DETECTING ARCHITECTURAL MISMATCHES DURING SYSTEMS COMPOSITION by Cristina Gacek -------- A Dissertation Presented to the FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY (Computer Science) December 1998 Copyright 1998 Cristina Gacek

DETECTING ARCHITECTURAL MISMATCHES DURING SYSTEMS COMPOSITIONsunset.usc.edu/publications/dissertations/CG_body.pdf · iii Acknowledgments The end of the tunnel is actually here! Now

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Cristina Gacek


A Dissertation Presented to the



In Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree


(Computer Science)

December 1998

Copyright 1998 Cristina Gacek


To Beba, Cacho and Nauro



The end of the tunnel is actually here! Now is the time to start the next stage,

and I would like to do so by first recognizing the people that made the difference through-

out my Ph.D. study years.

First and foremost I must thank Nauro, my better half, for always being there,

making it all possible and worthwhile. This whole process has brought us even closer.

Both of our families deserve recognition for caring, cheering, and trying to understand the

various stages involved.

Barry Boehm, my advisor, has been a very special person to me. Not only has

he supported me throughout the years, mentoring me when I needed, but he has also been

a good friend. I deeply appreciate that.

My committee members Dave Wile and Eb Rechtin must also be acknowl-

edged. I must thank Dave for his deep involvement, actually bringing up new ideas and

helping me evolve them, as well as for the occasional pub stops during various workshops.

Dr. Rechtin was probably the most involved and knowledgeable outside committee mem-

ber in history. He not only devoted his time to reading the material I gave him, but always

had pertinent and intelligent comments to make.

Tony Wasserman has been an inspiration to me. His eagerness to help and

timely mentoring are admirable. Both he and Barry Boehm have taught me a lot about pro-

fessional posture and inter-personal relations. I wish more people were like them.

I will also have nice memories of Judy Kerner, Frank Belz and Andrew Landis-

man. They were always willing to hear my sorrows and had a friendly word of support.


Last but not least come my friends. Many have come and gone during my stud-

ies at USC, but they were all important. I will certainly miss our technical discussions, as

well as the chats about politics, movies, various cultures, the weather, and anything imag-

inable. I will also miss our hiking events, climbing outings, workouts, going to the beach,

phone conversations, and simply sitting in the sun to warm up a bit. I refuse to list their

names here in fear of forgetting an important one, but I am sure they know who they are.


Table of Contents

Part I: Introduction.........................................................................................................1

1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................2

Part II: Related Work......................................................................................................9

2.0 Related Work .......................................................................................................102.1 COMPLEMENT............................................................................................................ 10

2.2 Shaw and Clements........................................................................................................ 12

2.3 Kazman, Clements, Abowd, and Bass ........................................................................... 14

2.4 Stiger and Gamble.......................................................................................................... 19

2.5 Abd-Allah ...................................................................................................................... 19

2.6 Architecture Description Languages (ADLs) ................................................................ 262.6.1 ACME.............................................................................................................. 272.6.2 Aesop............................................................................................................... 282.6.3 C2 .................................................................................................................... 302.6.4 Darwin ............................................................................................................. 312.6.5 MetaH.............................................................................................................. 322.6.6 Rapide.............................................................................................................. 332.6.7 SADL............................................................................................................... 352.6.8 UniCon ............................................................................................................ 382.6.9 Wright.............................................................................................................. 40

Part III: Contribution .....................................................................................................42

3.0 Approach Description ..........................................................................................433.1 Extending the AAA Model ............................................................................................ 45

4.0 Styles Descriptions...............................................................................................484.1 Revisiting Event-Based.................................................................................................. 48

4.2 Blackboard ..................................................................................................................... 49

4.3 Rule-Based..................................................................................................................... 51

4.4 Logic Programming ....................................................................................................... 52

4.5 Transactional Database-Centric ..................................................................................... 53

4.6 Real-Time....................................................................................................................... 54

4.7 Closed-Loop Feedback Control ..................................................................................... 55

4.8 Internet Distributed Entities........................................................................................... 56

5.0 Conceptual Features.............................................................................................585.1 Descriptions ................................................................................................................... 58

5.1.1 Concurrency..................................................................................................... 585.1.2 Distribution...................................................................................................... 595.1.3 Dynamism........................................................................................................ 595.1.4 Encapsulation .................................................................................................. 605.1.5 Layering........................................................................................................... 605.1.6 Supported Data Transfers ................................................................................ 615.1.7 Triggering Capability ...................................................................................... 61


5.1.8 Backtracking.................................................................................................... 625.1.9 Control Unit..................................................................................................... 635.1.10 Component Priorities....................................................................................... 635.1.11 Preemption....................................................................................................... 645.1.12 Reconfiguration ............................................................................................... 645.1.13 Reentrance ....................................................................................................... 655.1.14 Response Times............................................................................................... 66

5.2 Styles Choices................................................................................................................ 665.2.1 Distributed Processes....................................................................................... 675.2.2 Event-Based..................................................................................................... 675.2.3 Main-Subroutine.............................................................................................. 685.2.4 Pipe-and-Filter................................................................................................. 685.2.5 Transactional Database-Centric....................................................................... 695.2.6 Blackboard....................................................................................................... 695.2.7 Rule-Based ...................................................................................................... 705.2.8 Logic Programming......................................................................................... 705.2.9 Real-Time ........................................................................................................ 705.2.10 Closed-Loop Feedback Control....................................................................... 715.2.11 Internet Distributed Entities............................................................................. 715.2.12 Conceptual Features Table Revisited............................................................... 72

5.3 Conceptual Feature Space.............................................................................................. 72

6.0 Architectural Mismatches ....................................................................................786.1 Architectural Mismatches Examples ............................................................................. 78

6.2 Architectural Mismatches Table .................................................................................... 79

7.0 Modeling Styles and Their Features ....................................................................937.1 Basic Entities’ Model..................................................................................................... 93

7.2 Modeling the Conceptual Features ................................................................................ 98

7.3 Complete Model of Styles ............................................................................................. 1017.3.1 Pipe and Filter.................................................................................................. 1017.3.2 Main/Subroutine .............................................................................................. 1027.3.3 Distributed Processes....................................................................................... 1047.3.4 Event-Based..................................................................................................... 1057.3.5 Blackboard....................................................................................................... 1067.3.6 Database Centric.............................................................................................. 1087.3.7 Rule-Based ...................................................................................................... 1107.3.8 Logic-Programming ........................................................................................ 1127.3.9 Real Time ........................................................................................................ 1157.3.10 Closed Loop Feedback Control ....................................................................... 1167.3.11 Internet Distributed Entities............................................................................. 117

7.4 Modeling Composition and Mismatches Detection....................................................... 121

8.0 Compositional Mismatch Analysis ......................................................................1438.1 Abstraction on Paper...................................................................................................... 143

8.2 The AAA Model ............................................................................................................ 154

8.3 The AAA Tool ............................................................................................................... 1558.3.1 Miscellaneous .................................................................................................. 183

Part IV: Conclusion ........................................................................................................185


9.0 Summary of Key Contributions ...........................................................................186

10.0 Future Directions .................................................................................................188

Part V: Bibliography and Appendices ............................................................................189

11.0 Bibliography ........................................................................................................190

12.0 Appendices...........................................................................................................195Appendix A: Introduction to the ZSL Notation.................................................195Appendix B: Abd-Allah’s Z Model...................................................................199Appendix C: Our Z Model ................................................................................224Appendix D: Time Related Classification of Systems and Operations .............292Appendix E: AAA Mismatch Analysis Results for Real-Time vs. All Other

Styles ......................................................................................................296Appendix F: Acronyms.....................................................................................386



List of Figures

Figure 1: Extending the Base Entities to Style-Specific Entities ............................21Figure 2: Mismatch #2 of Group Operation............................................................23Figure 3: Horizontal Composition Example............................................................37Figure 4: Data Flow Issues Axis .............................................................................76Figure 5: Control Flow Issues Axis.........................................................................76Figure 6: Organizational Issues Axis ......................................................................76Figure 7: AAA - Project Menu................................................................................155Figure 8: AAA - Project | New................................................................................156Figure 9: AAA - Artifacts Menu .............................................................................156Figure 11: AAA - NewName.....................................................................................156Figure 10: AAA - Styles’ List ...................................................................................157Figure 12: AAA - Style .............................................................................................158Figure 13: AAA - Subsystem ....................................................................................159Figure 14: AAA - Subsystem Backtracking..............................................................160Figure 15: AAA - Subsystem Component Priorities.................................................161Figure 16: AAA - Subsystem Concurrency...............................................................162Figure 17: AAA - Subsystem Control Unit...............................................................163Figure 31: AAA - Tools Menu ..................................................................................163Figure 18: AAA - Subsystem Distribution................................................................164Figure 19: AAA - Subsystem Dynamism..................................................................165Figure 20: AAA - Subsystem Encapsulation.............................................................166Figure 21: AAA - Subsystem Layering.....................................................................167Figure 22: AAA - Subsystem Preemption.................................................................168Figure 23: AAA - Subsystem Reconfiguration .........................................................169Figure 24: AAA - Subsystem Reentrance .................................................................170Figure 25: AAA - Subsystem Response Time...........................................................171Figure 26: AAA - Subsystem Supported Data Transfers ..........................................172Figure 27: AAA - Subsystem Triggering Capability.................................................173Figure 28: AAA - System..........................................................................................174Figure 29: AAA - System Subsystems......................................................................175Figure 30: AAA - System and Connections..............................................................176Figure 32: AAA - Mismatch Analysis.......................................................................177Figure 33: AAA - Mismatch Analysis Results..........................................................178Figure 34: AAA - Mismatch Analysis Results’ List .................................................183



List of Tables

Table 1: A Feature-Based Classification of Architectural Styles...........................14Table 2: Temporal Features of Architectural Elements .........................................16Table 3: Static Features of Architectural Elements................................................17Table 4: Four Instances in an Architectural Style Space .......................................23Table 5: Mismatches Related to the Conceptual Features .....................................24Table 6: Instances of Our Architectural Style Space .............................................73Table 7: Instances of Our Architectural Style Space (cont.)..................................74Table 8: Architectural Mismatches ........................................................................81Table 9: Real-Time and Internet Distributed Entities Styles’ Features..................145Table 10: RT and ID Systems’ Features ..................................................................146Table 11: Mismatches Related to the Call Bridging Connector ..............................147Table 12: Operation Invokes ....................................................................................293Table 13: Operation Followed_By...........................................................................293Table 14: Operation Interrupted_By ........................................................................294



The USC Architect’s Automated Assistant (AAA) tool and method version 0.1

[Abd-Allah 1996] provides a capability for early detection of software architectural style

mismatches among four architectural styles: Main-Subroutine, Pipe-and-Filter, Event-

Based, and Distributed Processes. For these four styles, mismatch detection is based on a

set of seven conceptual features distinguishing each style, and a set of bridging connectors

characterizing compositions among the four styles. However, it was a significant open

question whether these conceptual features and connectors were sufficient to characterize

composition of other architectural styles.

The work presented here formalizes some additional architectural styles--

namely Blackboard, Closed-Loop Feedback Control, Logic Programming, Real-Time,

Rule-Based, Transactional Database, and Internet Distributed Entities styles--and extends

the mismatch analysis capability to cover interactions of the original four styles with the

new ones. The analysis results tested various hypotheses, such as the extensibility of the

conceptual feature framework for mismatch detection, and the sufficiency of the original

seven conceptual features to characterize the broader set of styles and their composition.

In our work we found that the underlying conceptual feature framework could

work to cover a broader range of styles and systems, with some extensions. However, the

conceptual feature set and the underlying Z-language formal model were not sufficient to

cover the full range of styles and systems interactions.

We have developed extensions to the conceptual feature set and Z formal

model to cover the full set of compositional interactions analyzed. Additionally, we pro-


vide means for checking each and every mismatch at the model level, including the

dynamic ones, as well as a fully operational tool.

We also provide an initial discussion of a more formal basis for detecting and

classifying architectural conceptual features, thus providing a formal framework for

extending the models.


Part I: Introduction

In the following section, we present a description of the problem which this

work addresses, while discussing a few relevant concepts such as megaprogramming, soft-

ware architectures, and software architectural styles. We also give a short introduction to

Abd-Allah’s dissertation work [Abd-Allah 1996] that was used as the starting point for

this work, accompanied by brief comments on what this evolution effort entialed.


1.0 Introduction

Megaprogramming [Boehm and Scherlis 1992], the practice of software con-

struction in a component-oriented fashion heavily based on software components reuse,

has long been recognized as an important solution for the software crisis [McIlroy 1969]

[Radice and Phillips 1988]. It is a powerful means of not only reducing software develop-

ment costs in the long run, but also reducing the risk of project failure, improving software

quality, shortening development time, and greatly increasing the productivity of the indi-

vidual software developer.

One of the major elements that determine the success of an environment using

megaprogramming is the actual reuse of available software components with a minimum

amount of effort. This involves the software engineer determining the need for a compo-

nent that is already available, effectively selecting the component that does actually fulfill

his/her need, and appropriately using it. Some of the difficulties with past reuse attempts

have been in determining the amount of effort it takes to produce reusable components,

estimating the number of components to reuse, effectively selecting reusable components,

and adapting components originally thought completely reusable to subtle differences in

domain and/or architectural assumptions (about timing, synchronization, data forms, coor-

dinate systems, environment models, etc.). Facets were used to simplify the process of

selecting reusable components [Prieto-Diaz and Freeman 1987] [Gacek 1995], but still

underlying assumptions were ignored. Handling, or rather detecting, the differences in

underlying architectural assumptions is the focus of this work.


The Domain Specific Software Architecture (DSSA) approach was created

with the intention of providing an effective megaprogramming environment, where all

components contain the same underlying domain and architectural assumptions. “A DSSA

is a process and infrastructure that support the development of a Domain Model, Refer-

ence Requirements, and Reference Architecture for a family of applications within a par-

ticular problem domain. The expressed goal of a DSSA is to support the generation of

applications within a particular domain (also known as a product-line)” [Tracz 1994]. An

architecture in a specific domain will identify the domain’s conventions and shared

assumptions, the required degree of generality (number of parameters that can change)

and integrability (how a component fits within the context of the application). This

approach can be very successful, but it is not always feasible considering its very large up

front investment required for building the infrastructure.

Nowadays, in order to be competitive, a developer’s usage of Commercial off

the Shelf (COTS), or Government off the Shelf (GOTS), packages has become asine qua

non, at times being an explicit requirement from the customer. The idea of simplyplug-

ging together various COTS packages and/or other existing parts results from the mega-

programming principles. What people tend to underestimate are the side effects resulting

from the plugging or composition of these subsystems. Some COTS vendors tend to

preach that because their tool follows a specific standard, say CORBA, all composition

problems disappear. Well, it actually is not that simple. Side effects resulting from the

composition of subsystems are not just the result of different assumptions in communica-

tion methods by various subsystems, but the result from differences in various sorts of


assumptions, such as the number of threads that are to execute concurrently, or even on

the load imposed on certain resources. This problem is referred to as architectural mis-

matches [Garlan et al. 1995a][Abd-Allah 1996].

Some but not all of these architectural mismatches can be detected via domain

architecture characteristics, such as mismatches in additional domain interface types

(units, coordinate systems, frequencies), going beyond the general interface types in stan-

dards such as CORBA. Another significant source of architectural mismatches derives

from mismatches among architectural styles or sets of architectural features.

An architectural style defines a family of systems based on a common struc-

tural organization [Shaw and Garlan 1996]. It constrains both the design elements and the

formal relationships among the design elements [Perry and Wolf 1992].1 Some of these

constraints are common to various styles, for example having explicit data connectors to

support data transfers between components is not a characteristic only present in the pipe-

and-filter style, but it also occurs in the distributed processes one. The absence of these

constraints in other styles is just as important, e.g., the main-subroutine style does not

have explicit data connectors, but rather uses shared variables for data transfers by defini-

tion. A set of these special constraints was defined by Abd-Allah, and called the set of

conceptual features [Abd-Allah 1996].2 Different styles can then be characterized by

1. One can find various definitions of software architectures in the literature [Perry and Wolf 1992][Shaw and Garlan 1996] [Tracz 1994]. The one used throughout this work we introduced in aprevious paper [Gacek et al. 1995]. Namely, we consider an architecture to be a set of compo-nents, connectors, constraints imposed on the components, connectors, and their composition,and a supporting rationale. Such architectures should be presentable in various ways--differentviews supporting different needs.

2. Other classification efforts do exist, and are covered in the related work section (section 2.0 onpage 10).


selecting different options for each conceptual feature. That is, a style is defined by a set of

conceptual feature choices, where individually, each of those choices may also exist in

some other style.

Once a complete set of conceptual features is defined,1 we will be able to use

them to differentiate the various architectural styles and/or systems by concentrating on

these abstract characteristics. Abd-Allah’s work on conceptual features was based on the

distributed processes, event-based, layered, main-subroutine, multithreaded, pipe-and-fil-

ter, and software bus styles.2 Our work tested the hypothesis that his approach of using

conceptual features for mismatch detection was extensible to cover a broader set of mis-

matches, and that his set of conceptual features is sufficient to characterize other styles,

namely blackboard, closed-loop feedback control, logic programming, real-time, rule-

based, transactional database, and internet distributed entities styles (see section 3.0). We

also started working towards determining the various dimensions that could be used to

describe orthogonality of the various conceptual features, thus providing a more formal

description of the conceptual feature space (section 5.3).

When actually building systems, people may or may not adhere to a pure archi-

tectural style, also the same style name may mean slightly different things to different peo-

ple. For example, in some pipe-and-filter analyses, [Shaw and Garlan 1996] has found it

useful to employ the concepts of colored pipes and parametrized filters. In cases where

some variation of an existing style is used, a complete set of conceptual features should

1. It is not the aim of this work to generate a complete set of conceptual features, specially becausethere is no way of proving completeness here.

2. See section 2.5 on page 19 for a complete description of his work, as well as how it compares tothe work presented here.


suffice for description. Clearly, if some completely new style comes along, using some

revolutionary paradigm, the set of conceptual features needs to be revisited, and poten-

tially extended.

The use of COTS and GOTS packages brings a slightly different light into the

problem. Hardly ever will a COTS vendor be willing to explicitly describe all the intrin-

sics of their package to the general public. In such cases, the use of conceptual features

becomes a facilitator, since vendors may be willing to give out at least general information

on these characteristics--they do describe the system and often help describe API’s, with-

out giving away secrets that could reduce the vendor’s competitive advantage.

When composing systems, many potential architectural mismatches can be

detected by analyzing their various choices for conceptual features. Mismatches may

occur because the subsystems have different choices for some particular feature. For

example, one is multi-threaded and the other is not, creating the possibility of synchroni-

zation problems when accessing shared data (the single-threaded part assumes there is

absolutely no risk of interference). Mismatches may also occur because the subsystems

make the same choice for some particular feature. For example, if two subsystems are sin-

gle-threaded, we may also run into synchronization problems when accessing some shared

data, since both parts assume there can be no interference.

It is extremely important to point out that different architectural styles may

have different meanings to different people, as well as that occasionally there is a need to

use a slightly adapted style (non-pure), especially when describing a previously existing

system (either OTS or from a components’ library). Thus, by working at the conceptual


feature level for mismatch detection, we can cover a much wider range of systems’ com-

position than if we dealt with the problem in a style by style basis.

The aim of this dissertation is to formally address software composition at the

architectural level while detecting architectural mismatches. We chose to do so by

addressing a number of open questions in the previous work by Abd-Allah in order to get

a greater and more formal coverage of conceptual features, and their relations to architec-

tural mismatches. We specifically looked into his hypotheses that architectural mis-

matches are derivable from conceptual features, that his 16 mismatches were a

comprehensive set of mismatches that are detectable based on conceptual features, and

that his conceptual feature set should suffice for mismatch detection.

Succinctly, the problem examined is:

What is a formal model for detecting potential architectural mismatches dur-

ing the composition of software systems? Where must current formal models be

further structured and extended to cover mismatches among wider ranges of

architectural styles?

In order to address the questions above, we needed to understand the complex-

ities of systems composition and its potential side effects. It was also necessary to have a

firm grasp on the characteristics of a wide range of architectural styles, and their relevance

to composition. As a means of providing a model supporting the concepts uncovered, it

was also essential to have a deep understanding of the formalism to be used, and provide

some mechanism to analyzing given formal specifications.


As a result of our effort, we did show that Abd-Allah was correct in assuming

that using conceptual features for mismatch detection was an extensible framework,

though it did require a considerable amount of effort to do so. We also found that Abd-

Allah’s 16 mismatches were far from being a robust set of mismatches that are detectable

based on conceptual features. Furthermore, his assumption that his conceptual feature set

should suffice for mismatch detection was incorrect.

While aiming to provide the proper support required to address our central

problem, and strengthen Abd-Allah’s initial work we had to considerably evolve his con-

ceptual feature (section 5.0 on page 58) and mismatch sets (section 6.0 on page 78). Con-

sequently, we had to perform major changes to the AAA formal model he provided

(section 7.0 on page 93). Additionally, we incorporated in the model operations for explic-

itly detecting each and every one of the mismatches, including the dynamic ones

(section 7.4).1

One should note that this work not only provides a formal model to support

architectural composition, but a fully operational tool is also provided to automate this

compositional analysis (section 8.3 on page 155).

1. A more detailed description on how the AAA framework evolved is provided in section 3.1 onpage 45.


Part II: Related Work

Other researchers have been working on software architectures and their com-

position, architectural styles and their classification, and systems classification based on

conceptual features. The following section describes some of their results, and discusses

the deficiencies of these past efforts with respect to addressing the central question of this

dissertation. It also includes some discussion on various ADLs and their approach to com-

position of heterogeneous systems.


2.0 Related Work

There are several related works that should be discussed here. They cover top-

ics such as real-time systems classification while considering a different set of conceptual

features by the COMPLEMENT project (section 2.1), architectural styles and their classi-

fication by Shaw and Clements (section 2.2), architectural elements classification by

Kazman and his colleagues (section 2.3), Stiger and Gamble’s Z formal model of the

blackboard style (section 2.4), and Abd-Allah’s dissertation work on detecting architec-

tural mismatches during systems composition, while focusing on the main-subroutine,

pipe-and-filter, distributed processes, and event-based styles (section 2.5). Some architec-

ture description languages (ADLs) and their supporting tools are also discussed

(section 2.6).


The COMPLEMENT project focuses on technical aspects of developing real-

time and embedded systems [Pyle et al. 1993]. In order to understand what particular fea-

tures make real-time and embedded systems different from other systems, and what differ-

entiates one kind of real-time and embedded system from another, they devised a domain

specific system taxonomy (where the domain is simply real-time and embedded).

Their taxonomy consists of sets of primary, secondary, and concrete features.

Their primary features are: concurrent processing (many or few concurrent events); hard-

ware interface (significant or not); timed reaction to events (hard or soft real-time1); distri-

bution (multiple or single site); and database (significant or not). Their secondary features


are: dependability (high or low); reconfigurability (on or off-line); usability--human/com-

puter interface (intuitive or need training); certifiability (essential or not required); con-

straints--environmental aspects (significant or not); and evolution capability (evolutionary

or not). Their concrete features are: target platform; type of external transducers; replica-

tion; contractual requirements; and application domain.

The COMPLEMENT project uses their system taxonomy as a real-time and

embedded systems classification facilitator, and not as the focus of compositional analysis.

Still the features they use can give us some insight on characteristics we may need to con-

sider for our compositional purposes.

At first glance, their set of primary and concrete features should be a part of the

issues considered for composition, whereas their secondary features, which are mainly

quality attributes are not as relevant. A closer look at their primary features reveals that

whereas having a significant hardware interface may change dramatically a system’s per-

formance (as opposed to one that has a more significant human interface), this characteris-

tic is outside the scope of this work. All other primary features are very relevant for

composition, and thus part of our conceptual features.1

Most of their secondary features, being quality attributes could be considered

here, but actually go beyond what this work is addressing. The only one that is useful to

include is the one indicating whether a system is reconfigurable on or off-line. During

1. Hard real-time requirements are those that if the system reacts too late, it is considered to fail.On the other hand, soft real-time requirements are those that it is undesirable that the systemreacts too late, but it is not considered a failure if it happens.

1. Note that in our case, timed reaction to events may take the values predictable, bounded,unbounded, and cyclic, as well as unconstrained.


composition, if one of the subsystems expects to be able to reconfigure on-line while the

other does not, we might run into problems.

From their set of concrete features, two do not apply here, namely contractual

requirements and application domain. During composition, one would only consider an

existing system to be reused if it was known to conform to the contractual requirements at

hand, be them on programming language, standards or any other. As far as application

domain goes, the only difference this could bring to a composition consideration is on the

quality attributes originally required of the sub-system. As already mentioned above, on

the discussion of the secondary features, quality attributes and their detection at the archi-

tecture level are very important, but go beyond the focus of this work.

2.2 Shaw and Clements

Shaw and Clements present a classification of architectural styles based on a

set offeatures focusing on control and data issues. They do this by describing feature cat-

egories, and defining how each of several styles handles them. They also provide a few

rules of thumb to aid on style selection when implementing solutions to specific problem

instances [Shaw and Clements 1997].

The architectural style classification they propose is based on: the kinds of

components and connectors that are used; how control is shared, allocated, and transferred

within the system; how data is communicated through the system; how data and control

interact; and the type of reasoning that is compatible with the style. As control issues they

address the topology, synchronicity, and the binding time. Data issues include topology,


continuity (how continuous is the flow of data throughout the system?), mode (how is data

made available throughout the system?), and binding time. Control/data interaction issues

elaborated are whether control and data flow topologies have similar shapes or not, and if

these shapes are the same, whether control and data flow in the same or opposite direc-


They present their results in terms of a table. Their full classification can be

found on their paper. In table 1 one can find some examples of their classification that can

already be compared with results obtained by Abd-Allah (section 2.5), and by the work

described in this document (section 5.0 on page 58).

The granularity level of the features considered by Shaw and Clements is lower

than the one to be used by this work to classify systems. The information they convey for

classification purposes is part of our underlying model, but it is not considered at the con-

ceptual features (more abstract) level. Exceptions are the fact that the model described in

this document does not include information on types of reasoning supported by the style,

nor information on control or data binding time. Mode of data transfers is the only one of

their features that shows as a conceptual feature in our work.

The focus of their paper is to classify styles while standardizing the vocabulary

and concepts each involves, and discriminate among styles showing their differences and

similarities, supporting for the organization of advice on how to select a style for solving a


specific problem. Since it is not part of their focus, they do not address compositional


2.3 Kazman, Clements, Abowd, and Bass

In a recent work [Kazman et al. 1997], related to that of Shaw and Clements

(section 2.2), Kazman and his colleagues try to support system composition in a manner

very similar to the one used here. They use behavioral characteristics which they callfea-

Main program/subroutine

Event systems Blackboard

Components procedures, data processes memory,computations

Connectors procedure calls implicit invocation direct access

Control topology hierarchical arbitrary star

Synchronicity sequential asynchronous,opportunistic


Control bindingtime

write, compile invocation, run write

Data topology arbitrary arbitrary star

Continuity sporadic,low-volume



Mode passed, shared broadcast passed

Data binding time write, compile, run invocation, run write, compile, run

Isomorphic con-trol/data shapes

no no yes

Control/data flowdirections

n/a n/a opposite

Type of reasoning hierarchical (localreasoning)

nondeterminism ---

Table 1: A Feature-Based Classification of Architectural Styles


tures to classify architectural elements (components and connectors), not architectural

styles nor systems. The behavioral characteristics they considered useful are temporal and

static ones.

