This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. http://www.leg.state.mn.us/lrl/lrl.asp Suite 300 South 1711 W. County Road B Rosevnte. MN 55U3 Minnesota Gambling Control Board .. TO: Governor Tim Pawlenty Gre Hubinger, Director, Legislative Coordinating Commission Mic Revisor of Statutes "" Senator nn , Chair, State & Local Government Operations & Oversight Committee.} rJifrUr; Senator Chris Gerlach, Ranking Minority Member, State & Local Government Operations & ovefufght Committee Senator Don Betzold, Chair, State Government Budget Division Committee Senator Claire Robling, Ranking Minority Member, State Government Budget Division Committee Representative Joe Atkins, Chair, Commerce and Labor Committee Representative Kurt Zellers, Lead-GOP, Commerce and Labor Committee Representative Phyllis Kahn, Chair, State Government Finance Committee Representative Joyce Peppin, Lead-GOP, State Government Finance Committee DATE: FROM: RE: October 25, 2010 Tom Barrett, Executive Annual Report on Obsolete, Unnecessary, or Duplicative Rules, as Required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 14.05, Subdivision 5 Attached is the Board's obsolete rules report, which is unchanged from the previous report filed in December 2009. The Board's last rules changes became effective on March 19,2007 and eliminated all obsolete rules. However, since that time legislation was passed in 2007, 2008, and 2009 that has created obsolete and technically incorrect rules as noted in the attached report. The Board initiated a rulemaking process on October 26,2009, and it is anticipated that the proposed rules will be adopted in early 2011. If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact: Bernice caruth, Rules Coordinator Gambling Control Board 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300S Roseville, MN 55113 Phone: 651-639-4030 Email: [email protected] Encl. www.gcb.state.mn.us

Di~~~ - Minnesota Legislature failing to comply withthis part may notapply ... 7861.0260, Subp. 1, item B 7861.0260, Subp. 4, item C Raffle prizes ee50f14 Current rule language Lease

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This document is made available electronically by the Minnesota Legislative Reference Library as part of an ongoing digital archiving project. http://www.leg.state.mn.us/lrl/lrl.asp

Suite 300 South1711 W. County Road B

Rosevnte. MN 55U3l:i,65~1-{$39'4000

Minnesota Gambling Control Board --------------------~~I"!';~~~..,~I!,-",'-­"I~'rO

TO: Governor Tim PawlentyGre Hubinger, Director, Legislative Coordinating CommissionMic Revisor of Statutes ""Senator nn , Chair, State & Local Government Operations & Oversight Committee.} rJifrUr;Senator Chris Gerlach, Ranking Minority Member, State & Local Government Operations & ovefufght

CommitteeSenator Don Betzold, Chair, State Government Budget Division CommitteeSenator Claire Robling, Ranking Minority Member, State Government Budget Division CommitteeRepresentative Joe Atkins, Chair, Commerce and Labor CommitteeRepresentative Kurt Zellers, Lead-GOP, Commerce and Labor CommitteeRepresentative Phyllis Kahn, Chair, State Government Finance CommitteeRepresentative Joyce Peppin, Lead-GOP, State Government Finance Committee




October 25, 2010

Tom Barrett, ExecutiveDi~~~Annual Report on Obsolete, Unnecessary, or Duplicative Rules, as Required by Minnesota Statutes,Section 14.05, Subdivision 5

Attached is the Board's obsolete rules report, which is unchanged from the previous report filed in December2009.

The Board's last rules changes became effective on March 19,2007 and eliminated all obsolete rules. However,since that time legislation was passed in 2007, 2008, and 2009 that has created obsolete and technicallyincorrect rules as noted in the attached report.

The Board initiated a rulemaking process on October 26,2009, and it is anticipated that the proposed rules willbe adopted in early 2011.

If you have any questions regarding this report, please contact:Bernice caruth, Rules CoordinatorGambling Control Board1711 West County Road B, Suite 300SRoseville, MN 55113

Phone: 651-639-4030 Email: [email protected]



Minnesota.Garnbling Control BoardObsolete Rules Report - December 1, 2010

The following rules are obsolete or technically inaccurate based on legislative changes that occurred.i l1 200Zr 2008,and20q9.The Board is proposing to delete and/or amend the obsolete rules in its rulemaking process initiated by the B9C1rd onOctober19, 2009, with a Request for Comments published inthe State Register on October 26, 2D09. It isanticipatectthattheproposed rules will be adopted in early 2011. The E30ard lastcompleted an extensive two year ruler process on March 19,2007. NOTE: The Board completed a required lawful gambling study of the industry and reportedto the Legislature byJanuary 15, 2009 with recommendations for-changes.

