I PANCHAYATS AND RURAL HOUSING DEPARTMENT Notification Sachivalaya, GandhinagpiTh September, 1 990. CONSTITUTION OF INDIA. No.GP/35/DXM/1085/4066/JH:- ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 of the Constitution of India and in supersession of the Gujarat Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard Departmental Examination Rules, 1979, prescribed under Government Notification, Panchayats, Housing and Urban Development Department No. GP-16-DXM-1078-4358-JH, dated the 11th January, 1979 the Governor of Gujarat hereby makes the following rules, to provide for regulating the conditions of service of persons appointed on Class-ll post in the Gujarat Development Service and those eligible for promotion in the Gujarat Development Service Class-ll as per Recruitment Rules in force, in so far as they relate to the passing of the Departmental Examination namely:- 1. Short title, commencement and extent:- (1) These rules may be called the Gujarat Development Service Departmental Examination Rules, 1 990. (2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette. (3) They shall apply to persons recruited on Class-ll posts in the Gujarat Development Service whether by promotion or otherwise and persons who are eligible for promotion in the Gujarat Development Service Class-ll as per the Recruitment Rules in force from time to time : Provided that where any such person has before the appointed date passed the examination or Revenue Qualifying Examination or who has been exempted from passing the relevant examination under the old rules, he shall not be required to pass the examination under these rules : Provided further that where any such person has before the appointed date exhausted all thb chances prescribed under the old rules for passing the examination and has accordingly failed to pass the examination nothing in these rules shall save as expressly provided therein, entitle him to appear in the examination : Provided also that on 12th January, 1979 a person who has already been promoted on Class-ll post of the Gujarat Development Service without passing the departmental examination and has attained the age of 45 years and who was exempted from passing the departmental examination under the old rules shall not be required to pass the examination under these rules: Provided also that an officer who has been promoted before 12th January, 1979 in the cadre of the Gujarat Administrative Service amalgamated from former Gujarat Development Service Class-l without passing the departmental examination under the old rules shall not be required to pass the examination under these rules: Provided also that an officer who has been promoted before 12rh January, 1986 in the cadre of the Gujarat Development Service Class-ll without passing the departmental examination under the old rules shall not be required to pass the examination under these rules. \' b

Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard

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Page 1: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard


NotificationSachivalaya, GandhinagpiTh September, 1 990.


No.GP/35/DXM/1085/4066/JH:- ln exercise of the powers conferred by the proviso toarticle 309 of the Constitution of India and in supersession of the GujaratDevelopment Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard DepartmentalExamination Rules, 1979, prescribed under Government Notification, Panchayats,Housing and Urban Development Department No. GP-16-DXM-1078-4358-JH, datedthe 11th January, 1979 the Governor of Gujarat hereby makes the following rules, toprovide for regulating the conditions of service of persons appointed on Class-ll postin the Gujarat Development Service and those eligible for promotion in the GujaratDevelopment Service Class-ll as per Recruitment Rules in force, in so far as theyrelate to the passing of the Departmental Examination namely:-

1. Short title, commencement and extent:-

(1) These rules may be called the Gujarat Development Service DepartmentalExamination Rules, 1 990.(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the officialGazette.(3) They shall apply to persons recruited on Class-ll posts in the GujaratDevelopment Service whether by promotion or otherwise and persons who areeligible for promotion in the Gujarat Development Service Class-ll as per theRecruitment Rules in force from time to time :

Provided that where any such person has before the appointed date passedthe examination or Revenue Qualifying Examination or who has been exemptedfrom passing the relevant examination under the old rules, he shall not be required topass the examination under these rules :

Provided further that where any such person has before the appointed dateexhausted all thb chances prescribed under the old rules for passing the examinationand has accordingly failed to pass the examination nothing in these rules shall saveas expressly provided therein, entitle him to appear in the examination :

Provided also that on 12th January, 1979 a person who has already beenpromoted on Class-ll post of the Gujarat Development Service without passing thedepartmental examination and has attained the age of 45 years and who wasexempted from passing the departmental examination under the old rules shall notbe required to pass the examination under these rules:

Provided also that an officer who has been promoted before 12th January,1979 in the cadre of the Gujarat Administrative Service amalgamated from formerGujarat Development Service Class-l without passing the departmental examinationunder the old rules shall not be required to pass the examination under these rules:

Provided also that an officer who has been promoted before 12rh January,1986 in the cadre of the Gujarat Development Service Class-ll without passing thedepartmental examination under the old rules shall not be required to pass theexamination under these rules.



