Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance One of the Sacred Months In Islām

Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

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Page 1: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Dhū al-ḤijjahVirtues & Significance One of the Sacred Months In Islām

Page 2: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Merits of These Days

✓ Abū Hurairah narrates that the Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāh desired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these days is equal to the fast of a whole year, and the worship of each of these nights is equal to the worship of Laylat al-Qadr.” (Tirmidhī)

✓ Prophet said, “The best days of this world are these ten.”

ي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ق ال ب ري رة، عن ألن ي ه ب

حب ":عن أ ام أ ي د ما من أ عن ت ن ي

لى الله أ أ ي ة وق ام سن صن ها ي وم مي ي

ل ام ك عدل صن ة ي ي الحج ر ذ ها من عش ي ام له ق

در لة ألق ام لن ن ق ها ي لة مي لن ل ."ك

ي ) رمد (رواه ألت

ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ي ب اي ر ق ال ألن ي ":عن ح

ا أ ت ي ام ألد ي ل أ ض ف ر أ ."ام ألعش

ار) ر (رواه ألت

Page 3: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Merits of These Days

✓ Scholars adopt the opinion that the 1st ten days of Dhū al-Ḥījjah are better than the last ten days of Ramaḍān, but the last ten nights of Ramaḍān are better than the first ten nights of Dhū al-Ḥījjah.

✓ Ibn ʿAbbās said: “The reward for good deeds are multiplied seven hundred times in these days.”

✓ Imām Al Awzāʿī said, “I was informed that good deeds during the ten days are equivalent (in reward) to striving in the path of Allāh, in which the day is spent in fasting and the night in safeguarding. Except if one is bestowed with martyrdom.”

م ي ال اي ن ألق :"ق ن ان، وألل ر من رمض ام ألعش ي

ل من أ ض ف ة أ ي الحج ر ذ

ام عش ي الي أ

ة ي الحج ر ذ الي عش من لن

ل ض ف ان أ ر من رمض واح

ر ألأ ."ألعش اوي) ن (مج م وع ألق

اذة ي أ ر اس امهنع هللا يضر هد ض :"وق د روي ف ى حدي ب اي ن عن هن ي ي ق اعف وألعمل

عف ة ص ". سب ماي مان) ي عب ألأ ي ف ى س هق ي (رواه ألن

اعي ال ألاور وة ف ى س:"وق ر در ع ر ك ق ام ألعش ي ن ألعمل ف ى ألن وم من أ

ي أ ب لع ل ي ي ب هاذة ص امرو ب ش ج ن ن ي لا أ ل ها أ ج رس لن هارها وي ضام ن ". الله ي

مان) ي عب ألأ ي ف ى س هق ي (رواه ألن

Page 4: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

The Plan of Action for these 10 Days

✓ Really feel this blessing and realize that it is an

opportunity of a lifetime, because none of us

know if we will witness these 10 days again.

✓ The rewards are multiplied in these days.

✓ Khālid ibn Miʿdān would say, “If the door

for good is opened for one of you, then rush

(to take advantage) because you don’t know

when it will close.”

ق ول الد ي ن معدان ي اب :"كان ح ح لأ حدكم ي ت أ ف ذ أ

ه ل ق عن ع ي ي ه لا ي دري مب ي ا لب شرع ق ر ق ت ". للج لاء) ن علام ألن ر أ (ست

Page 5: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Condition of the Salaf al-Ṣāliḥīn

✓ It is narrated about Saʿīd ibn Jubayr that, when the days

of Dhū al-Ḥijjah began he would strive to increase in good

actions with great intensity until he was unable to increase

anymore. (Sunan al-Darimī)

✓ He would also say, “Do not put off your lights in these 10

nights, Allāh loves worship in them.”

✓ Pious predecessors use to revere (give special attention) the

three ten’s:

• First ten days of Muḥarram

• First ten days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah

• Last ten days of the month of Ramaḍān

✓ Ḥāfiẓ Ibn ʿAsākir would make iʿtikāf in these days

✓ ʿAbdullāh ibn Zubair would conduct learning circles

between Ẓuhr and ʿAṣr prayers

ال اس ق ك :"عن اي ن عن ي ما ي دأ حب دي هاذأ س ي هد اح ي ر ، اح ام ألعش ي ل أ أ ذح ذ ر أ ت ن د ي ن ح اذ وكان سعن

ه در علن ق ". ي ن ألدارمي ) (سن

ال ت ر هنع هللا يضر ق ن د ي ن ح ر :"عن سعن ألعش الي م لن ك ح ن وأ سر طق اذة-لأ ي ه ألعن ن عج ".ي

لاء) ن ر اعلام ألن (ست ه مان ألي ي عث ب

اب ألضلاة عن أ صر ف ى ك ن د روي محمد ي ن ي ق ر، ف ه ألعش ع ط م ون هد دي كان ألسلف ي

راب :"ق ال لاب عش ع ط م ون ي وأ ي ر : كاي ة، وألعش ي الحج ول من ذ ر ألأ ر ألأ ول من ألمج رم، وألعش ألعش

ان ر من رمض ت . "ألأ ح ي ور) (ألدر المن

ة ي الحج ر ذ ان وعش هر رمض ك ف ف ى ش عن ظ اي ن عساكر ي وكان الحاف اظ ) كرة الح ق د (ي