Rule cite7861.0210 Subp. 23


7861.0210,Subp. 29 LawfulGambling

- Subp. 43Promotional pull­tabs.

7861.0210, Subp. 33

Linked bingoequipment

Current ruleJanguageSubp. 23. "Fraternalorganization" means a nonprofitorganization that is aibranch,locjge, or chapter of anational or state organization and exists for thecommon business, fraternal, or<other interests of itsmembers. The term dOes not include college or highschooLfraternities and sororities.

Rule languagedefineswhat is consideredithe conductof lawful gambling, i.e. bingo, raffles, paddlewheels,tipboards, and paddlewl1eels, and prohibits thecombination of any.ofthose five activities.

Subp. 33. "Linked bingo equipment" means the bingopaper sheet used to conduct a linked bingo game.

ChangeineededEffective August 1, 2007, "fraternal organization" isdefined more specifically in Minn. Stat. 349.12,Subd. 16a, making this rule obsolete.

Effective May 2, 2008, promotional tickets weredefined as lawful gambling equipment (Minn. Stat.349.12, Subd. 18) but are not used in the conduct oflawful gambling (Minn. Stat. 349.12, Subd. 31). Therule needs to be amended to clarify the definition oflawful gambling as it relates to the use ofpromotional pull-tab and tipboard tickets.

Effective May 2, 2008, electronic bingo deVices maybe used in the conduct of a linked bingo game, perMinn. Stat. 349.17, Subd. 8, paragraph (c).Therefore this rule definition needs to be amended tomake it technically correct and conform tostatute.

Rule cite7861.0220 LicensedOrganization

je lof14

Current rule language

Applications. Subp. 3, item H requires a list of lawfulpurpose expenditures for which organization proposesto expend net gambling funds.

Change needed

Effective July 1, 2009, this requirement waseliminated from Minn. Stat. 349.16, Subd. 2,paragraph (e), making this rule item obsolete.

Minnesota Gambling Control BoardObsolete Rules Report - December 1, 2010

Rule cite Current rule language Change needed

Minn. Stat. 349.16, Subd. 3Minn. Stat. 349.167, Subd. 2(b) and (c)Minn. Stat. 349.165, Subd. 1

Rules language needs to be amend toeliminate obsolete references to "renewals,""term of license," "term of premises permit,"and related language.

Effective July 1, 2009, license renewals wereeliminated with the establishment ofperpetual terms for organization licenses,gambling manager licenses, and premisespermits.

7861.0230 Gambling Manager and Assistant GM:• Subpart 1. Gambling manager license reqUired.• Subpart 3. Gambling manager seminar and continuing

education reqUirement.• Subpart 4. Contents of gambling manager license

application• Subpart 5. Changes in gambling manager license

application information.• Subpart 6. Issuing or denying a new or renewal gambling

manager license; license for an emergency gamblingmanager.

• Subpart 7. Effective date and length of gamblingmanager license.

7861.0240 PremisesPermits

Current language references license renewals and terms oflicense and permits in these rule parts.7861.0220 Licensed Organization:

7861.0230 Gambling • Subpart 1. Organization license required.Manager and Assistant Subpart 5. Changes in organization license applicationGambling Manager information.

• Subpart 6. Issuing or denying a new or renewalorganization license.

7861.0220 LicensedOrganization

7861.0240 Premises Permits• Subpart 1. Premises permit reqUired.• Subpart 4. Changes in premises permit application and

lease information.• Subpart 5. Issuing or denying a new or renewal premises

permit; violation of lease agreement .• Subpart 6. Permit effective date and length of premises


Page 2 of 14

Minnesota Gambling Control BoardObsolete Rules Report-December 1, 2010

Rule cite

7861.0230, Subp. 2,item E

Gambling managerqualifications ­training

7861.0230, Subp. 3,item A

Gambling managertraining


Gambling managertraining - continuingeducationrequirements


Current rule language

Subp. 2. Gambling manager licensingqualifications.In addition to the qualifications in Minnesota Statutes,

sections 349.155, subdivision 3, and 349.167, a persondoes not qualify for a license if the person is any of thefollowing....E. a person who failed to complete the educationrequirements in subpart 3.

Subp. 3. Gambling manager seminar and continuingeducation requirement.A. To qualify for a new gambling manager license, aperson must have attended within the last 12 months aboard-authorized gambling manager seminar andpassed a board examination that tests the person'sknowledge of gambling manager responsibilities, andlawful gambling procedures, laws, and rules. This itemdoes not apply to an emergency gambling replacementas allowed under subpart 6, item E.

