Dictionary of most common AVESTA words Copyright 1995, Joseph H. Peterson A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Abbreviations Pronunciation NOTE: layout is: Avesta word [root of word] number of times word occurs in the Avesta (case) meaning ... another form of word ... Example: baodhô [baodha] 7 (nNA) m. perfume (k362) The root of "baodhô" is "baodha". It occurs 7 times in the Avesta. (It is neuter Nominative or Accusative case.) It means "perfume". (This word can be found on page 362 of Kanga's dictionary. ) Avestan dictionary - A a- [-] (pron.) this acishtem [aka] 6 (mnA) worst (k14) ad [-] (v. rt.) to eat; to say (b55) adha [-] 31 (adv.) then (k25), thereupon, thus (b55), now, so adhairi [-] 8 (prep.) under, below (k25) adhaoyamnô [adhaoyamna] 10 (ng) undeceivable; one who is not deceived (k25) adhâiti [a-dâ] 8 (2/1) does not give (Sp A M) (k26)

Dictionary of most common AVESTA words of most common … · aiwyâstô [aiwyâsti] 6 (pres. part. mid. N) f. (the act of) travelling aiwyâxshayeiñti [aiwi-xshi] 5 (act. 3/3) supervise

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  • Dictionary of most common AVESTA words

    Copyright 1995, Joseph H. Peterson

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z



    NOTE: layout is:

    Avesta word [root of word]

    number of times word occurs in the Avesta (case) meaning

    ... another form of word



    baodhô [baodha]

    7 (nNA) m. perfume (k362)

    The root of "baodhô" is "baodha". It occurs 7 times in the Avesta. (It is neuter Nominative or

    Accusative case.) It means "perfume". (This word can be found on page 362 of Kanga's

    dictionary. )

    Avestan dictionary - A

    a- [-]

    (pron.) this

    acishtem [aka]

    6 (mnA) worst (k14)

    ad [-]

    (v. rt.) to eat; to say (b55)

    adha [-]

    31 (adv.) then (k25), thereupon, thus (b55), now, so

    adhairi [-]

    8 (prep.) under, below (k25)

    adhaoyamnô [adhaoyamna]

    10 (ng) undeceivable; one who is not deceived (k25)

    adhâiti [a-dâ]

    8 (2/1) does not give (Sp A M) (k26)


  • adhât [-]

    42 (adv.) thereupon, afterwards; from that place; thence; there, in that place (k26)

    adhwanem [adhwan]

    8 (A) m. way, path, course; space (k26)

    aêibyô [aem]

    33 (pl.D.Abl.) these

    aêiti [i]

    6 (3/1, cl 2.) to go; to come

    aêm [-]

    30 (mnN) this, that; egg (ahm200)

    aêsma [-]

    n. firewood, fuel

    ... aêsmanãm

    11 (plG)

    ... aêsmã

    7 (plA)

    ... aêsmãsca

    12 (plA)

    ... aêsmem

    5 (A)

    aêsha [aêta]

    5 (fN) this, that (k8)

    aêshãm [aêm]

    9 (plG)

    ... aêshãmca

    5 (plG)

    aêshô [aêta]

    8 (mN) this, that; [aêsha]

    (mN) wishing (k12); powerful (b32)

    aêsha [aêta]

    150 (NI;,fN) this (k8)

    ... aêshãm

    122 (fA,plG)

    aêshmahe [aêshma]

    8 (G) m. cruelty, fury (b35), wrath (k12)

    ... aêshmem

    6 (A)

    ... aêshmô

    5 (N)

    aêshô [aêta]

    41 (N) this, that

    ... aêta [-]

    21 (I,nplNAV) this

    aêtadha [-]

    35 (adv.) there, in that place; then (k9)

    aêtaêshãm [aêta]

    11 (demonstr. pron. n.f.plG) this, that

    ... aêtaêshãm

    37 (n.f.plG)

    ... aêtaêshva


  • 8 (m.plL)

    ... aêtahe

    50 (m.nG)

    ... aêtahmâi

    5 (D)

    ... aêtahmât

    6 (Abl)

    aêtahmâyush [-]

    9 (adv.) there; then

    aêtahmi [aêta]

    31 (mL) this, that

    ... aêtanghãm

    10 (f.plG)

    ... aêtanghå

    7 (fG)

    ... aêtat

    45 (nNAV)

    aêtavatô [aêtavañt]

    6 (G) much, this much (k9)

    ... aêtavat

    25 (A)

    aêtayå [aêta]

    9 (du.G,fG) this, that

    ... aêtãm

    13 (fA)

    ... aêtå

    10 (f.plAG)

    ... aêtem

    50 (mA, nN)

    ... aête

    116 (m.plNA)

    aêva [-]

    23 (numeral I, fN) one, only, alone; in this manner, thus (k11, b22f)

    ... aêvahe

    12 (G)

    ... aêvãm

    6 (fA)

    ... aêvô

    23 (mN)

    aêvô-dâtayå [aêvô-dâta]

    5 (G) only created (k11)

    afrasånghå [afrasånghâ]

    (N) m. an instructor, a preacher (k37)

    afsmanâca [afsmana]

    9 (plA) n. verse-line (Kr80), verse (k37); merit (b104)

    akha [-]

    13 (plA) n. bad, evil (k16)

    ... akhem

    6 (A)

    ah [-]

  • (v. rt. cl. 2) to be (b280, b266, c530)

    ahãxshtakhnâishca [ahãxshtakhna]

    9 (m.n.plA) innumerable times (k74)


    246 (mnG) this; that

    ... aheca

    5 (mnG)

    ahi [ah]

    58 (ind. pres. act. 2/1) to be

    ... ahî

    9 (ind. pres. act. 2/1)

    ahmat [aêm]

    17 (pl.Abl) us, (Abl) this, that

    ... ahmâi

    208 (D) this, that; (plD) we

    ... ahmâica

    5 (D)

    ahmâkem [azem]

    10 (plDG) us, our (b297)

    ... ahmât

    111 (plAbl) us; (Abl) this

    ahmi [aêm]

    187 (L) this; [ah] (ind. pres. act. 1/1) I am

    ... ahmî

    6 (GAV)

    ahmya [ahmi-a]

    92 (L) therein

    ahu [-]

    m. lord

    ahubya [anghu]

    5 (duD) (both) lives

    ahuna [-]

    8 (I,plA) the Ahunwar prayer (k71)

    ... ahunahe

    12 (G)

    ahunavaiñt [-]

    Ahunavaiti Gatha; 1st Gatha

    ... ahunavaitîm

    5 (A)

    ... ahunavaityå

    6 (G)

    ahunem [ahuna]

    25 (A)

    ... ahunemca

    5 (A)

    ahura [-]

    79 (IV, duNA) Ahura; the Lord, God (k72)

    ahura-mazda [-]

    6 (I) Ahura Mazda, God

    ahura-tkaêshô [ahura-tkaêsha]


  • 20 (N) following the doctrines of Ahura (k73)

    ahuradhâta [-]

    made or created by Ahura; given by Ahura (k73)

    ... ahuradhâtahe

    18 (G)

    ... ahuradhâtãm

    18 (fA)

    ... ahuradhâtem

    42 (A)

    ... ahuradhâtô

    21 (N)

    ahuraêibya [ahura]

    5 (duD)

    ... ahurahe

    292 (G)

    ... ahurahê

    5 (G)

    ... ahurahyâ

    11 (G)

    ahuramazdâ [ahura-mazda]

    6 (I)

    ahurâ [ahura]

    107 (V)

    ... ahurâi

    35 (D)

    ahurâne [ahurânî]

    12 (plV) Ahuranis [ladies] (Hum), Wives of Ahura (ts); epithet of Anahita and water

    ahurem [ahura]

    127 (A)

    ... ahurô

    509 (N)

    ahû [ahu]

    154 (mN) lord (b281)

    ahûm [anghu]

    67 (A) life; world; spirit; also [ahû] (A) (k18)

    ... ahûmca

    13 (A)

    ahyâ [aem]

    47 (G) this


    6 ()

    aibigayâi [aibi-gaya]

    6 (D) Aibigaya, watching over life (lit.) (k3)

    aibî [aiwi]

    11 (adv. ã prep.) (k3)

    ainyô [anya, ainya]

    7 (N) different, other (b135)

    ainghat [aêm]

    8 (f.n.Abl) this

    ... ainghå


  • 71 (fG)

    ... ainghåsca

    9 (fG)

    ... ainghe

    28 (DG,fL)


    25 (adv.) also, too; (prep. w A) unto, upon

    airime [airima]

    9 (L) seclusion, quiet (k3); quietly


    6 (N) companionship, guest

    airyamanem [airyaman]

    7 (N) Airyaman, name of a Yazad; a prayer, Y54; a serviter; community

    ... airyamanô

    6 (G)

    airyanãm [airya]

    31 (f.plG) of noble birth, respectable (lit.), Aryan, Iranian (k4)

    airyanem [airyana]

    8 (nA) Aryan, Iranian

    airyâbyô [airya]

    9 (f.plD)

    ... airyå

    11 (f.plN)

    airyêmâ [airyaman]

    6 (N) companion, friend (hz1)

    airyene [airyana]

    11 (nL)

    aiti [-]

    6 (prep.) back (k1)


    6 [aiti + shê]

    aithyajanghaêibya [aithyajangha]

    5 () imperishable (k1), incorruptible (JAR)

    aiwi [-]

    5 (prep.) to, unto, over, direction, high up, above, near; exceedingly, very; around,

    about (k3); (adv. & vbl. pref.) to, unto, over (JAR)

    aiwi-druxtô [aiwi-druxta]

    6 (N) falsehood, defrauding, deceit (k5)

    aiwi-druzhaiti [aiwi-druj]

    8 (pres. act. 3/1) to be false, to break a contract or agreement, to deceive (k276)


    8 ()

    aiwi-vanyå [aiwi-vanyangh]

    19 (mN) more smiting or triumphant (k6)

    aiwica [aiwi]

    8 ()

    aiwisrûthrimâi [aiwi-srûthrema]

    6 (D) Aiwisruthrem (gah), period of day from sunset to midnight (k6)

    aiwithûranãm [aiwithûra]

    15 (plV?) victorious (AHM), powerful, triumphant (k5)


  • aiwyâstô [aiwyâsti]

    6 (pres. part. mid. N) f. (the act of) travelling

    aiwyâxshayeiñti [aiwi-xshi]

    5 (act. 3/3) supervise (Kr), oversee, watch over, rule (k153)


    5 (3/3) (they shall) gird around

    aiwyô [ap]

    27 (plD) water

    ajyamnem [ajyamna]

    6 (A) unending (TS), inexhaustible (Mal) unfailing (Darm); imperishable (M) (k19)

    akaranahe [akarana]

    5 (nG) boundless (k15)

    ... akaranem

    6 (nA)

    aka [-]

    bad, wicked, evil (k14) [= akha]

    ... akât

    6 (Abl)

    ... akô

    5 (N)

    ama [-]

    strength; Strength (t110); courage; Courage (k), Power of Attack (Kr)

    ... amaheca

    14 (G)

    amava [amavañt]

    5 (N) strong, vigorous (t30), courageous

    ... amavaiti

    16 (fN)

    ... amavaitîm

    8 (fA)

    ... amavaithyå

    5 (fG)

    ... amavañtem

    12 (A)

    ... amavatô

    7 (G)

    ... amavå

    7 (N)

    amem [ama]