كة ي ملن ب د الله ي ن أ ال عن :"وق ص م ي ضلي ألط هر ث ت ر امهنع هللا يضر ي ي دالله ي ن ألر ه ف ى كان عن لس علي ج ي

ر ف ت ع المن اس الحج علم ألي ن ألع صر وألط هر ي ن ما ي ث ر كل ها ق ."ألعش

اك هي ) ار مكة للق ن ح (أ

Page 6: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Excellence of The First 10 Days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah

✓ This period in Dhū al-Ḥijjah is regarded as very sacred and virtuous due to the following:

1. The month is among the sacred months

2. Allāh took an oath of these blessed days

3. The pilgrimage (Ḥajj) occurs in this period

4. The great day of ʿArafah takes place during this time

Page 7: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Excellence of The First 10 Days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah

✓ Ḥāfiẓ ibn Ḥajar has mentioned in his book (Fatḥ al-Barī): “The reason for the excellence of the first ten days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah is that one can perform in them the main kinds of worship which are prayer, fasting, charity and Ḥajj, while he can’t gather all these kinds of worship in the other days of the year.”

ج ن ظ اي ن حج ر ف ى ألق ال الحاف ن ألسب : "ق ط هر أ ي ي ب ف ى وألد ه، ي اذة ق مهاب ألعن ماع أ ث ة لمكان اح ي الحج ر ذ ار عش ن امن لك ف ب ى ذ ا ت ة والحج ، ولا ي ام وألضدق ى وهي ألضلاة وألصن

ره ت ".ع اري ) ح ألي ت (ف

Page 8: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Type of Deeds In The First 10 Days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah

✓ Sincere repentance

✓ Staying away from all acts of disobedience

✓ Offering ṣalāh in congregation

✓ Take advantage of the opportunities to get the

reward of Ḥajj while being elsewhere.

✓ Performing Ḥajj & ʿUmrah

✓ Doing more good deeds

✓ Dhikr

✓ Takbīr (saying: Allāhu Akbar)

✓ Fasting

✓ Udḥīyah (Sacrifice)

✓ ʿĪd prayer

ب س ي ن مالك، ق ال ق ال رس ول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ماعة من ص : "عن أ ى ج داة ف

ل ى ألع ل ن كاي ب ن ى ركعن

م صل مس ث ع ألش ط ل ي ي ر الله حب ك د عد ي م ف ر حج ة ث ح

كا ه مرة ة "ق ال ق ال رس ول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ". وع ام ة ي ام ة ي ام ."ي

ي ) رمد (رواه ألت Anas narrates that the Prophet said, “Whoever prays Fajr in congregation, then sits remembering Allāh until the sun has risen, then he prays two Rakʿah, then for him is the reward like that of a Ḥajj and ʿUmrah.” He said: “The Messenger of Allāh said: ‘Complete, complete, complete.’”

Page 9: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

First Ten Days of Dhū al-Ḥijjah

✓ The Prophet said: “There are no days on which good deeds are greater or more beloved to Allāhthan on these ten days, so recite much tahlīl (saying lā ilāha illāAllāh), takbīr (saying Allāhu akbar) and taḥmīd (saying alḥamdulillāh).”

ي ب مر امهنع هللا يضر عن ألن ال ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص عن اي ن ع ي : " ق

م ما من أ عط ام أ ام ي ه ألأ هن من هد ي ه من ألعمل ق لن حب أ

د الله، ولا أ عن ر، وألن ت كب ل، وألن هلي هن من ألي ي وأ ق ر كت

ا ر، ق د ألعش ."جمن جمد) (رواه أ

Page 10: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Virtues of These Days

✓ The virtue of these ten days is based on many things.

✓ Allāh swears an oath by them and swearing an oath by something is indicative of its importance and great benefit. Allāh says (meaning): “By the dawn; by the ten nights”. (Sūrah al-Fajr)

ذ له، أ ض ه وف ت أ علي عط م مكاي ء ذل هد ي سم الله ب ش ق أ أ ذ وأ

عالي ال ي م، ق الع ط ي لا ي سم أ ق م لا ي ر }: ألع ط ي ج ال و . وألق لن ر ر]{ عش ج ة، [ . 2-1: ألق ي الحج ر ذ ر هي عش الي ألعش وأللي

ر ت ال اي ن كب شري ن والح لف، وق مه ور المق ه ج أ ما علي ف ى وهد ره ست ق ج: ي .وه و ألصجن

Page 11: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Suggested Deeds For These Days

✓ The Prophet instructed those of his followers who could not reach the blessed places, to imitate the pilgrims by not cutting the hair and clipping the nails so that the mercy of Allāh can enshroud them too, together with the pilgrims.

✓ Umm Salamah narrates that the Messenger of Allāh said, “When anyone of you sights the moon of Dhū al-Ḥijjah and anyone of you intends to offer sacrifice then let him not touch his hair and his nails.” i.e. let him refrain (from cutting) his hair and nails. (Muslim)

ي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ق ال ب ن ألن سلمة، أ م ي : " عن أ م هلال ذ ي ي

أ رأ ذ راذ أ ة وأ الحج

اره ق ظ عره وأ مسك عن س لن ق ي ح

ض ن ي م أ ك حد ."أ

(رواه مسلم )

Page 12: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Fasting These Days

✓ Hunaydah ibn Khālid relates from his wife, who relates from one of the wives of the Messenger of Allāh, who says, “The Messenger of Allāh would fast the [first] nine days of Dhul Hijjah, the day of ʿĀshūrā’ and the three days of every month: The first Monday of every month and the following two Thursdays”. (al-Nasā’ī)

✓ Imām al-Nawawī recommended to fast the ten days as he said: “Fasting these days is highly recommended.”