Page 2: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard


2' tlerinitions:- rn these rures, unress the context otherwise requires _(a) 'Appe.ndix" means an &gen{ix appended to these rures:

:] '.i,!":',1':l

d;6';;;;l' in" d;d;;i.n ,,,"," rures sharr come

:] ,tr"::*rn?T the sardar patet tnstitute or pubtic Administration,(c)

,.E#H;,H;;;;FJll,[T?n" meens the deparrmentarDevelopment service Lower st"no"rl

and includes tie cd;;;i(d) F::fff;nfffig,;3.ion

prescrio"J,,il1,*ll1o,lLT"' stania,J

cuia(l,oeyetpm;ili.,?r,::':i[tr3""rnted on- cr"'.-ri post in the(e) .ord Rurer,, ,#nJ ii,"tr_ ir";6il:li!#",::?o*",.

standardand Higher standard-oepartmen;i#;nation Rures, igzg *ni.r,were in force im med iateiv pf:;G,"iilin."o date ;

(f) ,,recruitmert irrl.; ri;Zh, the Tatuka DeDeve rop m e nt service 6tss- r rt n".i, ii, "ii[jijff 35f "*' (G uja rat(g),f,3:''1i*;,t-ttyffi$ l[J3fi?,.:!l cnances-Jp'ecirieo in theseexamination; ' -.--rr 'e 'c.lurl'Q to pass the departmental

:' :,if*':"g period" means.the period specified in these rures within(i)'';;,,k; B:rT:fi:7,'s?i.Liipi':!&",jf"?sT:Tru13it"J,

",,n"J3'.*:r3il?,33ffi:i 6m*' crass-ri ,'n-'ir'" cadre or the Gujarat

fi:lif: JJ Ti:'Jf',lffiil"fl i*." ?f:, :,:-g o n o r afte r th e ap po i nted

iffi :ei.,[:;fi ln";:i;;l[;"tri#'"?fl:l:1ffi '';:;ffl ':::i#ffi:such period, shal^if in, tn" ffi# ;;'ffi tffi,:"3:l specified as aiJresaid,

othe-n'vise satisfactory, o" "rtJnjJj t. e,rnlr na-i^: - ernment tris slrvice beA[?Ti:,.'fi '','J:'J:go;;5',i#.l'.T3n"o'3li"onlJ,"#""Ji,[',;:ff: jl:in the case of a direct recruit to a SchedubJ Caste,

n:::::w,jl::ni!iy"E,:,wf;:rtr,:{2fr:iii[fr:,,]:H:Iif i:';!,",?it

li"-,[,"-riod of passing the examination and number of chances to direct(1) Every

.direct _recruit who is appointed ol.*'X*"ni pi# *n ;;'#J;,t':i

;i{: I [&im ilT?i ,1x': ;:appointment, untess rucn #;o ha5 ;;;; ;;ff"tfi]:J;#,tr ffS ; ;;;

(2) Every direct recruit who is appointed onsHvJ':'illrJ[],:'#'r;:Jli:',,:J,x*i:ru,:Hffitf*fr''# \,probation period or t*o'vJ"iJ, t

provided. that in the case of a person *T has a rast chance, if theperiod for passing the

"*"ffiion ". ;;;;#iln sub_rure (1) or (2), as thecase mav be expires o"r"i" inl oate oili"liiirg of thgn'"itlrlrination,["''f"1, i; l? i^ :i:'#'f #;*:nf ;;i":#T :fl* u pto th e d a te or th e


rcspectively.y:;1"?;:rj*'"ni oiil1i6,i,'rf"33,12


Page 3: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard


a scheduled rribes and socially and Educationalry Backward class) in theaggregate as may be necessary to enable him to pass the examination in notmore than three chances (foui chances in the case of Scneouled Castes,scheduled rribes and socially and Educationally Backwaro cLss candidate)

Provided also that the ch.ances for passing the relevant examinationalready availed of or which should have been availed of before the appointedthe date under the old rules shall be deem"o to have been availed of underthese rules.

