

In the past dieticians promoted eating earlier in the day to lose weight. Recent research shows that the time

you eat has nothing to do weight loss. Instead it is related to:

How much you eat throughout the day

How regular you eat

How big the portions are

The total amount of calories consumed in the day

The average female, who is not trying to lose weight, should consume 2,000 calories a day. The average

male, who is not trying to lose weight, should consume approximately 2,500 calories a day.

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To lose weight, the total amount of a person’s daily calories needs to be reduced. There are three levels

depending how much weight you want/need to lose. Those who consume the lowest amount of calories

should always seek advice from their doctors first and consult a dietician that will formulate a diet plan to

ensure that you receive all recommended daily vitamins, nutrients, and minerals.


1 2,300 1,800

2 2,000 2,500

3 1,700 1,200