Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V

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  • 8/12/2019 Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V


    Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V

    I. Objectives:At the end of the session, pupils must be able to:

    a. define what is sun;

    b. enumerate the parts of the sun;

    c. match the names to the pictures of the suns parts;and

    d. identify the parts of the sun.

    II. Subject Matter: The Sun and Its Parts


    Materials:laptop, speaker, LCD projector

    Strategy:Reception Learning Approach

    Values Integration: appreciation of the wonder of the heavenly bodies

    III. Procedures:

    Teachers Activity

    1. DrillGood morning, class!

    How are you today?

    Well, thats good to hear.

    Before anything else, Decilove please

    lead the prayer.

    Everybody, have a seat first.

    Who are absent today?

    Its very good that you have a

    perfect attendance for today. To

    energize you up, lets have first an action

    song. All we have to do is follow what is

    projected in front. Am I understood


    (Video presentation)

    2. ReviewLast meeting class, we have

    talked all about the types of soil. Let us

    see if you can still remember your past


    Pupils Activity

    Good morning, teacher!

    Were fine teacher!

    (The class prays.)

    None, teacher.
  • 8/12/2019 Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V


    I need five pupils to come here in front

    and answer the questions by clicking on

    their choice of answer in the laptop. Am

    I clear, class?

    I want Anna Mae, Airene,

    Dennis Jay, Ana, and Mark Joseph to


    3. New Lessona. Motivation

    I am looking for some phrases

    and I want your help. Under the

    blanks are numbers and these

    numbers have equivalent letters

    shown in the box. Can you form

    them for me?

    To do this, I want you to do it

    individually. The first pupil to finish

    will be rewarded. Am I clear, class?

    b. Presentation of the LessonClass, what do you think is our

    lesson for today based on the

    phrases that you have formed?

    c. DiscussionIm going to show you a video

    presentation about the parts of the

    sun. After the presentation, well

    sum up the video; so please watch

    and listen attentively.

    (Video presentation)

    Yes, teacher!

    (The pupils will answer the questions.)

    Yes, teacher!

    Yes, teacher!

    The Sun and its parts, teacher.

  • 8/12/2019 Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V


    4. GeneralizationSo class, who can now tell me

    the parts of the sun?

    Yes, Kate.

    Thats all correct.

    5. Application

    I, teacher!

    The parts of the sun are the core, the radiative

    zone, the convective zone, the photosphere,

    the chromosphere, and the corona.

    Directions: Label the picture with the parts of the sun. (Through PowerPoint Presentation)

    1. Core2. Radiative Zone3. Convective Zone4. Photosphere5. Chromosphere6. Corona

  • 8/12/2019 Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V


    V. Assignment

    IV. Evaluation

    Directions: Answer the following questions by clicking on the answer of your choice. (through

    PowerQuizPoint Presentation)

    Who Am I?

    1. I am the only part that you see. Solar flares also occur in me.a. Convective Zone b. Chromosphere c. Photosphere

    2. The extremely hot outermost layer, I am extending outward several million miles fromthe chromospheres. I am only visible during total solar eclipses.

    a. Corona b. Prominence c. Spicules3. I am the innermost and the hottest layer of the Sun where nuclear fusion takes place. I

    am also the source of all the Suns energy.

    a. Core b. Prominence c. Radiative Zone4. I am a very dense layer and I provide an efficient means of transferring energy from thecore to the surface.

    a. Radiative Zone b. Convective Zone c. Photosphere5. I am the area between the photosphere and corona and I am hotter than photosphere.

    a. Convective Zone b. Chromosphere c. Radiative Zone

    6. I am the layer in which gases chum with potent motions to carry energy to the Sunssurface.

    a. Convective Zone b. Radiative Zone c. Core7. I am dark, cooler regions on the photosphere.

    a. Spicules b. Sunspots c. Aurorae8. You see my lights in the North Pole.

    a. Aurora Borealis b. Aurora Australis c. Flare9. You can also find my lights in the South Pole.

    a. Aurora Borealis b. Aurora Australis c. Flare10. I am a huge ball of hot gases.

    a. Sun b. Moon c. Earth

    From our lesson today, Sun is a star. Search on the Internet how our Sun and the other stars

    in the universe differ from each other. Make a short PowerPoint Presentation on this.

  • 8/12/2019 Detailed Lesson Plan in Science V


    Philippine Normal University

    Agusan Campus

    Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur

    Detailed Lesson Plan


    PED 4

    Submitted by:


    BSE II-General Science

    Submitted to:

    ROLLY R. PEREZ, Ph. D.

    Course Instructor