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Developmental prosopagnosia in childhood - … prosopagnosia in childhood Kirsten A. Dalrymple1,2, Sherryse Corrow3, Albert Yonas3, and Brad Duchaine1 1Department of Psychological

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Page 1: Developmental prosopagnosia in childhood - … prosopagnosia in childhood Kirsten A. Dalrymple1,2, Sherryse Corrow3, Albert Yonas3, and Brad Duchaine1 1Department of Psychological

This article was downloaded by: [Dartmouth College Library]On: 26 February 2013, At: 09:03Publisher: RoutledgeInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office:Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK

Cognitive NeuropsychologyPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscriptioninformation:http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/pcgn20

Developmental prosopagnosia in childhoodKirsten A. Dalrymple a b , Sherryse Corrow c , Albert Yonas c & BradDuchaine aa Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College,Hanover, NH, USAb Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, London,UKc Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN,USAVersion of record first published: 12 Nov 2012.

To cite this article: Kirsten A. Dalrymple , Sherryse Corrow , Albert Yonas & Brad Duchaine (2012):Developmental prosopagnosia in childhood, Cognitive Neuropsychology, 29:5-6, 393-418

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02643294.2012.722547


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Page 2: Developmental prosopagnosia in childhood - … prosopagnosia in childhood Kirsten A. Dalrymple1,2, Sherryse Corrow3, Albert Yonas3, and Brad Duchaine1 1Department of Psychological

Developmental prosopagnosia in childhood

Kirsten A. Dalrymple1,2, Sherryse Corrow3, Albert Yonas3, and Brad Duchaine1

1Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA2Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, London, UK3Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA

Developmental prosopagnosia (DP) is defined by severe face recognition problems resulting from afailure to develop the necessary visual mechanisms for processing faces. While there is a growingliterature on DP in adults, little has been done to study this disorder in children. The profoundimpact of abnormal face perception on social functioning and the general lack of awareness of child-hood DP can result in severe social and psychological consequences for children. This review discussespossible aetiologies of DP and summarizes the few cases of childhood DP that have been reported. Italso outlines key objectives for the growth of this emerging research area and special considerations forstudying DP in children. With clear goals and concerted efforts, the study of DP in childhood will bean exciting avenue for enhancing our understanding of normal and abnormal face perception for allage groups.

Keywords: Developmental prosopagnosia; Childhood disorders; Developmental disorders; Faceperception; Vision.

Madison’s parents first noticed her abnormal be-haviour when she was around 18 months-of-age.She never seemed fearful of strangers, and shedid not show the excitement or affection towardsher parents that would be expected of a child herage—it was almost as if she did not know whowas familiar and who was not. She also appearedconfused or frightened by changes in emotions ofother people. When Madison began speaking,she asked questions like, “Why did your face

change?” and “What does that face mean?”When her mother picked her up after school, shenoticed that Madison sometimes mistakenlywalked over and greeted other parents who drovecars similar to hers. Madison’s mother distinctlyrecalled one day when the youngster happilyapproached a stranger who was visiting theirnext-door neighbour. This stranger had a verydifferent face from the neighbour and was about20–30 years younger. Confused, her mother

Correspondence should be addressed to Kirsten A. Dalrymple, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth

College, 6207 Moore Hall, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, USA. (E-mail: [email protected]).

K.A.D. was supported by an Economic and Social Research Council (UK) grant to B.D. S.C. was supported by the Eva O. Miller

Fellowship through the graduate school of the University of Minnesota and a predoctoral training grant provided by the National

Institutes of Health under Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award 5T32HD007151 from the National Institute of

Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). We would like to thank Madison and her mother for their correspondence

and candid accounts of Madison’s experiences. Thank you to Joe DeGutis and Roger Mercado for providing detailed information

about their experiences with T.M.

# 2012 Psychology Press, an imprint of the Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa business 393

Cognitive Neuropsychology, 2012

Vol. 29, Nos. 5 –6, 393–418, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02643294.2012.722547




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asked Madison why she approached the man.Madison replied, “That’s our next-door neigh-bour”. When asked why she thought this manwas her neighbour, Madison explained that shehad used his eyeglasses to identify him. She didnot even seem to notice that the stranger, whowas quite tall with a large build, was not theshort, stocky, man from next door.

Madison’s parents tried desperately to find adiagnosis that would explain their daughter’sunusual behaviours and her indifference towhether people were friends or strangers.Pervasive developmental disorder was considered,as was Asperger syndrome (AS), but those diag-noses did not seem appropriate because Madisondemonstrated relatively normal social functioning.In addition, she did not demonstrate other beha-viours characteristic of AS, such as intensivespecialized interests or stereotyped movements,and she only showed mild impairments withinthe domain of social communication and inter-action. In fact, her mother noted that she madegood eye contact, almost intently staring atpeople’s faces as if scrutinizing them. Specialistswere baffled for years, and it was only when herparents came across the term “face blindness”that they had the “Aha!” moment they had beenwaiting for: Madison had developmentalprosopagnosia.

Studying developmental prosopagnosia inchildhood

Developmental prosopagnosia (DP) is a neurode-velopmental condition characterized by severeface recognition problems that result from afailure to develop the necessary visual mechanismsfor normal face processing (Duchaine &Nakayama, 2006b). It occurs in the absence ofbrain injury and is sometimes referred to as conge-nital prosopagnosia (Behrmann & Avidan, 2005).Although face recognition problems exist in thecontext of other disorders (e.g., autism), DP canexist in isolation from more general object agnosiasor other developmental disorders. Although muchwork has been done to study DP in adults, there isa notable lack of research on DP in children.

The development of a deeper understanding ofchildhood DP is important for a number ofreasons. First, DP is estimated to affect 2–2.9%of the population (Bowles et al., 2009;Kennerknecht et al., 2006). While these estimateswere drawn from adult populations, this preva-lence rate could represent millions of childrenworldwide. It is higher than prevalence ratesreported for several other developmental disordersthat receive a great deal of attention from thepublic and from the research community, such asautism (Yeargin-Allsopp et al., 2003), pointingto a need for similar attention in this developingfield. Second, DP can have a profound impactduring childhood, leading to difficulties makingfriends and participating in social activities inschool, as well as increased levels of anxiety(Diaz, 2008). In addition, an inability to recognizefaces increases the risk of being put in potentiallydangerous situations with strangers, as is evidentin Madison’s case. Thus, research aimed at under-standing the disorder early in life, and how to treatit, is essential for the well-being of children withDP. Third, the impact of abnormal face processingon social functioning and the general lack ofawareness of childhood DP can result in the mis-diagnosis of children with DP as having otherdevelopmental disorders, such as autism spectrumdisorders. Misdiagnosis could result in the appli-cation of interventions poorly matched to achild’s needs or ones that fail to address thechild’s face-processing difficulties altogether. Thestudy of DP in children can provide answers toimportant questions about abnormal and normalface perception. Finally, learning about the aetiol-ogy and progression of DP may also lead toinsights about other selective developmental defi-cits such as dyslexia, dyscalculia, and specificlanguage impairment by identifying whether com-monalities exist between disorders.

In this review, we take the opportunity tooutline some key objectives that we believeshould be at the forefront of this emerging fieldof study. These include (a) increasing awarenessof childhood DP, (b) the development of well-designed diagnostic tools, (c) the application ofresults from research on childhood DP to the

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study of theoretical issues related to DP in general,and (d) the development of empirically driventreatment strategies for children and adults withDP.

This review begins with a discussion of possibleaetiologies of DP, including the contribution ofgenetics, innate mechanisms, experiential factors,and neurological factors. Next, we discuss the rela-tively small body of existing literature on child-hood DP. We then outline the above-mentionedobjectives, which we hope will help guide researchon childhood DP in a productive direction, andimportant theoretical questions that can beanswered through the study of DP in children.Finally, we summarize treatment strategies andspecial considerations for the study of DP in chil-dren. Ultimately, this review is intended to providean overview of the current state of the field and tooutline opportunities for future study of childhoodDP. The development of normal face processing isbeyond the scope of this review, but that infor-mation can be found elsewhere (e.g., Nelson,2001; Pascalis et al., 2011)

It is important to note that throughout thisreview, the following three terms are used in veryspecific ways: Face processing is used as a nonspeci-fic reference to the processes involved in perceiv-ing, encoding, and recalling a face; face perceptionrefers specifically to the perceptual processing ofa face (e.g., the ability to detect differencesbetween faces or to encode a face); and face recog-nition to the behavioural act of recognizing aface. As an example of the importance of this dis-tinction, DP is defined as failure of face recog-nition at a behavioural level, which could be theresult of a failure of face perception or a failureof memory (cf. De Renzi, Faglioni, Grossi, &Nichelli, 1991), both of which are specific com-ponents of face processing.

Possible aetiologies of DP

One of the specific advantages of investigating facerecognition disorders early in life is the opportu-nity to evaluate possible causal mechanisms forprosopagnosia. There is little concrete knowledgeof the aetiology of DP, but major candidates

include genetics, malfunctioning of innate face-processing mechanisms, experiential factors, andneurological factors. We discuss each of these inturn, though they are not mutually exclusive andinstead are likely to interact in important andtheoretically interesting ways.

