Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression, Classification, Regression, and Related Optimization Problems KENNETH ROSE, MEMBER, IEEE Invited Paper The deterministic annealing approach to clustering and its extensions has demonstrated substantial performance improve- ment over standard supervised and unsupervised learning methods in a variety of important applications including compression, estimation, pattern recognition and classification, and statistical regression. The method offers three important features: 1) the ability to avoid many poor local optima; 2) applicability to many different structures/architectures; and 3) the ability to minimize the right cost function even when its gradients vanish almost everywhere, as in the case of the empirical classification error. It is derived within a probabilistic framework from basic information theoretic principles (e.g., maximum entropy and random coding). The application-specific cost is minimized subject to a constraint on the randomness (Shannon entropy) of the solution, which is gradually lowered. We emphasize intuition gained from analogy to statistical physics, where this is an annealing process that avoids many shallow local minima of the specified cost and, at the limit of zero “temperature,” produces a nonrandom (hard) solution. Alternatively, the method is derived within rate-distortion theory, where the annealing process is equivalent to computation of Shannon’s rate-distortion function, and the annealing temper- ature is inversely proportional to the slope of the curve. This provides new insights into the method and its performance, as well as new insights into rate-distortion theory itself. The ba- sic algorithm is extended by incorporating structural constraints to allow optimization of numerous popular structures including vector quantizers, decision trees, multilayer perceptrons, radial basis functions, and mixtures of experts. Experimental results show considerable performance gains over standard structure-specific and application-specific training methods. The paper concludes with a brief discussion of extensions of the method that are currently under investigation. Manuscript received November 1, 1997; revised April 17, 1998. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant NCR-9314335, the University of California MICRO Program, ACT Networks, Inc., Advanced Computer Communications, Cisco Systems, Inc., DSP Group, Inc., DSP Software Engineering, Inc., Fujitsu Labora- tories of America, Inc., General Electric Company, Hughes Electronics Corp., Intel Corp., Nokia Mobile Phone, Qualcomm, Inc., Rockwell International Corp., and Texas Instruments, Inc. The author is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- neering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA. Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9219(98)07860-8. Keywords—Classification, clustering, compression, determinis- tic annealing, maximum entropy, optimization methods, regression, vector quantization. I. INTRODUCTION There are several ways to motivate and introduce the material described in this paper. Let us place it within the neural network perspective, and particularly that of learning. The area of neural networks has greatly benefited from its unique position at the crossroads of several diverse scientific and engineering disciplines including statistics and probability theory, physics, biology, control and signal processing, information theory, complexity theory, and psy- chology (see [45]). Neural networks have provided a fertile soil for the infusion (and occasionally confusion) of ideas, as well as a meeting ground for comparing viewpoints, sharing tools, and renovating approaches. It is within the ill-defined boundaries of the field of neural networks that researchers in traditionally distant fields have come to the realization that they have been attacking fundamentally similar optimization problems. This paper is concerned with such a basic optimization problem and its important variants or derivative problems. The starting point is the problem of clustering, which consists of optimal grouping of observed signal samples (i.e., a training set) for the purpose of designing a signal processing system. To solve the clustering problem one seeks the partition of the training set, or of the space in which it is defined, which minimizes a prescribed cost function (e.g., the average cluster variance). The main applications of clustering are in pattern recognition and signal compression. Given training samples from an un- known source, in the former application the objective is to characterize the underlying statistical structure (identify components of the mixture), while in the latter case a quantizer is designed for the unknown source. This paper describes the deterministic annealing (DA) approach to 0018–9219/98$10.00 1998 IEEE 2210 PROCEEDINGS OF THE IEEE, VOL. 86, NO. 11, NOVEMBER 1998

Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

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Page 1: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

Deterministic Annealing for Clustering,Compression, Classification, Regression,and Related Optimization Problems


Invited Paper

The deterministic annealing approach to clustering and itsextensions has demonstrated substantial performance improve-ment over standard supervised and unsupervised learning methodsin a variety of important applications including compression,estimation, pattern recognition and classification, and statisticalregression. The method offers three important features: 1) theability to avoid many poor local optima; 2) applicability to manydifferent structures/architectures; and 3) the ability to minimizethe right cost function even when its gradients vanish almosteverywhere, as in the case of the empirical classification error. Itis derived within a probabilistic framework from basic informationtheoretic principles (e.g., maximum entropy and random coding).The application-specific cost is minimized subject to a constrainton the randomness (Shannon entropy) of the solution, which isgradually lowered. We emphasize intuition gained from analogyto statistical physics, where this is an annealing process thatavoids many shallow local minima of the specified cost and, atthe limit of zero “temperature,” produces a nonrandom (hard)solution. Alternatively, the method is derived within rate-distortiontheory, where the annealing process is equivalent to computationof Shannon’s rate-distortion function, and the annealing temper-ature is inversely proportional to the slope of the curve. Thisprovides new insights into the method and its performance, aswell as new insights into rate-distortion theory itself. The ba-sic algorithm is extended by incorporating structural constraintsto allow optimization of numerous popular structures includingvector quantizers, decision trees, multilayer perceptrons, radialbasis functions, and mixtures of experts. Experimental results showconsiderable performance gains over standard structure-specificand application-specific training methods. The paper concludeswith a brief discussion of extensions of the method that arecurrently under investigation.

Manuscript received November 1, 1997; revised April 17, 1998. Thiswork was supported in part by the National Science Foundation underGrant NCR-9314335, the University of California MICRO Program, ACTNetworks, Inc., Advanced Computer Communications, Cisco Systems,Inc., DSP Group, Inc., DSP Software Engineering, Inc., Fujitsu Labora-tories of America, Inc., General Electric Company, Hughes ElectronicsCorp., Intel Corp., Nokia Mobile Phone, Qualcomm, Inc., RockwellInternational Corp., and Texas Instruments, Inc.

The author is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi-neering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA.

Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9219(98)07860-8.

Keywords—Classification, clustering, compression, determinis-tic annealing, maximum entropy, optimization methods, regression,vector quantization.


There are several ways to motivate and introduce thematerial described in this paper. Let us place it withinthe neural network perspective, and particularly that oflearning. The area of neural networks has greatly benefitedfrom its unique position at the crossroads of several diversescientific and engineering disciplines including statisticsand probability theory, physics, biology, control and signalprocessing, information theory, complexity theory, and psy-chology (see [45]). Neural networks have provided a fertilesoil for the infusion (and occasionally confusion) of ideas,as well as a meeting ground for comparing viewpoints,sharing tools, and renovating approaches. It is within theill-defined boundaries of the field of neural networks thatresearchers in traditionally distant fields have come to therealization that they have been attacking fundamentallysimilar optimization problems.

This paper is concerned with such a basic optimizationproblem and its important variants or derivative problems.The starting point is the problem of clustering, whichconsists of optimal grouping of observed signal samples(i.e., a training set) for the purpose of designing a signalprocessing system. To solve the clustering problem oneseeks the partition of the training set, or of the space inwhich it is defined, which minimizes a prescribed costfunction (e.g., the average cluster variance). The mainapplications of clustering are in pattern recognition andsignal compression. Given training samples from an un-known source, in the former application the objective isto characterize the underlying statistical structure (identifycomponents of the mixture), while in the latter case aquantizer is designed for the unknown source. This paperdescribes the deterministic annealing (DA) approach to

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Page 2: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

clustering and its extension via introduction of appropriateconstraints on the clustering solution, to attack a large andimportant set of optimization problems.

Clustering belongs to the category of unsupervised learn-ing problems, where during training we are only givenaccess to input samples for the system under design. Thedesired system output is not available. The complementarycategory of supervised learning involves a “teacher” whoprovides, during the training phase, the desired output foreach input sample. After training, the system is expected toemulate the teacher. Many important supervised learningproblems can also be viewed as problems of grouping orpartitioning and fall within the broad class that we coverhere. These include, in particular, problems of classificationand regression. We shall further see that the methodsdescribed herein are also applicable to certain problems thatdo not, strictly speaking, involve partitioning.

The design of a practical system must take into accountits complexity. Here we must, in general, restrict thecomplexity of the allowed partitions. This is typically doneby imposing a particular structure for implementing thepartition. Rather than allowing any arbitrary partition ofthe training set (or of the input space) we require that thepartition be determined by a prescribed parametric functionwhose complexity is determined by the number of itsparameters. For example, a vector quantizer (VQ) structureimplements a Voronoi (nearest neighbor) partition of spaceand its complexity may be measured by the number ofcodevectors or prototypes. Another example is the partitionobtained by a multilayer perceptron, whose complexity isdetermined by the number of neurons and synaptic weights.It is evident, therefore, that the design method will normallybe specific to the structure, and this is indeed the casefor most known techniques. However, the approach wedescribe here is applicable to a large and diverse set ofstructures and problems.

It is always instructive to begin with the simplest non-trivial problem instance in order to obtain an unobstructedinsight into the essentials. We therefore start with theproblem of clustering for quantizer design, where we seekthe optimal partition into a prescribed number of subsets,which minimizes the average cluster variance or the meansquared error (MSE). In this case, we need not even imposea structural constraint. The Voronoi partition is optimal andnaturally emerges in the solution. (Structurally constrainedclustering is still of interest whenever one wants to imposea different structure on the solution. One such example isthe tree-structured VQ which is used when lower quantizercomplexity is required.) Not having to explicitly imposethe structure is a significant simplification, yet even thisproblem is not easy. It is well documented (e.g., [41])that basic clustering suffers from poor local minima thatriddle the cost surface. A variety of heuristic approacheshave been proposed to tackle this difficulty, and they rangefrom repeated optimization with different initialization, andheuristics to obtain good initialization, to heuristic rulesfor cluster splits and merges, etc. Another approach wasto use stochastic gradient techniques [16], particularly in

conjunction with self-organizing feature maps, e.g., [22]and [107]. Nevertheless, there is a substantial margin ofgains to be recouped by a methodical, principled attackon the problem as will be demonstrated in this paperfor clustering, classification, regression, and other relatedproblems.

The observation of annealing processes in physical chem-istry motivated the use of similar concepts to avoid localminima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systemscan be driven to their low-energy states by annealing,which is a gradual reduction of temperature, spending along time at the vicinity of the phase transition points.In the corresponding probabilistic framework, a Gibbsdistribution is defined over the set of all possible config-urations which assigns higher probability to configurationsof lower energy. This distribution is parameterized by thetemperature, and as the temperature is lowered it becomesmore discriminating (concentrating most of the probabilityin a smaller subset of low-energy configurations). At thelimit of low temperature it assigns nonzero probability onlyto global minimum configurations. A known technique fornonconvex optimization that capitalizes on this physicalanalogy is stochastic relaxation or simulated annealing[54] based on the Metropolis algorithm [68] for atomicsimulations. A sequence of random moves is generatedand the random decision to accept a move depends on thecost of the resulting configuration relative to that of thecurrent state. However, one must be very careful with theannealing schedule, i.e., the rate at which the temperatureis lowered. In their work on image restoration, Geman andGeman [34] have shown that, in theory, the global minimumcan be achieved if the schedule obeys ,where is the number of the current iteration (see alsothe derivation of necessary and sufficient conditions forasymptotic convergence of simulated annealing in [42]).Such schedules are not realistic in many applications. In[100] it was shown that perturbations of infinite variance(e.g., the Cauchy distribution) provide better ability toescape from minima and allow, in principle, the use offaster schedules.

As its name suggests, DA tries to enjoy the best of bothworlds. On the one hand it is deterministic, meaning thatwe do not want to be wandering randomly on the energysurface while making incremental progress on the average,as is the case for stochastic relaxation. On the other hand,it is still an annealing method and aims at the globalminimum, instead of getting greedily attracted to a nearbylocal minimum. One can view DA as replacing stochasticsimulations by the use of expectation. An effective energyfunction, which is parameterized by a (pseudo) temperature,is derived through expectation and is deterministicallyoptimized at successively reduced temperatures. This ap-proach was adopted by various researchers in the fieldsof graph-theoretic optimization and computer vision [10],[26], [33], [37], [98], [99], [108]. Our starting point hereis the early work on clustering by deterministic annealingwhich appeared in [86] and [88]–[90]. Although stronglymotivated by the physical analogy, the approach is formally


Page 3: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

based on principles of information theory and probabilitytheory, and it consists of minimizing the clustering cost atprescribed levels of randomness (Shannon entropy).

