Development of a knowledge, skills, and attitudes framework for training in laparoscopic cholecystectomy Iliana Harrysson, M.D.*, Louise Hull, Ph.D., Nick Sevdalis, Ph.D., Ara Darzi, M.D., F.Med.Sci., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.S.I., F.R.C.S.Ed., F.R.C.P.S.G., F.A.C.S., F.C.G.I., F.R.C.P.E., F.R.C.P., Rajesh Aggarwal, M.D., Ph.D., M.A., F.R.C.S. Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London, QEQM Building, Praed Street, London W2 1NY, UK KEYWORDS: Simulation; Surgical education; Technical skills; Attitudes; Knowledge skills and attitudes Abstract BACKGROUND: The implementation of duty-hour restrictions and a heightened awareness of patient safety has changed resident education and training. A new focus has been placed on high-yield training programs and simulation training has naturally grown to fill this need. METHODS: This article discusses the development of a training framework, knowledge, skills, and attitudes, and the design of a surgical simulation curriculum. Five residents were recruited for a pilot study of the curriculum. RESULTS: A successful framework for curriculum development was implemented using laparo- scopic cholecystectomy as the example. The curriculum consisted of classroom and virtual reality simulation training and was completed in 3.1 to 4.8 hours. CONCLUSIONS: The current curricula that have been developed for surgical education cover the breadth of a surgical residency well. This curriculum went beyond these curricula and developed a structured framework for surgical training, a method that can be applied to any procedure. Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Educational strategies are continuously evolving, espe- cially in surgical education. With the implementation of duty-hour restrictions, a push for more cost-effective med- icine, and a heightened awareness of medical errors and patient safety, training has shifted from the operating room and wards to other learning environments. The optimal training environment and learning strategy have been the focus of much discussion and debate. 1,2 Simulation has been one solution, providing the opportunity for a safe learning environment that is both immersive and experiential. Multi- ple studies have assessed the efficacy of simulation training and have shown that surgeons who are trained using simula- tion show improved technical skills in the operating room. 3–5 The authors deny any current or previous support received from indus- try or organizations that might have influenced this work. There was no in- fluence of any study sponsors in regard to study design, collection, analysis or interpretation of data, or writing or publication of the manuscript. Hull and Sevdalis are affiliated with the Imperial Center for Patient Safety and Service Quality (www.cpssq.org), which is funded by the Na- tional Institute for Health Research, UK. Aggarwal is affiliated with the Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College London and Clini- cian Scientist Award from the National Institute of Health Research, UK. Harrysson is affiliated with Stanford School of Medicine and was funded my Stanford School of Medicine. The authors declare no conflicts of interest. * Corresponding author. Tel.: 11-650-497-8979; fax: 11-650-497-8228. E-mail address: [email protected] Manuscript received June 28, 2013; revised manuscript August 14, 2013 0002-9610/$ - see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amjsurg.2013.08.049 The American Journal of Surgery (2014) -, --

Development of a knowledge, skills, and attitudes ...simbionix.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/ISUOG... · ments the technical skills portion of the training with the nontechnical

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  • The American Journal of Surgery (2014) -, -–-

    Development of a knowledge, skills, and attitudesframework for training in laparoscopic cholecystectomy

    Iliana Harrysson, M.D.*, Louise Hull, Ph.D., Nick Sevdalis, Ph.D.,Ara Darzi, M.D., F.Med.Sci., F.R.C.S., F.R.C.S.I., F.R.C.S.Ed., F.R.C.P.S.G., F.A.C.S.,F.C.G.I., F.R.C.P.E., F.R.C.P., Rajesh Aggarwal, M.D., Ph.D., M.A., F.R.C.S.