GeneticsResearch on familial cases of DP has resulted inclear evidence that DP tends to run in families,consistent with a genetic influence. The very firstreport on DP, written about a 12-year-old girlknown as A.B., indicated that A.B.’s motherexperienced face recognition difficulties of herown, although she was not formally tested(McConachie, 1976). Since then, numerousreports have indicated the presence of DP in mul-tiple family members (Behrmann, Avidan,Marotta, & Kimchi, 2005; de Haan, 1999; Diaz,2008; Duchaine, Nieminen-von Wendt, New, &Kulomaki, 2003). Even some “celebrity” cases ofDP, such as primatologist Jane Goodall and neur-ologist Oliver Sacks, have reported familymembers who had suspected DP (Goodall &Berman, 2000; Sacks, 2010).

The first large-scale investigation into the gen-etics of DP revealed a familial link consistent withan autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance(Kennerknecht et al., 2006). This study ofGerman high-school and university studentsinvolved questionnaire-based screening of 689individuals. Based on responses to these question-naires, 17 individuals were identified as havingDP, consistent with a prevalence rate of 2.47%.A follow-up investigation of 14 of these individ-uals indicated that each case had a first-degreerelative with suspected DP. These findings werebased on subjective reports only, but the geneticbasis of DP has since been supported by moreobjective tests of face processing. For example,studies using formal neuropsychological testinghave confirmed the existence of DP in severalfamily members (Duchaine, Germine, &Nakayama, 2007; Lee, Duchaine, Nakayama, &Wilson, 2010; Schmalzl, Palermo, & Coltheart,2008). More recently, a twin study that measuredface recognition in monozygotic and dizygotic

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twins drawn from the general population foundthat the correlation between scores of face recog-nition between monozygotic twins, who share100% of their genes, was more than double thecorrelation found between dizygotic twins, whoshare only 50% of their genes (Wilmer et al.,2010). This strongly supports the presence of agenetic component to face recognition.

Taken together, the heritability of face proces-sing and of DP is clear, but the nature of the her-itability is not. Some individuals with DP reportthat they are the only member of their familywith face recognition difficulties (Duchaine &Nakayama, 2005). Even within a family, hetero-geneity may exist in terms of the subtype of DP,with different family members exhibiting differentface-processing impairments (Lee et al., 2010;Schmalzl, Palermo, & Coltheart, 2008). It is poss-ible that some, but not all, subtypes of DP have agenetic basis, but this needs to be investigatedfurther. As with all familial studies, shared familyenvironment also needs to be taken intoconsideration.

Innate mechanismsInnate mechanisms that cause preferential orient-ing to faces ensure that infants have experienceswith faces that are necessary for the developmentof normal face processing (Morton & Johnson,1991). In support of this notion, studies haveshown that newborns have a preference to look atface-like patterns over non-face-like patterns(Fantz, 1963) and tend to orient both head andeyes towards faces to a greater degree than tomatched nonface stimuli (Easterbrook, Kisilevsky,Hains, & Muir, 1999; Goren, Sarty, & Wu,1975; Maurer & Young, 1983; Mondloch et al.,1999; Morton & Johnson, 1991). Once oriented,newborns typically fixate faces longer thannonface stimuli (Macchi Cassia, Simion, &Umilta, 2001) and even show a preference forfaces with direct, compared to averted, gaze(Farroni, Csibra, Simion, & Johnson, 2002).

Interestingly, the tendency to orient to and dis-criminate faces without any experience with facesis maintained even after a delay. Monkeys deniedexposure to faces for the first 6, 12, or 24 months

of life still preferred to look at faces—monkey orhuman—compared to nonface stimuli when firstexposed to face stimuli. In addition, after a shortintroduction to a selection of monkey and humanfaces, the monkeys were able to discriminatethese faces from novel ones, demonstrating anexpertise with faces despite their initial lack ofexperience with faces (Sugita, 2008).

Abnormal face perception in the context of DPcould be the result of a failure of these innate face-orienting mechanisms. An infant’s failure to orientnormally to faces from a very early age could leadto reduced or abnormal exposure to faces thatcould disrupt the normal development of face pro-cessing (Johnson, 2005). As is discussed next, thereis ample evidence that abnormal or reduced experi-ence with faces can lead to deficits in face proces-sing, making it reasonable to conclude that an earlytendency to orient to faces is important for thedevelopment of normal face-processing skills.

Experiential factorsEvidence from individuals who lack early visualexperience with faces clearly shows that suchdeprivation can have long-term consequences forthe development of normal face perception. Forexample, individuals with bilateral congenital cat-aracts that prevented any patterned visual input areimpaired at certain aspects of face processing, indi-cating that early deprivation can affect later profi-ciency with faces (Le Grand, Mondloch, Maurer,& Brent, 2001, 2004; Ostrovsky, Andalman, &Sinha, 2006). One individual with bilateral catar-acts removed at the age of 12 showed normalface discrimination and localization, but impairedface identification (Ostrovsky et al., 2006). Evenindividuals who had their cataracts removed at avery early age (e.g., ,2 months), show evidenceof abnormal face perception (Le Grand et al.,2001, 2004). They are impaired at detectingspacing between features and are not affected bycomposite face effects (i.e., their judgement ofthe top half of a face is not strongly affected byinformation from the bottom half of the face).This suggests a lack of sensitivity to second-order relations (i.e., relative distances betweenfeatures) within faces and impaired holistic

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processing (i.e., integration of multiple features ofa face into a single global percept). Importantly,despite the general nature of the visual deprivation,these effects appear to be specific to faces and donot seem to extend to other categories of objects(Ostrovsky et al., 2006; Robbins, Nishimura,Mondloch, Lewis, & Maurer, 2010). Forexample, patients treated for bilateral congenitalcataracts performed normally when asked todetect spacing changes between the local features(e.g., windows and doors) of houses (Robbinset al., 2010).

Similar results were found with individuals whohad left-eye-only congenital cataracts, but thosewith right-eye-only congenital cataracts appearto process faces normally (Le Grand, Mondloch,Maurer, & Brent, 2003). In the first 6 monthsof life, the left eye projects almost exclusivelyto the right (vs. left) hemisphere (Lewis &Maurer, 1992), and interhemispheric integra-tion of visual information has yet to develop(Liegeois, Bentejac, & de Schonen, 2000),suggesting that visual input to the right hemi-sphere is particularly important for the normaldevelopment of face perception (Le Grand et al.,2003). The importance of the right hemispherein the early stages of perceptual development isconsistent with the well-established role of theright hemisphere in face processing (Benton,1990; Kanwisher, McDermott, & Chun, 1997;Landis, Cummings, Christen, & Bogen, 1986;McCarthy, Puce, & Gore, 1997).

These findings from patients with congenitalcataracts may seem to contradict the previouslymentioned findings from monkeys deprived ofvisual exposure to faces (Sugita, 2008). Whileboth groups were denied early exposure to faces,the cataract patients failed to develop normalface perception, yet the monkeys did.Comparisons of these studies allow speculationabout which aspect(s) of visual experience are criti-cal to the development of normal versus abnormalface processing. The patients with congenital cat-aracts were denied early visual patterned input,which happened to include faces, whereas themonkeys received normal visual input fromnonface stimuli. This suggests that it may be

general visual input, not exposure to faces per se,that is critical to the development of normal faceprocessing. Follow-up studies are needed tofurther investigate this issue.

While visual deprivation is an extreme exampleof an experiential factor that can lead to theabnormal development of face perception, othermore subtle variations from normal developmen-tal experiences may lead to measurable face-pro-cessing deficits. One such example is that shychildren may be less sensitive to some cues forfacial recognition (Brunet, Mondloch, &Schmidt, 2010). Children with high levels oftemperamental shyness scored worse on a taskthat involved making same/different judgementsabout spacing differences between facial features.Children who are high in temperamentalshyness have a tendency to avoid faces and eyecontact from the time they are infants, suggestingdifferential experience with faces from theirnonshy peers. That said, it is important to keepin mind the difficulties of inferring causation.Although one interpretation of this finding isthat shyness leads to impaired face processing, itis also possible that children who lack proficiencywith faces avoid them from an early age andconsequently become shy.

A second example of a subtle experiential effecton face perception is evidence that children raisedin institutionalized settings have impaired facememory (Pollak et al., 2010). Children raised inan institution, such as an orphanage, for a pro-longed period of time performed worse on a facememory task than children who were adopted atan early age and children who were never institu-tionalized. Critical factors in institutional rearingof children include limited stimulation with toys,limited linguistic stimulation, and limited one-on-one interaction with caregivers (Nelson,2007). It remains to be determined what specificaspects of institutionalized rearing may lead toface-processing deficits. Also, it is unclearwhether these deficits are the result of moregeneral cognitive deficits, of which Pollak and col-leagues (2010) reported many (e.g., deficits ofspatial working memory, learning, and attention).Regardless, taken together with the above-

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mentioned findings, it is possible that the develop-ment of normal face processing may be contingenton several key factors that are present during atypical home rearing.

