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Cloud Foundry, Isolation.

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    CANDIDATO: RELATORE: Guido Davide DallOlio Prof. Ing. Antonio Corradi


    Ing. Diana J. Arroyo Dr. Ing. Luca Foschini

    Ing. Darrell Reimer Dr. Ing. Malgorzata Steinder

    Anno Accademico 2012/13

    Sessione III

  • Design the support for granting required SLAin public Cloud Environments

    based on Cloud Foundry

    Guido Davide Dall'Olio

  • Key words :


    Cloud Foundry


  • Contents

    Introduction 13

    1 Introduction to Cloud Computing 15

    1.1 Cloud Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

    1.2 Dierent Clouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    1.2.1 Public Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    1.2.2 Private Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    1.2.3 Private vs Public Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    1.2.4 Hybrid Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    1.3 Service Level Agreement in the Cloud . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    2 Cloud layers and its uses 27

    2.1 Cloud Layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

    2.1.1 IaaS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    2.1.2 PaaS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    2.1.3 SaaS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

    2.2 Main Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

    2.2.1 Google Cloud Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

    2.2.2 Amazon Web Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

    3 Cloud Foundry 37


    3.1 A Good Choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

    3.2 The Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

    3.2.1 NATS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

    3.2.2 Cloud Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

    3.2.3 Droplet Execution Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

    3.2.4 Warden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

    3.2.5 Router . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

    3.2.6 Health Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

    3.2.7 User Account and Authentication Server . . . . . . . . 48

    3.2.8 Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

    3.3 Roles and Organizations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51

    3.4 Command Line Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

    3.5 Applications Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54

    3.6 Interaction and Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

    3.6.1 Staging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57

    3.6.2 Start of an Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

    4 BOSH 63

    4.1 BOSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63

    4.2 The Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

    4.2.1 Stemcell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

    4.2.2 Jobs and Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66

    4.2.3 BOSH Agent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

    4.2.4 Blobstore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71

    4.2.5 Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

    4.3 BOSH Manifest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

    5 Cloud Foundry Deployment 77


    5.1 The deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

    5.2 Local deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78

    5.2.1 CF Nise Installer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79

    5.2.2 Local Development Environment . . . . . . . . . . . . 80

    5.3 Distributed Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

    5.3.1 Micro BOSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

    5.3.2 The Steps Involved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

    5.3.3 Distributed Development Environment . . . . . . . . . 87

    5.3.4 OpenStack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88

    5.3.5 Deploying Micro BOSH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

    5.3.6 Deploying a distributed Cloud Foundry . . . . . . . . . 92

    6 Application Isolation in Cloud Foundry 101

    6.1 Isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101

    6.2 Virtualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

    6.3 Process Groups - Control Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

    6.3.1 Hierarchy and Subsystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104

    6.3.2 An example of usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107

    6.4 Containers a lightweight approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108

    6.4.1 LXC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

    6.4.2 Warden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112

    6.4.3 Docker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116

    6.4.4 Docker vs Warden . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

    6.5 Risks of a Container Based isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120

    7 Improving provided isolation 125

    7.1 The current simple isolation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125

    7.2 Where to hook up a virtualization isolation: the Stack . . . . 127


    7.2.1 Current Stack usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

    7.2.2 Cloud Foundry Stack in details . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129

    7.2.3 Our proposal to employ the Stack . . . . . . . . . . . . 133

    7.2.4 Integrate the change with BOSH . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

    7.3 Enabling a Dynamic Provisioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140

    7.3.1 Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142

    7.3.2 Scaling DEA nodes with Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

    8 Isolation and Co-location Performances 149

    8.1 Application Tested . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151

    8.1.1 CPU - intensive application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

    8.1.2 Network - intensive application . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

    8.1.3 Disk I/O - intensive application . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

    8.1.4 Distributed Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163

    8.1.5 Media Stream over network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165

    8.1.6 Multi-tier Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

    8.2 Technical Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

    Conclusions and Future work 173

  • List of Figures

    1.1 Cloud Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

    1.2 Virtual Machine Monitor and Virtualization . . . . . . . . . . 18

    1.3 Deployment Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

    2.1 The cloud computing stack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    2.2 Google Cloud Platform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