A temporal view of architectural elements describes the behavior of an element

over time. The temporal characteristics they address are: times of control acceptance;

times of data acceptance; times of control and data transmission; if forks occur; and

whether the element retains state information.

A static view of architectural elements summarizes their invariants. The static

characteristics they address are: what the data and control scopes are; whether the element

transforms data; binding time; if connecting to this element blocks the connecting ele-

ment, does the element relinquish control; are ports in, out, or in/out; and how many ele-

ments can connect to each port, both at any one moment in time, and over the lifetime of

the element.

They give examples of architectural elements classifications. A subset of those

can be found below; only those that would be relevant for main-subroutine and blackboard

systems are introduced.

By examining their temporal features (table 2), one can see that some of them

were already part of the AAA model and the conceptual feature set (e.g., “forks?”), others

are included in our work (e.g., “accepts control at other than ts?” see section 5.0 on

page 58).

Their static features are a bit different (table 3), most of these are part of our

model, but not all are part of the conceptual features set, the reason being that they are in a


lower level of detail than what we consider applicable for our conceptual features. Ports

information, for example, is part of the model, but does not show up in the conceptual fea-

tures set. Control scope and relinquishing control (we have it under response time as

cyclic) do show at both our model and conceptual features level (section 5.0 on page 58).

Information on whether data is transformed or not is not part of our model, nor our con-

ceptual features set.

There are also some conceptual features that we have found extremely relevant

for composition, that are not included in their set of features, some of them are whether

there is backtracking allowed, whether components have priorities associated with them,

Accepts controlat otherthan ts?


controlat otherthan te?

Forks? Retainsstate?


never never always never not cri-terial

not cri-terial

never samethread

Object never never always never not cri-terial

not cri-terial

never sameor dif-ferent


Function never never always never always not cri-terial

never samethread

Proce-dure call

never never always never always never never samethread


always always not cri-terial

always not cri-terial

always never sameor dif-ferent


Table 2: Temporal Features of Architectural Elements

Accepts data

At ts?At otherthan ts?

Transmits data

At te?At otherthan te?




and whether there is preemption or not. These features were not part of the original AAA

model, but have been added by this work (section 5.0 on page 58).

Kazman and his colleagues also discuss composition of architectural elements.

They mention that when composing two elements some of their features must match,

whereas others can be ignored. As features that must match they mention ports and their

associations. As features that may be ignored they list state retention, data transformation,

blocks, forks, and relinquish. They do not provide a formal discussion on the feature com-

binations of composing elements that are allowed or not, and the compositional discussion

they provide is only of a one element plus another approach (i.e., they don’t discuss prob-

lems at the system level).




Transforms data?






Single-entry pro-cedure



yes spec.,execu-tion


yes 1 I;m O

1 n

Object virtualaddress


yes spec.,execu-tion


yes n I;m O

1 n

Function virtualaddress


yes spec.,execu-tion


yes 1 I;m O

1 n




no spec. yes yes I;O

1 1

Blackboard distrib-uted


no spec.,invoca-



yes I;O

1 n

Table 3: Static Features of Architectural Elements







The major difference between their classification and the one being offered

here is that they are doing so at the element (component and connector) level, whereas we

do it at the system level (percolating to the architectural element level in the model). This

means that our classification is a little more abstract than theirs, hence probably more

applicable at earlier stages than theirs. Also, they do not offer clear guidelines on how to

use their set of features during system composition, nor do they allow for analysis of the

composition of several elements together. Which means that as long as the elements agree

on a one-to-one basis, they detect no problems. Well, here are a few examples of possible


• A blocking data connector connecting control components A and B (3 ele-

ments). If control component B does not become (or is not) active after A sends

some data, A will be in a deadlock situation.

• Two control components in the same thread sharing a blocking data connector

(3 elements), creates a possibility of deadlock.

• A call to a cyclic (or non-control relinquishing) component, will leave the caller

in a deadlock.

Note that the last example also contradicts their assumption that whether an element relin-

quishes control or not is irrelevant for composition.

Summarizing, they offer a very good classification framework for architectural

elements, and weaker ways of detecting element to element mismatches. They do not pro-

vide a framework for composing system architectures, nor insights on possible architec-

tural mismatches during the composition of systems.


2.4 Stiger and Gamble

Stiger and Gamble present a formal model of a blackboard style [Stiger and

Gamble 1997]. They use Z to specify the relevant elements such as components, connec-

tors, and configurations. Just like the work by Abd-Allah (section 2.5), their Z specifica-

tion is unable to handle dynamic information.

Additionally they claim that “the knowledge source component can be refined

to any embedded architectural style allowing the blackboard architecture to pose as an

integration architecture,” but no proofs, examples or explanations on what was meant is

provided. Even if this claim was to be proven correct, the approach could potentially avoid

some architectural mismatches (the same kind covered by CORBA for example), but still

mismatches related to backtracking, resource contention, and response time among others

could occur.

2.5 Abd-Allah

Abd-Allah’s work on his dissertation and the Architect’s Automated Assistant

(AAA) [Abd-Allah 1996] tackled a portion of the problem this thesis is focusing on. He

constructed a model and a prototype tool to detect potential architectural mismatches dur-

ing systems composition, while focusing on the main-subroutine, pipe-and-filter, distrib-

uted processes, and event-based styles. He modeled styles and systems using Z [Spivey

1992]. His complete Z model can be found in appendix B.


Abd-Allah described some base elements that can be refined and combined in

various ways in order to describe architectural styles and/or specific systems (see figure 1).

These base elements are:

1. A port is typically associated with a control component, and isthe latter’s entry and exit points for data during data transfers.

2. A data component models data that is used to store state or istransferred across data connectors.

3. Acontrol component models data that is executed by the under-lying machine and which can initiate (and respond to) data andcontrol transfers. It is assumed to have a single thread of control(from a hardware point of view, a control component has a singleprogram counter).

4. Anobject is an encapsulation of a set of data components with aset of control components. Not only from a formal standpoint is anobject fundamentally different from a data or control component(i.e. {X} is not the same type as X), but there are other reasons forthis distinction,

• an object can include complex interconnections within itself,forming its own single-threaded minisystem (see the definitionof system below)

• an object can be instantiated many times, each time introduc-ing a new set of different data and control component copies

5. A data connector models the potential for two or more controlcomponents or objects to engage in data transfers amongst them-selves.

6. Acontrol connector models the potential for two or more controlcomponents to engage in control transfers (possibly with data)amongst themselves.

7. A trigger associates an action (a data or control transfer) withthe reception of a data component by a control component orobject.

8. A system is a non-empty set of interconnected control compo-nents or objects satisfying some unique purpose.


Abd-Allah also suggested the use of conceptual features as a higher level

abstraction for describing architectural styles and/or systems characteristics (see also

section 1.0). The conceptual features he used were:

1. Dynamism. Earlier we discussed how the topology of softwarecan be dynamic, adding and removing concurrent threads as it exe-cutes. Some styles constrain the topology to be static (i.e. the num-ber of concurrent threads remains constant), while other styles donot. A style is dynamic if and only if it allows non-blocking controlconnectors (spawns).

2. Supported data transfers. Of the styles we studied, all of themachieved data transfers through one (or more) of three mechanisms:explicit data connectors, an implicit global network of data connec-tors, or shared data variables.


Data Control Object Data ControlPort

Data store Procedure




Event queue


Pipe Circuit

Call Spawn

Pipe & Filter Style





Component Component Connector Connector

Figure 1: Extending the Base Entities to Style-Specific Entities


3. Triggering capability. Hardware has interrupts, and softwarehas triggers. Some styles allow the transfer of data (events) alongexplicit data connectors or a global network to cause certainactions, e.g. control transfers or additional data transfers.

4. Concurrency. Styles often constrain the number of concurrentthreads that may execute within a system. A single-threaded systemis limited to only one thread of control components linked by achain of calls (blocking control connectors), while multi-threadedsystems allow more than one thread to execute concurrently. Notethat concurrency is not the same as dynamism.

5. Distribution. A style may or may not constrain the mapping ofsystem entities to nodes. If the mapping is to more than one node,then the style’s systems are naturally distributed.

6. Layering. Styles may or may not impose system layering con-straints on its control components. The layers must be specifiedwith respect to a connector, e.g. a set of layers linked by controlconnectors.

7. Encapsulation. As shown earlier, objects are fundamentally dif-ferent from data control components. A style may choose to beobject-oriented or not.

How each of these features applies to each of the styles he discussed is shown

in table 4. Conceptual features get propagated into the Z model as a set of constraints on

the base elements that varies from style to style, depending on the choices made for each

of the conceptual features.

He then continued to show how the combination of the presence and/or

absence of certain conceptual features on parts to be composed could potentially cause

architectural mismatches, depending on thebridging connector1 used between them.

These are described in table 5.

1. Bridging connector is the term he uses to refer to the connector used to compose the partstogether. We also use this term for the same purpose.


An explanation of each mismatch is given below.

1. Two concurrent threads share data, with potential synchroniza-tion problems.

2. Two threads have data connectors to 2 different control compo-nents in a third thread (it is impossible for the third thread to exe-cute in the two components simultaneously - see figure 2).

Pipe & FilterMain/



Dynamism static static dynamic static

Supported datatransfers

explicit dataconnectors

shared datavariables

explicit dataconnectors


shared datavariables


no N/A no yes






Distribution unconstrained single nodemultiplenodes


Layering unconstrained unconstrained unconstrained unconstrained

Encapsulation no no no yes

Table 4: Four Instances in an Architectural Style Space

control component

thread 1 thread 2 thread 3


data connector

Figure 2: Mismatch #2 of Group Operation


3. Two control components in the same thread share a blockingdata connector, creating a possibility of deadlock.

4. A layering constraint is violated.

5. Different sets of recognized messages are used by two subsystemsthat permit triggers.

6. A spawn is made into a subsystem which originally forbade them.

7. An unrecognized trigger message is used.

8. A triggered spawn is made into a subsystem which originally for-bade spawns.

9. A trigger refers to a subsystem which originally forbade trigger-ing.

10. A data connector is made into a subsystem which originally for-bade them.

11. A shared data relationship refers to a subsystem which origi-nally forbade them.

12. A trigger refers to a subsystem which forbids explicit or implicitdata connectors, hence the trigger may never occur.





a Tr



















call 15 4

spawn 6 13 15 4

data connector 10 2,3 15 4

shared data 11 1 15

triggered call 12 5,7,9 15 4

triggered spawn 8 12 5,7,9 14 15 4

triggered data trans-fer

12 5,7,9 15 4

shared machine 16

Table 5: Mismatches Related to the Conceptual Features


13. A spawn is made into a subsystem which is not concurrent.

14. A triggered spawn is made into a subsystem which is not con-current.

15. A remote connector is extended into or out of a non-distributedsubsystem (i.e. a subsystem originally confined to a single node).

16. A node resource is overused (this is actually checked by sum-ming across the subsystems’ usage of that particular resource).

We found the framework he used for basing mismatches detection on concep-

tual feature choices to be useful for dealing with a broader set of styles and systems, as

long as we extended it accordingly.

His investigation of the above mentioned styles yielded him with a set of 7

conceptual features (see above) and 16 detectable mismatches. Our work based on a

broader set of styles (section 4.0 on page 48) has proven his conceptual feature and detect-

able mismatches set to be quite insufficient (section 5.0 on page 58, and section 6.0 on

page 78, respectively).

In order to investigate other styles such as blackboard and real-time, we

changed slightly his set of architectural base elements (e.g., trigger is not a base element

anymore, but actually a relation between sets of events and sets of actions), and their char-

acteristics on the underlying model (for example to include component priorities).

As far as his set of conceptual features are concerned, his model had a consid-

erable coverage for the styles he focused on, but certainly not for some other very com-

monly used styles such as real-time, and closed-loop feedback control for example.

Characteristics such as being a system preemptive, reentrant, and containing component


priorities or not are completely absent from his model, even though they are extremely rel-

evant for composition. Furthermore, he considered encapsulation one of his conceptual

features, but never showed it had any relevance to architectural mismatches during compo-


Additionally, he provided no clear guidelines for determining when to add new

conceptual features (i.e., which characteristics are to be considered or not, and why). He

provided no discussion on how the conceptual feature space was composed, ways of clas-

sifying it, and means of extending it. Issues that we do briefly discuss in section 5.3.

His Z model did not make use of Z operations on schemas that do actually alter

the schemas attributes contents. Consequently he was unable to provide for dynamic

checks on certain constraints that would actually allow for the detection of dynamic mis-

matches. We have added the operations StartSystem, ActualControlTransfer, and Actual-

DataTransfer that are able to do exactly that.

Besides, his work only provided a very limited prototype, whereas we have

built a working tool for mismatch detection.

2.6 Architecture Description Languages (ADLs)

Here one can find a discussion of several ADLs and their supporting tools,

while focusing on the problem of composition of heterogeneous systems. For a survey on

ADLs and their supporting tools in general, please refer to the work by Medvidovic [Med-

vidovic 1997].


It is important to note that the observations presented here are just a picture in

time. The tool set related to each and every ADL is continuously evolving, as are some of

the ADLs themselves (e.g.: ACME).

2.6.1 ACME

ACME is an architecture interchange language [Garlan et al. 1995b][Garlan et

al. 1997]. Rather than being yet another ADL, it is an interchange mechanism, intended to

support transformations of architectural specifica-

tions between heterogeneous ADLs. Consequently, ACME has no direct tool support,1 but

enables the use of support tools from various ADL suites.

The approach consists of providing means of describing the structural (or topo-

logical) characteristics of architectures, along with annotations containing ADL-specific

information. This strategy allows the sharing of common architectural information by var-

ious ADLs and their tools, as well as supports the specification of information not present

in all ADLs. “This is the essence of ACME. The language provides a fixed vocabulary (or

ontology) for representing architectural structure. Additionally it provides an open seman-

tic framework in which architectural structures can be annotated with ADL-specific prop-

erties. In this way ACME achieves the benefits of both an intersection and a union

language: the shared structural core represents an intersection of the expressive capabili-

1. ACME has no direct tool support, but it does enforce some structural constraints, such as disal-lowing a connector to be attached to another connector, or the existence of a dangling port.


ties of most ADLs, while the use of annotations accommodates the union of ADL-specific

concerns.” [Garlan et al. 1997]

In the context of this work, ACME could be applied in several ways:

• Specifications written in any arbitrary ADL and then translated into ACME

could then be translated into the formalism used here, permitting its use as input

for the analysis capability introduced here.

• This work could actually use ACME as its native modeling language, making

heavy use of annotations for semantic needs not covered by ACME.

• Specifications written using the formalism introduced here could be translated

into ACME, allowing for further analysis by other ADLs and their tools.

We chose not to use ACME as the native modeling language simply because the exten-

sions required would be so many that it would actually defeat the purpose of using a previ-

ously existing ADL. Importing descriptions to or form ACME could be addresses by

future work.

2.6.2 Aesop

Aesop is a tool kit designed to support the rapid development of “style-aware”

software architecture design environments. A style specific environment is achieved by

providing style-specific vocabulary of design elements (as subtypes of basic architectural

classes), stylistic constraints as methods of these types, and a collection of external tools

that perform architectural analyses that are relevant to that specific style [Garlan 1995].


The Aesop tool kit includes a repository for architectural level design elements

and patterns called the Software Shelf [Monroe and Garlan 1996]. The Software Shelf

supports the classification, storage, and retrieval of architectural elements, namely compo-

nents, connectors and configurations (or patterns). Design elements stored in this reposi-

tory are classified by category (component, connector or pattern), style or set of styles for

which it was created, and class within the style (i.e., type of component, connector, or pat-

tern within the particular style).

It is critical to note that Aesop focuses on homogeneous architectures, so envi-

ronments are specialized by style, not allowing the use of more than one style at a time.

Our work handles composition of both homogeneous and heterogeneous software systems


It is also important to highlight that the reusable architectural elements pro-

vided by the Aesop Software Shelf are abstract or incomplete design fragments, to be fur-

ther refined upon retrieval. Even though the primary focus of one of their works is to

integrate software architecture, architectural styles, and software reuse [Monroe and Gar-

lan 1996], it is not in the scope of the Aesop tool kit to try to accommodate the architec-

ture of pre-existing software. Consequently, their focus is different from the one in our


We can see one danger on trying to evolve the work in the Software Shelf to

also cover pre-existing software, namely that hardly ever will one be able to find some

OTS product whose architecture has been defined in one pure architectural style. Even

when addressing OTS components, if we have the developer of the component being the


one specifying the architecture style used, his/her definition of the style might be different

than that of the (re)user of the component.This would introduce some considerable com-

plexity on Software Shelf’s classification scheme, and consequently on the retrieval as


2.6.3 C2

C2 and its design environment (Argo) support the description of user interface

systems using a message-based style, enabling the development of GUI architectures with

interchangeable and reusable software components [Medvidovic et al. 1996]. The main

focus of their work is on reuse of software components, and dynamic changes to run-time

architectures for systems conforming to GUI architectures characteristics (this can actu-

ally be thought of as a specific style that is message-based, with concurrent component

execution, communicating via message routing devices, while being layered and allowing

for no shared address space).

C2 provides for some type, constraint, and architectural style rule checking. It

also has design critics that actively check for completeness, correctness and consistency,

among others. Those critics provide feedback in a context sensitive manner during design,

or by analyzing an architectural model after a design activity.

The reuse focus of the C2 team differs significantly from ours. They support

reuse by allowing for replacement of components in lower layers of the architecture, with-

out impacting the upper layers, and while focusing on their specific style (GUI like archi-


tectures). That is all components share the same architectural characteristics, hence

architectural mismatches are completely avoided.

2.6.4 Darwin

Darwin allows distributed and parallel programs to be structured in terms of

groups of process instances which communicate by message passing. In addition to

expressing static structures, Darwin can be used to express structures which change

dynamically as execution progresses. Darwin usesΠ-calculus as its underlying semantic


“Darwin supports software composition through the description of generic

software architectures which can be elaborated and instantiated to form specific execut-

able architectures” [Magee and Kramer 1996]. Components on the style supported by

Darwin interact solely by accessing services. During system architecting, a component

does not need to know the global names or locations of external services it will be interact-

ing with. This allows for component specification, implementation, and testing indepen-

dently of the rest of the system, which in turn allows for plug-and-play of various

components conforming to the specific style supported. This is the extent to which mega-

programming is supported by Darwin, which is to say that they do not deal with heteroge-

neous software architectures, and hence deal with a very limited set of architectural

mismatches during systems composition.


2.6.5 MetaH

The MetaH architecture description language has been developed to provide

specific guidance for designers of real-time avionics control software. The tools check a

system description for schedulability and other properties and generate the “glue” code

that handles real-time process dispatching, communication, and resource synchronization

[Vestal 1997].

MetaH allows a specification of system components and connectors, and their

attributes which are relevant to real-time, fault-tolerant, secure partitioning, and multi-pro-

cessor facets of systems.

Tools are available to perform a software/hardware binding, real-time schedu-

lability analysis, reliability analysis, and safety/security analysis. A tool is available to

generate the “glue” code needed to provide the scheduling, communication, event han-

dling and fault containment behavior specified in MetaH. The tool set also includes a

“make” facility to manage change propagation and automatically perform compilations

and links as needed.

“Objects in a MetaH specification have separate interface and implementation

definitions, where multiple alternative implementations can be defined for the same inter-

face” [MetaH 1996]. This is the only megaprogramming support provided by the tool set.

As by the work of Abd-Allah (see section 2.5) we already know that the simple conform-

ance to some specific interface does not prevent architectural mismatches from occurring.

MetaH and its tool set provide very strong support for real-time systems, but

none for composition of these with systems or parts using different underlying styles.


2.6.6 Rapide

Rapide is an executable ADL intended to model the architectures of concurrent

and distributed systems by defining and simulating their event-based behavior [Luckham

and Vera 1995]. It allows one to specify systems behaviors in terms of partially ordered

sets of events. Component computations are triggered by received events, and in turn trig-

ger other computations by sending events to other components. “The result of executing a

Rapide model is a set of events that occurred during the execution together with causal

and timing relationships between events” [Rapide 1996].

The Rapide language framework is divided into 5 sub-languages, aiming to

facilitate the reuse of parts of Rapide in other languages, as well as for easy language evo-

lution [Rapide 1996]. These languages are:

• Types Language - describes interface types and function types, and supports deriving

new interface type definitions by inheriting form pre-existing ones.

• Pattern Language - describes patterns of events with causality, independence, and/or

timing relationships.

• Executable Language - contains control structures to describe behaviors of compo-


• Architecture Language - describes the flow of events between components, by defin-

ing their synchronization and communication interconnections.1

1. Connectors are not considered first class entities in Rapide.


• Constraint Language - defines formal constraints on the behavior of components and

architectures, where constraints are posets patterns that are either required or for-


The Rapide tool set permits simulation of architectural descriptions, animation

of those simulations, and analysis to check for anomalous behavior. A Rapide model sim-

ulation results in a poset showing the causal history of events in the specific execution,

independent activities, timing, and dataflow. Based on these, various kinds of analyses can

be performed. Tools supported by Rapide are constraint checkers (analyzing for conform-

ance to constraints described in the model1), poset browsers (supporting event visualiza-

tion, while providing for filtering of events for scalability purposes), and animation tools

(graphically display the execution using real-time animation for ease of visualization of


Rapide’s strengths lie on the use of its various analyses tools. The type of anal-

yses they support are all based on improper event ordering and/or timing during some sim-

ulation.2 Their literature shows a fairly detailed example on detecting deadlock for a

dining philosophers architecture [Luckham 1996]. Rapide allows for the specification of

an architecture to be done based on its interfaces, leaving the actual replacement of those

by various components with their specific behavior for a later phase. Based on that, one

can envision using various pre-existing components on any existing architecture, as long

as they conform to the specified interface.

1. The constraint checker is not fully implemented yet [Luckham 1996].2. Note that some problems only occur occasionally within a single simulation scenario, because

there is non-determinism allowed.


Since Rapide is biased towards event-based systems, composing parts via data

connections follows naturally, whereas it does not provide for easy means of modeling

control connections. It also provides no support for specifying certain system characteris-

tics required for the work being proposed here, such as preemption and backtracking (to

be discussed in part III).

2.6.7 SADL

The work on SADL by Moriconi, Qian, and Riemenschneider [Moriconi et al.

1995] relies on the assumption that large systems’ architectures are described by a hierar-

chy of related architectures. Where higher levels represent abstractions of lower ones,

which may differ in number and kind of components and connectors. This hierarchy being

informally described, thus leading to an error-prone refinement process.

Based on these observations, they introduce a methodology for correct step-

wise refinement of software architectures, by using instances of architectural refinement

patterns that are correctness preserving and compositional. The use of this methodology

should ultimately lead to fewer architectural design errors, and to extensive and systematic

reuse of design knowledge and proofs.

To prove the relative correctness between two architectures, they specify an

interpretation mapping between them. An interpretation mapping is an association

between formulas of the language of the abstract architecture and formulas of the lan-

guage of the concrete one. An interpretation mapping is determined using a name and a

style mapping. The name mapping simply associates the names of the objects in the


abstract architecture with those of the concrete one. Thus it needs to be specified for every

given pair of architectures. The style mapping says how the constructs of an abstract-level

style can be implemented in terms of the constructs of a concrete-level style. These tend to

be complex, but need only be defined and proven once. After that the style mapping can be

safely reused whenever necessary.

The authors discuss two different forms of composition for architectures, verti-

cal and horizontal composition. Vertical composition is used to chain together a sequence

of correct architectures, allowing the conclusion that the most concrete architecture in a

hierarchy is correct with respect to the most abstract architecture in the hierarchy. Hori-

zontal composition is used to compose instances of refinement patterns to form one large

composite refinement architecture. It is also used to compose existing architectures into

larger architectures.

They then suggest that if two abstract architectures share only components and

lower-level architectures share only images of those components under the interpretation

mapping, then they can be correctly composed. Subsequently, they show the example in

figure 3,1 as being an appropriate horizontal composition example.

The composite system shown in figure 3 adheres to their composability crite-

rion, but it could have problems, depending on intrinsic characteristics of both subsystems

A and B. The problem is that they assume the linking architecture will take care of the

integration problems, without considering the potential complexity of the issues involved.

1. Figure 4 in their paper.


A deficiency in their paper is that they listed some architectural styles but never

explained what they consider relevant characteristics, nor how the styles compare to each

other. They actually refrain from considering issues like “can components execute concur-

rently?” or “does the system allow for preemption?” which are clearly very important

when dealing with architectural composition.

Their work’s main focus is clearly on architecture refinement. Vertical compos-

ability follows naturally from there, but not horizontal. In horizontal composition, “linking

architecture” was mentioned as a solution, we know this can be very complex, and they

never hinted on how to deal with that complexity or the problems that may arise.

Our work focuses on horizontal composition, more specifically, on detecting

potential problems in possible “linking architecture” solutions. Consequently, it is a great

complement to the Moriconi, Qian, and Riemenschneider body of work.

Subsystem A


Linking Architecture


Subsystem B



Composite System


Figure 3: Horizontal Composition Example


They actually do discuss what connects to what, and shared variables, but there

is no way of representing concurrency, dynamism, termination, or preemption using

SADL [Moriconi and Riemenschneider 1997]. So if there could be any potential problems

on these areas, there would be problems on applying even vertical composition.

2.6.8 UniCon

UniCon is an ADL whose primary focus is on supporting descriptions of archi-

tectures, “localizing and codifying the ways components interact, and distinguishing

among various packagings of components that require different forms of interaction”

[Shaw et al. 1995]. More specifically, the objectives of UniCon and its tool set include: (a)

providing uniform access to a wide range of components and connectors (not restricted to

a single style); (b) discriminating among various types of components and connectors,

facilitating the checking for proper configurations; (c) supporting the use of analysis tools

developed by others, and using different underlying representations; and (d) handling

existing components as any other component.

In UniCon components are specified by their type, property lists (attribute-

value pairs), and interaction points (players) where connectors are to be hooked. Connec-

tors are described by their type, property lists, and interaction points (roles) where they are

supposed to interface with components [Zelesnik 1996]. System configurations are then

defined by associating specific components’ players with specific connectors’ roles.

Towards achieving objective (a), several types of pre-defined components and

connectors are provided in a miscellaneous collection, from which the architect is to


choose the ones considered appropriate for the specific situation. Objective (b) is fulfilled

by differentiating among the types of interaction points provided by all types of compo-

nents (players) and connectors (roles), UniCon allows for the restriction of those combina-

tions (i.e., not all player-role pairs are allowed during system composition) by means of

implicit rules. These localized checks is the only means of mismatch detection currently

provided by the UniCon tool set, there are no means of specifying global systems’ con-

straints. Mismatches that occur as side effects to the composition of certain components

and connectors are not detected at all (e.g., the presence of potential for deadlock, or the

existence of some high resource contention).