The DA method provides clustering solutions at differentscales, where the scale is directly related to the temperatureparameter. There are “phase transitions” in the designprocess, where phases correspond to the number of effectiveclusters in the solution, which grows via splits as the tem-perature is lowered. If a limitation on the number of clustersis imposed, then at zero temperature a hard clusteringsolution, or a quantizer, is obtained. The basic DA approachto clustering has since inspired modifications, extensions,and related work by numerous researchers including [6],[14], [47], [64], [70], [72], [73], [82], [91], [103], [106].

This paper begins with a tutorial review of the basicDA approach to clustering, and then goes into some of itsmost significant extensions to handle various partition struc-tures [69], as well as hard supervised learning problemsincluding classifier design [70], piecewise regression [78],and mixture of experts [82]. Another important theoreticalaspect is the connection with Shannon’s rate distortion(RD) theory, which leads to better understanding of themethod’s contribution to quantization and yields additionalcontributions to information theory itself [87]. Some of thecurrently investigated extensions, most notably for hiddenMarkov models and speech recognition [80], [81], will bebriefly discussed.



A. Clustering

Clustering can be informally stated as partitioning agiven set of data points into subgroups, each of whichshould be as homogeneous as possible. The problem ofclustering is an important optimization problem in a largevariety of fields, such as pattern recognition, learning,source coding, image, and signal processing. The exactdefinition of the clustering problem differs slightly fromfield to field, but in all of them it is a major tool for theanalysis or processing of data withouta priori knowledge ofthe distribution. The clustering problem statement is usuallymade mathematically precise by defining a cost criterionto be minimized. In signal compression it is commonlyreferred to as the distortion. Let denote a source vector,and let denote its best reproduction codevector fromcodebook . Denoting the distortion measure (typically, butnot necessarily, the squared Euclidean distance) by ,the expected distortion is


where the right-hand side assumes that the source dis-tribution may be approximated by a training set ofindependent vectors.1 In this case, the clustering solution

1The approximation of expected distortion by empirical distortion ispractically unavoidable. In the sequel, whenever such approximation isobvious from the context, it will be used without repeating this explicitstatement.

is specified in terms of the codebook and an encodingrule for selecting the codevector which best matches aninput vector. Virtually all useful distortion functions arenot convex and are instead riddled with poor local minima[41]. Thus, clustering is a nonconvex optimization problem.While exhaustive search will find the global minimum, itis hopelessly impractical for all nontrivial distributions andreasonably large data sets.

As the clustering problem appears in very diverse appli-cations, solution methods have been developed in differentdisciplines. In the communications or information-theoryliterature, an early clustering method was suggested forscalar quantization, which is known as the Lloyd algorithm[60] or the Max quantizer [65]. This method was latergeneralized to vector quantization, and to a large familyof distortion measures [59], and the resulting algorithm iscommonly referred to as the generalized Lloyd algorithm(GLA). For a comprehensive treatment of the subject withinthe areas of compression and communications see [36]. Inthe pattern-recognition literature, similar algorithms havebeen introduced including the ISODATA [4] and the-means [63] algorithms. Later, fuzzy relatives to these algo-rithms were derived [9], [25]. All these iterative methodsalternate between two complementary steps: optimization ofthe encoding rule for the current codebook, and optimiza-tion of the codebook for the encoding rule. When operatingin “batch” mode (i.e., where the cost due to the entiretraining set is considered before adjusting parameters), itis easy to show that this iterative procedure is monotonenonincreasing in the distortion. Hence, convergence to alocal minimum of the distortion (or of its fuzzy variant,respectively) is ensured.

1) Principled Derivation of Deterministic Annealing:Various earlier versions of the principled derivation ofDA appeared in [86], [89], and [90]. The derivationwas revised here to include more recent insights and toprovide the most natural foundation for the followingsections. A probabilistic framework for clustering is definedhere by randomization of the partition, or equivalently,randomization of the encoding rule. Input vectors areassigned to clusters in probability, which we call theassociation probability. This viewpoint bears similarityto fuzzy clustering, where each data point has partialmembership in clusters. However, our formulation ispurely probabilistic. While we consider clusters as regular(nonfuzzy) sets whose exact membership is the outcomeof a random experiment, one may also consider the fuzzysets obtained by equating degree of membership withthe association probability in the former (probabilistic)model. It is, thus, possible to utilize DA for both fuzzy and“regular” clustering design. We will not, however, makeany use of tools or methods from fuzzy sets theory inthis paper. On the other hand, the traditional frameworkfor clustering is the marginal special case where allassociation probabilities are either zero or one. In thepattern recognition literature this is called “hard” clusteringin contradistinction with the more recent (“soft”) fuzzyclustering.


Page 4: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

For the randomized partition we can rewrite the expecteddistortion (1) as


where is the joint probability distribution, and theconditional probability is the association probabilityrelating input vector with codevector . At the limit wherethe association probabilities are hard and each input vectoris assigned to a unique codevector with probability one,(2) becomes identical with the traditional hard clusteringdistortion (1).

Minimization of of (2) with respect to the free pa-rameters would immediately produce a hardclustering solution, as it is always advantageous to fullyassign an input vector to the nearest2 codevector. However,we recast this optimization problem as that of seekingthe distribution which minimizes subject to a specifiedlevel of randomness. The level of randomness is, naturally,measured by the Shannon entropy


This optimization is conveniently reformulated as mini-mization of the Lagrangian


where is the Lagrange multiplier, is given by (2), andis given by (3). Clearly, for large values of we mainly

attempt to maximize the entropy. Asis lowered we tradeentropy for reduction in distortion, and as approacheszero, we minimize directly to obtain a hard (nonrandom)solution.

At this point, it is instructive to pause and consider anequivalent derivation based on the principle of maximumentropy. Suppose we fix the level of expected distortionand seek to estimate the underlying probability distribution.The objective is to characterize the random solution atgradually diminishing levels of distortion until minimaldistortion is reached. To estimate the distribution we appealto Jaynes’s maximum entropy principle [52] which states:of all the probability distributions that satisfy a given setof constraints, choose the one that maximizes the entropy.The informal justification is that while this choice agreeswith what is known (the given constraints), it maintainsmaximum uncertainty with respect to everything else. Hadwe chosen another distribution satisfying the constraints,we would have reduced the uncertainty and would havetherefore implicitly made some extra restrictive assumption.For the problem at hand, we seek the distribution whichmaximizes the Shannon entropy while satisfying the ex-pected distortion constraint. The corresponding Lagrangianto maximize is , with the Lagrange multiplier.

2The term “nearest” is used in the sense of the distortion measured(�; �), which is not necessarily the Euclidean distance.

The equivalence of the two derivation is obvious—bothLagrangians are simultaneously optimized by the samesolution configuration for .

To analyze further the Lagrangian of (4) we notethat the joint entropy can be decomposed into twoterms: , where

is the source entropy, which isindependent of clustering. We may therefore drop theconstant from the Lagrangian definition, and focuson the conditional entropy


Minimizing with respect to the association probabilitiesis straightforward and gives the Gibbs distribution


where the normalization is


(which is the partition function of statistical physics). Thecorresponding minimum of is obtained by plugging (6)back into (4)


To minimize the Lagrangian with respect to the codevectorlocations , its gradients are set to zero yielding thecondition


Note that the derivative notation here stands, in general, forgradients. After normalization by thecondition can be rewritten as a centroid condition


(where denotes the posterior probability calculatedusing Bayes’s rule), which for the squared error distortioncase takes the familiar form


While the above expressions convey most clearly the “cen-troid” aspect of the result, the practical approximation ofthe general condition (9) is


where is the Gibbs distribution of (6).


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The practical algorithm consists, therefore, of minimizingwith respect to the codevectors, starting at high value of

and tracking the minimum while lowering. The centraliteration consists of the following two steps:

1) fix the codevectors and use (6) to compute the asso-ciation probabilities;

2) fix the associations and optimize the codevectorsaccording to (12).

Clearly, the procedure is monotone nonincreasing inand converges to a minimum. At high levels of, the costis very smooth and, under mild assumptions,3 can be shownto be convex, which implies that the global minimum ofis found. As tends to zero the association probabilitiesbecome hard and a hard clustering solution is obtained. Inparticular it is easy to see that the algorithm itself becomesthe known GLA method [59] at this limit.

Some intuitive notion of the workings of the system canbe obtained from observing the evolution of the associationprobabilities (6). At infinite , these are uniform distri-butions, i.e., each input vector is equally associated withall clusters. These are extremely fuzzy associations. Asis lowered, the distributions become more discriminatingand the associations less fuzzy. At zero temperature theclassification is hard with each input sample assigned tothe nearest codevector with probability one.4 This is thecondition in which traditional techniques such as GLAwork. From the DA viewpoint, standard methods are “zerotemperature” methods. It is easy to visualize how the zerotemperature system cannot “sense” a better optimum fartheraway, as each data point exercises its influence only onthe nearest codevector. On the other hand, by starting athigh and slowly “cooling” the system, we start with eachdata point equally influencing all codevectors and graduallylocalize the influence. This gives us some intuition as tohow the system senses, and settles into, a better optimum.

Another important aspect of the algorithm is seen if weview the association probability as the expectedvalue of the random binary variable whichtake the value one if input is assigned to codevector, andzero if not. From this perspective one may recognize theknown expectation maximization (EM) algorithm [21] inthe above two step iteration. The first step, which computesthe association probabilities, is the “expectation” step, andthe second step which minimizes is the “maximization”(of ) step. Note further that the EM algorithm isapplied here at each given level of. The emergenceof EM is not surprising given that for many choices ofdistortion measure, can be given an interpretation asa negative likelihood function. For example, in the caseof squared error distortion, the optimization of isequivalent to maximum likelihood estimation of means in anormal mixture, where the assumed variance is determinedby . It is important, however, to note that in general

3If d(x; y) is a differentiable, convex function ofy for all x, thenF �

has a unique minimum, asymptotically, at high temperatureT .4More precisely, each input sample is uniformly associated with the set

of equidistant nearest representatives. We will ignore the pathologies ofencoding “ties” as they are of no significance in DA.

we do not necessarily assume an underlying probabilisticmodel for the data. Our distributions are derived fromthe distortion measure. In compression applications, inparticular, the distortion measure attempts to quantify theperceptual significance of reconstruction error, independentof the source statistics.

2) Statistical Physics Analogy:The above probabilisticderivation is largely motivated by analogies to statisticalphysics. In this section, we develop this analogy andindicate more precisely how the method produces anannealing process. Moreover, we will demonstrate that thesystem undergoes a sequence of “phase transitions,” andthereby we will obtain further insights into the process.

Consider a physical system whose energy is our distortionand whose Shannon entropy is. The Lagrangian,

, which is central to the DA derivation, is exactlythe Helmholtz free energy of this system (strictly speakingit is the Helmholtz thermodynamic potential). The Lagrangemultiplier is accordingly the temperature of the systemwhich governs its level of randomness. Note that our choiceof notation (with the exception of , which stands fordistortion) was made to agree with the traditional notationof statistical mechanics, and it emphasizes this direct anal-ogy. A fundamental principle of statistical mechanics (oftencalled the principle of minimal free energy) states that theminimum of the free energy determines the distribution atthermal equilibrium. Thus, is achieved by the systemwhen it reaches equilibrium, at which point the systemis governed by the Gibbs (or canonical) distribution. Thechemical procedure of annealing consists of maintainingthe system at thermal equilibrium while carefully lower-ing the temperature. Compare this with the computationalprocedure of DA: track the minimum of the free energywhile gradually lowering the temperature! In chemistry,annealing is used to ensure that the ground state of thesystem, that is, the state of minimum energy, is achievedat the limit of low temperature. The method of simulatedannealing [54] directly simulates the stochastic evolution ofsuch a physical system. We, instead, derive its free energyas the corresponding expectation, and deterministically (andquickly) optimize it to characterize the equilibrium at thegiven temperature.

In summary, the DA method performs annealing as itmaintains the free energy at its minimum (thermal equi-librium) while gradually lowering the temperature; andit is deterministic because it minimizes the free energydirectly rather than via stochastic simulation of the systemdynamics.