4' Period of passing the examination and number of chances topromotees:

ln order to be eligible for promotion on Class-ll post, in the GujaratDevelopment service the pLrsons noioing "nv

of tn" posts specified in schedule tothe recruitment rules shall be requireo to [ass tne oepartmental examination in threechances and within period of thiee years from the date of his becoming eligible toappear at the examination as provided in third proviso to tnis rule, unless he haspassed the examination or has been exempted from passing such examination:

Provided that the chances for. passing the examination already availed of orwhich should have been availed of before in" "ppointed

date under the old rulesshall be deemed to have been availed of under tne-Je-rules;

Provided fufther that no person yn9 lt appointed on any of theposfs specifiedin schedule to the recruitment rules sh_att be 6iigibii n appear at the departmentatexamination unless he. has compteted four yeari'iintinuol" ""-o",'-

and unless hehas passed the examination under the Gularat eiicnayat seruice senior clerk andDeputy chitnis, D"pyty u"mlatdar, Assrs-fanf r"trii b"velopment oinr"r, DeputyTaluka Devetopment Officer and Tatykalar"niyalOfficer qriiiiig ExaminationRules, 1976, oras th9-case may be, the De_putyiiintislstate seruice) DepartmentatExamination Rules, 1994, or tie Deyuty cnitnisdinchayat seruice) DepartmentalExamination Rules, 2002, or the Exiension ciniiir, class-ilt(panchayat)/TalukaPanchayat officqr Departmental Examination Rule,s,ioog or he i"i i""n exemptedfrom passing the said examination:r

Provided also that a person belonging to the scheduled caste, scheduledT,ribe and socially and Educationally Back-wid class shall be given one additionalchances which shall be availed of within a perioo oi one year from the date of theexpiry of the period specified in this rule:

Provided also that in the case of a person who has a last chance, if the periodfor passing the examination expires before the date of holding the next examination,the said period shall be deemed to have been extended until the date of thedeclaration of the resurt of the next departmentar examination so herd.


t":,:X::yr:93,y!S^g!;l:::!ay,als, .Rtfftt^Housins and Rurat Devetopment Department, No. Gp/ 1Bof 2009/ PH( 112002/ 621t Z, aateA 19th Septemier, 2009.

Page 4: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard

5. Gonsequences in the event of failure to pass the departmentalexamination for the direct recruits and promotees:

(1) lf a direct recruit specified in rule 3, fails to pass the departmentalexamination his services shall be terminated;

Provided that if in the case any such direct recruit; the State Government issatisfied that he could not pass the departmental examination at which he had hislast chance, for reasons beyond his control or that he failed to pass suchexamination by a very narrow margin of marks, the State Government may, afterrecording reasons in writing, give him one additional chance to pass theexamination.

(2) lf a person specified in rule 2 of Recruitment rules, fails to pass thedepartmental examination, he shall not be eligible for promotion on Class-ll post ofthe Gujarat Development Service except as provided in rule 6.

6. Additional Chances:

lf a person specified in rule 2 of Recruitment Rules, fails to pass thedepartmental examination within the specified period and specified chances shallnotwithstanding such failure, be eligible to appear at any time in such examination,on payment of an examination fee as may be determined by the Governmerit fromtime to timel and if he passes the examination, he shall be eligible for promotion onClass-ll post of the Gujarat Development Service according to his original seniority inthe cadre from which he is to be promoted:

Provided that he shall not be entitled to claim seniority in the cadre of Class-llif any over those persons who on account of having passed the departmentalexamination earlier have been promoted on Class ll post of the Gujarat DevelopmentService before he becomes eligible for promotion.