Objective (c), supporting the use of analysis tools developed by others, and

using different underlying representations has already been recognized as extremely

important by the software architecture research community, hence the effort on ACME

(see section 2.6.1). Note that the same property list approach that UniCon uses has also

been adopted by ACME, and by the Architecture Capture Tool (ACT-1) currently under

development at USC. Currently, UniCon supports for rate-monotonic analyses by another

independent CMU tool, and there is on going work for translating to and from ACME.

The way that UniCon handles pre-existing components (objective (d)) is by

defining their interfaces according to UniCon terms. This means to say that during compo-

sition, the only mismatch checking that happens in this situation is once again on making

sure that the specific role-player combination is an allowed one.


2.6.9 Wright

Wright supports the specification and analysis of interactions between archi-

tectural components. Components and connectors are specified using a CSP based nota-

tion. Specifically, connectors are described by a protocol which specifies the behavior of

the components which it connects [Allen and Garlan 1994]. They are described by their

interface points (roles) which indicate what is expected of the components to participate in

the interaction, and how that interaction actually takes place (glue). Components are

described by their interface points (ports) and their behavior (computation), which indi-

cates how the ports are associated to each other by the component’s behavior. Once com-

ponent and connector instances are declared, systems configurations are defined by

associating pairs of specific component port to connector role.

Some of Wright’s main features are the precise description of architectural

structures and their abstract behavior, the ability to define architectural styles, and a set of

consistency and completeness checks for architectural descriptions [Allen and Garlan

1996]. Architectural structures are obtained by description of their components, connec-

tors, and their configurations. Their abstract behavior is obtained by evaluating the compu-

tation part of components, along with the glue part of connectors.

Architectural styles in Wright are described by the components and connectors

that can be used in the style, along with a set of constraints specifying how these elements

can be composed to build a system in that particular style [Monroe et al. 1997]. Hence,

Wright allows for style-specific information checking, but does not provide any support

for heterogeneous styles and checking for the consequent possible mismatches.


Wright provides various consistency and completeness checks [Allen and Gar-

lan 1996]. Some of them are: port-computation consistency (ensuring that component

descriptions are consistent); connector deadlock-free; roles deadlock-free; port-role com-

patibility (flagging invalid combinations); style constraints (making sure all predicates for

that style hold); attachment completeness (any port/role that is unattached must be able to

behave as a process that simply halts).



Part III: Contribution

The following sections describe our approach to answering the central disserta-

tion question. We first describe the overall approach to extending the AAA model taken.

This is followed by a discussion of our results, which includes descriptions of the various

styles covered, a discussion on relevant new conceptual features found, and details on the

various architectural mismatches that we address.

Subsequently, we present the ways in which the formal Z model has evolved,

along with some of its fragments. Finally, we include details on how to use our results

towards compositional analysis of systems.



3.0 Approach Description

We chose to tackle the central dissertation problem by extending and generaliz-

ing the body of work started by Ahmed Abd-Allah [Abd-Allah 1996] (section 2.5). His

model can distinguish between systems built using the distributed processes, event-based,

layered, main-subroutine, multithreaded, pipe-and-filter, and software bus styles. This

work evolves his original model to provide more complete style (and consequently sys-

tems, COTS and GOTS packages) coverage.

Each style has a very particular set of characteristics. Hence, by studying vari-

ous other styles we have determined where Abd-Allah’s set of conceptual features needed

to be extended, such that the model can be used to distinguish between a larger number of

systems.1 As a natural consequence of increasing the number of conceptual features, the

model can also be used to detect an increased set of potential architectural mismatches

during composition. We use the blackboard, closed-loop feedback control, logic program-

ming, real-time, rule-based, transactional database, and internet distributed entities styles.

Our initial approach was to investigate the blackboard style depth-first, by

working on its description and modeling it in Z.2 The blackboard style suggested the addi-

tion of a new conceptual feature, which forced us to revisit the previously defined styles.

As a result of this modeling activity we were able to determine mismatches that could

potentially occur while combining blackboard systems with other blackboard systems, or

1. The need to have the model reflect new conceptual features also implied a need to modify someattributes of base elements, as well as add new constraints on them in order to depict new styles.

2. We used a plain text form of Z called ZSL [Jia 1994]. ZSL has the advantage of coming with anautomated type checker (ZTC) which was used to verify the syntactic correctness of the model’sspecification. For an introduction to ZSL see appendix A.


systems using any of the styles previously described by Abd-Allah. These mismatches

included a subset of the ones described by Abd-Allah in table 5 on page 24, as well as

some new ones. Thus, the hypothesis that the original seven conceptual features intro-

duced by Abd-Allah would cover the full range of architectural style mismatches is false.

Subsequently we examined each and every one of the styles using a breadth-

next approach (section 4.0). The idea was to highlight the characteristics of each style that

are the most relevant to composition. Based on these descriptions we were able to detect

some new very important conceptual features, and clearly identify some of their relevance

to detecting potential mismatches (section 5.1). This new set of conceptual features was

then used as a basis for describing each and every one of the styles we chose to address

(section 5.2).

We also used the new set of conceptual features, to determine the dimensions

relevant to the conceptual features space, thus providing orthogonality of the various con-

cepts involved. We also provided guidelines on how to evolve the conceptual feature set

based on the described space (section 5.3 on page 72).

Later we determined an extensive set of architectural mismatches that may

occur during systems composition, and can be determined based on the selections of con-

ceptual features of the parts to be composed and the means used for composition

(section 6.0).

As a formal basis for the efforts whose results can be seen in sections 4.0 - 6.0,

we also made an extensive Z-modeling effort,1 yielding the results discussed in

section 7.0, and presented in its entirety in appendix C.


The results from the activities above were then used as the basis for our tool for

supporting the diagnosis of potential architectural mismatches during systems’ composi-

tion (section 8.3). Our model is more powerful than the tool engine built. The model can

determine the existence of specific violating situations, but it also requires a very thorough

description of all parts involved. The tool on the other hand requires a minimal effort to

provide the input required to perform the analysis -- systems are described in terms of

styles and/or features -- but as a penalty can only flag potential mismatches. Our judge-

ment has been that the results of this work should be more valuable for early risk resolu-

tion, hence the chosen tool approach more valuable.1

We have also applied the tool to an example, which is discussed in section 8.3.

It is important to note that this description shows the temporal ordering of the

work, not the actual sequencing of their description in this document. This document has

been formatted for ease of reading.

3.1 Extending the AAA Model

Before going into the details of our work, we will now revisit a few points

made while discussing Abd-Allah’s work (section 2.5 on page 19), that do clarify the

exact evolution from Abd-Allah’s AAA model. These are:

1. Our formal model described in the Z language, provides elements (with their attributes and con-straints) that can be specialized, composed, and have constraints imposed on their conglomer-ates in order to describe architectural styles, software systems architectures, and theircomposition. Our model also provides means of detecting architectural mismatches during sys-tems’ composition.

1. Although we encourage the use of the AAA tool, we also provided in section 8.0 guidelines onhow to use our results at a high level on paper (section 8.1), and in a very detailed level with themodel (section 8.2).


• His set of architectural base elements changed a bit (e.g., triggers and objects are not

base elements anymore, rather they are specializations and relations between existing

underlying elements respectively). Also their characteristics changed considerably to

reflect new conceptual features at the model level. All these changes are discussed in

section 7.0.

• His set of conceptual features also evolved considerably (section 5.0). Additionally we

explain how to represent each and every feature while modeling some specific style

and/or system (section 7.2).

• We also provide some discussion on the space defined by our conceptual feature set,

and guidelines on how to evolve it. (section 5.3).

• The original set of mismatches detected by his model did not only evolve to reflect the

new conceptual features, but also includes other mismatches related to the features he

originally introduced (e.g., considerations about the encapsulation characteristic).

Additionally, we have also included explanations on the required preconditions, and

the exact problems entailed in each and every one of the mismatches (section 6.0).

• We have added a specific Z operation to check for each and every one of the static mis-

matches we uncovered (section 7.4), and some Z operations to address the detection of

dynamic mismatches (StartSystem, ActualDataTransfer, and ActualControlTransfer).

We did consider the idea of replacing Z as the underlying formalism of this

model by some pre-existing ADL. This would have the added benefit of directly allowing

specifications (written in the chosen ADL) to be checked for architectural mismatches, as

well as undergo whatever analyses provided by the chosen ADL and its tool set. We


decided against it since there is no single ADL that does provide everything we require.

Using an ADL that allows us to add new characteristics was also infeasible, since the

extensions would have been so many that they would actually defeat the purpose of using

a pre-existing ADL.



4.0 Styles Descriptions

This section includes descriptions of the various styles addressed by this work.

It contains some comments on the event-based style first described by Abd-Allah

(section 4.1), and descriptions of the various styles considered by this work---blackboard

style (section 4.2), rule-based (section 4.3), logic programming (section 4.4), database-

centric (section 4.5), real-time (section 4.6), closed-loop feedback control (section 4.7),

and internet distributed entities (section 4.8).

4.1 Revisiting Event-Based

As described by Abd-Allah, event-based systems: were static (allowed for no

spawns); had data transfers supported by shared variables; involved some triggering capa-

bilities; were single-threaded; were unconstrained with respect to distribution and layer-

ing; and had encapsulation. This particular representation worked very well in his case, it

clearly differentiated between event-based and distributed processes.

Most people tend to think of event-based systems as deviating slightly from

Abd-Allah’s characterization. The usual definition differs from the one above in that

event-based systems are thought of as being unconstrained with respect to dynamism and

multi-threaded. Hence, this is the definition we will be using in the model from now on.

Additionally, Abd-Allah restricted the triggering events to be only the receipt of certain

messages, we do consider triggering events as being any of:

• data transfer

• control transfer


• absolute time value reached

• deadline (sequence of time value, control transfer or data transfer, time value)

• sequences of any of the above

Our interpretation of the event-based style also imposes no restrictions on the

mechanisms available for sharing data, nor on whether there is encapsulation present or


4.2 Blackboard

The blackboard model has been very well described in the literature [Nii

1986]. Below one can find the information that is relevant for our modeling purpose.

In the blackboard model, there is a central data structure which contains repre-

sentations of the solution space. The domain knowledge is partitioned into independent

modules of knowledge that transform information from the solution space, with the goal

of reaching a solution to the problem at hand. Which module of knowledge to apply is

determined dynamically, one step at a time, resulting in the incremental generation of par-

tial solutions. The choice of a knowledge module is based on the solution state (particu-

larly, the latest additions and modifications to the data structure containing pieces of the

solution) and on the existence of knowledge modules capable of improving the current

state of the solution.

The blackboard model is usually described as consisting of three major compo-



• The knowledge sources: separate and independent modules of problem-specific


• The blackboard data structure: the problem solving state data are kept in a glo-

bal database, the blackboard. This data are shared by all knowledge sources.

• Control: knowledge sources respond opportunistically to changes in the black-

board. The actual locus of control is implementation dependent, it can be in the

knowledge sources, on the blackboard, in a separate module, or in some combi-

nation of the three.

Knowledge sources produce changes to the blackboard that lead incrementally

to a solution to the problem. No one source of knowledge can solve the problem by itself;

the solution to the problem depends on the combined contributions of many specialists.

The objective of each knowledge source is to contribute information that will lead to a

solution to the problem. Cooperation is achieved by assuming that whatever information is

needed is supplied by someone else.

The knowledge sources and only the knowledge sources modify the black-

board. All modifications to the solution state are explicit and visible. Communication and

interaction among the knowledge sources take place solely through the blackboard. The

control unit does not write on the blackboard.

Each knowledge source is responsible for knowing the conditions under which

it can contribute to a solution. Each knowledge source has preconditions that indicate the

condition on the blackboard which must exist before the body of the knowledge source is



The purpose of the blackboard is to hold computational and solution-state data

needed by and produced by the knowledge sources. Only the knowledge sources are

allowed to make changes to the blackboard. Based on the latest changes to the information

on the blackboard, a control module(s) selects and executes the next knowledge source(s).

The solution is built one step at a time. The sequence of knowledge sources

invocation is dynamic and opportunistic rather than fixed and pre-programmed. The

knowledge sources respond opportunistically to changes in the blackboard. The control

module(s) monitors the changes on the blackboard and decides what actions to take next.

The control unit(s) dynamically chooses (decides) which knowledge source(s) to activate

next based on the blackboard contents, the knowledge sources’ preconditions, and some

control information (such as the history of changes to the information on the blackboard).

Blackboard systems have backtracking to support their reasoning engine, they

are non-reentrant and non-preemptive.

4.3 Rule-Based

This description of the rule-based style is heavily founded in the concepts

described in the literature [Hayes-Roth 1985] [Rich and Knight 1991] [Shaw and Garlan

1996], while focusing on the features that are relevant for composition.

A rule-based system uses a repository of shared facts (working memory) as the

only means of sharing information among its various rules (i.e., there are no data connec-

tors). Here rules are our control components, and facts our shared data.


Rules have explicit preconditions that need to be matched by facts in order to

permit their execution. The order in which the rules are introduced in the system deter-

mines their execution priorities. System execution follows a match-select-execute cycle,

i.e., first the interpreter determines a match by checking the rules’ preconditions against

the current facts in working memory, then among all those that had their preconditions ful-

filled the one(s) with the highest priority is selected and executed. The execution of rules

changes the problem solving state by changing the facts based on new knowledge.

Rule-based systems may use both forward and backward chaining when trying

to solve a problem. Since they do have backward chaining, they allow for backtracking.

They are typically non-reentrant and non-preemptive.

4.4 Logic Programming

This description of the logic programming style is heavily founded in the con-

cepts described in the literature [Genesereth and Ginsberg 1985] [Clocksin and Mellish

1987] [Rich and Knight 1991], while focusing on the features that are relevant for compo-


A logic programming system uses shared information on unification values as

the only means of sharing information among its various rules (i.e., there are no data con-

nectors). Here rules are our control components.

Rules have head terms that need to be unified as a precondition to permit their

execution. The order in which the rules are introduced in the system determines their exe-

cution priorities. System execution follows a unify-execute cycle, i.e., the interpreter tries


to unify the head term of the rule, and then, if any successful unification is found, execute

it. While executing, rules may invoke (or call) other rules. If some chosen unification fails

when executing the rule, then the system backtracks to try for other options. Systems use

backward chaining when solving problems, no forward chaining occurs.

Since logic programming systems have backward chaining, they allow for

backtracking. They are typically non-reentrant and non-preemptive.

4.5 Transactional Database-Centric

This description of the transactional database-centric style is heavily founded

in the concepts described in the literature [Elmasri and Navathe 1989], while focusing on

the features that seem to be relevant for composition.

Transactional database-centric systems have a central repository (or database),

of data that is shared among the various control components of the system. There is a data-

base management system (DBMS), which handles concurrent accesses to data, recovery

from error situations, and enforces integrity and security constraints. Thus, the DBMS

takes care of maintaining data integrity. DBMSs typically support multiple users (and con-

sequently are reentrant), and may have different locking data items granularity (field level,

record level, disk block, whole file, or whole database). DBMSs may also allow for differ-

ent priorities based on the query type.

Databases may vary in various aspects: they may be distributed or not; they

may be replicated or not; their structural organization may be relational, network, hierar-


chical, or object-oriented; as well as the semantics of the data they contain can be

extremely diverse. Also, different databases may be managed by distinct DBMSs.

Databases are persistent, kept on disk, hence data is not lost if, or when, the

application terminates. Since exceptions may occur--such as transactions not being com-

pleted because of disk or computer failure, or transaction or system error--database-centric

systems do provide support for rollback/recovery, in order to maintain data integrity, by

avoiding data inconsistencies.

The response time requirements for most database queries is typically


4.6 Real-Time

This description of the real-time style is heavily founded in the concepts

described in the literature [Stankovic 1988] [Ripps 1989] [Bihari and Gopinath 1992]

[Kurki-Suonio 1993] [Gomaa 1993] [Fiddler 1994] [Shaw and Garlan 1996], while focus-

ing on the features that are relevant for composition.

Real-time systems are typically multi-threaded, having threads of tasks. Some

of their inputs and events arrive asynchronously, and trigger various levels of response.

Very often, as a response to some event, some (or all) of the active tasks must be pre-

empted, so that more urgent tasks can execute. CPU is not the only potential source of

contention, shared resources play a very big part as well.

Response time for certain events and components must be predictable in all

cases,1 whether they are preempted or not. Tasks and resources are scheduled accordingly


by the scheduler, which may sit on top of the operating system, or be part of some modi-

fied version of it.

Real-time systems usually have no support for backtracking, and are non-reen-


4.7 Closed-Loop Feedback Control

This description of the closed-loop feedback control is heavily founded in the

concepts described in the literature [Westphal 1995] [Shaw and Garlan 1996], while

focusing on the features that are relevant for composition.

Closed-loop feedback control systems have a cycle involving control and/or

data connectors, and/or shared data. The execution cycle never terminates, unless some

unpredicted error situation occurs, or the power is turned off. The system continuously

monitors some controlled variables, and proceeds with behavioral adaptations as needed.

The controlled variables are explicitly shared data.

Closed-loop feedback control systems have a set of control components for

processing manipulated variables, and producing effects on controlled variables. They also

have a set of control components for measuring adjustments required by controlled vari-

ables, this set of control components is also known as the controller. Depending on their

complexity, closed-loop feedback control systems may have one or more (monitor-adjust)

cycles, and consequently one or more controllers.

1. Since work can only be done towards anticipated possibilities, “in all cases” here should beinterpreted as “in all foreseeable cases.”


While the processing components are preemptive so they can quickly adjust to

changes required, there is no backtracking or reentrance present.

4.8 Internet Distributed Entities

The World Wide Web (WWW) is an information and communication system

that merges the techniques of networked information and hypertext to make a powerful

global information system. It allows the representation of any information accessible over

the network as part of a seamless hypertext information space.

The WWW is popularly used on the Internet with data communications operat-

ing according to a client/server model. Web clients (browsers) can access information

available at web servers located anywhere in a common network.

Java can be used in conjunction with the web, extending its basic framework. A

Java-enabled browser interprets and displays information sent from the server, information

which can include both hypertext and bytecodes.1 Once an applet is downloaded, it runs

on the client side. The applet may then continue interacting with the server (or even con-

tact other servers) via CORBA IIOP [Orfali et al. 1997], RMI [Downing 1998], HTTP

[December and Ginsburg 1995], or RPC and socket libraries [Stevens 1990].

We call here the internet distributed entities style that of applications running

on the web on top of the Internet, while using Java.2 Applications on this style are layered,

following “networking layers” for data and control connections.

1. Bytecode is the machine-readable code that is created as the result of compiling a Java languagesource file. This is the code distributed across the network to run an applet.

2. Others have called this style the Internet Distributed Objects [Kogut and Creps 1998].


An important characteristic to note on Java is that it eliminates most of the pro-

gramming problems related to memory management by providing automatic or on the fly

garbage collection.

Internet distributed entities systems are then multi-threaded, dynamic and dis-

tributed.Their response times are unbounded, and although many do not support back-

tracking, web-based agents do, hence the style is unconstrained with respect to

backtracking. From its composing components, at least the server is reentrant.

When developing web based applications many other issues arise such as how

to split the load between the client and server, how is security to be handled, error detec-

tion and correction mechanisms. These issues will not be addressed here, they are

addressed elsewhere in the literature [Orfali et al. 1996, Lee 1998, Curtis 1997].


5.0 Conceptual Features

By analyzing the informal descriptions of the various styles discussed in this

work (see section 4.0), various characteristics were determined as being relevant to sys-

tems’ composition. This section introduces each one of them (section 5.1), then discusses

the choices made by each of the styles for these various features (section 5.2), and finally

discusses the conceptual feature space they determine, and how to evolve it (section 5.3).

5.1 Descriptions

While studying systems’ composition, a considerable number of features (or

characteristics) were determined to be extremely relevant for the mismatch detection pro-

cess. Here is a description of each one of those features, along with some indication on

why they are relevant for this work.1

5.1.1 Concurrency

Styles often constrain the number of concurrent threads that may execute

within a system. A single-threaded system is limited to only one thread of control compo-

nents linked by a chain of calls (blocking control connectors), while multi-threaded sys-

tems allow more than one thread to execute concurrently.2

1. Note that some of these features (section 5.1.1 - section 5.1.7) had originally been introduced byAbd-Allah (see section 2.5). Some of the original definitions and possible values have beenaltered to reflect a wider range of characteristics (e.g., dynamism now includes threads termina-tion and downloadable applets; supported data transfers include shared repositories; triggeringevents are not only single data transfers, but actually sequences of data and/or control transfers,and/or some specific time being reached).

2. Note that concurrency is not the same as dynamism. All dynamic systems are concurrent, but theconverse is not true.


When categorizing a style or system as being concurrent or not, we are actually

describing whether they are multi-threaded or not. We are not addressing multiprocessing

nor multitasking characteristics.

When a control component c1 in a single-threaded subsystem calls a control

component c2 in a multi-threaded dynamic subsystem, problems may arise by c2 spawn-

ing c3, terminating and returning control to c1, whose subsystem assumes it is running

alone, consequently creating synchronization problems on accessing shared data, and/or

resource contention.

5.1.2 Distribution

A style may or may not constrain the mapping of system entities to nodes. If

the mapping is to more than one node, then the style’s systems are naturally distributed.

If one of the composing subsystems was originally confined to a single node,

and the resulting composed system is distributed, problems arise because the subsystem

originally non-distributed cannot handle delays and/or errors occurred due to some distrib-

uted communication event.

5.1.3 Dynamism

We refer to a system as being dynamic if it allows for changes to its control

topology while it is running. This includes the addition and termination of concurrent

threads as it executes, as well as the downloading of applets.

An example of the relevance of the dynamism feature during systems’ compo-

sition occurs when subsystems are being composed via spawns, and at least one of the


composing subsystems does not support the dynamic creation of threads. This may actu-

ally cause synchronization problems, as well as resources contention.

For the purpose of this work, the variations that may occur from system to sys-

tem concerning dynamism are that no dynamism is present, or any combination of: threads

can be initiated; threads can be terminated; and there are applets that may be downloaded.

5.1.4 Encapsulation

Encapsulation refers to the ability of providing users with a well-defined inter-

face to a set of functions (or objects) in a way which hides their internal workings. This

entails making (some) data and processing within control components private, which

allows the internal implementation to be modified without requiring any change to the

application that uses it.

Any particular system may choose to contain encapsulation or not.

An illustration of the kind of problems that may arise related to the encapsula-

tion feature is the fact that composition could be expected to occur via some bridging

shared data, but that data is private within its original subsystem.

5.1.5 Layering

Layered systems are organized hierarchically, each layer providing a virtual

machine to the layer immediately above and serving as a client to the layer immediately

below. Connectors are defined by protocols that determine how layers interact, and inter-

actions are only allowed between components within the same layer, or on adjacent ones.


Styles may or may not impose system layering constraints on its control com-

ponents. The layers must be specified with respect to a connector, e.g. a set of layers

linked by control connectors. Hence, systems may have no layering, or have layering with

respect to either control or data connectors.

During composition, the situation may be such that one of the composing sub-

systems originally included layering constraints either on control or data connectors, and

composition is achieved by extending exactly that kind of connector to such a subsystem.

The bridging connector may actually ignore these layering constraints, thus violating


5.1.6 Supported Data Transfers

Of the styles we studied, all of them achieved data transfers through some

combination of: shared data variables; explicit data connectors; and shared repositories.

During composition via bridging shared data, if one of the composing sub-

systems had no shared data support, we may run into synchronization problems.

5.1.7 Triggering Capability

Hardware has interrupts, and software has triggers. Triggers are mechanisms

that initiate specific actions when certain events occur. Events can be sequences of basic

events such as a control or data transfer, or some specific time being reached. Actions can

be sequences of basic actions like a control or data transfer.

Some of the styles visited have some triggering capabilities, while others have



During composition, if at least 2 of the composing subsystems have triggering,

and there is at least one event that has more than one trigger associated with it, one from

each of the composing subsystems (i.e, each of the composing subsystems had its own set

of actions that should occur once the event happens), then it is not clear which set of

actions should actually occur based on the composition, and if all it is not clear what the

ordering should be.

5.1.8 Backtracking

Backtracking is a scheme for solving a series of sub-problems each of which

may have multiple possible solutions and where the solution chosen for one sub-problem

may affect the possible solutions of later sub-problems. To solve the overall problem, we

find a solution to the first sub-problem and then attempt to recursively solve the other sub-

problems based on this first solution. If we cannot, or we want all possible solutions, we

backtrack and try the next possible solution to the first sub-problem and so on.

Rollback is a database management system (DBMS) feature that reverses the

current transaction out of the database, returning the database to its former state. This is

done when some failure interrupts a half-completed transaction.

Because of the similarities between the traditional definition of backtracking

and the one of rollback, this work combines both under the single name “backtracking”.

Therefore under our classification, systems (and styles) may exhibit backtracking charac-

teristics or not.


During composition via a bridging spawn, the spawner may belong to a sub-

system that has backtracking. This being the case, if the spawner backtracks after the

spawn has occurred, there is no pre-existing way of backtracking the state changes caused

by the spawned end.

5.1.9 Control Unit

Some styles and/or systems have a central control unit which is responsible for

arbitrating which components are to execute at any given point in time. That is, it dictates

the execution ordering based on some pre-defined mechanism. Additionally, it is possible

for systems to have distributed control units or none at all.

Hence, for our classification purpose, systems (and styles) may contain a cen-

tral control unit, distributed control units, or no control units.

An illustration of the kind of problems that may arise related to the control unit

feature is the fact that as a result of composition more than one central control unit may

exist, all of which assume they have absolute control on execution sequencing.

5.1.10 Component Priorities

Differing priorities for control components reflect the fact that some tasks’

results may be more urgent than others, or simply that previous knowledge shows that exe-

cuting some control component before another yields better results.

Many of the styles visited (see section 4.0 on page 48) grant differing priorities

to their control components. Styles and systems may require that their components exhibit

some prioritization or not.


An instance in which the component priorities may cause mismatches during

composition is if one of the subsystems to be composed has a prioritized structure, since

then it is not clear where a component with or without an associated priority fits in an

overall separately prioritized structure.

5.1.11 Preemption

We say we have preemption present when the scheduler can interrupt and sus-

pend (“swap out”) a currently running task in order to start or continue running (“swap

in”) another task. The tasks under preemptive multitasking can be written as though they

were the only task and the scheduler decides when to swap them. The scheduler must

ensure that when swapping tasks, sufficient state is saved and restored, and that tasks do

not interfere.

Styles and systems may require preemption to be present or not.

If composition is to be achieved via a bridging call, and the caller is preemp-

tive, while the callee is not, we may run into problems when preempting the caller,

because the callee will not be preempted.

5.1.12 Reconfiguration1

Upon some special conditions (or failures), some systems perform on-line

reconfiguration, whereas others have it done off-line. Also, some systems have on-the-fly

garbage collection, thus reconfiguring its memory space on-line.

1. This feature was not drawn from any of the specific styles visited, but it is a very relevantdescriptor for systems undergoing composition.


