Devotion - Eng

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  • 7/29/2019 Devotion - Eng


    1FAITHFUL PROPHET JEREMIAH 28:1-17 1)Thursday

    Eventhough Hannaniah was a prophet he prophesy falsely without the fear of the god to

    Israelites and leads them into the wrong path against the will of the god. The result is the death

    of the prophet. Let us take this as a warning and fear our God and Lord. He is Lord God

    Almighty .Let us obey His commands and be blessed spiritually and worldly.

    DOING THE WILL OF GOD 29:1-14 2)Friday

    If we go through the Bible we can read in many places that God is pleased when His will is done

    on earth as it is done in the Heaven. Whenever Israelites do this they were blessed by God and

    they live peacefully. Here we can read one more command for Israelites that is praying for the

    city or town or kingdom so they can have peace.

    God expects the same thing from us. Doing his will and pray for our country.


    Whenever Israelites are persecuted by other God shows compassion and grieve for them. And

    also he became zealous and punished and destroyed the people who persecuted His people.

    God wants to protect us also as the apple of His eye. Let us confess our sins and become his

    children and live in peace and hope.

    THE GOD WHO BUILDS 31:1-14 4)Sunday

    Because of their sin the Jews were scattered . But the Almighty God gathered them all back

    and build again and bless them with doublefold. (ves.12&13)

    We may also be in a worst situation. We may think that our world is ended. But God is there for

    us always . He is our refuge, our very present help in trouble and our fortress. He is ready to

    bless us and turn our joy into sorrow.

    REPENTENCE 31:15-22 5)Monday

    The reason for the destruction of Israelites is their sin, their disobedience and their stiff neck.

    Still when they ready realize their mistake and ready to repent for that god is there to bless

    them. He came to the world and died on the cross to save us from the sin. So let us accept and

    repent for our sins. (vs19&20)

    THE NEW COVENANT 31:23-20 6)Tuesday

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    When Israelites repent god is ready to renew their heart and ready to make a new covenant

    with them. He wants to renew their heart and makes it holy. This is the way to know our

    Omnipotent God. (vs 34&35). When we know our god more and more we will have more faith,

    more holiness and more and more free life from the sin.

    THE GOD WHO FORETELLS OUR FUTURE 32:1-15 7)Wednesday

    Lord speaks about the future of the Israelites through Jeremiah the prophet.(vs.15)

    Our days are in the hands of the Lord as an open book. Let us commit our life to him with faith

    and live happily.

    THE EVERLASTING COVENANT 32: 16-44 8)Thursday

    We can divide this portion into three parts

    1724&27:------The mighty names and deeds of God

    18-25 :-----The abominations of Israelites against God.

    37-44 :-----The eternal covenant of Lord

    The name of the Lord is a strong tower. So when we know more names of the Lord that

    protects us , convict us of our sins and deliver us from all evil. And also it makes us the heirs of

    the eternal covenant.

    FORGIVENESS I SAMUEL 26:1-15 9)Friday

    Even though Saul chase to kill David, when David got a chance to kill Saul not only he refuse to

    do that but also David questioned Sauls guards for their carelessness . Fear of god and

    forgiveness makes it possible for David to protect Saul. This is the message given to us by our

    Lord Jesus Christ to forgive our enemies. May our Lord help us to follow the example of our

    Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

    THE FRUIT OF TRUTH 27:1-12 10)Saturday

    According to Davids faithfulness God gave him mercy in the sight of Philistines king and also he

    got a place called Siklok . When a mans ways are pleasing to god he makes even his enemies

    his friend.

    DOING THE WILL OF GOD 28:1-14 11)Sunday

    Saul did not do the will of god and got destroyed. He cut off all works of sorcery in Israel and

    also destroyed all the sorcerers. But when refuses to answer him he seek them out and try to

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    know about his future. Instead of going to sorcerers if he had gone to God and asked for

    forgiveness God would have forgiven him. Instead of God he chose men and lost his grace. Let

    us take this as a lesson for our spiritual life.

    TOTAL SUBMISSION 28:15-25 12)Monday

    When God asks to do something he wants our full submission and obedience to fulfill his

    mission and vision. If it is not so we may meet destruction like Saul. During this gracious period

    let us obey God by doing his will.

    THE PROTECTING HAND OF THE GOD 29:1-11 13)Tuesday

    David is forbidden to take part in the war. Everything will happen good to those who love god .

    If David took part in war philistines must have known that David is still the enemy of philistines

    but god protect him there by sending him back. Obey the god and taste his goodness.

    MERCIFUL GOD 30:1-15 14)Friday

    The situation was worst even Davids friends are in a stage to stone him. But he strengthened

    himself in the god. In this situation what you will do? Turning to god or man? Even in this

    situation he shows mercy to an Egyptian who belongs to enemy camp and got some

    information and saved his people. Even in the worst situation are we ready to show mercy and

    kindness to others. He showed mercy and got mercy from the merciful god.