B. To qualify for a gambling manager license renewal,the gambling manager must attend board-authorizedcontinuing education classes as follows:(1) For a gambling manager with a two-year licenseterm the gambling manager must attend a class duringeach year of the two-year license term. When no otherboard-approved training is available before the end ofthe 12th or 24th month of the gambling manager's two­year license, the gambling manager must pass aspecial gambling manager's examination administeredby the board.(2) For a replacement gambling manager whose licenseterm is 13 months or greater but less than 24 monthsthe gambling manager must attend a class in the last12 months of the license term.(3) For a replacement gambling manager whose licenseterm is 12 months or less, the gambling managerseminar and examination in item A qualifies as acontinuinq education class for the license term.

Change needed

Effective May 2, 2008, training requirementsforgambling managers are contained in Minn. Stat.349.167.

Item E points the reader to 7861.0230,Subpart3. Items A and B in Subpart 3 are now obsoletebecause ofthis legislative change. It is necessaryto remove this reference that points to obsoletelanguage.

Effective May 2, 2008, the training requirement fornew applicants for a gambling manager license isnow outlined in Minn. Stat. 349.167, Subd. 4, clause(1) and Subd. 7,and was changed from havingreceived training within the preceding 12 months totq.epreceding 6 months, per Minn. Stat. 349.167,Subd. 4, clause (1).

Because training requirements are now contained instatute, this rule item is obsolete.

Effective May 2, 2008, the training requirementfor licensed gambling managers is now outlinedin Minn. Stat. 349.167, Subd. 4(2). Training mustbe completed within a calendar year, not withineach year of the license term.

• Effective July 1, 2009, gambling manager licenserenewals were eliminated [Minn. Stat. 349.167,Subd.2(b)]

Item B is therefore obsolete, but the special examlanguage in subitem (1) will be retained and clarifiedin relation to the calendar year training requirement.

Minnesota. Gambling Control·.BoardObsolete Rules Report -DecembE)r 1, 2010

Rule cite

7861.0230, Subp. 6,item D

Gambling managertraining

7861.0230, Subp. 6,item E, subitems (1)and (2)

Gambling managertraining

Page 4 of 14

Current rule language

D. A gambling manager whose application was deniedfor failing to comply with this part may not applyfor a license or for an emergency replacementgambling manager's licem;e.• The person may applyfor a new gambling manager's license if the. personattended the bqard-authorized gambling manager'sseminar andpassedtheexaminationwithinthe 12months immediately preceding the effective date ofthe new license.

Current rule language requires an organization totemporarily shut down its gambling operation if agambling manager quits, dies, or is unable to performthe duties.

E. If a gambling manager quits, dies, or is unable toperform the duties, the organization must stopgambling until a replacement emergency gamblingmanager has applied for and received a license fromthe board.(1) The replacement emergency gambling managermust attend the board-authorized gambling managerseminar and pass the examination within 90 days ofbeing issued a gambling manager's license.(2) If the person fails to pass the examination or failsto comply with the licensing qualifications contained insubpart 2, the board may summarily suspend thegambling manager's license under Minnesota Statutes,section 349.1641.

Change needed

Effective May 2, 2008, a person who will be agambling manager must have attended.a seminarwithin the previous 6 months, per Minn. Stat.349.167, Subd. 4, paragraph (1). Thereforetheruleis in conflict with statute and must be amended.

Effective July 1, 2009, Minn. Stat. 349.167, Subd.2(d) was amended to allow an organization totemporarily continue its gambling operation for fourdays without a licensed gambling manager, makingthis rule technically incorrect. The rule needs to beamended to conform to the statutory change.

Effective May 2, 2008, training requirements forreplacement emergency gambling managers iscontained in Minn. Stat. 349.167, Subd. 4, clause(2) and Subd. 7, making the language in item E,subitem (1) redundant of statutory language.

The Board is reqUired to revoke, not suspend, areplacement gambling manager's license for failingto pass the examination within 90 days of beingissued a license, per Minn. Stat. 349.167, Subd. 7.Therefore the rule language in item E, subitem (2)pertaining to the examination and summarysuspension is in conflict with statute and is obsolete.

Minnesota Gambling Control BoardObsolete Rules Report - December 1, 2010

Rule cite

7861.0240, Subp. 3,item A, subitem (6),unit (d)

Lease. information ­participation in barbingo

Rule cite

7861.0260, Subp. 1,item B

7861.0260, Subp. 4,item C

Raffle prizes


Current rule language

Lease informationItem A, subitem (6), unit (d):" the lessor, the lessor's immediate family, and anyagents or gambling employees of the lessor will notparticipate as players in the conduct of lawful gamblingon the premises;"

Current rule language

B. All playing of lawful gambling must be. on acashbasis, in advance of any play, exceptthat raffle ticketsand certificates of participation may be purchased bypersonal check.

