Determinants of individual growth 2 populations with different body size = an environmental effect 2 pop. in the same environment 1 pop. in 2 environments Sorci, Clobert, Bélichon (1996) Journal of Animal Ecology 65:781-790

Determinants of individual growth

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Page 1: Determinants of individual growth

Determinants of individual growth

2 populations with different body size = an environmental effect

2 pop. in the same environment 1 pop. in 2 environments

Sorci, Clobert, Bélichon (1996) Journal of Animal Ecology 65:781-790

Page 2: Determinants of individual growth

Determinants of individual growth Density dependence (competition)

Massot, Clobert, Pilorge, Lecomte, Barbault (1992) Ecology 73:1742-1756

Experimental density manipulation

Density Competition Yearling body size Growth

2 y. old female body size

Page 3: Determinants of individual growth

Determinants of individual growth

Le Galliard, Massot, et al. (2006) Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19:690-704

Female growth > Male growth Yearly variation

High family resemblances in the first month of growth (genetic, prenatal or postnatal determinants)

Prenatal stress Juvenile growth

Prenatal temperature

Juvenile growth

Postnatal humidity Juvenile growth

Postnatal food Juvenile growth

Lorenzon, Clobert et al. (2001) Evolution 55: 392-404

Page 4: Determinants of individual growth

Determinants of individual growth

Uller, Massot, et al. (2004) Evolution 58:2511-2516

Litter sex ratio may influence fitness due to hormonal interaction between foetuses

Male biased litters Growth of juvenile females

Body size of females at maturity

Page 5: Determinants of individual growth

Determinants of individual growth characteristics at birth

Clobert, Oppliger, Sorci, Ernande, Swallow, Garland (2000) Functional Ecology 14:675-684

Page 6: Determinants of individual growth

Determinants of individual growth

Compensatory processes (negative feedbacks)

Growth Body size Growth Fecundity Trade-off


Upper limit to body size



Page 7: Determinants of individual growth

Ontogeny and age structure

Fitze, Le Galliard (2005) Ecology Letters 11:432-439 Pilorge, Castanet (1981) Acta Oecologica - Oecologia Generalis 2:3-16

Size distribution influenced by age distribution and population sex ratio

Page 8: Determinants of individual growth

Maternal age effect

Maternal age effect dependent on sex, habitat and maternal body size !

Meylan,Clobert, Montes, Haussy, Cubo, Massot (en préparation)

Page 9: Determinants of individual growth





l rat


Juvenile body size

Mugabo, Marquis, Le Galliard (en preparation)

Size-dependent mortality

Page 10: Determinants of individual growth

Size-dependent dispersal

Cote, Clobert, Fitze (2007) PNAS 104:9703-9708

Size-dependent dispersal with mother-offspring competition

Cote, Clobert(2007) Ecology Letters 10:411-417

Page 11: Determinants of individual growth

Le Galliard, Ferrière, et al. (2005) Journal of Animal Ecology 74:241-249

Size-dependent dispersal

Higher growth rate in juveniles colonizing empty patches

Page 12: Determinants of individual growth

Interaction with other species

Pilorge (1982) Amphibia-Reptilia 3:27-31

Overlap in prey size with a common frog

Growth Competition with a frog

Page 13: Determinants of individual growth

Interaction with other species

Sorci, Clobert (1995) Journal of Evolutionary Biology 8:711-723

Ectoparasites on the mother => Maternal effect on growth of offspring females

Page 14: Determinants of individual growth

Interaction with abiotic factors

Lorenzon, Clobert, Oppliger, John-Alder (1999) Oecologia 118:423-430

Humidity Activity Body size Growth

Page 15: Determinants of individual growth

Effects of Body size

in the Common lizard

Page 16: Determinants of individual growth

Effects on intraspecific relationships Allometry of individual performances

Eizaguirre, Laloi et al. (2007) Proceeding of the Royal Society B 274:425-430 Massot, Clobert, Pilorge, Lecomte, Barbault (1992) Ecology 73:1742-1756 Pilorge (1987) Herpetologica 43:345-356 Pilorge, Xavier, Barbault (1983) Holarctic Ecology 6:381-386

Body size Litter size A classical fitness

advantage in reptiles

Stronger relationship in older females Meylan,Clobert, Montes, Haussy, Cubo, Massot (en préparation)

Page 17: Determinants of individual growth

Effects on intraspecific relationships Allometry of individual performances

Body size Age at maturity Another classical fitness

advantage in reptiles

Massot (unpublished data)

Page 18: Determinants of individual growth

Effects on intraspecific relationships Allometry of individual performances

Reproductive failures more frequent in the longest monoandrous females

Reproductive system 2-5 fathers within litters

in approximately 50% of females

Eizaguirre, Laloi et al. (2007) Proceeding of the Royal Society B 274:425-430

Page 19: Determinants of individual growth

Effects on intraspecific relationships Allometry of individual performances

Meylan, Clobert (2004) Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77:450-458

Sorci, Clobert (1997) Evolutionary Ecology 11:531-541

but relationship sensitive to juvenile sex, maternal feeding

and year

Page 20: Determinants of individual growth

Effects on intraspecific relationships Allometry of individual performances

Le Galliard, Ferrière (2008) Evolutionary Ecology Research 10:157-176 Le Galliard, Clobert et al. (2004) Nature 432:502-505

Body size Endurance Survival But mainly in small individuals

Mugabo, Marquis, Le Galliard (en preparation)