    Department of Surgery and Cancer, Imperial College Londo

    n, QEQM Building, Praed Street, London W2 1NY, UK

    KEYWORDS:Simulation;Surgical education;Technical skills;Attitudes;Knowledge skills andattitudes

    The authors deny any current or prev

    try or organizations that might have influ

    fluence of any study sponsors in regard to

    or interpretation of data, or writing or p

    Hull and Sevdalis are affiliated wit

    Safety and Service Quality (www.cpssq

    tional Institute for Health Research, UK

    Department of Surgery and Cancer, Im

    cian Scientist Award from the Nation

    UK. Harrysson is affiliated with Stanfo

    funded my Stanford School of Medicine

    The authors declare no conflicts of i

    * Corresponding author. Tel.:11-650E-mail address: [email protected]

    Manuscript received June 28, 2013; re

    0002-9610/$ - see front matter � 2014http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amjsurg.20

    AbstractBACKGROUND: The implementation of duty-hour restrictions and a heightened awareness of patient

    safety has changed resident education and training. A new focus has been placed on high-yield trainingprograms and simulation training has naturally grown to fill this need.

    METHODS: This article discusses the development of a training framework, knowledge, skills, andattitudes, and the design of a surgical simulation curriculum. Five residents were recruited for a pilotstudy of the curriculum.

    RESULTS: A successful framework for curriculum development was implemented using laparo-scopic cholecystectomy as the example. The curriculum consisted of classroom and virtual realitysimulation training and was completed in 3.1 to 4.8 hours.

    CONCLUSIONS: The current curricula that have been developed for surgical education cover thebreadth of a surgical residency well. This curriculum went beyond these curricula and developed astructured framework for surgical training, a method that can be applied to any procedure.� 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

    ious support received from indus-

    enced this work. There was no in-

    study design, collection, analysis

    ublication of the manuscript.

    h the Imperial Center for Patient

    .org), which is funded by the Na-

    . Aggarwal is affiliated with the

    perial College London and Clini-

    al Institute of Health Research,

    rd School of Medicine and was



    -497-8979; fax:11-650-497-8228.

    vised manuscript August 14, 2013

    Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


    Educational strategies are continuously evolving, espe-cially in surgical education. With the implementation ofduty-hour restrictions, a push for more cost-effective med-icine, and a heightened awareness of medical errors andpatient safety, training has shifted from the operating roomand wards to other learning environments. The optimaltraining environment and learning strategy have been thefocus of much discussion and debate.1,2 Simulation has beenone solution, providing the opportunity for a safe learningenvironment that is both immersive and experiential. Multi-ple studies have assessed the efficacy of simulation trainingand have shown that surgeons who are trained using simula-tion show improved technical skills in the operating room.3–5

    Delta:1_given nameDelta:1_surnameDelta:1_given nameDelta:1_surnameDelta:1_given namehttp://www.cpssq.org/mailto:[email protected]://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amjsurg.2013.08.049http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.amjsurg.2013.08.049

  • 2 The American Journal of Surgery, Vol -, No -, - 2014

    So far, there has been an intense focus on technical skillstraining; however, focus has recently shifted to includetraining in nontechnical and teamwork skills.6 Nontechnicalskills are the interpersonal and cognitive skills that comple-ment technical skills and are essential to safety in the oper-ating room. Examples include situational awareness,communication, decision-making, and teamwork.7

    Although simulation offers a very promising trainingmodality for novice surgeons, simulators and simulationlaboratories alone are not enough to institute a trainingprogram. Fully developed curricula, ideally based on evi-dence, are required. To this end, there have been multiplesolutions suggested for training surgical residents, includingthe Surgical Council on Resident Education, the SurgicalEducation and Self-Assessment Program, and Fundamentalsof Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) curricula, as well as theAmerican College of Surgeons (ACS)/Association of Pro-gram Directors in Surgery (APDS) skills curriculum. TheSurgical Council on Resident Education is a comprehensivelist of the topics to be covered in surgical resident educationfocusing on knowledge and procedures. This standardizes thetraining goals and ensures that each resident has beenexposed to a set of tasks and has a certain set of competencieswhen graduating. The ACS produced the Surgical Educationand Self-Assessment Program that also focuses on clinicalknowledge and test preparation with a collection of problem-based multiple-choice questions. Many simulation curriculain residency programs in the United States consist in part ofthe FLS certification. It is a standardized training and testingsystem that consists of web-based learning modules as wellas training and assessment in a laparoscopic box trainer.8 TheACS and APDS developed a standardized 3-phase surgicalskills curriculum that advances from basic surgical skills toadvanced procedures and then team-based skills.9 Thetraining is done using the FLS modules, video trainers, andfinally a virtual operating room with team-based exercises.TheACS/APDS skills curriculum is unique in that it incorpo-rates nontechnical skills training. This component is oftenoverlooked in simulation curricula because of the difficultyin including it, but just like technical skills, can be improvedwith training.10