But there is much more to the physical analogy. We shallnext demonstrate that, as the temperature is lowered, thesystem undergoes a sequence of “phase transitions,” whichconsists of natural cluster splits where the clustering modelgrows in size (number of clusters). This phenomenon ishighly significant for a number of reasons. First, it providesa useful tool for controlling the size of the clustering modeland relating it to the scale of the solution, as will beexplained below. Second, these phase transitions are thecritical points of the process where one needs to be careful


Page 6: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

with the annealing (as is the case in physical annealing).The “critical temperatures” are computable, as will beshown next. This information allows us to accelerate theprocedure in between phase transitions without compro-mising performance. Finally, the sequence of solutions atvarious phases, which are solutions of increasing modelsize, can be coupled with validation procedures to identifythe optimal model size for performance outside the trainingset.

Let us begin by considering the case of very hightemperature . The association probabilities (6)are uniform, and the optimality condition (12) is satisfiedby placing all codevectors at the same point—the centroidof the training set determined by


(In the case of squared error distortion this optimalis the sample mean of the training set.) Hence, at hightemperature, the codebook collapses on a single point.We say, therefore, that there is effectively one codevectorand one cluster—the entire training set. As we lower thetemperature the cardinality of the codebook changes. Weconsider the effective codebook cardinality, or model size,as characterizing the phases of the physical system. Thesystem undergoes phase transitions as the model size grows.An analysis of the phase transitions is fundamental inobtaining an understanding of the evolution of the system.

In order to explicitly derive the “critical temperatures”for the phase transitions, we will assume the squared errordistortion . The bifurcation occurs whena set of coincident codevectors splits into separate subsets.Mathematically, the existing solution above the criticaltemperature is no longer the minimum of the free energyas the temperature crosses the critical value. Although itis natural to define this as the point at which the Hessianof loses its positive definite property, the notationalcomplexity of working with this large and complex matrixmotivates the equivalent approach of variational calculus.Let us denote by a perturbed codebook,where is the perturbation vector applied to codevector

, and where the nonnegative scalaris used to scale themagnitude of the perturbation. We can rewrite the necessarycondition for optimality of


for all choices of finite perturbation . This variationalstatement of the optimality condition leads directly tothe earlier condition of (9). But we must also require acondition on the second-order derivative


for all choices of finite perturbation . Bifurcation occurswhen equality is achieved in (15) and hence the minimum is

no longer stable.5 Applying straightforward differentiationwe obtain the following condition for equality in (15)


where denotes the identity matrix. The first term can berewritten more compactly and the equation becomes




is the covariance matrix of the posterior distributionof the cluster corresponding to codevector. We claim thatthe left-hand side of (17) is positive for all perturbations

if and only if the first term is positive. The “if” part istrivial since the second term is obviously nonnegative. Toshow the “only if” part, we first observe that the first term isnonpositive only if there exists some with positiveprobability such that the matrix is notpositive definite. In fact, we assume that there are severalcoincident codevectors at this point to allow bifurcation. Wenext show that in this case there always exists a perturbationthat makes the second term vanish. Select a perturbationsatisfying




With this perturbation the second term becomes

which equals zero by (20). Thus, whenever the first term isnonpositive we can construct a perturbation such that thesecond term vanishes. Hence, there is strict inequality in(15) if and only if the first term of (17) is positive for allchoices of finite perturbation .

In conclusion to the above derivation, the condition forphase transition requires that the coincident codevectors

5For simplicity we ignore higher order derivatives, which shouldbe checked for mathematical completeness, but which are of minimalpractical importance. The result is a necessary condition for bifurcation.


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at some have a (posterior) data distributionsatisfying


The critical temperature is therefore determined as


where is the largest eigenvalue of . In otherwords, phase transitions occur as the temperature is low-ered to twice the variance along the principal axis of thecluster. It can be further shown that the split (separationof codevectors) is along this principal axis. We summarizethis result in the form of a theorem.

Theorem 1: For the squared error distortion measure,a cluster centered at codevectorundergoes a splittingphase transition when the temperature reaches the criticalvalue , where is the cluster’s principalcomponent.

Fig. 1 illustrates the annealing process with its phasetransitions on a simple example. The training set is gen-erated from a mixture of six randomly displaced, equalvariance Gaussians whose centers are marked by. At hightemperature, there is only one effective cluster representedby one codevector, marked by, at the center of mass ofthe training set. As the temperature is lowered, the systemundergoes phase transitions which increase the number ofeffective clusters as shown in the figure. Note that asthe partition is random, there are no precise boundaries.Instead, we give “isoprobability curves,” or contours ofequal probability (typically 1/3) of belonging to the cluster.In Fig. 2 we give the corresponding “phase diagram,” whichdescribes the variation of average distortion (energy) with

. Note, in particular, that when the temperaturereaches the value which corresponds to the variance of allthe isotropic Gaussians we get an “explosion” as there isno preferred direction (principal component) for the split.More on the analysis of phase transitions is given in a latersection on RD theory, but for a deeper treatment of thecondition for explosion, or continuum of codevectors, andthe special role of Gaussian distribution, see [87].

3) Mass-Constrained Clustering:The mass constrainedclustering approach [91] is the preferred implementationof the DA clustering algorithm, and a detailed sketch ofthe algorithm will be given at the end of this section.We shall show that the annealing process, as described sofar, has a certain dependence on the number of coincidentcodevectors in each effective cluster. This weakness is notdesirable and can be eliminated, leading to a method thatis totally independent of initialization.

We start by recalling a central characteristic of the DAapproach: no matter how many codevectors are “thrownin,” the effective number emerges at each temperature. Thisnumber is the model size, and it defines the phase of thesystem. For example, even if we have thousands of code-vectors, there is only one single effective codevector at veryhigh temperature. However, after a split occurs, the result

Fig. 1. Clustering at various phases. The lines are equiprobablecontours,p = 1=2 in (b), and p = 1=3 elsewhere. (a) onecluster (� = 0), (b) two clusters (� = 0:0049), (c) three clusters(� = 0:0056), (d) four clusters (� = 0:0100), (e) five clusters(� = 0:0156), (f) six clusters (� = 0:0347), and (g) 19 clusters(� = 0:0605). From [90].

may differ somewhat depending on the number of codevec-tors in each of the resulting subgroups. Clearly, the initialpartition into subgroups depends on the perturbation. Inorder to fix this shortcoming, let us reformulate the method


Page 8: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

Fig. 2. Phase diagram for the distribution shown in Fig. 1. Thenumber of effective clusters is shown for each phase. From [90].

in terms of effective clusters (or distinct codevectors). Letus assume that there is an unlimited supply of codevectors,and let denote the fraction of codevectors which representeffective cluster and are therefore coincident at position.Using this notation, the partition function of (7) is rewrittenequivalently as


where the summation is over distinct codevectors. Theprobability of association (6) with distinct codevectoris the so-called tilted distribution


and the free energy (8) is


The free energy is to be minimized under the obviousconstraint that . The optimization is performedas unconstrained minimization of the Lagrangian


with respect to the cluster parametersand . Note thatalthough we started with a countable number of codevectorsto be distributed among the clusters, we effectively viewthem now as possibly uncountable, andis not required tobe rational. One may therefore visualize this as a “mass ofcodevectors” which is divided among the effective clusters,or simply as a distribution over the codevector space. (Thenotion of inducing a possibly continuous distribution over

the codevector space provides a direct link to rate-distortiontheory, which is pursued in a later section.)

The optimal set of codevectors must satisfy


where the left equality is because the constraint is indepen-dent of the positions . We thus get again the conditionof (9)


with the important distinction that now the associationprobabilities are tilted according to (24).

On the other hand, the set which minimizessatisfies


which yields


Taking the expectation of (30) with respect to the distribu-tion we obtain


where the last equality uses the definition of in (23).Thus


Substituting (32) in (30) we see that the optimal distributionmust satisfy


where are implicit in (23). Equation (33) is thusthe equation we solve while optimizing over . Thisequation also arises from the Kuhn–Tucker conditions ofrate-distortion theory [7], [12], [40].

It is instructive to point out that (24) and (33) imply that


In other words, the optimal codevector distribution mimicsthe training data set partition into the clusters. The distri-bution is identical to the probability distribution inducedon the codevectors via the encoding rule which we havedenoted by . As an aside, note thatthe results are also in perfect agreement with estimationof priors (mixing coefficients) in parametric estimation ofmixture of densities. However, it must be kept in mind thatthe mass-constrained algorithm is applicable to solving the


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simple VQ or clustering design problem where minimumdistortion is the ultimate objective.

The mass-constrained formulation only needs as manycodevectors as there are effective clusters at a given temper-ature. The process is computationally efficient and increasesthe model size only when it is needed, i.e., when a crit-ical temperature has been reached. The mechanism canbe implemented by maintaining and perturbing pairs ofcodevectors at each effective cluster so that they separateonly when a phase transition occurs. Another possibility isto compute the critical temperature and supply an additionalcodevector only when the condition is satisfied.

It should also be noted that at the limit of low temper-ature ( ), both the unconstrained DA method andthe mass-constrained DA method, converge to the samedescent process, namely, GLA [59] (or basic ISODATA[4] for the sum of squared distances). This is becausethe association probabilities of the two DA methods areidentical at the limit, and they assign each data point tothe nearest codevector with probability one. The differencebetween the two is in their behavior at intermediate,where the mass-constrained clustering method takes thecluster populations into account. This is illustrated by asimple example in Fig. 3.

4) Preferred Implementation of the DA Clustering Algo-rithm: We conclude the treatment of the basic clusteringproblem with a sketch of a preferred implementation ofthe clustering algorithm. This version incorporates themass-constrained approach. The squared error distortion isassumed for simplicity, but the description is extendibleto other distortion measures. It is also assumed that theobjective is to find the hard (nonfuzzy) clustering solutionfor a given number of clusters.

1) Set Limits: number of codevectors , minimumtemperature .

2) Initialize: , , ,and .

3) Update for


4) Convergence Test: If not satisfied go to 3).5) If , perform last iteration for and

STOP.6) Cooling Step: , ( ).7) If , check condition for phase transition

for . If critical is reached for cluster



Fig. 3. The effect of cluster mass (population) at intermediate�.The data is sampled from two normal distributions whose centersare marked byX. The computed representatives are marked byO.(a) Nonconstrained clustering and (b) mass-constrained clustering.From [91].

, add a new codevector ,, and increment .

8) Go to 3).

Note that the test for critical in 7) may be replacedby a simple perturbation if considered expensive for highdimensions. In this case we always keep two codevectorsat each location and perturb them when we update. Untilthe critical is reached they will be merged together by theiterations. At phase transition they will move further apart.

The relation to the Lloyd algorithm for quantizer design iseasy to see. At a given, the iteration is a generalizationof the nearest neighbor and the centroid conditions. Therelation to maximum likelihood estimation of parameters


Page 10: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

in normal mixtures is also obvious. For a treatment of theproblem of covariance matrix estimation in DA see [55].

While the algorithm sketch was given for the typicalcase of VQ design, it is easy to modify it to producecluster analysis solutions. In particular, fuzzy clusteringsolutions are produced naturally at a sequence of scales (asdetermined by the temperature). One simple approach is tocombine the algorithm with cluster validation techniquesto select a scale (and solution) from this sequence. Itis also easy to produce hard clustering solutions at thedifferent scales by adding quick “quenching” at each phaseto produce the required hard solutions which can then beprocessed for validation.

5) Illustrative Examples:To further illustrate the perfor-mance of mass-constrained clustering, we consider theexample shown in Fig. 4. This is a mixture of six Gaussiandensities of different masses and variances. We comparethe result of DA with the well known GLA method. SinceGLA yields results that depend on the initialization, wehave run it 25 times, each time with a different initial set ofrepresentatives (randomly extracted from the training set).In Fig. 4(a), we show the best result obtained by GLA,where the MSE is 6.4. This result was obtained only once,while for 80% of the runs it got trapped in local optimaof 12.5 MSE. In Fig. 4(b), we show the result obtainedby DA. The MSE is 5.7, and this solution is, of course,independent of the initialization. The process of “annealing”is illustrated in Fig. 5. Here we have a mixture of nineoverlapping Gaussian densities. The process undergoes asequence of phase transitions as is increased.We show the results at some of the phases. Equiprobablecontours are used to emphasize the fuzzy nature of theresults at intermediate. At the limit of high , the MSEis 32.854. Repeated runs of GLA on this example yieldeda variety of local optima with MSE from 33.5 to 40.3.