7. Seniority:

(1) The Senioriiy tist for the purpose of promotion on Class-ll post of theGujarat Development Service shall be published according to regular date ofappointment to the posts specified in Schedule to the recruitment rules.

(2) The above seniority list shall not be required tobe revised on account ofhaving passed the departmental examination.

(3) A person shall be promoted on Class-ll post of the GujaratDevelopment Service only if he is qualified for the appointment according to hisoriginal seniority.

(4) A person holding any of the posts specified in Schedule to therecruitment rules who passes the departmental examination within specified period

and within specified chances shall, on his promotion on Class-ll post of the GujaratDevelopment Service, be assigned seniority over the person, if any, who althoughbeing Junior to him in the cadre from which he is to be promoted may have beenpromoted on Class-ll post of the Gujarat Development Service earlier by reason ofhis having passed the departmental examination earlier.

1. Subsffufed vide GN, Panchayats, Rural Housing and Rural Development Department, No.

GP/ 16 of 2007/ PR)( 11200A 621/ Z, dated 2d' Julv, 2007


Page 5: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard


[8. deletedf

9. Holding of the Examination

The SP/PAJ shall ordinarily hold the departmental examination twice in a yearin the months of May or June and December.

10. Syllabus of the Examination

The syllabus for the departmental examination shall be as specified inAppendix-A.

11. Mode of applying and withdrawal etc.

A person who intends to appear at the departmental examination under theserules shall send his application for admission as a candidate for such departmentalexamination to the SP/PAI through the Development Commissioner, Gujarat State,in the form specified in the Appendix-B, at least sixty days before the date of thecommencement of the examination. The Development Commissioner shalt scrutinisethe application with regard to his eligibility for appearing at the examination andfonrard it to the SPIPA'. The SP/PA7 shall admit the candidate to the examination onthe strength of the certificate given by the Development Commissioner that he iseligible to appear at the examination. lf the applicant subsequently decides not toappear at the examination, he shall give intimation thereof to the SPtPAl , through theDevelopment Commissioner atleast thirty days before the date of thecommencement of the examination. In the event of any person failing to appear at anexamination after having enlisted his name as a candldhe for appeiring thereat butwithout intimation as aforesaid, he shall be deemed to have lost one chance to passthe examination:

Provided that the State Government may condone the failure on the part of aperson to give intimation as aforesaid and the consequences arising therefrom, if it issatisfied that the person had failed to give intimation within time foi reasons beyondhis control.

Provided further that in case rt is expedient to hotd the DepartmentalExamination urgently, the State Government shall be at tiberty to reduce the timelimit of sixty days of sending application for appearing in the examination before thedate of commencement of the examination by a candidate to thirty days and the timelimit of thirty days of giu^ing intimation of not appearing in the examination by acandidate to fifteen days.'

*Deleted vide GN,Panchayats, Rural..Housing and Rurat Development Depaftment, No. Gp/ 1B of2009/ PRX/ 11200A 621/2, dated 19'n September, 2009.

1. Substituted vide GN, Panchayats, RuralHousing and Rural Development Department, No. GP/ 16of 2009/ PH( 11200A 621/ Z, dated 2t"t Juty, 2009.

2. Added vide GN, Panchayats, Rural Housing and Rural Development Department, No. GP/ 16 of2009/ PRX/ 1 12002/ 621/ Z, dated 21st Juty, 2OOg.