    3.1 A Triangle of choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

    3.2 Cloud Foundry Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

    3.3 Organization and Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52

    3.4 Start of an application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60

    4.1 BOSH architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

    4.2 BOSH Director and Agent basic interaction . . . . . . . . . . 70

    4.3 BOSH APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

    5.1 MicroBosh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

    5.2 Final BOSH deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94

    6.1 Xen and KVM virtualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103

    6.2 A single hierarchy can have one or more subsystems attached . 105

    6.3 Attaching multiple subsystems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106

    6.4 Lightweight virtualization layers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109


    6.5 Container vs Virtualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110

    6.6 DEA and Warden interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114

    6.7 Docker features and Virtualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

    6.8 Container and Virtual Machine comparison . . . . . . . . . . . 121

    7.1 DEAs and Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126

    7.2 DEA pools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128

    7.3 DEA advertisements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130

    7.4 Cloud Controller selection process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132

    7.5 New DEA advertisements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134

    7.6 DEA and Cloud Controller conguration les . . . . . . . . . 135

    7.7 New pools and processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136

    7.8 A new Controller processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

    7.9 Heat architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143

    7.10 Cloud Foundry scaler, using Heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145

    7.11 A dierent Stack is running . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

    8.1 Virtual Machines and test conguration . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152

    8.2 Two VCPU deployment for test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

    8.3 Four VCPU deployment for test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153

    8.4 Whetstone Benchmark host score . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154

    8.5 Whetstone Benchmark two VCPU average container score . . 156

    8.6 Whetstone Benchmark two VCPU average execution time . . 156

    8.7 Whetstone Benchmark four VCPU average container score . . 157

    8.8 Whetstone Benchmark four VCPU average execution time . . 157

    8.9 Two VCPU deployment iperf test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158

    8.10 TCP average Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159

    8.11 UDP two VCPU average Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160


    8.12 UDP four VCPU average Bandwidth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160

    8.13 Disk intensive I/O Write Disk speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161

    8.14 Disk intensive I/O total average execution time . . . . . . . . 162

    8.15 Two VCPU deployment distributed computation test . . . . . 163

    8.16 Average communication Bandwidth sending the chunk . . . . 164

    8.17 Average execution time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

    8.18 Two VCPU deployment media stream test . . . . . . . . . . . 165

    8.19 Average connection speed during media transfer two VCPU . 166

    8.20 Average connection speed during media transfer four VCPU . 167

    8.21 Two VCPU deployment Multi-tier test . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167

    8.22 Average execution time two VCPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168

    8.23 Average transfer speed two VCPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

    8.24 Average execution time four VCPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169

    8.25 Average transfer speed four VCPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170

  • Introduction

    Cloud Computing, that is providing computer resources as a service, is a tech-

    nology revolution oering exible IT usage in a cost ecient and pay-per-use

    way. The Cloud approach can be applied for applications development pro-

    cess by the use of special platforms and environments that provide an access

    to remote resources. One of the platforms, Platform as a Service (PaaS ),

    oers opportunities for software companies to create applications easier, con-

    centrating on business processes instead of coding and maintenance, reduce

    costs, associated with hardware and software, anticipate possible problems

    in scalability and carry out the whole development lifecycle within the same

    environment. In the last 12 months the adoption of PaaS has increased

    dramatically and it is now one of the fastest growing areas of all the cloud

    computing services. Gartner estimates a steep rise in PaaS adoption and

    forecasts an increase in spending to more than $2.9 billion by 2016 and that

    every organization will run some or all of its business software on public or

    private PaaS.

    Early PaaS oerings, however, restrict developers to a specic or non-stand-

    ard development frameworks, a limited set of application services or a sin-

    gle, vendor-operated Cloud service. These incompatible platforms inhibit

    application portability, locking developers into a particular oering and re-

    stricting movement of applications across Cloud providers or even into an

    enterprise's own datacenter. Cloud Foundry is a modern application plat-

    form built specically to simplify the end-to-end development, deployment

    and operation of Cloud era applications, it is an open source Cloud Com-

    puting project, that oers a platform supporting many languages and many

  • 14 Introduction

    services. Thanks to its openness it can be adapted and partially changed, but

    also integrated to fulll many tasks in dierent environments. Cloud Foundry

    represents a new generation of application platform, architected specically

    for Cloud Computing environments and delivered as a service from enterprise

    datacenters and public Cloud service providers. The project is not tied to

    any single Cloud environment, rather, Cloud Foundry supports deployment

    to any public and private Cloud environment. However, each Cloud plat-

    form, has to face some challenges, such as: application portability, security,

    scalability and SLA delivery.

    The open source platform project sacrices a solid run-time application iso-

    lation for a easier architecture and deploying process; however, in certain

    scenarios, some applications should not run or be co-located with others of

    a dierent classication or requiring dierent SLAs. This work represents a

    proposed solution and research to meet customers required SLA, on Cloud

    Foundry, granting application separation and isolation: during the thesis ad-

    vancement we dened a change in the PaaS architecture, that could add

    new features but grant always backward compatibility to the current appli-

    cations developed. Moreover, the new added placement option grants more

    strict and eective boundaries between the applications hosted on the PaaS,

    allowing more advanced and ecient SLAs.

    In Chapter 1 the idea and concept of Cloud Computing is presented, while in

    Chapter 2 we explore the dierent Cloud layers and dierent available solu-

    tion for enterprises. Chapter 3 deeply analyzes Cloud Foundry's architecture

    and characteristics, exalting its qualities and use cases; while in Chapter 4

    BOSH, a specic deployer, will be introduced. In Chapter 5 shows how to

    install and deploy the open project, then Chapter 6 examines application

    placement weakness and drawbacks present in Cloud Foundry. Chapter 7

    explains the proposed change and its painless integration, compatible with

    the current release, while in the Chapter 8 many uses cases, applications and

    tests were carried out to quantify and understand the real benets of the

    dierent isolated placement.