Neurological factorsAlthough in its infancy, research on the neural cor-relates of DP has led to several interesting findingsabout abnormal brain function and structure inindividuals with DP. For example, research hasshown functional as well as volumetric differencesin the temporal lobe of adult participants with DPrelative to controls (Behrmann, Avidan, Gao, &Black, 2007; Bentin, DeGutis, D’Esposito, &Robertson, 2007; Bentin, Deouell, & Soroker,1999; Furl, Garrido, Dolan, Driver, & Duchaine,2011; Garrido et al., 2009). Others have founddecreased structural connectivity in terms of bothdensity and volume of fibres in ventral occipito-temporal face networks (Thomas et al., 2009).Electrophysiological markers of DP includeabnormal face selectivity of the face-sensitiveM170 magnetoencephalography component(Harris, Duchaine, & Nakayama, 2005) andabnormal neural responses to inverted facesindexed by the analogous event-related potential(ERP) component, the N170 (Eimer, Gosling,& Duchaine, 2012; for a more detailed discussionof electrophysiological studies of face processing inDP see Towler & Eimer, 2012). Although inter-esting, it is difficult to infer causation from thesestudies; abnormal brain function and structurecould be the cause or the consequence of abnormalface processing.

One source of information about the neurobio-logical substrates of DP that may allow for moreconclusive inferences about causation comes fromresearch on other developmental disorders.Ramus (2004) has suggested that a particularneural correlate of dyslexia may similarly underlieother selective developmental disorders (SDDs),including DP. He proposed that ectopias, failuresof neural migration that result in localized areas ofcortical disorganization, may underlie some SDDsand that it may be the location of these ectopiasthat dictates the resulting behavioural deficits.For example, while evidence of abnormal cell

migration has been found in the perisylviancortex of dyslexics (Galaburda & Kemper, 1979;Galaburda, Sherman, Rosen, Aboitiz, &Geschwind, 1985; Humphreys, Kaufmann, &Galaburda, 1990), similar abnormalities in tem-poral and occipital regions that contribute to faceprocessing could lead to the deficits that character-ize DP.

SummaryEvidence exists for the role of genetic, experiential,and neurological factors in the aetiology of DP.While no direct evidence exists for failures ofinnate mechanisms as a cause of DP, early orient-ing to faces is likely to be an important first steptowards acquiring experience with faces.Although it is possible that each of these factorscan alone lead to DP, it seems likely that there isinteraction between them. For example, a geneticfactor may contribute to abnormal developmentof the neural mechanisms of face processing,leading to face recognition deficits. In othercases, a genetic factor may lead to a failure of theinnate mechanisms that cause orienting to faces,leading to abnormal experience with faces and afailure to develop normal face-processing mechan-isms. Even without a genetic contribution, abnor-mal experience with faces early in life may lead toabnormal development of the neural mechanismsunderlying face processing. These are just a fewpossibilities, but the importance of each factorand the interactions among them remain to beexplored.

Existing studies of children with DP

The cases reported here are summarized in Table 1.Considering the dearth of research on child-

hood DP, it is surprising that the first publishedcase study of DP was written some 36 yearsago (McConachie, 1976). The report about a12-year-old girl, A.B., was brief, stating thatdespite normal intelligence and no known historyof brain damage, she had severe difficulties recog-nizing faces in daily life, particularly her classmateswho wore uniforms at school. When formallytested, A.B. was able to identify photographs of

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familiar faces, albeit hesitantly, and made no false-alarm identifications of unfamiliar faces as fam-iliar. A 15-year follow-up with A.B. involvedmore extensive formal testing, including tests offace perception, face memory, gender discrimi-nation, expression matching, lip reading, andobject recognition. These tests indicated thatA.B.’s face recognition difficulties persisted andadditionally revealed deficits in the recognition offacial expression, gender, and within-class objects(de Haan & Campbell, 1991). Not only did A.B.demonstrate failures of overt face recognition,she also showed no evidence of covert processingof familiarity when tested with a method that

was previously used to detect covert face processingin normal controls and in an individual withacquired prosopagnosia (Young, Hellawell, & deHaan, 1988). A.B.’s lack of covert processing isconsistent with other studies that have shown alack of evidence of covert recognition in adultswith DP (Barton, Cherkasova, & O’Connor,2001; Bentin et al., 1999). However, Eimer et al.(2012) recently found electrophysiological evi-dence of covert processing in 6 of 12 of the indi-viduals with DP whom they tested, suggestingthat despite a lack of overt face recognition, for acertain subset of individuals with DP, familiaritymay be processed at an unconscious level.

Table 1. Published cases of childhood DP


Details AB LG TA AL K

Reported in McConachie 1976;deHaan & Campbell, 1991

Ariel & Sadeh,1996

Jones & Tranel, 2001 Joy & Brunsdon, 2002;Brunsdon et al., 2006

Schmalzl et al., 2008;Wilson et al., 2010

Age &Gender (M/F)

1976: 12.75 yrs F1991: �28 yrs

8 years M 5.17 years M 2002: 4 years M2006: 8 years

2008: 4 years F2010: 7.5 years




1976: VIQ 1441976: PIQ 1001980: VIQ 1401980: PIQ 102

VIQ 142PIQ 90

VIQ 140PIQ 110

VIQ 109PIQ 68

2008: Above average2010: RG: 97, NVA: 41

Familiar faces 1976: Impaired1991: Impaired

Impaired Impaired Impaired 2008: Impaired

Unfamiliar faces 1976: No false alarms1991: Impaired

b&w Impairedcolour Normal

Normal at KABCBorderline impaired atfacial discrimination

Impaired 2008: Impaired featurematching

2010: ImpairedDetection 1991: Normal-borderline

impaired— Normal Normal 2008: Normal

Features — Impaired — Impaired 2008: ImpairedSpacing — — — — 2008: NormalAge 1991: Impaired Impaired — Impaired 2008: NormalGender 1991: Impaired Impaired Impaired Impaired 2008: ImpairedExpression 1991: Impaired Impaired Normal Impaired 2008: ImpairedObject perception 1976: Some impairments,

but no significant objectagnosia1991: impaired

Impaired Some impairments Impaired 2008: Impaired earlyvisual analysis but intactbasic level analysis2010: —

Autism 1976: Solitary andstudious, but no formaldiagnosis

No Poor eye contact butotherwise no formaldiagnosis

— 2008: Maybe2010: Yes, (formallyassessed)

Other notes 1976: EEG moderatelyabnormal on posterior righthemisphere1991: No evidence ofcovert recognition frompriming task

“Blinking habit” Normal covertrecognition asmeasured by SCR

Strabismus;Successfully trainedwithfamiliar faces

Some family history ofDP;2008: Successfullytrained with familiarfaces

(Continued overleaf )

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The next reported case of a child with DP,8-year-old L.G., came 20 years afterMcConachie’s (1976) report on A.B. (Ariel &Sadeh, 1996). L.G., who was born at full termafter a normal pregnancy and delivery, wasdescribed as social, with a good sense of humour,and significantly above-average verbal intelligence(verbal intelligence quotient, VIQ, 142). L.G.had normal low-level visual processing, but wasimpaired at recognizing personally familiar faces.He performed normally when matching unfamiliarfaces from colour photographs, but was impairedwhen images were presented in black and white.L.G. also demonstrated impairments whenperforming gender and age judgements. His faceperception deficits were a part of a more generalobject agnosia as he also had severe difficultiesidentifying objects from photographs as well as

more subtle difficulties with real objects. A morerecent report on L.G. indicates that he has strongdeactivation of midlevel visual areas (V2–V4),suggesting that he may be an atypical case of DP(Gilaie-Dotan, Perry, Bonneh, Malach, &Bentin, 2009). However, L.G.’s case is an interest-ing demonstration of how lower level visual pro-blems can lead to face recognition difficulties. Italso highlights the importance of low-leveltesting and the value of imaging when conductingsingle case studies. It is useful to obtain a completeprofile of each individual with DP to determinewhether a particular individual is representative oratypical and whether there exist clues to the case-specific aetiology of the disorder.