    An important part to these curricula (and any othersuccessful curriculum) is the ability to assess residents’progress and develop benchmarks and passing points fortraining. Both the FLS and ACS/APDS skills curriculumincorporate assessment into the training. In this article, wepresent a modular approach to the design of a surgicalsimulation curriculum, including a framework for theassessment of residents’ competence. We present thedevelopment of the curriculum and assessment frameworkin detail and we report data on the feasibility of thedelivery, including resources required (time, manpower,and equipment) and time taken to complete the curriculum.We use laparoscopic cholecystectomy as an example of aprocedure-specific curriculum because it is one of the firstprocedures that surgical residents perform–the curriculumand framework, however, can be applied to any procedure.


    The goal of this framework was to approach surgicaleducation in a way that is similar to real life, through gainingknowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors. A surgeon firstdevelops the knowledge base for the disease and treatment,and then continues to build on the knowledge base as he/shepractices the technical intricacies of the procedure.Throughout this time, nontechnical and team skills alsodevelop. Typically, nontechnical skills are not formallytaught, rather surgeons are trained in an informal andunstructured manner, with trainees observing the practicesof experienced and respected colleagues for guidance on howto behave and interact with other members of the operatingteam. In the development of this framework, we draw uponthe wide literature that incorporates not only technical skillsbut also knowledge, attitudes, and teamwork.11,12 These ele-ments are also the 3 core components that are evaluated byKirkpatrick in his seminal work of evaluating training.13

    An example of using this framework to develop alaparoscopic cholecystectomy curriculum is discussedhere. It is based on previously validated components aswell as new interactive media components. The intendedaudience was surgical residents early in their career, beforethey had completed 25 laparoscopic surgeries. Becauselaparoscopic cholecystectomies are frequently seen insurgical practice and are one of the first procedures doneby trainees, the surgical curriculum focused on laparo-scopic cholecystectomies. Five surgical trainees wererecruited to pilot the training curriculum. Informed consentwas obtained from the residents and approval was obtainedfrom the Ethics Review Board at Imperial College London.

    The 3 core elements of the curriculum and frameworkwere designed as follows:


    This portion was based on the Laparoscopic Cholecys-tectomy Course Handbook and video from the RoyalCollege of Surgeons (UK)14 introducing the trainee to theequipment and theory of laparoscopic surgery. The videodiscusses the basics of laparoscopy, how to perform a lapa-roscopic cholecystectomy, and how to use the simulator. Inmore detail, it involved the following:

    1. Background: Brief history of laparoscopic surgery2. Fundamental skills: Description of the 2-dimensional

    nature of laparoscopic surgery as well as using toolswith fulcrum points

    3. Error training: Description of a laparoscopic cholecys-tectomy, the different steps involved, and the commonpitfalls of the procedure.

    4. Introduction to a new environment: Demonstration ofthe LAP Mentor cholecystectomy, how to change thesurgical tools and how to use the simulator

    5. Consolidation: A complete narrated simulated surgerydone by a senior consultant.

  • I. Harrysson et al. Development of a knowledge, skills, and attitudes framework 3

    Technical skills

    Technical skills are the mainstay of surgical educationand can be taught in many different ways from practicingknot tying on a board to box trainers, animal models, andfull surgical procedures using virtual reality simulators. Asimulator allows for an objective, structured trainingenvironment that both trains and assesses the student. Thetechnical skills portion of the curriculum was completed onthe LAP Mentor (Gothenburg, Sweden), a virtual realitysimulator with haptic feedback. The surgeon interacts withthe simulator through 2 haptic feedback instruments. Thetype of tool that the instrument represents (clipper, grasper,cautery, etc) can be changed on the screen. The simulatorallows for a safe and comfortable environment wheresurgeons can make mistakes and practice their skills attheir own pace. It also allows for objective measures ofsurgical performance. An example of a student using theLAP Mentor simulator is seen in Fig. 1.