    11 (A)

    ... amemca

    10 (A)

    ameretatâtem [ameretât]

    6 (fA) f. immortality; also, one of the Amesha Spentas (k39)

    ... ameretâta

    11 (I, duNA)

    ... ameretâtâ

    10 (I, duNA)

    amesha [-]

    immortal (k40)


  • ... ameshaêibyô

    14 (plD.Abl)

    ... ameshahe

    13 (m.nG)

    ... ameshanãm

    64 (plG)

    ... ameshâ

    29 (IV, plNA)

    ... ameshå

    19 (plNA)

    ... ameshem

    40 (nNA)

    ... ameshê

    23 (plA)

    amyazdavanem [amyazdavan]

    6 (A) not offering Myazda or oblation in sacred service (k40)

    ana [aem]

    39 (I,nI) in this (viz. the following) way, hereby (ahm178); [-] (prep. with A) on, upon,


    anaêshem [anaêsha]

    7 (A) powerless (k27), lacking in vigour (Hum)

    anakhra [-]

    11 (fN,n.plNA) endless, boundless (k27)

    ... anakhranãm

    9 (n.plG)

    anaiwishti [-]

    f. failing to study, not studying

    anaiwyâstô [anaiwyâsta]

    5 (N) ungirded, not girded up the loins (lit.), not put on the kusti; inexperienced (k27)

    anashaonô [anashavan]

    7 (G) not honest-holy-truth-speaking (k28)

    ... anashava

    12 (N)

    anâhita [-]

    39 (fN) immaculate, undefiled, void of impurity, (pure); epithet of Aredvi Sura (k30,


    ... anâhitayå

    6 (fG)

    ... anâhitãm

    14 (fA)

    ... anâhite

    29 (fV)

    anâish [aem?]

    5 (GAV pl.I) with these

    anâpem [anâpa]

    7 (A) without water (k29)

    anâperetha [-]

    6 (n.plA) inexpiable; that admits of no atonement (k29)

    anu [-]


  • 10 (adv., prep. with A) along, after (jar), according to, being in suitable proportion


    anumatêe [anumaiti]

    6 (fD) thinking in conformity with (k30)

    anumayanãm [anumaya]

    24 (plG) small cattle, a sheep, a goat (k30)

    anusô [an-usangt]

    9 (nA) unwilling (k31)

    anuxtêe [anuxti]

    5 (D) f. speaking in conformity with (k30)

    anya [-]

    14 (I,duN,plN) another, else (jar), other - in general (anya ... anya) (b135, k31)

    ... anyaêibyô

    8 (plAbl)

    ... anyaêshãm

    15 (plG)

    ... anyâish

    35 (nplAI)

    ... anyãm

    5 (A,plG)

    ... anyå

    7 (f.plNA)

    ... anyåscit

    8 (plN,f.plNA)

    ... anye

    10 (plNA)

    ... anyehe

    7 (G)

    ... anyô

    14 (N); (adv.) other than, except

    anghaitî [ah]

    5 (subj. pres. act. 3/1)

    anghaot [anghu]

    12 (Abl)

    anghat [ah]

    117 (subj. pres. act. 3/1)

    ... anghen

    58 (subj. pres. act. 3/3)

    anghêush [anghu]

    70 (mG)


    10 ()

    anghu [-]

    m. life, being, spirit, existence, the world (ahm), people of the world (k18)

    ... anghush

    24 (N)

    anghuyat [anghuya]

    12 (Abl) life force (Mal), energy (Hum), vital power (t141); heart, conscience (k18)

    anghvãm [anghvâ]

    7 (A) f. (k19)


  • anghvô [anghu]

    35 (ng,duL)

    angra [-]

    8 (V) hostile, evil, bad (k17)

    ... angrahe

    18 (G)

    ... angrem

    7 (A)

    ... angrô

    52 (N)

    anguha [anghvâ]

    6 (N)

    anguhe [anghu]

    29 (D)

    añgushtãm [añgushta]

    6 (plA) toe (b130)

    añtara [-]

    (adj.) inside

    añtarât [añtare]

    18 (Abl) interior (adv. & prep.) within, between,

    ... añtare [-]

    86 (prep.)

    ... añtareca

    22 (prep.)

    añtaremånghâi [añtare-mâh]

    5 (D) the day before the new moon; the new moon (Sg), the days after the new moon


    ... añtaremånghem

    5 (A)


    8 () this, those


    7 ()

    aoi [avi]

    38 (adv.)

    aoj- [-]

    (vb. rt.) speak, say

    ... aojaite [aoj]

    10 (pres. mid. 3/1) to call, to name (k13)

    aojangha [aojangh]

    5 (I) n. strength, power (k13); strong

    ... aojasca

    10 (A)

    aojishtô [aojishta]]

    5 (N) the strongest (k13)

    aojô [aojangh]

    28 (nN, nA) (jar)

    aom [ava]

    42 (NA)

    ... aomca


  • 7 (NA)

    aotô [aota]

    (N) cold (k13)

    aoxta [aoj]

    45 (pres. indic. mid. 3/1 (JAR), Aor. mid. 3/1) (he) spoke (k458)

    aoxtô-nâmana [aoxtô-nâman]

    20 (mI) (k12)

    ... aoxtô-nâmanem

    7 (mA)

    ... aoxtô-nâmanô

    20 (mG)

    ap [-]


    ... apa

    37 (I)

    apa [-]

    (adv., vbl. pref.) away, forth

    apa-dvarata [apa-dvar]

    19 (imp. act. 2/3) to run away (k280)

    apa-nas [-]

    (v. rt.) to vanish, to perish

    ... apa-nasyeiti [apa-nas]

    (pres. act. 3/1)

    apairithwô [a-pairithwa]

    5 () may not be traversed (b78)

    apaiti-zañtô [apaiti-zañta]

    6 (N) not having been acknowledged (ahm192); unwelcomed, not honored

    apanasyehe [apa-nas]

    (pres. mid. 2/1)


    5 (G) annihilating, driving away

    apanôtemem [apanôtema]

    5 (A) highest degree, foremost

    apara [-]

    5 (plN) (used adverbally) further, posterior, later, lower, inferior; later on, back (k35);

    next, following, later (Monna 122)

    aparadâtãm [aparadâtâ]

    5 () f. not betrothed/engaged (b77)

    aparem [apara]

    14 (nA)

    apasca [ap]

    23 (G, plNA)

    ... apascâ

    9 (G, plNA)

    ... apat

    15 (Abl)

    ... apaya


    apaya [-]


  • 5 () to cause to reach, to overtake (AHM 232), afterwards, later (on), future; to go, to

    happen; to acquire, to get, to succeed, to overcome (b75?) [-hame: hamaya?]


    5 (3/1) inf. of yam-; taking away; also, " (b76)

    apayûxtât [apa-ýuj]

    9 (past. part. mAbl) to disjoin, to separate (lit.); to leave off; to lay aside (k431)

    apâca [ap]

    9 (I) and with water

    apâxedhraêibyô [apâxtara]

    5 (plAbl) northern, backwards, behind (k35, b79)

    apãm [ap]

    77 (plG) of waters; [-] (adv.) from now on (Kr), afterwards, hereafter (b82)

    ... apãmca

    9 (plG)

    ... apemca

    27 (A)

    aperenâyûkô [aperenâyuka]

    9 (mN) a child, youth, boy (b81)

    aperesat [pares]

    9 (GAV impf. act. 3/1, augment a) (k321)

    apêmem [apema]]

    6 adj. (m.n.NA) last, end, close (used adverbially) (k36, b80)

    ape [ap]

    5 (D) water


    15 [ap](G,plNA) water; [-]

    (adv.) away from, away, far from; not (k36)

    ar- [-]

    (vb. rt. cl. 5) go, move, come

    aratufrish [a-ratufrî]

    15 (3/1) he is not accepted (b186)

    ... aratufryô

    11 (3/3)

    aredrâi [aredra]

    23 (D) sincere one (Kr27), generous (JAR) (k46)

    areduyå [aredvî]

    7 (G) f. name of a well-known Iranian river (b194); f. name of a Yazad

    ... aredvî [-]

    70 (NV)

    ... aredvîm

    14 (A)

    aredhem [aredha]

    12 (A) half (lit.), side, direction; not grown (lit.)

    arejaiti [arej]

    7 (pres. act. 3/1) to be worth, to become worthy- deserving; to be considered

    respectable (k44)

    arejô [arejangh]

    13 (N) n. value, price (k44)

    arema [-]

    the arm


  • armaêshadh [-]

    sitting in a retired or sequestered place

    arshtât [-]

    justice; Ashtad Yazad, Yazad presiding over justice (HZI)

    ... arshtâtasca

    11 (G)

    ... arshtâtemca

    9 (A)

    arshuxdha [-]

    8 (plNA) correctly spoken, correctly uttered (k47)

    arsha [arshan]

    9 (N) m. male (animal); brave, valiant (k47)

    ... arshânô

    5 (G, plN)

    ... arshnãm

    31 (plG)

    ... arshnô

    9 (G) also Kavi Arshan, brother of Kai Kaus

    as [ah]

    16 (ind. imf./inj. pres. act. 3/1) you were

    asangh [-]

    place, space

    ... asanghaêca

    6 (D)

    ... asanghãmca

    21 (plG)

    ... asåsca

    5 (plNA)

    ascûm [ascu]

    8 (A) calf (of the leg) (k56)


    (intensive prefix with Adjs.)

    ash-varecå [ash-vareshangh]

    5 (N) most glorious (Dar.), criminal (Har.), most brilliant, most crafty (very clever?)

    ashta [ashtan]

    15 (plNA) eight

    ashtem [ashta]

    5 (A) a missile, a lance; an arrow, a dart

    ashtemem [ashtema]

    5 (ord. num. A) eighth

    ashtraya [ashtrâ]

    75 (I) a whip (also, a dagger)

    ashhvarenanghem [ash-hvarenangh]

    5 (mA) most glorious (k68)

    asha [-]

    24 (NI) Asha, truth, righteousness, world order, eternal law, fitness (Bailey)

    ashacithra [asha-cithra]

    20 (plNA) containing the seed or principle of Asha

    ashahe [asha]

    621 (G)


  • ... ashahyâ

    28 (G)

    ... ashah'yâcâ

    7 (G)

    ashaonãm [ashavan]

    148 (plG) m. Ashavan

    ... ashaone

    169 (D,fL)

    ashaoni [ashaonî]

    11 (fNV) f. Ashavan

    ... ashaonibyô

    12 (f.pl.D.Abl)

    ... ashaoninãm

    15 (f.pl.G)

    ... ashaoninãmca

    13 (f.pl.G)

    ... ashaonîm

    121 (fA)

    ... ashaonîsh

    35 (f.pl.NA)

    ashaonô [ashavan]

    422 (G)

    ashaonyå [ashaonî]

    41 (fG)

    ashava [ashavan]

    102 (N,duNAV,nNA) m. Ashavan, Asha-endowed, Asha-sanctified (Wolff)

    ... ashavabyô

    29 (pl.D.Abl)

    ... ashavana

    29 (pl.A;,du.A)

    ... ashavanaêibya

    5 (du.D)

    ... ashavanem

    297 (A)

    ... ashavanô

    28 (pl.NA)

    ashavazangh [-]

    giving strength of Asha; bringing Asha (M.), pure born, pure by birth (Sp., H., and D.)

