A polyhedral study of the minimum- adjacency vertex coloring problem Outline Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires. Sciences Institute, National University of General Sarmiento. A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem Modelling the problem ILP model Polyhedral study Branch & Cut Computational results Introduction Final remarks

Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

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Introduction. Modelling the problem. A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem. ILP model. Polyhedral study. Branch & Cut. Computational results. Final remarks. Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem


Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco

Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires.

Sciences Institute, National University of General Sarmiento.

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex

coloring problem

Modelling the problem

ILP model

Polyhedral study

Branch & Cut

Computational results


Final remarks

Page 2: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem


Cellular GSM networks: ¿How do communications work?


Page 3: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem


Possible problems:

Co-channel interference (same channel)

Adjacent-channel interference

Page 4: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem


Covering an area using a network:

… but the number of available channels is limited…

Page 5: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem


Possible schema for a frequency assignment:

1. Assign one channel to each antenna avoiding co-channel interference.

2. Minimize adjacent-channel interference.

Page 6: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem



Most common antennas cover 120º and there is often more than one antenna within a sector

Control channels (BCCH) Vs. transmit channels (TCH)

There are many studies on this problem, but little work on exact approaches.

We ommit other characteristics of the problem: blocked channels, minimum distances, etc.

Page 7: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Modelling the problem


ILP model

Polyhedral study

Branch & Cut

Computational results

Final remarks

Page 8: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Modelling the problem

G = (V, E)

C = {c1, c2, … , ct}

Goal: Find a coloring of G using colors from C, minimizing the number of adjacent vertices receiving adjacent colors (NP-H).

Page 9: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

ILP model

Modelling the problem

Polyhedral study

Branch & Cut

Computational results

Final remarks

Page 10: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

ILP model

Considered models:

Orientation model (Grötschel et. al., 1998)

Distance model

Representatives model (Campêlo, Corrêa and Frota, 2004)

Stable model (Méndez Díaz and Zabala, 2001)

Page 11: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

ILP model

1vcc C


v V

xvc represents whether color c is assigned to vertex v or not

zvw asserts whether vertices v and w receive adjacent colors or not

min vwvw E


1vc wcx x , ,vw E v w c C

1 21 vc wc vwx x z ,vw E v w

1 2 1 2,| - | 1c c C c c

{0,1}vcx , v V c C {0,1}vwz ,vw E v w

: Stable model

Page 12: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Polyhedral study

ILP model

Branch & Cut

Computational results

Final remarks

Page 13: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Theorem: The Consecutive Colors Clique Inequalities are valid for

PS(G,C) and, if |C| > , |C|>|Q|, |C|>|K|+ 4 and |K|> , they are

also facet-defining for PS(G,C).

Definition: Let be a clique of G and let Q = {c1,…,cq} be a set

of consecutive colors. We define the Consecutive Colors Clique

Inequality to be:

Polyhedral study

Q =





2 ( - 1) +q


vc vc vc vwv K c Q v w K

c c c

x x x q z

c1 cqc2 ……x x x x x x x

q-1 adjacencies

Removes 2 adjacencies

Removes 1 adjacency

( )G2


Page 14: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Theorem: The Multi Consecutive Colors Clique Inequalities are

valid for PS(G,C).

Definition: Let be a clique of G and ,

Polyhedral study

C =




1 1 ,,

2 ( - 1) +h hqh h

h hqh

p p

vc h vwvc vch v K h v w Kc Q

c c c

x x x q z


1 1 11{ ,..., }qQ c c

p non-adjacent sets of

consecutive colors. We define the Multi Consecutive Colors Clique

Inequality to be:


2 2 21 1{ ,..., },..., { ,..., }


p p pq qQ c c Q c c

1Q 2Q pQ

Page 15: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Theorem: The 3-Colors Inner Clique Inequalities are valid for

PS(G,C) and, if |C| > and |C| > |K| + 4, they are also facet-

defining for PS(G,C).

Definition: Let be a clique of G and a vertex from

the clique. Let be a set of consecutive colors. We

define the 3-Colors Inner Clique Inequality to be:

Polyhedral study

Q = {c1, c2, c3}

K V k K

1 2 3}Q {c ,c ,c

1 2 3 2 ( ) 1vk kc kc kc vc

v K v Kv k v k

z x x x x


( )G

Page 16: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Theorem: The 3-Colors Outer Clique Inequalities are valid for

PS(G,C) and, if |C| > and |C| > |K| + 4, they are also facet-

defining for PS(G,C).