C. The total value for all raffle prizes awarded by alicensed organization must not exceed $100,000 in acalendar year.

Cl1ange. needed

Effective May 2, 2008, statute was amended to allowthe lessor's immediate family and employees toparticipate in bar bingo if they are not involved withthesaleoroper~tIonofbarbingo,per Minn. Stat.349.17,Subd.7,dause (4), making the rule isinconflictwith statute.

However, effective July 1,2009, who may and maynot participate inlawful gambling is now outlined inMinn. Stat. 349.181, makingthis rule languagetechnically incorrect, as thelessor'simmediatefarnilyand lessor's gambling employee may

articiDateunder certain conditions.

Change needed

EffectiveJuly 1,2009, Minn. Stat. 349.212h Subd. 7was amendedto allow the use ofdebit cards to payforraffle tickets, making this rule technicallyincorrect.

Effective May 2,2008, the Board maYinot impose ananlluallimit onraffle prizes, per Minn. Stat.349.211,Subdivision2d and Subdivision 3.Thereforethe prize limit in rule is obsolete.

• •Minnesota Gambling Control BoardObsolete Rules Report - December 1, 2010 ••

Rule cite

7861.0270, Subp. 3,item E

Linked bingo

7861.0270, Subp.10, item A.

Linked bingo

7861.0270, Subp.10, item B

Linked. bingo

Page 6 of!4

Current rule language

Item E. Linked bingo paper sheets must not beincluded as part of a packet or package. All linkedbingo paper sheets must be sold as a separate item.

A. An organization must not conduct more than onelinked bingo game at each bingo occasion.

B. Linked bingo prize pools must not be carried overfrom one bingo occasion to another.

Change needed

Effective May 2, 2008, electronic bingo devices maybe used for linked bingo games, per Minn. Stat.349~17, Subd. 8, paragraph (c). Therefore, thesecond sentence in item E must be amended toinclude" or facsimiles of linked • binqo oaoer sheets."Effective May 26,2007, Minn. Stat. 349.17, Subd. 8,paragraph (a) was amended to state, "A licensedorganization may conduct or participate in not morethan two linked bingo games per occasion, one ofwhich may be a progressive game in which a portionof the prize is carried over from one occasiontoanother until won bya player achieving a bingowithin a predetermined amount of bingo numberscalled." The statutory change makes the ruleobsolete.

Effective August 1,2007, the definition of"Hnkedbingo prize pool" was amended in Minn. Stat.349.12, Subd.. 25d to allow for progressiveprizes.Effe.ctive May 26,2007, Minn. Stat. 349.17,Subd. 8, paragraph (a) was amended to allowforprogressive linked bingo games.These statutory changes make the rule obsoleteas it is in conflict with statute that now allows forlinked bingo games with progressive prizes.

Minnesota Gambling Control BoardObsolete Rules Report - December 1, 2010

Rule cite

7861.0270, Subp.10, items C, H, and I

Linked bingo

Current rul~ language

C. An organization must only sell approved linkedbingo paper sheetsJor a linked bingo game.Duplicate linked bingo paper sheetfacesare notallowed in the same linked bingogame.>.Anelectronic bingo device may notbe used for alinked bingo game.

H. Sales of linked bingo papersheetsmustbeistoppedat least 15 minutes before the firstbingonurnbE':1" isselected. The organization mustreportthesalestothe linked bingo game proVider beforethefirstbingo number is selected.

1. After awinningcombinationof bipgonumbers hasbeen declared by a player, the winning linked bingopaper sheet face must be verified by theparticipating organization and confirmed by thelinked bingo game provider.

Change needed

Effective May 2, 2008, electronic bingo devices maybe used for linked bingo games, per Minn. Stat.349.17, Subd. 8, paragraph (c).

The first sentence in item C must be amended toinclude "or facsimiles of bingo paper sheets"after "paper sheets."The second sentence in item C must be amendedto include "or facsimiles of linked bingo papersheet faces" after "sheet faces."The third sentence in item Cprohibitingelectronic bingo devices is in conflict withstatute, is obsolete, and must be deleted fromrule.The first sentence in Item H must be amended toinclude "or facsimiles of linked bingo papersheets" after "bingo paper sheets."Item I must be amended to include "or facsimileof a linked bingo paper sheet face" after "bingopaper sheet face."