B. Extensions and Applications

In this section we consider several direct extensionsof the DA clustering method. First, we consider exten-sions motivated by compression and communications ap-plications including VQ design for transmission throughnoisy channels, entropy-constrained vector quantization,and structurally constrained clustering, which addressesthe encoding and storage complexity problem. Finally, webriefly discuss straightforward extensions via constraints onthe codevectors and identify as special cases approachesto the “traveling salesman problem” and self-organizingfeature maps.

1) Vector Quantization for Noisy Channels:The area ofsource-channel coding is concerned with the joint designof communication systems while taking into accountthe distortion due to both compression and transmissionover a noisy channel. In the particular case of VQ-basedcommunications systems, it is advantageous to optimizethe quantizer while taking into account the effects of thechannel. A noisy channel is specified here by its transitionprobabilities , which denote the probability that thedecoder decides on codevectorgiven that the encoder



Fig. 4. GLA versus DA: (a) best result of GLA out of 25 runswith random initialization:D = 6:4 and (b) mass-constrainedclustering:D = 5:7. From [91].

transmitted the index of codevector.6 (As an aside, itmay be noted that there exist applications [61], [62], wheresuch noise models are used to model the distortion due

6The implicit simplifying assumption is that the channel is memorylessor at least does not have significant temporal dependencies reachingbeyond the transmission of a codevector index.


Page 11: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Fig. 5. Various phases in the annealing process. Random partition represented by equiprobablecontours (p) to emphasize the fuzzy nature of the results at intermediate�: (a) three clusters at� = 0:005 contours atp = 0:45, (b) five clusters at� = 0:009, p = 0:33, (c) seven clusters at� = 0:013, p = 0:33, and (d) nine clusters at� = 0:03, p = 0:33. From [91].

to hierarchical or topological constraints rather than a realcommunication channel.)

A simple but important observation is the following: thenoisy-channel VQ design problem is in fact identical to theregular VQ design, but with the modified distortion measure


which measures the expected distortion when codevectoris selected by the encoder. This observation allows directextension of the known VQ design algorithms to this case.There is a long history of noisy-channel quantizer design.In the 1960’s, a basic method was proposed for scalarquantizers [58] and was extended in many papers since [3],[24], [28], [30], [57], [109]. These papers basically describeGLA-type methods which alternate between enforcing theencoder and centroid (decoder) optimality conditions. One

can similarly extend the DA approach to the noisy channelcase [14], [72].

We can write the expected overall source-channel distor-tion as


where defines the encoder, which is random duringthe DA design. Note that we exploit the fact thatform a Markov chain. Alternatively, we may write that


where . The entropy is definedover the encoding probabilities (the probabilities which are


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under our control)


Following the standard DA derivation we obtain the optimalencoding probability at a given temperature


and the free energy


Optimizing with respect to the parameters yields thecentroid rule


which simplifies for the squared error distortion to


For a phase transition analysis of the DA process in thenoisy-channel VQ case see [38]. In [72] it is shown thatthe DA approach avoids many local optima of the designand outperforms standard design. Of particular interest ishow the design process converges to explicit error controlcoding (ECC) at the limit of very noisy channels. At thislimit, certain encoding regions become empty, so that lesscodevectors are used by the encoder. Some of the availablebit rate is thus reserved for channel protection. Note that thesystem itself finds the optimal error correcting code whichneed not (and does not, in general) satisfy any algebraicconstraints such as linearity, as typically required in ECCdesign.

2) Entropy-Constrained VQ Design:Variable-length cod-ing (also called entropy coding) is commonly used to furtherreduce the rate required to transmit quantized signals. Itresults in rates that are close to the quantized signal entropy,which is the fundamental limit. The basic VQ designapproach, however, assumes fixed-length coding, therebysimplifying the optimization problem to that of minimizingdistortion for the given codebook size. It is, however, ofmuch interest to derive a method for optimizing the VQ foruse in conjunction with variable-length coding. Here theoptimization must take into account both the distortion andthe rate costs of selecting a codevector. This fundamentalextension of the VQ problem was obtained by incorporationof an entropy constraint within the design to producequantizers optimized for subsequent entropy coding. Theearlier work was concerned with scalar quantizers [8], [29].The VQ design method was proposed by Chouet al. [19].We refer to this paradigm as the entropy-constrained VQ(ECVQ).

The cost function is the weighted cost


where determines the penalty for increase in rate relativeto increase in distortion. It can also be used as a Lagrangemultiplier for imposing a prescribed rate constraint whileminimizing the distortion (or, alternatively, imposing aprescribed distortion while minimizing the rate). It followsthat this problem reverts to the regular VQ problem witha modified cost function


subject to the additional constraint . Thisobservation leads directly to the ECVQ algorithm of Chouet al. [19].

It can also be incorporated in a DA method for ECVQdesign, as was first pointed out by Buhmann and Kuhnel[14]. The free energy is


Note that in ECVQ we do not use a mass-constrainedversion of DA since the masses are already implicit inthe modified distortion measure (44). Moreover, the abovebecomes equivalent to mass-constrained operation in thespecial case .

The resulting update rules are derived from the freeenergy. The following assumes, for simplicity, the squarederror distortion measure. The encoding rule is


The centroid rule is


where , and the mass rule is


At the DA iteration becomes identical to the standardECVQ algorithm of [19].

3) Structurally Constrained VQ Design:A major stum-bling block in the way of VQ applications is the problemof encoding complexity. The size of the codebook growsexponentially with the vector dimension and rate (inbits per sample). As the encoder has to find the bestcodevector in the codebook, its complexity grows linearlywith the codebook size, and hence exponentially withdimension and rate. In many practical applications, suchencoding complexity is not acceptable and low-complexityalternatives are needed. The most common approach forreducing encoding complexity involves the impositionof a structural constraint on the VQ partition. A tree-structured partition is a typical such structure consisting ofnested decision boundaries which can be represented by adecision tree. Sibling nodes in the tree define a VQ thatpartitions the region associated with their parent node. The


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reproduction codebook of the tree-structured VQ (TSVQ)is, in fact, the set of leaves. The role of the internal nodesis to provide a mechanism for fast encoding search. Theencoding operation is not an exhaustive search throughthe leaves. Instead, one starts at the root of the tree anddetermines a path to a leaf by a sequence of local decisions.At each layer the decision is restricted to selecting oneof the descendants of the winning node in the previouslayer. Thus, the encoding search grows linearly, rather thanexponentially, with the dimension and the rate.

The design of TSVQ is, in general, a harder opti-mization problem than the design of regular VQ. Typicalapproaches [15], [44], [84] employ a greedy sequentialdesign, optimizing a local cost to grow the tree one node(or layer) at a time. The reason for the greedy nature ofstandard approaches is that, whereas in the unstructuredcase an optimal partition design step is readily speci-fied by the nearest neighbor rule, in the tree structuredcase an optimal partition is determined only by solvinga formidable multiclass risk discrimination problem [23].Thus, the heuristically determined high-level boundariesmay severely constrain the final partition at the leaf layer,yet they are not readjusted when lower layers are beingdesigned.

The DA approach to clustering offers a way to optimizethe partition (i.e., all the parameters which define the finalpartition) directly and, moreover, to escape many shallowlocal minima traps. It should be noted that the new difficultyhere is the need to impose the structure on the partition.Earlier work on this problem [73] appealed to the principleof minimum cross-entropy (or minimum divergence) whichis a known generalization of the principle of maximum en-tropy [97]. Minimum cross-entropy provides a probablistictool to gradually enforce the desired consistency betweenthe leaf layer, where the quantization cost is calculated,and the rest of the tree—thereby imposing the structuralconstraint on the partition at the limit of zero temperature.This approach provided consistent substantial gains overthe standard approaches. Although this method workedvery well in all tests, it has two theoretical disadvantages.First, alternate minimization of the cross-entropy and ofthe cost at the leaf layer is not ensured to converge,though in practice this has not been a problem. The secondundesired aspect is that it lacks the direct simplicity ofbasic DA. More recent developments of the DA approachin the context of supervised learning [69], [70] have sinceopened the way for a simpler, more general way to imposea structure on the partition, and which is also a moredirect extension of the basic DA approach to clustering.A detailed description of this extension will be given in thesection on supervised learning. Here we shall only cover theminimum required to develop the DA approach for TSVQdesign. It is appropriate to focus on the latter derivationsince it has none of the theoretical flaws of the earlierapproach. However, no simulation results for it exist as ofthe time this paper was written. To illustrate the annealingand the type of gains achievable we will include somesimulation results of the earlier approach [73] which, in

spite of its theoretical shortcomings, approximates closelythe optimal annealing process and achieves (apparently)globally optimal solutions for these nontrivial examples.

We replace the hard encoding rule with a randomizeddecision. The probability of encoding input with a leaf(codevector) is in fact the probability of choosing theentire path starting at the root of the tree and leading tothis leaf. This is a sequence of decisions where each nodeon the path competes with its siblings. The probability ofchoosing node given that its parent was chosen is Gibbs7

parent(s) (49)

where is a scale parameter. Thus, the selection of nodes atsequential layers is viewed as a Markov chain, where thetransition probabilities obey the Gibbs distribution. Notein particular that as , this Markov chain becomes ahard decision tree, and the resulting partition corresponds toa standard TSVQ. We have thus defined a randomized treepartition which, at the limit, enforces the desired structureon the solution.

We next wish to minimize the objective which is theoverall distortion at a specified level of randomness. Weagain define the Lagrangian (the Helmholtz free energy)


where is the distortion at the leaf layer and is the en-tropy of the Markov chain, both computed while employingthe explicit Gibbs form of (49). Then, by minimizing thefree energy over the tree parameters we obtain theoptimal random tree at this temperature. As the temperatureis lowered, reduction in entropy is traded for reduction indistortion, and at the tree becomes hard. This processalso involves a sequence of phase transitions as the treegrows, similar to the case of unconstrained VQ design. InFig. 6 we show the performance of the DA method from[73] on a mixture example, as well as the sequence ofphase transitions and the manner in which the tree grows. InFig. 7 we show how TSVQ designed by DA outperformsthe unstructured VQ designed by standard methods. Thisdemonstrates the significant impact of poor local optimawhich cause worse degradation than the structural constraintitself.

Beside the tree structure, on which we focused here,there are other important structures that are used in signalcompression and for which DA design methods have beendeveloped. One commonly used structure, particularly inspeech coding, is the multistage vector quantizer (see[71] for an early DA approach). Another very importantstructure is the trellis quantizer (as well as the trellis vectorquantizer) for which a DA approach has been proposed in[74].

7The choice of the Gibbs distribution is not arbitrary and will beexplained in a fundamental and general setting in Section III. At this pointlet it simply be noted that it is directly obtainable from the maximumentropy principle.


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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

(e) (f)


Fig. 6. A hierarchy of tree-structured solutions generated by the annealing method for increasing�.The source is a Gaussian mixture with eight components. To the right of each figure is the associatedtree structure. The lines in the figure are equiprobable contours with membership probability ofp = 0:33 in a given partition region, except for (a) and (g), for whichp = 0:5. “H” denotes thehighest level decision boundary in (g). From [73].

4) Graph-Theoretic and Other Optimization Problems:Inthe deterministic annealing clustering algorithm, if wethrow in enough codevectors and let , then eachdata point will become a natural cluster. This can beviewed as a process of data association, where each datapoint is exclusively associated with a “codevector.” As

it stands, there is no preference as to which codevectoris associated with which data point. However, by addingappropriate constraints, which are easy to incorporate inthe Lagrangian derivation, we can encourage the processto obtain associations that satisfy additional requirementswhich embody the actual data assignment problem we


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Fig. 7. A Gaussian mixture example with 16 components. (a) Thebest unconstrained GLA solution after 30 random initializationswithin the data set, withD = 0:51. (b) A typical unconstrainedGLA solution, withD = 0:72. (c) The unbalanced tree-structuredDA solution with maximal depth of five andD = 0:49. From [73].

wish to solve. This allows exploiting DA as a frameworkfor solving a variety of hard graph-theoretic problems.As an example, when applied to the famous “travelingsalesman” problem, such DA derivation becomes identicalto the “elastic net” method [26], [27]. The approach hasbeen applied to various data assignment problems such asthe module placement problem in computer-aided design(CAD) and graph partitioning. Another variant with adifferent constraint yields a DA approach for batch opti-mization of self-organizing feature maps. For more detailssee [91] and [92].



