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fromA Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology

http://www.unizar.es/departamentos/filologia_inglesa/garciala/bibliography.htmlby Jos ngel Garca Landa(University of Zaragoza, Spain)Diaries and personal journals


Aronson, Alex. Studies in Twentieth-Century Diaries: The Concealed Self. New York, 1991.

Barthes, Roland. "Dlibration." 1979. In Barthes, Le Bruissement de la langue. Paris: Seuil, 1984. 399-413. (Diaries).*

Blanchot, Maurice. "El diario ntimo y el relato." In El diario ntimo. Revista de Occidente 182-183 (July-August 1996): 47-54.*

Catelli, Nora. "El diario ntimo: una posicin femenina." In El diario ntimo. Revista de Occidente 182-183 (July-August 1996): 87-98.*

Didier, Batrice. Le Journal intime. Paris: PUF, 1976.

_____. "El diario, forma abierta?" In El diario ntimo. Revista de Occidente 182-183 (July-August 1996): 39-46.*

_____. L'Ecriture-femme. Paris: PUF, 1981.

El diario ntimo. Revista de Occidente 182-183 (July-August 1996).*

En torno al diario ntimo. Valencia: Pre-Textos, 1996.

Girard, Alain. Le Journal intime. Paris: PUF, 1963.

_____. "El diario como gnero literario." In El diario ntimo. Revista de Occidente 182-183 (July-August 1996): 31-38.*

Leleu, Michle. Les journaux intimes.

Lejeune, Philippe. Moi aussi. (Potique). Paris: Seuil, 1986.

_____. "La pratique du jounal personnnel. Enqute." Cahiers de smiotique textuelle 17 (1990).

_____. "Cher cahier..." Magazine littraire 252-53 (April 1988).

_____. "Carta abierta sobre el diario ntimo (respuesta a Marc Ligeray)." In El diario ntimo. Revista de Occidente 182-183 (July-August 1996): 81-86.*

_____. "La prctica del diario personal: una investigacin (1986-1996)." In El diario ntimo. Revista de Occidente 182-183 (July-August 1996): 55-75.*

_____. "How Do Diaries End?" Biography 24.1 (2001): 99-112.

_____, ed. Cher cahier... Temoignages sur le journal personnnel recueillis et prsents par Philippe Lejeune. Paris: Gallimard, 1990.

_____, ed. Le Journal personnnel. Colloque de mai 1990 sous la direction de Philippe Lejeune. Nanterre: Publidix, 1993.

Ligeray, Marc. Lettre ouverte sur le journal intime. Recueil 19 (1991).

_____. "Carta abierta sobre el diario ntimo." In El diario ntimo. Revista de Occidente 182-183 (July-August 1996): 81-86.*

Nussbaum, Felicity A. "Toward Conceptualizing Diary." In Studies in Autobiography. New York, 1988.

Pachet, Pierre. Les Baromtres de l'me: Naissance du journal intime. Paris: Hatier, 1991.

Rodrguez Surez, L. P., and D. Prez Chico, eds. El Diario como forma de escritura y pensamiento en el mundo contemporneo. Zaragoza: Institucin "Fernando el CatlicoCSIC, 2011.

Rousset, Jean. Le Lecteur intime: Du Balzac au Journal. Paris: Jos Corti, 1985.


Abbott, H. Porter. Diary Fiction: Writing as Action. Ithaca (NY) and London: Cornell UP, 1984.

Moya, Jess. "The Continuity of Topics in Journal and Travel Texts. A Discourse Functional Perpective." In Functions of Language. John Benjamins. Forthcoming 2005.

Lux. "La edad de lo soado." Negro sobre fondo blanco 13 Sept. 2009.*



Freixas, Laura, ed. "Animales que se alimentan a s mismos (Antologa del diario ntimo)." In El diario ntimo. Revista de Occidente 182-183 (July-August 1996): 147-58.*

Related works

Abbott, H. Porter. Diary Fiction: Writing as Action. Ithaca (NY): Cornell UP.

Diaries: Ages

20th century

Aronson, Alex. Studies in Twentieth-Century Diaries: The Concealed Self. New York, 1991.


Fanelli, Sara. Dear Diary. Children's book. 2000.

21st century / online diaries

Bowen, Deborah S. Towards an E-criture Feminine: Woolf, DuPlessis, Cixous and the Emerging Discursive Tradition in Women's Online Diaries. Michigan: Ann Arbor, 2006.

Canham, Matt. "Utah Blogger Makes Her Life Public Fodder." The Salt Lake Tribune 14 Oct. 2006.

Garca Landa, Jos Angel. (Boring entry). In Garca Landa, Blog de notas 17 Nov. 2004.



_____. "Escritura e inmersiones." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 21 July 2008. (Diaries).


2008_____. "Diarios y sujetos y blogs." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 23 October 2009.* (Pitol, Monterroso, Jnger, blogs).