Rule cite

7861.0280, Subp.litem ARestrictions


Current rule language

A. A gambling employee or volunteer who is involvedin the sale of pull-tabs may not purchase pull-tabs atthe premises where the person is employed. The saleof pull-tabs includes.but is notlimitedtothesale ofpull ..tabs to. players, auditingpulJ--tab games,redeeming winning pull..tabs,. perforrningioventorY ofpull-tab games, andmaking deposits ofreceipts frompull-tab games.

Change needed

.Effective July 1, 2009,anewsectionwasaddedtoChapter 349. Minn. Stat. 349.181 now establishes instatute who may 'Hldmay not participate in lawfulgambling, with certaInrestrictionsiand exceptions.The statutory change makesthefirstsentenceiniternA obsolete, and the remaining. language redundantofstatutory language.

• •Minnesota Gambling Control BoardObsolete Rules Report - December 1, 2010

Rule cite Current rule language Change needed

7861.0290, Subp.1, item A.Restrictions

7861.0290, Subp.3, item B

Tipboard game

A. A gamblingel11ployeeorvolunteer who is involvedin the sale of tipboards may not purchase tipboards atthe premises where the person isel11ployed. The saleof tipboardsindudesbutisnot limited to the sale oftipboard .ticketsto players, auditingtipboardgames,redeeming winningtipboardtickets,.performinginventory oftipboard games,and making deposits ofreceipts from tipboard games.

S.An organization mustselFthetipboardtickets for theprice printed 011 the flare .• A tipboard ti.cket .or group ofbanded tickets may not be soldior morethan $2. Atipboard ticket may not be given to a player free ofcharge or for any other consideration.

Effective July 1, 2009, a.newsectionwasadded toChapter 349.• Minn. Stat. 349.181now establishes instatute who mayand may not participate in lawfulgambling, with certain restrictions and exceptions.The statutory challgemakesthe first sentence in itemA obsolete, andtheremaining language redundant ofstatutory language.

Effective May 26,2007,the maximum tipboard ticketprice was establishedJorthe first time in statute andincreased to $5, per Minn. Stat. 349.211, Subd. 2c.Therefore the second sentence in item S is obsolete asit is in conflict with the statute.

7861.0300, Subp.1, item ERestrictions

E. A gambling employee or volunteer may notpurchase paddletickets at the site of the employee'splace of employment.

Effective JUly 1, 2009, a new .section was added toChapter 349.iMinn. Stat. 349.181 now establishes instatute who mayandmay not participate in lawfulgambling,with certain restrictions and exceptions.The statutory change makes language in item Eobsolete.

786.1.0310, Subp.7 Conducting abutton raffle

Page 8 of 14

Item A, subitem (3} may not be used at the event toobtain trademarkedmerchandise for a reduce price orfree.

EffectiveJuly 1,.2009, the mandate to preventthecOl11mercialization of lawful gambling was removedfrom Minn. Stat. 349.11, making this subitemobsolete.

Minnesota Gambling Control BoardObsolete Rules Report - December l r 2010

Rule cite Current rule language Change needed

7861.0320, Subp.1, item Fr subitem(15)

7861.0320, Subp.5 Reimbursementsto gambling bankaccount

7861.0320 r Subp.7 Report of lawfulpurposeexpenditures toboard required.7861.0320 r Subp.10 Allowableexpenses;.expensecalculations


Subitem (15) monitoring the organization's expensecalculations

An organization may not deposit funds from anongambling source into the gambling bank accountunless the organization is required by the board or asotherwise required by statute or rule toreimburseitsgambling account for the follOWing reasonsr includingbut not limited to: ....D. negative expense calculation;F. advertising expenses as allowed by MinnesotaStatutesr section 349.12r subdivision 3a;

Item A. An organization must file with the board areport of lawful purpose expenditures and board­approved expendituresr as· required by MinnesotaStatutes, section 349.154r subdivision 2...

Subpart 10 references allowable expense calculationrequirements.

EffeCtiveiJuly 1, 2009r expense calculations wereelirninatedand replaced with a lawful purpose rating.Therule is currently in conflict vvith Minn. Stat.349.15rSubd.il and therefore is obsolete.

• EffectiveJuly1r 2009 expense calculations wereeliminatedrper.Minn.Stat.349.15,Subd .• 1.Hovveyerritiisnotedthatthe.•Board has. untilDecember31r2009to require reimbursements fornegativeexpensecalculation~rper Minn. Stat.349.15r subd.5. Thismakesitem D obsolete. as of12-31-09rastheBoard'sofficial rulemaking processwillbestarted>afterthatdate.

• EffectiveJulyl,2009,thestatutory limit onadvertising expensesvvas removed, per Minn. Stat.349.12r subd. 3a,makingitem F obsolete.