Page 6: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard

12. Standard for passing the examination:

(1) The standard for passrng the depaftmental examination shall be fiftypercent of the total marks assrgned in each paper. A candidate shall be allowed toanswer the papers of all the subjects with the help of textbooks of the subject suchas bare Acts, rules, text without any commentaries or case laws and the manualsissued under the Act.l

(2) An unsuccessful candidate who secures 60% or more marks in anyone or more papers shall be exempted from appearing in that or those papers at thesubsequent examinations:

Provided that any exemption obtained by such candidate in any paperunder the Gujarat Panchayat Seruice Senior Clerk and Deputy Chitnis, DeputyMamlatdar, Assrsfanf Taluka Development Officer, Deputy Taluka DevelopmentOfficer and Taluka Panchayat Officer Qualifying Examination Rules, 1976, or as thecase may be, the Deputy Chitnis(State Service) Depaftmental Examination Rules,1994, or the Deputy Chitinis(Panchayat Seruice) Depaftmental Examination Rules,2002, or the Extension Officer, Class-lll(Panchayat)/Taluka Panchayat OfficerDepartmental Examination Rules, 2009, specified in column 2 of Appendix-C shallbe deemed to have been obtained in the conesponding paper specified under theserules in column 3 of the said Appendix-C.'

Provided further that exemption obtained by a candidate in a paper under theold rules shall be deemed to have been obtained in the coffesponding paperspecified under fhese rules in column 3 of Appendix-D appended hereto.3





1. Substituted vide GN, Panchayats, Rural Housing and Rural Development Department, No. GP/ 16of 2007/ PR)( 11200a 621/ Z, dated Zdh ,tuty, zOOt

2. Substituted vide GN,Panchayats, Rural Housing and Rurat Development Department, No. GP/ 18of 2009/ PH( 112OOA 621/2, dated 19h September, 2009.

3. Added vide GN, Panchayats and Rural Housing Department, No. GP/ 24/ DXM/ 108il4066/ JH-(PART-tt), dated 21stJuly, 1993.

4. Deleted vide GN, Panchayats, Rural Housing and Rural Development Depaftment, No. GP/ 16 of2OO7/ PRX/ 112002/ 621/ Z, dated z{ ,tuty, 2OOt


Page 7: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard

13. Programme and Venue of Examination:

(1) The intimation regarding place and plo_g.rTme of..the departmental

examinaiion shall be communicated by the SPIPA' to the Development

Commissioner, the Secretary, Gujarat Panchayat Service Selection Board, the

Director, state lnstitute of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj and all

Development Officers.

(2\ The SPIPA2 shall decide all

examiners and conduct of examination.

14. Publication of Result:

matters relating to appointment of

The result of the Departmental Examination shall be published in the Gujarat

Government Gazette and shall be communicated to the Development

Commissioner, the Director, State lnstitute of Rural Development and. Panchayati

Raj, the Secretary, Gujarai Panchayat Service Selection Board and all District

DeveloPment Officers.

L {5. General:-

Nothing in these rules shall affect the existing rights of any candidate, if any

occurred under the old rules:

provided that passing of departmental examination under these rules will not

in itself confer any right for claiming further promotion'

16. The medium of examination shalt be in Gujarati Language.3

1&2. Substituted vide GN, Panchayats, Rurat Housing and Rural Development Department, No' GP/

16 of 2009/ PR)a 1 12OOa 621/ Z, dated 21"t July, 2009.

3. Added vide GN, panchayats and Rura! Housing Department, No. GP/15/DXM/1094/67147, dated

1dh April, 1994.

APPENDIX 'A'(See rule 10)

(Syllabus for the Gujarat Development Service Departmental Examination)


Paper No.


Question on




Paper-l100 markstlTime 3 hours.

t. fhe Cujarat Civil Services (Conduct) Rules,

1971 (whole book)


2. The Gujarat Civil Services (Discipline and

Appeal) Rules, 1971 (whole book)3. The Gujarat Civil Services Classification

and Recruitment (General) Rules, 1967(whole pamPhlet)




Page 8: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard





4. Prevention of Conuption Act, 1988 2

(whole book) Totar..