    A RIGHTEOUS LEADER 30:16-31 15)Saturday

    David revealed his righteous character here. When the wicked and worthless people who went

    with him said some unrighteous things about their brothers David convinced them and did the

    right thing. And also make that a law. When a man show such a righteousness what about the



    Saul disobeyed god and destroyed and his whole family. Let us warned by this and obey the

    voice of the god and save ourselves and our family.

    THE GOD OF COVENANT 33:1-16 17)Monday

    Eventhough Israelites sin against god God wanted to be faithful to His covenant set with his

    servants Abraham and Isacc. He promised them to rebuild them. We are also chosen people of

    god to bear his name and glorify his name through our deeds and words. Let us believe him and

    make that our righteousness.

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    THE FRUIT OF OBEDIENCE 35:1-19 18)Tuesday

    God set the sons of Rechabites as an example to Israelites. When their father Jonadab son of

    Rechabite commanded them neither to drink wine nor to plant vineyard and build house the

    whole household obeyed that. Their obedience got them their reward. Their names were

    written in the Bible. God gave them a promise that Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not lack a

    man to stand before me

    THE GOD WHO CALLS FOR REPENTENCE 36:1-20 19)Wednesday

    Here we can see the desire of God that He wants His children to repent, to return and to lead a

    holy life so that he can bless them. For this he is keep on sending his servants and prophets to

    convict them. In our life also God interfere in many ways (Holy Bible, ministers and spiritual

    books) so that we can lead a holy and blessed life.

    THE FRUIT OF DISOBEDIENCE 36:21-32 20)Thursday

    Eventhough God gave so many chances to the people and king of Judah the never like to repent

    and turn away from their evil ways. So they were totally destroyed. Their lack of humbleness

    and their fearlessness lead them to this. Let us not be like this. He who is often rebuked and

    hardens his neck, will suddenly be destroyed.


    Persecutions and problems will be there for all the true servants of god. Paul says in his epistle

    that when we think of following god itself brings us trouble. Jeremiah also suffered the samebut stood faithful to God even in the face of the death. Let us also lead a holy and faithful life

    unto god to receive the crown of glory.

    THE GOD WHO LIFT US UP FROM THE PIT OF MUD 38:1-13 22)Saturday

    It seems that Jeremiah is deserted by God. But our gracious god graceful to him and Jeremiah

    was lifted from the dungeon of mire. When we follow god or when we were faithful to him

    god will bless us abundantly and there will be no trouble this is the wrong and deceptive

    statement. We will face trouble but eventhough when we walk in the valley of shadow of death

    we fear no evil because our God will be with us.

    OBEYING THE WORD OF GOD 38:14-28 23)Sunday

    When we obey the word of God, God will bless us spiritually along with this worldly blessings.

    Gods word is the life to us all. As Israelites couldnot obey the word of god they faced so many

    persecutions and troubles let us obey the word of god.

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    GOD OF TRUST 39:1-18 24)Monday

    Ebed-Melech he is an Ethiopian but he trusted God and saved by him in the time of

    destruction. The whole of the Israel city is destructed by Babylonians because they did not trust

    and fear God and His words. But eventhough EbedMelech is a gentile he trusted and fear

    God. God honoured his trust and fear and saved his life. Let us also trust Him and be protected

    by Him.

    GOODWILL 40:1-16 25)Sunday

    Nebuzaradan the captain of the guards characters were shown here.

    He believed God so he said that the punishment on Israelites were due to theirdisobedience to God.

    He freed Jeremiah. He selected a good man for the remaining people as a leader . A man who knew the heart of the God. His selected leader also doing good to the

    people. His plan is for the well being of the remaining people, so when the people who

    scattered among the nations heard about that they were all returning to Israel. Is our

    goodwill and gooddeeds reach the far end of the country or at least our surroundings?

    BE WISE 41:1-18 26)Monday

    Gedaliah a very good man, god fearing man and hard working. But very innocent and simple,not wise as a serpent as our Lord Jesus Christ told in the Bible. This innocence cost him his life.

    Let us also be innocent as dove but at the same time vigil and wise as serpent.

    DECEIVING HEART 42:1-22 27)Tuesday

    Israelites were warned not to go to Egypt but they carried away by their deceiving hearts own

    desire. They themselves decide and perceive Egypt is a good place for them. Many times we

    were also deceived by our own hearts desire but let us be careful that may result in

    destruction and death.

    STUBBORN HEART 43:1-13 28)Wednesday

    Even after the warning of the Lord Israelites went to Egypt and met their destruction. Here

    Egypt denotes this world. Many times in our life we select or put this world in the front than the

    will and wish of the God that results in many problems in our life. We may Christians in name

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    sake but unless and until ready to submit ourselves in the hands of the Lord we cannot receive

    anything from the Lord.

    GOD OF FURY 44:1-14 29)Thursday

    Israelites totally ignored the word of the god and cursed and destroyed. Let us also not be likethis. Let us fear and honour our God.

    THE WORLD 44:15-30 30)Friday

    Many times we put this world and pleasures first than our God like Israelites did. But our god is

    a god of jealous he never give his glory to anyone or anything. Let us not be deceived.