  • Chapter 1

    Introduction to Cloud


    Cloud computing has recently emerged as one of the common words in the

    Information and Communications Technology (ICT) industry. Several Infor-

    mation Technology (IT) vendors are promising to oer computation, storage,

    and application hosting services and to provide coverage in several continents,

    oering specic Service Level Agreements (SLA) and ensuring performance

    and uptime promises for their services. These \clouds" are distinguished

    by exposing resources such as computation, data storage and applications

    as standards-based Web services and following a pricing model where cus-

    tomers are charged based on their utilization of computational resources,

    storage, and transfer of data. Nowadays we are experiencing a more continu-

    ous transition to the Cloud; mostly because it aims to cut costs, and help the

    users focus on their core business instead of being impeded by IT obstacles.

    1.1 Cloud Computing

    We can track the roots of clouds computing by observing the advancement of

    several technologies, especially in hardware (virtualization, multi-core chips),

  • 16 Introduction to Cloud Computing

    Internet technologies (Web services, service-oriented architectures, Web 2.0),

    distributed computing (clusters, grids), and systems management (auto-

    nomic computing, data center automation). Figure 1.1 shows the conver-

    gence of technology elds that signicantly advanced and contributed to the

    advent of cloud computing. While these emerging services have increased

    interoperability and usability and reduced the cost of computation, applica-

    tion hosting, and content storage and delivery, there is signicant complexity

    involved in ensuring that applications and services can scale as needed to

    achieve consistent and reliable operation under peak loads.

    Cloud vendors, researchers, and practitioners alike are working to ensure

    Figure 1.1: Cloud Computing

    that potential users are educated about the benets of cloud computing and

    the best way to harness the full potential of the cloud. The Cloud Comput-

    ing is really connected to the concept of utility computing, described by a

    business model for on-demand delivery of computing power: a scenario where

  • 1.1 Cloud Computing 17

    consumers pay providers based on usage, similar to the way in which we cur-

    rently obtain services from traditional public utility services such as water,

    electricity and gas. However, while the realization of real utility computing

    appears closer than ever, its acceptance is currently restricted to cloud ex-

    perts due to the perceived complexities of interacting with cloud computing


    From a nal user perspective, the Cloud Computing can be seen as a set

    of useful functions and resources that hide how their internals work and

    do not let worry the customer. Before this concept took place, the access,

    the management and the elaboration of the data has been achieved through

    bare-metal congurations gradually high performing; now the computing it-

    self, that may be considered fully virtualized, allows computers to be built

    from distributed components such as processing, storage, data, and software


    One of the main aim of the Cloud Computing is to allow access to large

    amounts of computing power in a fully virtualized manner, by aggregating

    resources and oering a single system view. In addition, an important aim

    of this technology has been delivering computing as a utility [2]. Cloud

    computing has been coined as an umbrella term to describe a category of

    sophisticated on-demand computing services; it denotes a model on which a

    computing infrastructure is viewed as a \cloud", from which businesses and

    individuals access applications from anywhere in the world on demand [3].

    The main principle behind this model is oering computing, storage, and

    software \as a service".

    Three new main aspects can be generally considered as Cloud features [4]:

    Perception of innite computing resources on demand;

    Removal of a excessive investment in resources;

    Ability to pay for use of short-term resources only when necessary.

    They seem simple topics, but with a complex feasibility.

    We are currently experiencing a switch in the IT world, from in-house gen-

    erated computing power into utility-supplied computing resources delivered

  • 18 Introduction to Cloud Computing

    over the Internet as Web services. Cloud computing services are usually

    backed by large-scale data centers composed of thousands of computers. Such

    data centers are built to serve many users and host many disparate appli-

    cations. For this purpose, hardware virtualization can be considered as a

    perfect t to overcome most operational issues of data center building and

    maintenance, as it allows running multiple operating systems and software

    stacks on a single physical platform. A software layer, the Virtual Machine

    Monitor (VMM) as shown in Figure 1.2, also called a hypervisor, mediates

    Figure 1.2: Virtual Machine Monitor and Virtualization

    access to the physical hardware presenting to each guest operating system a

    Virtual Machine (VM), which is a set of virtual platform interfaces [5].

    Traditionally, perceived benets were improvements on sharing and utiliza-

    tion, better manageability, and higher reliability. More recently, with the

    adoption of virtualization on a broad range of server and client systems, re-

    searchers and practitioners have been emphasizing three basic capabilities

    regarding management of workload in a virtualized system, namely: isola-

    tion, consolidation and migration [6]. Workload isolation is achieved since all

    program instructions are fully conned inside a VM, which leads to improve-

    ments in security. Better reliability is also achieved because software failures

  • 1.1 Cloud Computing 19

    inside one VM do not aect others [5]. Moreover, better performance con-

    trol is attained since execution of one VM should not aect the performance

    of another VM. The consolidation of several individual and heterogeneous

    workloads onto a single physical platform leads to better system utilization.

    Workload migration, also referred to as application mobility, targets at fa-

    cilitating hardware maintenance, load balancing, and disaster recovery. It is

    done by encapsulating a guest operating system (OS) state within a VM and

    allowing it to be suspended, fully serialized, migrated to a dierent platform,

    and resumed immediately or preserved to be restored at a later date.