In this section, we develop the deterministic annealingapproach for problems of supervised learning. We considerfirst the general supervised learning or function approxi-mation problem where, from a given parametric class offunctions, a function is selected which best captures theinput–output statistics of a training set. In the learningliterature, the given parametric class of functions is viewedas the set of transfer functions implementable on a givensystem structure by varying its parameters (e.g., the weightsof a multilayer perceptron). The ultimate performance eval-uation is commonly performed on an independent test setof samples.

The fundamental extension of DA to supervised learningby inclusion of structural constraints [69], [70] led firstto the DA method for classification [70], then to theDA method for piecewise regression [78], and was laterextended to address regression by mixture of experts [82].Here, after formulating the problem in its general settingand deriving a DA method for its solution, we show how itspecializes to various classical regression and classificationproblems by defining the structure (parametric form of thefunction/system) and the cost criterion. We demonstratethat the DA approach results in a powerful technique forclassifier and regression function design for a variety ofpopular system structures.

A. Problem Formulation

We define the objective of supervised learning as thatof approximating an unknown function from the observa-tion of a limited sequence of (typically noise-corrupted)input–output data pairs. Such function approximation is typ-ically referred to as regression if the output is continuous,and as classification if the output is discrete or categoric.Regression and classification are important tools in diverseareas of signal processing, statistics, applied mathematics,business administration, computer science, and the socialsciences.

For concreteness, the problem formulation here willemploy the terminology and notation of the regressionproblem. We will later show how the solution is, in fact,applicable to classification and other related problems. Theregression problem is usually stated as the optimization ofan expected cost that measures how well the regression


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function , applied to random vector , approximatesthe output over the joint distribution , or inpractice, over a sample set . Let us reformulatethe cost as


where the distortion measure is general, though thesquared error is most often in use. The cost is optimizedby searching for the best regression functionwithin agiven parametric class of functions. We shall first restrictourselves to space-partitioning regression functions. Thesefunctions are often called piecewise regression functions be-cause they approximate the desired function by partitioningthe space and matching a simple local model to each region.Space-partitioning regression functions are constructed oftwo components: a parametric space partition (structuredpartition) and a parametric local model per partition cell.Let the partition parameter set be denoted by. It mayconsist of the nodes of a decision tree, the codevectors orprototypes of a vector quantizer, the weights of a multilayerperceptron, etc. Let denote the set of local modelparameters, where is the subset of parameters specifyingthe model for region .

We can now write the regression function as


where denotes the local model. Note that isimplicit in the partition into cells . Typically, thelocal parametric model has a simple form such asconstant, linear, or Gaussian. The average regression errormeasured over a sample set is then


The regression function is learned by minimizing thedesign cost, , measured over a training set, ,but with the ultimate performance evaluation based on thegeneralization cost, which is the error measured overa test set. The mismatch between the design cost and thegeneralization cost is a fundamental difficulty which is thesubject of much current research in statistics in general,and in neural networks in particular. It is well known thatfor most choices of , the cost measured during designdecreases as the complexity (size) of the learned regressionmodel is allowed to increase, while the generalization costwill start to increase when the model size grows beyond acertain point. In general, the optimal model size, or evena favorable regime of model sizes, is unknown prior totraining the model. Thus, the search for the correct modelsize must naturally be undertaken as an integral part ofthe training. Most techniques for improving generalizationin learning are inspired by the well-known principle ofOccam’s razor,8 which essentially states that the simplestmodel that accurately represents the data is most desirable.

8William of Occam (1285–1349): “Causes should not be multipliedbeyond necessity.”

From the perspective of the learning problem, this principlesuggests that the design should take into account somemeasure of the simplicity, or parsimony, of the solution,in addition to performance on the training set. In one basicapproach, penalty terms are added to the training cost, eitherto directly favor the formation of a small model [1], [85], orto do so indirectly via regularization/smoothness constraintsor other costs which measure overspecialization. A secondcommon approach is to build a large model, overspecializedto the training set, and then attempt to “undo” some ofthe training by retaining only the vital model structure,removing extraneous parameters that have only learnedthe nuances of a particular noisy training set. This latterapproach is adopted in the pruning methods for CART [13]and in methods such as optimal brain surgeon [110] in thecontext of neural networks.

While these techniques provide a way of generating par-simonious models, there is an additional serious difficultythat most methods do not address directly, which can alsoseverely limit the generalization achieved by learning. Thisdifficulty is the problem of nonglobal optima of the cost sur-face, which can easily trap descent-based learning methods.If the designed regression function performs poorly as aresult of a shallow, local minimum trap, the typical recourseis to optimize a larger model under the assumption that themodel was not sufficiently powerful to characterize the datawell. The larger model will likely improve the design costbut may result in overspecialization to the training set andsuboptimal performance outside the training set. Clearly,a superior optimization method that finds better models ofsmaller size will enhance the generalization performance ofthe regression function. While conventional techniques forparsimonious modeling control the model size, they do notaddress this optimization difficulty. In particular, standardmethods such as classification and regression trees (CART)[13] for tree-structured classification and regression employgreedy heuristics in the “growing” phase of the model de-sign which might lead to poorly designed trees. The subse-quent pruning phase is then restricted in its search for parsi-monious models to choosing pruned subtrees of this initial,potentially suboptimal tree. Techniques which add penaltyterms to the cost can also suffer from problems of localminima. In fact, in many cases the addition of a penaltyterm can actually increase the complexity of the cost surfaceand exacerbate the local minimum problem (e.g., [110]).

As an alternative approach, let us consider the DA opti-mization technique for regression modeling which, throughits formulation of the problem, simultaneously embeds thesearch for a parsimonious solution and for one that isoptimal in the design cost.

B. Basic Derivation

The design objective is minimization of the expectedregression cost of (53) which is repeated here forconvenience



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over the partition parameters (which are implicit in thepartition ) and the local model parameters. Tobegin the derivation let us assume that the local modelparameters are known and fixed and focus on themore difficult problem of optimizing the partition. Thepartition is structurally constrained, that is, it is selectedfrom a family of partitions by assigning values to theset of parameters . Note that a partition is, in fact, aclassifier as it assigns to each input a label indicating towhich partition cell it belongs. There are many popularstructures for the partition such as the vector quantizer, thedecision tree, the multilayer perceptron, and the radial basisfunctions partitions. The operation of each of the abovedistinct structures (or classifiers) is consistent with that ofthe general (canonical) maximum discriminant model [23]:given input the system produces competing outputs (oneper partition cell) via the discriminant functions ,and the input is assigned to the largest, “winning” output.It thus uses the “winner-take-all” partition rule


Any partition can be represented by this model, albeitpossibly with complicated discriminant functions. Notethat the discriminant functions in our case arespecified by the set of parameters, although we havesuppressed this dependence in the notation of (55). Wethus employ the maximum discriminant model to developa general optimization approach for regression. We willlater specialize the results to specific popular structures andlearning costs and give experimental results to demonstratethe performance.

Let us write an objective function whose maximizationdetermines the hard partition for given


Note, in particular, that the winner-take-all rule (55) isoptimal in the sense of . Specifically, maximizing (56)over all possible partitions captures the decision rule of(55).

To derive a DA approach we wish to randomize thepartition similar to the earlier derivation for the problemof clustering. The probabilistic generalization of (56) is


where the partition is now represented by association prob-abilities and the corresponding entropy is


It is emphasized that measures the average level ofuncertainty in the partition decisions. We determine ourassignment distribution at a given level of randomness asthe one which maximizes while maintaining at aprescribed level

subject to (59)

The result is the best probabilistic partition, in the senseof the structural objective , at the specified level ofrandomness. For we naturally revert to the hardpartition which maximizes (56) and thus employs thewinner-take-all rule. At any positive , the solution of (59)is the Gibbs distribution


where is the Lagrange multiplier controlling the level ofentropy. For the associations become increasinglyuniform, while for they revert to the hard partition,equivalent to application of the rule in (55). Thus, (60)is a probabilistic generalization of the winner-take-all rulewhich satisfies its structural constraint, specified by (55),for the choice . Note that beside the obviousdependence on the parameter, the discriminant functions

are determined by .So far, we have formulated a controlled way of in-

troducing randomness into the partition while enforcingits structural constraint. However, the derivation assumedthat the model parameters were given, and thus producedonly the form of the distribution , without actuallyprescribing how to choose the values of its parameter set.Moreover, the derivation did not consider the ultimate goalof minimizing the expected regression cost. We nextremedy both shortcomings.

To apply the basic principles of DA design similar toour treatment of clustering, we need to introduce ran-domness into the partition while enforcing the requiredstructure, only now we must also explicitly minimize theexpected regression cost.A priori, satisfying these multipleobjectives may appear to be a formidable task, but theproblem is greatly simplified by restricting the choice ofrandom partitions to the set of distributions asgiven in (60)—these random partitions naturally enforce thestructural constraint of (55) through, as explained earlier.Thus, from the parameterized set (determined bythe implicit ), we seek that distribution which minimizesthe expected regression cost while constraining the entropy


subject to


The solution yields the best random partition and modelparameters in the sense of minimumfor a given entropylevel . At the limit of zero entropy, we should get a hardpartition which minimizes , yet has the desired structure,as specified by (55).

We naturally reformulate (61) and (62) as minimizationof the unconstrained Lagrangian, or free energy


where the Lagrange parameteris the “temperature” andemphasizes the intuitively compelling analogy to statistical


Page 18: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

physics, in parallel to the DA derivation in the earliersections. Virtually all the discussion on the analogy to sta-tistical physics which appeared in the context of clusteringholds here too, and it provides strong motivation for useof the DA method. For conciseness we shall not elaborateon the analogy here.

We initialize the algorithm at (in practice, issimply chosen large enough to be above the first criticaltemperature). It is clear from (63) that the goal at thistemperature is to maximize the entropy of the partition.The distributions are consequently uniform. Thesame parameters are used for the local regression modelsin all the regions—effectively, we have a single, globalregression model. As the temperature is gradually lowered,optimization is carried out at each temperature to find thepartition parameters and local model parametersthat minimize the Lagrangian. As , the Lagrangianreduces to the regression cost. Further, since we haveforced the entropy to go to zero, the randomized spacepartition that we obtain becomes a hard partition satisfyingthe imposed structure. In practice, we anneal the systemto a low temperature, where the entropy of the randompartition is sufficiently small. Further annealing will notchange the partition parameters significantly. Hence we fixthe partition parameters at this point and jump (quench) to

to perform a “zero entropy iteration,” where wepartition the training set according to the “hard” partitionrule and optimize the parameters of the local models

to minimize the regression cost . This approachis consistent with our ultimate goal of optimizing the costconstrained on using a (hard) structured space partition.

A brief sketch of the DA algorithm is as follows.

1) Initialize: .2) .3) Lower Temperature: .4) If go to 2).5) Zero Entropy Iteration: Partition using hard partition

rule .

In our simulations we used an exponential schedule forreducing , i.e., , where , but other an-nealing schedules are possible. The parameter optimizationof 2) may be performed by any local optimization method.

C. Generality and Wide Applicability of the DA Solution

1) Regression, Classification, and Clustering:In SectionIII-B, we derived a DA method to design a regressionfunction subject to structural constraints on the partition. Inthis section we pause to appreciate the general applicabilityof the DA solution. We show that special cases of theproblem we defined include the problems of clustering andvector quantization, as well as statistical classifier design.These special cases are obtained by specifying appropriatecost functions and local models. We also review a numberof popular structures from data compression and neuralnetworks and show how they are special cases of the

general maximum discriminant structure, and hence directlyhandled by the DA approach we have derived.