Positive relationship between juvenile size

and endurance

Page 21: Determinants of individual growth

Effects on intraspecific relationships Maternal effects / individual performances

Sorci, Swallow, Garland, Clobert (1995) Physiological Zoology 68:698-720 Le Galliard, Clobert, et al. (2004) Nature 432:502-505

•  Juvenile endurance negatively correlated with maternal body size

Meylan, Clobert (2004) Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 77:450-458 •  Juvenile endurance not correlated with maternal body size

Maternal influence dependent on year or/and population

Page 22: Determinants of individual growth

Effects on intraspecific relationships Maternal effects / individual performances

Belliure, Meylan, Clobert (2004) Journal of Experimental Zoology 301A:401-410

Maternal stress Juvenile basking

Only in large mother Body size =

conditional variable

Page 23: Determinants of individual growth

Effects on intraspecific relationships Maternal effects / individual performances

de Fraipont, Clobert, Alder (2000) Journal of Animal Ecology 69:404-413

Maternal stress Juvenile activity

Only in small mother Body size =

conditional variable

Page 24: Determinants of individual growth

Effects on other species

Pilorge (1982) Amphibia-Reptilia 3:27-31 Massot, Clobert (unpublished data)

Overlap in prey size with a common frog

Body size Prey size Competition with a frog

Page 25: Determinants of individual growth

Climate change & Body size

in the Common lizard

Page 26: Determinants of individual growth

Climate warming in the study area (daily maximum temperatures)

Chamaillé-Jammes, Massot, Aragon, Clobert (2006) Global Change Biology 12:392-402 Massot, Clobert, Ferrière (2008) Global Change Biology 14:461-469

Independent temperatures during the study period

Warming in 4 of the 6 months of the activity season :

August r=0.49 P=0.0082 (without the heatwave 2003)

June r=0.53 P=0.0033

May r=0.59 P=0.0007

April r=0.38 P=0.0410










Significant warming only in June during the study period (other months cannot explain observed trends)

Page 27: Determinants of individual growth

Effects of climate warming from individual to metapopulation

relations between populations

dynamics, composition

Individual traits, fitness, dispersal

phenology behaviour

Climate warming

physiology Individual



Page 28: Determinants of individual growth

Integrative approach

Laying date

Body size

Litter size


Dorsal morphs

Dispersal relations between populations

dynamics, composition

Individual traits, fitness, dispersal

phenology behaviour

Climate warming

physiology Individual



Page 29: Determinants of individual growth

Integrative approach

Body size

a key parameter

relations between populations

dynamics, composition

Individual traits, fitness, dispersal

phenology behaviour

Climate warming

physiology Individual



Page 30: Determinants of individual growth

Body size

Chamaillé-Jammes, Massot, Aragon, Clobert (2006) Global Change Biology 12:392-402

Body size P<0,0001 for each study sites

+ 28 % in yearlings !

until mid-90s

Positive relationships between body size in yearlings and

temperature in June / August

Page 31: Determinants of individual growth

Chamaillé-Jammes, Massot, Aragon, Clobert (2006) Global Change Biology 12:392-402

Climate warming still moderate =

a series of ‘good activity seasons’ / usual temperature variations

Expectation of a decrease in body size with a stronger climate warming





Tpreferendum Tp

Ts Tstress

Tlethal Tl

Body size

Page 32: Determinants of individual growth

Litter size in 3 sites (P<0,0001)

Relationship between Litter size and Body size …

Litter size in 1 site (P=0,047)

Chamaillé-Jammes, Massot, Aragon, Clobert (2006) Global Change Biology 12:392-402

Climate warming still moderate =

a series of ‘good activity seasons’ / usual temperature variations

Expectation of a decrease in litter size with a stronger climate warming (CHA ?)





Tpreferendum Tp

Ts Tstress

Tlethal Tl

Litter size

Page 33: Determinants of individual growth

Marquis, Massot, Le Galliard (2008) Ecology 89:2575-2583

Cohort effects

We found effects of rainfall, but not of temperature

Climate conditions may have delayed life history effects (Stenseth et al. 2002 Science 297:1292-1296)




t t+1 t+2 année

Intergenerational effects on reproductive performances ? (litter size, offspring size, survival)


Page 34: Determinants of individual growth

Marquis, Massot, Le Galliard (2008) Ecology 89:2575-2583

Cohort effects

Rainfall during gestation

Offspring body size

Offspring survival (independently of offspring body size)

- +

Offspring fecundity

- F1

Offspring body size (independently of fecundity)

+ F2


Page 35: Determinants of individual growth

Important messages …

Page 36: Determinants of individual growth

Body size is a key parameter !  Body size = target variable

"  Effects from other individuals, other populations, others species, abiotic factors

!  Body size = conditional variable "  Allometric relationships mediate a large number of individual and

population processes

!  Body size = influential variable "  Effects on other individuals, other populations, others species,

abiotic factors ___________________________________

!  Many relationships with body size ! "  Ignore body size in an investigation/study/analysis is dangerous …

"  Body size = Integrative parameter of individual quality/history and population functioning

Page 37: Determinants of individual growth

!  Impacts of Climate change "  Dramatic change of body size in populations

"  Consequence on fecundity

"  Delayed effects (until a grand-maternal effect on body size !)

!  Cascade effects …

Body size is a key parameter



Fecundity Warming Body size

Age at maturity

Sexual harassment

Population regulation Metapopulation persistence Colonising ability

Female mortality Litter size Population


Density dependence