Effective July 1r 2009, language in Minn. Stat.349.154, subd. 2 was repealed and moved to Minn.Stat. 349.19r subd. 3r making this rule cite technicallyincorrect.

Effective July1r 2009/organizationsare no longerreqUired to maintain allowable expense calculationbalances, astheprovisions ofMinn. Stat.349.15,subd. l(b) expired on]une 30,2009. Plusrth.eBoard's authority under Minn. Stat. 349.15r Subd. 5toimpose sanctions for expense calculation violations willexpire on. December 31/ 2009 (repealed). Thereforethe language in SUbpart 10 is obsolete.

•Rule cite

7861.0320, Subp.11 Expensecalculations forlicenses issuedwith an effectivedate>before July 1,2006.Subp.12 Expensecalculations forlicenses issuedwith an effectivedate OfJuly 1,2006 and after.7861.0320, Subp.13 Allowableexpense foralternativepremises payment

7861.0320, Subp.14 Standards for501(c)(3)organizations and501(c)(4) festivalorganizations

Page 10 of 14

Current rule language

Subparts 11 and 12 contain the expense calculationrequirements that an organization has to meet torenew its license.

The language in Subpart 13 clarified a statutoryallowance for organizations to make an allowableexpense payment to themselves for the use of theirpremises for gambling in lieu of paying their propertytax as a lawful purpose expenditure.

Item A: The language in item A contains.areference for "licenses renewed with an effectivedate of July 1, 2007, and after" and in item A,subitem (2) references "new or renewal licenseapplication. "

Item D. Nothing in this subpart prohibits anorganization from making other lawful purposeexpenditures as allowed under Minnesota Statutes~section 349.12, subdiVision 25, paragraph (a),clauses (2) to (19), and paragraph (b).

Change needed

Effective July 1, 2009, organizations are no longerrequired to maintain allowable expense calculationbalances, as the provisions of Minn. Stat. 349.15,Subd. l(b) expired on June30. 2009. In addition,effective July 1, 2009, the term of an organization'slicense became a perpetual term, with no expirationdate unless suspended or revoked by the Board orotherwise terminated/by the organization, under Minn.Stat. 349.16, Subd.3. That statutory changeeffectively eliminated license renewals and the Board'sauthority to require expense calculation compliance atthe time of an organization's license renewal. Thesechanqes make SubDarts 11 and 12 obsolete.Effective July 1, 2009, Minn. Stat. 349.15,subd. 4 wasrepealed and an organization may no longer pay itself,as an allowable expense, up to $1,000 per monthas an alternative to paying real estate taxes asalawful purpose expenditure. The repealedstatutory language makes the language in Subpart 13obsolete.

Effective July 1, 2009, the term of anorganization's license is perpetual, with noexpiration date, unless suspended or revoked bythe Board or otherwise terminated by theorganization, under Minn. Stat. 349.16, Subd. 3.Therefore the references are obsolete and inconflict with statutory language.Effective July 1, 2009, existing language in Minn.Stat. 349.12, Subd. 25, paragraph (b) wasdeleted, moved, and amended in 349.12, subd.25, paragraph (a) as new clauses, making thestatutory cites in item D obsolete ortechnicallyincorrect.

Minnesota Gambling Control BoardObsolete Rules Report - December 1, 2010

Rule cite Current rule language Change needed

7861.0320, Subp.15 Lawful purposeexpendituresallowed

7861.0320, Subp.16 Lawful purposeexpendituresrequiring board ordirector approval

7861.0320, Subp.17 Lawful purposeexpenditures notallowed

In item J referenceis rnade to "Minnesota Statutes,section 349.12, subdivision 25, paragraph (a) clause(13) and paragraph (b), clause (3)(i) ..."

This subpart contains language pertaining to lawfulpurpose expenditures of gamblingJunds that requireprior board or director approval.

The rule language contains a reference to "In additionto Minnesota Statutes, section 349.12, subdivision 25,paragraph (b), lawful purpose does not include..."