Another reported case of DP in a child was thatof a 5-year-old boy known as T.A. (Jones &Tranel, 2001) who was impaired with personally

Table 1. Continued


Details A N I P T

Reported in Wilson et al., 2010 Wilson et al., 2010 Wilson et al., 2010 Wilson et al., 2010 Wilson et al., 2010Age & Gender (M/F) 8.33 years M 7.50 years M 6.00 years M 5.92 years M 4.67 years FIQV¼verbalP¼performanceRG¼receptive grammarNVA¼nonverbalability

RG: 99NVA: 60

RG: 92NVA: 63

RG: 69NVA: 52

RG: 123NVA: 52

RG: 100NVA: 50

Familiar faces Anecdotallyimpaired





Unfamiliar faces Impaired Impaired Impaired Impaired ImpairedDetection — — — — —Features — — — — —Spacing — — — — —Age — — — — —Gender — — — — —Expression — — — — —Object perception Normal on single

shoe taskImpaired on singleshoe task

— Impaired on singleshoe task

Normal on singleshoe task

Autism No (formallyassessed)

No (formallyassessed)

Yes (formallyassessed)

No (formallyassessed)

No (formallyassessed)

Other notes No known familyhistory of DP

Some family historyof DP, some motordysfunction

No known familyhistory of DP;pragmatic languagedisorder

Some familyhistory of DP

Some familyhistory of DP

Note: indicates that this aspect was not reported. DP ¼ Developmental prosopagnosia. M ¼ male. F ¼ female. VIQ ¼ verbal IQ.

PIQ ¼ performance IQ. RG ¼ receptive grammar. NVA ¼ nonverbal ability, measured based on mean of 50 and standard

deviation of 15. B&w ¼ black and white. KABC ¼ Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children. EEG ¼

electroencephalogram. SCR ¼ skin conductance response.

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familiar faces and had slight difficulty with unfa-miliar face matching. T.A. showed deficits in dis-criminating gender, but his facial expressionrecognition was normal. He was reported to beintellectually gifted, like A.B. and L.G. who hadsimilarly above-average verbal IQs (around 140,see Table 1). Interestingly, despite his poor overtrecognition skills, T.A. showed normal covert rec-ognition of faces as evidenced by his skin conduc-tance response (a measure of autonomic arousal),which was more frequent and larger in amplitudein response to familiar faces than to unfamiliarfaces, indicating that they were being processeddifferently, but at an unconscious level. The con-trast between T.A.’s covert face recognition andthe absence of covert recognition in A.B. is con-sistent with Eimer et al.’s (2012) findings thatsome, but not all, individuals with DP processfamiliarity at a covert level.

Two training studies involving children withDP have been reported to date (Brunsdon,Coltheart, Nickels, & Joy, 2006; Schmalzl,Palermo, Green, Brunsdon, & Coltheart, 2008).The details of the cases are outlined here, but thetraining is discussed later in the section ontreatment. The first of these cases is A.L., an 8-year-old boy with developmental face- andobject-processing difficulties (Brunsdon et al.,2006). A.L. had impairments in structural encod-ing of faces (i.e., integration of the features of theface with the global configuration to form a rep-resentation of the face; Bruce & Young, 1986),which affected his ability to recognize both fam-iliar and unfamiliar faces. He was also impairedat making judgements about gender, age, andfacial expression. Consistent with the concept ofan impairment of structural encoding, A.L.showed deficits for feature perception (eye, nose,mouth), particularly when the features were inthe context of a face. He was disproportionatelyimpaired at eye and nose perception, with rela-tively good perception of mouths.

The second of the training cases involved a4-year-old girl referred to as K. (Schmalzl,Palermo, Green, et al., 2008), who hadnormal contrast sensitivity and normal facedetection, indicating normal early visual analysis

and sensitivity to first-order relations. In con-trast, she was severely impaired at structuralencoding of faces. While she detected spacingbetween facial features normally, she wasdeficient relative to controls for the detectionof feature changes. She did not show a normalface inversion effect, with only minimal differ-ence in accuracy for feature and spacing detec-tion of upright compared to inverted faces.Systematic testing of feature discriminationindicated that K. was impaired at encodingeye, nose, and mouth information and thatthis was the case regardless of whether the fea-tures were presented in the context of a face orin isolation. Also, K. was impaired at genderdiscrimination and expression recognition, butnot for age judgements. In addition to thedetailed assessment of K.’s face perception abil-ities, her eye movements were recorded as sheattempted to identify familiar faces. She madeabnormally few fixations to the internal featuresof the face, particularly the eye region.

K. was tested again more recently in a systema-tic evaluation of six 4–8-year-old children(Wilson, Palermo, Schmalzl, & Brock, 2010). Inaddition to K., youngsters known as N., A., I.,T., and P. were assessed with the SocialCommunication Questionnaire, 2-alternativeforced-choice (2-AFC) sequential face matching,3-AFC simultaneous face matching, and a 2-AFC face memory task developed by Pellicano,Pimperton, and Duchaine, all using unknownfaces. Although each case presented with face rec-ognition difficulties, two of them, K. and I., alsomet the criteria for autism spectrum disorder(ASD), and T. had inconsistent face recognitionabilities. While the remaining three children hadnormal intellect and no evidence of ASD, two ofthem, N. and P., had comorbid object recognitiondifficulties. Taken together, of the six childrendescribed in this report, A., an 8-year-old boy,was the only one who showed recognition pro-blems restricted to faces, suggesting that the pres-ence and nature of comorbid deficits and disordersare important issues when studying DP in child-hood. This is discussed further in the section onspecial considerations.

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SummaryTen children with DP have been reported in theliterature to date. Most of those reports describea child’s relative strengths and weaknesses withface perception and basic visual perception aswell as known comorbidities including diagnosesof autistic-type behaviours. Many of the young-sters (e.g., A.B., L.G., T.A., K.) have above-average intelligence. An important considerationis that some of them also demonstrate autistictendencies (Wilson et al., 2010), or moregeneral visual deficits including impaired objectperception (e.g., A.B., L.G., T.A., A.L., K., N.,P.). Many have difficulties with other objectclasses outside of faces. One child, T.A.,showed evidence of covert face recognition inthe absence of overt face recognition as measuredby skin conductance response. In contrast, A.B.did not show evidence of covert face recognitionwhen tested as an adult via visual priming. Giventhe heterogeneity of these cases, future workcould be aimed at investigating how individualcases differ and the possibility that those withdifferent comorbidities (e.g., DP with ASD orDP with object agnosia) represent different sub-types of the disorder.

Objectives for the study of DP in children

The summary of the research reported on chil-dren with DP highlights the paucity of workthat has been done to study this disorder in adeveloping system. In addition to the smallnumber of reported cases, there is a lack of con-sistency in the behavioural profiles presented inthe reports. Qualitatively, some of the testsused have questionable reliability and/or validity.Quantitatively, the depth of testing is ofteninsufficient to create meaningful behavioural pro-files that will allow for a complete picture of theindividual’s perceptual deficiencies. Much of thepast work on DP in children has outlined casesof DP in childhood, but stopped short of specu-lating on theoretical questions important forunderstanding normal and abnormal face proces-sing (e.g., causal factors). The study of DP inchildhood affords an excellent opportunity for

researchers to answer important questions aboutthe aetiology and progression of DP.

The primary shortcomings of the currentresearch on childhood DP include a scarcity ofcases, an absence of consistency and depth oftesting, and a lack of theoretically motivatedinvestigation. These deficiencies are understand-able given that this is an emerging field ofstudy and highlight the value of identifying stan-dard methods and key questions of theoreticalinterest early on. Here we identify four primaryobjectives that should be at the forefront ofwork done on childhood DP: (a) increasingawareness of childhood DP, (b) the developmentof well-designed diagnostic tools, (c) the appli-cation of results from research on childhoodDP to the study of important theoretical issuesrelated to DP in general, and (d) the develop-ment of empirically driven treatment strategiesfor children and adults with DP. These objectivesand early efforts to reach them are discussedbelow.

Increasing awareness of childhood DPAs mentioned earlier, the estimated prevalence ofDP in adult populations is in the range of 2–2.9% (Bowles et al., 2009; Kennerknecht et al.,2006). Given that many adults with DP reporthaving experienced face recognition difficultiestheir entire lives (cf. Duchaine & Nakayama,2006b), it is likely that millions of children areaffected worldwide. One factor that limits theidentification and recruitment of these childrenfor scientific study is a lack of awareness aboutDP, among parents, as well as among educatorsand healthcare providers. Many parents whohave contacted us describe long journeys througha series of diagnoses while they searched for onethat would adequately explain their child’s abnor-mal behaviours. One parent who first heardabout prosopagnosia through an Internet forumwrote to our group saying, “even the educationalpsychologist I consulted and the special needscoordinator in [my son’s] new school needed tohave the condition explained to them”. Giventhe implications of an inability to recognize faceson social functioning, many children are assigned

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a default diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder(ASD) or the catch-all diagnosis of pervasivedevelopmental disorder (PDD). Thus, an earlygoal of the field of childhood DP is to spreadawareness to educators and health care providerssuch that they understand that this condition isan alternative to the usual go-to diagnoses and toprepare them to identify children who have facerecognition difficulties.

Knowledge about DP is slowly spreadingthrough the placement of research findings inpopular media. Websites such as faceblind.orghave also been created to spread awareness andto allow individuals with self-reported face recog-nition difficulties to provide their contact infor-mation and express a willingness to take part inresearch on DP. Through this website we havebeen contacted by over 45 parents of childrenwith suspected face recognition difficulties whorange in age from 4–17 years of age. The VisualPerception Lab at the University of Minnesotahas similarly been contacted by many parentswho have come across their contact informationthrough the lab website.

