Developing High Quality Student Learning Objectives The Assessment Plan Classroom Teacher Training September 2014 1

Developing High Quality Student Learning Objectives The Assessment Plan Classroom Teacher Training September 2014 1

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Developing High Quality

Student Learning ObjectivesThe Assessment PlanClassroom Teacher Training

September 2014


SLO 4 Key Components

• Learning Goal• A description of what students will be able to understand, know, and do at the end of the interval of instruction

• Assessments (This Presentation)• Measurement of students' understanding of the learning goal (9/17/14 Training)

• Expected Targets • The expected student outcome by the end of the instructional term

• Instructional Strategies • The strategies that will address student needs and that have been shown to be effective (9/24/14 Training)


Focus on Assessment Plan of the SAMPLE

ACTIVITY: As a group, analyze the assessment plan and decide,

What does the assessment plan component include?


US Hist HandoutSample

Whole Group Sharing

What is the main content of the Assessment Component?


Your Assessment Plan

How will I know if my students have met the learning goal? Jot down some notes!

How will I know if my students have met the learning goal? Jot down some notes!

Think about the class you will write your SLO for:


Planning Document P. 10

Bottom Left Box

P. 10

Bottom Left Box

Assessment Plan:

Describe each formative and summative assessment opportunity that will be used to measure student learning in relationship to the SLO Learning Goal.

What are the formative assessments that you will use to monitor student learning throughout the interval of instruction?

How often will it be collected?What summative assessment/s will be utilized to measure mastery or proficiency levels of the learning goal?Does your assessment plan include multiple types of evidence such as products, observations, and conversations?Do you have scoring guides or criteria that defines levels of proficiency of the learning goal?


New This YearNew This Year

Formative and Summative Assessments

must be listed in your Assessment Plan


Do Now: Planning Document

• Page 11• Learn about Formative Assessments by

reading the definition and examples • Any questions?


Formal and Informal Examplesof Formative and Summative Assessments


Evaluate Student Learning

• Statewide HSA “Bridge” / SBAC• ACT• End-of-

Course Exams• Etc…

• Chapter/Unit Tests

• Projects• Performan

ce Tasks• Etc…


Inform TeachingInform Learning

Formal Informal

• Quizzes• Presentations• Kinesthetic

Assessments• Student

Portfolios• Student

Conference• Etc…

• Observations• Discussions• Exit Slips• Graphic Organizers• Think Pair Share• Etc…

Formal Informal


An acceptable quality assessment plan reflects multiple instruments (of various types) that will be used throughout

the SLO interval.

Triangulation Of


Collected Over Time

PRODUCTS:•Concept maps and frames•Science notebooks•Lab reports•Quizzes•Biological drawings

CONVERSATIONS:•Group discussions about the digestive system•Oral presentations•Reflections in science notebook (conversation with self/teacher)•Use of scientific vocabulary

OBSERVATIONS:•Science lab skills•Appropriate selection and safe use of science equipment•Attention and focus during demonstrations

Science Example


Making your Planning Document make sense!

P. 11P. 11Do Now:•On the top of P. 11 (*See Table below) change the word “below” to “page 12”


Planning DocumentQuality Assessment Criteria Checklist

ACTIVITY: As a table group, read and discuss the Quality Assessment Criteria

Checklist.Any Questions?


P. 12P. 12

Scoring “Rules”

• Yellow Handout: SLO Quality Check Rubric– Assessments, Acceptable Quality, Read the 3rd point.

• How should teachers determine a student’s performance of the SLO when combining multiple measures (3+ summative assessments). – Is the last assessment worth more? – Is it an average of all assessments?

• See Planning Doc page 11 (very top). This description is the last thing you write for your Assessment Plan


Yellow Hand-


Yellow Hand-


Do Now: US History SampleP. 2 “Scoring Guide” section

• Look at the SLO US History Sample and discuss:–How did the US History Data Team decide to use their

summative assessments for a final SLO score/attainment level?

–Discuss with your Data Team: How will you combine YOUR

summative assessments to show attainment of SLO?


US Hist HandoutSample

Work Session

ACTIVITY: IN your data teams use these resources to revise or develop your SLO Assessment Plan.


Thank You!

Please contact your CIA team if you need any help or clarifications.

Next Wednesday’s PD will be more SLO training excitement. Please join us!