EffectiveJuly 1, 2009, lawful purpose expendituresrequiring Board approval were removed from Minn.Stat. 349.12, subd. 25, paragraph (b), clause (3)(i)and rnodified and clarified in Minn. Stat. 349.12, subd.2Sfparagraph(a), new clauses (23) and (24). Thosechargesl11aketheryle languag.e technically incorrectandmustbemodified to be in conformance with thenew statutory cites.EffectiveJuly 1,2009,rnanychanges were made toMinn .••• Stat.349.12,subd•• 25.(expenditures allowed,not allowed, and/ allowed with board or directorapproval). Language from existing language and rulepertaining to lawfuLpurpose expenditures allowed,includingexpendituresthat require prior board ordirector (delegated authority}wasconsolidated andclarified inMinn.Stat. 349.12,.Subd.25, paragraph(a), effective July 1, 2009. These extensive statutorychanges makethelanguageinMinn. Rule 7861.0320,Subp.. 16, items A, D,E, and F. obsolete Of redundant;a portion of the language in itemS obsolete; and initem C thereference to" item A or B11 is technicallyincorrect.EffectiyeJuly 1, 2009,Minn. Stat. 349.12, subd.25was amended to move lawful purpose expendituresthat are not allowedJrom paragraph(b) to newparagraph (c), making this rule cite technicallyincorrect and in conflict with statute.

Rule cite

7863.0220,Subpart 16, item A

Delinquentorganization(payment todistributor)

• e11 0f14

Current rule language

A. If a distributor has/not received payment from anorganization.within 35 days of the invoice or leaseagreement date, the distributor must report thedelinquency to the board in writing, by e-mail, orby facsimile. The distributor rnustensurethattheboard will receive the notiCE:.bythe/36th day, orthenext business day, aftertheinvoice dateJor thesale or lease of theqamblinqequiDment...

Change needed

Effective May 2, 2008, the payment must be receivedby the 30th day, and if not received by the 30th daytheboard must receive the delinquency notice by the31st

day. Therefore, the rule mustbeamendedto changE:"35'( to "30", and to change "36th

" to "31st•11 The rule

istechnicallyinconflict with Minn. Stat. 349.191,Subd.la.

• •Minnesota Gambling Control BoardObsolete Rules Reoort - December L 2010

Rule cite Current rule language Change needed

7863.0260, Subp.2,itemsC and FSales of linkedbingo paper, etc.

7863.0260,Subpart?, item A

Delinquentorganization(paymientto linkedbingo gameprOVider)

B. If an. organization's license is revoked, notrenewed,orterminated,....

F. A linked bingo game provider may establish aminimum fee by premises for licensedorganizations to conduct linked bingo games.

A. If a linked bingo game provider hasnotreceivedpayment from an organization within 3S days ofthe invoice date, the linked bingo game providermust report the dielinquency to the board in writIng,bye-mail, or by facsimile. The linked bingo gameprovider must ensurethatthe\boardwilLreceive.thenotice by the 36th day, or the next business day,after the invoice date for the sale ofthe linkedbinqo paper...

C. Effective July 1, 2009, organization licenserenewals were eliminated with the establishment ofperpetual organization licenses, making thereference to "not renewed" obsolete in item C(Minn. Stat. 349.16, Subd. 3).

F. Effective July 1, 2009, a linked bingo gameprOVider must submit a proposed fee schedulefor the cost of providing services and equipmentto licensed organizations, per Minn. Stat.349.1635, Subd. 3(2). The rule is obsolete and inconflict with statutory language and must beamended to conform to the statute.

Effective May 2, 2008, the payment must be receivedby the 30th day, and if not received by the 30th day theboard must receive the delinquency notice by the 31st

day. Therefore, the rule must be amended to change"35" to "30", and to change "36th

" to "31st." The rule

is technically in conflict with Minn. Stat. 349.191,Subd. 1a.

Rule cite

7864.0230,Subp.1, item F,subitem (2)

Progressive pull­tab qame7864.0230, Subp.2 Manuf. standardsfor pull-tabdispensing dievices

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Current rule language

F. For a separate progressive jackpot flare, theminimum information printed on the front of the flaremust include:.... (2) cost per play, which may not exceed $2;

A. The electrical, electronic, and programming featuresof the pull-tab dispensing device must: ....(2) have an illuminateddisplayofthemonetary valueof currency validated. andmustnotbiecapable ofdisplavinq advertisinq messaqesor qraphics'

Change needed

Effective May26,2007, the maximum pUll-tab ticketprice was increased to $5, per Minn. Stat. 349.211,Subd. 2a. Thereforethe rule is in conflict with statuteand must be amended.

Effective July 1, 2009, the mandate to prevent thecommercialization of lawful gambling was removedfrom Minn. Stat. 349.11, thereby making the referenceto "advertising messages" obsolete in this rulelanquaqe.

Minnesota Gambling Control BoardObsolete Rules Report - December 1, 2010

Rule cite Current rule language Change needed

7864.0230, Subp.3, item C, subitem(1)

Tipboard tickets

7864.0230, Subp.3, item D, subitem(7)

Tipboard flare

7864.0230, Subp.6. Manuf.standards for bingonumber selectiondevices

.7864.0240, Subp.7, item A

Delinquentdistributor orlinked bingo gameprovider (paymentto manufacturer)

e 13 of 14

C. Tipboard tickets must be manufactured andpackaged according to the following:(1) the standards in subpart 1, item C. The cost per

play must not exceed $2.