For the purpose of this work, the variations that may occur from system to sys-

tem concerning reconfiguration are that there may be on the fly garbage collection, and

reconfiguration may be done either on line or it may require off line intervention.

If at least one of the parts to be composed has on-line reconfiguration, while at

least one other has reconfiguration off-line, then upon failure only part of the resulting sys-

tem will automatically reconfigure.

5.1.13 Reentrance

A reentrant code can have multiple simultaneous, interleaved, or nested invo-

cations which will not interfere with each other. This is important for parallel processing,

recursive functions or subroutines, and interrupt handling.

It is usually easy to arrange for multiple invocations (e.g. calls to a subroutine)

to share one copy of the code and any read-only data but, for the code to be re-entrant,

each invocation must use its own copy of any modifiable data (or synchronized access to

shared data). This is most often achieved using a stack and allocating local variables in a

new stack frame for each invocation.

Systems (and styles) may contain control components that are reentrant.

When composition is to be achieved via some bridging call, and the callee is

not reentrant, it may be the case that this call occurs once the callee is already running, in

a way which contaminates the state information of the already-running invocation.


5.1.14 Response Times

Some systems require that the response time for certain events be predictable,

others expect some bounded response time, and others may even have no bound as far as

response time is concerned. Some systems may contain cycles, in which case the overall

response time for the system is unbounded, but each cycle may have a stricter response

time requirement.

For the purpose of this work, the variations that may occur from system to sys-

tem concerning response times are that there may be some predictable, bounded, or

unbounded response time requirements; or they may be cyclic (where by cyclic we mean it

contains a cycle that will run indefinitely).

An example of the relevance of the response time feature during systems’ com-

position occurs when there is a call to a cyclic subsystem, since it will never terminate1

and consequently never return the control to the caller.

5.2 Styles Choices

Now we need to revisit the previously described styles (section 4.0 on page 48)

and determine how the various conceptual features apply to them. Note that styles may

choose to be unconstrained with respect to some of the features, connoting that each par-

ticular system instance of that style has the freedom to implement such feature as suited.2

1. It will never terminate under foreseen conditions, unexpected situations may cause it to termi-nate abnormally.

2. Here again, some of the styles had originally been described by Abd-Allah, but only reflectedthe conceptual features his work encompassed. These styles are being revisited here(section 5.2.1 - section 5.2.4) in order to reflect all relevant features, and in the case of the event-based style also the changes discussed in section 4.1.


5.2.1 Distributed Processes

This style is multi-threaded and dynamic, allowing for spawns and termination

of threads, but is unconstrained with respect to applets. Data is transferred via explicit data

connectors, but it may also have shared data variables or shared repositories.

Distributed processes systems are distributed over multiple physical processor

nodes. They have no support for backtracking, and are unconstrained with respect to trig-

gering. These systems typically have unbounded response time requirements, no differen-

tiating priorities among their various control components, and no control unit.

The distributed processes style is unconstrained with respect to layering,

encapsulation, preemption, reentrance, and reconfiguration.

5.2.2 Event-Based

This style is multi-threaded and unconstrained as far as the spawning and ter-

mination of threads, or the existence of applets is concerned. It has triggering capabilities

steered by the event manager, which may be a central control unit or a set of distributed

ones. Its control components have implicit priorities, determined by the order of basic

actions to be taken upon specific event occurrences. Its systems instances typically have

unbounded response time requirements, and no support for backtracking.

The event-based style is unconstrained with respect to reentrance, its supported

data transfers, distribution, layering, encapsulation, preemption, and reconfiguration.


5.2.3 Main-Subroutine

The main-subroutine style is static, permitting no spawns, no terminates, and

containing no applets. It contains shared data variables, but typically no explicit data con-

nectors, nor shared repositories. It has no support for triggering, is single-threaded, and is


Instance systems of the main-subroutine style usually do not support preemp-

tion or backtracking, have unbounded response time requirements, have no differentiating

priorities among their various control components, and have no control unit. Main is non-

reentrant, but other control components may be.

This style is unconstrained with respect to layering, encapsulation, and recon-


5.2.4 Pipe-and-Filter

The pipe-and-filter style is static and multi-threaded, all filters start executing

when the system is started, and there are no spawns or terminates, but there may be

applets. Data is transferred via explicit data connectors, the pipes. It has no support for

triggering, preemption, backtracking or reentrance.

Systems of the pipe-and-filter style have unbounded response time require-

ments, no differentiating priorities among their various control components, and no con-

trol unit.

This style is unconstrained with respect to distribution, layering, encapsulation,

and reconfiguration.


5.2.5 Transactional Database-Centric

This style is unconstrained with respect to applets. There is data sharing via the

shared repository, the database. It has triggering capabilities guided by its central control

unit, the DBMS. It may have differentiating priorities among the various control compo-

nents depending on the kind of query they perform, and there is support for backtracking

in the form of rollback for the DBMS.

Transactional database-centric systems are typically multi-threaded, and have

response time requirements that are bounded. The DBMS is reentrant, whereas other con-

trol components are unconstrained in that respect.

The transactional database-centric style is unconstrained with respect to the

dynamic creation or termination of threads, the existence of data connectors, distribution,

layering, encapsulation, preemption, and reconfiguration.

5.2.6 Blackboard

The blackboard style may contain applets. The only means of data sharing and

transferring is via the shared repository. It has triggering capabilities guided by its central

control unit, the control unit. Its control components are prioritized, and there is support

for backtracking. Blackboard systems have no support for preemption or reentrance.

This style is unconstrained with respect to the dynamic creation or termination

of threads, concurrency, distribution, layering, encapsulation, response time requirements,

and reconfiguration.


5.2.7 Rule-Based

The rule-based style may have applets. The only means of data sharing and

transferring is via the shared repository of facts, the working memory. It has triggering

capabilities guided by its central control unit, the interpreter. Its control components are

prioritized, and there is support for backtracking. Rule-based systems have no support for

preemption or reentrance.

This style is unconstrained with respect to the dynamic creation or termination

of threads, concurrency, distribution, layering, encapsulation, response time requirements,

and reconfiguration.

5.2.8 Logic Programming

The logic programming style may have applets. The only means of data shar-

ing and transferring is via the shared repository of unification values. It has triggering

capabilities guided by its central control unit, the interpreter. Its control components are

prioritized, and there is support for backtracking. Logic programming systems have no

support for preemption or reentrance.

This style is unconstrained with respect to the dynamic creation or termination

of threads, concurrency, distribution, layering, encapsulation, response time requirements,

and reconfiguration.

5.2.9 Real-Time

The real-time style is multi-threaded and dynamic, allowing for spawns and

termination of threads, but no applets. It has triggering capabilities guided by its central


control unit, the scheduler. Its control components are prioritized, it has some predictable

response time requirements, and no support for backtracking. Real-time systems are pre-

emptive, yet non-reentrant.

This style is unconstrained with respect to its supported data transfers, distribu-

tion, layering, encapsulation, and reconfiguration.

5.2.10 Closed-Loop Feedback Control

This style uses no applets. It does have shared data variables: the controlled

variables and possibly others. Triggering capabilities are present, and dealt with by the

controller. Its systems may have one or more controller, that are their control units. At

least the processing components are preemptive, and systems have response time uncon-

strained (while each monitoring cycle has response time cyclic). There is no backtracking

present, nor any reentrance support.

The closed-loop feedback control style is unconstrained with respect to the cre-

ation and termination of threads, the existence of data connectors or shared repositories,

concurrency, distribution, layering, encapsulation, component priorities, and reconfigura-


5.2.11 Internet Distributed Entities

The internet distributed entities style is multi-threaded and dynamic, allowing

for spawns and termination of threads, and also containing downloadable applets. It has

explicit data connectors, and may have shared data variables and/or repositories. It has

triggering capabilities, is distributed and layered with respect to control connectors. Its


response time requirements are unbounded, and there may be support for backtracking. At

least the server is reentrant, there is on the fly garbage collection, and no control unit.

This style is unconstrained with respect to encapsulation, preemption, compo-

nent priorities, and whether there is on or off-line reconfiguration.

5.2.12 Conceptual Features Table Revisited

The discussion above on the various conceptual features and the specific

choices made by each style can be summarized as in table 6 and table 7, where✫ repre-

sents entries that were defined by Abd-Allah’s work (section 2.5),✪ represents entries that

were initially defined by Abd-Allah and later refined by this work,● represents new

entries defined and analyzed in this work, and❙ represents entries that had their specific

values changed by this work. Additionally, entries left blank mean “unconstrained.”

5.3 Conceptual Feature Space

Our conceptual feature set (section 5.1) was built by focusing on the character-

istics that seem relevant to systems’ composition. In order to understand the reasoning

behind determining what is to be considered a conceptual feature or not, one must first

comprehend the characteristics of the conceptual feature space.

First and foremost it is important to keep in mind that we are dealing with

architectural features of applications systems that are relevant to composition, not just any

kind of feature. Those clearly eliminate functional and environmental characteristics [Pri-

eto-Diaz and Freeman 1987] and go beyond signature matching [Zaremski and Wing



✫ DistributedProcesses

✪ Event-Based ✫ Main/ Subroutine✫ Pipe &

Filter● Database-


✫ Concurrency multi-threaded ❙ multi-threaded single-threaded multi-threaded multi-threaded

✫ Distribution multiple nodes single node

✪ Dynamism threads ❙ static, no applets static

✪ Encapsulation ❙

✫ Layering

✪ Supported datatransfers

explicit dataconnectors

❙ shared data variables explicit dataconnectors

shared repository

✫ Triggering capability yes no no yes

● Backtracking no no no no yes (rollback)

● Control unit none none none central

● Component Priorities no implicit no no

● Preemption no no

● Reconfiguration

● Reentrance no (main);unconstrained(others)

no yes

● Response Times unbounded unbounded unbounded unbounded bounded

Table 6: Instances of Our Architectural Style Space


● Blackboard ● Rule-Based● Logic

Programming● Real-Time

● Closed-LoopFeedbackControl

● InternetDistributed Entities

✫ Concurrency multi-threaded multi-threaded

✫ Distribution multiple nodes

✪ Dynamism threads, no applets no appletsthreads,

downloaded Applets

✪ Encapsulation

✫ Layering control

✪ Supported datatransfers

shared repository shared repository shared repository shared variablesdata connectors

✫ Triggeringcapability

yes yes yes yes yesyes

● Backtracking yes yes yes no no

● Control unit central central central central none

● ComponentPriorities

yes yes yes yes

● Preemption no no no yes yes

● Reconfigurationon the fly garbage


● Reentrance no no no no no yes (server)

● Response Times predictable cyclic unbounded

Table 7: Instances of Our Architectural Style Space (cont.)


What we would like from a conceptual feature space is for it to have axes that

portray orthogonality of concepts, as well as support the formal description and classifica-

tion of features along them. Upon the establishment of a new style, one should then ana-

lyze it for its characteristics based on the conceptual feature space axes, to determine

whether it has some feature not presently covered.

We view the conceptual feature space as being defined by control and data flow

issues as well as organizational ones, that are complementary but yet orthogonal. In other

words, architectural features relevant to composition are those that depict how control and

data are to flow through the various components and connectors, as well as specific organi-

zational characteristics of systems. Consequently, we can discuss our conceptual feature

set by their relevance on each of these axes. Some of the conceptual features are relevant

to more than one of these dimensions, while others concentrate on a single one.

When a new style surfaces, one should then analyze it for its control flow, data

flow, and organizational characteristics, to see whether it has some feature not presently

covered. With the conceptual feature set at hand, along with considerations on how each

can affect control and/or data flow and/or organizational characteristics, we can then eval-

uate reusable parts for their features, and consequently classify them accordingly.

By classifying our current features according to our feature space we can

depict those that are related to data flow issues (figure 4), control flow issues (figure 5),

and organizational issues (figure 6).1

1. Both data and control issues axes have the ordering represent the degree of state saving required,whereas the organizational issues one represents the amount of constraints imposed on systemsby using each specific organizational scheme.


The control flow axis (figure 5) looks very busy still. One possible way of clus-

tering the control related information is by degree of state saving and lines of control. By

doing so, under degree of state saving we would have: triggering capability, reentrance,

preemption, reconfiguration, and backtracking; and under lines of control we would have:

concurrency, dynamism, control unit, components priorities, reentrance, and preemption.

Note that response times does not fit into either of these clusters.

Data IssuesC





a T













n &








Figure 4: Data Flow Issues Axis

Control Issues













nt P





e T




















Figure 5: Control Flow Issues Axis

Organizational Issues











Figure 6: Organizational Issues Axis


This initial effort towards defining the conceptual feature space has some

merit, laying out foundations to be further pursued in determining a more robust and for-

mal underpinning. Still it requires further study in a few directions before reaching its full


Further consideration is needed in order to determine the optimum breakout for

the control axis. We mentioned one possible way, but others do exist and may provide a

more useful partition than the one mentioned above. Moreover, a considerable amount of

work is required towards formally defining this space, as well as formally classifying its


The organizational issues axis also needs further characterization, as can be

seen via the complex interaction of encapsulation, layering, and distribution in architec-

tures such as that of the Internet.

We have also done some work towards time classification of systems and what

results should be expected while performing various operations. This can be found in

appendix D.


6.0 Architectural Mismatches

Architectural mismatches are logical inconsistencies between constraints of

different architectures being composed. Here we describe a few examples of the mis-

matches that could be potentially found while composing with systems in the styles cov-

ered by this work (section 6.1). Subsequently, we present the mismatches table containing

a classification of the mismatches we consider relevant during systems composition, along

with explanations of the preconditions required for each of these mismatches to occur, and

the exact problem faced (section 6.2).

6.1 Architectural Mismatches Examples

To elucidate what exactly we mean by architectural mismatches, we discuss

here a few examples in a more in depth fashion.

Consider the case when we wish to have various subsystems, or parts of them,

residing in the same machine. It can be the case where these parts assume a different

underlying platform, hence we cannot have the same machine satisfy both platform

requirements. This is represented by our mismatch number 17, “Erroneous assumption of

same underlying platform.” (see section 6.2).

Another instance of architectural mismatch occurs while composing two (or

more) subsystems each of which containing a central control unit, (e.g. two event-based

subsystems, each contains its own (single) event manager). A problem arises because each

of the central control units assumes it has absolute control on execution sequencing. This


mismatch is our number 21, “More than one central control unit exists, all of them assum-

ing they have absolute control on execution sequencing.” (see section 6.2).

When composing 2 subsystems that have triggering, it may be the case where

there is at least one event that has more than one trigger associated with it, one from each

of the composing subsystems (i.e, each of the composing subsystems had its own set of

actions that should occur once the event happens). This situation causes problems because

it is not clear which set of actions should actually occur based on the composition, and if

all it is not clear what the ordering should be. Our mismatch number 12, “There is a non-

deterministic set of actions that could be caused by a trigger.” represents exactly this situa-

tion (see section 6.2).

6.2 Architectural Mismatches Table

Based on the newly established conceptual features (section 5.0) and the origi-

nal mismatches table introduced by Abd-Allah (section 2.5 on page 19), we introduce our

mismatches table (table 8).1

On our table we did change some of the original mismatches discussed by

Abd-Allah (his numbers 2, 3, 5, 8, and 12), we merged some, we made a few others more

generic, and still others were subsumed by some of the new ones. Consequently, the mis-

matches uncovered by Abd-Allah constitute mismatches number 1 to 11, whereas all oth-

ers were uncovered by our work.We also removed the bridging connectors triggered call,

1. Once again,✫ represents features defined by Abd-Allah,✪ represents features defined by Abd-Allah and evolved in this work, and● represents new features defined and analyzed in thiswork. New mismatches defined in this work are represented by boldface numbers in table 8.


triggered spawn, and triggered data transfer, and added a single bridging connector called

trigger. The items included there were just like the ones with the same kind of connectors

without “triggered,” except for the triggering capabilities row in which case the mis-

matches themselves incorporate the “triggered” factor. Additionally we renamed his

“shared machine” bridging connector to “shared resources,” making it a bit more generic.

A listing of all mismatches is given below, along with explanations of the pre-

conditions required for each of them to occur, and the exact problem faced.

1. “Two concurrent threads share data, with potential synchronization problems.”

Precondition: Composing parts are to run concurrently (regardless on whether they were

originally concurrent or not), and do share some data.

Problem: Potential synchronization problems for concurrent threads while sharing data.

2. “A layering constraint is violated.”

Precondition:Any of the composing subsystems originally included layering constraints

either on control or data connectors, and composition is achieved by extending exactly that

kind of connector to such a subsystem.

Problem:Bridging connector may ignore these constraints, thus violating them.

3. “Different sets of recognized events are used by two subsystems that permit trig-


Precondition: At least 2 of the composing subsystems permit triggers but have different

sets of possible triggering events.















✪ S





✫ Concurrency 15, 34 9, 15, 34 34 1, 34 9, 15, 34

✪ Data transfers 7, 42 8, 42, 44 42

✫ Distribution 10 10 10 10 10

✪ Dynamism 4 45 4

✪ Encapsulation 18 19 38 20, 39 18, 19, 38, 39

✫ Layering 2 2 2 2

✫ Triggering 3, 12 3, 12 3, 12 3, 12 3, 5, 6, 12

● Backtracking 28 28 29 30 28, 29

● Control unit 21, 46 21, 46 21, 46 21, 46 21, 46

● Component Priorities 26 26 26 26 26 27

● Preemption 35 36 35, 36

● Reconfiguration 33, 37 33 33 33 33, 37

● Reentrance 24 25 23 22 23, 24, 25

● Response Times 16, 31, 37, 40, 41 32, 40, 41 40, 41 40, 41 16, 31, 32, 37, 40, 41 43

✪ Regardless 13, 14 11, 17

Table 8: Architectural Mismatches


Problem: A trigger may not be recognizable by some subsystem that should.

4. “A (triggered) spawn is made into or out of a subsystem which originally forbade


Precondition: Subsystems are being composed via (triggered) spawns, and at least one of

the composing subsystems does not support the dynamic creation of threads.

Problem: A (triggered) spawn is made into or out of a subsystem that originally forbade

them. May cause synchronization problems, as well as resources contention.

5. “An unrecognized triggering event is used.”

Precondition: A trigger is used as a bridging connector, but its generating event can never


Problem: The trigger will not cause the expected behavior, it will never fire the related


6. “A trigger refers to subsystems which originally forbade triggering.”

Precondition: All of the composing subsystems forbade triggering, and some of the com-

position is to be achieved via some bridging triggers.

Problem: The trigger will go by ignored, there is no underlying mechanism available to

handle the triggering.

7. “A data connector is made into a subsystem which originally forbade them.”

Precondition: Some of the composition is to be achieved via bridging data connectors, and

at least one of the composing subsystems did not originally support data connectors.


Problem: Unclear on how data is to be handled for sending or receiving.

8. “A shared data relationship refers to a subsystem which originally forbade them.”

Precondition: Some of the composition is to be achieved via bridging shared data, and one

of the composing subsystems had no shared data support.

Problem: May cause synchronization problems.

9. “A (triggered) spawn is made into or out of a subsystem which is not concurrent.”

Precondition: Some of the composition is to be achieved via bridging (triggered) spawns,

and one of the composing subsystems does not support the execution of concurrent


Problem: May cause synchronization problems, as well as resources contention.

10. “A remote connector is extended into or out of a non-distributed subsystem (i.e. a

subsystem originally confined to a single node).”

Precondition: One of the subsystems was originally confined to a single node, and the

resulting composed system is distributed.

Problem: The subsystem(s) originally non-distributed cannot handle delays and/or errors

occurred due to some distributed communication event.

11. “A node resource is overused.”

Precondition: Resources required are greater than the ones available at a given node.

Problem: Resource overusage such as memory and disk space.


12. “There is a non-deterministic set of actions that could be caused by a trigger.”

Precondition: At least 2 of the composing subsystems have triggering, and there is at least

one event that has more than one trigger associated with it, one from each of the compos-

ing subsystems (i.e, each of the composing subsystems had its own set of actions that

should occur once the event happens).

Problem: It is not clear which set of actions should actually occur based on the composi-

tion, and if all it is not clear what the ordering should be.

13. “Data connectors connecting control components that are not always active may

lead into deadlock.”

Precondition: We have a blocking bridging data connector and the receiving control com-

ponent may be inactive when data is sent through the data connector, and it may never

become active (again).

Problem: Possibility of deadlock on the control component sending the data.

14. “Data connectors connecting control components that are not always active.”

Precondition: We have a non-blocking and non-buffered bridging data connector and the

receiving control component becomes active after the data was sent and lost.

Problem: Possibility of loss of data.

15. “Erroneous assumption of single-thread.”

Precondition: A control component c1 in a single-threaded subsystem calls a control com-

ponent c2 in a multi-threaded dynamic subsystem. The problem may arise by c2 spawning


c3, terminating and returning control to c1, whose subsystem assumes it is running alone.

OR there is a call from a multi-threaded to a single-threaded subsystem. OR there is a

spawn from a (single or) multi-threaded subsystem to a single-threaded one, the spawnee

assumes it is running alone.

Problem: Synchronization problems on accessing shared data, and/or resource contention.

16. “(Triggered) Call to a cyclic (non-terminating) subsystem/control component.”

Precondition: There is a bridging (triggered) call to a cyclic (and hence non-terminating)

subsystem / control component.

Problem: Control will never be returned to the caller.

17. “Erroneous assumption of same underlying platform.”

Precondition: During composition we would like to have some subsystems running on a

shared machine, but they actually assume different underlying platforms.

Problem: Cannot force fit parts to a given platform.

18. “(Triggered) Call to a private method.”

Precondition: There is a bridging (triggered) call to a private method.

Problem: Method not accessible to the caller.

19. “(Triggered) Spawn to a private method.”

Precondition: There is a bridging (triggered) spawn to a private method.

Problem: Method not accessible to the spawner.


20. “Sharing private data.”

Precondition: Composition is also to be achieved via some bridging shared data, but that

data is private within its original subsystem.

Problem: Data not accessible to all of the sharing entities being composed.

21. “More than one central control unit exists.”

Precondition: More than one central control unit exists as a result of composition.

Problem: All central control units assume they have absolute control on execution


22. “Sharing data with a reentrant component.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging shared data, and at least

one of the components to share it is reentrant.

Problem: Sharing of data may occur with the incorrect invocation of a component.

23. “A reentrant component is either sending or receiving a data transfer.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging data connector, and at

least one of the involved control components is reentrant.

Problem: Potential incorrect assumption of which invocation of a component is either

sending or receiving a data transfer.

24. “(Triggered) Call to a non-reentrant component.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging (triggered) call, and the

callee is not reentrant.


Problem: Component may already be running.

25. “(Triggered) Spawn to a non-reentrant component.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging (triggered) spawn, and the

spawnee is not reentrant

Problem: Component may already be running.

26. “Composition involves one or more prioritized parts.”

Precondition: One of the subsystems to be composed has a prioritized structure.

Problem: Not clear where a component(s) with or without an associated priority fits in an

overall separately prioritized structure.

27. “A prioritized system sharing a machine with some other system.”

Precondition: A prioritized system sharing a machine with some other system.

Problem: Unclear on how priorities compare across the various parts, which affects the

way interrupts are to be applied.

28. “(Triggered) Call or spawn from a subsystem that may later backtrack.”

Precondition: At least one of the callers or spawners of bridging connections belongs to a

subsystem that has backtracking.

Problem: While backtracking may cause undesired side effects on the called/spawned end.


29. “Data being transferred from some component(s) that may later backtrack.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging data connector, and the

component to send data through such a connection belongs to a subsystem that has back-


Problem: Backtracking may cause undesired side effects on the overall composed system


30. “Shared data being modified by a component(s) that may later backtrack.”

Precondition: At least one of the subsystems sharing bridging data has backtracking.

Problem: Data being shared with some component(s) that may later backtrack, thus caus-

ing possible undesired side effects on the overall composed system state.

31. “(Triggered) Call from a subsystem requiring some predictable response times to

some component(s) not originally considered.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging (triggered) call, and at

least one of the calling parts requires predictable response times to some event(s).

Problem: May have side effects on original predicted response times.

32. “(Triggered) Spawn to or from a subsystem requiring some predictable response

times that involves some component(s) not originally considered.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging (triggered) spawn, and at

least one of the parts involved requires predictable response times to some event(s).


Problem: May have side effects on original predicted response times. The original pre-

dicted response times not account for concurrently executing with these other compo-


33. “Only part of the resulting system automatically reconfigures upon failure.”

Precondition: At least one of the parts to be composed has on-line reconfiguration, and at

least one has reconfiguration off-line.

Problem: Only part of the resulting system automatically reconfigures upon failure.

34. “Some components that were expected to synchronize have different synchroniza-

tion mechanisms.”

Precondition: Composing parts are to run concurrently while synchronizing, and have dif-

ferent synchronization mechanisms.

Problem:Synchronization between concurrent parts cannot properly take place.

35. “(Triggered) Call to a component that should be preemptable and isn’t.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via a bridging (triggered) call, and the caller

is preemptable, while the callee is not.

Problem: Callee will not be preempted in situations when it should.

36. “(Triggered) Spawn to a component that should be preemptable and isn’t.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via a bridging (triggered) spawn, and the

spawner is preemptable, while the spawnee is not.

Problem: Spawnee will not be preempted in situations when it should.


37. “(Triggered) Call to a component that performs on the fly garbage collection.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via a bridging (triggered) call, the callee per-

forms on the fly garbage collection, while the caller has requirements for some predictable

or bounded response times.

Problem: Undesirable side effects on the overall predictable or bounded response times.

38. “Incorrect assumption of which instantiation of an object is either sending or

receiving a data transfer.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via a bridging data connector, and at least

one of the parts affected by such connection has encapsulation.

Problem: Incorrect assumption of which instantiation of an object is either sending or

receiving a data transfer.

39. “Sharing data with the incorrect instantiation of an object.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging shared data, and at least

one of the parts involved has encapsulation.

Problem: Sharing data with the incorrect instantiation of an object.

40. “Time represented/compared using different granularities.”

Precondition: More than one of the composing parts has response time different than

unbounded and cyclic unbounded. Additionally, they are distributed over machines that

represent and/or compare time using different granularities.

Problem: Communications concerning time cannot properly occur.


41. “Absolute time values are off.”

Precondition: More than one of the composing parts has response time different than

unbounded and cyclic unbounded. Additionally, they are distributed over machines that

have their wall-clock time off.

Problem: Communications concerning time cannot properly occur.

42. “Sharing or transferring data with differing underlying representations.”

Precondition: Sharing or transferring data with differing underlying representations,

including differences in data formats, units and coordinate systems.

Problem: Communications concerning the specific data will not properly occur.

43. “Resource contention.”

Precondition: Two or more parts are co-hosted, with at least one requiring some predict-

able response time, and the original analysis did not take into account some of the parts

that are currently co-hosted.

Problem: Predictable response time indirectly affected because there may be some

resource contention not originally considered.

44. “Potential database and/or DBMS heterogeneity problems may occur.”

Precondition: Two or more repositories are present.

Problem: Our model does not support for checking the specifics here, but problems may

arise on semantic heterogeneity, differing data items granularity, databases being distrib-


uted or not, databases being replicated or not, and/or databases having different structural


45. “Inaccessible shared data.”