2009Komesu, Fabiana Cristina. Entre o publico e o privado : um jogo enunciativo na constituio do escrevente de blogs da internet. PhD. PDF:


2006-09-05Lejeune, Philippe. "Cher cran": Journal personnel, ordinateur, Internet. (La couleur de la vie). Paris: Seuil, 2000.*

McNeill, Laurie. "Teaching an Old Genre New Tricks: The Diary on the Internet." Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly (Center for Biographical Research, U of Hawaii, Honolulu) 26.1 (Winter 2003): 24-47. Electronic ed. in Literature Online. http://lion.chadwyck.co.uk 9/7/04*

_____. "Genre under Construction: The Diary on the Internet." Language@Internet 2 (2005): article 1.



Mestre Prez, Rosanna. "Coordenadas para una cartografa de las bitcoras electrnicas: ocho rasgos de los weblogs escritos como diarios ntimos." In El ecosistema digital: Modelos de comunicacin, nuevos medios y pblico en Internet. Ed. Guillermo Lpez Garca. Valencia: Servei de Publicacions, U de Valencia, 2005. CD/PDF.



Nardi, Bonnie A., Diane J. Schiano, and Michelle Gumbrecht. "Blogging as Social Activity, or, Would You Let 900 Million People Read Your Diary?" Proceedings of Computer Supported Cooperative Work 2004. 2004.



Scheidt, Lois A. "Adolescent Diary Weblogs and the Unseen Audience." In Digital Generations: Children, Young People and New Media. London: Erlbaum, 2006.

http://loisscheidt.com/linked/2006/Adolescent_Diary_Weblogs_and_the_Unseen_Audience.pdf_____. Diary Weblogs as Genre. Ph.D. diss. Indiana U, 2009. Online at Academia.edu


2013Snchez Gonzlez, Mara. "'Confidenciales' y blogs en la red espaola: una aproximacin a las causas de la confusin entre ambos fenmenos." In El ecosistema digital: Modelos de comunicacin, nuevos medios y pblico en Internet. Ed. Guillermo Lpez Garca. Valencia: Servei de Publicacions, U de Valencia, 2005. CD/PDF.



Serfaty, Viviane. The Mirror and the Veil: An Overview of American Online Diaries and Blogs. (Amsterdam Monographs in American Studies, 11). Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2003.*

_____. "Online Diaries: Towards a Structural Approach." Journal of American Studies 38.3 (2004): 45771.

Sorapure, Madeleine. "Screening Moments, Scrolling Lives: Diary Writing on the Web." Biography 26.1 (2003): 1-23.

Walker, Jill. "Mirrors and Shadows: The Digital Aestheticisation of Oneself." In jill/txt Dec. 2005.



Internet resources

The Online Diary History Project.

http://www.diaryhistoryproject.com/ See also Blogs (On Blogs).

Diaries: Areas


Aitken, James. English Diaries of the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1941.

Bredvold, Louis I. "General characteristics: The Diarists." In Bredvold, The Literature of the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century 1660-1798. London: Collier-Macmillan, 1962. 11-13.*

Fothergill, Robert A. Private Chronicles: A Study of English Diaries. London: Oxford UP, 1974.

Garca Landa, Jos ngel. "Blogueras en 1800." In Garca Landa, Vanity Fea 2 March 2008. (Diaries, Northanger Abbey).



Hassam, Andrew. Writing and Reality: A Study of Modern British Diary Fiction. Westport, 1993.

Horrillo Godino, Zoraida. "Pen and Lipstick: British Women's Letter and Diary Writing during WWII." In Proceedings of the 29th AEDEAN Conference: Universidad de Jan 15 al 20 diciembre 2005. CD-ROM. Ed. Alejandro Alcaraz Sintes et al. Jan: AEDEAN / Servicio de Publicaciones U de Jan, 2006. 205-11.*

Phelps, Gilbert. "Letters and Journals of the Romantics." In From Blake to Byron. Ed. Boris Ford. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1982. 344-57.*

Ponsonby, Arthur (Lord). English Diaries. London: Methuen, 1923.

_____. More English Diaries. 1927.

_____. Scottish and Irish Diaries. 1927.

Prieto Pablos, Juan Antonio. "Diarios y cartas del siglo XVII." In Estudios literarios ingleses: La Restauracin. Ed. Bernd Dietz. Madrid: Ctedra, 1986. 245-64.*


Matthews, William. British Diaries: An Annotated Bibliography of British Diaries Written between 1442 and 1942. Berkeley, 1950.


The British Diarist

Ed. Paul Minet.

Piccadilly Rare Books.

Church Street, Ticehurst,

East Sussex TN5 7AA.