    Certain features of a cloud are essential to enable services that truly repre-

    sent the cloud computing model and satisfy expectations of consumers, and

    cloud oerings grant:

    Self-service: consumers of cloud computing services expect on-demand,nearly instant access to resources. To support this expectation, clouds

    must allow self service access so that customers can request, customize,

    pay, and use services without intervention of human operators [7];

    Per-usage metering and billing: cloud computing eliminates up-frontcommitment by users, allowing them to request and use only the neces-

    sary amount. For this reason, clouds must implement features to allow

    ecient trading of service such as pricing, accounting, and billing;

    Elasticity: cloud computing gives the illusion of innite computingresources available on demand. Therefore users expect clouds to rapidly

    provide resources in any quantity at any time. In particular, it is

    expected that the additional resources can be provisioned, possibly

    automatically, when an application load increases and released when

    load decreases;

    Customization: resources rented from the cloud must be highly cus-tomizable. In the case of infrastructure services, customization means

    allowing users to deploy specialized virtual appliances and to be given,

    for example, privileged (root) access to the virtual servers.

  • 20 Introduction to Cloud Computing

    1.2 Dierent Clouds

    Although cloud computing has emerged mainly from the appearance of public

    computing utilities, other deployment models, with variations in physical

    location and distribution, have been adopted. In this sense, regardless of its

    service class, a cloud can be classied as public, private or hybrid [7] based

    on model of deployment as shown in Figure 1.3. In most cases, establishing

    Figure 1.3: Deployment Models

    a private cloud means restructuring an existing infrastructure by adding

    virtualization and cloud-like interfaces. This allows users to interact with the

    local data center while experiencing the same advantages of public clouds,

    most notably self-service interface, privileged access to virtual servers, and

    per-usage metering and billing. A public cloud can be shared by several

    organizations and supports a specic community that has shared concerns

    (e.g., mission, security requirements, policy and compliance considerations

    [7]. While a hybrid cloud takes shape when a private cloud is supplemented

    with computing capacity from public clouds [9].

    1.2.1 Public Cloud

    It is the most common model. Public cloud or external cloud describes

    cloud computing in a traditional mainstream sense, whereby resources are

    dynamically provisioned via publicly accessible Web applications/Web ser-

    vices (SOAP or RESTful interfaces) from an o-site third-party provider.

    Commonly when services and applications rely on public visibility and reach-

  • 1.2 Dierent Clouds 21

    ability from the Internet, a public cloud is the rst choice. To run a public

    cloud, a service provider will rst need to dene the services that will be

    oered to enterprises that want to place their workloads in the cloud; a of-

    fer for many customers. This is the reason why Cloud providers, such as

    Amazon EC2, can host a large of number applications [10] in a multitude of

    virtual machine independently managed and oer a collection of remote com-

    puting services that together make up a platform over the internet. Those

    who choose this approach, should not worry about computational resources

    supply or availability issues, as the provider will totally take care of it. The

    main benets of using a public cloud service can be summarized in:

    Easy and inexpensive set-up because hardware, application and band-width costs are covered by the provider;

    Scalability to meet needs;

    Very few or totally absent wasted resources.

    Nothing comes free, typically public clouds are subject to billing services

    based on a \pay-per-use" basis and a time-based resource usage calculation.

    The provider shares resources and bills customers on a ne-grained utility

    computing basis; the user pays only for the capacity of the provisioned re-

    sources at a particular time. Usually, from an organization point of view,

    public cloud is chosen when not sensible data is involved, enterprise public

    services are needed or when company data centers cannot fulll load requests.

    1.2.2 Private Cloud

    Private cloud (also called internal cloud or corporate cloud) is a marketing

    term for a proprietary computing architecture that provides hosted services

    to a limited number of people behind a rewall. Private cloud is the cloud

    infrastructure operated solely for an organization. It can be managed by

    the organization or a third party and can exist on-premises or o-premises.

    It aims at providing public cloud functionality, but on private resources,

  • 22 Introduction to Cloud Computing

    while maintaining control over an organization's data and resources to meet

    security and governance's requirements in an organization. It usually consists

    in a compute platform with these goals:

    Simplicity: allow service provisioning, setup and compute capabilityfor an organization's users in a self-service manner;

    Potency: automate and provide well-managed virtualized environments;

    Management: optimize computing resources, and servers' utilization;

    Adaptability: support specic workloads.

    Dierently from public clouds, instead of a pay-as-you-go model, there could

    be other schemes in place, which take into account the usage of the cloud

    and proportionally bill the dierent departments or sections of the enterprise.

    Private clouds have the advantage of keeping in-house the core business op-

    erations by relying on the existing IT infrastructure and reducing the burden

    of maintaining it once the cloud has been set up. In spite of these advan-

    tages, private clouds cannot easily scale out in the case of peak demand, and

    the integration with public clouds could be a solution to the increased load.

    However some drawbacks may occur, since the conguration and the instal-

    lation of the private infrastructure is a mandatory phase. A total private

    conguration, at the cost of a initial investment.