Precondition: Composition is being achieved by having an applet share data that is local to

the client side.

Problem: Applets have no access to the local file system of the client side (i.e., the applet

cannot really access the data that is to be shared).

46. “Distributed control units are present.”

Precondition: Two or more of the composing subsystems have distributed control units.

Problem: Incorrect assumption that a problem is being solved elsewhere, by some other

control unit.



7.0 Modeling Styles and Their Features

This section contains all information relevant to the Z model, as well as the

model itself. We start here by presenting the changes required by the base elements’ set

and Abd-Allah’s original model (section 7.1).1 Subsequently we provide guidelines as on

how to reflect systems and/or styles features by using the basic framework provided

(section 7.2).

As seen in section 7.3, we have spent some effort revisiting all of Abd-Allah’s

styles descriptions. This was required in order to reflect the changes to the base elements,

as well as each of the styles full set of feature choices.2 This section also contains the Z

models of all styles we are addressing. The model for detecting mismatches and compos-

ing systems is introduced in section 7.4.

7.1 Basic Entities’ Model

In order to reflect our judgment in the model it had to evolve considerably,

many of the existing basic entities were modified, and numerous support additions

occurred. Here we simply list the main ones. Their details can be found in appendix C on

page 224.

• Basic support additions:

1. A full uninterrupted version of our model can be found in appendix C, and Abd-Allah’s inappendix B

2. Abd-Allah’s model of the event-based style was changed considerably more than the others.What we have done was to have the existence of an event manager propagate into the Z model.This actually allows for the detection of one more potential architecture compositional mis-match.


• BasicAction: schema describing a single action as being either a control or a

data transfer.

• BAtype: type indicating whether a basic action is a control or a data transfer.

• BasicEvent:schema describing a single event as being either a control or a data

transfer, or some absolute time being reached.

• BEtype: type indicating whether a basic event is a control or a data transfer, or

some absolute time being reached.

• CCtype: type for indicating what type a control component has

• CCNtype: type for indicating what type a control connector has

• RTimetype: type for indicating possible expected response times

• Reconfiguration_type: type for indicating the kinds of reconfiguration sup-

ported by systems

• check_basicevents: function that makes sure the basic events composing a given

event (sequence) belong to either one of the given control or data transfer event

sets or to some time checking event.

• check_basicactions: function that makes sure the basic actions composing a

given action (sequence) belong to either one of the given control or data transfer

action sets.

• gettriggeredcontrolcmp: function that returns all the triggered control compo-

nents, regardless of the kind of action (actually, the parameters are a sequence

of basic actions and the kind of control transfer we are looking for).


• generates_basicactions: function that makes sure the basic actions composing a

given action (sequence) are generated by the given control component.

• gettriggeredcalls: function for recursively retrieving all the triggered calls asso-

ciated with a set of actions, each being a sequence of basic actions.

• gettriggeredspawns: function for recursively retrieving all the triggered spawns

associated with a set of actions, each being a sequence of basic actions.

• SynchronizationMechanism: given set of synchronization mechanisms

• added Java as another possible implementation language

• New schemas and/or relations:

• Action: actual actions are sequences of basic actions

• Event: actual events are sequences of basic events

• DataTransfer: Z abbreviation definition for a data connector, the 2 control com-

ponents it can transfer data between, and the various data components that can

be sent in the specific situation. The effects of a data transfer are reflected in the

schema ActualDataTransfer.

• ControlTransfer: Z abbreviation definition for a control connector and the 2

control components it can transfer control between. The effects of a control

transfer are reflected in the schema ActualControlTransfer.

• Return: new kind of control connector to be paired with calls and spawns.

• Interrupt: new kind of control connector.

• Swap_In: new kind of control connector to be paired with interrupts.

• Terminate: new kind of control connector.


• CallReturn: actually pairing calls with theirs respective returns.

• SpawnReturn: actually pairing spawns with their respective returns.

• InterruptSwapIn: actually pairing interrupts with theirs respective swap-ins.

• Time: schema for time representation.

• TimeGranularity: the type of granularity used for some time representation.

• Schemas removed:

• Object is no longer a schema, but a specialization of ControlComponent.

• Trigger is no longer a schema but a relation matching between Events

(sequences of basic events) and Actions (sequences of basic actions).

• Changes to pre-existing schemas:

• under system:

• added the sets of running control components, inactive control compo-

nents, and suspended control components. All of these are used by the

operations ActualDataTransfer, ActualControlTransfer, and StartSystem:

• added repositories, control units, response_time, reconfiguration, back-

tracking, and synchronization mechanisms. These were required in order

to represent various new features.

• under node:

• added wall_clock_time, time_representation, and resources. These addi-

tions allow us to check for a few other mismatches.

• under controlcomponent:


• priority, applet, preemptive, response_time, reentrant, invocation. All of

these were required for some features representations.

• Operations:

• StartSystem: starts the system as having all the initialcontrolcmps running, no

control components suspended, and all others inactive.

• ActualDataTransfer: confirms that the actual data transfer can occur at that

given point in time.

• ActualControlTransfer: Reflects the effects of control transfers within a system

by updating the set of its running, inactive, or suspended control components. It

also performs some checks for the mismatches that include dynamic character-


• General fixes:

• Made sure that the directionality in data connectors corresponds to the charac-

teristics of the ports they are attached to.

• Changed shared data under system so that now it is a set of all shared data, not

just a single data component being shared.

• Made sure that the resources on each of the system’s nodes are enough to sup-

port all parts that reside on them.


Clearly all additions, changes and removals impose some propagation effect on

other existing entities specially in the form of new constraints.1 Although those were not

made explicit here they were incorporated in the model.

7.2 Modeling the Conceptual Features

The various features we discussed in section 5.0 are reflected in the model of

systems and styles by using the underlying framework that we have devised. We describe

here how to model each one of them. For examples on these guidelines been applied see

section 7.3. The items mentioned here are the main points, but as it can be seen in the

model, each one of them implies many other restrictions that are represented via various

entities’ constraints (see appendix C).

• Dynamism:

• threads initiating: system has spawns

• threads terminating: system has terminates

• downloaded applets: system has at least one control component that is an applet

• none: system has no spawns, terminates, or control component that is an applet

• Supported Data Transfers:

• shared data variables: system has shared data variables

• explicit data connectors: system has explicit data connectors

• shared repositories: system has shared repositories

1. For example, the union of set of running, inactive, and suspended control components that arepart of a system yields this system’s set of control components. Additionally, the set of running,inactive, and suspended control components of a system are disjoint. These sets evolve as thesystem is started, and control transfers occur.


• none: system has no shared data variables, explicit data connectors, or shared


• Triggering Capability:

• yes: system has triggers

• no: system has no triggers

• Concurrency:

• yes: system has spawns and/or more than one initial control component

• no: system has no spawns, nor more than one initial control component

• Distribution:

• single node: all system’s parts reside on a single node

• multiple nodes: system’s parts are distributed over more than one node

• Layering:

• data: system has dataconnector layers

• control: system has call or spawn layers

• none: system has no (call/spawn/dataconnector) layers

• Encapsulation:

• yes: system has objects

• no: system has no objects

• Backtracking:

• yes: system has backtracking TRUE

• no: system has backtracking FALSE

• Component Priorities:


• yes: system has at least one control component with priority different than 0

• no: system has no control component with priority different than 0

• Control Unit

• central: system has single control unit

• distributed: system has more than one control unit

• none: system has no control unit

• Preemption:

• yes: there is at least one control component that is preemptive

• no: there is no control component that is preemptive

• Reconfiguration:

• on-line: system has reconfiguration = {online}

• off-line: system has reconfiguration = {offline}

• system may also have reconfiguration be a combination of (on or off line) and

on the fly garbage collection

• Reentrance:

• yes: system has at least one control component with reentrant TRUE

• no: system has no control component with reentrant TRUE

• Response Times:

• predictable: system has response_time predictable

• bounded: system has response_time bounded

• unbounded: system has response_time unbounded

• cyclic: system has response_time cyclic


7.3 Complete Model of Styles

Below we have included our model of the various styles we address, while

reflecting their various features according to table 6 on page 73 and table 7 on page 74,

and the guidelines provided above (section 7.2).

While most of the styles initially described by Abd-Allah evolved only as to

reflect the new set of features (and changes to the basic model entities) we are using, his

event-based style description changed considerably. The Event Based style is now multi-

threaded and unconstrained with respect to dynamism, and the actual existence of the

event manager is reflected in the model.

7.3.1 Pipe and Filter

% Pipe & Filter Styleglobal

PF_DataStructure : P DataComponent;PF_Socket : P Port;PF_Pipe : P DataConnector;PF_Filter : P ControlComponent;PF_System : P System;

axiomforall s : PF_Socket @

% No socket is used for both input and outputs.iotype /= io_inout and% All data transfers are streameds.streaming = TRUE;

forall p : PF_Pipe @% Pipes always connect filters and not objectsp.c1.type = other andp.c2.type = other and% Unidirectionalp.directionality = forward and% Pipe connects two filters{p.c1, p.c2} subseteq PF_Filter and% Ports belong to the P/F style{p.p1, p.p2} subseteq PF_Socket and% p1 acts as sender, p2 acts as receiverp.p1.iotype = io_out and p.p2.iotype = io_in and% The sender socket is different than the receiver


p.p1 /= p.p2;forall f : PF_Filter @

% Ports belong to the P/F stylef.ports subseteq PF_Socket andf.locals subseteq PF_DataStructure and% There are no applets among the filters.f.applet = FALSE and% No filter is preemptive.f.preemptive = FALSE and% Filters have no associated priorities.f.priority = 0 and% Filters are non-reentrant.f.reentrant = FALSE;

forall s : PF_System @s in MultiThreadedSystems ands.controlcomponents subseteq PF_Filter ands.dataconnectors subseteq PF_Pipe ands.globalobjs = {} ands.controlconnectors = {} ands.shareddata = {} ands.repositories = {} ands.triggers = {} ands.initialcontrolcmps = s.controlcomponents ands.initialdataconnectors = s.dataconnectors ands.response_time = unbounded and% PF systems have no backtracking.s.backtracking = FALSE and% PF systems have no control unitss.controlunit = {} and% All pipe sockets connect filter sockets(forall p : s.dataconnectors @

exists f1, f2 : s.controlcomponents @p.p1 in f1.ports and p.p2 in f2.ports) and

% No two pipes connect the same sender and receiver(forall p1, p2 : s.dataconnectors @

((p1.p1 = p2.p1 and p1.p2 = p2.p2) => p1 = p2));end axiom

7.3.2 Main/Subroutine

% Main / Subroutine Styleglobal

MS_DataStructure : P DataComponent;MS_Procedure : P ControlComponent;MS_ProcedureCall : P Call;MS_System : P System;

axiomforall p : MS_Procedure @

p.ports = {} and


p.locals subseteq MS_DataStructure and% There are no applets among the procedures.p.applet = FALSE and% No procedure is preemptive.p.preemptive = FALSE and% Procedures have no associated priorities.p.priority = 0;

forall pc : MS_ProcedureCall @% Call connects two procedures{pc.c1, pc.c2} subseteq MS_Procedure and% Procedure calls cannot be queuedpc.queuesize = 0;

forall s : MS_System @s.controlcomponents subseteq MS_Procedure anddom s.shareddata subseteq MS_DataStructure ands.repositories = {} ands.calls subseteq MS_ProcedureCall and% MS systems have only calls and returns as control connectors.(forall cn : ControlConnector | cn in s.controlconnectors @

(cn.type = call or cn.type = return)) ands.dataconnectors = {} ands.triggers = {} ands.response_time = unbounded and% MS systems have no backtracking.s.backtracking = FALSE and% MS systems have no control unitss.controlunit = {} and% MS systems have a single initial control component, main.# s.initialcontrolcmps = 1 and% All M/S systems have a single thread# (getmaxthreads(s)) = 1 and% System forms a connected, directed graph of calls starting from main(exists main : MS_Procedure; subroutines : P MS_Procedure @

s.initialcontrolcmps = {main} and{main} setunion subroutines = s.controlcomponents andmain notin subroutines and% Main is non-reentrantmain.reentrant = FALSE and(forall call : s.calls @ call.c2 /= main) andcdgraph (main, subroutines) = {c1, c2 : MS_Procedure |

exists call : s.calls @ call.c1 = c2 and call.c2 = c2}) and% The system rests on one node# {n : Node |

(exists c : ControlComponent | c in s.controlcomponents @ n in c.nodes) or(exists call : ControlConnector | call in s.calls @ n in call.nodes)} = 1;

end axiom


7.3.3 Distributed Processes

% Distributed Processes Styleglobal

DP_DataStructure : P DataComponent;DP_Socket : P Port;DP_Process : P ControlComponent;DP_Circuit : P DataConnector;DP_ProcessCall : P Call;DP_ProcessSpawn : P Spawn;DP_System : P System;

axiomforall s : DP_Socket @

s.iotype = io_inout;forall p : DP_Process @

p.ports subseteq DP_Socket andp.locals subseteq DP_DataStructure and% There are no applets among the processesp.applet = FALSE and% Processes have no associated priorities.p.priority = 0;

forall c : DP_Circuit @{c.p1, c.p2} subseteq DP_Socket and{c.c1, c.c2} subseteq DP_Process and% Bidirectionalc.directionality = twoway;

forall pc : DP_ProcessCall @% Call connects two processes{pc.c1, pc.c2} subseteq DP_Process and% Process calls cannot be queuedpc.queuesize = 0;

forall ps : DP_ProcessSpawn @% Spawn connects two processes{ps.c1, ps.c2} subseteq DP_Process and% Process spawn cannot be queuedps.queuesize = 0;

forall s : DP_System @s in MultiThreadedSystems and% The system rests on more than one nodes in DistributedSystems ands.controlcomponents subseteq DP_Process ands.dataconnectors subseteq DP_Circuit and% DP systems have calls, spawns, returns, and possibly interrupts (& swap-

ins), and terminates.s.calls subseteq DP_ProcessCall ands.spawns subseteq DP_ProcessSpawn ands.shareddata = {} ands.repositories = {} ands.response_time = unbounded and% DP systems have no backtracking.


s.backtracking = FALSE and% DP systems have no control unitss.controlunit = {} and% All circuit sockets connect process sockets(forall c : s.dataconnectors @

exists p1, p2 : s.controlcomponents @c.p1 in p1.ports and c.p2 in p2.ports) and

% No two circuits connect the same pair of sockets(forall c1, c2 : s.dataconnectors @

c1 /= c2 =>(not (c1.p1 = c2.p1 and c1.p2 = c2.p2)) and(not (c1.p1 = c2.p2 and c1.p2 = c2.p1)));

end axiom

7.3.4 Event-Based

% Event-Based (implicit invocation) Styleglobal

EB_DataStructure : P DataComponent;EB_Procedure : P ControlComponent;EB_ProcedureCall : P Call;EB_ProcedureSpawn : P Spawn;EB_EventManager: P ControlComponent;EB_Event : P Event;EB_Action : P Action;EB_Trigger : P Trigger;EB_System : P System;

axiomforall p : EB_Procedure @

p.locals subseteq EB_DataStructure andp.ports = {} and% There are no applets among the proceduresp.applet = FALSE and% Processes have no associated priorities. They are burried within the event

manager and how it handles the triggering events.p.priority = 0;

forall pc : EB_ProcedureCall @% Call connects two procedures, or the event manager and a procedure, but

no procedure can call the event manager{pc.c1, pc.c2} subseteq (EB_Procedure setunion EB_EventManager) andpc.c2 notin EB_EventManager and% Procedure calls cannot be queuedpc.queuesize = 0;

forall ps : EB_ProcedureSpawn @% Spawn connects two procedures, or the event manager and a procedure,

but no procedure can spawn the event manager{ps.c1, ps.c2} subseteq (EB_Procedure setunion EB_EventManager) andps.c2 notin EB_EventManager and% Procedure spawns cannot be queued


ps.queuesize = 0;forall em : EB_EventManager @

em.locals subseteq EB_DataStructure and% It is not an applet.em.applet = FALSE;

forall t : EB_Trigger @% All triggers are composed of events and actions that belong to the system(exists e : EB_Event; a : EB_Action @

((e, a) = t and% The event manager is actually initiating all triggered actions(exists em : EB_EventManager @

generates_basicactions(em, a) = TRUE)));forall s : EB_System @

s in MultiThreadedSystems ands.controlcomponents subseteq (EB_Procedure setunion EB_EventManager)

anddom s.shareddata subseteq EB_DataStructure and% There can be one or more event managers# {em: EB_EventManager | em in s.controlcomponents} >= 1 and% The event manager is always running.(forall em : EB_EventManager | em in s.controlcomponents @

em in s.runningcontrolcmps) and% EB systems have calls, spawns, returns and possibly interrupts (& swap-

ins), and terminates.s.calls subseteq EB_ProcedureCall ands.spawns subseteq EB_ProcedureSpawn ands.events subseteq EB_Event ands.actions subseteq EB_Action ands.triggers subseteq EB_Trigger ands.triggers /= {} ands.response_time = unbounded and% EB systems have no backtracking.s.backtracking = FALSE and% EB systems have their event managers as control units.s.controlunit = {em: EB_EventManager | em in s.controlcomponents};

end axiom

7.3.5 Blackboard

% Blackboard Styleglobal

BB_DataStructure : P DataComponent;BB_Blackboard_Data : P DataComponent;BB_Ksource : P ControlComponent;BB_CtrlUnit : P ControlComponent;BB_Activation : P ControlConnector;BB_Terminate : P Terminate;BB_System : P System;



forall bdata : BB_Blackboard_Data @bdata in BB_DataStructure;

forall ksource : BB_Ksource @ksource.ports = {} andksource.locals subseteq BB_DataStructure and% There are no applets among the knowledge sources.ksource.applet = FALSE and% No knowledge source is preemptive.ksource.preemptive = FALSE and% Knowledge sources have associated priorities.ksource.priority >= 0 and% Knowledge sources are non-reentrant.ksource.reentrant = FALSE;

forall cunit : BB_CtrlUnit @cunit.ports = {} andcunit.locals subseteq BB_DataStructure and% The control unit is not an applet.cunit.applet = FALSE and% It is not preemptive.cunit.preemptive = FALSE and% It is non-reentrant.cunit.reentrant = FALSE;

forall a : BB_Activation @% Activations are made from the control unit to the various knowledge sources

only.a.c1 in BB_CtrlUnit anda.c2 in BB_Ksource and% Activations are either calls or spawns(a.type = call or a.type = spawn) and% Activations cannot be queueda.queuesize = 0;

forall s : BB_System @% There is exactly one blackboard repository# s.repositories = 1 and% There is exactly one control unit# {cunit : BB_CtrlUnit | cunit in s.controlcomponents} = 1 and% There is at least one knowledge source# {ksource : BB_Ksource | ksource in s.controlcomponents} >= 1 and% All knowledge sources have activations connecting to them(forall ksource : BB_Ksource |

ksource in s.controlcomponents @(exists a : BB_Activation @ a.c2 = ksource)) and

% All control connectors that happen within the system are activations, returns,and terminates.

(s.calls setunion s.spawns) subseteq BB_Activation ands.terminates subseteq BB_Terminate and(forall cn : ControlConnector | cn in s.controlconnectors @

cn.type = call or cn.type = spawn or cn.type = return or cn.type = terminate)and

s.dataconnectors = {} ands.shareddata = {} and


s.triggers /= {} and% The control unit initiates all triggered actions.(forall t : Trigger | t in s.triggers @

(exists e : Event; a : Action @((e, a) = t and(exists cunit : BB_CtrlUnit @generates_basicactions(cunit, a) = TRUE)))) and

% BB systems have backtracking.s.backtracking = TRUE and% BB systems have a central control unit, the control unit.s.controlunit = {cunit : BB_CtrlUnit | cunit in s.controlcomponents} and# {cunit: BB_CtrlUnit | cunit in s.controlunit} = 1 and% There is only 1 initial control component, the control unit.# s.initialcontrolcmps = 1 and(exists cunit : BB_CtrlUnit; ksource : P BB_Ksource @

s.initialcontrolcmps = {cunit} and% All control components are either knowledge sources or the control unit.{cunit} setunion ksource = s.controlcomponents andcunit notin ksource and% Nobody can call or spawn the control unit.not (exists call : s.calls @ call.c2 = cunit) andnot (exists spawn : s.spawns @ spawn.c2 = cunit) and% The system is a directed graph on a star configuration (dstar), where the

center is the control unit, and the edges are system calls or spawns(activation calls or spawns to be more specific).

dstar(cunit, ksource) = {c1, c2 : s.controlcomponents |exists cn : s.controlconnectors |

(cn in s.calls or cn in s.spawns) @cn.c1 = c1 and cn.c2 = c2}) and

% All blackboard data is visible to the control unit via the repository, all controlcomponents that can see that data belong to the system (i.e., they areeither any of its knowledge sources or its control unit), and all controlcomponents that belong to the system can see the data.

(forall r : s.repositories @(forall bbdata : P DataComponent |

bbdata subseteq BB_Blackboard_Data @(exists cset : P ControlComponent; cunit : BB_CtrlUnit @

bbdata = r.data andcset = r.accessingcmps andcunit in cset andcset = s.controlcomponents)));

end axiom

7.3.6 Database Centric

% Database Centric Styleglobal

DB_DataStructure : P DataComponent;DB_Data : P DataComponent;


DB_UsingComponent : P ControlComponent;DB_SupportComponent : P ControlComponent;DB_DBMS : P ControlComponent;DB_Request : P Call;DB_Check : P Spawn;DB_System : P System;

axiomforall data : DB_Data @

data in DB_DataStructure;forall u : DB_UsingComponent @

u.locals subseteq DB_DataStructure;forall s : DB_SupportComponent @

s.locals subseteq DB_DataStructure;forall d : DB_DBMS @

d.locals subseteq DB_DataStructure and% The dbms is reentrant.d.reentrant = TRUE;

forall r : DB_Request @% Requests are made from the using and support control components to the

DBMS.r.c1 in (DB_UsingComponent setunion DB_SupportComponent) andr.c2 in DB_DBMS;

forall c : DB_Check @% Checks are made from the DBMS to the support control components.c.c1 in DB_DBMS andc.c2 in DB_SupportComponent;

forall s : DB_System @s in MultiThreadedSystems and% There are one or more database repositories# s.repositories >= 1 and% There is exactly one dbms# {dbms : DB_DBMS | dbms in s.controlcomponents} = 1 and% There is at least one using control component# {u_cmp : DB_UsingComponent | u_cmp in s.controlcomponents} >= 1 and% All using control components have requests associated to them(forall u_cmp : DB_UsingComponent | u_cmp in s.controlcomponents @

(exists r : DB_Request @ r.c1 = u_cmp)) and% All supporting control components have checks connecting to them(forall s_cmp : DB_SupportComponent | s_cmp in s.controlcomponents @

(exists c : DB_Check @ c.c2 = s_cmp)) and% All control connectors that happen within the system are either checks,

requests, their returns, and possibly interrupts (& swap-ins), and termi-nates.

(s.calls setunion s.spawns) subseteq (DB_Check setunion DB_Request) and% There are no applets among the control components.(forall c : ControlComponent | c in s.controlcomponents @

c.applet = FALSE) ands.shareddata = {} ands.triggers /= {} and% The DBMS initiates all triggered actions.(forall t : Trigger | t in s.triggers @


(exists e : Event; a : Action @((e, a) = t and(exists dbms : DB_DBMS @generates_basicactions(dbms, a) = TRUE)))) and

s.response_time = bounded and% DB systems have backtracking for rollback, maintaining data integrity and

conscistency.s.backtracking = TRUE and% DB systems have a central control unit, the dbms.s.controlunit = {dbms : DB_DBMS | dbms in s.controlcomponents} and# {dbms : DB_DBMS | dbms in s.controlunit} = 1 and(exists dbms : DB_DBMS; u_cmps : P DB_UsingComponent; s_cmps : P

DB_SupportComponent @% The DBMS is always running.dbms in s.runningcontrolcmps and% All control components are either the dbms, using components, or sup-

port components.{dbms} setunion u_cmps setunion s_cmps = s.controlcomponents anddbms notin (u_cmps setunion s_cmps) and% The system is an undirected graph on a star configuration (ustar), where

the center is the dbms, and the edges are system calls or spawns(requestes or checks).

(exists cmps : P ControlComponent |(cmps subseteq s.controlcomponents) @ustar(cmps) = {c1, c2 : s.controlcomponents |

exists cn : s.controlconnectors |(cn in s.calls or cn in s.spawns) @((cn.c1 = c1 and cn.c2 = c2) or(cn.c1 = c2 and cn.c2 = c1))})) and

% All database data is visible to the dbms via the repository, all control compo-nents that can see that data belong to the system.

(forall r : s.repositories @(forall dbdata : P DataComponent |

dbdata subseteq DB_Data @(exists cset : P ControlComponent; dbms : DB_DBMS @

dbdata = r.data andcset = r.accessingcmps andr.persistent = TRUE anddbms in cset andcset subseteq s.controlcomponents)));

end axiom

7.3.7 Rule-Based

% Rule-Based Styleglobal

RB_DataStructure : P DataComponent;RB_Fact : P DataComponent;RB_Rule : P ControlComponent;


RB_Interpreter : P ControlComponent;RB_Fire : P ControlConnector;RB_Terminate : P Terminate;RB_System : P System;

axiomforall f : RB_Fact @

f in RB_DataStructure;forall r : RB_Rule @

r.ports = {} andr.locals = {} and% Rules are not applets.r.applet = FALSE and% Rules are non-preemptive.r.preemptive = FALSE and% Rules have associated priorities.r.priority >= 0 and% Rules are non-reentrant.r.reentrant = FALSE;

forall i : RB_Interpreter @i.ports = {} andi.locals = {} and% Interpreters are not applets.i.applet = FALSE and% Interpreters are non-preemptive.i.preemptive = FALSE and% Interpreters are non-reentrant.i.reentrant = FALSE;

forall f : RB_Fire @% The fireing of rules is made by the interpreter.f.c1 in RB_Interpreter andf.c2 in RB_Rule and% Rules fireing can be either calls or spawns.(f.type = call or f.type = spawn);

forall t : RB_Terminate @% The termination of rules is made by the interpreter.t.c1 in RB_Interpreter andt.c2 in RB_Rule;

forall s : RB_System @% There is a single repository, the working memory.# s.repositories = 1 and% There is exactly one interpreter# {i : RB_Interpreter | i in s.controlcomponents} = 1 and% There is at least one rule# {r : RB_Rule | r in s.controlcomponents} >= 1 and% All rules have some fireing mechanism associated to them.(forall rule : RB_Rule | rule in s.controlcomponents @

(exists f : RB_Fire @ f.c1 = rule)) ands.dataconnectors = {} and% All control connectors that happen within the system are either rules fireing,

returning or terminating.(s.calls setunion s.spawns) subseteq RB_Fire and


s.terminates subseteq RB_Terminate and(forall cn : ControlConnector | cn in s.controlconnectors @

cn.type = call or cn.type = spawn or cn.type = return or cn.type = terminate)and

s.shareddata = {} ands.triggers /= {} and% The interpreter initiates all triggered actions.(forall t : Trigger | t in s.triggers @

(exists e : Event; a : Action @((e, a) = t and(exists interp : RB_Interpreter @generates_basicactions(interp, a) = TRUE)))) and

% RB systems have backtracking to support for backward chaining.s.backtracking = TRUE and% RB systems have a central control unit, the interpreter.s.controlunit = {i : RB_Interpreter | i in s.controlcomponents} and# {i : RB_Interpreter | i in s.controlunit} = 1 and% There is only 1 initial control component, the interpreter.# s.initialcontrolcmps = 1 and(exists interp : RB_Interpreter; rules : P RB_Rule @

s.initialcontrolcmps = {interp} and% All control components are either the interpreter or rules.{interp} setunion rules = s.controlcomponents andinterp notin rules and% The system is a directed graph on a star configuration (dstar), where the

center is the interpreter, and the edges are system calls or spawns(fires).

dstar(interp, rules) = {c1, c2 : s.controlcomponents |exists cn : s.controlconnectors |

(cn in s.calls or cn in s.spawns) @cn.c1 = c1 and cn.c2 = c2}) and

% All working memory data is visible to the interpreter via the repository, allcontrol components that can see that data belong to the system, and allcontrol components that belong to the system can see the data.