Paper-ll100 markstTTime 3 hours

1. The Gujarat Budget Manual (whole books)except chapter-Vll.

2. The Bombay Contingent ExpenditureRules (whole book) except section Xll,XXl, XXV(ii) v, vii, viii, ix, x, xi, xii, xiii), (IXXV,


3.(a) The Gujarat Civil Servlces (GeneralCondition of Seruices) Rules, 2002,

(b) The Gujarat CivilSeryrces (Joining Time,Foreign Seryices, Deputation out of lndia,Payment duing Suspension, Dismrssa/and Removal) Rules, 2002,

(c) The Gujarat CivilServrces (Leave) Ruleg2002,

The Gujarat Civil Seryices (Additions toPay) Rules,2002,

The Gujarat Civil Servrbes (Pensions)Rules, 2002,

The Gujarat CivilSeryrbes (Occupation ofResidential Accommodation) Rules,20Q2,

The Gujarat Civil Services (TravelingAllowance) Rules, 2002,

The Gujarat2002.3

Services (Pay) Rules,

4. The Gujarat Financial Rules, 1971 (wholebook) except rules, 31,34,35 and 64 allforms except form No.2

5. The Gujarat Treasury Rules, 2000(oHAPTER-q.4






35+1 0=45








Page 9: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard

Paper-lll100 marksttTime 3 hours

1. The lndian Penal Code Chapter-ll-(Omitting section 28 to 31 and 4i to 52)Chapter-lVChapter-V, Section 1 19 only.Chapter-VlllChapter-lX,lX-A, XChapter-XVlll (only sections 463 to 4TTA)

2. The Code of Civil procedure,l g0g(Sections 44,54,80)Order-XX Rules, 18Order-XXl Rules, 14,52,54, 55Order-XXXlll Rules-1 O, 11, 11-A, 14.

3. The Code of Criminal procedure , 1973Chapter-ll (whole except section 1g)Chapter-lll (whole except section 35)Chapter-lV (whole except section 36)Chapter-Vlll (Whole)Chapter-XXl t-Section 267Chapter-XX|V-Section 301, gO2, 321

4. The lndian Evidence Act,1gT2

5. The Arms Act,1g59 and the ArmsRules,1962


Paper-lV100 marksttTime 3 hours

1. The Constitution of lndia

2. Gujarat Sfafe's Current Five year plan /Gujarat Sfafe's Previous Five year plan 5

3 Qogmqity Project and panchayati Raj(i) The Principles of Community

Development.(ii) Extension, its organization and methods.(iii) Background of panchayati Raj.(iv) Panchayati Raj in Gujarat.


Books recommended for readinq :

(1) Community Development in lndia- By B.Mukerji

(i) Chapter-|, What is CommunityDevelopment

(ii) Chapter-ll, lndia's CommunityDevelopment Programme

(iii) Chapter-lll, Process and Techniques ofCommunity Development

{21 g Panchayati Raj in Gujarat (A pamphlet

issued by the Government of Guiarat)

Page 10: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard

rPaper-V100 marksttTime 3 hours

l.TheOularat@and rules thereunder.

2. The Manual of Election Law (LatestEdition) whole book excepting the chapterrelating to other States and Union Teriitories.

Paper-Vl100 marksttTime 3 hours

].. The Bombaythe rules thereunder.

2. Mr. Anderson's Manual of RevenueAccounts.


Paper-Vll100 marksITTime 3 hours

l.TheGujaratMm2 f!9 Gujarat Co-operative Societies Act,


3. The Bombay lrrigation Act, 1g7g.

4. The Protection of Civil Rights Act, 1g55.

5. The Gujarat Right to lnformation Act,2005.7

6. (i) The lndian Forest Act, 1927.(ii) The Wild Life (protection) Act, 1972.







Paper-Vlll100 marksttTime 3 hours

1. The lndian Registration AcL 1gO&

2.The Bornbay Stamp Act, 195g.(Chapter lll, lV, V, Vl, Vll, Vlll)

3. The Bombay Court Fees Act, 1gb9.

_(Section 5, 13, 15, 17,20,29,30,32,33, 34,35, 36, 37, 42, 46, 49, 51)

4. The Transfer of property Act, 1gg2(Section 54 and 59)

5. The Law Officers (Appointment andConditions of Seruice) and' bonduct of LegalAffairs of the Govemment Rules, 2OOL.B

6. Manual of Land Acquisition for the State ofGujarat.

7. The Land Acquisition Act, 1gg4.



Page 11: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard


Paper-lX *

100 marksITTime 3 hours.