Definition: Let be a clique of G and a vertex from

the clique. Let be a set of consecutive colors. We

define the 3-Colors Outer Clique Inequality to be:

Polyhedral study

Q = {c1, c2, c3}

K V k K

1 2 3}Q {c ,c ,c

1 2 3 1 3 ( 2 ) ( ) 2vk kc kc kc vc vc

v K v Kv k v k

z x x x x x


( )G

Page 17: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Theorem: The 4-Colors Vertex Clique Inequalities are valid for

PS(G,C) and, if |C| > and |C| > |K| + 4, they are also facet-

defining for PS(G,C).

Definition: Let be a clique of G and a vertex from the

clique. Let be a set of consecutive colors. We define

the 4-Colors Vertex Clique Inequality to be:

Polyhedral study

Q = {c1, c2, c3 ,c4}

K V k K

1 2 3 4}Q {c ,c ,c ,c

1 2 3 4 2 3( 2 2 ) ( ) 2vk kc kc kc kc vc vc

v K v Kv k v k

z x x x x x x


( )G

Page 18: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Theorem: The Clique Inequalities are valid for PS(G,C) and, if K is a

maximal clique and |C| > , they are also facet-defining for


Definition: Let be a clique of G and an available color.

We define the Clique Inequality (Méndez Díaz and Zabala, 2001) to


Polyhedral study

K V c C

1vcv K


( )G

Page 19: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Branch & Cut

Polyhedral study

Computational results

Final remarks

Page 20: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Branch & Cut


Separation algorithms (searching for cliques):

Limit on the exploration of the backtracking tree

Bounds for cutting whole branches

Returns: first N, best N, all

Greedy heuristic

Returns N cliques (at most one for each starting vertex)

Page 21: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Branch & Cut

Extending intervals for the MCCK Inequality:



1 1 ,,

2 ( - 1) +h hqh h

h hqh

p p

vc h vwvc vch v K h v w Kc Q

c c c

x x x q z


C =21c 2



Page 22: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Branch & Cut

Other used technics:

Primal bounds: Construction of feasible solutions by rounding techniques

Subproblem reduction by logical implications

Selection of the branching variable

Page 23: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Computational results

Branch & Cut

Final remarks

Page 24: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Computational results

Test instances extracted from EUCLID CALMA Project.

Test set of 30 instances (chosen from the preliminary experimentation)

Pentium IV with 1Gb of RAM memory with one microprocessor running at 1.8 Ghz.


Each family of inequalities doesn’t seem to work well when used individually.

Combining the MCCK and the K inequalities gives a very strong cutting plane phase for the branch & cut

Page 25: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Computational results

In this chart we can see the average time taken by different combinations of families with a base combination of MCCK+K.

We also show the type of separation used to search for violating cliques.

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A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Computational results

If we zoom in the section corresponding to the backtracking separation we can see that the best combination for these test set is the base combination of inequalities (MCCK+K), searching cliques with the “best” parameter.

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A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Computational results

Next we test different values for the number of cliques returned by the backtracking separation (for MCCK+K with “N best cliques” separation).

We also show the node limit for the exploration of the backtracking tree: 150, 300, 450 and 600 nodes.

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A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Computational results

Zooming again we can see that the best times are achieved using a number between 14 and 22 cliques (actually the best time was achieved using 20 cliques) with a node limit of 150.

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A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Computational results

Adding other families to the MCCK+K combination only worsens the resolution times.


The best parametrization for the Branch & Cut was achieved using backtracking with a 150 node limit on the bactracking tree exploration and returning the best 20 found cliques.

Now with this combination of inequalities and the best parametrization found, we will compare our running times against CPLEX’s.

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A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Computational results

Page 31: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Computational results

Page 32: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Final remarks

Computational results

Page 33: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Final remarks

The associated polytope has a very interesting combinatorial structure.

The Branch & Cut seems to be very efficient and the proposed inequalities seem to help in a decisive manner.

The experimentation shows that “MCCK+K+best 20” would be the best parametrization for the branch & cut algorithm.


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A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Final remarks

Deepen the study of the other models.

Incorporate to this study the characteristics setted aside at the beginning.

Future work:

Conclude the experiments testing different values for other branch & cut parameters (skip factor, cutting phase iterations, etc).

Page 35: Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco Computer Science department, FCEN, University of Buenos Aires

A polyhedral study of the minimum-adjacency vertex coloring problem

Final remarks

Thank you!

Diego Delle Donne & Javier Marenco

Computer Science department, FCEN, Univeristy of Buenos Aires.

Sciences Institute, National University of General Sarmiento.