(forall r : s.repositories @(forall fact : P DataComponent |

fact subseteq RB_Fact @(exists cset : P ControlComponent; interp : RB_Interpreter @

fact = r.data andcset = r.accessingcmps andinterp in cset andcset = s.controlcomponents)));

end axiom

7.3.8 Logic-Programming

% Logic-Programming Styleglobal

LP_DataStructure : P DataComponent;


LP_UnificationValue : P DataComponent;LP_Rule : P ControlComponent;LP_Interpreter : P ControlComponent;LP_Invoke : P ControlConnector;LP_Terminate : P Terminate;LP_System : P System;

axiomforall u : LP_UnificationValue @

u in LP_DataStructure;forall r : LP_Rule @

r.ports = {} andr.locals = {} and% Rules are not applets.r.applet = FALSE and% Rules are non-preemptive.r.preemptive = FALSE and% Rules have associated priorities.r.priority >= 0 and% Rules are non-reentrant.r.reentrant = FALSE;

forall i : LP_Interpreter @i.ports = {} andi.locals = {} and% Interpreters are not applets.i.applet = FALSE and% Interpreters are non-preemptive.i.preemptive = FALSE and% Interpreters are non-reentrant.i.reentrant = FALSE;

forall i : LP_Invoke @% The invocation of rules is made by the interpreter.i.c1 in LP_Interpreter andi.c2 in LP_Rule and% Rules’ invocation can be either calls or spawns.(i.type = call or i.type = spawn);

forall t : LP_Terminate @% The termination of rules is made by the interpreter.t.c1 in LP_Interpreter andt.c2 in LP_Rule;

forall s : LP_System @% There is a single repository.# s.repositories = 1 and% There is exactly one interpreter# {i : LP_Interpreter | i in s.controlcomponents} = 1 and% There is at least one rule# {r : LP_Rule | r in s.controlcomponents} >= 1 and% All rules have some invocation mechanism associated to them.(forall rule : LP_Rule | rule in s.controlcomponents @

(exists i : LP_Invoke @ i.c1 = rule)) ands.dataconnectors = {} and% All control connectors that happen within the system are either rules’ invoca-


tions, returns, or terminations.(s.calls setunion s.spawns) subseteq LP_Invoke ands.terminates subseteq LP_Terminate and(forall cn : ControlConnector | cn in s.controlconnectors @

cn.type = call or cn.type = spawn or cn.type = return or cn.type = terminate)and

s.shareddata = {} ands.triggers /= {} and% The interpreter initiates all triggered actions.(forall t : Trigger | t in s.triggers @

(exists e : Event; a : Action @((e, a) = t and(exists interp : LP_Interpreter @generates_basicactions(interp, a) = TRUE)))) and

% LP systems have backtracking to support for backward chaining.s.backtracking = TRUE and% LP systems have a central control unit, the interpreter.s.controlunit = {i : LP_Interpreter | i in s.controlcomponents} and# {i : LP_Interpreter | i in s.controlunit} = 1 and% There is only 1 initial control component, the interpreter.# s.initialcontrolcmps = 1 and(exists interp : LP_Interpreter; rules : P LP_Rule @

s.initialcontrolcmps = {interp} and% All control components are either the interpreter or rules.{interp} setunion rules = s.controlcomponents andinterp notin rules and% The system is a directed graph on a star configuration (dstar), where the

center is the interpreter, and the edges are system calls or spawns(invocations).

dstar(interp, rules) = {c1, c2 : s.controlcomponents |exists cn : s.controlconnectors |

(cn in s.calls or cn in s.spawns) @cn.c1 = c1 and cn.c2 = c2}) and

% All unification values are visible to the interpreter via the repository, all con-trol components that can see these values belong to the system, and allcontrol components that belong to the system can see the values.

(forall r : s.repositories @(forall unifval : P DataComponent |

unifval subseteq LP_UnificationValue @(exists cset : P ControlComponent; interp : LP_Interpreter @

unifval = r.data andcset = r.accessingcmps andinterp in cset andcset = s.controlcomponents)));

end axiom


7.3.9 Real Time

% Real Time Styleglobal

RT_DataStructure : P DataComponent;RT_Task : P ControlComponent;RT_Scheduler : P ControlComponent;RT_Call : P Call;RT_Spawn : P Spawn;RT_Interrupt : P Interrupt;RT_Terminate : P Terminate;RT_System : P System;

axiomforall t : RT_Task @

t.locals subseteq RT_DataStructure and% Tasks are not applets.t.applet = FALSE and% Tasks are preemptive.t.preemptive = TRUE and% Tasks have associated priorities.t.priority >= 0 and% Tasks are non-reentrant.t.reentrant = FALSE;

forall s : RT_Scheduler @s.locals subseteq RT_DataStructure and% Schedulers are not applets.s.applet = FALSE and% Schedulers are non-preemptive.s.preemptive = FALSE and% Schedulers are non-reentrant.s.reentrant = FALSE;

forall c : RT_Call @% The calls to tasks can be made by other tasks and/or the scheduler.(c.c1 in RT_Scheduler or c.c1 in RT_Task) andc.c2 in RT_Task;

forall s : RT_Spawn @% The spawns of tasks can be made by other tasks and/or the scheduler.(s.c1 in RT_Scheduler or s.c1 in RT_Task) ands.c2 in RT_Task;

forall i : RT_Interrupt @% The interrupts of tasks can be made by the scheduler only.i.c1 in RT_Scheduler andi.c2 in RT_Task;

forall t : RT_Terminate @% The termination of tasks is made by the scheduler.t.c1 in RT_Scheduler andt.c2 in RT_Task;

forall s : RT_System @s in MultiThreadedSystems and% There is exactly one scheduler


# {sc : RT_Scheduler | sc in s.controlcomponents} = 1 and% There is at least one task# {t : RT_Task | t in s.controlcomponents} >= 1 anddom s.shareddata subseteq RT_DataStructure and% All tasks have some invocation mechanism associated to them.(forall task : RT_Task | task in s.controlcomponents @

((exists c : RT_Call @ c.c1 = task) or(exists sp : RT_Spawn @ sp.c1 = task))) and

% All control connectors that happen within the system are either tasks’ invo-cations, their returns, interruptions, their swap-ins or terminations.

s.calls subseteq RT_Call ands.spawns subseteq RT_Spawn ands.interrupts subseteq RT_Interrupt ands.terminates subseteq RT_Terminate ands.triggers /= {} and% The scheduler initiates all triggered actions.(forall t : Trigger | t in s.triggers @

(exists e : Event; a : Action @((e, a) = t and(exists sc : RT_Scheduler @generates_basicactions(sc, a) = TRUE)))) and

s.response_time = predictable and% RT systems have no backtracking.s.backtracking = FALSE and% RT systems have a central control unit, the scheduler.s.controlunit = {sc : RT_Scheduler | sc in s.controlcomponents} and# {sc : RT_Scheduler | sc in s.controlunit} = 1 and(exists sched : RT_Scheduler; tasks : P RT_Task @

% All control components are either the scheduler or tasks.{sched} setunion tasks = s.controlcomponents andsched notin tasks);

end axiom

7.3.10 Closed Loop Feedback Control

% Closed Loop Feedback Control Styleglobal

CL_DataStructure : P DataComponent;CL_ControlledVar : P DataComponent;CL_ManipulatedVar : P DataComponent;CL_Process : P ControlComponent;CL_Controller : P ControlComponent;CL_System : P System;

axiomforall v : DataComponent |

(v in CL_ControlledVar or v in CL_ManipulatedVar) @v in CL_DataStructure;

forall p : CL_Process @p.locals subseteq CL_DataStructure and


% There are no applets among the processes.p.applet = FALSE and% The processes are preemptive.p.preemptive = TRUE and% Processes are non-reentrant.p.reentrant = FALSE;

forall c : CL_Controller @c.locals subseteq CL_DataStructure and% There are no applets among the controllers.c.applet = FALSE and% Controllers are non-reentrant.c.reentrant = FALSE;

forall s : CL_System @% There are at least one controlled variable, one manipulated variable, one

processing component, and one controlling component.(exists datacomp : P DataComponent @

datacomp subseteq CL_DataStructure and# {cv : CL_ControlledVar | cv in datacomp} >= 1 and# {mv : CL_ManipulatedVar | mv in datacomp} >= 1) and

# {p : CL_Process | p in s.controlcomponents} >= 1 and# {c : CL_Controller | c in s.controlcomponents} >= 1 and% All control components are either processing or controlling components.(exists proc : P CL_Process; contr : P CL_Controller @

proc setunion contr = s.controlcomponents) and% Controlled variables are explicitly shared data. Other data may also be

shared.CL_ControlledVar subseteq dom s.shareddata anddom s.shareddata subseteq CL_DataStructure and% There is a cycle involving control and/or data connectors(uring (s.controlcomponents) = {c1, c2 : s.controlcomponents |

exists cn : s.controlconnectors |(cn in s.calls or cn in s.spawns) @cn.c1 = c1 and cn.c2 = c2} or

uring (s.controlcomponents) = {c1, c2 : s.controlcomponents |exists dcn : s.dataconnectors @

dcn.c1 = c1 and dcn.c2 = c2}) ands.triggers /= {} and% CLFC systems have no backtracking.s.backtracking = FALSE and% CLFC systems have control unit(s), their controllers.s.controlunit = {c: CL_Controller | c in s.controlcomponents};

end axiom

7.3.11 Internet Distributed Entities

% Internet Distributed Entities Styleglobal

ID_DataStructure : P DataComponent;ID_ServerData : P DataComponent;


ID_ClientData : P DataComponent;ID_Socket : P Port;ID_WebServer : P ControlComponent;ID_ServerProcess : P ControlComponent;ID_WebBrowser : P ControlComponent;ID_Applet : P ControlComponent;ID_CORBAIIOPdata : P DataConnector;ID_RMIdata : P DataConnector;ID_HTTP : P DataConnector;ID_Circuit : P DataConnector;ID_CORBAIIOPcontrol : P ControlConnector;ID_RMIcontrol : P ControlConnector;ID_RPC : P ControlConnector;ID_System : P System;

axiomforall sd : ID_ServerData @

sd in ID_DataStructure;forall cd : ID_ClientData @

cd in ID_DataStructure;forall s : ID_Socket @

s.iotype = io_inout;forall ws : ID_WebServer @

ws.ports subseteq ID_Socket andws.locals subseteq ID_ServerData and% There are no applets among the web servers.ws.applet = FALSE and% The web server is reentrant.ws.reentrant = TRUE;

forall sp : ID_ServerProcess @sp.ports subseteq ID_Socket andsp.locals subseteq ID_ServerData;

forall wb : ID_WebBrowser @wb.ports subseteq ID_Socket andwb.locals subseteq ID_ClientData and% There are no applets among the web browsers.wb.applet = FALSE;

forall a : ID_Applet @a.ports subseteq ID_Socket anda.locals subseteq ID_ClientData and% They are applets.a.applet = TRUE;

forall dcn : DataConnector | (dcn in ID_CORBAIIOPdata or dcn in ID_RMIdata ordcn in ID_HTTP or dcn in ID_Circuit) @

{dcn.p1, dcn.p2} subseteq DP_Socket anddcn.c1 in (ID_WebBrowser setunion ID_Applet) anddcn.c2 in (ID_WebServer setunion ID_ServerProcess) and% Bidirectionaldcn.directionality = twoway;

forall ccn : ControlConnector | (ccn in ID_CORBAIIOPcontrol orccn in ID_RMIcontrol or ccn in ID_RPC) @

ccn.c1 in (ID_WebBrowser setunion ID_Applet) and


ccn.c2 in (ID_WebServer setunion ID_ServerProcess) and(ccn.type = call or ccn.type = spawn);

forall s : ID_System @s in MultiThreadedSystems and% The system rests on more than one nodes in DistributedSystems ands.controlcomponents subseteq (ID_WebServer setunion ID_WebBrowser set-

unionID_Applet setunion ID_ServerProcess) and

s.dataconnectors subseteq (ID_CORBAIIOPdata setunion ID_RMIdata setunionID_HTTP setunion ID_Circuit) and

s.controlconnectors subseteq (ID_CORBAIIOPcontrol setunion ID_RMIcontrolsetunion ID_RPC) and

% All data connectors’ sockets connect control components’ sockets(forall cn : s.dataconnectors @

exists cm1, cm2 : s.controlcomponents @cn.p1 in cm1.ports and cn.p2 in cm2.ports) and

% No two data connectors connect the same pair of sockets(forall c1, c2 : s.dataconnectors @

c1 /= c2 =>(not (c1.p1 = c2.p1 and c1.p2 = c2.p2)) and(not (c1.p1 = c2.p2 and c1.p2 = c2.p1))) and

% There is exactly one web server.# {ws: ID_WebServer | ws in s.controlcomponents} = 1 and% There are at least one web browser and one applet.# {wb: ID_WebBrowser | wb in s.controlcomponents} >= 1 and# {a: ID_Applet | a in s.controlcomponents} >= 1 and% Data connections are done via HTTP and at most one of: CORBA IIOP, RMI

and socket libraries.# {dcn: ID_HTTP | dcn in s.dataconnectors} >= 1 and(# {dcn: ID_CORBAIIOPdata | dcn in s.dataconnectors} >= 1) <=>

(# {dc: ID_RMIdata | dc in s.dataconnectors} = 0 and# {dc: ID_Circuit | dc in s.dataconnectors} = 0) and

(# {dcn: ID_RMIdata | dcn in s.dataconnectors} >= 1) <=>(# {dc: ID_CORBAIIOPdata | dc in s.dataconnectors} = 0 and# {dc: ID_Circuit | dc in s.dataconnectors} = 0) and

(# {dcn: ID_Circuit | dcn in s.dataconnectors} >= 1) <=>(# {dc: ID_CORBAIIOPdata | dc in s.dataconnectors} = 0 and# {dc: ID_RMIdata | dc in s.dataconnectors} = 0) and

% Control connections are done via at most one of: CORBA IIOP, RMI andsocket libraries.

(# {ccn: ID_CORBAIIOPcontrol | ccn in s.controlconnectors} >= 1) <=>(# {cc: ID_RMIcontrol | cc in s.controlconnectors} = 0 and# {cc: ID_RPC | cc in s.controlconnectors} = 0) and

(# {ccn: ID_RMIcontrol | ccn in s.controlconnectors} >= 1) <=>(# {cc: ID_CORBAIIOPcontrol | cc in s.controlconnectors} = 0 and# {cc: ID_RPC | cc in s.controlconnectors} = 0) and

(# {ccn: ID_RPC | ccn in s.controlconnectors} >= 1) <=>(# {cc: ID_CORBAIIOPcontrol | cc in s.controlconnectors} = 0 and# {cc: ID_RMIcontrol | cc in s.controlconnectors} = 0) and

s.triggers /= {} and


% System’s initial^components are at least the web server and browser.# s.initialcontrolcmps >= 2 and(exists ws : ID_WebServer; wb : ID_WebBrowser @

{ws, wb} subseteq s.initialcontrolcmps andws /= wb) and

% The server data resides on the web server node.(forall sd : ID_ServerData |

sd in (dom s.shareddata setunion {d : DataComponent |(exists ccmp : ControlComponent | ccmp in s.controlcomponents @

d in ccmp.locals)} setunion{d : DataComponent |(exists dset : P DataComponent; cset : P ControlComponent; r : Reposi-

tory |r in s.repositories anddset = r.data andcset = r.accessingcmps @

d in dset)}) @(exists ws : ID_WebServer | ws in s.controlcomponents @

sd.nodes subseteq ws.nodes)) and% The client data reside on the web browsers’ nodes.(forall cd : ID_ClientData |

cd in (dom s.shareddata setunion {d : DataComponent |(exists ccmp : ControlComponent | ccmp in s.controlcomponents @

d in ccmp.locals)} setunion{d : DataComponent |(exists dset : P DataComponent; cset : P ControlComponent; r : Reposi-

tory |r in s.repositories anddset = r.data andcset = r.accessingcmps @

d in dset)}) @cd.nodes subseteq {n : Node |(exists wb : ID_WebBrowser | wb in s.controlcomponents @

n in wb.nodes)}) and% Server processes run on the web server node.(forall sp : ID_ServerProcess | sp in s.controlcomponents @

(exists ws : ID_WebServer | ws in s.controlcomponents @sp.nodes subseteq ws.nodes)) and

% Applets run on the web browsers’ nodes.(forall a : ID_Applet | a in s.controlcomponents @

a.nodes subseteq {n : Node |(exists wb : ID_WebBrowser | wb in s.controlcomponents @

n in wb.nodes)}) and% ID systems have call and/or spawn and/or data connector layers.# {layer : Layer | layer in s.call_layers or

layer in s.spawn_layers orlayer in s.dataconnector_layers} >= 1 and

s.response_time = unbounded and% ID systems have on the fly garbage collection.on_the_fly_garbage_collection in s.reconfiguration and% ID systems have no control units


s.controlunit = {};end axiom

7.4 Modeling Composition and Mismatches Detection

Another important addition done by this work is the fact that we provide an

operation that explicitly checks for each and every mismatch we have addressed

(section 6.0).1 The model for such operation can be found below.2

% Operation to check for potential mismatchesglobal

% Inputs include a set of (sub)systems and new bridging connectors. Output is theset of potential mismatches to be expected.

check_for_mismatches : (P System & P Call & P Spawn &P SharedData & P Repository & P DataConnector & P Trigger &P (P ControlComponent & Node))+-> P Mismatch;

axiomforall subsystems : P System;bridgingcalls : P Call;bridgingspawns : P Spawn;extendedshareddata : P SharedData;extendedrepositories : P Repository;bridgingdataconnectors : P DataConnector;bridgingtriggers : P Trigger;bridgingsharedmachines : P (P ControlComponent & Node);mismatches : P Mismatch @check_for_mismatches(subsystems, bridgingcalls, bridgingspawns, extended-

shareddata,extendedrepositories, bridgingdataconnectors, bridgingtriggers,bridgingsharedmachines) = mismatches <=>

% Divide bridging triggers to simplify reasoning for each mismatch.(exists bridgtriggcalls : P Call; bridgtriggspawns : P Spawn;bridgtriggdataxfer : P DataTransfer @

bridgtriggcalls = gettriggeredcalls(ran bridgingtriggers) andbridgtriggspawns = gettriggeredspawns(ran bridgingtriggers) and

%% Check for Mismatch 1: “Two concurrent threads share data, with potential

synchronization problems.”

1. This covers all mismatches we identified. As new mismatches are identified they would have tobe manually added here.

2. This Z snippet makes use of schemas and relations defined elsewhaere . For a complete specifi-cation of those, please refer to appendix C.


% Precondition: Composing parts are to run concurrently (regardless onwhether they were originally concurrent or not), and do share somedata.

% Problem: Potential synchronization problems for concurrent threads whilesharing data.

% New parts share some data (i.e., the bridging connector is shared data).(extendedshareddata /= {} and% Composing parts may run concurrently((bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) /= {} or(exists s : System | s in subsystems @

s in MultiThreadedSystems))) <=>M1 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 2: “A layering constraint is violated.”% Precondition: Any of the composing subsystems originally included layering

constraints either on control or data connectors, and composition isachieved by extending exactly that kind of connector to such a sub-system.

% Problem: Bridging connector may ignore these constraints, thus violatingthem.

% There are bridging (triggered) calls, and at least one of the subsystemsinvolved originally had layering constraints on calls.

(((bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) /= {} and(exists s : System | s in subsystems @

s.call_layers /= {} and(exists bc : Call | bc in (bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) @

bc.c1 in s.controlcomponents orbc.c2 in s.controlcomponents))) or

% There are bridging (triggered) spawns, and at least one of the subsystemsinvolved originally had layering constraints on spawns.

((bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) /= {} and(exists s : System | s in subsystems @

s.spawn_layers /= {} and(exists bs : Spawn | bs in (bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) @

bs.c1 in s.controlcomponents orbs.c2 in s.controlcomponents))) or

% There are bridging data connectors, and at least one of the subsystemsinvolved originally had layering constraints with respect to data connec-tors.

(bridgingdataconnectors /= {} and(exists s : System | s in subsystems @

s.dataconnector_layers /= {} and(exists bd : DataConnector | bd in bridgingdataconnectors @

bd.c1 in s.controlcomponents orbd.c2 in s.controlcomponents)))) <=>

M2 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 3: “Different sets of recognized events are used by two

subsystems that permit triggers.”% Precondition: At least 2 of the composing subsystems permit triggers but

have different sets of possible triggering events.


% Problem: A trigger may not be recognizable by some subsystem that should.(exists s1, s2 : System |

s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems @% Both subsystems have triggerss1.triggers /= {} and s2.triggers /= {} and% Their set of triggering events is differentdom s1.triggers /= dom s2.triggers) <=>

M3 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 4: “A (triggered) spawn is made into or out of a sub-

system which originally forbade them.”% Precondition: Subsystems are being composed via (triggered) spawns, and

at least one of the composing subsystems does not support thedynamic creation of threads.

% Problem: A (triggered) spawn is made into or out of a subsystem that origi-nally forbade them. May cause synchronization problems, as well asresources contention.

% There is a bridging (triggered) spawn into or out of a subsystem that forbadethem.

((bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) /= {} and(exists sp : Spawn | sp in (bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) @

(exists s : System | s in subsystems @(sp.c1 in s.controlcomponents orsp.c2 in s.controlcomponents) ands.spawns = {}))) <=>

M4 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 5: “An unrecognized triggering event is used.”% Precondition: A trigger is used as a bridging connector, but its generating

event can never occur.% Problem: The trigger will not cause the expected behavior, it will never fire

the related actions.% There are bridging triggers, but at least one of them has a non-existent trig-

gering event.(bridgingtriggers /= {} and(exists t : Trigger; e : Event; a : Action | t in bridgingtriggers @

t = (e, a) and% The event cannot occur in any of the subsystems.(forall s : System | s in subsystems @

check_basicevents(e, s.controltransfers, s.datatransfers) = FALSE)))<=>

M5 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 6: “A trigger refers to subsystems which originally for-

bade triggering.”% Precondition: All of the composing subsystems forbade triggering, and

some of the composition is to be achieved via some bridging triggers.% Problem: The trigger will go by ignored, there is no underlying mechanism

available to handle the triggering.% There are bridging triggers, and none of the original parts supported trigger-


ing.(bridgingtriggers /= {} and(forall s : System | s in subsystems @

s.triggers = {})) <=>M6 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 7: “A data connector is made into a subsystem which

originally forbade them.”% Precondition: Some of the composition is to be achieved via bridging data

connectors, and at least one of the composing subsystems did not orig-inally support data connectors.

% Problem: Unclear on how data is to be handled for sending or receiving.% There are bridging data connectors, and at least one of them refers to a sub-

system which originally forbade them.(bridgingdataconnectors /= {} and(exists dc : DataConnector | dc in bridgingdataconnectors @

(exists s : System | s in subsystems @(dc.c1 in s.controlcomponents ordc.c2 in s.controlcomponents) ands.dataconnectors = {}))) <=>

M7 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 8: “A shared data relationship refers to a subsystem

which originally forbade them.”% Precondition: Some of the composition is to be achieved via bridging shared

data, and one of the composing subsystems had no shared data sup-port.

% Problem: May cause synchronization problems.% There are bridging shared data, and at least one of the parts involved did

not support that.(extendedshareddata /= {} and(exists cc : ControlComponent | {cc} in ran extendedshareddata @

(exists s : System | s in subsystems @cc in s.controlcomponents ands.shareddata = {}))) <=>

M8 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 9: “A (triggered) spawn is made into or out of a sub-

system which is not concurrent.”% Precondition: Some of the composition is to be achieved via bridging (trig-

gered) spawns, and one of the composing subsystems does not supportthe execution of concurrent threads.

% Problem: May cause synchronization problems, as well as resources con-tention.

% There are bridging (triggered) spawns, and at least one of the parts involvedoriginally had no concurrent threads.

((bridgingspawns /= {} or bridgtriggspawns /= {}) and(exists s : System | s in subsystems @

# (getmaxthreads(s)) = 1 and(exists bs : Spawn | bs in (bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) @

bs.c1 in s.controlcomponents or


bs.c2 in s.controlcomponents))) <=>M9 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 10: “A remote connector is extended into or out of a

non-distributed subsystem (i.e. a subsystem originally confined to a sin-gle node).”

% Precondition: One of the subsystems was originally confined to a singlenode, and the resulting composed system is distributed.

% Problem: The subsystem(s) originally non-distributed cannot handle delaysand/or errors occurred due to some distributed communication event.

% There are bridging (triggered) calls spanning more than one node, and atleast one of the subsystems involved originally was confined to a singlenode.

(((bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) /= {} and(exists s : System | s in subsystems @

# s.nodes = 1 and(exists bc : Call | bc in (bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) @

(bc.c1 in s.controlcomponents orbc.c2 in s.controlcomponents) andbc.c1.nodes /= bc.c2.nodes))) or

% There are bridging (triggered) spawns spanning more than one node, and atleast one of the subsystems involved originally was confined to a singlenode.

((bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) /= {} and(exists s : System | s in subsystems @

# s.nodes = 1 and(exists bs : Spawn | bs in (bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) @

(bs.c1 in s.controlcomponents orbs.c2 in s.controlcomponents) andbs.c1.nodes /= bs.c2.nodes))) or

% There are bridging data connectors spanning more than one node, and atleast one of the subsystems involved originally was confined to a singlenode.

(bridgingdataconnectors /= {} and(exists s : System | s in subsystems @

# s.nodes = 1 and(exists bd : DataConnector | bd in bridgingdataconnectors @

(bd.c1 in s.controlcomponents orbd.c2 in s.controlcomponents) andbd.c1.nodes /= bd.c2.nodes))) or

% There are bridging shared data between components that reside in differentnodes, and at least one of the subsystems involved did not support dis-tribution.