✓ 10 days means 9 days from the 1st of Dhū al-Ḥijjah as it is prohibited to fast on the days of ʿĪd.

ي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ب ساء ألن ع ص ب ي ي ب ب الب حدي

ه ق ي الد عن امرأ دة ي ن ح ن ي وعن هن ب ن ألن أ

ل: " ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ة وي ي الحج وم عاس وراء وب شعا من ذ ص وم ي و كان ي هر أ ام من ألش ي ة أ اي ن سن مب هر وج ن من ألش ن ت ي ."ألأ

ن ألكت ري) ه ألب ساب ى ف ى ألسن رح ح (أ

ره ست ق مام ألن ووي ف ى ي ال ألأ ا: " وق د ق ر هن العش ام ألب شعة: والمراذ ي ي ول ألأ من أ ح ن ل هي مسي ه ألب شعة كراهة ي

لب س ف ى ص وم هد ول ق ا ت أ مما ي ة وهد ي الحج ة ذ

وم عرق ة ها وه و ي اسع مي ما ألي دأ لاسث دي ا س اي ح ن ."أسي ج مسلم ) رح صج ن (س

Page 13: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Day of ʿArafah

✓ Receive the glad tidings of a day wherein Allāh removes one’s faults and sins.

✓ Allāh’s Messenger said: “There is no day upon which Allāh frees frees more of his slaves, male and female from the Hellfire than the day of ʿArafah. He draws near and then He praises them to the angels, saying: What do they want (aspire for)?”

ن رس ول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ق ال ة، أ كت : " عن عاب س

وم أ عن ق الله ما من ي ن ي ر من أ

اهي ن ت م ي و ث دي ه لن ي ة أ

وم عرق ار من ي مة من ألي و أ دأ أ ه عن ي ل ق هم عر وح

لأء راذ ه و ق ول ما أ كة وي ."ألملاي

(رواه مسلم )

Page 14: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Features of The Day of ʿArafah

✓ Fasting on the day of ʿArafah expiates the sins of two years. i.e. preceding year and coming year.

✓ The best supplication is that which is made on the day of ʿArafah.

✓ The best of what could be said on the day of ʿArafah is: “Lā ilāha illallāhu waḥdahū lāsharīka lahū, lahul mulku wa lahul ḥamdu wahuwa ʿalā kulli shay’in qadīr”

✓ “There is no god but Allāh alone without any partners, unto Him belong the dominion and all praise and He has power over all things.”

ن رس ول الله ، أ ضاري ي اذة ألأ ي ي ق ب

ال ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص عن أ ق ة ، ف وم عرق ل عن ص وم ي : سن ة " ي اق ة وألن ن ة ألماص ن ر ألش ك ق ."ي (رواه مسلم )

ا ي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ق ب ن ألن ه، أ د ه، عن ح ت ي

، عن أ ب عن عاء : " ل عن عمرو ي ن س عاء ذ ر ألد ت ح

ري لأ الله وحده لأ س له أ لي لأ أ ب ي ون من ق ب ا وألن ي لب أ ر ما ق ت ة وح

وم عرق ك له له ي دي ر ء ق ي ش ل لك وله الح مد وه و على ك ."ألم

ي ) رمد (رواه ألت

Page 15: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Desirable To Increase Dhikr

• The Prophet commanded us to recite a lot of tasbīḥ (subḥān Allāh), taḥmīd(alḥamdulillāh) and takbīr (Allāhu akbar) during this time.

• ʿAbdullāh ibn ʿUmar reported that the Prophet said: “There are no days greater in the sight of Allāh and in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Him than these ten days, so during this time recite a great deal of tahlīl (lā ilāha illāAllāh), takbīr (Allāhu akbar) and taḥmīd(alḥamdulillāh)” (Aḥmed)

ي ب مر امهنع هللا يضر عن ألن د ا: " ق ال ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص عن اي ن ع م عن عط

ام أ ي لله، ما من أ

هن من ي وأ ق ر كت ا ر، ق ام ألعش ي

ه ألأ هن من هد ي ه من ألعمل ق لن حب أ ولا أ

د جمن ر، وألن ت كب ل، وألن هلي ."ألي جمد) (رواه أ

Page 16: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these


✓ From the Fajr of ʿArafah day up to the ʿAṣr of the last days of Tashrīq (i.e. 13th of Dhu al-Ḥijjah).

✓ Allāh says: “And remember Allāh in the appointed Days.”

✓ It is to say: Allāhu akbar Allahu akbar, lā ilāhaillallāhu wallāhu akbar, Allāhu akbar walillāhil ḥamd.

✓ Allāh is the greatest, Allāh is the greatest, there is no god but Allāh, Allāh is the greatest and to Allāh belongs all praise.

✓ Men are to say it aloud in the masājid, homes, etc. and at the end of each farḍprayer as a declaration of the Greatness of Allāh, acknowledging His worship only and showing gratitude to Him.

Page 17: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Method & Timing of Takbīr

✓ Men should recite these phrases out loud, and women should recite them quietly.

✓ After every farḍ ṣalāh.