    For this component of the training, we used a validated,step-wise, proficiency-based virtual reality training curric-ulum developed at our institution.15 Initially, trainees com-plete basic, nonsurgical tasks such as moving differentshapes into holes or clipping leaking hoses. When thesetasks are completed to predefined levels, the trainee moveson to complete components of a laparoscopic cholecystec-tomy such as retracting the gallbladder or separating it fromthe liver bed. These too have predefined passing criteriathat are met as the trainee practices and fine-tunes differentportions of the procedure. The simulation culminates in a

    Figure 1 Student using the LAP Mentor simulator.

    full laparoscopic cholecystectomy that the trainee alsohas to complete within a set of predetermined criteria.The criteria for passing each step and moving on to thenext task were based on the levels achieved by experts ascompared to novices and intermediate surgeons whencompleting the tasks. Each level uses a combination ofsimulator-collected data such as time, hand movements,and accuracy of cautery to define the passing levels. Thetasks need to be performed on different days with anhour of rest in between each set of procedures. This wasdone so that the surgeon remembers the tasks over timeand does not complete them rapidly one after another.The assessment points used include time taken, numberof hand movement, accuracy, and path length. Fig. 2 de-scribes the curriculum.

    The training is completed at the trainee’s leisure withflexibility to allow for a resident’s busy schedule. Becausethis is a proficiency-based curriculum, the trainees requirevarying amounts of time to complete the simulationtraining.

    Attitudes and behaviors

    The third and final portion of the curriculum consisted ofteam attitudes and behavior training. This training comple-ments the technical skills portion of the training with thenontechnical skills that a surgeon needs to be successful inthe operating room. This can also be taught in many waysfrom lectures to virtual world avatars and full-teamsimulations. The costs and time commitment of full-teamsimulations are prohibitive for many centers and therefore amodified interactive video was designed. This was based onthe TeamSTEPPS Fundamentals Course.16

    TeamSTEPPS is a teamwork system for health pro-fessionals designed by the U.S. Department of Defense’sPatient Safety Program and the Agency for Healthcare andQuality. We used the fundamental modules of this tool andcombined it with our own video vignettes to show keyconcepts. The TeamSTEPPS fundamental course discussesleadership, situational monitoring, mutual support, andcommunication.

    The video vignettes were developed for the purposes ofthis project. They were a set of surgical cases designed by ateam of surgeons and psychologists at our institution toportray teamwork situations in the operating room thatneeded improvement. The videos were designed using 6evidence-based areas of nontechnical skills: communica-tion, coordination, cooperation/backup behaviors, leader-ship, and situational awareness (see the behaviors assessedby the well-validated Observational Teamwork Assessmentfor Surgery instrument below). These situations wereplayed out by actors in the simulated operating room andrecorded. The video vignettes were combined with theTeamSTEPPS modules to form a 30-min video. Fig. 3shows an image captured from the video vignette in theoperating room.

    mailto:Images of Figure 1|tif

  • Figure 2 Diagram of virtual reality training curriculum for laparoscopic cholecystectomy, showing the progression from basic tasks to afull cholecystectomy.15

    4 The American Journal of Surgery, Vol -, No -, - 2014

    The trainees watched the video and after each vignettethey were prompted to reflect on what they saw. Thediscussion that followed was based on the components ofsurgical teamwork as defined by the Observational

    Figure 3 Video vignette of team

    Teamwork Assessment for Surgery (OTAS). OTAS wasdesigned to measure inter-professional teamwork in theoperating room. OTAS assesses 5 teamwork behaviors:communication, cooperation/backup behavior, leadership,

    work in the operating room.

    mailto:Images of Figure 2|tifmailto:Images of Figure 3|tif

  • I. Harrysson et al. Development of a knowledge, skills, and attitudes framework 5

    coordination, and team monitoring/situational awareness.17

    OTAS consists of a number of ‘‘exemplar behaviors’’ thatindicate exemplary teamwork and are associated witheffective, safe surgical practice that a trained rater uses toassess the quality of teamwork of surgeons, anesthesiolo-gists, and nurses in the operating room.18 We used thegrading scale as a framework to define best practices inthe operating room such as ‘‘the surgeon informs theteam of technical difficulties or changes in patientrequirements.’’