    ... ashavazanghô

    5 (G)

    ashavâ [ashavan]

    10 (N)

    ashahvâthrahe [asha-hvâthra]

    8 (mG) shining with Asha (k61)

    ... ashahvâthranãm

    7 (plG)

    ... ashahvâthrå

    5 (f.plA)

    ... ashahvâthrem

    5 (mA)


  • ashaya [asha]

    156 (L)

    ... ashâ

    98 (IV)

    ... ashâcâ

    9 (I)

    ... ashâi

    27 (D)

    ... ashâicâ

    9 (D)

    ashâishtem [ashâishta]

    5 (nN) n. feeling the sorest grief

    ashât [asha]

    60 (Abl)

    ... ashâtcît

    32 (Abl) Asha- + cit (q.v.)

    ashâum [ashavan]

    286 (V)

    ... ashâunãm

    117 (plG)

    ... ashâunãmca

    13 (plG)

    ... ashâunê

    10 (D/GAv)

    ... ashâunô

    8 (G/GAv,plA)

    ashem [asha]

    400 (NA)

    ashemaokhô [ashemaokha]

    11 (N) one who violates Asha; a heretic, a misinterpreter; the Demon who destroys


    ashemca [asha]

    10 (NA)

    ... ashemcâ

    7 (GAv NA)

    ashi [-]

    6 (IV) f. reward (Hum), lot, part, the Yazad Ashi (reward personified) (k66): blessing;

    also, (duA) the eye; (ts31:) thing attained/acquired; recompense, reward

    ... ashish

    41 (NV,plA)

    ashivañt [-]

    apportioner, awarder (ahm194), possessing, giving rewards (Monna)

    ... ashivatô

    12 (G)

    ... ashivå

    5 (N)

    ashîm [ashi]

    81 (fA)

    ... ashîmca

    12 (fA)


  • ashnô [ashan]

    12 (G) the sky, the firmament

    ashô-stûiti [-]

    f. prayer of Asha (lit.); an allusion to the well-known prayer, Ashem vohu (k67)

    ... ashô-stûitinãm

    5 (plG)

    ... ashô-stûitish

    7 (N? plN?)

    ashôish [ashi]

    24 (G)

    ashya [-]

    14 (V) epithet of Sraosha, (lit.) companion of Ashi (Malandra), accompanied by

    rewards (Kr), friend of Ashi (ahm194)

    ... ashyehe

    21 (G)

    ... ashyô

    27 (N)

    ... ashyehe

    11 (G)

    asma, asman [-]

    the sky, the firmament

    ... asmanaca

    6 (duNA) made of stone, stone

    ... asmanem

    25 (A)

    ... asmanemca

    7 (A)

    asne [asna]

    9 (L) near, from near

    asni [azan]

    7 (L) day

    asnya [-]

    9 (plA) of the day, daily (lit.), the Gah (k57)

    ... asnyaêibyô

    7 (plD)

    ... asnyanãmca

    15 (plG)

    aspa [-]

    6 (N, plN) a horse (k57)

    ... aspahe

    85 (G) mare

    ... aspanãm

    24 (plG, fplG)

    ... aspô

    6 (N)

    asrâvayat-gâthô [asrâvayat-gâthâ]

    5 (N) not chanting the Gathas

    asrâvayô [asrâvañt]

    8 (N) not chanting (the Gathas)

    asta [ast-]


  • (plN) m. a bone, also

    asti astasca [asti, asta]

    7 (G) the body

    astayô [asti, asta]

    5 (m.pl.N) guests, companions; (plN) the body; (plA) an arrow (k56)

    astâtô-ratûm [astâtô-ratu]

    5 (fA) (a damsel) not under the protection of a guardian or chief of the family

    astem [asti, asta]

    10 (A) a bone

    asti [ah]

    218 (3/1) is;


    (plN) bones

    asti-shê [ah, ast-]

    6 ()

    ... astica

    6 ()

    ... astî

    34 (3/1)

    astô [asta]

    5 (N) sent or despatched (lit.), a messenger (k56); (G) of the body

    astu [ah]

    5 (imp. pres. act. 3/1) to be

    ... astû

    23 (")

    astvaiñti [astvañt]

    36 (mL) material (t102, AHM), having bones (lit.), corporeal, physical, bodily, (k57)

    ... astvaite

    15 (nD)

    ... astvaitinãm

    28 (f.plG)

    ... astvaitîsh

    10 (f.plNA)

    ... astvaithyâi

    8 (fD)

    ... astvañtem

    13 (nA)

    ... astvatô

    27 (G)

    ... astvå

    10 (mN)

    at [-, aem]

    138 (adv.) then, but, and

    atbishtô [a-tbish]

    5 (past part. mN) not offended, not angered

    atcâ [at]

    10 (particle)


    6 [at + cit]

    atha [-]


  • 91 (adv.) so, thus

    athaurunem [âthravan]

    8 () m. member of the priestly caste (Hum 4), priest (k79); [athauruna]

    n. religious studies (Her.), Athravanship (Hum), priesthood

    ... athaurune

    7 (D)

    ... athaurunô

    6 (G)

    athâ [atha]

    74 (GAV)


    15 (adv.) there

    aurushahe [aurusha]

    5 (G) white

    aurva [-]

    5 (plN) adj. brave, gallant (AHM); swift (k7)

    aurvañtô [aurvañt]

    7 (plA) m. quick, swift; a steed, horse, racer, warrior; Mount Alvand

    aurvat-aspa [-]


    ... aurvat-aspahe

    14 (G)

    ... aurvat-aspem

    31 (A)

    aurvathanãm [aurvatha]

    9 (plG) lawless (ahm170), enemy (JAR)

    aurvô [aurva]

    5 (NV)


    62 (prep.) direction; this, that (k49)


    (pref. implying negation sometimes separated from verb) off, away; near; towards,

    below, far; downwards, below

    ava-baraiti [ava-bar]

    13 (pres. act. 3/1) to carry to; to bring down, to bring to (k366)

    ... ava-bereta

    6 (past. part. m.duN, n.plN)

    ava-hishtât [ava-stâ]

    5 (impf. subj. act. 3/1) to stand near or by (k536)

    ava-janyât [ava-jan]

    14 (pot. act. 3/1) to smite; to kill (k187)

    ava-kanayen [ava-kan]

    6 (pot. act. 3/3) to dig (k124)

    avadha [-]

    13 (adv.) there (k51)

    avakhnât [ava-jan 2]

    5 (impf. subj. act. 3/1) to bite (k187)

    avainghå [ava, avangh]

    8 (fG)

    ... avainghe


  • 21 (G, nG) assistance (AHM)

    ... avaingheca

    5 (G)

    avangh [-]

    assistance, help

    avanghe [ava]

    34 (G); also, [avangh](D) assistance, help

    ... avanghe

    5 (")

    avañt [-]

    that, such

    avaretanãm [avaretâ]

    5 (f.plG) a thing of value; goods

    avasô-xshathrô [avasô-xshathra]

    6 (mN) not ruling according to one's will (k52)

    avat [ava]

    129 (dem. pron.) that, those (A); (adv.) so long, this, that, also, [avañt] (fN,nA)

    avatha [-]

    62 (adv.) so, thus, consequently

    avathât [-]

    6 () also, in this manner

    avavat [avavañt]

    27 (nNA) so much, such

    avâ [ava]

    6 (G)

    avâiti [av]

    5 (pres. sub. 3/1) to go, to come (k49)

    avãm [ava]

    9 (fA)

    ... avå

    13 (f.plâ,n.plA) also, [avañt] (N) so much, this much

    avåñtem [avañt]

    6 (A) such, so much, this much; so great (b952, AHM152)

    ave [ava]

    13 (plNA;,n.plA)

    avi [-]

    249 (adv., prep. with A or G) to, unto, towards (JAR)


    (pref.) near, towards, by; contrary to

    avi-mithrish [avi-mithri]

    5 (N) m. Anti-Mithra (AHM), a foe of Mithra; a violator of a solemn contract (k53)

    avô [avañh]

    7 (A) assistance, support, protection

    avô-hvarenanãmca [avô-hvarena]

    5 (plG) a drinking fountain; a water spring

    axtica [axti]

    9 (I) f. pain (Herb.), harm (HZI), sickness (k15)

    ... axtish

    5 (N)

    ahvaretaheca [ahvareta]


  • 8 (nG) not perishing (lit.), not decreasing (k126), ungraspable (see Bailey xxvii)

    ... ahvaretem

    16 (nA)

    ahvâthre [ahvâthra]

    9 (fV) unhappy, void of comfort, void of comfort (Hum) (k16)

    aya [aem]

    6 (fî) this

    ayanghaênaca [ayanghaêna]

    6 (plA) made of iron; iron

    ayaozhdya [ayaozhdi]

    9 (I) f. defilement, pollution, impurity, uncleanness (k40)

    ayara [-]

    10 (plA) relating to a day (lit.); division of a day

    ... ayaranãmca

    18 (plG)

    ayare [ayar-]

    6 (A) n. day (decl. j311,337)

    ayâthrimâi [ayâthrema]

    5 (D) ayathrem, 4th Gahambar

    ayãn [ayare]

    8 (G, plA); also, [î] (3/3) to go; to come

    ayå [aem]

    10 (duG) this; also, [î] (West. 1/1)

    ayenî [i]

    5 (sub. 1/1) to go

    azâni [az]

    7 (imp. act. 3/1) to set free, to deliver (k20)

    azâtanãm [azâta]

    5 (plG) unborn (k21)

    ... azâtanãmca

    7 (plG)

    azem [-]

    167 (N, personal pronoun) I;

    azhish [azhi]

    7 (N) m. a snake, a dragon (k19)


    8 (Sg,duA)


    145 (adv., prep. with A, Abl, G, or L) at, to, near, by, up, towards

    â-dim [ta]

    14 (mA) he

    â-mananghô [â-manangha]

    5 (G) m. intellectual power (k82); with great ardour, eagerly (k394); plan, intention;

    eager, impetuous (b332)


    6 [â + tat]

    âat [-]

    815 (adv.) then, thereupon

    âat ýat

    (adv.) when


  • âbyô [aem]

    10 (plD.Abl) these

    âca [-]

    18 (adv.) there (one way) (Herb.)



    âca-nô jamyât

    () may he join us for (AHM) (nô = "us")

    âdim [âat]

    6 () then


    rich in waters (Mal); full of waters (Bailey xxi, b330); time (AHM172, t125, Mal)

    (k81); sheltering (AHM172)

    ... âfeñtem

    5 (A, plN)

    âfritîm [âfriti, â-frî]

    10 (f.) benediction, blessing; curse

    ... âfritôish

    13 (G)

    âfrînâmi [â-frî]

    75 (pres. act. 1/1) I wish (Masl, Hum), I bless (Dh), I desire (Kr) (k356)

    âfsh [ap]

    20 (N) water

    âhitica [âhiti]

    7 (I) defiled, filthiness, impurity, uncleanness (b345) (cp. anâhitâ)

    âhurôish [âhûiri, âhûirya]

    5 (G) adj. devoted to Ahura; pertaining to Ahura, Ahurian, Ahuric (Boyce)

    ... âhûirish

    11 (mfN)

    ... âhûirîm

    14 (mfA)

    ... âhûiryehe

    13 (G)


    22 (interj. with V) O!

    âish [aem]

    8 (plI) these, those


    17 (prep.) near, by, to; (adv.) by, near

    âjasat [â-jas]

    19 (impf. act. 3/1) reaches, to reach (k190) (jar: pres. indic. act.)