✓ From the 9th Fajr to 13th ʿAṣr

✓ 5 DAYS IN TOTAL = 9,10,11,12,13

✓ 23 Prayers

ر كل أ ت كب الن ن المراذ ي ن علي أ عن اي ة وألي ر من ألصجاي اهت مضار والمس هاء ألأ ق ه ف ي علي الد حد ـ وخ ص وصا ق

رأ ظ ت ماعة ـ ي كب و ف ى ج اء كل صلاة ـ كان المضلي وحده أ ض

ق ي د أ ر عن كت ي اب ألضل واب ـ ق وق اهرأ ف ى ف ى أ لف مهنع هللا يضر الس داء ي ي ق ام أ ي ه ألأ صر. هد ي ر ألضل واب : وف ى ألمج ن ر ألب ساء ذ كت ه و. ولا ي ي هر لأ ش ل أ و ألأ ة ي اله ف ى المدو ل ق حرام كالرح مها حكم ألأ لر .ي

ام أ ي ر أ ح جر من أ وم ألن عد صلاة ألع صر من ي ط ع ي ق ت ة وي وم عرق ر ي ج ها من صلاة ألق دأ ن ن ب ه ي ي ق أ ري لب ش ة كعلي وعمر واي ن مش كاي ر ألصجاي

ول أ ري ن صلاة وه و ق لاب وعش عد ي راب ي ت كب ك ون ألن ي عوذ واي ن ق ه ح وعلي ري ب ى واي ن س سجاق والمر جمد وأ

وسف ومحمد وأ ي ـي ي ول ألن وري وأ هاء ق اس ومن ألق ق اس عن عمل ألي

ه لدان وي دل علي الن ة ث : ي وم عرق ج ي ن ـي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص صلي ألصن ن ألن اي ر أ الما روي ح ق ا ف ن ل علن ي ق ر : م أ كت الله أ

ق ري ام ألب ش ي ر أ ح لي ألع صر من أ ر أ ت كب ومد ألن ر) ت ر ألكب ست ب ألي ق ن ج ألع ت اي ر مق ست ق ي / ي (ألرار

ي ر اي ن مشعوذ هنع هللا يضر ها أ ة مي ع ر من صن كت ة أ ب ب عن ألصجاي د ي ق ي : " ف ر أ كت ه كان ي ي ق أ ري : ام ألب ش

ر ولله الحمد كت ر الله أ كت لا الله و الله أ له أ ر لا أ كت ر الله أ كت ة ب ش" الله أ ي ب ي س ب ه اي ن أ رح ح

جأ د صج ن ن

Page 18: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Origins of Takbīr

✓ When Prophet Ibrāhīm began to fulfil the directive of Allāh, Jibrīl descended from the sky with the substitute (sheep) pronouncing “Allāhu akbar” to alert Prophet Ibrāhīm.

✓ Prophet Ibrāhīm looked towards the sky and realized that a substitute has been sent, he pronounced “Lā ilāha illāllāhu wallāhu akbar.”

✓ His son Ismāʿīl overheard his father, Prophet Ibrāhīm glorifying Allāh, consequently he rose up to praise and thank Allāh too saying “Allāhu akbar wa lillāhilḥamd”

ي " دماب ذ مق ل ي ع ن اء وف ى المب ش وظ ان اصله ان اي راهي م مالسلا هيلع لما أس ح ولده ح لما سمع اي ر ر ق اذي الله أكت ي لة ق ج اف ألعج

داء من ألسماء ف الق ل ي ري ت ع ح م رف اهي سمع ر ف ال لاأله ألاالله والله أكت ق داء ف الق اء ي ه ح علم اي ج رأسه الي ألسماء ف ت ي ه ألد

امة ن وم ألق ة الي ي ألك سن ضار ذ ر ولله الحمد ف ال الله أكت ق ."ف ة ) احي -ألهداي ص

اب ألأ (ك ن

Page 19: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Hasten to Perform Ḥajj

✓ Allāh’s Messenger said: “Hasten to perform Ḥajj (meaning the obligatory Ḥajj) for none of you knows what will happen to him!”

✓ Abū Hurairaḥ reports Allāh’s Messenger saying: “An ʿUmrah is an expiation for the sins committed between it and the next, and the Ḥajj which is accepted will receive no other reward than Paradise.”

اس امهنع هللا يضر ق ال ل : " ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصق ال رس ول الله : عن اي ن عن وأ أ ل عج ، ي

ى الحج له عرض دري ما ي م لا ي

حدك ن أ ا ة ، ق ض ري ي ألق عب ."ي

جمد) (رواه أ

ري رة، ق ال ق ال رس ول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ي ه ب ل : " عن أ مرة أ ارة لما ألع مرة ك ق ى ألع

ة ن لأ الح اء أ ر س له ح ور لب ر ما والحج ألمت ه ي ب ."ي ه) ق ق علي (من

Page 20: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

The Accepted Pilgrimage

✓ Someone said to Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī , “The reward for an accepted Ḥajj is Paradise.” He replied, "The accepted pilgrimage is the one in which the one who performed it returns indifferent to this world and aspiring for the hereafter.” Someone said to him, “The reward for an accepted Ḥajj is forgiveness.” He replied, “The sign of that is that a person gives up the evils which he used to commit.”

✓ It is said that: “One of the signs of the accepted pilgrimage is that it appears by its end. If one returns in a better condition than before, it is known then that it is accepted.”