    Trainees were instructed to analyze how the simulatedteam handled issues in communication, coordination,cooperation/backup behaviors, leadership, and team moni-toring/situational awareness using the OTAS framework.They were then asked to discuss what aspects of the videosthey thought could be improved and what they would liketo incorporate into their own practice.


    Five surgical residents completed the curriculum as apilot program to test the feasibility of delivery and toidentify any potential issues and areas for improvementwithin the curriculum.

    Feasibility of delivery and trainee reactions

    The trainees completed the knowledge portion in 18 minwithout any reported problems. The description of how thesimulator worked was not detailed enough and each traineeneeded additional one-on-one teaching of the simulator tobe able to use it. The mean total time needed to completethe simulation curriculum was 2 hours 47 min (range of 2hours 12 min to 3 hours 51 min) spread over 6 to 11 days.Because some trainees had to repeat the basic skills up to15 times, they were allowed to do 4 sessions per day with abreak in between. The time taken and number of attemptsneeded is seen in Fig. 4. During these sessions, an assistant,well versed in simulator training, was present to assisttrainees with the simulator. After the initial session, the

    Figure 4 Time to completion of each

    trainees did not request help from the assistant and the cur-riculum could be completed without assistance.

    The attitudes and behaviors portion of the trainingincluded a video that lasted 31 min and a structureddiscussion about the key teamwork concepts portrayed inthe video vignettes, which lasted for 5 to 15 min. Afacilitator was present during the discussion (but not duringthe time the video was being watched). During thefacilitated discussion of the video vignettes, the traineeswere asked to identify any improvements in the teamworkor any positive aspects of the behaviors of the teammembers. These observations are seen in Fig. 5.

    The resources needed to develop the knowledge portionof the curriculum were minimal. The video introduction tolaparoscopic surgery is available through the Royal Collegeof Surgeons,14 and the additional simulator and procedure-specific components took 2 hours to develop, resulting in 9min of film.

    For the simulation-based part of the course, the re-sources and costs included the LAP Mentor simulator,which was not used exclusively for this research, and thetime of an assistant, approximately 30 min per trainee. Todevelop a new technical skills curriculum, an estimated 45hours of faculty time, 31 hours of resident time, and 84hours of medical student or intern time would be needed.This is estimated from the original development of thevalidated curriculum, recruiting 57 subjects: 16 experi-enced, 11 intermediate, and 30 inexperienced operators,15

    multiplied by the time taken by the pilot study trainees, amean of 2 hours 47 min.

    For the attitude and behavior part of the course, thevideo was designed over the course of 10 hours by asurgeon and psychologist and then recorded in a simulatorsuite using 6 actors for 2 hours, the voice over and editingwas done by the authors requiring an additional 2 hours, fora total of 34 man-hours.

    The estimated cost associated with the development ofthe curriculum is mostly in labor, approximately 36 hourswhich includes a 2-hour block of time in the simulatorsuite. The costs of running the program include thesimulator, and an hour of an assistant’s time per trainee.

    step of LAP Mentor curriculum.

    mailto:Images of Figure 4|tif

  • Figure 5 Positive and negative aspects of teamwork noted by trainees.

    6 The American Journal of Surgery, Vol -, No -, - 2014

    In addition to this, if the technical skills and simulatorcurriculum had not already been developed, we estimatethat an additional 160 hours of faculty, resident, medicalstudent, and simulator time would be needed.


    Existing curricula that have been developed for surgicaleducation cover the breadth of a surgical residency well.The intention of this curriculum was to go beyond thesecurricula and develop a framework for surgical training: amethod that can be applied to any procedure. For example,to expand upon this curriculum the knowledge sectioncould be replaced with specifics for the chosen surgicalprocedure, with a set of hints and tips from senior surgeons.This introductory knowledge is important as a base to buildupon during the rest of the training. Compiling experts’knowledge and suggestions gives residents a compressedversion of some components that are taught in the operatingroom. The technical skills curriculum was based on a set ofsimulation modules that are a part of the LAP Mentorsimulator. There are other procedures as well that havebeen developed for the LAP Mentor simulator and more arebeing added yearly.19 The passing criteria were based onexpert surgeons’ levels during those modules, which couldbe done for any new curriculum or procedure.