E-mail: [email protected]

Vol 1 (2000).

See also Pepys, Samuel; Evelyn, John; Woolf, Virginia.


Rosenwald, Lawrence. Emerson and the Art of the Diary. New York: Oxford UP, 1988.

Garca Landa, Jos ngel. Rev. of The Mirror and the Veil: An Overview of American Online Diaries and Blogs. By Viviane Serfaty. Atlantis 27.1 (June 2005): 117-22.*


2010_____. Rev. of The Mirror and the Veil: An Overview of American Online Diaries and Blogs. By Viviane Serfaty. (Complete version).



_____. "Review of Viviane Serfaty's The Mirror and the Veil: An Overview of American Online Diaries and Blogs" (2005). Online PDF at Social Science Research Network (Nov. 2007)



Literary Theory and Criticism eJournal (2007)



Writing Technologies eJournal (2007)


2012_____. "Review of Viviane Serfaty's The Mirror and the Veil: An Overview of American Online Diaries and Blogs." (Short version from Atlantis). iPaper at Academia.edu 23 Sept. 2010.*


2015_____. "Review of Viviane Serfaty's The Mirror and the Veil: An Overview of American Online Diaries and Blogs" (2005). iPaper at ResearchGate 16 May 2012.* (Long version).


2012_____. The Mirror and the Veil. From Atlantis. Booksily 21 Feb. 2014.*


Serfaty, Viviane. The Mirror and the Veil: An Overview of American Online Diaries and Blogs. (Amsterdam Monographs in American Studies, 11). Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, 2003.*

_____. "Online Diaries: Towards a Structural Approach." Journal of American Studies 38.3 (2004): 45771.


Arksey, Pries and Marcia Reed, ed. American Diaries: An Annotated Bibliography of Published American Diaries and Journals. Vol. 1: Diaries Written from 1492 to 1844.


Artires, Philippe. "Et pourtant ils crivent." (Diaries). La Faute Rousseau 3 (June 1993).

Raoul, Valerie. The French Fictional Journal: Fictional Narcissism. Toronto, 1980.


Rodrguez Surez, Luisa Paz. "Los diarios de E. Jnger como forma del presente." In El Diario como forma de escritura y pensamiento en el mundo contemporneo. Ed. L. P. Rodrguez Surez and D. Prez Chico. Zaragoza: IFCCSIC, 2011.


Bou, Enric. "El diario: periferia y escritura." In El diario ntimo. Revista de Occidente 182-183 (July-August 1996): 121-35.*

Caball, Anna. "Ego tristis (El diario ntimo en Espaa)." In El diario ntimo. Revista de Occidente 182-183 (July-August 1996): 99-120.*

Gracia, Jordi. "El paisaje interior: Ensayo sobre el dietarismo espaol contemporneo." Boletn de la Unidad de Estudios Biogrficos 2 (1997): 30-50. Select. in "El diario de escritor" in Los nuevos nombres: 1975-2000: Primer suplemento. Ed. Jordi Gracia. Vol. 9.1 of Historia y Crtica de la Literatura Espaola. Gen. ed. Francisco Rico. Barcelona: Crtica, 2000. 449-60.*

Gracia, Jordi, and Jos-Carlos Mainer. "El diario de escritor." In Los nuevos nombres: 1975-2000. Primer suplemento. Ed. Jordi Gracia. Vol. 9.1 of Historia y Crtica de la Literatura Espaola. Gen. ed. Francisco Rico. Barcelona: Crtica, 2000. 449-60.*

Freixas, Laura. "Auge del diario ntimo? en Espaa." In El diario ntimo. Revista de Occidente 182-183 (July-August 1996): 5-14.*

_____. "Diarios ntimos espaoles: Un recuento." Revista de Occidente 160 (1994): 115-23.


El diario ntimo: fragmentos de diarios espaoles (1995-1996). Revista de Occidente 182-183 (July-August 1996).


Trapiello, Andrs. Saln de pasos perdidos. Diary. (15 vols. to 2012).

_____. Saln de pasos perdidos: 4. Las nubes por dentro. Diaries. Barcelona: Destino, 2000.


Lovesey, Oliver. "The African Prison Diary as 'National Allegory'." In Nationalism vs. Internationalism: (Inter)National Dimensions of Literatures in English. Ed. Wolfgang Zach and Ken L. Goodwin. Tbingen: Stauffenburg Verlag, 1996. 209-18.*


AnthologiesMiner, Earl, ed. Japanese Poetic Diaries. Berkeley and Los Angeles: U of California P, 1969. 2nd rev. ed. 1976. Includes Ki no Tsurayuki's Tosa Diary (Tosa Nikki), The Diary of Izumi Shikibu (Izumi Shikibu Nikki) and Matsuo Basho's Narrow Road Through the Provinces (Oku no Hosomichi).