D. The front ofa tipboard flare must include: .•.••.(7) cost per play, which may not exceed $2;

Item B....The device must not have any other games,information, entertainment programs, or advertisingstored in or on the device...Item F. must allow for manual electronic "catch-up"daubing by a player, but must not have an automaticelectronic daub feature.

A. If a manufacturer has not received payment from adistributor or linked bingo game provider within 35days of the invoice or lease agreement date, themanufacturer must report the delinquency to the boardin writing, bye-.mail,or byfacsirnile. Themanufacturer rnustensurethat theboardvvillreceivethe notice by the 3.6th

.day,orthein~xtbusiness day, .after the invoice date for the sale or lease of the

amblinq eqUiDment...

Effective May 26, 2007, the sentence "The cost perplay must not exceed $2" is obsolete, as Minn. Stat.349.211, Subd. 2c was amended to state "Anorganization may not sell any tipboard for more than$5." Therefore, the rule must be amended to beconsistent with statute by pointing the reader to thestatutory cite.Effective May 26,2007, the maximum tipboard ticketprice was established for the first time in statute andincreased to $5, per Minn. Stat. 349.211, Subd. 2c.Therefore the rule must be amended to be consistentwith statute and instead point the reader to Minn.Stat. 349.211, Subd 2c.

Effective July 1, 2009, the mandate to prevent thecommercialization of lawful gambling was removedfrom Minn. Stat. 349.11, thereby making the referenceto "advertising" obsolete in this rule language.Effective July 1, 2009, the definition of an electronicbingo device was amended (Minn. Stat. 349.12, Subd.12a to clarify that a player may "activate" a bingonumber, rather than inputting the number.

Effective May 2/ 2008, the payment must be receivedby the 30th day, and if not received by the 30th day theboard must receive the delinquency notice by the 31st

day. Therefore, the rule must be amended to change"35" to "30", and to change "36th

" to "31st." The rule

is currently in conflict with Minn. Stat. 349.191, Subd.lb.

• •Minnesota Gambling Control BoardObsolete Rules Report - December 1, 2010

Rule cite Current rule language Change needed

7865.0230,Subpart 1

Board sanctions

7865.0230,Subpart 2

Board sanctions


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Subp. 1. Imposition of civil fine by board. The boardmay impose a civil fine upon any licensee for violationof any provision of Minnesota Statutes, sections 349.11to 349.23, or a violation of the board's rules. The civilpenalty may not exceed $500 per violation.

Subp. 2. Imposition of fines and sanctions by board ordirector for violation of Minnesota Statutes, section349.15, subdivision 1 (expense calculations). Thefollowing apply to a proposed fine issued and sanctionsimposed by the board or director under MinnesotaStatutes, section 349.16, subdivision 2, paragraph (h).

If an organization exceeds expense calculations forthe 24th month, the organization is subject to a fine ofup to $500 or suspension or revocation of theorganization's license, in addition to reimbursing theexcess expense as required by part 7861.0320, subpart11 or 12.

Subp. 3. Contested case hearing to determine iforganization failed to submit complete renewalapplication.

Effective July 1, 2009, Minn. Stat. 349.151, Subd. 4,paragraph (a), clause (10) and paragraph (b) wasamended to allow the Board to impose civilpenalties/citations of not more than $1,000 perviolation on licensees forviolating orfailing to complywith any provision ofchapter 349, chapter 297E(new), or any Board rule. or order. Also effective July1,2009, the Board has authority to impose a civil fineof up to $10,000 for violation of Minn. Stat. 349.15,Subd. 1. The rule is technically incorrect and must bemodified to conform to statute.

Effective May 2, 2008, the criteria for determining asuspension or penalty for a violation ofthe expenseIil11 itswasprescribedin Minn. Stat. 349.15, Subd. 5,paragraphs (a) and (b), giving the Board. authority toimpose afinethatexceeded $500. However,effectiveJuly 1,2009, expense calculation requirementswererepealedINiththe.·Board.given.authority untilDecember31r2009to issue •• fines/sanctionsforexpense calculation violations that occurred throughJune30,2009.

These changes make Minn. Rule 7865.0230,Subpart2, obsolete.

Effective July 1, 2009, organization license renewalswere eliminated with the establishment of perpetualorganization licenses (Minn. Stat. 349.16, Subd. 3),makinq Subpart 3 obsolete.