We, and others, have also been engaging inoutreach programmes designed to inform thepublic about DP. We have given presentations tostudents and staff at local schools and partneredwith a science museum to set up a temporaryexhibit about childhood DP. Parents and educa-tors are in general very interested to learn aboutDP. Some individuals have even commented thatthey, or someone they know, have had face recog-nition difficulties from an early age, but wereunaware that these difficulties could be sympto-matic of a disorder. Some of these individualshave since joined our list of self-reported cases ofDP who are interested in participating in research.

The development of diagnostic toolsThe lack of well-designed face recognition tests forchildren is one explanation for the small number ofreports on childhood DP. What is needed is astandard set of criteria for the creation of testsdesigned to detect DP in children. First, becauseadults and children may be able to rely on extrafa-cial cues for recognition, diagnostic tests should be

free of these kinds of cues. In other words, cloth-ing, eye colour, hair, glasses, jewellery, and othersuperficial indicators should be removed so thatthese cues cannot be used to identify a particularface. Furthermore, given that some individualsmay be able to match faces but not rememberthem, tests for DP should not allow for simul-taneous matching of faces (with the exception oftests designed to measure perception). Finally,like with any other behavioural tests, care shouldbe made to avoid floor and ceiling effects forvarious age groups so that the same tests can beused for many groups of children, and develop-mental comparisons can be made.

Some tests of face recognition designed forchildren exist although many fail to meet theabove criteria. General neuropsychological assess-ment batteries for children that include face recog-nition subtests have been developed (e.g., ADevelopmental Neuropsychological Assessment,NEPSY, Korkman, Kirk, & Fellman, 1998;Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children,KABC, Kaufman & Kaufman, 1983) and may beuseful as a first pass for detecting face recognitiondifficulties in children. However, because theyinclude some of the above-mentioned superficialcues for recognition such as hair and multipleraces, as well as simultaneous presentation, thereis a need for instruments without such limitations.

The development of tools to assess a range offace-processing skills is critical not only to theability to identify children with DP, but also foran adequate profiling of cases. Detailed profilingwould be one step towards more in-depth investi-gations of the specific nature of the face-processingdeficits associated with this disorder. Also impor-tant is the use of a variety of tests that assess thesame facets of face processing so as to provide con-verging evidence for the presence or absence ofspecific defects in a given individual. Convergingmeasures are important in adult studies, butespecially valuable when studying children, giventhat children’s performance is typically less reliable(Bayley, 1949). Finally, the use of standardizedmeasures would allow for comparison betweencases reported from different research groups. Assuch, one goal for the emerging field of research

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on childhood DP is the design of a standardbattery of sensitive, specific, and reliable measuresof face perception for children.

Attempts at creating such a battery have beenmade before. Bruce et al. (2000) described 10tests from a battery of face perception for children.These tests fulfilled many of the above-listedcriteria. The battery included tests of a range offace-processing abilities, such as identity andexpression recognition, lip-reading, and gaze pro-cessing. There were at least two tests for each ofthese skills and good intercorrelations betweenmany of the pairs of tests that were designed totest the same ability. Bruce et al. collected norma-tive data from children from 4–10 years of age andreported that the tests ranged in difficulty for theyoungest group tested (4–5-year-olds, 57–81%),but that most were at ceiling for the oldest group(9–10-year-olds, 74% and 85%, but all others94–100%). Some tests approached ceiling for the5–6-year-olds (91% for one of the identity-matching tasks and 96% for an expression task).Thus, many of the tests in this battery are unlikelyto be sensitive enough to detect face recognitiondifficulties. All tests had simultaneous presen-tation of faces for unlimited durations, allowingfor feature matching as a way of performing well.Most of the tasks used faces with hair and earsvisible, allowing for the use of extrafacial cues.The two tests that produced midrange scores forthe 9–10-year-olds were identity matching taskswith hair and ears masked. These tests are betterexamples of well-designed face recognition tasks,but due to the method of simultaneous presen-tation of the faces they still allow for featurematching between target and test items.

One test that improves on some of the limit-ations of this battery is a face memory test for chil-dren. Pellicano, Pimperton, and Duchainedeveloped a 2-AFC test version of theCambridge Face Memory Test (CFMT), a testof memory for unknown faces that was designedand normed for adults and that does not allowfor feature matching between target and testitems (Duchaine & Nakayama, 2006a). TheVisual Perception Lab at the University ofMinnesota has collected data on typically

developing children with this task for purposes ofhaving an established comparison group for chil-dren with DP (Corrow, Chatterjee, Mathison,Nakayama, & Yonas, 2012). They found that thechildren’s version of the CFMT shows goodtest–retest reliability (r ¼ .69, n ¼ 31) and thatchildren who are reported to have face recognitiondifficulties in daily life tend to score poorly on thetest. One limitation of this version of the CFMT isthat it uses 2- rather than 3-AFC, which leads toceiling effects in older children. It also has achance-level performance of 50%, which increasesthe risk of floor effects in children who do haveface recognition difficulties. Another drawback isthat this test uses adult faces rather than childfaces. Given that children may be more interestedin child faces than adult faces (Brooks & Lewis,1976) and evidence that observers are better atrecognizing own-age than other-age faces(Perfect & Moon, 2005; Wright & Stroud,2002), it may be important that measures thatare designed to study face recognition in childrenuse child rather than adult faces. This in itself isan issue that needs to be addressed.

With combined efforts from multiple groups,the design of a complete battery of tests for usewith children is underway. As a starting point,we have developed a database of photos of childrenfor use in the diagnostic tests. Until now, no exten-sive, well-controlled, database of child facesexisted. The Dartmouth Database of Child Faces(DDCF) contains pictures of faces of 80 children(40 male, 40 female). The children were asked tomake eight different facial expressions (neutral,pleased, happy, sad, angry, afraid, surprised, dis-gusted), and their photos were taken from fivedifferent angles (608 left, 308 left, 08, 308 right,608 right) and under two different lightingconditions. The photographs have been rated byindependent raters in terms of the quality andintensity of the facial expressions, providing ameasure of validity of the faces as stimuli for usein tests of face processing.

Using photos from the DDCF as well as fromthe Internet, we have designed several tests of faceprocessing for children. These include tests offacial identity memory, facial identity perception,

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face detection, emotion perception, and object per-ception. Like the 2-AFC version of the CFMT thatwas designed for children, our face memory task isbased on the original CFMT, a test that wasdesigned for and normed with adults (Duchaine& Nakayama, 2006a). Our version of this test, theCambridge Face Memory Test–Kids (CFMT-

Kids, Figure 1, Dalrymple, Gomez, & Duchaine[2012]), follows the same format as the originalCFMT, with 3-AFC items that test memory forsix target faces, but the CFMT-Kids uses faces ofchildren rather than adults. As noted, childrenmay find child faces more interesting to look atthan adult faces (Brooks & Lewis, 1976). There is

Figure 1. (a) Example stimuli from the new Cambridge Face Memory Test–Kids (CFMT-Kids). The top panel shows study views of a

target face. Study views are presented for 3 s each. The remaining panels are examples of the different test phases from the experiment.

Children have an unlimited amount of time to choose the face that matches the target. In the introduction phase, the target is introduced

and followed by three test trials containing that target and two distractors before the next target is introduced. In the novel phase, all six

targets are displayed together for 20 s before a series of test images appear containing one of the target faces and two distractors. The noise

phase follows the same method as the novel phase, but noise is added to the faces to increase task difficulty. (b) Example stimuli from the

eyeglasses object memory task that was designed to match the method of the CFMT-Kids.

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also evidence that children are better at recognizingown-age faces than the faces of adults (own-agebias; Anastasi & Rhodes, 2006; He, Ebner, &Johnson, 2011; Perfect & Moon, 2005) althoughothers have found no age bias in children (Ebner& Johnson, 2009; Mondloch, Maurer, & Ahola,2006) or even an adult-face bias (Macchi Cassia,2011). Designing tests for children that use childfaces will engage children in the tests and allowfor future investigation of own-age biases innormal children and children with DP.

We calibrated the difficulty of our version ofthe CMFT using data from a group of thirty11-year-old children and found that the test hasgood internal consistency (a ¼ .83). We adminis-tered this test to Madison, the DP child who wasintroduced at the beginning of this review, andshe scored more than 2 standard deviationsbelow the mean, indicating that this test can ident-ify children with face recognition difficulties.

Our test of face perception is based on theCambridge Face Perception Test (CFPT)(Duchaine et al., 2007), yet some key differencesmake it more appropriate for use with children.The original CFPT presents the test taker with atarget face at the top of the screen and a series ofsimilar faces below. These faces are taken from amorph continuum between the target face andanother face and therefore vary in their similarityto the target face. The test taker is asked to sortthe faces from most to least similar to the targetface. Performance is measured by the number oferrors in the final order of the faces. Preliminaryresults from the administration of the originalCFPT to children indicate that those around theage of 8 and younger fail to grasp the concept ofsorting faces into a continuum. Rather, it seemsthat at least younger children attempt to sort thefaces into two groups: faces that are similar to thetarget and faces that are not (Corrow, Chatterjee,Mathison, et al., 2012). To compensate for thislimitation, we have designed a face perceptiontask that uses a 3-AFC method. As in the originalCFPT, a target face is displayed at the top of thescreen, yet in the child version of the task, belowthe target are three faces chosen from a morph con-tinuum between the target face and another face.