Let us first restate the learning problem. Given a trainingset of pairs , we wish to design a function which takesin and estimates. The estimator function is constructedby partitioning the input space and fitting a local modelwithin each region. The learning cost is defined as


where is the set of partition regions andis the set of parameters which determine the local

models. Beside the obvious and direct interpretation of theabove as a regression problem with applications in functionapproximation and curve fitting, it is easy to see that theimportant problem of classifier design is another specialcase of this learning problem: if the local modelis simply the class label assigned to the region, and if wedefine the distortion measure as the error indicator function

, where the function takes the valueone when its arguments are equal and vanishes otherwise,then the learning cost is exactly the rate of misclassificationor error rate of the classifier. Thus, statistical classifierdesign is a special case of the general learning problemwe considered, albeit with a particularly difficult cost tooptimize due to its discrete nature. This is a very importantproblem with numerous “hot” applications in conjunctionwith various structures, and we will devote more space toit in the sequel.

A somewhat contrived, yet important, special case of theabove regression problem is that of unsupervised clustering.Here we consider the degenerate case of wherethe local regression models are constant. In other words,we approximate the training set with a piecewise-constantfunction. We partition the space into regions, and eachregion is represented by a constant vector (the codevector)so as to minimize the cost (e.g., MSE). This is clearly thevector quantization problem. If we apply our DA regressionmethod to this problem, and assume a vector quantizerstructure, we will get exactly the clustering approach wehad derived directly, and more simply, earlier on. Thesimpler derivation of a DA clustering method was onlypossible because the VQ structure emerges by itself fromminimization of the clustering distortion, and need notbe externally imposed as in the case of the general DAregression method. Although the latter derivation seemsunnecessarily cumbersome for clustering problems, it doesin fact open the door to important clustering applications.We are often interested in solving the clustering problemwhile imposing a different structure. The typical motivationis that of reducing encoding or storage complexity, but itmay also be that of discerning hierarchical information,or because a certain structure better fits prior informationon the underlying distribution. We have already consideredin detail tree-structured clustering within the unsupervisedlearning section, however we had to postpone the completedescription of the mechanism for enforcing the structureuntil the supervised learning section.


Page 19: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

Fig. 8. The VQ classifier architecture. From [70].

2) Structures: We next consider the applicability of theapproach to a variety of structures. Recall that the ap-proach was generally derived for the maximum discriminantpartition structure which is defined by


This general structure can be specialized to specific popularstructures such as the vector quantizer (or nearest prototypeclassifier), the multilayer perceptron, and the radial basisfunctions classifier. It is important to note that knowndesign methods are structure specific, while the DA ap-proach is directly applicable to virtually all structures. In theremainder of this section we describe these three structures.The choice of presentation is such that the applicabilityof the general design procedure is evident. For detailedstructure-specific derivation see [70].

a) The VQ classifier:The VQ structure is shown inFig. 8. The partition is specified by the parameter set

where is the th prototype associatedwith class . The VQ classifier maps a vector in to theclass associated with the nearest prototype, specifying apartition of into the regions



i.e., each region is the union of Voronoi cells . Here,is the “distance measure” used for classification.

For consistency with the maximum discriminant classifier(“winner takes all”) we note trivially that the classificationrule can also be written as



by choosing .

Fig. 9. The RBF classifier architecture. From [70].

b) The radial basis functions (RBF) classifier:The RBFclassifier structure is shown in Fig. 9. The classifier isspecified by a set of Gaussian receptive field functions

and by a set of scalar weightswhich connect each of the receptive fields to the class out-puts of the network. Thus, , , . Theparameter is the “center” vector for the receptive fieldand is its “width.” In the “normalized” representation forRBF’s [75] which we will adopt here, the network outputfor each class is written in the form




Since can be viewed as a probability mass function,each network output is effectively an average of weightsemanating from each of the receptive fields. The classifiermaps the vector to the class with the largest output


c) The multilayer perceptron (MLP) classifier:The MLPclassifier structure is shown in Fig. 10. We restrict ourselvesto the MLP structure with a binary output unit per class. Theclassification rule for MLP’s is the same as that for RBF’s(70), but the output functions are parametrizeddifferently.

The input passes through layers with neuronsin layer . We define to be the output of hidden unit

in layer , with the convention that layer zero is theinput layer and layer is the output layer

. To avoid special notation for thresholds,we define the augmented output vector of layeras

. This is a standard notationallowing us to replace thresholds by synaptic weights whichmultiply a fixed input value of unity. The weight matrix

connects the augmented outputs of layer andthe neurons of layer . The activation function of thethlayer is the vector valued function :defined as where


Page 20: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

Fig. 10. The MLP classifier architecture. From [70].

is the scalar activation function used by all neuronsin the th layer. In our experiments, we used the logisticactivation function for the hiddenlayers , and the linear activation function

for the output layer. The activity level at theinput of the th layer is given by


Thus, the network’s operation can be described by thefollowing recursion formula


D. Experimental Results

The general DA method for supervised learning hasbeen specialized to specific design problems and tested.In particular, results are given for classifier design for theVQ, RBF, and MLP structures, piecewise regression, andmixture of experts regression. The exact equations used inthe iteration depend on the structure, and can be derived in astraightforward manner from the general design approach.For more details on specific DA design refer to [70] forclassifier design, [78] for piecewise regression, and [82]for mixture of experts.

1) VQ Classifier Design:The DA approach to VQ clas-sifier design [70] is compared with the learning VQ (LVQ)method [56]. Note that here LVQ will refer narrowly tothat design method, not to the structure itself which wecall VQ. The first simulation result is on the “synthetic”example from [83], where DA design achieved %on the test set using eight prototypes and % using12 prototypes, in comparison to LVQ’s % basedon 12 prototypes. (For general reference, an MLP withsix hidden units achieved %.) For complicatedmixture examples, with possibly 20 or more overlappingmixture components and multiple classes, the DA methodwas found to consistently achieve substantial performancegains over LVQ. As an example, consider the training datafor a four-class problem involving 24 overlapping, non-isotropic mixture components in two dimensions, shown inFigs. 11 and 12. VQ-classifiers with 16 prototypes (four perclass) were designed using both LVQ and DA. Figs. 11(a)and 12(a) display the data and partitions formed by the

two methods. Figs. 11(b) and 12(b) display the prototypelocations along with the partitions. The best LVQ solutionbased on ten random initializations, shown in Fig. 11,achieved %. Note that the method has failed todistinguish a component of class 0 in the upper left ofFig. 11(a), as well as a component of class 1 near the lowerright of the figure. By contrast, the DA solution shown inFig. 12 succeeds in discriminating these components, andachieves %.

Another benchmark test data is the Finnish phonemedata set that accompanies the standard LVQ package. Thetraining set consists of 1962 vectors of 20 dimensionseach. Each vector represents speech attributes extractedfrom a short segment of continuous Finnish speech. Thesevectors are labeled according to the phoneme uttered bythe speaker. There are 20 classes of phonemes in thetraining set. In both LVQ and DA approaches, the numberof prototypes associated with a particular class was set tobe proportional to the relative population of that class in thetraining set. This is referred to as thepropinit initializationin the standard LVQ package. The experimental results areshown in Table 1. Note that the DA method consistentlyoutperformed LVQ over the entire range.

2) RBF Classifier Design:The DA approach to RBF de-sign [70] is compared here with the method of Moodyand Darken [75] (MD-RBF), with a method describedby Tarassenko and Roberts [10] (TR-RBF), and with thegradient method of steepest descent on (G-RBF).MD-RBF combines unsupervised learning of receptive fieldparameters with supervised learning of to minimizethe squared distance to target class outputs. The primaryadvantage of this approach is its modest design complexity.However, the receptive fields are not optimized in a super-vised fashion, which can cause performance degradation.TR-RBF, one of the methods described in [101], optimizesall of the RBF parameters to approximate target classoutputs in a squared error sense. This design is morecomplex than MD-RBF and achieves better performancefor a given model size (the number of receptive fields theclassifier uses). However, the TR-RBF design objectiveis not equivalent to minimizing , but as in the caseof back propagation, it effectively aims to approximatethe Bayes-optimal discriminant. While direct descent on


Page 21: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual



Fig. 11. (a) A four-class Gaussian mixture training set for a VQclassifier design and the partition produced by LVQ and (b) theLVQ partition, with the 16-class prototype. Locations of prototypesshown. The error rate isPe = 31%. From [70].

may minimize the “right” objective, problems of localoptima may be quite severe. In fact, we have found thatthe performance of all of these methods can be quitepoor without a judicious initialization. For all of thesemethods, we have employed the unsupervised learningphase described in [75] (based on Isodata clustering andvariance estimation) as model initialization. Then, steepestdescent was performed on the respective cost surface. Wehave found that the complexity of our design is typically1–5 that of TR-RBF or G-RBF (though occasionally ourdesign is actually faster than G-RBF). Accordingly, we havechosen the best results based on five random initializationsfor these techniques and compared with the single DAdesign run.

To illustrate that increasing may not help to improveperformance on the test set, we compared DA with the



Fig. 12. (a) The four-class Gaussian mixture training set for aVQ classifier design and the partition produced by DA and (b) theDA partition with the 16-class prototypes shown. The error rate isPe = 23%. From [70].

Table 1 Error Probability Comparison of the DA andLVQ Methods for the Design of VQ Classifiers on the20-Dimensional, 20-Class Finnish Phoneme Data SetThat Accompanies the Standard LVQ Package.M

Represents the Total Number of Prototypes

results reported in [76] for two-dimensional (2-D) andeight-dimensional (8-D) mixture examples. For the 2-Dexample, DA achieved % for a 400-pointtraining set and % on a 20 000-point test set,using units. (These results are near-optimal, basedon the Bayes rate.) By contrast, the method in [76] used86 receptive fields and achieved %. For the8-D example and , DA achieved % and


Page 22: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

Table 2 Error Probability Comparison of DA and Other DesignTechniques for RBF Classification on the 21-DimensionalWaveform Data from [13].M is the Number of Receptive Fields.DA is compared with TR-RBF [101], MD-RBF [75],and with G-RBF, Which Is Gradient Descent onhPei.The Test Set Performance Results Have 95% ConfidenceIntervals of Half-Length Less Than 2%

Table 3 Error Probability Comparison of DA with KnownDesign Techniques for RBF Classification on the 40-DimensionalNoisy Waveform Data from [13]. The Test Set Performance ResultsHave 95% Confidence Intervals of Half-Length Less Than 3.0%

% (again near-optimal), while the method in[76] achieved % using .

More comprehensive tests on higher dimensional datahave also been performed. Two examples reported hereare the 21-dimensional (21-D) waveform data and the 40-dimensional (40-D) “noisy” waveform data used in [13](obtained from the UC-Irvine machine learning databaserepository). Rather than duplicate the experiments con-ducted in [13], we split the 5000 vectors into equal sizetraining and test sets. Our results in Tables 2 and 3demonstrate quite substantial performance gains over all theother methods, and performance quite close to the estimatedBayes rate of 14% [13]. Note in particular that the othermethods perform quite poorly for small and need toincrease to achieve training set performance comparableto our approach. However, performance on the test set doesnot necessarily improve, and may degrade for large.

3) MLP Classifier Design:The DA approach for de-signing MLP’s [70] is compared with two other ap-proaches—the standard back propagation (BP) algorithmof [94] and gradient descent on the cost surface (G-MLP). The BP weights were initialized to random numbersuniformly distributed between 0.01. A total of 50 000epochs of a batch gradient descent algorithm were run tominimize the MSE between the desired and actual outputsof the MLP. BP, however, descends on a cost surfacemismatched to the minimum objective. Further, itsperformance is dependent on the choice of initial weights.In G-MLP the performance of BP is improved by takingthe BP solution as initialization and then descending on

. However, in practice, the gains achieved by G-MLPover BP are only marginal, as the optimization performancesensitively depends on the choice of initialization.

The performance is tested on the 19-dimensional 7-classimage segmentation data from the University of California-Irvine machine learning database. The training set contains210 vectors and the test set contains 2100 vectors, each 19-dimensional. The features represent various attributes of a3 3 block of pixels. The classes correspond to textures(brickface, sky, foliage, cement, window, path, grass). A se-

Table 4 Error Probability Comparison of the BP and G-MLPDesign Approaches on the 19-Dimensional 7-Class SegmentationData Example. The Test Set Performance Results Have 95%Confidence Intervals of Half-Length Less Than 2.1%

quence of single hidden layer neural networks was designedbased on this data set. Table 4 summarizes the results forvarious hidden layer sizes (). Networks designed by DAsignificantly outperformed the other approaches over theentire range of network sizes.