صري رجمه الله ل للجسن ألي ي ة؟ ق ال: " ق ه الح ن او ر رور ح ة : الحج المت ي أ لك رة: ذ ا ف ى ألأ ح ن ا راع ت اهدأ ف ى ألدي ع ر ن ي رخ ل له. أ ي اء الحج : وق ر ح

رة؟ ق ال ق لك: المع ة ذ ي ه من ألعمل: أ ي ما كان علي دع سب ن ي ."أ

ف المعارف) (لط اي رور رأ مما كان: " من علاماب الحج المت ت ع ح ن رخ ا ره ق ح ا ط هر ي لك ي ن ذ أ رور ه مت ي ."عرف أ

ف المعارف) (لط اي

Page 21: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Ḥajj: The Symbol of Unity

✓ The principle of unity is very clear in Ḥajj.

✓ Muslims from every gender, language, color and nationality come to one place. Their dress is the same, their work is the same, their place is the same, and their time is the same.

✓ A unity in feelings, unity in rituals, unity in goals, unity in efforts and unity in word.

✓ Together for One Cause: All Differences Set Aside

Page 22: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Objectives Behind Performing Ḥajj

✓ Perfecting tawhīd & denying shirk i.e. training one’s soul and purifying it from everything other then Allāh.

✓ Devoting time for the remembrance of Allāh, humbling oneself before Him, honoring the sacred ordinance of Allah and remaining steadfast on His Dīn.

✓ Ḥajj rituals teach a Muslim to pay full attention to Allāh in all his speech, actions, practice & intentions.

✓ Ḥajj is a school where a Muslim learns to achieve unity in belief and brotherhood, so that none of them dishonour each other, nor cause each other harm.

Page 23: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Doing Good Deeds In General

✓ If you are not able to go to Ḥajj then occupy yourself by doing the following:

✓ Prayers (ṣalāh)

✓ Read Qur’ān

✓ Remember Allāh

✓ Supplication (Duʿā)

✓ Give Charity

✓ Honor Your Parents

✓ Uphold Ties of Kinship

✓ Enjoin What Is Good/ Forbid What Is Evil

✓ All Good Deeds in General

Page 24: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Sincere Repentance

✓ One of the most important things to do during these ten days is to repent sincerely to Allāh and to give up all kinds of disobedience and sin.

✓ If a Muslim commits a sin, he must hasten to repent, without delay, because he does not know when he will die, and because one evil deed leads to another.

✓ Turn to Allāh and forego all deeds (open & secret) that He dislikes.

✓ Show regret for having sinned.

✓ Give it up immediately.

✓ Vow never to return to it.

✓ Stick firmly to the truth by doing only what Allāh loves.

Page 25: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these


✓ Udḥīyah refers to the animal (camel, cattle, goat or sheep) offered as a sacrifice. It is an act of worship dedicated solely to gain Allāh’s pleasure.

✓ Udḥīyah is a confirmed sunnah or sunnah muakkadah (emphasized sunnah) according to the majority of scholars while many other scholars hold the opinion that Udḥīyah is wājib.

• Warning in Ḥadīth

✓ “Whoever can afford to offer a sacrifice but does not do so, let him not approach our place of prayer.” (Aḥmed, Ibn Mājah & others)

ا لل ري ق ة مج ص وصة ي ن ق ق علي كن ري ش ام ألب ي جر وأ وم ألن م ي ي ر وألع ي ل وألي ق ح من ألأ ي د و ي جر أ ت ىلاعتو هناحبس-ه أسم لما ي ام وس ألق ق هي ) (ألق

ق وعمر ي ن الح ط اب وي و ي كر ألضدي ي ه أ ال ي ر ألعلماء وممن ق كت ول أ أ ق ف ى خ ق الم وسر وهد

ة م و كدة ة سن ج ن ص لال ألأ مة وأل ارك وعط اء وعلق ان ألن وري واي ن المن ن د ي ن المسب ب وسق دري وسعن و مشعوذ ألي ي

لة وأ ق د ي ن ع س وذ ومالك ف ى وس وي أ ب ى و ور والمر و ي ي

سجاق وأ ة وأ ن ق راب ى من الح ن عق وسف ومحمد وألر و ي ي جمد وأ عي وأ

اف ه وألس ه ور عن م ألق ول المش ذاوذ واي ن حر اب ى رهم ألق ول ألي ت ر وع

د ان واي ن المن هم: ألط اهري ي ب لاف ي ن هل ألعلم علي اح ماعة من أ ال ج أ ق هد ة ون ن ة واح ج ن ص ف ى خ ق من ألأ ب ج م والمساق :ي ي علي المق

ة ن ة واح ج ن ص ه ألأ ول عن اعي ومالك ف ى ق ور ب ي ن سعد وألأ ي وأللن

عة ألرأ ت ال ري ق لا ف ر الم وسر أ م الم ي ف ى خ ق المق

ة ن ة واح ج ن ص ة ألأ ق ن و حن ي ال أ ه ألهدي وق روع ف ى خ ق ما المش ي ه وأ ب علي ج لا ي ي ق مب ر الحاح ي ق ول ر وسر وه و ق

وسف ومحمد ي ي ب ة عن أ ة . والحسن ورواي ج ن ص وخ وب ألأ ة ألق ول ي من ي سلام اي ن ت ح ألأ ت

ار س ن واح دي ر ) ح ألق

ت رح ف كملة س ة مع ي ق 425/ 8ألهداي اي ن الح ق ن ن ت ع 2/ 6ي اي ع ألصن داي ج ر 193/ 4ي ي ي ألأ عق وذ 222/ 2ملي ق ة ق ن سلام 70/ 2الح واهر المن ح ألأ ت اوي س ي (162/ 23مج م وع ق

ن رس ول الله ي هري رة أ ب د ألرجمن ألأ عرح عن أ ل-ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص-روي عن عن ح ق ض ال من كان له سعة ولم ي اق ري ن مضلاي ق .ا ي

ي والحاكم ) ط ب ه وألدارف جمد واي ن ماح

(رواه أ

Page 26: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Who Is Required To Perform Udḥīyah?