The child’s task is to select the face that is mostsimilar to the target face. Like the CFMT-Kids,this test of face perception uses child faces drawnfrom the DDCF, so the presence of extrafacialcues is minimized.

To test the specificity of perceptual deficits inchildren with face recognition difficulties, thereis a need for object perception tasks that arematched in method, difficulty, reliability, and val-idity to the tests of face perception. The VisualPerception Lab at the University of Minnesotahas made some progress in this regard, with atest of memory for eyeglasses that is matched tothe 2-AFC CFMT for children. We are currentlymodifying the test to be a 3-AFC task (Figure 1),matching the new CFMT-Kids. A similar objectrecognition test using bicycles is also being pre-pared, also with the aim of matching the newCFMT-Kids.

A need also exists for alternative form versionsof the tests that are reliable and valid, use similarmethods, and have similar difficulty levels. Giventhat the next and possibly most important goal isthe design of effective treatment strategies for chil-dren with DP, each test of face and object percep-tion in the test battery needs a paired test that willallow for well-controlled pre- and posttrainingassessment. The design of tests matching thosementioned above is currently underway.

In addition to tests of face perception, childrenshould be tested for comorbidities such as objectagnosia, low-level visual problems, and ASD.Children with autism often also have face recog-nition difficulties, although in these cases theface recognition difficulties are confounded withthe social and perceptual impairments associatedwith ASD itself (Dawson, Webb, & McPartland,2005; Elgar & Campbell, 2001). One useful diag-nostic tool for ASD is the Autism DiagnosticObservation Schedule (A-DOS; Lord, Rutter,DiLavore, & Risi, 1999), but it is time consumingand needs to be administered by a trained clinician,making it potentially impractical for research pur-poses. An alternative, quicker, test for ASD is theAutism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ) test (Baron-Cohen, Wheelwright, Skinner, Martin, &Clubley, 2001); however, it is not recommended

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for use as a formal diagnostic tool for ASD. Itshould be noted that, given the high sensitivityand low specificity of diagnostic tests of ASDand similar symptomatology between ASD andDP, a score in the autistic range on these testsdoes not necessarily rule out DP, making tests ofDP that rule out ASD especially critical (seesection on special considerations for further dis-cussion of this topic).

Theoretical questions that may be addressedby studying childhood DP

The reliable identification of children with DP willmake it possible to start addressing novel theoreti-cal issues related to DP. These issues include, butare not limited to, identification of different phe-notypes, the neural basis, the developmental tra-jectory, and the psychosocial consequences ofDP. We outline some starting points for investi-gations here.

What are the different phenotypes of DP?It is widely agreed that acquired prosopagnosia canbe divided into two distinct phenotypes: individ-uals with impaired face memory versus individualswith impaired face perception (De Renzi et al.,1991). These same distinctions may exist in DP,yet other behavioural bases for classification ofdifferent phenotypes exist, too. For example, faceperception deficits in some individuals extendbeyond impaired identity perception to problemswith face detection (Garrido, Duchaine, &Nakayama, 2008), expression recognition(Duchaine, Yovel, Butterworth, & Nakayama,2006), and gender discrimination (Duchaineet al., 2006), while for others these abilities arenormal (Bentin et al., 2007; Duchaine, Parker, &Nakayama, 2003; Garrido et al., 2008; Garridoet al., 2009; Nunn, Postma, & Pearson, 2001). Areport of the behavioural profiles of multiplecases of DP from a single family suggests thatdifferent phenotypes of DP may exist within thesame family (Lee et al., 2010). Furthermore, acomparison of the affected members of thatfamily and those in another family (Duchaineet al., 2007) indicated the existence of differences

in phenotypes between families (Lee et al., 2010).It is important to determine what phenotypesexist in order to understand individual differencesin behavioural and neurological measures, as wellas possible aetiologies of DP.

What is the neural basis of DP?While acquired prosopagnosia can typically belinked to damage to one or more componentsof the ventrotemporal face-processing system(Dalrymple et al., 2011; Haxby, Hoffman, &Gobbini, 2000), findings regarding the neuralcorrelates of DP are mixed. For example, someindividuals in this population have normal faceselectivity of the M170 magnetoencephalographycomponent, while others do not (Harris et al.,2005); some show normal selectivity of theN170 component (Eimer et al., 2012), whileothers do not (Bentin et al., 2007; Bentinet al., 1999; Harris et al., 2005; Kress &Daum, 2003); some show normal functionalmagnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activationin face-selective areas (Avidan, Hasson, Malach,& Berhmann, 2005), while others do not(Bentin et al., 2007; Furl et al., 2011); andsome demonstrate covert face recognition(Eimer et al., 2012; Jones & Tranel, 2001),while others do not (Barton et al., 2001; deHaan & Campbell, 1991; Eimer et al., 2012).Although interesting, one critical limitation ofthese findings is that, because this work hasbeen done in adults, it is difficult to determinewhether these neurological abnormalities are thecause or the consequence of impaired face per-ception in DP. Studying the neural basis of DPin children, possibly longitudinally, may shedlight on this issue of cause versus effect.

As discussed in the earlier section about theaetiology of DP, ectopias are failures of neuralmigration that result in localized areas of corticaldisorganization and may underlie some selectivedevelopmental disorders (SDDs), including DP(Ramus, 2004). While the possible link betweenectopias and DP is an important theoreticalissue of its own, the ectopia model of SDDscould also explain individual differences in theselectivity of deficits in DP. Highly localized

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instances of cortical disorganization could causemore specific deficits in face perception whilemore distributed instances of disorganizationcould also affect other abilities, like object recog-nition and navigation, mediated by neighbouringbrain areas (Duchaine & Nakayama, 2005).Comparing the neurodevelopment of individualswith highly specific DP to those of individualswith common comorbidities could provideanswers about how neural organization affectsthe expression of DP.

What is the developmental trajectory of DP?Is DP a stable condition or does it change over thelifespan? A cursory way to address this question isto look at prevalence rates. As mentioned pre-viously, while prevalence of DP has been estimatedto be between 2 and 2.9% (Bowles et al., 2009;Kennerknecht et al., 2006) in adult populations,no estimates have been made in children.Although it is possible that these prevalence ratesare stable across age groups, it is also possiblethat they change. If the childhood prevalence ofDP is lower than the rate in adults, this wouldindicate that DP emerges later in life, or existsearly on but becomes more severe and thereforemore easily detectable over time. If childhoodrates are higher than adult rates, this could indicatethat DP can spontaneously resolve later in life orthat compensatory strategies can make DP lessapparent. Each of these possibilities is of cleartheoretical interest and highlights the importanceof studying DP in childhood.

Another approach to the investigation of thedevelopmental trajectory of DP involves investi-gating the phenotypes of DP. Specifically, deter-mining whether the same behavioural and neuraldissociations that exist in adults also exist in chil-dren with DP can inform us as to whether DP inadults is the same as DP in kids. Preliminary evi-dence from the case studies presented in Table 1suggests this may be the case. For example, ofthe five single-case studies reported, some of thechildren showed a neurological impairmentevident by imaging and electrophysiologicalmeasures, and others did not. Likewise, some ofthe children showed impairments in object

recognition, and others did not. However, giventhat the measures used in this study are not stan-dardized, and the subject numbers are few, it isnot possible to draw any firm conclusions. It maybe the case that DP is a more general deficitearly in life and that face recognition deficitspersist into adulthood, leading to more specificitylater on. At this point, we can only speculate, butdetermining whether these distinctions exist atan early age will be instrumental in understandingthe development of DP, as well as the develop-ment of normal face processing.

What are the psychosocial consequences of DP?Important issues surrounding DP in childrenconcern social and clinical factors. Some adultsand children with DP report serious social conse-quences associated with their inability to recognizefaces, such as difficulty making and maintainingfriendships and romantic relationships, compli-cations at work/school, and, in children, increasedrisk of being put in dangerous situations withstrangers (Diaz, 2008; Yardley, McDermott,Pisarski, Duchaine, & Nakayama, 2008). Othersalso show elevated levels of social anxiety and feel-ings of inadequacy (Yardley et al., 2008).Consequently, another avenue of research involvesthe investigation of long-term effects of DP onpersonality and on mental illness. Longitudinalstudies investigating personality characteristics ofchildren with DP as they mature can address theeffects of DP on the big five personality factors(Norman, 1963) and other psychosocial processessuch as resilience (Fonagy, Steele, Steele,Higgitt, & Target, 1994). Early testing for clinicaldisorders can lead to information regarding thepresence and development of mental illness in DP.