    âmruyê [â-mrû]

    8 (pres. mid. 1/1) to wish, to desire; to shall on for help (k414)

    âpa [ap]

    6 (duNA) water

    ... âpem

    62 (A)

    âperetish [âpereti]

    8 (N) atonement, expiation

    âpô [ap]


  • 163 (G, plNAV) water

    ârmaitê [ârmaiti]

    6 (V) f. Armaiti, one of the Amesha Spentas; Devotion (Hum, Mal, TS), right-

    mindedness (Hum) (b335)

    ... ârmaitish

    22 (N)

    ... ârmaitî

    12 (I)

    ... ârmaitîm

    23 (A)

    ... ârmatôish

    19 (G)

    âs [ah]

    20 ()

    âsna [-]

    sturdy (Kr), noble (ahm158); natural, innate (b341)

    ... âsnahe

    5 (G)

    ... âsnem

    5 (A)

    âstâraiti [â-stâr-]

    11 (caus. v.) to make guilty (vn, b340)

    âstâya [â-stâ]

    22 (2/1) to stand (k534)

    âste [âh, åñh]

    7 (3/1) to rest, to continue; to sit steadily

    âstryeiti [â-star]

    15 () to fix to, to attach (as a crime) (k534)

    âsyangha [âsyangh]

    6 (duG) faster (b342)

    âtar [-]

    m. fire; Yazad presiding over fire

    ... âtarsh

    44 (NV)

    ... âterebyô

    13 (plD.Abl)

    âtre-saokanãm [âtre-saoka]

    16 (plG) fire brand

    âtrem [âtar]

    82 (A)

    ... âtremca

    20 (A)

    ât [âat]

    7 (adv.) in this place (k75); so ... then

    âthraêca [âtar]

    5 (D)

    ... âthrasca

    15 (G)

    ... âthrat

    14 (Abl.)


  • âthrava [âthravan]

    20 (N) m. priest

    ... âthravanem

    10 (A)

    ... âthravanô

    5 (plN)

    âthrãmca [âtar]

    7 (plG)

    ... âthre

    17 (D)

    âthritîm [âthritya]

    7 (A) three times

    âthrô [âtar]

    48 (G)

    âthwyânôish [âthwyâni]

    8 (G) of the family of Athwyan, belonging to Athwya


    77 (1/3) I dedicate


    truce (Kr), friendship, amity, peace

    ... âxshtîm

    5 (A)

    âya [aem]

    8 (fI) this

    âyapta [-]

    n. boons (Kr13), riches, gifts of grace, blessings (b332)

    ... âyaptem

    104 (NA, plA)

    âyese [â-ýas]

    249 (1/1) to wish, to desire, to demand

    âzaiñti [zan-2]

    f. understanding, explanation (j3


    5 ()

    âzâtayå [âzâta]

    6 (fG) of noble lineage, nobly born (b343)

    âzûitishca [âzûiti]

    9 () f. plenty (HZI), fatness (lit.); prosperity

    ångha [ah]

    7 (3/1) to be

    ... ångharecâ

    6 (perf. act. 3/3)

    ånghânô [âh, åñh]

    6 (1/1, cl. 2) to sit (k85), also, to commune with God in retirement; to pray in deep

    meditation (see Skt. asana); (GAbl) n. mouth, face (JAR)

    ånghât [ah]

    5 (3/1) to be

    ånghãm [aem]

    39 (f.plG) this, that, also, [ah] (3/3) to be


  • Avestan dictionary - B

    baêshaza [-]

    14 (L, plA) a remedy, a restorative, medicine, physician, healer; n. health (k361)

    ... baêshazanãm

    15 (plG)

    ... baêshazem

    12 (nN,m.nA)

    ... baêshazemca

    9 (nN)

    baêshazya [-]

    10 (N,plNA) healing, health-giving (k361), healthy (AHM)

    ... baêshazyãm

    6 (A)

    ... baêshazyô

    8 (N)

    baêvare [-]

    44 (plA) ten thousand

    baêvare-cashmanem [baêvare-cashman]

    10 (A) 10,000 eyes (k360)

    ... baêvare-cashmanô

    11 (N)

    baêvare-spasanô [baêvare-spasana]

    5 (mN) 10,000 spies (k361)

    baêvarekhnâi [baêvarekhna]

    8 (D) 10,000 times (k360)

    ... baêvarekhnâishca

    8 (plI)

    baêvãn [baêvare]

    7 (plA) 10,000

    bakhãm [bakha-2]

    6 (nA) a portion, a piece, a gift, a present, a boon, bit (k364)

    bakhem [bakha-1]

    7 (mA) Deity, God, divine power, lit. one who distributes (k363)

    bakhô-baxtem [bakhô-baxta]

    6 (A) bestowed by God (k364)

    baodhangh [-]

    n. consciousness, perception (k362)

    ... baodhanghasca

    7 (G)

    ... baodhasca

    9 (NA)

    baodhô [baodha]

    7 (nNA) m. perfume (k362)

    baodhô-varshtahe [baodhô-varshta]

    10 (G) n. wilfully done (crime), deliberate (k362)

    baoidhi [-]

    5 (nA,IL) m. perfume (k362)

    ... baoidhîmca


  • 11 (A)

    bar [-]

    (v. rt. cl. 1) to carry, to bear (k365)

    ... bara

    7 (imp. act. 2/1)

    ... baraiti

    44 (pres. act. 3/1)

    ... baraitî

    6 (GAv pres. act. 3/1)

    ... barat

    17 (impf. act. 3/1)

    ... barayen

    13 (pot. act. 3/3)

    ... barât

    18 (subj. 3/1; pret. indic. act. 3/1)

    bareñti [bar-3?]

    10 (3/3) (impersonal v.) to be windy, to blow furiously

    baresma [baresman]

    41 (A) n. Baresma, originally twigs of the pomegranate tree used in religious

    ceremonies (see b947-9)

    ... baresmaca

    12 (NA)

    ... baresmaine

    5 (D)

    ... baresmana

    10 (I)

    ... baresmanaêca

    61 ()

    baresmanîm [baresmanya]

    6 (A) pertaining to the Baresma; of the Baresma (k370)

    baresmãn [baresman]

    10 ()

    ... baresmen

    17 (Abl) (j90)

    bareshna [bareshnu]

    5 (I) top, height, the uppermost part

    ... bareshnavô

    5 (plA)

    barethrishva [barethri]

    6 (plL) f. mother, (female that bears children) in the womb

    barezahi [barezangh]

    5 (L) n. height; a mountain (k369)

    ... barezanghat

    7 (Abl)

    barezayå [barezâ]

    9 (G) f. height; a mountain (k369)

    barezimanãm [barez]

    5 (plG) high, exalted (k368)

    barezishta [-]

    (super. adj.) highest, most exalted (k369, but see ahm183: heap + cushion)


  • ... barezishtem

    5 (A)

    ... barezishte

    6 (mL)

    barôit [bar]

    5 (opt. act. 3/1) (j145)

    bastem [basta]

    7 (A) bound, tied, a prisoner

    bavaiñti [bû]

    32 (pres. act. 3/3) cl.1 (they) appear / to be, to become (k376)

    ... bavaiti

    47 (pres. act. 3/1)

    ... bavat

    15 (pret. 3/1) he became (j31)

    ... bavâhi

    33 (pres. subj. 2/1) be

    ... bavâni

    22 (imp. act. 1/1)

    ... bavât

    9 (subj. 3/1) he/she/it might be

    ... bavãn

    7 (subj. 3/3) they might be

    baxsheñti [baxsh]

    8 (vb. cl. 1. 3/3) to bestow, to give, to distribute, to remit, to forgive

    bâ [-]

    57 (strengthening particle.) definitely, certainly, indeed

    ... bâdha

    35 (adv.) at times, as often as (ahm206)

    bâgem [bâga]

    5 (NA) good fortune; share (Monna 131), wealth

    bâmîm [bâmya]

    10 (nNA,mA) splendid (Kr, AHM), shining, radiant (k373)

    bâzvô [bâzû]

    16 (duG) limb, arm, foreleg (b955)

    bereja [-]

    11 (I) m. blessing, benediction; desire; wish (k379); (religious) custom (Wolff/b)

    berejyâi [berejya]

    7 (D) n. Yazad that fulfils one's desires; or promotes growth of corn (k379)

    berexdhãm [berexdha]

    6 (fA) esteemed (Hum2 200), dear, welcome (c73); exalted, agreeable, beloved, that

    may be wished for (k378)

    berezaite [barez-1]

    5 (D) to grow (k368), to grow high, to be exalted; tall (Kr), high (HZI44)

    ... berezaiti

    24 (pres. act. f 1/1)

    ... berezaitîm

    16 (fA)

    berezañt [-]

    (ptcpl. of barz-) high, great, lofty (decl. j291)

    ... berezañbya


  • 5 (duD)

    ... berezañta

    8 (m.duNA,m.plN)

    ... berezañtem

    24 (A)

    ... berezatô

    21 (G)

    berezô [berez]

    10 (mG) high, great, lofty (k379); [bereza]


    bish [-]

    18 (adv.) twice; double; remedy (k375)

    bishâmrûta [-]

    8 (plN) (holy words) that are to be recited twice (k375)

    bishazyât [bishaz]

    19 (pres. ?) to heal someone (b966)

    bitîm [bitya]

    34 (ord. num. A) second

    ... bityô

    12 (N)

    bun [bû]

    11 (Aor. act. 3/3) will become

    ... buyama

    5 (opt. 1/3) may we be

    ... buyata

    8 (pot. mid. 2/3,3/1) may ye be (j135)

    ... buyât

    13 (ben. act. 3/1)

    ... buyå

    11 (ben. act. 2/1, Aor. opt. 2/1 (JAR))

    bû [-]

    (v. rt.) to be, to become, cl. 1 (k376)

    bûshyãsta [-]

    6 (fNA) the Demon of procrastination, Sloth

    bvat [bû]

    15 (Aor. act. 3/1) to be, to become

    Avestan dictionary - C


    (encl. conj.) and

    caêcastahe [caêcasta]

    6 (G) m. name of a lake

    cakana [kan]

    5 (3/1) to love (k124)

    caretu-drâjô [caretu-drâjangh]

    6 (A) long as a riding- ground / racetrack (k179)

    cashman [-]


  • n. eye (k180)

    cathru [-]

    four (k177) see also cathware

    cathru-cashmem [cathru-cashma]

    6 (A) four-eyed; a dog with four eyes, i.e., a dog which has two spots above the eyes

    cathru-gaoshem [cathru-gaosha]

    5 (mA) four-cornered (lit.); four gated; or, having four high roads (as a city)

    cathrushâmrûta [-]

    6 (m.plN) (words) that are to be recited four times (k177)

    cathrushanãm [cathrusha]

    15 (plG) four sides (k177)

    cathware [-]

    (card. num.) four (k178)


    29 (plNA)

    ci [-]

    (v. rt. cl. 3) to atone for; to punish (k180)


    10 (impf. act. 3/1)

    ci [-]

    (interrogative pron.) - who? what? which? (indef. pron.) anyone, someone, whoever,

    whatever (k181)

    cinasti [cit]

    12 (pres. act. 3/1) to think; to be informed, to know, to regard

    para ... cinasti [para-cit]

    (3/1) to acknowledge, to regard, to think

    cinman [-]

    n. love, affection (k183)


    6 (G)

    cinvatô [cinvañt]

    7 (N) Chinwad (bridge); inflicting punishment upon; or, gathering, culling

    cinvat-peretûm [cinvat-peretu]

    7 (A) Chinwad bridge, the bridge from Earth to Heaven, where the virtuous pass over

    safely, but the wicked fall into hell (k183)

    cistâ [-]

    f. insight (Hum2 199), knowledge, wisdom (orig.); the Yazad that presides over

    religious knowledge (k183)


    8 (G)


    13 (A)

    cisti = cistâ



    16 (G)

    cish [ci]

    12 (N) (interr. pron.) - who? what? which? (indef. pron.) anyone, someone, whoever,

    whatever (k180)



  • 6 (N) (could be typo for cishta?)