✓ Every adult Muslim, male or female, who owns 613.35 grams of silver or its equivalent in money ($483.63 CAD), personal ornaments, stock-in-trade or any other form of wealth which is surplus to his basic needs, is under an obligation to offer Udḥīyah.

✓ Each adult member of a family who owns the above-mentioned amount must perform their own Udḥīyah separately.

✓ No Alternate for Udḥīyah!

✓ Some people think that instead of offering Udḥīyah they can give its amount to the poor people as charity. This assumption is totally wrong.

✓ Udḥīyah is an independent form of worship and this obligation cannot be discharged by spending money in charity.

ه ألأ ص ج لا عن خ واي ضاب ألر كاة ق اص ي مالكا لي ا أ ن ن ن ي ك ون ع حي أ رظ ف ى المص ت ة ب س لي لك ما ورذ ف ى الحدي ب ل هم علي ذ ا: )وذلن ري ن مضلاي ق لا ي ح ق

ض لم ي د سعة ق الرس ول (من وح ق ا ذ-ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص - ي ن ي ك ون ف ى ملكه من

ي وه و أ ب ه ألشعة وهي ألع رظ علي ارأ س ت رون ذي و عش رهم أ ه م ون ه وكش وة من ي ه وكش وي ي ب ي ا ت ه وما ي لك س وي مشكب ه ذ من ي لع ف ت ء ي ي و ش

مأ ع ) اي ع ألصن داي دي ن 196/ 4ي ة اي ن عاي ن (312/ 6حاس

لا عن ضاب ألر كاة ق اص ملك ي ي ي ي ألد ب ى خ ق ألع روعة ف ة مش ج ن ص ن ألأ جه أ رح ي أ وألد

ة ه ألأ صلي ج خ واي ة) ج ن ص حكام ألأ ضل ف ى أ (المق

Page 27: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Reward For Udḥīyah

✓ When a person sacrifices a Udḥīyah animal, he is forgiven.

✓ The animal shall be brought forward on the Day of Judgment with its meat etc. and shall be increased in weight seventy times more than its own weight, and thereafter it will be placed on the scale of deeds. (Sunan al-Bayhaqī)

✓ A reward for every fibre of wool and hair of the sacrificed animal is recorded.

ن رس ول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ي ظ الب هنع هللا يضر أ ب اذه عن علي ي ن أ سن ا ي ي

هق ي اظ مة وروي ألن ق ال لق ط ر من ذ: " اهنع هللا يضر ق ط رة ي ول ف ا ن لك ي ما أ ك أ ن ج ن ص هدي أ ومي ق اش اظ مة ق ا ق رة ي ق مها مع

ع وص ي ي ا حب عق ن ص عن ها سن لج ومها وذمان امة ي ن وم ألق ها ي اء ن ج ه ي ي ما أ ي ب أ ف ى لكل ذ اي ك ر ."مت

ي ) هق ن ألي (سن

رق م ق ال د ي ن أ ي ي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص: عن ر ب صجاب ألن ه: ق ال أ ا رس ول الله ما هد احي ق الي ص

ة : "ألأ سن م ي راهي كم أ ت ي

ال وا" أ ها ق ال: ق ي ا ق ما لي ة: "ف عرة حشن كل س ال وا" ي الص وف ق ال: ق عرة : "ق كل س ي ة ".من ألص وف حشن

جمد) ه أ رح ح (أ

Page 28: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

The Spirit of Udḥīyah

✓ Prophet Ibrahim had two alternatives: either to follow the cry of his heart or to submit to the call of his Rabb.

✓ He chose what faith loves over what the heart hates.

✓ Udḥīyah is not simply a monetary worship, nor is it a charity just to be distributed to the poor.

✓ Udḥīyah is an annual reaffirmation of our pledge to Allāh, a pledge that: “Verily my prayer, my sacrifices, my life and my death are surrendered to Allāh; the Rabb of the worlds.”

✓ ʿĪd al-Adḥā reverberates with the cries of SURRENDER, SUBMISSION, and SACRIFICE. It is a reminder that life is about action, struggle, and endurance.

✓ Love of Allāh in contrast to love of the Self.

✓ Obedience over Rebellion.

✓ Loyalty to Allāh in preference to loyalty to everything else.

Page 29: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Prerequisites For The Animal To Be Sacrificed

✓ It should be free of any faults because the Prophet said: “There are four that will not do for sacrifice: a one-eyed animal whose defect is obvious, a sick animal whose sickness is obvious, a lame animal whose limp is obvious and an emaciated animal that has no marrow in its bones.”