    1.2.3 Private vs Public Cloud

    After an initial enthusiasm for this new trend, it soon became evident that

    a solution built on outsourcing the entire IT infrastructure to third parties

    would not be applicable in many cases, especially when there are critical op-

    erations to be performed and security concerns to consider. Moreover, with

    the public cloud distributed anywhere on the planet, legal issues arise and

    they simply make it dicult to rely on a virtual public infrastructure for any

    IT operation. As an example, data location and condentiality are two of the

  • 1.2 Dierent Clouds 23

    major issues that scare stakeholders to move into the clouddata that might

    be secure in one country may not be secure in another [2]. In many cases

    though, users of cloud services dont know where their information is held

    and dierent laws can apply. It could be stored in some data center in either

    Europe, where the European Union favors very strict protection of privacy,

    or America, where laws such as the U.S. Patriot Act2 invest government and

    other agencies [16] with virtually limitless powers to access information in-

    cluding that belonging to companies. In addition, enterprises already have

    their own IT infrastructures. In spite of this, the distinctive feature of cloud

    computing still remains appealing, and the possibility of replicating in-house

    (on their own IT infrastructure) the resource and service provisioning model

    proposed by cloud computing led to the development of the private cloud

    concept. In this scenario, security concerns are less critical, since sensitive

    information does not ow out of the private infrastructure.

    Moreover, existing IT resources can be better utilized since the Private cloud

    becomes accessible to all the division of the enterprise. Another interest-

    ing opportunity that comes with private clouds is the possibility of testing

    applications and systems at a comparatively lower price rather than public

    clouds before deploying them on the public virtual infrastructure. For the

    enterprises there are some key advantages from the use of a private cloud:

    Customer information protectionDespite the public cloud oerings about the specic level of security,

    in-house security is easier to maintain and to rely on;

    Infrastructure ensuring Service Level Agreements (SLAs)Quality of service implies that specic operations such as appropriate

    clustering and failover, data replication, system monitoring and main-

    tenance, disaster recovery, and other uptime services can be commen-

    surate to the application needs. While public clouds vendors provide

    some of these features, not all of them are available as needed;

    Compliance with standard procedures and operationsIf organizations are subject to third-party compliance standards, spe-

  • 24 Introduction to Cloud Computing

    cic procedures have to be put in place when deploying and executing

    applications. This could be not possible in the case of virtual public


    However private clouds may not easily scale. Hence, hybrid clouds, which

    are the result of a private cloud growing and provisioning resources from a

    public cloud, are likely to be best option in many cases.

    1.2.4 Hybrid Cloud

    Hybrid cloud is the cloud infrastructure composed of two or more clouds,

    either private or public that remain separated entities but bound together

    by standardized technology that enables data and application portability.

    Hybrid clouds allow exploiting existing IT infrastructures, maintaining sen-

    sitive information within the premises, and naturally growing and shrinking

    by provisioning external resources and releasing them when needed. Secu-

    rity concerns are then only limited to the public portion of the cloud, which

    can be used to perform operations with less stringent constraints but that

    are still part the system workload. Hybrid clouds change their composition

    and topology over time. They form as a result of dynamic conditions such

    as peak demands or specic SLAs attached to the applications currently in

    execution. An open and extensible architecture that allows easily plugging

    new components and rapidly integrating new features is of a great value in

    this case.

    1.3 Service Level Agreement in the Cloud

    A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract between a network service

    provider and a customer that species, usually in measurable terms, what ser-

    vices the network service provider will furnish. SLAs are oered by providers

    to express their commitment to delivery of a certain QoS. To customers it

    serves as a warranty. An SLA usually include availability and performance

  • 1.3 Service Level Agreement in the Cloud 25

    guarantees. Additionally, metrics must be agreed upon by all parties as well

    as penalties for violating these expectations. Service Level Agreements can

    prove to be a useful instrument in facilitating enterprises' trust in cloud-based

    services. Cloud providers are typically not directly exposed to the service se-

    mantics or the SLAs that service owners may contract with their end users.

    The capacity requirements are, thus, less predictable and more elastic. The

    use of reservations may be insucient, and capacity planning and optimiza-

    tions are required instead. The cloud provider's task is, therefore, to make

    sure that resource allocation requests are satised with specic probability

    and timeliness. These requirements are formalized in infrastructure SLAs

    between the service owner and cloud provider, separate from the high-level

    SLAs between the service owner and its end users. In many cases, either the

    service owner is not resourceful enough to perform an exact service sizing or

    service workloads are hard to anticipate in advance. Therefore, to protect

    high-level SLAs, the cloud provider should cater for elasticity on demand.

    There are two types of SLAs from the perspective of hosting, at two dierent


    Infrastructure: infrastructure provider manages and oers guaranteeson availability of the infrastructure, namely, server machine, power,

    network connectivity, and so on. Enterprises manage themselves, their

    applications that are deployed on these server machines. The machines

    are leased to the customers and are isolated from machines of other cus-

    tomers. In such dedicated hosting environments, a practical example

    of service-level is represented by a Quality of Service (QoS) condition

    related to the availability of the system CPU, data storage and network

    for ecient execution of the application at peak loads.

    Application: in the application co-location hosting model, the servercapacity is available to the applications based solely on their resource

    demands. Hence, the service providers are exible in allocating and

    de-allocating computing resources among the co-located applications.

    Therefore, the service providers are also responsible for ensuring to

    meet their customer's application Service Level Objective.