(extendedshareddata /= {} and(exists s : System | s in subsystems @

# s.nodes = 1 and(exists d : DataComponent; c1, c2 : ControlComponent; cset : P Control-

Component |((d, cset) in extendedshareddata and c1 in cset and c2 in cset) @(c1 in s.controlcomponents orc2 in s.controlcomponents) and


c1.nodes /= c2.nodes)))) <=>M10 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 11: “A node resource is overused.”% Precondition: Resources required are greater than the ones available at a

given node.% Problem: Resource overusage such as memory and disk space.% The resources on one or more of the new system’s nodes are not enough to

support all parts that reside on it.(exists n: Node |

(exists s : System | s in subsystems @ n in s.nodes) @not (addResources ({r : Resources |

% Resources required by all its subsystems data components.(forall s : System | s in subsystems and n in s.nodes @

(exists d : DataComponent; c : ControlComponent;cset : P ControlComponent; dset : P DataComponent;rep : Repository |

(n in d.nodes andc in s.controlcomponents andcset subseteq s.controlcomponents) @

(d in c.locals or(d, cset) in s.shareddata or(d in dset andrep in s.repositories anddset = rep.data andcset = rep.accessingcmps)) andr = d.resources))} setunion

{r : Resources |% Resources required by all its control components.(forall s : System | s in subsystems and n in s.nodes @

(exists c : ControlComponent |n in c.nodes and c in s.controlcomponents @r = c.resources))}) ResourceCompatible n.resources)) <=>

M11 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 12: “There is a non-deterministic set of actions that

could be caused by a trigger.”% Precondition: At least 2 of the composing subsystems have triggering, and

there is at least one event that has more than one trigger associatedwith it, one from each of the composing subsystems (i.e, each of thecomposing subsystems had its own set of actions that should occuronce the event happens).

% Problem: It is not clear which set of actions should actually occur based onthe composition, and if all it is not clear what the ordering should be.

(exists s1, s2 : System |s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems @s1.triggers /= {} ands2.triggers /= {} and(exists e : Event @

e in dom s1.triggers and


e in dom s2.triggers)) <=>M12 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 13: “Data connectors connecting control components

that are not always active may lead into deadlock.”% Precondition: We have a blocking bridging data connector and the receiving

control component may be inactive when data is sent through the dataconnector, and it may never become active (again).

% Problem: Possibility of deadlock on the control component sending the data.(bridgingdataconnectors /= {} and(exists bd : DataConnector; s : System |

s in subsystems andbd in bridgingdataconnectors @

(((bd.directionality = forward orbd.directionality = twoway) andbd.p1.blocking = TRUE) or((bd.directionality = reverse orbd.directionality = twoway) andbd.p2.blocking = TRUE)) ands.initialcontrolcmps /= s.controlcomponents and(bd.c1 in s.controlcomponents orbd.c2 in s.controlcomponents))) <=>

M13 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 14: “Data connectors connecting control components

that are not always active.”% Precondition: We have a non-blocking and non-buffered bridging data con-

nector and the receiving control component becomes active after thedata was sent and lost.

% Problem: Possibility of loss of data.(bridgingdataconnectors /= {} and(exists bd : DataConnector; s : System |s in subsystems and

bd in bridgingdataconnectors @(((bd.directionality = forward orbd.directionality = twoway) andbd.p1.blocking = FALSE) or((bd.directionality = reverse orbd.directionality = twoway) andbd.p2.blocking = FALSE)) andbd.buffersize = 0 ands.initialcontrolcmps /= s.controlcomponents and(bd.c1 in s.controlcomponents orbd.c2 in s.controlcomponents))) <=>

M14 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 15: “Erroneous assumption of single-thread.”% Precondition: A control component c1 in a single-threaded subsystem calls

a control component c2 in a multi-threaded dynamic subsystem. Theproblem may arise by c2 spawning c3, terminating and returning controlto c1, whose subsystem assumes it is running alone. OR there is a call


from a multi-threaded to a single-threaded subsystem. OR there is aspawn from a (single or) multi-threaded subsystem to a single-threadedone, the spawnee assumes it is running alone.

% Problem: Synchronization problems on accessing shared data, and/orresource contention.

(((bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) /= {} and(exists c : Call; s1, s2 : System |

c in (bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) ands1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems @

# (getmaxthreads(s1)) = 1 and# (getmaxthreads(s2)) > 1 andc.c1 in s1.controlcomponents and

c.c2 in s2.controlcomponents)) or(((bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) /= {} and

(exists sp : Spawn; s1, s2 : System |sp in (bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) and

s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems @# (getmaxthreads(s1)) > 1 and# (getmaxthreads(s2)) = 1 andsp.c1 in s1.controlcomponents andsp.c2 in s2.controlcomponents)))) <=>

M15 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 16: “(Triggered) Call to a cyclic (non-terminating) sub-

system/control component.”% Precondition: There is a bridging (triggered) call to a cyclic (and hence non-

terminating) subsystem / control component.% Problem: Control will never be returned to the caller.((bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) /= {} and(exists c : Call; cm : ControlComponent |

c in (bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) @c.c2 = cm and(cm.response_time = cyclic or(exists s : System | s in subsystems @

cm in s.controlcomponents ands.response_time = cyclic)))) <=>

M16 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 17: “Erroneous assumption of same underlying plat-

form.”% Precondition: During composition we would like to have some subsystems

running on a shared machine, but they actually assume different under-lying platforms.

% Problem: Cannot force fit parts to a given platform.(bridgingsharedmachines /= {} and(exists bm : (P ControlComponent & Node) |

bm in bridgingsharedmachines @(exists c : ControlComponent; cset : P ControlComponent; n : Node |

c in cset and


(cset, n) = bm @(forall nd : Node | nd in c.nodes @not (nd.platform PlatformCompatible n.platform))))) <=>

M17 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 18: “(Triggered) Call to a private method.”% Precondition: There is a bridging (triggered) call to a private method.% Problem: Method not accessible to the caller.((bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) /= {} and(exists c : Call; m : Method; o : Object |

c in (bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) @c.c2 = m andm.name in o.private_methods)) <=>

M18 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 19: “(Triggered) Spawn to a private method.”% Precondition: There is a bridging (triggered) spawn to a private method.% Problem: Method not accessible to the spawner.((bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) /= {} and(exists s : Spawn; m : Method; o : Object |

s in (bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) @s.c2 = m andm.name in o.private_methods)) <=>

M19 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 20: “Sharing private data.”% Precondition: Composition is also to be achieved via some bridging shared

data, but that data is private within its original subsystem.% Problem: Data not accessible to all of the sharing entities being composed.(extendedshareddata /= {} and(exists o : Object; d : DataComponent; cset : P ControlComponent |

(d, cset) in extendedshareddata @d in o.locals)) <=>

M20 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 21: “More than one central control unit exists.”% Precondition: More than one central control unit exists as a result of compo-

sition.% Problem: All central control units assume they have absolute control on exe-

cution sequencing.(exists s1, s2 : System |

s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems @# {s1.controlunit} = 1 and# {s2.controlunit} = 1) <=>

M21 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 22: “Sharing data with a reentrant component.”% Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging shared data,

and at least one of the components to share it is reentrant.% Problem: Sharing of data may occur with the incorrect invocation of a com-


ponent.(extendedshareddata /= {} and(exists d : DataComponent; cset : P ControlComponent; c : ControlComponent |

(d, cset) in extendedshareddata @c in cset andc.reentrant = TRUE)) <=>

M22 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 23: “A reentrant component is either sending or receiv-

ing a data transfer.”% Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging data connec-

tor, and at least one of the involved control components is reentrant.% Problem: Potential incorrect assumption of which invocation of a component

is either sending or receiving a data transfer.(bridgingdataconnectors /= {} and(exists dc : DataConnector |

dc in bridgingdataconnectors @dc.c1.reentrant = TRUE ordc.c2.reentrant = TRUE)) <=>

M23 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 24: (Triggered) Call to a non-reentrant component.”% Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging (triggered)

call, and the callee is not reentrant.% Problem: Component may already be running.((bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) /= {} and(exists c : Call | c in (bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) @

c.c2.reentrant = TRUE)) <=>M24 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 25: “(Triggered) Spawn to a non-reentrant component.”% Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging (triggered)

spawn, and the spawnee is not reentrant% Problem: Component may already be running.((bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) /= {} and(exists s : Spawn | s in (bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) @

s.c2.reentrant = TRUE)) <=>M25 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 26 ““Composition involves one or more prioritized

parts.”% Precondition: One of the subsystems to be composed has a prioritized

structure.% Problem: Not clear where a component(s) with or without an associated pri-

ority fits in an overall separately prioritized structure.(exists s1, s2 : System; c : ControlComponent |

s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems @s1 /= s2 andc in s1.controlcomponents andc.priority /= 0) <=>


M26 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 27: “A prioritized system sharing a machine with some

other system.”% Precondition: A prioritized system sharing a machine with some other sys-

tem.% Problem: Unclear on how priorities compare across the various parts, which

affects the way interrupts are to be applied.(bridgingsharedmachines /= {} and(exists c : ControlComponent | c.priority /= 0 @

(exists s1, s2 : System; c2 : ControlComponent; cset : P ControlComponent;n : Node |

s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems and(cset, n) in bridgingsharedmachines @c in cset andc2 in cset ands1 /= s2 andc in s1.controlcomponents andc2 in s2.controlcomponents))) <=>

M27 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 28: “(Triggered) Call or spawn from a subsystem that

may later backtrack.”% Precondition: At least one of the callers or spawners of bridging connections

belongs to a subsystem that has backtracking.% Problem: While backtracking may cause undesired side effects on the

called/spawned end.(((bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) /= {} and(exists c : Call; s : System |

s in subsystems andc in (bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) @c.c1 in s.controlcomponents ands.backtracking = TRUE)) or

((bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) /= {} and(exists sp : Spawn; s : System |

s in subsystems andsp in (bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) @sp.c1 in s.controlcomponents ands.backtracking = TRUE))) <=>

M28 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 29: “Data being transferred from some component(s)

that may later backtrack.”% Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging data connec-

tor, and the component to send data through such a connection belongsto a subsystem that has backtracking.

% Problem: Backtracking may cause undesired side effects on the overall com-posed system state.

(bridgingdataconnectors /= {} and(exists dc : DataConnector; s : System |


s in subsystems anddc in bridgingdataconnectors @((dc.directionality = forward or dc.directionality = twoway) anddc.c1 in s.controlcomponents ands.backtracking = TRUE) or((dc.directionality = reverse or dc.directionality = twoway) anddc.c2 in s.controlcomponents ands.backtracking = TRUE))) <=>

M29 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 30: “Sharing data with a component(s) that may later

backtrack.”% Precondition: At least one of the subsystems sharing bridging data has

backtracking.% Problem: Backtracking may cause undesired side effects on the overall com-

posed system state.(extendedshareddata /= {} and(exists d : DataComponent; cset : P ControlComponent; c : ControlComponent;

s : System |s in subsystems and(d, cset) in extendedshareddata @c in cset andc in s.controlcomponents ands.backtracking = TRUE)) <=>

M30 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 31: “(Triggered) Call from a subsystem requiring some

predictable response times to some component(s) not originally consid-ered.”

% Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging (triggered)call, and at least one of the calling parts requires predictable responsetimes to some event(s).

% Problem: May have side effects on original predicted response times.((bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) /= {} and(exists c : Call; s : System |

s in subsystems andc in (bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) @c.c1 in s.controlcomponents ands.response_time = predictable)) <=>

M31 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 32: “(Triggered) Spawn to or from a subsystem requir-

ing some predictable response times that involves some component(s)not originally considered.”

% Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging (triggered)spawn, and at least one of the parts involved requires predictableresponse times to some event(s).

% Problem: May have side effects on original predicted response times. Theoriginal predicted response times did not account for concurrently exe-cuting with these other components.

((bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) /= {} and


(exists sp : Spawn; s : System |s in subsystems andsp in (bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) @(sp.c1 in s.controlcomponents orsp.c2 in s.controlcomponents) ands.response_time = predictable)) <=>

M32 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 33: “Only part of the resulting system automatically

reconfigures upon failure.”% Precondition: At least one of the parts to be composed has on-line reconfig-

uration, and at least one has reconfiguration off-line.% Problem: Only part of the resulting system automatically reconfigures upon

failure.(exists s1, s2 : System |

s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems @online in s1.reconfiguration andoffline in s2.reconfiguration) <=>

M33 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 34: “Some components that were expected to synchro-

nize have different synchronization mechanisms.”% Precondition: Composing parts are to run concurrently while synchronizing,

and have different synchronization mechanisms.% Problem: Synchronization between concurrent parts cannot properly take

place.(exists s1, s2 : System |

s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems @s1.synchronization /= s2.synchronization) <=>

M34 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 35: “(Triggered) Call to a component that should be pre-

emptable and isn’t.”% Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via a bridging (triggered) call,

and the caller is preemptable, while the callee is not.% Problem: Callee will not be preempted in situations when it should.((bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) /= {} and(exists c : Call; c1, c2 : ControlComponent |

c in (bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) @c.c1 = c1 and c.c2 = c2 andc1.preemptive = TRUE andc2.preemptive = FALSE)) <=>

M35 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 36: “(Triggered) Spawn to a component that should be

preemptable and isn’t.”% Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via a bridging (triggered)

spawn, and the spawner is preemptable, while the spawnee is not.% Problem: Spawnee will not be preempted in situations when it should.


((bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) /= {} and(exists s : Spawn; c1, c2 : ControlComponent |

s in (bridgingspawns setunion bridgtriggspawns) @s.c1 = c1 and s.c2 = c2 andc1.preemptive = TRUE andc2.preemptive = FALSE)) <=>

M36 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 37: “(Triggered) Call to a component that performs on

the fly garbage collection.”% Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via a bridging (triggered) call,

the callee performs on the fly garbage collection, while the caller hasrequirements for some predictable or bounded response times.

% Problem: Undesirable side effects on the overall predictable or boundedresponse times.

((bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) /= {} and(exists c : Call; s1, s2 : System |

s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems andc in (bridgingcalls setunion bridgtriggcalls) @c.c1 in s1.controlcomponents and(s1.response_time = predictable ors1.response_time = bounded) andc.c2 in s2.controlcomponents andon_the_fly_garbage_collection in s2.reconfiguration)) <=>

M37 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 38: “Incorrect assumption of which instantiation of an

object is either sending or receiving a data transfer.”% Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via a bridging data connector,

and at least one of the parts affected by such connection has encapsu-lation.

% Problem: Incorrect assumption of which instantiation of an object is eithersending or receiving a data transfer.

(bridgingdataconnectors /= {} and(exists dc : DataConnector |

dc in bridgingdataconnectors @dc.c1.type = object ordc.c2.type = object)) <=>

M38 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 39: “Sharing data with the incorrect instantiation of an

object.”% Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging shared data,

and at least one of the parts involved has encapsulation.% Problem: Sharing data with the incorrect instantiation of an object.(extendedshareddata /= {} and(exists d : DataComponent; cset : P ControlComponent; c : ControlComponent |

(d, cset) in extendedshareddata @c in cset andc.type = object)) <=>


M39 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 40: “Time represented/compared using different granu-

larities.”% Precondition: More than one of the composing parts has response time dif-

ferent than unbounded and cyclic unbounded. Additionally, they are dis-tributed over machines that represent and/or compare time usingdifferent granularities.

% Problem: Communications concerning time cannot properly occur.(exists s1, s2 : System; n1, n2 : Node |

s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems and

n1 in s1.nodes andn2 in s2.nodes @(s1.response_time /= unbounded ors1.response_time /= cyclic) andn1.time_representation /= n2.time_representation) <=>

M40 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 41: “Absolute time values are off.”% Precondition: More than one of the composing parts has response time dif-

ferent than unbounded and cyclic unbounded. Additionally, they are dis-tributed over machines that have their wall-clock time off.

% Problem: Communications concerning time cannot properly occur.(exists s1, s2 : System; n1, n2 : Node |

s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems andn1 in s1.nodes andn2 in s2.nodes @(s1.response_time /= unbounded ors1.response_time /= cyclic) andn1.wall_clock_time /= n2.wall_clock_time) <=>

M41 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 42: “Sharing or transferring data with differing underly-

ing representations.”% Precondition: Sharing or transferring data with differing underlying represen-

tations, including differences in data formats, units and coordinate sys-tems.

% Problem: Communications concerning the specific data will not properlyoccur.

(bridgingdataconnectors /= {} and(exists dc : DataConnector |

dc in bridgingdataconnectors @dc.p1.dataformat /= dc.p2.dataformat)) <=>

M42 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 43: “Resource contention.”% Precondition: Two or more parts are co-hosted, with at least one requiring

some predictable response time, and the original analysis did not takeinto account some of the parts that are currently co-hosted.


% Problem: Predictable response time indirectly affected because there maybe some resource contention not originally considered.

(bridgingsharedmachines /= {} and(exists bm : (P ControlComponent & Node); s1, s2 : System |

s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems ands1 /= s2 andbm in bridgingsharedmachines @(exists c1, c2 : ControlComponent; cset : P ControlComponent; n : Node |

c1 in cset and c1 in s1.controlcomponents andc2 in cset and c2 in s2.controlcomponents and(cset, n) = bm @c1.response_time = predictable))) <=>

M43 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 44: “Potential database and/or DBMS heterogeneity

problems may occur.”% Precondition: Two or more repositories are present.% Problem: Our model does not support for checking the specifics here, but

problems may arise on semantic heterogeneity, differing data itemsgranularity, databases being distributed or not, databases being repli-cated or not, and/or databases having different structural organizations.

% New parts share more than one repository.(exists s1, s2 : System |

s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems ands1 /= s2 @s1.repositories /= {} ands2.repositories /= {}) <=>

M44 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 45: “Inaccessible shared data.”% Precondition: Composition is being achieved by having an applet share data

that is local to the client side.% Problem: Applets have no access to the local file system of the client side

(i.e., the applet cannot really access the data that is to be shared).% There are bridging shared data, and at least one of the parts involved is an

applet, and the data resides on the client.(extendedshareddata /= {} and(exists cc : ControlComponent; d : DataComponent; cset : P ControlCompo-

nent; s : System; ws : ID_WebServer |s in subsystems andws in s.controlcomponents andcc in s.controlcomponents andcc.applet = TRUE andcc in cset @d.nodes setint ws.nodes = {} and(d, cset) in extendedshareddata)) <=>

M45 in mismatches and%% Check for Mismatch 46: “Distributed control units are present.”


% Precondition: Two or more of the composing subsystems have distributedcontrol units.

% Problem: Incorrect assumption that a problem is being solved elsewhere, bysome other control unit.

(exists s1, s2 : System |s1 in subsystems ands2 in subsystems @# {s1.controlunit} > 1 and# {s2.controlunit} > 1) <=>

M46 in mismatches);end axiom

Therefore now the group operation (below) first checks for the existence of

potential mismatches, and then actually generates the attributes for the new composed sys-


% Group operation for compositionglobal

% Inputs include a set of (sub)systems and new bridging connectors. Output is theresulting system.

group : (P System & Name & P Call & P Spawn & P SharedData & P Repository &P DataConnector & P Trigger & P (P ControlComponent & Node) &Layers & Layers & Layers)+-> (Success & System);

axiomforall subsystems : P System; newname : Name;newcalls : P Call;newspawns : P Spawn;extendedshareddata : P SharedData;extendedrepositories : P Repository;newdataconnectors : P DataConnector;newtriggers : P Trigger;newsharedmachines : P (P ControlComponent & Node);newcall_layers, newspawn_layers, newdataconnector_layers : Layers;success : Success;newsystem : System @group(subsystems, newname, newcalls, newspawns, extendedshareddata, extend-

edrepositories,newdataconnectors, newtriggers, newsharedmachines, newcall_layers,

newspawn_layers,newdataconnector_layers) = (success, newsystem) <=>

(exists potential_mismatches : P Mismatch @% Check for potential mismatches given the group characteristicspotential_mismatches = check_for_mismatches(subsystems, newcalls,

newspawns, extendedshareddata, extendedrepositories, newdataconnec-tors,


newtriggers, newsharedmachines) and% There are some detected potential mismatches, hence the grouping needs

to be carefully done in an individual basis.potential_mismatches /= {} <=> success = FALSE and% There are no detected potential mismatches, thus the grouping can be done

with no worries.potential_mismatches = {} <=>

(success = TRUE andnewsystem.name = newname andnewsystem.controlunit =

{x : ControlComponent |exists s : System | s in subsystems

@ x in s.controlunit} andnewsystem.initialcontrolcmps =

{x : ControlComponent |exists s : System | s in subsystems

@ x in s.initialcontrolcmps} andnewsystem.globalobjs =

{x : Object |exists s : System | s in subsystems

@ x in s.globalobjs} andnewsystem.controlcomponents =

{x : ControlComponent |exists s : System | s in subsystems

@ x in s.controlcomponents} andnewsystem.classes =

{x : Class |exists s : System | s in subsystems

@ x in s.classes} and% Extended shareddata uses existing data but w/ larger sets of sharing

components/objects(forall d : DataComponent; cset : P ControlComponent |

(d, cset) in extendedshareddata @(exists oldcset : P ControlComponent; s : System @

s in subsystems and (d, oldcset) in s.shareddata andoldcset subseteq cset andcset subseteq getallcontrolcmps(newsystem.controlcomponents,

newsystem.globalobjs) setuniongetallobjs(newsystem.controlcomponents,

newsystem.globalobjs))) and% Extended shared data overrides subsystems’ shared datanewsystem.shareddata =

{x : DataComponent & P ControlComponent |exists s : System | s in subsystems

@ x in s.shareddata} += extendedshareddata and% Extended repositories uses existing data but w/ larger sets of sharing

components/objects(forall dset : P DataComponent; cset : P ControlComponent; extrep : Repos-

itory |extrep in extendedrepositories anddset = extrep.data and


cset = extrep.accessingcmps @(exists oldcset : P ControlComponent; s : System; rep : Repository @

s in subsystems andrep in s.repositories andextrep.name = rep.name anddset = rep.data andoldcset = rep.accessingcmps andoldcset subseteq cset andcset subseteq getallcontrolcmps(newsystem.controlcomponents,

newsystem.globalobjs) setuniongetallobjs(newsystem.controlcomponents,

newsystem.globalobjs))) and% Extended repositories overrides subsystems’ repositoriesnewsystem.repositories =

{x : Repository |exists s : System | s in subsystems

@ x in s.repositories andx notin extendedrepositories} setunion

extendedrepositories and% All components addressed in the new calls, spawns, and dataconnec-

tors are members of the new system control components (this con-straint is redundant)

{c : ControlComponent |(exists call : ControlConnector | call in newcalls @

c = call.c1 or c = call.c2) or(exists spawn : ControlConnector | spawn in newspawns @

c = spawn.c1 or c = spawn.c2) or(exists dc : DataConnector | dc in newdataconnectors @

c = dc.c1 or c = dc.c2)} subseteq newsystem.controlcomponentsand

% All new data connectors span subsystems(forall d : DataConnector | d in newdataconnectors @

(exists s1, s2 : subsystems @d.c1 in getallcontrolcmps(s1.controlcomponents,s1.globalobjs) andd.c2 in getallcontrolcmps(s2.controlcomponents,s2.globalobjs) ands1 /= s2)) and

{x : DataConnector | exists s : System |s in subsystems @ x in s.dataconnectors} setint newdataconnectors = {}

andnewsystem.dataconnectors =

{x : DataConnector |exists s : System | s in subsystems

@ x in s.dataconnectors} setunion newdataconnectors and% All new calls span subsystems(forall c : Call | c in newcalls @

(exists s1, s2 : subsystems @c.c1 in getallcontrolcmps(s1.controlcomponents,s1.globalobjs) andc.c2 in getallcontrolcmps(s2.controlcomponents,s2.globalobjs) ands1 /= s2)) and

{x : ControlConnector | exists s : System |s in subsystems @ x in s.calls} setint newcalls = {} and


newsystem.calls ={x : ControlConnector |

exists s : System | s in subsystems@ x in s.calls} setunion newcalls and

% All new spawns span subsystems(forall sp : Spawn | sp in newspawns @

(exists s1, s2 : subsystems @sp.c1 in getallcontrolcmps(s1.controlcomponents,s1.globalobjs)

andsp.c2 in getallcontrolcmps(s2.controlcomponents,s2.globalobjs)

ands1 /= s2)) and

{x : ControlConnector | exists s : System |s in subsystems @ x in s.spawns} setint newspawns = {} and

newsystem.spawns ={x : ControlConnector |

exists s : System | s in subsystems@ x in s.spawns} setunion newspawns and

newsystem.recognizedmsgs ={x : DataComponent |exists s : System | s in subsystems@ x in s.recognizedmsgs} and

newsystem.events ={x : Event |

exists s : System | s in subsystems@ x in s.events} setunion dom newtriggers and

newsystem.actions ={x : Action |

exists s : System | s in subsystems@ x in s.actions} setunion ran newtriggers and

newsystem.triggers ={x : Trigger |exists s : System | s in subsystems@ x in s.triggers} setunion newtriggers and

% All layers drawn from the control components(forall layer : Layer | layer in newcall_layers or layer in newspawn_layers or

layer in newdataconnector_layers @first layer setunion second layer subseteq

getallcontrolcmps(newsystem.controlcomponents, newsystem.glo-balobjs)) and

newsystem.call_layers ={x : Layer |

exists s : System | s in subsystems@ x in s.call_layers} setunion newcall_layers and

newsystem.spawn_layers ={x : Layer |

exists s : System | s in subsystems@ x in s.spawn_layers} setunion newspawn_layers and

newsystem.dataconnector_layers ={x : Layer |

exists s : System | s in subsystems


@ x in s.dataconnector_layers} setunionnewdataconnector_layers and

% Calls constrained to between layers or not constrained at all(forall call : ControlConnector | call in newcalls @

((exists layer : Layer | layer in newsystem.call_layers @(call.c1 in first layer and call.c2 in second layer) or(call.c2 in first layer and call.c1 in second layer))

or(forall layer : Layer | layer in newsystem.call_layers @

{call.c1, call.c2} setint second layer = {}))) and% Spawns constrained to between layers or not constrained at all(forall spawn : ControlConnector | spawn in newspawns @

((exists layer : Layer | layer in newsystem.spawn_layers @(spawn.c1 in first layer and spawn.c2 in second layer) or(spawn.c2 in first layer and spawn.c1 in second layer))

or(forall layer : Layer | layer in newsystem.spawn_layers @

{spawn.c1, spawn.c2} setint second layer = {}))) and% Dataconnectors constrained to between layers or not constrained at all(forall d : DataConnector | d in newdataconnectors @

((exists layer : Layer | layer in newsystem.dataconnector_layers @(d.c1 in first layer and d.c2 in second layer) or(d.c2 in first layer and d.c1 in second layer))

or(forall layer : Layer | layer in newsystem.dataconnector_layers @

{d.c1, d.c2} setint second layer = {}))) andnewsystem.response_time = predictable <=>

(exists s : System | s in subsystems @s.response_time = predictable) and

newsystem.response_time = bounded <=>((exists s : System | s in subsystems @s.response_time = bounded) andnot ((exists s : System | s in subsystems @s.response_time = predictable))) and

(forall s : subsystems @ s.response_time = unbounded) <=>(newsystem.response_time = unbounded or newsystem.response_time

= cyclic) and% If the system is cyclic it means that some subset of its control compo-

nents form a ring with respect to its control connectors.newsystem.response_time = cyclic <=>

(exists c_set : P ControlComponent; cn_set : P ControlConnector |c_set subset newsystem.controlcomponents andcn_set subset newsystem.controlconnectors @uring c_set = {a,b : ControlComponent |

exists cn : ControlConnector |cn in cn_set @cn.c1 = a andcn.c2 = b}) and

newsystem.backtracking = TRUE <=>(exists s : System | s in subsystems @s.backtracking = TRUE) and


newsystem.backtracking = FALSE <=>not (exists s : System | s in subsystems @s.backtracking = TRUE) and

#newsystem.reconfiguration = 1 or #newsystem.reconfiguration = 2 and#newsystem.reconfiguration = 2 <=>

on_the_fly_garbage_collection in newsystem.reconfiguration andon_the_fly_garbage_collection in newsystem.reconfiguration <=>

(exists s : System | s in subsystems @on_the_fly_garbage_collection in s.reconfiguration) and

(online in newsystem.reconfiguration oroffline in newsystem.reconfiguration) andonline in newsystem.reconfiguration <=>

(exists s : System | s in subsystems @online in s.reconfiguration) and

newsystem.synchronization ={x : SynchronizationMechanism |exists s : System | s in subsystems@ x in s.synchronization} and

newsystem.nodes ={x : Node |exists s : System | s in subsystems@ x in s.nodes} setunion ran newsharedmachines and

newsystem.resources =addResources {x : Resources |

exists s : System | s in subsystems@ x = s.resources}))

end axiom



8.0 Compositional Mismatch Analysis

There are various means of leveraging from this work to perform architectural

mismatch analysis during systems’ composition.1 One could simply use the abstractions

created here, and do some quick high-level analysis of potential mismatches on paper

(section 8.1), invest considerably on a modeling effort and obtain detailed precise infor-

mation in specific mismatches (section 8.2), or use our AAA tool engine (section 8.3).