1. The Gujarat Town Planning and UrbanDevelopment Act, 1978.

2. The Bombay Police Act, 1951.

3. The Bombay Village Police Act, 1867.

4. The Bombay Distict Police Act, 1867(Secfions 33 and 34 only).

5. The Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949(Chapter l, ll, lll and Vll only).

6. The Mamlatdar's Court's Act, 1906.

7. The lndian Limitation Act, 1963(Section 3 to 14).










Paper-X100 markstlTime 3 hours

1. The Land lmprovements Loans Act, 1883 andrules thereunder.

2. The Agriculturist Loans Act, 1884 and rulesthereunder.

3. The Bombay Tenancy and AgricultureLand Act, 1948 and Rules thereunder.

4. The Gujarat Agricultural Land Ceiling Act,1960.

5. (i) The Saurashtra Prohibition of Lease ofAgricultural Land Act, 1953.

(ii) The Bombay Prevention ofFragmentation and Consolidation ofHoldings Acl, 1947 (only FragmentationPortion).

(iii) The Saurashtra Falling of Trees(lnfliction of Punishment) Act, 1951 .

6.(i) The Gujarat Compulsory PrimaryEducation Act, 1961.

(ii)The Bombay Primary Education Act,1947 and rules thereunder.

7. The Gujarat Local Fund Audit Act, 1933 andrules thereunder.

Total..... ;;-








Page 12: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard


Paper-Xl100 markstTTime 3 hours

Panchayati Raj Administration.

1. Organization and Methods.(a) Principles of Office Management and

Personnel Management.(b) Work study, work distribution,

work disposal.

2. Administrative Co-ordination, Team Works,Field Work, Supervision and lnspection.

3. Working with peoples' representatives,official, non-official relationship.

4. Motivation and Morale.

5. Administrative lmprovements.

6. The Manual of office Procedure (for alloffices except Sachivalaya)


Books recommended for readinq.

(i) PublicAdministrationChapter l, lV, V, lX, X, Xll, XVll, XXVI,


(ii) Methods of supervision in DevelopmentAdministration (Except Annexures)

(iii) The Manual of Office Procedure (for alloffices except Sachivalaya)

(iv) Manual of Community DevelopmentVolume-l (Chapter 3 to 6 only).

(v) Community Development in lndia(Chapter-V only)








By Avasthi andMaheshwari.

Published byOrganization andStudy Centre,Junagadh.

Published byGovernment ofGujarat.

Published byPolitical andServices Deptt.of ex-Government ofBombay

By B. Mukherjee.



l.Deleted vide GN, Panchayats, Rural Housing and Rural Development Department, No. GP/ 16 of2007/ PRX/ 1 12002/ 621/ Z, dated Zd' Juty, ZOOT.

2&6.Substituted vide vide GN, Panchayats and Rural Housing Department, No. GP/237/ DXM/ 1094/1665/2, dated 2{ November, 1994

Page 13: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard

3-4&7. Substituted vi!9 QN Panchayats, Rurg! Housing and Rurat Devetopment Department, No.GP/ 16 of 2007/ pRX/ 112002/ 621/ Z, dated Zdh ,tuty, ZObZ.

5&8' Subsfifuted vide G-N,lgnclayats, Rural Housing and Rurat Development Department, No. Gp/18 of 2009/ Pil( 11200A 621/2, dated 19th September, 2009.


* P/ease see GN. Panchayats and Rural Housing Depaftment, No. Gp/5/DXMhO\S/4066/JH), dated14h August,1991.


(See Rute 11)


Particulars of the Candidate to be forwarded with his Application for appearing at theGujarat Development Service Departmental Examination to be held by in" Sp7pnt


Name of the Authority who holds theDepartmental Examination to mention.


