Developing Your Decision Making Ability

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  • 8/2/2019 Developing Your Decision Making Ability


    Developing Your Decision

    Making AbilityExplain the Suggestion Given in How to Make a Simple Decision

    Prepared by:

    ASPILI, Alleli A.

    LEYRAN, Kristine Joy F.

  • 8/2/2019 Developing Your Decision Making Ability


    Understanding Decision Making

    Decision makingcan be regarded as the mentalprocesses resulting in the selection of a course of actionamong several alternatives. Every decision makingprocess produces a final choice. The output can be anaction or an opinion of choice.

    Decision makingrefers to making choices amongalternative courses of actionwhich may also includeinaction.

    Increasing effectiveness in decision making is animportant part of maximizing your effectiveness at work.

    Decision making skills are also a key component of timemanagement skills.

  • 8/2/2019 Developing Your Decision Making Ability


    Almost any decision involves someconflicts or dissatisfaction. The difficultpart is to pick one solution where the

    positive outcome can outweigh possiblelosses. Avoiding decisions often seemseasier.

    Yet, making your own decisions and

    accepting the consequences is the onlyway to stay in control of your time, yoursuccess, and your life.

  • 8/2/2019 Developing Your Decision Making Ability


    Simple decisions usually need a simple decision-

    making process. These decisions typically involve

    issues like:

    Uncertainty - Many facts may not be known.

    Complexity - You have to consider many interrelatedfactors.

    High-risk consequences - The impact of the decisionmay be significant.

    Alternatives - Each has its own set of uncertainties andconsequences.

    Interpersonal issues - It can be difficult to predicthow other people will react.

  • 8/2/2019 Developing Your Decision Making Ability


    A significant part of a decision making skill

    is in knowing and practicing good decisionmaking techniques. One of the mostpractical decision making techniques canbe summarized in these simple decision

    making steps:

  • 8/2/2019 Developing Your Decision Making Ability


    1.Identify the purpose of your


    What is exactly the problem to be solved?

    Why it should be solved?

    2. Gather information.

    What factors does the problem involve?

  • 8/2/2019 Developing Your Decision Making Ability


    3.Identify the principles to

    judge the alternatives.

    What standards and judgment criteria

    should the solution meet?4. Brainstorm and list different

    possible choices. Generate ideas for possible solutions.

  • 8/2/2019 Developing Your Decision Making Ability


    5. Evaluate each choice in

    terms of its consequences. Use your standards and judgment criteria to determine

    the cons and pros of each alternative.

    6. Determine the bestalternative.

    7.Put the decision into action.

    Transform your decision into specific plan of actionsteps.

    Execute your plan.

  • 8/2/2019 Developing Your Decision Making Ability


    8.Evaluate the outcome of your

    decision and action steps.

    What lessons can be learned?

    This is an important step for furtherdevelopment of your decision making skillsand judgment.

  • 8/2/2019 Developing Your Decision Making Ability


    In everyday life we often have to makesimple decisions fast, without enough timeto systematically go through the above

    action and thinking steps. In suchsituations, the most effective decisionmaking strategy is to keep an eye on yourgoals