Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants.

Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

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Page 1: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of

Temperature on Plants.

Page 2: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Identify the essential nutrients for plant growth.

• Nutrients – are substances that are essential for growth and production.

• There are 16 nutrients that are required by growing plants.

Page 3: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Identify the essential nutrients for plant growth

• Nutrients are supplied to the plant from the air while others are found in the soil

• Elements that are obtained from the air and water vapor by way of stomata include CARBON, HYDROGEN, AND OXYGEN.

Page 4: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Identify the essential nutrients for plant growth

• Stomata- are tiny pores on the underside of plants leaves that aid the plant in nutrient uptake and cooling process.

• Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, and magnesium are supplied by the soil.

• Plants absorb these nutrients using roots to pull in nutrients that have been dissolved in water.

Page 5: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Identify the essential nutrients for plant growth

• Mnemonics –is the art of improving the memory using a formula

• A mnemonics has been developed to aid in recalling all sixteen elements.

Page 6: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Identify the essential nutrients for plant growth

• C. B. HOPKiNS CaFé Mighty good Closed Monday Morning See You Zen.

• Carbon (C) Boron (B) Hydrogen(H) Oxygen(O) Phosphorus (P) Potassium(K) Nitrogen(N) Sulfur(S) Calcium (Ca) Iron(Fe) Magnesium (Mg) Chlorine (Cl) Manganese (Mn) Molybdenum (Mo) Copper (Cu) Zinc (Zn)

Page 7: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Distinguish between micronutrients and macronutrients

• Plants nutrients are classified in two major categories.

• 1. Mineral or non-mineral nutrients

A. Four of the 16 essential nutrients are non- minerals. The 4 are

CARBON, HYDROGEN, OXYGEN and NITROGEN are all non-mineral nutrients.

Page 8: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Distinguish between micronutrients and macronutrients

• B. Mineral nutrients include: boron, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, calcium, iron, magnesium, chlorine, manganese, molybdenum, copper, and zinc.

Page 9: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Distinguish between micronutrients and macronutrients

• 2. Macronutrients and micronutrients

• Macronutrients are needed in large quantities by plants.

• Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium are the three primary Macronutrients. These nutrients are the main components of fertilizers.

Page 10: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Distinguish between micronutrients and macronutrients

• Calcium, Magnesium, and Sulfur are secondary macronutrients

• Nutrients that are needed by plants in small quantities are called micronutrients. They are the remaining 10 nutrients

Page 11: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the nitrogen cycle and its affect on plant nutrition.

• Nitrogen is a major requirement for plants to grow rapidly and maintain a healthy green color.

• The atmosphere is 78% nitrogen gas, it is the most common nutrients deficiency seen in plants.

• Plant can not utilize nitrogen in gas form; it must be converted to the nitrate or ammonium forms.

Page 12: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the nitrogen cycle and its affect on plant nutrition.

• Nitrogen cycle- is the process that converts nitrogen gas to forms that are usable to plants.

• A symbiotic relationship that exists between bacteria and legume plants utilized to convert nitrogen gas (N2) to ammonium ions (NH4+)

Page 13: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the nitrogen cycle and its affect on plant nutrition.

• Bacteria decompose plant material, nitrogen is formed

• Nitrogen becomes available to plants in the form of ammonium ions when the bacteria die.

Page 14: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the nitrogen cycle and its affect on plant nutrition.

• Most of the ammonium ions are converted to nitrite ions by Nitrosomas bacteria

• Nitrite ions undergo another reaction with Nitribacter bacteria to covert the nitrite to nitrate. This process is called Nitrification.

Page 15: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the nitrogen cycle and its affect on plant nutrition.

• To complete the nitrogen cycle , a process called Denitrification occurs.

• This process involves the loss of nitrogen from the soil.

• Nitrogen is remove from soil by; plants, leaching, or denitrification

Page 16: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the nitrogen cycle and its affect on plant nutrition.

• Denitrification occurs in soil that have no oxygen because of saturation from water.

• When soils are saturated with water, bacteria will convert the nitrate to nitrogen gas which is then lost to the atmosphere.

• Nitrogen can also be added to the soil by lightning or commercial fertilizers

Page 17: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Define pH and discuss its role in plant nutrition.

• pH- measure of alkalinity or acidity of a substance

• pH scale runs from 0 to 14, 0 being extremely acidic, 7 as neutral, and 14 as extremely basic.

Page 18: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the nitrogen cycle and its affect on plant nutrition.

• Changes in pH can be made by adding sulfur or gypsum to lower pH ( make more acidic)

• By adding limestone to increase pH ( make more basic)

• Plants grow best with pH range of 5.5-8.0

Page 19: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the nitrogen cycle and its affect on plant nutrition.

• Soil pH is important to agriculturists because certain nutrients become unavailable to plants if pH value is too high or too low

• The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium that are available is dependent upon soil pH.

Page 20: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Explain the use of fertilizers

• Fertilizers are materials that are added to growing media to provide the plant with the necessary nutrients.