1. Applicant's name in full(Surname first)(in English and Gujarati) :

2. Designation(ln English and Gujarati) :

3. Name of the office in which atpresent serving :

4. Birth date and age at the timeof the examination

5. Date of appointment and totalyears of service(Gazetted / Non-Gazetted). :

6. Whether he has appeared for ftteexamination previously, if so,when and the result thereof.(lf any exemption is earned,details of marks, years ofexamination and subject shouldbe given) :

7. Authority or the rule under whichhe is to appear for theexamination :

8. Number of chances and time limitwithin which he is required to

Page 14: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard

iln'il':" :;*iilt6' shourd be


sted :


chances nat - . .^ ^r ^rr{arG trndet

il'r#',*ttin[:'4::';{H;i;;" h"" !:::,$"ll"rt i"":'ili#'13'3frJftT: sent)

ft $."js r:ili e:t:r;lY (co e ies

12- Purpose - .''(".n.'"Jontirmation,examinatt9' ^ -.-^-nmcrhr service,:J,XTiffi'il' ctuE'n*ent service'

promotion etc'1:

:,31?"^q,at the exat .. ranortmental?1,::"'^;""'ifre dePartmental

( Signature of APPlicant )Place :

Date :


verified and found

Certified that the above particulars areis eligible to

departmentalexamination to be heb in'


-;ss{H;i,, *"W:;l'!"!:::eii{ii;'il;;:o nu,^n^n^on^ont No Gp/1s/DxM/10s4/671t2'


:':::,::"':"':':":::":"::,':;^",:,:,:""ilns o"pu't'enr' No GP/1s/DxM/10e4/671/'z'


1{ A1rtt,19e4'

correct' Shri

appear at the

Page 15: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard

APPENDIX 'C'(See proviso to rute 12 (2) )

statement showing the exemption admissible to the candidate in theExamination.


1' Substituted vide GN,Panchayats, Rural Housing and Rural Development Depaftment, No. Gp/ 1gof 2009/ PRX/ 112002/ 621/ Z, dated 19th September, 2009.

APPENDIX.D(See Second proviso to rule 12 (2) )

Statement showing the exemption admissibte to the candidate in the DepartmentalExamination :-



Paperin which the exemffithe Gujarat Panchayat Seruice Senior Cterk andDeputy Chitnis, Deputy Mamlatda4, Assisfant TalukaDevelopment Officer, Deputy Taluka DevelopmentOfficer and Taluka Panchayat Officer euatifyingExamination Rules, 1976, or as the case may ne,the Deputy Chitnis (State Seruice) DepaftmentalExamination Rules, 1994, or the Deputy Chitinis(Panchayat Seruice) Depaftmentat


Rules, 2002, or the Extension Officer, C/ass_///fanchayat)/ Taluka panchayat OfficerDepaftmental Examination Ruleg 2009.,


Corresponding paperin which exemption isadmissible accordingto the Rules.



Paper llPaper lllPaper lVPaper V

Paper llPaper VlPaper lVPaper V

Sr. No.


Paper in which the exemption wasobtained under the old rules.


Conesponding paper in whicEexemption r.s admrbsib le underfhese rules.

3A Lower Standard Exami n ation.

1. Paper I2. Paper ll

Paper VPaper Vl

B H ig her Standa rd Exam i n ation :1. Paper I2. Paper lll3. Paper lV4. Paper V5. Paper Vl

Paper lVPaper XlPaper llPaper IPaper Vl

Page 16: Development Service Lower Standard and Higher Standard


Exptanation: The Exemption obtained in Paper tlt and tV of Lower Standard and

eaper lt of Higher Standard Examination under old rules shall not be admissible

under fhese irtrt as the sytlabus of these papers have been splited in various

, papers under these rules.


Add iti o n a I c h i"rci*'3tfi",lHve rn m e nt.

1. Added vide GN, panchayats and Rural Housing Department, No. GP/24/DXM/1085/4066/JH-

(PART-tt), dated 21't JutY, 1993-