    (encl. particle giving indefinite force) even (j406)

    cit [ci]

    6 (nN)

    citha [cithâ]

    70 (N) f. atonement, penalty; punishment; (k182)


    12 (I)


    8 (A)

    cithîm [cithi]

    14 (A) f. punishment, atonement (k182)

    cithra [-]

    7 (mn.plN) 1: (as adj.) visible form (manifestus) (t94), evident, open; publish; 2: (as

    substantive) appearance (t94), evident; publicity; clearness; face; 3: n. origin, species,

    race, progeny, clan, family (t94), seed, source; brood; breed; 4: menses (k182)


    18 (nNA,mA)

    cîm [ci]

    5 (A) (interrogative pron.) - who? what? which? (indef. pron.) anyone, someone,

    whoever, whatever

    cvañt [-]

    (adv.) how much? (k185)


    7 (mA)


    100 (nA) how much, how long, how far

    Avestan dictionary - D

    dadat [dâ-2]

    5 (subj. 3/1)

    ... dadât

    14 (3/1)

    ... dadå


    ... dademahî

    10 (pres. act. 1/3)

    dadhâiti [dâ-1]

    49 (pres. indic. act. 3/1)

    ... dadhât

    5 (subj. 1/1)

    ... dadhãm

    9 (impf. ind. act. 1/1) should I give (t110), I made

    ... dadhãmi

    72 (pres. ind. act. 1/1)

    dadhvañh [-]


  • m. creator, maker; tenth month; 15th day of each month

    ... dadhvå

    11 (N)

    ... dadhvånghem

    12 (A)

    daenyå [daênâ]

    8 (G) f. religion (StdAv - Hum2 199), religious view (GAv - Hum), faith, attitude,

    doctrine; conscience; conception, vision (Insler) (k240, see HZI)

    ... daêna

    22 (N)

    ... daênayâi

    31 (D)

    ... daênayå

    52 (G)

    ... daênayåsca

    6 (G)

    ... daênâ

    11 (NI)

    ... daênãm

    58 (A)

    ... daênãmca

    7 (A)

    ... daênå

    10 (plNAV)

    daêum [daêva]

    10 (A) m. Daeva, god, false god, devil (k241)

    ... daêva

    54 (plNAV, I)

    ... daêvaêibyô

    6 (pl.Abl.)

    ... daêvanãm

    77 (plG)

    daêvayasnanãm [daêvayasna]

    12 (plG) m. worshipper of the Daevas

    ... daêvayasnem

    5 (A)

    ... daêvayasnô

    6 (N)

    daêvayâzô [daêvayâz]

    10 (N, pl.NA) m. worshipper of the Daevas

    daêvi [daêvî]

    9 (N) f. female Daeva

    daêvô [daêva]

    39 (N)

    daêvô-dâtem [daêvô-dâta]

    6 (A) m.n. following the doctrines/ways of the Daevas; created by the Daevas

    ... daêvô-dâtô

    7 (N)

    dahâkem [dahâka]

    7 (A) stinging (lit.), (Azhi) Dahaka, mythical tyrant


  • dahma [-]

    7 (fnNI, m.plN) good, pious; trained (AHM202)

    ... dahmaheca

    8 (mG)

    ... dahmanãm

    26 (plG)

    ... dahmayå

    17 (fG)

    ... dahmãm

    8 (fA)

    ... dahmem

    6 (mA)

    ... dahmemca

    5 (mA)

    ... dahmô

    16 (mN)

    dah'yunãm [dah'yu]

    70 (f.plG) country; people (t102); land, region (k243) (c270) (= dainghu)

    ... dah'yunãmca

    8 (f.plG)

    dainghâvô [dainghu]

    19 (plNA) f. country (AHM), land (k239) (comp. dah'yu)

    ... dainghêush

    25 (G)

    ... dainghu

    10 (I)

    dainghu-frâdhanãm [dainghu-frâdhana]

    32 (A) f. furthering the country

    dainghubyô [dainghu]

    11 (plD)

    dainghupaitish [dainghu-paiti]

    8 (N) m. head of the country or province (AHM)

    ... dainghupaitîm

    10 (A)

    ... dainghupatôish

    8 (G)

    daithyât [dâ? dâitya?]

    5 ()

    danghêush [dainghu]

    5 ()


    (v. rt. cl. 1, 10) to hold/keep, + vi: cause to cross (vn); to tear (k246, JAR)

    darekhayå [darekha]

    10 (fG) long (k247)

    ... darekhâi

    5 (D)

    ... darekhãm

    9 (fA)

    ... darekhem

    15 (nNA)


  • ... darekhemcit

    5 (nA)

    darekhô-gava [-]

    7 (fNA) long handed (lit.); lazy

    darethrâi [darethra]

    5 (D) n. holding fast (lit.), supporting (k250)

    darshi-draosh [darshi-dru]

    11 (mG) with bold club (Kr), with mighty club (HZI) (k250)

    dasa [dasan]

    20 (m.pl.NA) ten; (nA) goods

    ... dasanãm

    10 (plG)

    dasta [dâ]

    10 (imp. act. 2/3)

    ... daste [dâ-2]

    13 (pres. mid. 3/1) (SgD as inf.) n. paying (j254)

    ... dasti [dâ]

    5 (act. 3/1)

    dasvare [-]

    7 (NA) n. comfort, happy state (k252)

    ... dasvareca

    9 (NA)

    dashina [-]

    8 (I) right (not left)

    ... dashinaca

    8 (I)

    ... dashinem

    52 (A)

    dathat [dâ-2]

    59 (impf. act. 3/3); [dâ-1]

    (impf. act. 1/1) (pres. indic. act. 3/1) (JAR, j553)

    ... dathâni [dâ-1]

    5 (impf. act. 1/1)

    dathushô [dadhvañh]

    18 (G) m. Creator, maker

    davata [du]

    7 (imp. mid. 3/1) to speak (of evil beings)

    daxma [-]

    8 (plA) m. grave; place where dead bodies are deposited

    ... daxmaêshva

    5 (plL)

    daxshtem [daxshta]

    9 (nN) a brand (lit.), mark, characteristic; implement; evident

    dayât [dâ]

    6 ()


    36 (imp. act. 2/1)

    dazdâ [dazda]

    (plN) n. gifts (k245)



  • (v. rt., cl. 3) to give, to offer (k253)


    (v. rt.) to make, to create, to put, to appoint (k255)


    (v. rt.) to know, to think (k257)


    (v. rt.) to shut (k257)

    dâ-5 [-]

    wise, prudent

    dâh'yumâica [dâh'yuma]

    7 (D) pertaining to the country or region; Yazad of the country (k243)

    ... dâh'yumå

    5 (f,plA)

    ... dâh'yumemca

    5 (mA)

    dâidî [dâ]

    12 (imp. act. 2/1)

    dâiti [-]

    7 (I) f. giving, bestowing

    dâitîm [dâitya]

    14 (A, nA) legitimate, appropriate, proper, legal; name of a river (k257);


    stopping (Kr81)

    ... dâityayå

    16 (G)

    dâityô-gâtush [dâityô-gâtu]

    7 (N) belonging to someone, located in rightful place (b730)

    dâmabyô [dâman]

    10 (pl.D.Abl)

    ... dâman [-]

    creation; place; dwelling place; creature

    ... dâmanãm

    41 (plG)

    ... dâmãn

    67 (plNL, n.plA, f.plA, G (Kr78))

    dâmi [-]

    Creation; Creator (ahm168); creative, of the creator (HZI)

    ... dâmôish

    28 (G)

    dârayat [dar]

    9 (impf. act. 3/1) to hold, to support (k247)

    dâta [dâtar]

    14 (mN) giver, creator, creator (k259); maker (t102); n. (JAR: m) law, rule


    (I, nplN, fN) given, dedicated; made, created, appointed, decree, justice, law, rule;

    adjudicator (k258)

    ... dâtahe

    19 (G)

    ... dâtare

    237 (v)


  • ... dâtâ

    22 (ng, plNA) also, [dâ-1]

    (imp. act. 2/3); [dâ-2]

    (impf. act. 2/3)

    dâtâish [dâta]

    5 (plI)

    ... dâtem

    26 (nNA, mA)

    ... dâtô

    5 (N)

    dât [dâ-1, dâ-2]

    20 (Aor. 3/1)

    dâthra [-]

    5 (plN) n. gift (k260)

    dâthrish [dâthri]

    21 (N) f. giver, benefactress (JAR)

    ... dâthrîsh

    8 (f.plN)

    dâyata [dâ-2]

    8 (pot. 2/3, ben. 2/3)


    (pot. 2/3)

    ... dâyât [dâ-1]

    9 (pot. ben. act. 3/1)

    dãm [dâ-5]

    9 (mA) wise, prudent; wisdom

    dãma [dâman]

    22 (NA, duA)

    dãmi [-]

    5 (IV) ? m. Creator, maker; creative (k283) [this form not listed in k]

    dãn [dâ-2]

    6 (3/3); (impf. act. 3/3) to support;


    (Aor. 3/3)

    dãstvãm [dãstvâ]

    (A) f. knowledge (Kr147)

    då [dâ-2]

    12 (aor. act. 2/1); [dâ-1] (Aor. 2/1)

    demânê [demâna]

    6 (L) n. a house (GAv form of nmâna)

    dim [ta]

    98 (encl. pers. pron. mA) him

    disyât [dis]

    8 (impf. subj. act. 3/1, cl. 4,10) point, show, teach (JAR, k263)

    dishti [-]

    f. finger (dexterous)

    diwzhat [diwzha]

    5 (Abl) fraud, hypocrisy, deceit (k263, b747)

    dî- [-]

    (v. rt.) to see; to think; to show, cl. 3 (k264)


  • dîsh [ta]

    77 (plA)

    dôithra [-]

    n. eye (k272)

    ... dôithrahe

    5 (G)

    ... dôithrâbyô

    5 (duD.Abl, f.pl.D.Abl)

    draonô [draona]

    9 (A) n. food (Herb.), food offering (JAR), sacred cake (k273)

    drâjô [drâjangh]

    30 (A) n. length, duration (k274)

    dregvañtem [dregvañt]

    5 (A) wicked (Kr), irreligious or evil, possessing druj (lit.)