  • 26 Introduction to Cloud Computing

    It is also possible for a customer and the service provider to mutually agree

    upon a set of SLAs with dierent performance and cost structure rather than

    a single SLA. The customer has the exibility to choose any of the agreed

    SLAs from the available oerings. At runtime, the customer can switch be-

    tween the dierent SLAs.

    Currently, the cloud solutions come with primitive or reduced SLAs [2]. This

    is surely bound to change; as the cloud market gets crowded with increasing

    number of cloud oers, providers have to gain some competitive dierenti-

    ation to capture larger share of the market. This is particularly true for

    market segments represented by enterprises and large organizations; where

    those entities will be particularly interested to choose the oering with so-

    phisticated SLAs providing more assurances. Many businesses are ready to

    move and have already migrated to the cloud to this day.

    Through the idea of Cloud we understand why many enterprise applica-

    tions are moving towards this direction and which kind of SLAs are implied.

    Now, we are going to present the dierent layers of the Clouds and how the

    dierent models interact each other.

  • Chapter 2

    Cloud layers and its uses

    Cloud computing services are divided into three classes, according to the ab-

    straction level of the capability provided and the service model of providers:

    a Provider of a Cloud typically oers a subscription-based access to infras-

    tructure (Infrastructure as a Service), platforms (Platform as a Service) and

    applications (Software as a Service); that are popularly referred to as IaaS,

    PaaS, and SaaS. Figure 2.1 depicts the layered organization of the cloud

    stack from physical infrastructure to applications.

    2.1 Cloud Layers

    The abstraction levels can also be viewed as a layered architecture where

    services of a higher layer can be composed from services of the underlying

    layer [14]. Cloud development environments are built on top of infrastruc-

    ture services to oer application development and deployment capabilities; in

    this level, various programming models, libraries, APIs, and mashup editors

    enable the creation of a range of business, Web, and scientic applications.

    Once deployed in the cloud, these applications can be consumed by end users.

    We start describing from the lowest layer, going up to the most abstract.

  • 28 Cloud layers and its uses

    Figure 2.1: The cloud computing stack

    2.1.1 IaaS

    Oering virtualized resources (computation, storage, and communication) on

    demand is known as Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS ) [9]. A cloud infras-

    tructure enables on-demand provisioning of servers running several choices

    of operating systems and a customized software stack. Infrastructure ser-

    vices are considered to be the bottom layer of cloud computing systems [11].

    Amazon Web Services mainly oers IaaS, which in the case of its EC2 service

    means oering VMs with a software stack that can be customized similar to

    how an ordinary physical server would be customized; in the same way Open-

    stack provides the same abstraction to the nal consumers. Users are given

    privileges to perform numerous activities to the server, such as: starting and

    stopping it, customizing it by installing software packages, attaching virtual

    disks to it, and conguring access permissions and rewalls rules. A key

    challenge IaaS providers face when building a cloud infrastructure is man-

    aging physical and virtual resources, namely servers, storage, and networks,

    in a holistic fashion. The orchestration of resources must be performed in a

    way to rapidly and dynamically provision resources to applications[9]. Public

  • 2.1 Cloud Layers 29

    Infrastructure as a Service providers commonly oer virtual servers contain-

    ing one or more CPUs, running several choices of operating systems and a

    customized software stack. In addition, storage space and communication

    facilities are often provided.

    In spite of being based on a common set of features, IaaS oerings can be

    distinguished by the availability of specialized features that inuence the

    cost-benet ratio to be experienced by user applications when moved to the

    cloud. The most relevant features are:

    Geographic presence: to improve availability and responsiveness, aprovider of worldwide services would typically build several data cen-

    ters distributed around the world;

    User interfaces and access to servers: ideally, a public IaaS providermust provide multiple access means to its cloud, thus catering for var-

    ious users and their preferences. Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) are

    preferred by end users who need to launch, customize, and monitor

    a few virtual servers and do not necessary need to repeat the process

    several times. On the other hand, Command Line Interfaces (CLIs)

    oer more exibility and the possibility of automating repetitive tasks

    via scripts;

    Advance reservation of capacity: advance reservations allow users torequest for an IaaS provider to reserve resources for a specic time

    frame in the future, thus ensuring that cloud resources will be available

    at that time.

    Automatic scaling and load balancing: elasticity is a key characteristicof the cloud computing model. Applications often need to scale up and

    down to meet varying load conditions. Automatic scaling is a highly

    desirable feature of IaaS clouds. It allow users to set conditions for

    when they want their applications to scale up and down, based on

    application-specic metrics such as transactions per second, number of

    simultaneous users, request latency, and so forth;

  • 30 Cloud layers and its uses

    Hypervisor and operating system choice: IaaS providers needed ex-pertise in Linux, networking, virtualization, metering, resource man-

    agement, and many other low-level aspects to successfully deploy and

    maintain their cloud oerings.

    One of the most well known open-source IaaS is OpenStack [12]: a cloud-

    computing project that aims to provide the \ubiquitous open source cloud

    computing platform for public and private clouds".