    The novel part of this curriculum is the teamwork andattitudes section. As mentioned, the cost of a full virtualoperating room or team simulations can be prohibitive, andthis form of delivery may be a particularly useful trainingmodality before encountering full-team simulation, consid-ering the level of residents recruited in this study. Thiscurriculum made up for the lack of an immersive experi-ence with videos and discussion sessions so that thesurgeons truly thought about what was being shown. Thevideo with these main principles of teamwork is notprocedure specific and could be used for other proceduraltraining as well.

    In this specific case example, the 5 trainees who pilotedthe curriculum were able to complete it with varying speed.In total, it took 3.1 to 4.8 hours to complete the curriculumspread over 6 to 11 nonconsecutive days. The most difficultpart of the training was finding time for the surgeons tocomplete it. Building structured technical and nontechnicalskills time into the training program could alleviate this.The trainees enjoyed learning new materials and skills andlearned how to use the simulator quickly.

    We developed this curriculum over a total of 36 hours, ofwhich 2 hours were spent in a simulated operating roomand another hour on the simulator. If an institution alreadyhas a training facility with a simulator, the additional timeto develop a specific procedure curriculum is not prohib-itive. Once the curriculum is developed, only 1 hour pertrainee is needed for the introduction, and basic teamworkattitudes training, such as the type of training we reporthere. We used a previously validated curriculum for thetechnical skills training; if this had to be developed for anew procedure, an estimated 76 hours of faculty andresident time would have to be spent on a simulator.

    The benefit of a modular approach to surgical training isthat parts of the curriculum can be used for differentprocedures, making new curriculum development lesscostly. This approach to curriculum development reducesthe barrier to new development. Using a modified versionof this curriculum will take time, for example, validating anew technical skills curriculum, but it is more feasible thancreating a completely new curriculum. Developing thefaculty to create and run the curriculum, if not alreadypresent at an institution, will of course also take time andresources. Because of the modular nature of this curricu-lum, the implementation of the different components hassome flexibility. For example, the knowledge section can beviewed by the trainees from their computers when theyhave down time and the attitudes and behavior discussionscould be done in lecture format or small group discussionsto minimize faculty time requirements and cost. Thesimulator is also a costly component of the training

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  • I. Harrysson et al. Development of a knowledge, skills, and attitudes framework 7

    program; the technical skills component could be replacedwith training on a different, less costly, simulator.

    Some limitations of this work are that the nontechnicalskills or attitudes were not taught and developed to thesame degree as the technical skills component. Thelearning was accomplished in a more passive manner, anddid not include simulation work. Further research is neededto determine the level of simulation that is most cost-effective at different levels of training. This pilot evaluationwas developed to assess the feasibility of trainees using thiscurriculum, but no wider scale implementation (eg, acrossan entire residency program) was attempted, nor longerterm follow-up of the trainees was feasible to carry out. Infurther evaluation of this curriculum, the trainees’ reactionsto the curriculum should be formally recorded as well asthe change in their knowledge and attitudes and retentionover time. Finally, the clinical implication of this trainingshould be shown in the operating room.

    This curriculum design and pilot study showed thatsmaller-scale, procedure-specific training curricula can bedesigned on an institutional level and can be implementedwithin an academic surgical center. The main concern forthe success of such curricula is the time the residents aregiven to complete the curriculum which may take themaway from their patient duties. With a shifting emphasis tohigh-yield structured training outside of the operatingroom, there should now be space for this type of training.Further work includes larger implementation of the knowl-edge, skills and attitudes framework to assess real-worldoutcomes of this curriculum design.


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    Development of a knowledge, skills, and attitudes framework for training in laparoscopic cholecystectomyMethodsKnowledgeTechnical skillsAttitudes and behaviors

    ResultsFeasibility of delivery and trainee reactions
