Detective Detectiv Superintendent Superintendent Andrew Stokes Andrew Stokes Head of Public Protection Head of Public Protection Derbyshire Constabulary Derbyshire Constabulary Cyber Safety & Child Cyber Safety & Child Sexual Exploitation Sexual Exploitation

Detective Superintendent Andrew Stokes Head of Public Protection Derbyshire Constabulary Cyber Safety & Child Sexual Exploitation

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Detective Superintendent

Detective Superintendent

Andrew Stokes

Andrew Stokes

Head of Public Protection

Head of Public Protection

Derbyshire Constabulary

Derbyshire Constabulary

Cyber Safety & Child Cyber Safety & Child Sexual ExploitationSexual Exploitation

Child Sexual Exploitation in Derbyshire

Detective Superintendent Andy Stokes

Reality Check

What is the plan?What are we here for?

• Features in Policing Plan and has done for sometime

• Key focus for the organisation• We protect the vulnerable• We “Think Family”• We work in partnership• Joint working through the LSCB’s across

County and City• We learn from our experiences

Are our children less safe than they have ever been?

• It feels like it, BUT…..

• Greater awareness

• Greater press reporting

• Greater accountability

• Internet

Unfortunately we deal with criminals who also evolve and change their approach……

The Elephant in the room..

So What is it?• Definition of CSE• The nationally agreed ACPO definition of CSE is:• sexual exploitation of children and young people under 18 involves exploitative

situations, contexts and relationships where the young person (or third person/s) receive ‘something’ (e.g. food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affection, gifts, money) as a result of them performing, and/or others performing on them, sexual activities. 

• child sexual exploitation can occur through the use of technology without the child’s immediate recognition; for example being persuaded to post images on the internet/mobile phones without immediate payment or gain.

• Violence, coercion and intimidation are common. Involvement in exploitative relationships is characterised by the child’s or young person’s limited availability of choice, as a result of their social, economic or emotional vulnerability.

• A common feature of CSE is that the child or young person does not recognise the coercive nature of the relationship and does not see themselves as a victim of exploitation.

…But its not just celebrities

What does this show?•The high profile celebrity cases generally relate to historical offences dating back decades - Exploitation is not ‘new’

•The perpetrators all have one thing in common – they utilise power to control the victim, be that through fame, infamy or fear.

Rotherham sexual abuse

2009 Operation Retriever

2009 Operation Retriever

• 13 defendants operated as a gang, nine convicted offences relating to rape, pornography and drugs

• 27 victims aged between 12 and 18 years

• Ringer leaders Mohammed Liaquat and Abid Siddique received indefinite sentence's with minimum tariff's of eight and 11 years.

2010 Operation Kern

2010 Operation Kern

• Started when a 14 years old girl in care disclosed she was being paid for sexual services. A further 13 other girls were then identified.

• All the victims new each other but the offenders didn’t, they operated alone.

• 10 people convicted with sentences totaling 48 years.

• Predominantly white male offenders.

2013 Operation Cordelia

Nicholas Geddis

2013 Operation Cordelia• 13 year old boy from Long Eaton groomed

online, taken to a hotel and raped.

• Examination of suspects phone identified 32 boys across the UK were victims.

• Offences in hotels also identified in Durham and Newcastle.

• 17 charges including rape, attempted rape, grooming and trafficking.

• 15 years imprisonment

2014 R v Michael Day• Information from CEOP about indecent

images being downloaded from his address.

• Day arrested. Examination of media devices found footage of him abusing a 12 year old girl who was his sister and who resided with him.

• Despite the footage the victim was unable to disclose what had happened.

• 9 years imprisonment.

Derbyshire Child Exploitation Team

• 2 Detective Sergeants

• 4 Detective Constables – POLIT

• 5 Detective Constables – CSE

• 1 Detective Constable within Central Referral Unit dedicated to CSE

• Trained CSE ‘Champions’ in stations across the county.

CSE Statistics

• 327 referrals in last 12 months

• 218 CSE

• 109 POLIT

• Currently running 148 investigations, 66 Referrals and 82 Crime investigations.

Offenders in Derbyshire

• In 2013/14 there were 132 perpetrators linked to Operation liberty:

Ethnicity Total

White 81

Asian 6

Black 1

Mixed 2

Unknown 42

Grand Total 132

Offender in Derbyshire

The age range of offenders was from 16 – 65.

The largest cohorts was aged 20-29 and 40-49.

50% were under 30.

Lone offending easily outweighs gang/group offending.

Understand the risk factors

Derby / Derbyshire Risk Assessment tool


Medium High

The Future – Prevention is better than cure

Safe and Sound

• Offer support and advice to victims

• Now extended in the county as well as Derby City

The National Working Group

• Offers advice to all agencies involved in CSE

• Good information / idea sharing forum

• www.nwgnetwork.org

Thank you