Research on childhood DP will hopefully lead tothe development of empirically driven treatmentstrategies. As mentioned earlier, only two reportsexist on training initiatives with children withDP, one with 8-year-old A.L. (Brunsdon et al.,2006) and one with 4-year-old K. (Schmalzl,Palermo, Green, et al., 2008). Both were based

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on Bruce and Young’s (1986) theoretical frame-work. A.L.’s treatment programme focused onperception and analysis of facial features usingphotographs of familiar individuals. A.L. wasfirst asked to identify an individual in a photo-graph and was then taught to observe, discuss,and remember five defining characteristics (e.g.,age, gender, defining facial features such as largenose) about that individual. Efforts were made toreduce his reliance on external features like hair-style or glasses. After 14 treatment sessions overthe course of 1 month, A.L. showed a large andsustained improvement for naming these familiarindividuals. He also made fewer false-positiveidentifications of unfamiliar faces. These resultsgeneralized to other photographs of the same fam-iliar individuals, but did not generalize to individ-uals who were not part of the training set. A.L.also improved his ability to discriminate features.The effects were still present at a 3-monthfollow-up. A.L.’s processing latency increased sig-nificantly for all features, suggesting that he mayhave engaged in a conscious analysis of featuresand that his improvement with familiar facesreflected a change in his face-processing strategy,rather than a change to his underlying neuralmechanisms. Regardless, the sustained improve-ment for recognizing friends and family representsan important perceptual gain for this child andprovides promise for rehabilitation for other chil-dren with DP.

K.’s training was very much like the training forA.L., focusing on teaching her to recognize familiarfaces by concentrating on specific characteristics ofthe internal facial features. As with A.L., K. wasasked to remember five defining characteristicsfor each face, including whether it was male orfemale and whether it was an adult or a child. K.’straining took one month and included nine sessions.Posttraining assessment showed that K. was perfectat identifying the familiar individuals in photo-graphs; however, this ability did not generalize tothe same familiar faces when they were presentedat different angles. Interestingly, at follow-up 4weeks later, not only had K. maintained her abilityto recognize the familiar individuals whom shehad been trained to recognize, she was now able

to identify them when the faces were presented atdifferent angles. In terms of her posttraining eyemovements, K. spent significantly more timelooking at internal features than she had duringher pretraining session. Specifically, she spentmore time looking at the eyes posttraining thanpretraining. Interestingly, even though lookingtimes increased for internal compared to external fea-tures for both familiar and unfamiliar faces, theincrease in fixations on the eyes only occurred forthe faces used in training. Although Schmalzl et al.(Schmalzl, Palermo, & Coltheart, 2008; Schmalzl,Palermo, Green, Brunsdon, & Coltheart, 2008)were the first to report K.’s case, she also featured inthe Wilson et al. (2010) report when she was 7.5years of age. Those authors noted continued mainten-ance of the benefits from K.’s training and raised thepossibility that she is on the autism spectrum.

Although these two training strategies weresomewhat successful, A.L.’s gains in face recog-nition did not generalize to other faces (this wasnot tested in K.). It seems that the strategy tofocus on internal features may not promote holisticface processing, which some suggest is critical fornormal face recognition (Avidan, Tanzer, &Behrmann, 2011; Bruce, 1988; Galton, 1879;Palermo et al., 2011; Tanaka & Farah, 1993).A.L.’s increased response times suggest theimplementation of a very deliberate and intensiveface recognition strategy, which may be artificialand impractical.

While these treatment outcomes were some-what positive, anecdotal evidence suggests thatmany strategies used to date have been unsuccess-ful. For example, J. DeGutis and his colleagues(personal communication, January 2012) used anindividualized computer-based training pro-gramme to train an adolescent boy (T.M., age12) with severe DP to recognize the face ofhis mother. In general, DP is accompanied byextremely slow and dysfunctional face-learningabilities, but there is reason to believe that theremay be some capacity for face learning (seeAvidan & Behrmann, 2008; Bate, Haslam, Tree,& Hodgson, 2008). DeGutis and his colleaguesreasoned that it may be possible, with enough prac-tice on a single face and constant feedback, for a

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face to eventually be learned in some rudimentaryway. To test this notion, they first assessedT.M.’s recognition of his mother by showingseveral different pictures of her as well as twoage-matched Caucasian female foils. ThoughT.M. was slow to recognize his mother, he wassignificantly above chance during four baseline ses-sions and achieved a mean accuracy of 66.1% andmean reaction time of 4,515 ms (see Figure 2).This group next created a “mom/not-mom” train-ing task using one image of T.M. mother’s face(different from the image used during assessment)and three age-matched Caucasian female foils

different from the individuals used in the mom/not-mom assessment. T.M. had up to 15 secondsto make a “mom/not-mom” decision on eachtraining trial, at which point he received feedbackabout the accuracy of his response. T.M. graduatedto a higher level of difficulty when he achievedbetter than 85% correct over two days. In orderto ensure compliance with the training, he wasrewarded points based on his performance duringthe training. These points could then be tradedfor predesignated, age-appropriate toys (i.e., toyhelicopter; iPod shuffle). T.M. performed 47 ses-sions of training over the course of 10 months, 35

Figure 2. (a) T.M.’s assessment results (accuracy and reaction time, RT) on “Mom/Not Mom” task across four baseline (pretraining)

measurements, midtraining (midl), and posttraining (post). (b) T.M.’s accuracy on training task across 48 days of training. Lighter

shading indicates training at the introductory difficulty level. Darker shading indicates training at a harder level of difficulty. A break in

the line indicates a gap of more than 5 days between sessions. To view a colour version of this figure, please see the online issue of the Journal.

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at an introductory level of difficulty and 12 atsecond level of difficulty. Results from trainingand pre- and posttraining assessment can be seenin Figure 2. At posttraining assessment, T.M.showed no signs of improvement and was in factat chance performance indicating that his improve-ments on the mom/not-mom training task did notgeneralize to the mom/not-mom assessment. Aftera 3-month break, T.M. commenced training onthe introductory level a final time, but at assess-ment he showed no evidence of improvement rela-tive to his pretraining performance. Thus, overall,this particular individualized training with T.M.failed to improve his ability to recognize hismom. Although there could be several explanationsfor why this training was unsuccessful, includingthe severity of T.M.’s prosopagnosia, the intensityof training, and motivational factors (training wasquite tedious), this programme by DeGutis andcolleagues provides cautionary evidence that eventhe simplest face training procedure may not beeffective in some individuals with DP. Theyadvise that others should be careful to test the gen-eralizability of training-related improvementsbefore investing extensive time and resources intoany training programme.

In addition to this attempt by J. DeGutis andcolleagues (personal communication, January2012), there is one published account of an unsuc-cessful training programme in a child withacquired prosopagnosia (Ellis & Young, 1988).A young girl, K.D., tested from age 8 to 11.6years, had a complicated neurological and neurop-sychological history following meningococcalmeningitis, but her face recognition difficultieswere disproportionately severe. Her prosopagnosiawas described as being perceptually based, and sheshowed no evidence of covert recognition. K.D.was trained and assessed in four stages over an18-month period. These stages included simul-taneous matching of photographs of familiar andunfamiliar faces, paired discriminations usingschematic faces and digitized images of realfaces, and learning face–name associations. Thestrategy was to have K.D. practise each giventask. Although her performance on some of thetasks was slightly above chance at the beginning

of training, she showed no improvement on anyof the tasks. The authors concluded that K.D.’sface perception difficulties were unresolvable andthat this may be related to the severity and/orthe perceptual nature of her prosopagnosia.

Despite these accounts, the small number oftraining programmes that have been successfulshow potential for future training attempts. Forexample, DeGutis, Bentin, Robertson, andD’Esposito (2007) reported remarkable behav-ioural and neural changes in an adult with DP,M.Z., whom they trained over a period of 14months. M.Z. was asked to sort faces into two cat-egories based on spacing among internal com-ponents. Training improved her ability toidentify faces both on laboratory tests and in reallife. At a neural level, M.Z. had posttrainingchanges in activity and connectivity in the ventraloccipital temporal cortex, and the N170 com-ponent measured by event-related potentialsshowed a selectivity to faces that was previouslyabsent. Unfortunately, M.Z.’s face recognitionabilities were not sustained without training, andher N170 was no longer face selective 90 dayspost training. Perhaps the implementation ofsimilar training initiatives at a young age, in chil-dren with DP, will lead to more positive long-term outcomes.

