Friendship AMEC Church School 5/17/2020 Devotional Do Not Worry ~ Part 1 Welcome to this 'Faith Builders' Devotional! In this devotional, we will be looking at examples of great faith in the Bible and how we can also have great faith! Faith means to have complete trust in someone or something. In Hebrews 11:1 it tells us that faith is "being sure of the things we hope for. And faith means knowing that something is real even if we do not see it." God wants us to trust Him and have faith that He is good in everything! He knows about all things and cares about them - even our worries, fears, thoughts and ideas! In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus goes to teach on a mountain. Lots of different people went to see Him. Jesus says to everyone to look at the world around them that God had created. Jesus says that God cares so much for the flowers and the birds. They are beautiful examples of God's creativity and love for us! Jesus shows how God looks after the birds; He gives them food and a home. When we read about God doing this, we can think about all the ways that God provides what we need too. Because of this, we never have to worry about anything. We can know God is with us in everything we do and that He looks after us so well because He loves and cares for us so much! God cares about what we need, what we think and what we feel not only now, but forever! Questions: In what ways has God provided for you? Are there any situations where you sometimes feel afraid or lonely? PRAY: Father God, I thank you that you love me far more than I can ever imagine. I thank you that you care for me so much and give me everything that I need. Thank you for all the ways that you have provided for me and for the ways that you will provide for me in the future. Thank you that I can live each day fearlessly because of the truth that you are with me in everything! Help me to be more fearless and understand more that you are fighting for me because you love me so much. Amen.

Devotional · 2020. 5. 17. · Devotional Do Not Worry ~ Part 1 Welcome to this 'Faith Builders' Devotional! In this devotional, we will be looking at examples of great faith in the

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  • Friendship AMEC Church School 5/17/2020

    Devotional Do Not Worry ~ Part 1 Welcome to this 'Faith Builders' Devotional! In this devotional, we will be looking at examples of great faith in the Bible and how we can also have great faith!

    Faith means to have complete trust in someone or something. In Hebrews 11:1 it tells us that faith is "being sure of the things we hope for. And faith means knowing that something is real even if we do not see it."

    God wants us to trust Him and have faith that He is good in everything! He knows about all things and cares about them - even our worries, fears, thoughts and ideas!

    In Matthew 6:25-34, Jesus goes to teach on a mountain. Lots of different people went to see Him. Jesus says to everyone to look at the world around them that God had created. Jesus says that God cares so much for the flowers and the birds. They are beautiful examples of God's creativity and love for us!

    Jesus shows how God looks after the birds; He gives them food and a home. When we read about God doing this, we can think about all the ways that God provides what we need too. Because of this, we never have to worry about anything. We can know God is with us in everything we do and that He looks after us so well because He loves and cares for us so much! God cares about what we need, what we think and what we feel not only now, but forever!

    Questions: • In what ways has God provided for you?

    • Are there any situations where you sometimes feel afraid or lonely?

    PRAY: Father God, I thank you that you love me far more than I can ever imagine. I thank

    you that you care for me so much and give me everything that I need. Thank you for all the ways that you have provided for me and for the ways that you will provide for me in the future. Thank you that I can live each day fearlessly because of the

    truth that you are with me in everything! Help me to be more fearless and understand more that you are fighting for me because you love me so much. Amen.


    Hebrews 11:1-King

    James Version (KJV) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not


    Matthew 6:25-34 King James Version (KJV) Therefore, I say unto you, take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment? Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature? And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast

    into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? Therefore, take no thought, saying, what shall we eat? or, what shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need

    of all these things. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Take

    therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

  • Old Testament Law

    • Genesis 11:3 What did the people bake?

    • Exodus 15:25 What did Moses throw into the bitter water to make the water fit to drink?

    • Leviticus 2:7 You can use this to cook the grain offering.

    • Numbers 11:4-6 What did the Israelites crave other than meat, cucumbers, melons, leeks, onions and garlic?

    • Deuteronomy 2:6 What did God instruct the Israelites to use to pay for the food and water?

    History • Joshua 4:5-7 When God cut off the flow of the Jordan, what did Joshua use to set up a


    • Judges 8:24 What did Gideon ask from the Israelites?

    • Ruth 2:9 Boaz offered Ruth drinks from ______.

    • 1 Samuel 2:14 What would the priest's servant plunge into the pot?

    • 2 Samuel 12:20 What did David put on?

    • 1 Kings 14:3 Besides bread and cakes, what else did King Jeroboam's wife bring to prophet Ahijah?

    • 2 Kings 21:13 God will wipe out Jerusalem as one wipes a ______.

    • 1 Chronicles 22:3 What was the iron used to make?

    • 2 Chronicles 2:7 What were purple, blue and crimson?

    • Ezra 7:17 What should Ezra use to buy animals and the other items for the offerings?

    • Nehemiah 2:8 What did Nehemiah need from Asaph, the keeper of the royal park?

    • Esther 2:12 What would the young woman use to make themselves smell good?

    Poetry • Job 6:2-3 If Job's misery could be placed on ______, it would outweigh the sand of the


    • Psalm 75:8 What is the foaming wine mixed with?

    • Proverbs 6:6 King Solomon tells the sluggard to consider the ways of the ______.

    • Ecclesiastes 4:12 What is not quickly broken?

    • Song of Songs 4:3 What did King Solomon use to describe his bride's lips?

    www.BibleGamesCentral.com Copyright © 2018 Bible Games Central. All rights reserved.

  • Paper Roll Cross

    Hey Kids! I hope you guys enjoyed your

    Sunday School Lesson on Faith Building, and

    that you had a great time with your Bible

    Scavenger Hunt!

    Here is our craft for the week, all the

    supplies you need should be easy to find in

    your house.

    Have FUN with this craft. I am in love with

    how they came out and have them hanging

    on my wall!

    Supplies your will need:

    • Cardboard rolls (paper towel, toilet

    paper or wrapping paper)

    o For the cross below, I used 18”

    of wrapping paper roll and 4

    toilet paper rolls

    • Pen/pencil

    • Scissors

    • Ruler

    • Glue

    • Paper clips, bobby pins (to hold

    pieces in place as they dry)

    • (optional) Markers/spray

    paint/acrylic paint/glitter, etc. – to

    decorate when complete

    First, get your crafting-space ready. I use a

    piece of cardboard on my table to protect

    your table from getting damaged.

    *Set up your supplies that you will be using *

    1. Take your cardboard rolls and flatten

    them, with your ruler and pencil,

    make ½ to 1-inch marks (your choice,

    I used ½”). Then, with scissors (you or

    your parents) cut on each of those

    lines, making petal shaped pieces. If

    using two different size rolls, keep

    sizes separated.

    2. Take 4 pieces of your ½” cardboard

    pieces and with a dot of glue, adhere

    the 4 corner points together, making

    a little cross.

    I used two different size cardboard roll’s, so

    I made 6 big cross pieces and 6 small cross


    If the seam starts to come undone on the

    inside, just glue it as you go, using your

    paper clips or bobby pins to secure while the

    glue dries.



    1. Once you make a few of these and

    the glue dries, lay them out and

    design your cross!

    2. Then glue together the cross pieces

    3. add any additional pieces to make

    your design. Use your imagination!

    Make it as detailed or simple as you’d


    Simple Cross – example #2

    After your glue dries, you are free to


    (paint, accessorize, glitter)

    I spray painted the two crosses gold.

    Now they are ready to hang!

    Love you all! Hope you enjoyed this craft!

    Ms. Mandy