    ... dregvatô

    14 (GAv G, plA)

    ... dregvâitê

    8 (D)

    ... dregvå

    12 (N)

    dreñjayôish [dreñj]

    6 (pot. act. 2/1) to utter in a low voice (whisper) or mentally (k277)

    drikhubyô [drikhu]

    (plD) pious (Kr80), poor or needy person

    druj [-]

    f. deceit, lie; deceiver, lier; "druj", demoness (k276, b778)

    ... drujem

    20 (A)

    ... drujemca

    5 (A)

    ... drujim

    12 (A) (c82)

    ... drujô

    16 (G, plNA)

    ... druxsh

    168 (ngv)

    ... drûjô

    9 (G)

    drvañtem [drvañt] = [dregvañt]

    8 (StdAv A) (k277)

    ... drvañtô

    24 (G, plNA)

    ... drvatat

    7 (Abl)

    drvatâtem [drvatât]

    14 (A) f. soundness, health (k277)

    drvatãm [drvañt]

    24 (m.plG)

    ... drvatô

    29 (G)


  • drvâspa [drvâspâ]

    f. Drvaspa, a fem. Yazad (= gâush)

    ... drvâspãm

    10 (A)

    ... drvâspe

    7 (V)

    drvå [drvañt]

    18 (mN)

    dukhdha [duxdhar]

    6 (N) f. daughter (k265)

    dushmainyunãm [dush-mainyu]

    5 (plG) m. evil thinking (lit.), an enemy (k269) (evil-spirited!)

    dushmataca [dushmata]

    5 (plA) n. an evil thought

    duye [dva]

    33 (f.duA) (k279, b762)

    duzhda [duzhdâ]

    5 (mV) malignant (Kr), evil-knowing (k266)

    ... duzhdå

    10 (mN)

    ... duzhdånghô

    10 (m.plN)

    duzhûxtaca [duzhûxta]

    5 (plA) ill-spoken; an evil word

    duzhvacanghô [duzhvacangh]

    10 (G, plNA) evil speech; evil- speaking

    duzhvarshtaca [duzhvarshta]

    5 (plA) n. ill-done; evil deed

    dûraêpârayå [dûraêpâra]

    7 (fG) far for crossing or passing over (lit.), (this earth) whose ends lie far (k270)

    dûraosha [-]

    7 (V) removing pain, killer of pain (G. L. Windfuhr Acta Iranica 25, p702), (k271)

    ... dûraoshem

    6 (mA)

    ... dûraoshô

    7 (mN)

    dûrât [dûra]

    15 (Adv. Abl) far away (j731,4); from afar (k270)

    dva [-]

    39 (num. duNA) two (k279)

    dvara [-]

    n. door (k280)

    dvãsaiti [dvãs]

    11 (pres. act. 3/1) to run, to rush on, cl. 1

    Avestan dictionary - E

    erenâvi [ar]


  • 8 (3/1 pass. aor.) to go; to get, to acquire; to grant

    eresh [-]

    (n.plA) true, just, moral, righteous (indeclinable); truthfulness (A)

    ... eresh-môi

    20 () (tell) to me truly, (tell) to me plainly

    eresh-vacå [eresh-vacangh]

    (N) truthful speaker

    erethê [-]

    8 (fG) righteousness, truthfulness; also, the Yazad presiding over (k117)

    erezatem [erezata]

    5 (n(N)A) silver

    erezu [-]

    straight, straightforward

    ... erezûsh

    5 (plA)

    ... erezvô

    23 (V) right; (G) finger

    everezike [everezika]

    9 (fV) not working; lazy; powerless; disabled; inactive; incapable; useless

    Avestan dictionary - F

    ferashôtema [-]

    n. most promotive, (freshest?)

    ... ferashôtemem

    8 (nN)

    ferâ [fra]

    16 (adv.) pro; forward, forth, excessive; lengthwise, out of

    ferâ vê râhî

    I dedicate to you (k444)


    (pref. & adv.) forth

    fra-stu [e]

    (v. rt.) to praise, to glorify (k538)

    frabaraiti [fra-bar]

    5 (pres. act. 3/1) to carry, to bring, to use; to make use of (k367)

    ... frabarat

    12 (impf. act. 3/1)

    ... frabarât

    8 (subj. act. 3/1)

    ... frabarô

    5 (pres. part. act. mN)

    ... frabarôish

    10 (pot. act. 2/1) should take, making use of

    ... frabarôit

    7 (pot. act. 3/1)

    frabdem [frabda]

    8 (A) foot, instep

  • fraca

    17 () excessively

    [fra + ca]

    and forth(?)

    ... fraca...stuye

    praise; (k538)

    fradatha [-]

    n. growth, increase, prosperity

    fradathaiti [fra-dâ]

    5 (pres. act. 3/1) to give; to propagate (k255); (3/1) to create, to appoint, to establish


    ... fradathat

    7 (impf. act. 3/1)

    fradathâi [fradatha]

    16 (NAD)

    ... fradathem

    9 (nNA)

    ... fradathemca

    9 (nNA)

    fraêshtem [fraêshta]

    15 (A) foremost; first; most; mostly (Bha)

    fraêshyâmahî [fra-ish]

    11 (pres. act. 1/3) we urge

    fragâthremca [fragâthra]

    6 (A) n. chanting, reciting; chant, recitation

    frajasaiti [fra-jas]

    6 (pres. act. 3/1) to go forward; to come near; to give birth to; accoucher (k191)

    ... frajasât

    13 (impf. subj. 3/1)

    frakârayôish [fra-kar]

    7 (pot. act. 2/1) to draw circles or furrows around (k127)

    framarethremca [framarethra]

    6 (A) n. reciting, recalling mentally, remembrance (kol)

    framarezaiti [fra-marez]

    5 (pres. act. 3/1) to clear away, to cleanse (k398)

    framraomi [fra-mrû]

    6 (pres. act. 1/1) to speak, to speak loudly, to declare; to prefer (k415)

    ... framrava

    5 (imp. act. 2/1)

    ... framruyå

    6 (pot. act. 2/1)

    ... framrva

    20 (imp. act. 2/1)

    frangrase [frangrasyan]

    10 (N) m. Franrasyan, King of Turan (k341)

    franguharât [fra-hvar]

    6 (subj. 3/1) to eat, to drink (k606)


    8 (indecl.) avowedly, making a profession of faith (ahm166); believingly, willingly,

    readily, choose, willing (k340); profess

  • fraourvaêshtrimâi [fraourvaêshtrima]

    5 (D) which closes summer (k339), the furtherer (M.)

    frapithwô [frapitu]

    8 (L) m. in abundance (k344)

    frasastayaêca [frasasti]

    158 (D) f. praise, glorification (Dhabhar) [perhaps prayer, since fraseto ask] (k347);

    precept, teaching; fame (Bailey 23); satisfaction (HZI)

    ... frasastîm

    5 (A)

    frasnayeni [fra-snâ]

    8 (imp. act. 1/1) I will cleanse or purify (k541)

    ... frasnâdhayen

    19 (caus. 3/3) to wash; to cleanse

    ... frasnâtaêibya

    12 (3/2)

    frasraothremca [frasraothra]

    6 (A) n. singing, intoning

    frasrâvaya [fra-sru]

    to recite (k555)

    ... frasrâvayôish

    9 (pot. act. 2/1)

    ... frasrâvayôit

    5 (pot. act. 3/1)

    frastairyât [fra-star]

    9 (pot. act. 3/1) to spread forth (the baresma); to bind up, to tie (k534); (pres.(?) part.



    7 ()

    frastareta [-]

    (past part. Adj.) (the baresma) spread (k348)

    ... frastaretem

    19 (A)

    frastavanô [fra-stu]

    5 (pres. part. mid. mN) to praise, to glorify (k538)

    frasteretât [frastareta]

    9 (n.Abl)

    frasha [-]

    14 (I) forward; fresh, new

    ... frashem

    7 (A)

    frashô-carethrãm [frashô-caretar]

    6 (plG) one who promotes (the renovation of the world) (k350)

    frastuye [fra-stu]

    (pres. mid. 1/1) I praise, I glorify

    fratacaiti [fra-tac]

    8 (pres. act. 3/1) to flow onward (k217)

    ... frataciñti

    7 (3/3) flows

    fratemem [fratema]

    9 (ord. num. A) m. superl: foremost, uppermost, top; highest; leader/head

  • frateresaiti [fra-tares]

    9 (pres. act. 3/1) to tremble (k221)

    ... fratereseñti

    5 (3/3)

    fravaocâma [fra-vac]

    5 (impf. act. 1/3) we declare, we proclaim (k458)

    fravarâne [fra-var]

    46 (imp. mid. 1/1) I profess (HZI, k469)

    fravarshta [fra-varez]

    6 (past. part. n.plA) to abstain from (k471)

    fravashi [e]

    f. fravashi: guardian spirit or angel

    ... fravashayô

    103 (plNA)

    ... fravashêe

    12 (D)

    ... fravashibyô

    19 (plD.Abl)

    ... fravashinãm

    68 (plG)

    ... fravashîm

    290 (A)

    ... fravashîmca

    16 (A)

    fravaxshyâ [fra-vaxsh]

    7 (subj. 1/1) I shall speak out, I shall proclaim; to grow up (k454)

    fravazaite [fra-vaz]

    5 (pres. mid. 3/1) to go (k461)

    fravâkâi [fravâka]

    5 (D) word, admonition, advice (k346); n. pronouncing, recital (JAR)

    ... fravâkem

    5 (A)

    fraxshne [fraxshan]

    7 (L) n. growth (k340)

    fraxshni [fraxshnin]

    7 (L) foreknowing (ahm166); growth

    frayãn [frâ]

    5 (subj. 3/3) to go, to move, to walk about; cl. 4 (k350)

    frazâbaodhanghem [frazâ-baodha]

    8 (A) fainting, swooning


    68 (adv. & pref.) forwards, forth (j750); free, distinct from (k351)


    35 ()

    frâ-mrû [-]

    (v. rt.) to instruct (Herb.)


    11 ()


    7 ()

  • frâ-zî

    11 ()

    frâdat-fshave [frâdat-fshu]

    8 (D) m. (a Yazad) giving relief to beasts (k352)

    ... frâdat-fshâum

    5 (A)

    frâdat-gaêtha [-]

    furthering the world, making the world prosperous

    ... frâdat-gaêthahe

    15 (G)

    ... frâdat-gaêthayå

    13 (G)

    ... frâdat-gaêthãm

    13 (A)

    ... frâdat-gaêthem

    23 (A)

    frâdat-vîra [-]

    m. rendering men prosperous and happy, name of a Yazad

    ... frâdat-vîrâi

    7 (D)

    ... frâdat-vîrem

    5 (A)

    frâdat-vîspãm-hujyâiti [-]

    f. rendering all the necessities of life thriving; the Yazad presiding over the same


    ... frâdat-vîspãm-hujyâtêe

    5 (D)

    frâdh [-]

    (vb. rt. cl. 1) increase, promote, to render prosperous (k352)

    ... frâdhatica

    6 (pres. act. 3/1)

    frâkereñtat [fra-kareñt]

    20 (3/1) to counter-create (k128); glowing (t121)

    frâmraot [fra-mrû]

    10 (impf. act. 3/1) to declare (k414)

    frâshmish [frâshmi]

    6 (N) glowing (AHM 233)

    frâshmô-dâitîm [frâshmô-dâiti]

    6 (A) f. the time after sunset, 1st quarter of night

    frâshnaoiti [fra-ash]

    20 (3/1) pres. to rush forth (k60)

    frâthweresem [fra-thwares]

    16 (impf. act. 1/1) to create

    frâyashtîmca [frâyashti]

    6 (A) f. invocation, praise (k354)

    frâyazâite [fra-ýaz]

    13 (subj. 3/1) to worship (AHM), to praise highly, to invoke, to shall upon (k420)