✓ The animal should reach the required age, which is six months for a lamb, one year for a goat, two years for a cow and five years for a camel.

ي من ج ر ه وي وق ي ف ما ق ب لا ألن ر والمعر أ ي ل وألي ق ي من ألأ ج ر ه لا ي ي هل ألعلم علي أ مه ور أ ق ق ج ن اي ا ألض

وق ه ع ف ما ق د الح علاء ألسن ن) (أ

لظ جب ب ل و ح ما ي ع عط ث د أ كان الح ذ ه أ حي ي ض ن ي ج ور أ ي هر ف ش ة أ مب له سن ن ما ي ا ع من ألض د اب الح ن ب الن ي

عد اظ ر من ي ه علي ألي ن ب ب س ة م سن ث ن والمعر ما أ ا ي من ألض ب ن ن. وألن ي م سب ث ر ما أ ي من ألي ق ب ث .وألن ي ل ما أ ي من ألأ ب نوألن ن مس سن م ج

ق) اي ن الح ق ن ن ت (ي

ال ب هنع هللا يضر ق راء ي ن عار احي كما ف ى حدي ب ألت ص ج ور ف ى ألأ ع لا ي ري ال رس ول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص: أ ع لا : " ق ري أ

احي ص ج ور ف ى ألأ ها : ي لع ن ظ ن اء ألن ها وألعرح ن ن مرض ة ألن ض ن ن ع ورها والمري ي ".) ألعوراء ألن

ها : أ ( عرج ر ي ) وألكست كشرة : أ ظ ( المن اء : وف ى لق ي ) وألعج ق

ولة: أ ي ( المهر ق ت ي لا ي ي ) ألب : أ ها لا مح لها لص عق

ألها (وهر جمد) ه أ رح ح (أ

Page 30: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Time For The Sacrifice

✓ Udḥīyah takes place after the ʿĪd prayer on the Day of Naḥr or ʿĪd al-Adḥā and is carried out during the three days of ʿĪd, namely the 10th, 11th and 12th of Dhū al-Ḥijjah with the intention of offering sacrifice.

✓ The Prophet said: “Whoever sacrifices before the prayer, let him repeat it.” (Bukhārī and Muslim)

ب س هنع هللا يضر ق ال جر: وعن أ وم ألن ال رس ول الله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ي ل: )ق ي ح ق ي عدمن كان ذ لن (ألضلاة ق

د و وم ألعن ة ي لاي جر ي ام ألن ي ن أ ي أ ق أ ري ام ألب ش ي اب ى من أ مس ألن وم ألي روب س ع ح ي ي ومان وق ب ألد ي

عده . ي

ة والمالكب ن ق ول الح ن ي هري رة مهنع هللا يضر وه و ق ب اس وأ ول عمر وعلي واي ن عمر واي ن عن

أ ق ه وهد لة وي اي ة والح ن ج عي م ألن ال ألن وري واي راهي


عالي ق وله ي ح وأ ي : أحي م من ن ه ق ام معل وماب على ما رر ي ى أ وأ أسم الله ف ر

ك د م وي ع ل ه اف وأ من هد مة لب ش هن ة ي عام س ورة الحج ألأ ي


ر د ألت ظ اي ن عن ال الحاف عده ق ن ي ومن جر وي وم ألن ام المعل وماب علي ي ي ج مل وأ ألأ لك ع: ف ن اي ن عمر وروي ذ

ي . هنع هللا يضر من وخ وه اض وسف ألق و ي ي ه وأ صجاي مام مالك وأ ال ألأ ه ق .وي

الا هما ق ن ا أ ض ي وسف أ ي ي ب ا عن مالك وعن أ ت ام : وروي ي ها أ ن ام المعل وماب أ ي ه ف ى ألأ لي هب أ

د ي ي ألد جر عالي ق ال: ألن عده لأ ن الله ي ومان ي جر وي وم ألن ام معل وماب على ما ر : ي ي

ى أ وأ أسم الله ف ر ك د م من وي ه ق ر

ة ي عام س ورة الحج ألأ ي مة ألأ هن .28ن

كار) د (ألاسن

Page 31: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Some of The Acts To Be Avoided

✓ Leaving animals hungry & thirsty before sacrifice.

✓ Sharpening tools/apparatus in front of the animals.

✓ Sacrificing in front of other animals.✓ Skinning while movement still exists in the

animal.✓ Ill treatment of animals in pens/holding areas.✓ Dragging the animal on its back.✓ The Messenger of Allāh has said: “Indeed

Allāh has prescribed excellence in everything…….” (Muslim)

✓ Ignorance & negligence regarding the proper method of sacrifice can diminish and even void the reward and virtue of this noble obligation.

وس هنع هللا يضر عن رس ول الله اذ ي ن أ د على س ي ي ب ن الله أ : "ق ال ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصعن أ

أ ذ ذ لة، وأ ن حشن وأ ألق

ا م ق لي ي أ ق ذ ا ء، ق ي ل ش حسان على ك ب ألأ م ك ن جي ي

ه جن ت ي رح ذ ، ولت ه ري ق م س

ك حد جد أ جة، ولن ي حشن وأ ألد

ا ".ق (رواه مسلم )

Page 32: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Deputing Someone To Carry Out Your Udḥīyah

✓ It is better for the one who wants to offer a sacrifice to carry it out himself if he is able to do so, because it is an act of worship and doing an act of worship oneself is better than delegating someone else to do it. But if a person is not skilled then it is better to delegate it to a Muslim who is good at it; in this case it is Mustahab to witness the sacrifice.