8.1 Abstraction on Paper

Here we present a short and hypothetical example of how to use our results

without access to our tool.

The actual steps involved in applying our framework on paper are as follows:

1. Describe the various parts to be composed in terms of features (or pure styles,

which in turn can be described in terms of features).

- If dealing with descriptions using styles, then identify the specific choices by

the relevant parts for each of the features that were left “unconstrained” for

their respective styles.

2. Determine which kinds of connectors do occur during composition. There may be

more than one.

1. This work, specially the sections covering architectural conceptual features, could also be usedas a basis for defining. evaluating or classifying ADLs. Additionally one could use its resultingmodels to build a more powerful and detailed analysis tool. Discussions on these and othermeans of capitalizing on this work can be found in section 10.0.


3. For each feature and given connector, traverse the mismatch table collecting the

mismatch numbers that need to be analyzed.

- For each of these mismatch numbers evaluate the specific mismatch to deter-

mine whether it is applicable on the specific situation (all of its preconditions

are met) or not.

We will now try to clarify what exactly is encompassed by the compositional

mismatch analysis by presenting a small hypothetical example.

1. Describe the various parts to be composed in terms of features (or pure styles,

which in turn can be described in terms of features).

In this example we will assume that we are to compose two different sub-

systems. One in the real-time style (RT) and another in the internet distributed entities (ID)


- If dealing with descriptions using styles, then identify the specific choices by

the relevant parts for each of the features that were left “unconstrained” for

their respective styles.

Once their underlying styles have been stated one must check for their specific

features choices (from the styles vs. features table), see table 9.

The underlying styles of the systems to be composed did have some uncon-

strained features, hence we must determine what the specific choices were for the particu-

lar styles instances (see table 10).


2. Determine which kinds of connectors do occur during composition. There may be

more than one.

In this case the connector is a call from RT to ID, and they do not share a


3. For each feature and given connector, traverse the mismatch table collecting the

mismatch numbers that need to be analyzed.

Since the connector used is a call, then we must check everything on the call

column for applicability (table 11).

Real-Time Internet Distributed Entities

Dynamism threads, no applets threads, downloaded applets

Supported Data Transfers unconstrained explicit data connectors

Triggering Capability yes yes

Concurrency multi-threaded multi-threaded

Distribution unconstrained multiple nodes

Layering unconstrained yes

Encapsulation unconstrained unconstrained

Preemption yes unconstrained

Response Times predictable unbound

Component Priorities yes unconstrained

Backtracking no unconstrained

Reentrance no yes (server)

Reconfiguration unconstrained on the fly garbage collection

Control Unit central none

Table 9: Real-Time and Internet Distributed Entities Styles’ Features


- For each of these mismatch numbers evaluate the specific mismatch to deter-

mine whether it is applicable on the specific situation (all of its preconditions

are met) or not.

2. “A layering constraint is violated.”

Precondition:Any of the composing subsystems originally included layering constraints

either on control or data connectors, and composition is achieved by extending exactly that

kind of connector to such a subsystem.


Dynamism threads, no applets threads, downloaded applets

Supported Data Transfers shared variablesand explicit data


explicit data connectors

Triggering Capability yes yes

Concurrency multi-threaded multi-threaded

Distribution single node multiple nodes

Layering no yes

Encapsulation yes yes

Preemption yes no

Response Times predictable unbound

Component Priorities yes no

Backtracking no no

Reentrance no yes (server)

Reconfiguration on-line on the fly garbage collectionandoff-line

Control Unit central none

Table 10: RT and ID Systems’ Features


ID had layering constraints on its control connectors, and composition is being

achieved by a call from RT to ID. The specific call may be violating a layering constraint.

✔ This is a potential problem!

Problem:Bridging connector may ignore these constraints, thus violating them.

3. “Different sets of recognized events are used by two subsystems that permit trig-


Precondition: At least 2 of the composing subsystems permit triggers but have different

sets of possible triggering events.



Supported Data Transfers

Triggering Capability 3, 12

Concurrency 15, 34

Distribution 10

Layering 2

Encapsulation 18

Preemption 35

Response Times 16, 31, 37, 40, 41

Component Priorities 26

Backtracking 28

Reentrance 24

Reconfiguration 33, 37

Control Unit 21, 46


Table 11: Mismatches Related to the Call Bridging Connector


Both RT and ID have triggering capabilities. It may be the case where their sets

of triggering events are different.

✔ This is a potential problem!

Problem: A trigger may not be recognizable by some subsystem that should.

10. “A remote connector is extended into or out of a non-distributed subsystem (i.e. a

subsystem originally confined to a single node).”

Precondition: One of the subsystems was originally confined to a single node, and the

resulting composed system is distributed.

RT was originally confined to a single node, and the resulting composed sys-

tem is distributed.

✔ This is a potential problem!

Problem: The subsystem(s) originally non-distributed cannot handle delays and/or errors

occurred due to some distributed communication event.

12. “There is a non-deterministic set of actions that could be caused by a trigger.”

Precondition: At least 2 of the composing subsystems have triggering, and there is at least

one event that has more than one trigger associated with it, one from each of the compos-

ing subsystems (i.e, each of the composing subsystems had its own set of actions that

should occur once the event happens).

Both RT and ID have triggering capabilities. It may be the case where there is

at least one event that has more than one trigger associated with it.

✔ This is a potential problem!


Problem: It is not clear which set of actions should actually occur based on the composi-

tion, and if all it is not clear what the ordering should be.

15. “Erroneous assumption of single-thread.”

Precondition: A control component c1 in a single-threaded subsystem calls a control com-

ponent c2 in a multi-threaded dynamic subsystem. The problem may arise by c2 spawning

c3, terminating and returning control to c1, whose subsystem assumes it is running alone.

OR there is a call from a multi-threaded to a single-threaded subsystem. OR there is a

spawn from a (single or) multi-threaded subsystem to a single-threaded one, the spawnee

assumes it is running alone.

Both RT and ID are multi-threaded.

✘ This is not a potential problem!

Problem: Synchronization problems on accessing shared data, and/or resource contention.

16. “(Triggered) Call to a cyclic (non-terminating) subsystem/control component.”

Precondition: There is a bridging (triggered) call to a cyclic (and hence non-terminating)

subsystem / control component.

ID is not cyclic.

✘ This is not a potential problem!

Problem: Control will never be returned to the caller.

18. “(Triggered) Call to a private method.”

Precondition: There is a bridging (triggered) call to a private method.


The bridging call may be to a private method within ID.

✔ This is a potential problem!

Problem: Method not accessible to the caller.

21. “More than one central control unit exists.”

Precondition: More than one central control unit exists as a result of composition.

There is only one central control unit, that of RT.

✘ This is not a potential problem!

Problem: All central control units assume they have absolute control on execution


24. “(Triggered) Call to a non-reentrant component.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging (triggered) call, and the

callee is not reentrant.

ID is reentrant.

✘ This is not a potential problem!

Problem: Component may already be running.

26. “Composition involves one or more prioritized parts.”

Precondition: One of the subsystems to be composed has a prioritized structure.

RT’s components are prioritized.

✔ This is a potential problem!


Problem: Not clear where a component(s) with or without an associated priority fits in an

overall separately prioritized structure.

28. “(Triggered) Call or spawn from a subsystem that may later backtrack.”

Precondition: At least one of the callers or spawners of bridging connections belongs to a

subsystem that has backtracking.

Neither has backtracking.

✘ This is not a potential problem!

Problem: While backtracking may cause undesired side effects on the called/spawned end.

31. “(Triggered) Call from a subsystem requiring some predictable response times to

some component(s) not originally considered.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via some bridging (triggered) call, and at

least one of the calling parts requires predictable response times to some event(s).

RT requires predictable response times.

✔ This is a potential problem!

Problem: May have side effects on original predicted response times.

33. “Only part of the resulting system automatically reconfigures upon failure.”

Precondition: At least one of the parts to be composed has on-line reconfiguration, and at

least one has reconfiguration off-line.

RT reconfigures on-line, whereas ID off-line.

✔ This is a potential problem!


Problem: Only part of the resulting system automatically reconfigures upon failure.

34. “Some components that were expected to synchronize have different synchroniza-

tion mechanisms.”

Precondition: Composing parts are to run concurrently while synchronizing, and have dif-

ferent synchronization mechanisms.

Some of RT’s components may have to run concurrently with some ID compo-

nents. It is unknown whether they are expected to synchronize or not.

✔ This is a potential problem!

Problem:Synchronization between concurrent parts cannot properly take place.

35. “(Triggered) Call to a component that should be preemptable and isn’t.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via a bridging (triggered) call, and the caller

is preemptable, while the callee is not.

RT has preemption, whereas ID does not.

✔ This is a potential problem!

Problem: Callee will not be preempted in situations when it should.

37. “(Triggered) Call to a component that performs on the fly garbage collection.”

Precondition: Composition is to be achieved via a bridging (triggered) call, the callee per-

forms on the fly garbage collection, while the caller has requirements for some predictable

or bounded response times.


ID performs on the fly garbage collection, and RT has predictable response

time requirements.

✔ This is a potential problem!

Problem: Undesirable side effects on the overall predictable or bounded response times.

40. “Time represented/compared using different granularities.”

Precondition: More than one of the composing parts has response time different than

unbound and cyclic unbound. Additionally, they are distributed over machines that repre-

sent and/or compare time using different granularities.

ID has response time unbound.

✘ This is not a potential problem!

Problem: Communications concerning time cannot properly occur.

41. “Absolute time values are off.”

Precondition: More than one of the composing parts has response time different than

unbound and cyclic unbound. Additionally, they are distributed over machines that have

their wall-clock time off.

ID has response time unbound.

✘ This is not a potential problem!

Problem: Communications concerning time cannot properly occur.

47. “Distributed control units are present.”

Precondition: Two or more of the composing subsystems have distributed control units.


RT has a central control unit, and ID has no control unit.

✘ This is not a potential problem!

Problem: Incorrect assumption that a problem is being solved elsewhere, by some other

control unit.

8.2 The AAA Model

If detailed and precise results are required, analysis can be performed at the

model level. The actual steps involved in applying our framework through the model are

as follows:

1. Describe the various parts to be composed in terms of base elements using Z and

the infrastructure we created.

2. Determine which kinds of connectors do occur during composition. There may be

more than one.

3. For the expected resulting system, including each of the parts to be composed and

the given connectors, manually trace the group and check_for_mismatches Z oper-


This should be a very tedious, long and error prone operation, but yield very

precise results.

We will not furnish an example of performing this kind of analysis because of

the unlikelihood of this being ever attempted elsewhere.


8.3 The AAA Tool

We created a Java tool called AAA that performs mismatch analysis on high

level descriptions of systems built by composition. These systems are described as a com-

position of subsystems with the corresponding bridging connectors. Subsystems can be

described in terms of features and/or styles. The tool also allows users to define their own


To illustrate the tool usage, we will show here in detail how it would handle the

composition of a subsystem based on the blackboard style with another based on the real-

time one. Results of composing a subsystem based on the real-time style with subsystems

based on all other styles are shown in appendix E.

1. The user must first create or open an existing project.

This is achieved by selecting either the New or the Open options of the Project

menu (figure 7).

Creating a project will create the file structure needed to store all the project

related information, as well as an initial set of styles (the ones described in section 4.0).

Opening a project will read all pre-existing project information from the avail-

able files.

Figure 7: AAA - Project Menu


For our example we will create a new project called RTwithOthers (figure 8).

2. The user may then define new style(s) as needed.

This is achieved by selecting the Style option in the Artifact menu (figure 9),

and then clicking on New at the Style’s List window (figure 10).

The user is then asked to enter the new style name, that must be unique within

the project (figure 11).

Figure 8: AAA - Project | New

Figure 9: AAA - Artifacts Menu

Figure 11: AAA - NewName


Subsequently the user may set the appropriate values for the various features in

the Style window. As seen on figure 12, the user is given the option of either saving or can-

celing this work.

For modifying pre-existing files the user would select the style name from the

given style’s list (figure 10), click on Ok, and change the feature values just as described


Our example will use no newly defined styles.

3. The user must then define the subsystems that are to be composed.

This can be done based on features or on the styles defined.

Subsystems definition follows the same pattern as that of the styles. The user

selects Artifacts | Subsystems, gets prompted with a list of subsystems, clicks on New, and

enters a unique name. These actions result in the display of the subsystem window.

Figure 10: AAA - Styles’ List


For our example we will create a subsystem based on each and every one of the

styles provided. We shoe here the creation of RTsub, a subsystem based on the real-time

style (figure 13).

If defining subsystems based on a specific style, the styles choices for particu-

lar features are inherited. All features that were “unconstrained” for the style are shown as

“unknown” for the subsystem. It is up to the user to reflect the specific choice made by the

subsystem being described. All features left as “unknown” will be treated as taking any of

the possible values during mismatch analysis.

Figure 12: AAA - Style


RTsub is based on the real-time style, so we define it accordingly by choosing

real-time from the style’s list provided in the pull-down menu.

This automatically sets RTsub’s features accordingly. Since we are not dealing

with a specific subsystem, we will leave the “unknown” features unchanged (figure 14-

figure 27) .

When defining subsystems based on features the user must then set each and

every feature to reflect the specific situation.

Figure 13: AAA - Subsystem


4. Next the systems to be analyzed for mismatches must be defined.

This is actually achieved by selecting the subsystems that will be a part of the

system, and bridging connectors used for composition.

Once again the user selects Artifacts | Systems, gets prompted with a list of

systems, clicks on New, and enters a unique name. These actions result in the display of

the system window.

Figure 14: AAA - Subsystem Backtracking


For our example we will create systems showing the composition of RTsub

with all other subsystems, one at a time. We show here the creation of RTwithBB, a system

that combines RTsub (based on the real-time style) with BBsub (based on the blackboard

style) (figure 28).

Once the system window comes up, the user must then select the relevant sub-

systems, in this case RTsub and BBsub (figure 29).

Figure 15: AAA - Subsystem Component Priorities


By doing so it creates a list of all pairs of chosen subsystems so that the user

can define the bridging connectors between them (if any).

For our example we will select all possible connections (figure 30).

5. Invoke the AAA engine to analyze for mismatches.

This is done by selecting the AAA Mismatch Analysis option of the Tools

menu (figure 31 on page 163), and then choosing the specific system to be analyzed from

Figure 16: AAA - Subsystem Concurrency


the given list (figure 32 on page 177). This invokes the AAA mismatch analysis engine,

that in turn will perform the analysis, save and display the results.

For our example we will show the selection of RTwithBB.

6. Review the analysis results.

Figure 17: AAA - Subsystem Control Unit

Figure 31: AAA - Tools Menu


Once the analysis has been performed, the results are saved and automatically

displayed (figure 33). For obvious readability reasons we will actually include the contents

of the mismatch analysis results here (they are shown as they appear in the file that is


AAA Mismatch Analysis Results-----------------------------------------

System name: RTwithBB

Figure 18: AAA - Subsystem Distribution


Date: 9/3/98Time: 12:49:57


Short descriptionTwo concurrent threads share data, with potential synchronization problems.

ProblemPotential synchronization problems for concurrent threads while sharing data.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub


Figure 19: AAA - Subsystem Dynamism


Short descriptionA layering constraint is violated.

ProblemBridging connector may ignore existing layering constraints

Violating subsystemsRTsub (control layering unknown) and BBsub (control layering unknown) (on control layer)RTsub (data layering unknown) and BBsub (data layering unknown) (on data layer)


Short descriptionDifferent sets of recognized events are used by two subsystems that permit triggers.

ProblemA trigger may not be recognized by some subsystem that should.

Violating subsystemsRTsub, BBsub

Figure 20: AAA - Subsystem Encapsulation



Short descriptionA (triggered) spawn is made into or out of a subsystem which originally forbade them.

ProblemMay cause synchronization problems, as well as resources contention.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub (threads initiating unknown)


Short descriptionAn unrecognized triggering event is used.


Figure 21: AAA - Subsystem Layering


The trigger will not cause the expected behavior, it will never fire the related actions.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsubBBsub and RTsub


Short descriptionA data connector is made into a subsystem which originally forbade them.

ProblemUnclear on how data is to be handled for sending or receiving.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub


Figure 22: AAA - Subsystem Preemption


Short descriptionA shared data relationship refers to a subsystem which originally forbade them.

ProblemMay cause synchronization problems.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub


Short descriptionA (triggered) spawn is made into or out of a subsystem which is not concurrent.


Figure 23: AAA - Subsystem Reconfiguration


May cause synchronization problems, as well as resources contention.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub (concurrency unknown)


Short descriptionA node resource is overused.

ProblemResource overusage such as memory and disk space.

Violating subsystemsRTsub, BBsub

Figure 24: AAA - Subsystem Reentrance



Short descriptionThere is a non-deterministic set of actions that could be caused by a trigger.

ProblemIt is not clear which set of actions should actually occur based on the composition, andif all, it is not clear what the ordering should be.

Violating subsystemsRTsub, BBsub


Short descriptionData connectors connecting control components that are not always active may lead

Figure 25: AAA - Subsystem Response Time


into deadlock.

ProblemPossibility of deadlock on the control component sending the data.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub


Short descriptionData connectors connecting control components that are not always active.

ProblemPossibility of loss of data.

Figure 26: AAA - Subsystem Supported Data Transfers


Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub


Short descriptionErroneous assumption of single threaded.

ProblemSynchronization problems on accessing shared data, and/or resource contention.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub (concurrency unknown)


Figure 27: AAA - Subsystem Triggering Capability


Short description(Triggered) Call to a cyclic (non-terminating) subsystem.

ProblemControl will never return to the caller.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub (response time unknown)


Short descriptionErroneous assumption of same underlying platform.

ProblemCannot force fit parts to a given platform.

Violating subsystems

Figure 28: AAA - System


RTsub, BBsub


Short description(Triggered) Call to a private method.

ProblemMethod not accessible to the caller.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub (encapsulation unknown)BBsub and RTsub (encapsulation unknown)


Short description(Triggered) Spawn to a private method.


Figure 29: AAA - System Subsystems


Method not accessible to the spawner.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub (encapsulation unknown)BBsub and RTsub (encapsulation unknown)


Short descriptionSharing private data.

ProblemData may not be accessible to all of the sharing entities being composed.

Violating subsystems

Figure 30: AAA - System and Connections


RTsub (encapsulation unknown) and BBsub (encapsulation unknown)


Short descriptionMore than one central control unit exists.

ProblemAll central control units assume they have absolute control on the execution sequencing.

Violating subsystemsRTsub, BBsub


Short description(Triggered) Call to a non-reentrant component.

ProblemComponent may already be running.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsubBBsub and RTsub


Short description

Figure 32: AAA - Mismatch Analysis


(Triggered) Spawn to a non-reentrant component.

ProblemComponent may already be running.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsubBBsub and RTsub


Short descriptionComposition involves one or more prioritized parts.

ProblemNot clear where a component(s) with or without an associated priority fits in an overallseparately prioritized structure.

Figure 33: AAA - Mismatch Analysis Results


Violating subsystemsRTsub, BBsub


Short descriptionA prioritized system sharing a machine with some other system.

ProblemUnclear on how priorities compare across the various parts, which affects the wayinterrupts are to be applied.

Violating subsystemsRTsub


Short description(Triggered) Call or spawn from a subsystem that may later backtrack.

ProblemWhile backtracking may cause undesired side effects on the called/spawned end.

Violating subsystemsBBsub and RTsub


Short descriptionData being transferred from some component(s) that may later backtrack.

ProblemBacktracking may cause undesired side effects on the overall composed system state.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub


Short descriptionSharing data with some component(s) that may later backtrack.

ProblemBacktracking may cause undesired side effects on the overall composed system state.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub


Short description


(Triggered) Call from a subsystem requiring some predictable response times to somecomponent(s) no originally considered.

ProblemUnexpected side effects on original predicted response times may occur.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsubBBsub (response times unknown) and RTsub


Short description(Triggered) Spawn to or from a subsystem requiring some predictable response times tosome component(s) no originally considered.

ProblemMay have side effects on original predicted response times. The original predictedresponse times did not account for concurrently executing with these other components.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub


Short descriptionOnly part of the resulting system automatically reconfigures upon failure.

ProblemOnly part of the resulting system automatically reconfigures upon failure.

Violating subsystemsReconfiguration unknown: RTsub, BBsub


Short descriptionSome components that were expected to synchronize have different synchronizationmechanisms.

ProblemSynchronization between concurrent parts cannot properly take place.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub (concurrency unknown)


Short description(Triggered) Call to a component that should be preemptable and isn't.


ProblemCallee will not be preempted in situations when it should.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub


Short description(Triggered) Spawn to a component that should be preemptable and isn't.

ProblemSpawnee will not be preempted in situations when it should.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub


Short description(Triggered) Call to a component that performs on the fly garbage collection.

ProblemUndesirable side effects on the overall predictable response times.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub (on the fly garbage collection unknown)


Short descriptionIncorrect assumption of which instantiation of an object is either sending or receiving adata transfer.

ProblemIncorrect assumption of which instantiation of an object is either sending or receiving adata transfer.

Violating subsystemsRTsub (encapsulation unknown) and BBsub (encapsulation unknown)


Short descriptionSharing data with the incorrect instantiation of an object.

ProblemSharing data with the incorrect instantiation of an object.

Violating subsystemsRTsub (encapsulation unknown) and BBsub (encapsulation unknown)



Short descriptionSharing or transferring data with differing underlying representations.

ProblemCommunications concerning the specific data will not properly occur.

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub


Short descriptionResource contention.

ProblemPredictable response time indirectly affected because there may be some resourcecontention not originally considered.

Violating subsystemsRTsub, BBsub


Short descriptionPotential database and/or DBMS heterogeneity problems may occur.

ProblemProblems may arise on semantic heterogeneity, differing data items granularity,databases being distributed or not, databases being replicated or not, and/ordatabases having different structural organizations.

Violating subsystemsBBsub, RTsub (shared repository unknown)


Short descriptionInaccessible shared data.

ProblemApplets have no access to the local file system of the client side (i.e., the applet cannotreally access the data that is to be shared).

Violating subsystemsRTsub and BBsub (downloadable applets unknown)



If the user wishes to review these results later on, he/she may do so by select-

ing the Mismatches Analysis Results under the Artifacts menu, and then choosing the spe-

cific system name from the given list (figure 34).

The results of similar analysis for all other systems defined can be found in

appendix E.

8.3.1 Miscellaneous

The tool allows for the definition of more than one system within a project.

This is provided to support user experimentation with more than one combination of sub-

systems, permitting different subsystems to be chosen each time, as well as variations on

the bridging connectors used.

Figure 34: AAA - Mismatch Analysis Results’ List


The tool allows for the modification of any user defined information, and shall

soon allow for their deletion as well. No printing means have been provided yet, but this

may be achieved by printing the individual text files.



Part IV: Conclusion

The following sections conclude this document by summarizing the key contri-

butions made by this work, and by introducing future directions to be taken.



9.0 Summary of Key Contributions

Below is a list of some of the key contributions of this work.

• Providing support for mismatch detection during systems composition, be it homoge-

neous, heterogeneous, based on conceptual features or on styles.

• Showing that Abd-Allah was correct in assuming that using conceptual features for

mismatch detection was an extensible framework, though it did require a considerable

amount of evolution of the framework to do so.

• Demonstrating that the hypothesis about the sufficiency of Abd-Allah’s conceptual

feature set for system’s description was false, as was the hypothesis about the com-

pleteness of his architectural mismatches set.

• Determining a strong set of conceptual features required for effectively describing and

comparing architectural styles, as well as systems.

• Providing initial structuring of the space of conceptual features, providing some initial

insight to a more formal foundation for the model, as well as guidelines on how to

evolve it.

• Extending the model of architectural styles, broadening the AAA model for a more

complete style coverage.

• Providing a comprehensive set of mismatches with explanations on preconditions and

problems inferred by each one of them.

• Defining a model of systems composition based on the styles’ models mentioned

above, and checking for the full set of mismatches covered.


• Developing a fully operational tool based on the above mentioned models, to

be used for analyzing various systems compositions for architectural mis-



10.0 Future Directions

This section suggests some directions that could be pursued in the long term

based on the results obtained here.

• Apply the approach to a set of real problems, and analyze its effectiveness.

• Extend the study of the conceptual feature space.

• Provide for import/export from the AAA tool notation to ACME.

• Study the existent ADLs in order to evaluate and classify them according to the vari-

ous dimensions of the conceptual feature space, as well as the conceptual feature set.

• Reflect additional architectural views such as cost, performance, and reliability.

• Propose solutions to the identified mismatches.

• Look into reverse engineering for retrieving the information needed for mismatch


• Create a catalog of various COTS and GOTS tools for the AAA tool to incorporate.

• Investigate quality related architectural attributes, and how they impact systems com-


• Provide means of simulating the effects of the control and data transfer Z operations.



Part V: Bibliography and Appendices

The bibliography used for this work is given, as well as appendices describing

the formal notation used earlier, the complete AAA Z model generated by Abd-Allah

[Abd-Allah 1996], our complete AAA Z model, and some time related classification of

systems and operations. There is also an appendix covering the mismatches to be expected

when composing real-time systems with systems in any of the styles discussed in this

work, and another defining the various acronyms used throughout this work.



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