    ... frâyazâne

    7 (imp. 1/1)

    frâyô-humatô [frâyô-humata]

  • 7 (mN) whose good thoughts exceed (his evil ones) (Kr43), rich in good thoughts


    frâyô-hûxtô [frâyô-huxta]

    6 (mN) whose good words exceed (his evil ones) (Kr43), rich in good words (k354)

    frâyô-hvarshtô [frâyô-hvarshta]

    6 (mN) whose good deeds exceed (his evil ones) (Kr43), rich in good deeds (k354)

    frêna [-]

    7 (I) abundance, a large quantity (k356); (but see ahm177:) (I) "because of"; "full of"

    frênyå [frênî]

    5 (G) Freni, eldest daughter of Zarathushtra (k356)

    frithô [fritha]

    5 (mN) beloved, affectionate (k355)


    6 (adv.) much, properly; well; forward (k357)

    fryô [frî]

    9 (plN) prayer, benediction (k356);


    (mN) dear (Kr), beloved, affectionate; a friend, a well-wisher (k357)

    fshtânem [fshtâna]

    8 (A) m. knob, nipple (k359)

    fshuyañtem [fshuyañt]

    5 (A) rendering prosperous; thrifty; epithet of vastrya (k358)

    ... fshuyañtô

    9 (G)

    ... fshuyãs

    8 (N)

    Avestan dictionary - G

    gadhwa [gadhwâ]

    11 (N) f. a bitch; female dog (k163)

    ... gadhwãm

    6 (A)

    gaêm [gaya]

    6 (A) m. life (k164)

    gaêthanãm [gaêthâ]

    54 (pl.G) f. possessions (Herb.), worldly creatures (Kr), being, living creature, herd;

    world (JAR)

    ... gaêthayå

    5 (G)

    ... gaêthâbyô

    11 (pl.D.Abl)

    ... gaêthãm

    7 (A)

    ... gaêthå

    38 (pl.NA)

    gaêthîm [gaêthya]

    7 (mA) earthly, mundane (k159)


  • ... gaêthyaêibyascâ

    6 (m.pl.D)

    ... gaêthyanãm

    7 (m.plG)

    gaêthyâi [gaêthâ]

    10 (D)

    gairi [-]

    m. f. mountain (k158)

    ... gairinãm

    20 (plG)

    ... gairish

    5 (N)

    ... gairîm

    16 (A)

    gao [-]

    m.f. show, ox, cattle (k159)

    gaocithra [-]

    m. (the moon) that keeps in it the seed of the cattle (k160)

    ... gaocithrahe

    10 (G)

    ... gaocithrem

    11 (A)

    gaomavaitibyô [gaomavañt]

    6 (f.pl.Abl) containing flesh (vn), rich in flocks or herds; provided with milk (k161)

    ... gaomavaitîsh

    6 (f.pl.A)

    gaonem [gaona]

    6 (A) color (JAR); gain, benefit, riches, increase; sort (k161)

    gaoshem [gaosha]

    12 (A) m. ear (k162)

    gaoshô-srûtahe [gaoshô-srûta]

    5 (mG) heard, listened to (k162, k556)

    gaoyaoiti [-]

    pasture, field; a distance of 4 miles (k161)

    ... gaoyaoitinãmca

    5 (plG)

    ... gaoyaoitîshca

    5 (plA)

    garayô [gairi]

    12 (plNA,f.plA) mountains

    garô [gar]

    17 (G) gravity, respect, invocation; [garangh]

    (A) throat, respect (k164-5)

    garô-nmâna [-]

    n. house of song (lit.), the highest heaven

    garôish [gairi]

    15 (mG) mountain

    gava [gao, gâu]

    27 (I, duN) cow, bull, ox; settlement

    ... gavãm


  • 24 (plG) (j81)

    ... gave

    24 (D)

    ... gavôi

    7 (GAv D)

    gaya [-]

    6 (mI) life

    ... gayehe

    17 (G) "gayehe marathnô" primeval man

    gâma [-]

    14 (I,duA) m. step? (k170)

    ... gâmãn

    5 (plA)

    gâtava [gâtu]

    5 (L, plN)

    gâtu [-]

    m. way, road (Kr12); place (jAR) (k169)

    ... gâtubyô

    6 (pl.D.Abl)

    ... gâtush

    9 (N, plA)

    ... gâtûm

    22 (A)

    ... gâtvô

    19 (L, plA)

    gâthanãm [gâthâ]

    26 (plG) f. 'strophic form, hymn of a certain strophic form, group of hymns of the

    same strophic form', but ved. gatha- 'song' (Hum), specific hymns composed by Z; last

    5 days of the year

    ... gâthanãmca

    12 (plG)

    ... gâthayå

    33 (G)

    ... gâthâhva

    17 (plL)

    ... gâthãm

    32 (A)

    ... gâthå

    30 (plNA)

    gâush [gao]

    19 (ngG(V))

    ... gãm

    41 (A)

    ... gãmca

    13 (A)

    geredhmahi [garedh]

    7 (pres. act. 1/3) to hold (orig); to accept, to welcome; to take up, to undertake

    gêush [gao]

    84 (m.fG)

    ... gêushca


  • 23 (G)

    ... gêushcâ

    13 (G)


    (past part. adj.) enraged (AHM), angered (jAR), to growl in rage

    ... grañtahe

    6 (G)

    ... grañtô

    15 (N)

    ghenãnãmca [ghenâ]

    9 (plG) f. and of women (comp. nâirî)

    ghzhârayatbyô [ghzhar]

    10 (pres. part. plAbl) to flow; to milk

    Avestan dictionary - H

    hac [-]

    (v. rt.) to follow, to accompany; cl. 1 (k568)


    453 (prep. with I, Abl) from

    hacahi [hac]

    11 (pres. act. 2/1)

    ... hacaite

    11 (pres. mid. 3/1)

    ... hacaiti

    5 (pres. act. 3/1)

    hacat-paêmanyãm [hacat-paêmainya]

    5 (fA) obtaining milk (lit.); rich in milk (k569)

    hacat-puthrãm [hacat-puthra]

    5 (fA) rich in children, blessed with children (k569)


    53 (prep.) from, out of (GAv)

    hacimnanãm [hac]

    6 (pres. part. mid. plG)

    ... hacimnô

    10 (pres. part. mid. mN)

    hadha [-]

    16 (prep., adv.) with; always; during (k575)


    7 (A) with the Aiwyaonghana (= kusti or sacred thread) (k575)

    hadha-cithanãm [hadha-cithâ]

    6 (plG) f. with the punishment or penalty

    hadha-zaothrem [hadha-zaothra]

    9 (nA) accompanied with the zaothra (k575)


    17 () (he/she) offers libations

    hadhânaêpatavaitîsh [hadhânaêpatavañt]

    6 (f.plA) with the Hadhanaepata (k576)


  • hadhânaêpatayå [hadhânaêpatâ]

    5 (G) f. a sweet smelling wood; pomegranate tree (trad.); evergreen (lit). (k576)

    ... hadhânaêpatãm

    9 (A)

    haêm [-]

    16 (N) n. character, habit

    haênayå [haênâ]

    8 (G) f. an army; enemy (AHM187), hostile army (t143, k563)

    haitîm [hañt]

    10 (fA) being, existing, living, real, evident (k573)

    haithîm [haithya]

    10 (mA) real (vn, ahm190); (adv.) really, evidently, openly (k561)

    ... haithyâ

    5 (I)

    haithyâvarshtãm [haithyâvarshta]

    (plG) one who practices virtuous deeds (k561); (Hum2 189: [haithyâvarez-]

    fulfilling ones duty)

    hakat [-]

    17 (indecl. adv.) forthwith; immediately, at once (k566)

    hakeret [-]

    14 (adv. indecl.) once (c31), sometimes (k566)

    hama [-]

    13 (N) f. summer (k578); (plN) all, whole, even, same, similar

    hamaêstârem [hamaêstar]

    6 (A) n. opponent, combatant (ahm192, k579)

    hamaspathmaêdaêm [hamaspathmaêdaya]

    5 (A) m. Hamaspathmaidyem, All Souls Observance (k579)

    ... hamaspathmaêdayâi

    5 (D)

    ... hamaspathmaêdayehe

    5 (G)

    hamatha [-]

    18 (indecl. adv.) alike, similar, exactly; always (k579, b1774)

    hamem [hama]

    9 (NA) all, whole, every, similar, same (k578)

    hamerethanãm [ham-eretha]

    8 (plG) m. enemies; foes (b1776)

    hamistayaêca [hamisti]

    22 (D) f. encountering, confrontation, fighting against (b1778)

    hañdareza [-]

    9 (plA) n. coining or mixing together, uniting (k573, b1771)


    16 (I) arranged; canonical (b1772)

    hañcamana [-]

    n. meeting (mn. anjuman)

    hañkârayemi [kañ-kar]

    72 (1/1) to complete (H. & M.), to offer, to dedicate (D.), to announce to (Sp.), to pay

    homage; to welcome (Kama) (k126, b1770)


    being, existing, living; real; a person (k572)

  • haom [hava]

    10 (A) one's own

    haoma [-]

    39 (V, duN, plA) m. Haoma, a sacred plant (k563)

    ... haomahe

    12 (G)

    haomavaitibyô [haomavañt]

    6 (plAbl) accompanied with the Haoma (k565)

    ... haomavaitîsh

    6 (plA)


    21 (I) probably corrupt, read "haoma ýô gava" with haoma (that is mixed with) milk

    (t91). AHM163 reads: "haomayo-gav-" (I) with haoma containing milk)

    haomâi [haoma]

    12 (D)

    ... haomât

    5 (Abl)

    ... haomã

    11 (plA)

    ... haomãsca

    5 (plA)

    ... haomem

    21 (A)

    ... haomemca

    14 (A)

    ... haomô

    30 (N)

    haomyãm [haomya]

    10 (fA) relating to the Haoma; of the Haoma (k565)

    haosrava [haosravangh]

    10 (N) a proper name (k600)

    haosravanghahe [haosravangha]

    6 (G) glory (t93); fair fame, good renoun; a lake; a proper name

    ... haosravanghem

    7 (NA)

    haoshyanghô [haoshyangha]

    5 (N) m. proper name (k566)

    haoyaca [havya]

    6 (I) left (vs. right) (k583)

    ... haoyãm

    13 (fA)

    hapta [haptan]

    45 (num. m.plNA) seven (k577)

    haptanghâitîm [haptanghâiti]

    9 (A) m. 'the seven chapters'

    ... haptanghâtôish

    8 (G)

    haptathem [haptatha]

    7 (mnA) seventh (c29, k577)

    haptâitîm [haptâiti]


  • 20 (ord. num. A) seventy (k578)

    haraithyô [haraitî]

    9 (G) f. a mountain, Mount Alborz (k581)

    harãm [harâ]

    8 (A) f. Hara, name of legendary mountains (k581, b1788)

    harethrem [harethra]

    24 (A) m. nourishment, food, support (k582)

    hathra [-]

    57 (adv., prep.) together, together with, at the same time; (adv. Ins. compound) thither;

    united (k574)

    haurva [-]

    all, entire, complete (k562)

    haurvata [haurvatât, haurvat]

    11 (duNA) f. wholeness, fullness, completeness; abundance; health, comfort, ease; 6th

    Amesha Spenta (k562)

    ... haurvatâtem

    7 (A)

    ... haurvatâtô

    8 (G)