✓ It is your duty to establish the credibility and reliability of the people you depute (make wakīl) to carry out your Udḥīyah.

ي ب ن ألن ب س ي ن مالك هنع هللا يضر أ

سه ؛ لما روي أ ق ت ه ي ن ج ن ص ح أ ي د ن ي ب سان أ ل للا ض ف م ألأ ه وسل صل ى الله علن ده ) ت ما ي جه ي

ر ق د كت ي وي سم اجهما ي دمه على صق

عا ق ه واص ت ي رأ ن ق ملجن ن أ ن س كب ي ي ح

(ص (رواه مسلم )

ن اي ر أ ر ؛ لما روي ح لا عد ه ، ول و ي ن ج ن ص ح أ ي امه ف ى ذ ق وم مق ب ب من ي ي ن ب سب

ج ور أ ح ر : ) وي ي ن ف ن ا وسن

لاي ي ر ت ح ر ما ع ي ا، ف عطي علي

م أ ده، ث ت ( ي (رواه مسلم )

ض ف ة أ ري رة ألق اس ة ، ومن ري ه ق ي ه؛ لأ ن ق در علي سه أ ق ت ح ي ي د ن ي ة أ جن ص د ألي حب لمري ص ي سي ق وي ل من ي ه ال حب ف ى هد

ه ، وي سي جشن ه مسلما ي ن ولن الأ ولي ي ح ق ي جسن ألد ن لم ي ا ها، ق ي ر ق ح ب سان أ هد أ ن ب ش حالة أ

اظ مة اهنع هللا يضر ة ؛ لق وله ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص لق ج ن ص ك ق : ألأ ن ج ن ص لي أ ومي أ اظ مة ق ا ق اهب علي ي ب المد ق ق د اي ها، وق هدن اش أ .هد

ه) ذلي سلامي وأ ه ألأ (ألق ق

Page 33: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

What Should Be Done With The Sacrifice?

✓ It is recommended to divide the meat into three:

➢ One third for consumption➢ One third to be given as gifts ➢ One third to be given in charity

✓ Scholars agree that it is not permissible to sell anything from its meat, fat or skin. The Prophet said: “Whoever sells the skin of his Udḥīyah, there is no Udḥīyah for him (i.e., it is not counted as Udḥīyah).”

ا لق وله لاي ي ها أ سمي حب ف ه ي سي ي ظ عم وا: )أ وأ وأ ضدق (كل وأ وي اري ) ح ألي ت (ف

ه ق ال ي ي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص أ ب ص : )ورذ عن ألن لا أ ه ق ن ج ن ص لد أ اع ح ة لهمن ي (ج ن (رواه الحاكم )

Page 34: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Recommendation To Eat From The Meat Of The Sacrifice

✓ It is mustaḥab (preferable) for one who has made a sacrifice not to eat anything on that day before he eats from it, if this is possible, because of the ḥadīth, “Let every man eat from his sacrifice.” (Aḥmed)

✓ This eating should be after the ʿĪdprayer and khuṭbah.

لي صلاة ج رح أ ن ي حي أ ص وم ألأ حي ف ى ي ض ن ي راذ أ حب لمن أ د ولا وي سي ألعن

ول أ ق ها وهد كل مي ا ي ه ق ن ج ن ص ح أ ي د م ي ضلي ث ي ي ا حب ن ب كل س ا ر ي كت أ

ألعلماءاري ) ح ألي ت (ف

ي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص ق ال ب ي هري رة عن ألن ب حدك: عن أ حي أ أ ص ذ هأ ن ج ن ص كل من أ ا لي م ق

جمد) (رواه أ

Page 35: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Partaking of The Udḥīyah Meat

✓ Buraydah reports: “The Prophet would not go out on the day of breaking the fast (ʿĪd al-Fiṭr) until he had eaten and on the day of sacrifice (ʿĪd al-Aḍḥā) he would not eat until he had returned (from ṣalāh)” This is related by ImāmTirmidhī and Imām Ibn Mājah and also in Sunan al-Dāramī who added: “And he would eat from his sacrifice.” (Mishkāt, Vol 1, p. 452)

ه، ق ال ت ي دة، عن أ د الله ي ن ي ري ي ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص: "عن عن ب

وم كان ألن ح ي ر ج لأ ي ى ضل ي ي حي حب

ص وم ألأ ط عم ي ط عم ولأ ي ي ي ط ر حب ".ألق

ي ) رمد (رواه ألت

Page 36: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

Some Etiquettes

✓ The following acts are Sunnah on the day of ʿĪd al-Aḍḥā:

1. To wake up early in the morning.

2. To clean one’s teeth with a miswāk.

3. To have a bath.

4. To put on one’s best available clothes.

5. To use perfume.

6. Not to eat before the ʿĪd prayer.

7. To recite the takbīr of tashrīq in a loud voice while going to ʿĪd prayer.

8. To return from the ʿĪd prayer by a different route to the one taken there.

Page 37: Dhū al-Ḥijjah Virtues & Significance · Prophet said, “On no days is the worship of Allāhdesired more than in the (first) ten days of Dhūal-Ḥijjah. The fast of each of these

End – Questions & Answers

May Allāh accept from us and you.

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