• Adding fertilizer to plants can increase their productivity.

Page 21: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Explain the use of fertilizers

• Fertilizers can be grouped into two major categories

• Complete fertilizers contain all three macronutrients, Ex. 12-12-12

• Incomplete fertilizers lack at least one macronutrient, Ex 18-46-0

Page 22: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Explain the use of fertilizers

• Fertilizer analysis contain three numbers ex. 12-4-8.

• First number is percentage of pure nitrogen

• Second number is percentage of pure phosphorus

• Final number is percentage of pure potassium

Page 23: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Explain the use of fertilizers

• When the numbers from analysis do not add up to 100% the remaining weight is comprised of filler, made up of the remaining essential plant nutrients.

• Fillers- are used to ensure a more even application of the fertilizers.

Page 24: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Explain the use of fertilizers

• Producers can determine nutrient deficiencies by three ways

• Deficiency symptoms- pales leaves mean lack of nitrogen or stunted growth and reddish-purplish is phosphorous deficiency

• Soil testing

• Tissue testing

Page 25: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the effect of temperature on plant growth.

• All chemical reactions in a plant, including photosynthesis and respiration fall under a term Metabolism

• Temperature affect the speed of metabolism

• This is because enzymes that drive the reactions are sensitive to temperature.

Page 26: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the effect of temperature on plant growth.

• Cool or cold temperature slow metabolic process

• Warmer temperature speed metabolic process

• Most plant show optimum growth when night temperature are 10 to 15 degrees cooler than day temperature.

Page 27: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the effect of temperature on plant growth.

• Under ideal conditions photosynthesis occurs at a high rate during the day.

• Cooler temperature at night slow respiration

• For growth, the rate of photosynthesis must exceed that of respiration.

Page 28: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the effect of temperature on plant growth.

• High temperature can speed rate of respiration beyond that of photosynthesis

• As a result, the product of photosynthesis are used more rapidly than they are produced.

• In many plants, photosynthesis shuts down at temperature above 86F.

Page 29: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Describe plant responses to temperature.

• The change of daily temperature is called Thermoperiod.

• When daily change, it influence plant response such as flowing, the plant are said to be Thermoperiodic.

• Poinsettias and chrysanthemums are thermoperiodic plants.

• They initiate flowers when temperature become cooler and days grow shorter.

Page 30: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the effect of temperature on plant growth.

• Cool season crops-meaning they prefer cooler growing temperature and are tolerant of frost.

• Ex. Wheat, oats, barley, rye, spinach, and lettuce

• When temperature rise in combination with longer days, spinach and lettuce initiate flower production.

Page 31: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the effect of temperature on plant growth.

• Warm season crops require warmer temperature for best growth.

• Ex. Cotton, corn, soybean, tomatoes, and sorghum

Page 32: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the effect of temperature on plant growth.

• Vernalization- require a cold treatment for physiological processes to occur

• Tulips and narcissus require vernalization to flower.

• Some grains including winter wheat, also require vernalization.

• Apples require 1,000 to 1,200 hours of temperature between 32Fand 45F to break their rest period

Page 33: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Discuss the effect of temperature on plant growth.

• Seeds of some plants have a dormancy mechanism that is broken by a cold period.

• Seeds do not germinate until the seed undergone a cold period.

• This cold requirement for seeds id know as Stratification.

Page 34: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Explain Hardiness

• Hardiness –is a plant ability to tolerate cold temperatures

• Plants can be classified as hardy or non-hardy

• USDA established a plant hardiness zone map for the Untied States

Page 35: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Explain Hardiness

• The map shows eleven zones of temperatures.

• It is valuable in selecting plants adapted for growing in those areas.

• Heat also plays a role in the performance of plant species.

• Some plants are more sensitive to heat than others

Page 36: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Explain Hardiness

• Plant heat zone map- developed by the American Horticultural Society to help identify areas in which landscape plants can flourish.

• The map shows 12 zones

• Each zone reflects a rating of summer heat based on the average number of days above 86F

Page 37: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Explain Hardiness

• Eighty-six is a temperature at which plants are unable to process water fast enough to maintain normal functions.

• Plants also experience damage to cellular proteins.

Page 38: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Explain growing degree days

• Growing degree days (GDD)- is a measure of temperature requirements for plants and can be used to estimate growth and development.

• The basic concept of growing degree days is that plant development will occur when temperatures exceed a base temperature.

Page 39: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Explain growing degree days

• Maximum temperature plus the minimum temperature in a day divided by 2 minus 50.

• Fifty is selected as the constant because corn grow very little at temperature of 50F or below.

Page 40: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Explain growing degree days

• Growth is also checked when temperature rise above 86F, so all temperatures recorded above 86F are counted as 86 in the formula.

• Most corn hybirds have fairly specific GDD specifications.

Page 41: Determining Plant Nutrients, Fertility and the Influence of Temperature on Plants

Explain growing degree days

• Example- low 60 and high was 90F

GDD- is 60 + 86= 146/ 2 =73-50=23

GDD are adding during the growing season.

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