UNITED WAY LEARNING SERIES Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan

Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating

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Page 1: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating


Developing a Strategic

Fund Development Plan

Page 2: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating


Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan

Ten Funding Models

Creating a Plan That Works for Your Nonprofit

Page 3: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating




10:00 – 10:15 BREAK

10:15 – 10:55 SMALL GROUP WORK

10:55 – 11:30 REPORT BACK

11:30 Q&A & WRAP UP

Page 4: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating

Who is here today?

• Human Service

• Arts and culture

• Education

• Health

• International

• Environmental

Nonprofit Type:

• Up to $1MM

• $1 - $5MM

• $5 - $10MM

• $10MM +


• Government

• Foundations

• Corporate

• Individual: mem/annual

• Individual: major donor

• Workplace giving

• Fees for services

Major Funding Source


• ED

• Other Roles

Page 5: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating

What challenges do we face…

…in creating a fund

development plan?

Page 6: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating

What makes a plan “strategic”?

STRATEGY is about making CHOICES:

1. broad approach

2. leverage your distinctive assets

3. achieve your goal.

Page 7: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating

What do donors fund?







Page 8: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating

It’s all about the people


• Passion

• Motivation

• Connection to your people

• Decision-makers

• Affluence

• Benefits they receive


• Passion

• Ability to inspire

• Relationship-building

• Time spent on fundraising

• Making the case

• Stories of impact

Page 9: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating

Where are your people giving?

Individuals Top Bridge Base Foundations Corporations Government Workplace



BASE $100 +

Page 10: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating

Your funding strategy

Where is the opportunity

Currently the strongest?

Not worth pursuing

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Tactics follow strategy

Funding Strategy

Financial Targets


Key Tactics

Action Plan

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Ten Funding Models

Stanford Social Innovation Review

Page 13: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating

1-Heartfelt Connector

2-Beneficiary Builder

3-Member Motivator

4-Big Bettor

Peter Kim, Gail Perreault & William Foster,

Stanford Social Innovation Review, 2009

“Ten Nonprofit Funding Models”

8-Resource Recycler

9-Market Maker

10-Local Nationalizer

5-Public Provider

6-Policy Innovator

7-Beneficiary Broker

Page 14: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating

Core elements of funding models


• Individuals, foundations, government, corporations, mixed


• Multitude of individuals, few individuals, policy-makers, administrators


• Self-interest, altruism, collective interest


Page 15: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating

Primary Source - Individuals

MODEL Heartfelt Connector Beneficiary Builder Member Motivator Big Bettor


Broad mission appeal Provides individual benefits & connection

Serve a group, creates collective community

Mission may be fulfilled within timeframe

Examples Medical research, environment, international

Universities, hospitals Religious congregations, arts, environment

Medical research, environment

Save the Children Harvard University NPR March of Dimes (polio)

Source Individual Individual Individual Individual or Foundation


Multitude of individuals

Multitude of individuals

Multitude of individuals

Few individuals

Motivation Altruism Self-interest then altruism

Collective Interest Altruism

Programs/ Tactics

Special events… Direct mail… Corporate sponsorships

Fees… Major gifts Membership… Fees… Special events… Major gifts… Direct mail

Major gifts

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Primary Source - Government

MODEL Public Provider Policy Innovator Benficiary Broker


Provides services seen as govt responsibilities

Offers significant new approach, often result of crisis

Beneficiaries decide how to spend the money

Examples Human services, education, international

Human services, education, international

Health, housing, employment

Interfaith Works (homeless shelters)

Latin American Youth Center (LAYC Academy)

Ardmore Enterprises (disabilities)

Source Government (via RFP) Government (via champion}

Government (via reimbusement)


Administrators Policymakers Multitude of individuals

Motivation Collective interest Collective interest Self-interest

Programs/ Tactics

Government Contracts Earmark or govt. pilot project

Gov't. reimbursement

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Primary Source – Corp. + Mixed

MODEL Resource Recycler Market Maker Local Nationalizer


Nonprofit uses surplus or low-cost goods

Funder with self-interest and abililty to pay

Top priority local issue, common to many localities

Examples Food, international Health, conservation Education, youth development

Capital Area Food Bank The Trust for Public Land Big Brothers Big Sisters of America

Source Corporate Mixed Mixed


Few individuals Mass of individuals / few individuals

Few individuals

Motivation Self-interest Altruism/self-interest Altruism

Programs/ Tactics

In-kind giving Fees… Major gifts Major gifts… Special events

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Creating a Plan

Page 19: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating

Strategic Development Plan

Mission, Vision, Impact,

Strategic Plan

Core Funding Strategy

Realistic & Ambitious FINANCIAL


Core Messages

Donor Segmen-

tation and Stewardship

Key Tactics

Financial Targets per

Donor Type & Tactics

Roles of ED, DOD,

Board, Volunteers

Activity Calendar, Budget, Systems


Page 20: Developing a Strategic Fund Development Plan · 2015. 3. 24. · Strategic Fund Development Plan . Agenda Fundamentals of a Strategic Fund Development Plan Ten Funding Models Creating

Strategic Development Plan Outline


Goal - $ For contributed revenue

Breakdown By source and/or program

Core strategies Major approaches to achieving goal

Annual Objectives Measurable objectives per source, program, strategy etc.

Activity calendar By month at a minimum

Expense Budget Major categories, at a minimum


Tactics, project timelines, staffing, systems, itemized budgets etc.

Detailed implementation plans that guide development operations

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Let’s get going!

1 Consider how CP® Fund Development - Strategy Planning Tool relates to your nonprofit

2 Get input from others at table

3 Divide into new teams based on funding model

4 As a team, select one organization as a “case study” for planning as time permits.

5 Report back (5 minutes each group)

Table Team Work

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Thank you to our Sponsor and Partners!

And special thanks to all of you!

Mary Robinson Julie Crudele

Sponsored By

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