    ... haurvâtâ

    10 (duA)

    haurvãm [haurva]

    6 (A) all, entire, complete


    9 (poss. pron. fNI) one's own (see "haom", see also "h'a") (I) own

    ... havahe

    6 (G)

    ... havaheca

    5 (G)

    ... havanãm

    5 (plG)

    ... havâi

    10 (D)

    ... havãm

    5 (fA)

    ... havô

    7 (N)

    haxaya [haxan, haxi]

    17 (plNA) a friend, a companion (k567); (du) two friends (Kr)

    haxem [haxa]

    8 (A) m. sole of the foot (k567)

    haxma [haxman]

    5 (A) n. friendship; companionship

    haxshôit [hac]

    6 (fut. pot. act. 3/1) to follow, to lead (k568);

    upa ... haxshôit

    to issue, to spring, to proceed

    hazangra [-]

    7 (num. plA) n. 1000

    hazangra-gaoshem [hazangra-gaosha]


  • 10 (mA) 1000 ears

    hazangrakhnâi [hazangrakhna]

    8 (D) 1000 times

    ... hazangrakhnâishca

    8 (plI)

    hazangrâi [hazangra]

    9 (D) 1000

    ... hazangrem

    112 (A)

    ... hazangremca

    5 (A)

    ... hazangre

    5 (duA)

    hazangrô-gaoshahe [hazangra-gaosha]

    9 (mG) 1000 ears

    hâ [ta]

    85 (fN) also, a sort of interjection (justi)

    hâirishî [-]

    f. a female (k584)

    ... hâirishinãm

    5 (plG)

    hâitishca [haiti]

    9 (plA) f. a chapter (k584)

    hâitîm [hañt]

    21 (fâ, f.plA) being, existing, living; real (k572); [hâiti]

    (plA) a chapter, a section (k584); [ah]

    (pres. part. act. fA)

    hâmô [hama, hâma]

    7 (mN) all, whole; same (k578)

    hâtãm [hañt]

    98 (plG) of beings

    hâthrem [hâthra]

    7 (A) n. a measure of distance or time of travel (Herb.)

    hâthrô-masanghem [hâthrô-masangh]

    5 (A) m. one hathra long (k585, b1803)

    hâu [-]

    44 (N) he, she; this, that; (a rare form, used in the SgN both masc and fem); there, in

    that place k585)

    hâvana [-]

    23 (î, duN) m. mortar (k586)

    ... hâvanaêibya

    6 (duI)

    hâvanêe [hâvani]

    21 (D) m. Hawan, the morning watch; morning (k586)

    ... hâvanîm

    12 (A)

    ... hâvanôish

    9 (G)

    hâvôya [-]

    10 (I) left (vs. right) (k586)


  • hãm [hañ]

    23 (adv., prep.) with, together with (k571)

    ... hãm-


    hãm-bavaiñti [hãm-bû]

    5 (pres. 3/1) to go together, to meet together (k377)

    hãm-raêthwayeiti [hãm-raêthwa]

    9 (caus. pres. act. 3/1) to be polluted by direct defilement (k434, k604)

    hãs [ah]

    5 (pres. part. act. mN)

    ... heñti

    114 (ind. pres. act. 3/3) we are

    ... heñticâ

    5 (3/3)

    ... heñtî

    9 (3/3)

    herezayen [harez]

    6 (pot. act. 3/3) (k581)

    hêm [hañ]

    7 (GAv form)

    he [ta]

    27 (encl. DG) for him, for her, his, hers

    ... hê

    343 (DG, fD)

    hiñdu [-]

    m. Indus river

    hishtahi [stâ]

    (pres. act. 2/1, cl. 3) to rise (t35), to stand (AHM) (k535)

    ... hishtaite [stâ]

    15 (pres. indic. mid. 3/1)

    ... hishteñta

    5 (impf. mid. 3/3)

    ... hishteñte

    5 (pres. mid. 3/3)

    ... hishteñti

    8 (pres. act. 3/3)

    hitaêibyô [hita]

    5 (plD) teams (Kr), bound (lit.) (k589)

    hizvâ [-]

    5 (NI) f. tongue (k588)

    ... hizvãm

    7 (A)

    ... hizvô

    8 (G)

    hî [ta]

    6 (GAv encl. fN, duNAv) 3rd person: he/she/it

    ... hîm

    50 (fA) she

    ... hîsh

    19 (fplNA, mn.plA)

  • ... hô [ta]

    88 (mN) he; he-man

    ... hô-nâ

    8 () he; he-man

    ... hôi

    30 (GAv dhG)

    hôyum [havya]

    41 (nA) left (vs. right)

    hubaoidhitemanãm [hubaoidhitema]

    5 (super. adj. f.plG) sweetest of odor (k597)

    hudå [hudhångh]

    14 (N) benign (Kr), munificent (Hum 8); 1: belonging to the good creation; 2:

    possessing good sense; judicious (k593)

    ... hudhånghem

    16 (A)

    ... hudhånghe

    5 (D)

    ... hudhånghô

    30 (G, plV)

    hufrâyashtãm [hufrâyashta]

    8 (fA) well-praised; well- invoked (k596)

    hukairyât [hukairya]

    6 (Abl) n. from Mount Hukar (k591)

    hukeretanãm [hukereta]

    6 (f.plG) well-made, well shaped (k591)

    humananghô [humanangh]

    6 (mG) of good thoughts; well-minded (k598)

    humata [-]

    5 (plA) n. good thought, well-thought (k597)

    ... humataca

    6 (plA)

    ... humatanãm

    13 (plG)

    ... humatâishca

    5 (plI)

    ... humatem

    5 (NA)

    humaya [-]

    6 (plNA) n. possessed of good "mâyâ" (HZI); a good ordinance; a wise code of laws


    hunûta [hav]

    8 (3/1) express (the haoma) (b1781)

    huraodha [-]

    17 (fN) fair of form (Kr, JAR), of lovely form (HZI), beautiful, good looking (k599)

    ... huraodhahe

    14 (mG)

    ... huraodhayå

    7 (fG)

    ... huraodhãm

    7 (fA)

  • ... huraodhem

    37 (mA)

    hushiti [-]

    f. good abode (k600)

    ... hushitîm

    8 (A)

    ... hushitôish

    13 (G)

    hushanãm [hushka]

    6 (plG) dry (k601, b1839)

    hutashta [-]

    well-shapen; beautifully formed (k593)

    ... hutashtem

    8 (mA)

    ... hutâshtahe

    14 (mG)

    huxshathra [-]

    m. of good reign (Kr), a good king, a virtuous ruler (k591)

    ... huxshathraêibyô

    5 (plD)

    ... huxshathrâ

    21 (plNA)

    ... huxshathrôtemâi

    6 (D superl) name of the prayer Y35.5

    huyashta [-]

    5 (mI) well adored, well praised (k598), well offered (jAR)

    hû [hvar]

    20 (G) n. Sun (k606); [hû]

    (NG) m. swine (disyllabic)

    ... hûrô

    6 (G)

    hûxta [-]

    5 (plN) n. good word

    ... hûxtaca

    6 (plA)

    ... hûxtâishca

    5 (plI)

    ... hûxtem

    5 (NA)

    hva [-]

    9 (fN, duN) (poss. pronominal adj.) own (reflex pronoun) self (viz. myself, thyself,

    himself, itself) (but see AHM 157, n.3)

    hvar [-]

    n. sun, glow

    ... hvare

    25 (NA)

    ... hvareca

    19 (NA)

    hvarexshaêtahe [hvare-xshaêta]

    9 (G) n. radiant sun (HZI), bright-sun (k)

  • ... hvarexshaêtem

    17 (A)

    hvarshta [-]

    10 (plA) n. a good deed; a moral action; well done

    ... hvarshtaca

    6 (plA)

    ... hvarshtâishca

    5 (plI)

    ... hvarshtå

    5 (fplA)

    ... hvarshtem

    5 (NA)

    hvâpah [-]

    (StdAv) artistic, skilled skillful; artist (GAv) (Hum2 150); well-working (Bha.)

    possessing intrinsic merit; well-skilled; working wonders

    ... hvâpå

    6 (N)

    hvãm [hva]

    22 (fA)

    hvãthwô [hvãthwa]

    11 (mN) provided with good retinue; otherwise: watching over the subjects (k611)

    hvô [hva]

    46 (N) that


    109 (an indefinite pronoun of the neuter gender, mostly used in the Gatha dialect,

    implying:) 'that which'; (also used as a participle, which following different

    meanings:) therefore, consequently; thereby; when; from the time; because; that is,

    i.e.; (as a connecting particle between a noun and its qualifying adjective, e.g.:)

    "manascâ hyat vahishtem"; (in several instances, used as an expletive in the Gathas for

    the purpose of scansion (Sp.)) (k605)

    ... hyatcâ


    hyât [ah]

    12 (opt. pres. act. 3/1) to be

    ... h'yât

    7 (opt. pres. act. 3/1)

    Avestan dictionary - I

    idha [-]

    88 (adv.) here; now (k88)

    ... idhâ

    18 (pseudo-GAv, GAv: idâ) (kr105)

    ima [, aêm]

    8 (pron.; adv. duNAv) this (j422)

    ... imat

    74 (n.NAV)

    ... imâ

  • 6 (n.Pl.A)

    ... imã

    32 (plA)

    ... imãm

    44 (fA)

    ... imãmcâ

    19 (fA)

    ... imå

    37 (plNA, f.Pl.A)

    ... imem

    13 (A)

    ... ime

    28 (plNA)

    irista [irith]

    31 (p.p. plNA) dead, expired (k90)

    ... iristahe

    7 (mG) gava iristahe

    obtaining from the show

    ... iristanãm

    11 (m.plG)

    ... iristem

    13 (mA)

    ... iriste

    5 (plN)

    irish [-]

    (vb. rt.) to wound; to destroy or kill by wounding; cl. 4 (k90); damaged (Herb.)

    ... irishyât

    7 (impf. subj. act. 3/1)

    ... irishyeiti

    6 (pres. act. 3/1)

    irith- [-]

    (vb. rt.) to pass away, to die (jAR, vn); to ooze out, to flow; cl. 4 (k89)

    ... irithyât

    8 (impf. subj. act. 3/1)

    ... irithyeiti

    10 (pres. act. 3/1)

    is [-]

    (vb. rt.) to wish, to desire; cl. 6 (k91)

    ... isemnô

    11 (pres. part. mid. mN)


    to seek, look for (Herb.)

    ishtô [ishta]

    10 (mN) worshipped (Kr), wished for, desired, beloved (k93)

    ish [-]

    (inchoative verb) urge, cl. 6 (k92)

    ... ishaiti

    7 (pres. act. 3/1)

    ishare [-]

    5 (adv.) soon, immediately, directly (k92)

  • ishîm [ishya]

    6 (mA) agreeable, welcome (k93)

    ishûidyâmahî [-]

    5 (denom. vb. pres. act. 1/3) we are indebted

    ishya [-]

    agreeable, welcome (k93)

    ... ishyehe

    6 (G)

    ... ishyô

    11 (mN)


    19 (adv.) so, thus, in this manner (k88)

    ... ithâ

    10 (GAv)

    ithra [-]

    21 (adv.) in this place; here, there (k88)

    izha [-]

    abundance, milk-libation; used metaphorically as the name of a mythical person of

    female sex in Y50.8 (Hum2 124); wish, desire; abundance, prosperity, comfort; food


    ... izhâca