    2.1.2 PaaS

    Platform as a Service (PaaS ) is a category of cloud computing services that

    provides a computing platform and a set of software subsystems or com-

    ponents, needed to perform a task without further external dependencies,

    as a service. Typically an IaaS is not agile enough for developers, when

    developers that adopt infrastructure layered clouds, become responsible for

    managing their virtual machines, needing to understand more about the in-

    frastructure, VMM and OS than when they were using traditional IT. For

    service providers, as the number of VMs grows, it becomes very dicult to

    manage and keep track of what exact virtual machine has specic applica-

    tions running. It becomes a logistical nightmare as the ecosystem of users,

    as well as applications, grow within the cloud infrastructure.

    In addition to infrastructure-oriented clouds, that provide raw computing and

    storage services, another approach is to oer a higher level of abstraction to

    make a cloud easily programmable, through the PaaS. Public Platform as

    a Service providers commonly oer a deployment environment that allow

    users to create and run their applications with little or no concern to low-

    level details of the platform. Such a cloud platform oers an environment on

    which developers create and deploy applications and do not necessarily need

    to know how many processors or how much memory that applications will

    be using. In addition, multiple programming models and specialized services

    e.g., data access, authentication, and payments) are oered as building blocks

    to new applications [13]. Specic programming languages and frameworks

  • 2.1 Cloud Layers 31

    are made available in the platform, as well as other services such as persistent

    data storage and in-memory caches. Typical features of these platforms are:

    Programming models, languages and frameworks: PaaS providers usu-ally support multiple programming languages. Most commonly used

    languages in platforms include Python (e.g., Google AppEngine), Java

    (e.g., Google AppEngine, Cloud Foundry), .NET languages (e.g., Mi-

    crosoft Azure), Ruby (e.g., Heroku, Cloud Foundry) and NodeJS (e.g.,

    Cloud Foundry). A variety of software frameworks are usually made

    available to PaaS developers, depending on application focus. Providers

    that focus on Web and enterprise application hosting oer popular

    frameworks such as Ruby on Rails, Spring, Java EE (frameworks that

    can be used in Cloud Foundry PaaS ). Sometimes well-dened APIs,


    Persistence options: a persistence layer is essential to allow applica-tions to record their state and recover it in case of crashes, as well

    as to store user data. In the cloud computing domain we can rely

    on two common solutions: relational databases and distributed stor-

    age technologies. Typically PaaS providers oer several solutions or

    connection mechanisms to integrate these persistence options with the


    Scalability: a PaaS is usually built in order to let an agile team workand iterate quickly with software. Application scalability is not only

    an operations issue but it is a development issue as well, but a PaaS

    provides these functions out of the box. Moreover scaling an application

    and run it in production, should is oered as a fundamental feature.

    In this way the downtime penalty to be paid, when a specic scaling is

    required, is drastically reduced.

    Cloud consumers of PaaS can employ the tools and execution resources pro-

    vided by cloud providers to develop, test, deploy and manage the applications

    hosted in a cloud environment. PaaS consumers can be application develop-

    ers who design and implement application software, application testers who

  • 32 Cloud layers and its uses

    run and test applications in cloud-based environments, application deployers

    who publish applications into the cloud, and application administrators who

    congure and monitor application performance on a platform.

    Moreover, an additional desired feature for a PaaS is being portable, regard-

    ing both the applications and the PaaS itself. Selecting the right PaaS has a

    signicant impact on keeping an application portable. Basically an applica-

    tion should be portable among several deployments of the same PaaS, with

    no issues; as PaaS oers developers a set of services that are independent of

    the infrastructure, ensuring that the application and operational tools inte-

    grated by developers are agnostic of any cloud infrastructure. Moreover, a

    more portable PaaS, is capable of being installed on many IaaS ; thus increas-

    ing the portability of the application independently from the IaaS (open and

    portable PaaS oerings, like Cloud Foundry [20], can be deployed to pub-

    lic or private cloud congurations giving you the most exible deployment


    2.1.3 SaaS

    A Software as a Service (SaaS ) is a software delivery model in which both

    software and data are totally hosted on the cloud, providing to the consumer

    the capability to access the provider's applications, running on a cloud in-

    frastructure, from various client devices through a thin client interface such

    as a web browser.

    In the SaaS domain, cloud applications can be built as compositions of other

    services from the same or dierent providers. Services such user authenti-

    cation, e-mail, payroll management, and calendars are examples of building

    blocks that can be reused and combined in a business solution in case a sin-

    gle, ready-made system does not provide all those features. Many building

    blocks and solutions are now available in public marketplaces. Applications

    reside on the top of the cloud stack; the services provided by this layer can

    be accessed typically by end users through Web portals. The SaaS on Cloud

    oerings are focused on supporting large software package usage leveraging

  • 2.1 Cloud Layers 33

    cloud benets. This layer represent the most abstract one, most of the users

    of these packages will access directly the services and the applications totally

    unaware of the underlying cloud support. Traditional desktop applications

    such as word processing and spreadsheet can now be accessed as a service

    in the Web. This model of delivering applications alleviates the burden of

    software maintenance for customers and simplies development and test-

    ing for providers [14][15].The SaaS model has no physical need for indirect

    distribution since it is not distributed physically and is deployed almost in-

    stantaneously. Therefore SaaS customers have no hardware or software to

    buy, install, maintain, or update. Access to applications is easy as only an

    internet connection is required. Applications, especially the line of business

    services that are large customizable business solutions aimed at facilitating

    business processes, are normally designed for ease of use and based upon

    proven business architectures. The advantages of this approach include:

    Multitenant architecture: in which all users and applications share asingle, common infrastructure and code base that is centrally main-

    tained. Because SaaS vendor clients are all on the same infrastructure

    and code base, vendors can innovate more quickly and save the valuable

    development time previously spent on maintaining numerous versions

    of outdated code;

    Customization: the ability to easily customize applications to t enter-prise business processes without aecting the common infrastructure.