A recent investigation of FaceSay, a computer-based programme developed to train face-proces-sing skills in autistic children (face recognition,emotion recognition, and gaze following; Hopkinset al., 2011) is an example of a new strategy thatmay be useful for training youngsters with DP. Inthis task, children are asked to identify missingface parts, match face emotions, and follow thegaze of an avatar across three different tasks,respectively. A child known as B., who has severeface recognition difficulties in laboratory testingand in everyday life, showed a consistent improve-ment in scores on the 2-AFC CFMT for childrenafter two months of training (Corrow, Chatterjee,Nakayama, & Yonas, 2012). These improvementswere maintained even two months post training,suggesting that the effects of training may bemore long lasting in children than in adult popu-lations (see DeGutis et al., 2007). Future work

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will examine how long the effects of training can bemaintained in a child with DP. Although thesefindings provide a certain degree of optimismregarding the possibility of training face recognitionin children with DP, a few limitations of the pro-gramme should be mentioned. First, due to thelimited availability of face recognition tests for chil-dren, the same assessment was used for both pre-and posttraining, and thus practice effects couldaccount for the improvement. However,B. showed consistent performance for four pretestmeasures followed by an improvement immediatelypost training. Furthermore, his improvement wasmaintained (but his performance did not furtherimprove) at 1 month and 2 months post testing,suggesting that practice effects are unlikely.

Let’s Face It! is another training programme thatwas initially designed for individuals with ASD andhas not yet been formally tested with children withDP (Tanaka et al., 2010). This computerized pro-gramme consists of a set of seven interactivegames that target different aspects of face percep-tion, such as recognition of identity acrosschanges in expression, viewpoint, and features, ana-lytic and holistic face processing, and attention toinformation from the eye region of faces. After 20hours of training, children with autism orAsperger’s performed better on a Parts/WholeIdentity test. Greatest improvements were in theprocessing of parts, particularly mouths, but therewere also significant improvements in holistic pro-cessing, specifically with improvements of recog-nition of eyes in the context of the whole face.Given the success of this programme on childrenwith autism and Asperger’s syndrome, and itschild-friendly format, it could be a good optionfor training children with DP. However, in a per-sonal communication (June, 2012) the parent of achild with suspected DP reported that her 7-year-old daughter informally tried the Let’s Face It! pro-gramme and was easily able to succeed at the tasksby using extrafacial cues, like hair. Although this isonly one individual, it highlights the need for con-dition-specific treatment strategies and suggeststhat modifications may be necessary before theLet’s Face It! programme is used to train childrenwith DP.

Our group has plans for systematic training ofchildren with DP aimed at improving the abilityto represent facial identities. Because it is not yetentirely clear what aspects of face processing aredeficient in individuals with DP and whether thisdeficit is consistent across affected individuals, ageneral training that simply builds on the task ofrecognizing faces may be most effective for treatingDP in individuals who may have differing under-lying deficits. Our method will involve creatingmorph continuums from pairs of faces. Childrenwill be presented with a target face chosen fromone of the pairs and three choices of faces chosenfrom the morph continuum. The task will be toselect the face that most resembles the target face.Trials will be easy at first, with faces that aretaken from the ends of the continuum. As thechild gains proficiency with the task, we willincrease task difficulty by choosing faces frommore intermediate locations along the continuum.We hope this method will promote the use ofnormal face recognition by having children gradu-ally learn to process differences in facial identity.

SummaryThe research reported to date on children with DPis sparse, and what is reported shows a lack ofqualitative and quantitative consistency in behav-ioural measures. We have outlined four primaryobjectives that should be at the forefront of workdone on childhood DP, including increasingawareness of childhood DP, the development ofdiagnostic tools to aid in the identification of chil-dren with DP, the study of theoretically importantissues related to DP, and the treatment of individ-uals with DP. While some early steps have beentaken towards reaching these objectives, there arenumerous avenues for future study that requireimmediate and careful attention.

Special considerations

Although awareness of DP is growing, it is stillrelatively unknown even to individuals involvedin early childhood education. As a result, acommon complaint among parents of childrenwith DP is that no resources are available at

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school or elsewhere to help their child.Anecdotally, we have noted that some parentsexpress concerns that their child has been misdiag-nosed with another developmental disorder, suchas autism spectrum disorder (ASD), which maypresent similar symptoms such as social avoidance.As a result, there is a need to identify tests that canreliably differentiate between individuals with DPand individuals with other developmental dis-orders. Early and accurate diagnosis of childhooddevelopmental disorders is critical for identifyingand recruiting the appropriate resources to helpchildren with these disorders.

By some definitions, DP excludes children andadults with a diagnosis of ASD (e.g., Behrmann &Avidan, 2005; Duchaine, Murray, Turner, White,& Garrido, 2009). In other words, those with adiagnosis of ASD would not be classified ashaving DP even if they presented a face recognitiondeficit. However, due to the many similaritiesbetween these disorders, further examination ofthe distinctions between them is essential.

The DSM–IV–TR (Diagnostic and StatisticalManual of Mental Disorders–Fourth Edition, TextRevision; American Psychiatric Association,2000) criteria for the diagnosis of Asperger’s syn-drome (AS), which is part of the umbrella termof ASD and probably the most common form ofmisdiagnosis given its similarity with DP, requirethat the child show a specified number of symp-toms in each of the two following categories: “(1)qualitative impairment in social interaction, and(2) restricted repetitive and stereotyped patternsof behavior, interests, and activities” (AmericanPsychiatric Association, 2000). There are severalcommon screening tools (e.g., ChildhoodAsperger Syndrome Test, CAST; Scott, Baron-Cohen, Bolton, & Brayne, 2002) and diagnostictests (e.g., Autism Diagnostic ObservationSchedule, ADOS; Lord et al., 1999) that areused to identify these symptoms in children withpotential AS. These measures detect impairmentsin social interaction and communication, as well asstereotyped behaviours and specialized interests.

Interestingly, many behaviours that are charac-teristic of individuals with DP appear similar tothose that are symptomatic of ASD. For example,

a child with DP might show limited eye contactdue to a general lack of interest in noninformativefaces or because he or she is trying to identify anindividual based on extrafacial information, suchas hairstyle or clothing. Furthermore, social iso-lation is common in DP, but may be mistakenlyinterpreted as disordered communication andsocial skills in the context of ASD.

In contrast, a child with DP would be unlikelyto show symptoms in the second category of theASD diagnostic criteria. However, because somescreening tools and diagnostic tests are designedwith low specificity, and high sensitivity, a childneed not demonstrate symptoms in both categoriesin order to be classified as being on the autismspectrum. In other words, these kinds of screeningtools and diagnostic tests could lead to a misdiag-nosis of a child with DP as having an ASD basedon superficial similarities in behaviours from thefirst diagnostic category of ASD. This is consistentwith several personal communications fromparents of children with DP who were initiallyclassified as having autism or AS before receivinga diagnosis of DP. Furthermore, the child knownas B. who was mentioned above in the discussionof interventions, shows little evidence of ASD(e.g., intact emotion recognition, no evidence ofstereotyped interests or behaviours, etc.) and yetwas classified as being on the autistic spectrumwhen evaluated using the ADOS. Interestingly,the examiner (who was unaware of his face recog-nition deficit) noted that he did not demonstrateclear behaviours classified by Category 2 (above)other than perhaps adult-like speech. This caseprovides a clear example of what might be expectedin an ADOS evaluation of a child with DP.

The main concern with a misdiagnosis is thatintervention programmes designed for trainingthe social skills of children with autism are prob-ably inappropriately suited for a child with DP.Central to helping a child attain normal socialinteractions with others is an understanding ofwhy social interactions are abnormal to beginwith. An inability to recognize faces leading to apersistent lack of familiarity with others is a funda-mentally different issue from a more broad-baseddeficit in social functioning. That is not to say

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that it is misguided to facilitate the social develop-ment of children with DP. Rather, the cause of theissue, in this case a face recognition impairment,needs to be addressed first and foremost.


Much work has been done to study DP in adults,but there has been little research involving childrenwith DP. Possible causes of DP include genetics,failures of innate mechanisms, abnormal qualitat-ive or quantitative experience with faces, andneurological factors. Clearly, further explorationof all of these factors, along with the interactionsamong them, is needed to understand how DParises. In addition to questions about the possiblecauses of DP, other important theoretical issuesneed to be examined, such as the existence andclassification of different phenotypes, the neuralcorrelates, the developmental trajectory, and thepsychosocial consequences of DP.

Even though little work has been done to inves-tigate DP systematically in children, the advancesthat have been made are promising. The two pub-lished reports of training programmes for childrenwith DP were successful to a degree since gains inface recognition with familiar faces were sustained.While these results are encouraging, results for atleast one of these children did not generalizebeyond the faces that were used for training.Preliminary results from work with the childknown as B. suggest that other methods may leadto more widespread effects. Of critical importancefor future investigations is the development ofadditional strategies (possibly like those used withB.) that result in a more generalizable gain in facerecognition. Ultimately, interventions should bedesigned to improve face-processing skills (e.g.,global processing) rather than simply promotingface recognition strategies (e.g., memorizing thesalient features of a single person). The formertype of intervention may lead to the recruitmentand restructuring of the perceptual system,perhaps leading to more long-lasting effects.

Before these strategies can be developed, there isneed for increased awareness of DP across healthcare providers and educators alike and for the

creation of diagnostic tools that will provide reliablepre- and posttraining measures of face processing.Such measures may also provide a means to testsome of the theoretical questions regarding normaland abnormal face processing that arise from thisreview. It is our hope that there will be a strongand concerted effort to begin addressing them soon.


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