An important concern is the issue of design complexity.In the above experiments the DA learning complexity wasroughly 4–8 higher than that of back propagation androughly the same as that of G-MLP. This suggests that thepotential for performance improvement would, in typicalapplications, greatly outweigh the somewhat higher designcomplexity of the DA approach.

4) Piecewise Regression:Here we summarize experi-ments comparing the performance of the DA approach forVQ-based piecewise regression [78] with the conventionalpiecewise regression approach of CART [13]. Note thatregular CART is severely restricted in that its partition isconstrained to be tree-structured with partition boundariesthat are parallel to the coordinate axes. The latter restrictionwhich prevents regular CART from exploiting dependenciesbetween the features of can be overcome by adopting anextension of CART that allows the boundaries betweenregions to be arbitrary linear hyperplanes. While thisextension allows better partitioning of the input spaceand hence smaller approximation error, the complexity ofthe design method for the extended structure [46] grows as

, where is the size of the training set. Consequently,the extended form of CART is impractical unless thetraining set is short. In this section, we will refer to regularCART as CART1, and its extended form as CART2. Ourimplementation of CART consists of growing a large “fulltree” and then pruning it down to the root node usingthe Breiman–Friedman–Olshen–Stone algorithm (see e.g.,[18]). The sequence of CART regression trees is obtainedduring the pruning process. It is known that the pruningphase is optimal given the fully grown tree. Unlike CART2,the complexity of the DA method is linear in the size ofthe training set. Further, the DA algorithm optimizes allthe parameters of the regression function simultaneously,while avoiding many shallow local minima that trap greedymethods.

In all the following comparisons, the models are piece-wise constant, which is the simplest example of piecewiseregression. In our implementation of the DA method weused an annealing schedule given by .

The first experiment involves synthetic datasets, wherethe regression input is 2-D and the outputis one-dimensional. The input components are eachuniformly distributed in the interval, (0, 1). The outputis a sum of six normalized Gaussian-shaped functions of


Page 23: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

Table 5 Mean Squared Approximation Error Measured overthe Test Set and Model Order for the Best Solutions Produced byCart1 and by DA for Multimodal Gaussian Data Sets

each with an individual center, variance, and magnitude.By choosing different sets of parameters (centers, variances,and magnitudes) for the Gaussians, we created a number ofdata sets, each consisting of a training and a validation setof size 1000 each and a test set of size 3000. The outputsamples were corrupted by a zero-mean Gaussian noise withvariance 10.0. To compare the design approaches, DA andCART were applied to design regression functions for eachdataset using the training and validation sets (validationwas used to select the best model size for generalization)and the performance was evaluated on the independent testsets. The experiments were conducted over more than 40different data sets. Table 5 provides a randomly selectedsubset of the results. Note that in this case DA is onlycompared with standard CART1, since CART2 is toocomplex for training sets of this size. Clearly, for all theexamples, DA demonstrates consistent improvements overCART1.

We next compare CART with DA over a few data setsfrom real-world regression applications. This data is takenfrom the StatLib database9 and has been extensively usedby researchers in benchmarking the relative performanceof competing regression methods. However, due to theunavailability of sufficient data for proper validation, wesimply compare the performance of the two regressionmodels versus model size.

One benchmark problem is concerned with predictingthe value of homes in the Boston area from a variety ofparameters [43]. The training set consists of data from 506homes. The output in this case is the median price of ahome, with the input consisting of a vector of 13 scalarfeatures believed to influence the price. The objective isto minimize the average squared error in price prediction.Since the features have different dynamic ranges, they werenormalized to unit variance prior to application of DA andCART. Piecewise constant regression models of differentmodel sizes were generated by the design methods. Table6 compares the squared-error in predicting the house priceusing the standard CART1 and its extended form CART2,with the performance of the proposed DA method. Clearly,the DA method substantially outperforms both CART1 andCART2 over the entire range of model sizes. This exampleillustrates that DA find substantially better solutions forthe design objective. Also note that CART1 outperformsCART2 in several cases, despite the fact that CART2 is

9Available WWW: http://lib.stat.cmu.edu/data sets/.

Table 6 Mean Squared Prediciton Error for Housing Price inthe Boston, MA Area. Comparison of Training Set Errors for theStandard Cart1, Its Extension Cart2, and the DA Method.K Isthe Number of Regions Allowed for Each Model

Table 7 Mean-Squared Prediction Error for the Age-AdjustedMortality Rate Per 100 000 Inhabitants from VariousEnvironmental Factors. Comparison of Cart1, Cart2, and DA.K

Is the Number of Regions Allowed for Each Model

a potentially more powerful regression structure. Theseresults are indicative of the difficulties due to local minima.

The data set for the next example was taken from theenvironmental sciences. This problem is concerned withpredicting the age-adjusted mortality rate per 100 000 in-habitants of a locality from 15 factors that have presumablyinfluenced it. Some of these factors are related to thelevels of environmental pollution in the locality, whileothers are measurements of nonenvironmental, mainly so-cial parameters. This data set has been used by numerousresearchers since its introduction in the early 1970’s [66].As data are only available for 60 localities, they were notdivided into separate training and test sets. We only showperformance on the training set. Table 7 shows that theVQ-based regression function designed by DA offers aconsistent substantial advantage over CART for the entirerange of model sizes.

The third regression data set is drawn from an applicationin the food sciences. The problem is that of efficientestimation of the fat content of a sample of meat. (Tech-niques of analytical chemistry can be used to measurethis quantity directly, but it is a slow and time-consumingprocess.) We used a data set of quick measurements by theTecator Infratec Food and Feed Analyzer which measuresthe absorption of electromagnetic waves in 100 differentfrequency bands, and the corresponding fat content as de-termined by analytical chemistry. As suggested by the dataproviders, we divided the data into a training set of size 172and a test set of size 43. We then applied CART1, CART2,and DA to the training set for different model sizes. Table8 compares the mean-squared approximation error obtainedover the training and test sets for all the methods. DAsignificantly outperformed the CART regression functionsthat used the same number of regions in the input space.In fact, using five prototype DA’s produced a regressionfunction that outperformed both of the CART regressionfunction with ten regions. The excellent performance of theDA method outside the training set confirms its expectedgood generalization capabilities. Note also that the CART2method exhibits overfitting with the test set performancedeteriorating from to .


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Table 8 Mean-Squared Approximation Error for theFat Content of a Meat Sample from 100 SpectroscopicMeasurements. The Performance of Cart1 and Cart2 IsCompared with that of the Proposed DA Method, BothInside (TR) and Outside (TE) the Training Set.K Is theNumber of Regiouns Used to Represent the Data

5) Mixture of Experts:Mixture of experts is an importanttype of structures that was inspired by mixture modelsfrom statistics [67], [102]. This class includes the structuresknown as “mixture of experts” [51] and “hierarchical mix-ture of experts” (HME) [53], as well as normalized radialbasis functions (NRBF) [75]. We refer to this class generallyas mixture of experts (ME) models. ME’s have beensuggested for a variety of problems, including classification[48], [51], control [50], [53], and regression tasks [53],[104], [105].

We define the “local expert” regression function, where is the set of model parameters for

local model . The ME regression function is defined as


where, is a nonnegative weight of association be-tween input and expert that effectively determines thedegree to which expert contributes to the overall modeloutput. In the literature, these weights are often calledgating units [51], and obey some prespecified parametricform. We further impose , which leads to thenatural interpretation of the weight of association or gatingunit as a probability of association.

ME is an effective compromise between purely piece-wise regression models discussed earlier, such as CART[13], and “global” models such as the MLP [94]. By“purely piecewise” it is meant that the input space is hard-partitioned to regions, each with its own exclusive expertmodel. Effectively, the piecewise regression function iscomposed of a patchwork of local regression functions thatcollectively cover the input space. In addition to partitioningthe input space, the model parameter set is partitioned intosubmodels which are only “active” for a particular localinput region. By contrast, in global models such as MLP’sthere is a single regression function that must fit the datawell everywhere, with no explicit partitioning of the inputspace nor subdivision of the parameter set. ME exploitsa partition of the space but produces a function whichcombines the contributions of the various experts with someappropriate weighting.

The DA design approach [82] is based on controlling theentropy of the association probabilities . In this case,these probabilities are part of the problem definition ratherthan an artificial addition to avoid nonglobal minima. It is

important to note that as we approach zero temperature,the entropic constraint simply disappears and we find thesolution which minimizes the cost regardless of its entropy.Annealing consists of starting at high temperature (highentropy) and gradually allowing the entropy to drop to itsoptimal level (where the cost is minimized).

The following results compare the DA approach withconventional design methods for NRBF and HME regres-sion functions. The experiments were performed over somepopular benchmark data sets from the regression literature.In each experiment, we compare the average squared-errorobtained over the training set using the DA design methodand the alternative design methods. The comparisons arerepeated for different network sizes. The network sizerefers to the number of local experts used in the mixturemodel. For the case of binary HME trees withlevels

, and for the case of NRBF regression functionsis the number of Gaussian basis functions used. Followingthe most common implementation, the local models areconstant functions in the NRBF case and linear functionsin the HME case. The alternative design approaches usedfor comparing our HME design algorithm are:

GD: a gradient descent algorithm to simultaneously op-timize all HME parameters for the squared-errorcost;

ML: Jordan and Jacobs’s maximum likelihood approach[53].

For the NRBF regression function, we have comparedthe DA design approach [82] with the GD algorithm,which is an enhanced version of the method suggested in[75] (see [82] for details). For fair comparison, we takea conservative (worst case) estimate that the complexityof the DA approach is 10 greater than that of thecompeting methods (in fact the complexity of DA washigher by a factor of two–ten in these experiments). Tocompensate for the complexity, we allow each competingmethod to generate results based on ten different randominitializations, with the best result obtained among thoseruns selected for comparison with the DA result. Since theregression function obtained by DA is generally indepen-dent of initialization, a single DA run sufficed.

Let us first consider the results for the real-world ex-amples that had been used in the piecewise regressionsubsection. Results for the Boston home-value predictionproblem are given in Tables 9 and 10 and demonstratethat for both mixture models the DA approach achievesa significantly smaller regression error compared with theother approaches over a variety of network sizes. Resultsfor the mortality rate example are given in Tables 11 and12; and the meat fat-content results (measurements wereobtained by the Tecator Infratec Food and Feed Analyzer)are given in Tables 13 and 14.

Finally, results are given for synthetic data. Here,is 2-D and the training set is generated according

to a uniform distribution in the unit square. The outputis scalar. We created five different data sets based on

the functions specified in [17] and


Page 25: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

Table 9 Comparison of Regression Error Obtained Using DAand GD Algorithms for NRBF Design for the Boston Home ValueProblem.K Is the number of Gaussian Basis Functions Used

Table 10 Comparison of Regression Error ObtainedUsing DA, GD, and ML Algorithms for HME FunctionDesign for the Boston Home Value Problem.K Isthe Number of Leaves in teh Binary Tree

Table 11 Comparison of Regression Error ObtainedUsing DA and GD Algorithms for NRBF Design forthe Mortality Rate Prediction Problem.K Is theNumber of Gaussian Basis Functions Used

Table 12 Comparison of Regression Error Obtained Using DA,GD, and ML Algorithms for HME Design for the Mortality RatePrediction Problem.K Is the Number of Leaves in the Binary Tree

Table 13 Comparison of Regression Error Obtained Using DAand GD Algorithms for NRBF Design for the Fat ContentPrediction Problem.K Is the Number of Gaussian Basis FunctionsUsed. “TR” and “TE” Refer to Training and Test Sets, Respecively

[49]. Each function was used to generate both a trainingset and test set of size 225. We designed NRBF and HMEregression estimates for each data set using both DA andthe competitive design approaches. The results shown inTables 15 and 16 show improved performance of the DAmethod that is consistent with the results obtained for theother benchmark sets.


