Did Prophet Kill Those Who Did Not Accept Islam?

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  • 8/9/2019 Did Prophet Kill Those Who Did Not Accept Islam?



    I analyzed your claim and found the truth

    Some people think that I do not consider their posts and ignore them. I would like to tell them that this is no

    the case; I always consider your posts.

    While considering some peoples claim that Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) killed those who do not accept Islam

    he engaged in battles because he wanted people to accept Islam forcefully under the sword, I thought abo

    their claim and I questioned myself why they say like that? There must have some reason which leads them

    believe this claim, may be they have read a narration which is misunderstood by them.

    Then I came to know about a habit of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) alwa

    practiced and commanded his companions to invite enemy to Islam before start fighting them.

    When I heard narrations regarding this, it clicked to my mind that may be this is the reason why people clai

    the above mentioned claim. Then I suddenly thought that this narration is understood by people like this, the


    Look, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) always said to his people, Invite enemy to Islam before fighting them, an

    it means that if they do not accept Islam then fight them, and consequently he fought enemies to sprea


    May be this is what they understand or start to understand after this post. But this is a misunderstanding. Th

    is a quick understanding without analyzing the Hadith, this is a quick interpretation. Now I explain you:

    There can be three situations in the battlefield when Muslims and enemy are face to face:

    1. Muslims present Islam before their enemy; the enemy accepts it and goes to their homes peacefully.

    2. Muslims present Islam before their enemy; the enemy does not accept it; but wanted to fight.

    3. Muslims present Islam before their enemy; the enemy does not accept it; but do not wanted to fight.

    The 3rd situation never took place and was never likely to happen. And if you think about it, it is logic

    not to happen because enemy is in the battlefield to fight not to not fight. If he wanted not to fight, th

    enemy would not come to battlefield. And regarding the third situation, Quran has given clear instructions:

    But if the enemy incline towards peace, do thou (also) incline towards peace, and trust in God: for He is One

    that heareth and knoweth (all things). (8:61)

    It was Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who wanted peace that is why he always invited enemy to Islam so th

    fight would never take place. Fight was allowed when enemy fights you, if enemy wants peace, you give pea

    to them (Quran 8:61). They wanted to fight Muslims, not Muslims wanted to fight them. Muslims fought the

    in order to defend themselves and their religion. It was the mission of pagans and other enemies not let the

    Muslims to spread Islam and even practice their religion. They wanted to overcome the Muslims.

    So Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) always commanded his people to invite enemy to Islam before fighting them,

    does not mean fight them because on the reason they do not accept Islam but because it was implied an

    normal that if they do not accept Islam, then off course they will fight you that is why they are in t

    battlefield. So:

    Not accepting Islam meant fighting to Muslims .

    Read this narration at last:

    Hadhrat Abdur Rahmaan (peace be upon him) narrates that whenever Rasulullaah (peace be upon himdispatched a battalion, he would brief them thus:

  • 8/9/2019 Did Prophet Kill Those Who Did Not Accept Islam?


    "Gain the confidence of people and do not attack them until you have called them to Islaam. If you bring tme the residents of every baked and unbaked home (of every city and village) on earth as Muslims, it wou

    please me more than you killing their men and bringing their women and children to me as captives."

    Kanzul Ummaal (Vo1.2 Pg.294) | lsaabah (Vo1.3 Pg. 152) | Tirmidhi (Vol. 1 Pg. 195)