Rate-distortion theory is the branch of information theorywhich is concerned with source coding. Its fundamental

Table 14 Comparison of Regression Error ObtainedUsing DA, GD, and ML Algorithms for HME FunctionDesign for the Fat Content Prediction Problem.K Is theNumber of Leaves in the Binary Tree. “TR” and “TE” Referto Training and Test Sets, Respectively

Table 15 Comparison of Regression Error Obtained by DAand GD on the Training (TR) and Test (TE) Sets, forNRBF Design to Approximate Functions,f1() . . . f5(). KDenotes the Number of Basis Functions

Table 16 Regression Error Obtained by DA, GD, and ML onthe Training (TR) and Test (TE) Sets, for HME Designto Approximate Functions,f1() . . . f5(). K Denotesthe Number of Leaves in the Binary Tree

results are due to Shannon [95], [96]. These are the codingtheorems which provide an (asymptotically) achievablebound on the performance of source coding methods. Thisbound is often expressed as an RD function for agiven source, whose curve separates the region of feasibleoperating points , from the region that cannot beattained by any coding system. Important extensions ofthe theory to more general classes of sources than thoseoriginally considered by Shannon have been developedsince (see, e.g., [7] and [32]).

Explicit analytical evaluation of the function hasbeen generally elusive, except for very few examples ofsources and distortion measures. Two main approacheswere taken to address this problem. The first was todevelop bounds on . An important example is theShannon lower bound [96] which is useful for differencedistortion measures. The second main approach was todevelop a numerical algorithm, the Blahut–Arimoto (BA)algorithm [2], [11] to evaluate RD functions. The powerof the second approach is in that the function can be


Page 26: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

approximated arbitrarily closely at the cost of complexity.The disadvantage is that the complexity may become over-whelming, particularly in the case of continuous alphabets,and even more so for continuous vector alphabets where thecomplexity could grow exponentially with the dimensions.Another disadvantage is, of course, that no closed-formexpression is obtained for the function, even if a simpleone happens to exist.

We shall restrict our attention here to continuous alphabetsources. The RD curve is obtained by minimizing the mu-tual information subject to an average distortion constraint.Formally stated, given a continuous source alphabet,random variable with a probability measure given by thedensity , and a reproduction alphabet, the problemis of that optimizing the mutual information


over the random encoders , subject to


where is the distortion measure. By replacing theabove minimization with parametric variational equations(see [7], [12], [32], or [40]), this problem can be reformu-lated as a problem of optimization over the reproductiondensity . The functional to be minimized is


where is a positive parameter that is varied to computedifferent points on the RD curve. But this criterion iseasily recognizable as a continuous version of the freeenergy (25) we have developed in our (mass constrained)DA derivation! Much intuition can be obtained from thisrealization. In particular, the computation of the RD func-tion is equivalent to a process of annealing; the effectivereproduction alphabet is almost always discrete and growsvia a sequence of phase transitions; and an efficient DAmethod can be used to compute the RD curve. Thus, theresult is of importance to both rate-distortion theory andthe basic DA approach itself. A detailed treatment of therelations between RD theory and DA is given in [87]. Herewe only give a superficial outline.

To see more clearly the connection with the DA deriva-tion we note that the objective of the optimization in (76)is to determine a probability measure on the reproductionspace . We may consider an alternative “mapping” ap-proach which, instead of searching for the optimaldirectly, searches for the optimal mapping: ,where to the unit interval we assign the Lebesgue measuredenoted by . The equivalence of the approaches is ensuredby the theory of general measures in topological spaces (see

for example [93, ch. 15] or [39, ch. 2 and 3]). We thus haveto minimize the functional


over the mapping . We replace direct optimization of adensity defined over the reproduction space with mappingof “codevectors” with their probabilities onto this space.This is exactly what the mass-constrained DA method does.

Recall that in the basic DA derivation, at high tem-perature (small ), no matter how many codevectors are“thrown in” they all converge to a single point and areviewed as one effective codevector. In the RD case we havea “continuum of codevectors,” yet it is easy to see that theyall collapse on the centroid of the source distribution. Thereproduction support (or effective alphabet) is therefore ofcardinality one. Moreover, as we lower the temperature,the output remains discrete and its cardinality grows via asequence of phase transitions exactly as we have seen in ourtreatment of DA for clustering. Using this approach, it wasshown in [87] for the RD problem that the reproductionrandom variable is continuous only if the Shannonlower bound (see e.g., [7]) is tight, which for the caseof squared error distortion happens only when the sourceis Gaussian (or a sum of Gaussians). This is a surprisingresult in rate-distortion theory because the only analyticallysolved cases were exactly those where the Shannon lowerbound is tight, which led to the implicit assumption that theoptimal reproduction random variable is always continuous.(It should, however, be noted that the result was anticipatedby Fix in an early paper [31] that, unfortunately, wentrelatively unnoticed.) From the DA viewpoint this is anobvious direct observation. It is summarized in a theorem[87].

Theorem 2: If the Shannon lower bound does not holdwith equality, then the support of the optimal reproductionrandom variable consists of isolated singularities. Further,if this support is bounded (as is always the case in practice)then is discrete and finite.

For the practical problem of RD computation, we see twoapproaches, namely BA and DA, whose equivalence fol-lows from the Borel Isomorphism Theorem. However, theseapproaches are substantially different in their computationalcomplexity and performance if we need to discretize (as wealways do). When using BA, discretization means defininga grid on the output space . In DA we “discretizethe unit interval” (i.e., replace it by a set of indexes) andinduce an adaptive grid on by our mapping. Instead of afixed grid in the output space, DA effectively optimizes acodebook of codevectors with their respective masses. Thisdifference between the approaches is crucial because theoutput distributions are almost always discrete and finite.This gives DA the theoretical capability of producing exactsolutions at finite model complexity, while BA can onlyapproach exact solutions at the limit of infinite resolution.The mass-constrained DA algorithm (given in Section II)can be used to compute the RD curve [87].


Page 27: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

It is a known result from RD theory that the parameteras defined above is simply related to the slope

of the (convex) RD curve


This gives a new interpretation of the DA approach toclustering and to the temperature parameter. The process ofannealing is simply the process of RD computation whichis started at maximum distortion and consists of “climbing”up the RD curve by optimally trading decrease in distortionfor increase in rate. The position on the curve is determinedby the temperature level which specifies the slope at thispoint. The process follows the RD curve as long as thereare as many available codevectors as needed for the outputcardinality. If the number of codevectors isa priori limited(as is the case in standard VQ design) then DA separatesfrom, but attempts to stay as close as possible to, theRD curve after reaching the phase corresponding to themaximum allowed codebook size. Another important aspectof the annealing process, which is raised and demonstratedthrough the RD analysis, is the existence of two typesof continuous phase transitions. One type is the cluster-splitting transition which we have analyzed and computedits critical temperature. The other kind is that of “massgrowing,” where a cluster is born first with zero mass andgradually gains in mass. The latter type of phase transitionis more difficult to handle, and only preliminary results existat this point. If, or when, we will be able to ensure that suchphase transitions are always detected as well, we will haveensured that DA finds the global optimum. Note that, inpractice, if a mass-growing phase transition is “missed” bythe algorithm, this is often compensated by a correspondingsplitting phase transition which occurs shortly afterwards,and optimality is regained.


In this section, a couple of recent extensions of the DAapproach are briefly mentioned.

One important extension is to a method for the design ofclassifiers based on hidden Markov models, with obviousapplications in speech recognition. Preliminary results forthis work appeared in [81]. It is shown that DA can beapplied to time sequences, and further, can be implementedefficiently by a forward-backward algorithm similar to theBaum–Welch reestimation algorithm [5]. The DA methodallows joint optimization of the classifier components to di-rectly minimize the classification error, rather than separatemodeling of speech utterances via the maximum likelihoodapproach. Results so far [77], [80], [81] show substantialgains over standard methods. These preliminary resultssuggest that speech recognition may turn out to be the mostimportant application of DA. Work in progress includesextensions to continuous speech, robustness of the classifier,etc.

Another advance was the application of DA to theproblem of generalized vector quantization (GVQ). GVQextends the VQ problem to handle joint quantization and

estimation [35]. The GVQ observes random vectorandprovides a quantized value for a statistically related, butunobservable, random vector. Of course, the special case

is the regular VQ problem. One typical applicationis in noisy source coding (often referred to as remotesource coding in the information theory literature). Anotherapplication is concerned with the need to combine VQ withinterpolation (e.g., when the vectors were down-sampled forcomplexity or other reasons). Preliminary results showingsubstantial gains due to the use of DA are given in [79].


DA is a useful approach to clustering and related opti-mization problems. The approach is strongly motivated byanalogies to statistical physics, but it is formally derivedwithin information theory and probability theory. It enablesescaping many poor local optima that plague traditionaltechniques without the slow schedules typically requiredby stochastic methods. The solutions obtained by DA aretotally independent of the choice of initial configuration.The main objectives of this paper were: to derive DAfrom basic principles; to emphasize its generality; to il-lustrate its wide applicability to problems of supervisedand unsupervised learning; and to demonstrate its ability toprovide substantial gains over existing methods that werespecifically tailored to the particular problem.

Most problems addressed were concerned with data as-signment, via supervised or unsupervised learning, andthe most basic of all is the problem of clustering. Aprobabilistic framework was constructed by randomizationof the partition, which is based on the principle of maximumentropy at a given level of distortion, or equivalently,minimum expected distortion at a given level of entropy.The Lagrangian was shown to be the Helmholtz free energyin the physical analogy, and the Lagrange multiplieris the temperature. The minimization of the free energydetermines isothermal equilibrium and yields the solutionfor the given temperature. The resulting association proba-bilities are Gibbs distributions parameterized by. Withinthis probabilistic framework, annealing was introduced bycontrolling the Lagrange multiplier . This annealing isinterpreted as gradually trading entropy of the associationsfor reduction in distortion. Phase transitions were identifiedin the process which are, in fact, cluster splits. A sequenceof phase transitions produces a hierarchy of fuzzy-clusteringsolutions. Critical temperatures for the onset of phasetransitions were derived. At the limit of zero temperature,DA converges to a known descent method, the GLA or-means, which in standard implementations is arbitrarily orheuristically initialized. Consistent substantial performancegains were obtained.

The method was first extended to a variety of related un-supervised learning problems by incorporating constraintson the clustering solutions. In particular, DA methods werederived for noisy-channel VQ, entropy constrained VQ, andstructurally constrained VQ design. Additional constraintsmay be applied to address graph-theoretic problems.


Page 28: Deterministic Annealing for Clustering, Compression ...minima of the optimization cost. Certain chemical systems can be driven to their low-energy states by annealing, which is a gradual

A highly significant extension is to supervised learningproblems. The DA approach was rederived while allowingthe imposition of structures on the partition, and whileoptimizing the ultimate optimization cost. This extensionenables the DA approach to optimize complicated dis-crete costs for a large variety of popular structures. Themethod’s performance was demonstrated on the problemof classification with the vector quantizer, radial basisfunctions, and multilayer perceptron structures, and on theproblem of regression with the VQ, hierarchical mixtureof experts, and normalized radial basis functions. Foreach one of the examples, the DA approach significantlyoutperformed standard design methods that were developedfor the specific structure.

The relations to information theory, and in particularto RD theory, were discussed. It was shown that the DAmethod for clustering is equivalent to the computation ofthe RD function. This observation led to contributions torate-distortion theory itself, and to further insights into theworkings of DA.

A couple of extensions, which are currently under in-vestigation, were briefly introduced. One extension is tothe design of hidden Markov model-based classifiers. Thiswork extends DA to handle time sequences and is directlyapplicable to the important problem of speech recogni-tion. Another extension is concerned with the problem ofgeneralized vector quantizer design.


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Kenneth Rose (Member, IEEE) received theB.Sc. (summa cum laude) and M.Sc. (magnacum laude) degrees in electrical engineeringfrom Tel-Aviv University, Israel, in 1983 and1987, respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in elec-trical engineering from the California Institute ofTechnology, Pasadena, in 1990.

From July 1983 to July 1988 he was employedby Tadiran Ltd, Israel, where he carried outresearch in the areas of image coding, imagetransmission through noisy channels, and gen-

eral image processing. In January 1991 he joined the Department ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, University of California at SantaBarbara, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His researchinterests are in information theory, source and channel coding, patternrecognition, image coding and processing, and nonconvex optimization ingeneral.

Dr. Rose was co-recipient of the IEEE Communications Society’sWilliam R. Bennett Prize Paper Award (1990).