    Because of the way SaaS is architected, these customizations are unique

    to each company or user and are always preserved through upgrades.

    That means SaaS providers can make upgrades more often, with less

    customer risk and much lower adoption cost;

    Scalability: most of the software runs on provider infrastructure, thesame provider is responsible for its availability and scalability.

    Applications are studiously being moved to clouds, which are exposed as

    services, which are delivered via the Internet to user agents or humans and

  • 34 Cloud layers and its uses

    accessed through the ubiquitous web browsers. In a SaaS approach, most of

    the time, we do not have to worry about the installation, setup and running

    of the application, because the service provider will take care of it; good

    realizations, for example, can be found in Google Apps [17] (a cloud-based

    productivity suite) and Microsoft Oce 365 [18] (an online oce suite, based

    on the cloud).

    2.2 Main Platforms

    Before diving completely into a cloud technology, it is interesting to take a

    look at the enterprise companies and how well the Cloud, in this last years,

    has been integrated and used by them. The cloud ecosystem is evolving

    very fast and several businesses have to deal with it, enterprise businesses

    need to use clouds and not build them. A cloud technology should be seen

    as a commodity and not a dierent way to achieve the same tasks or reach

    in a dierent way the same clients. Nowadays, two of the main providers

    oering a suite of tools and a platform to ease the move towards the Cloud

    Computing are: Google and Amazon.

    2.2.1 Google Cloud Platform

    Google Cloud Platform [19] is a set of services that enables developers to

    build, test and deploy applications on Google's reliable infrastructure. Gen-

    erally, we talk about cloud computing when taking applications and running

    them on infrastructure other than our own. As a developer, the cloud should

    be seen as a service that provides resources to our applications. Built on the

    same infrastructure that allows Google to return billions of search results in

    milliseconds, rapidly we can develop, deploy and iterate applications without

    worrying about system administration, as Google manages completely appli-

    cation life-cycle, database and storage servers. As shown in Figure 2.2, the

    oering covers mainly to cloud layers: IaaS and PaaS.

  • 2.2 Main Platforms 35

    Thanks to a solid infrastructure, the Compute Engine, the platform is ca-

    Figure 2.2: Google Cloud Platform

    pable of handling millions of requests and the applications can automatically

    scale up to handle the most demanding workloads and scale down when trac

    subsides. Google's compute infrastructure provides consistent CPU, mem-

    ory and disk performance, while the network and edge cache serve responses

    rapidly to users across the world.

    While Cloud Platform oers both a fully managed platform and exible vir-

    tual machines, App Engine a PaaS, supports application development when

    focus on the only code is required. In addition, if the storage is required, the

    service oer comprises databases such as MySQL or NoSQL.

    2.2.2 Amazon Web Services

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a suite of remote services that together make

    up a cloud computing platform. While with Google Cloud Platform we have

    an environment of a higher logic level, more close to developers and appli-

    cations; with AWS we reach a lower level, meaning direct access to virtual

    machines, congurations and more adaptability. The most well-known ser-

    vices oered are: EC2, S3, Route 53 and ELB. Elastic Cloud Computing

    (EC2) is a central service, allowing users to rent virtual computers and de-

    ploy applications on virtual machines called instances; the users are allowed

    to select the most suitable avor represented by a purpose-specic instance

    based on dierent sizes or number of CPU, GPU and memory. Amazon

  • 36 Cloud layers and its uses

    Simple Storage Service (S3) is an online le storage web service providing

    the storage through Web Services interfaces, based on a highly durable and

    available store for a variety of content, ranging from web applications to

    media les. Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable Domain

    Name System (DNS) web service, designed to give developers and businesses

    an extremely reliable and cost eective way to route end users to Internet

    applications by translating names into the numeric IP addresses; Route 53

    eectively connects user requests to infrastructure running in AWS and can

    also be used to route users to infrastructure outside of AWS. While Elastic

    Load Balancing automatically distributes incoming application trac across

    multiple Amazon EC2 instances, by enabling users to achieve greater lev-

    els of fault tolerance in their applications, seamlessly providing the required

    amount of load balancing capacity needed to distribute application trac.

    While with AWS we can tweak more the architecture and touch directly the

    lower layer, by conguring it and developing specic services that interface

    with the cloud suite, with Google Cloud Platform we can get the same ben-

    ets at the cost of a more opaque architecture, quick to develop on, scalable

    but not transparent.

    After an overview about the dierent Cloud layers, we know what a PaaS

    is and why for certain purposes it is as its strong points oered are: fast

    development, environment pre-provisioned and easy scalability. As we have

    seen, many businesses are running on the Cloud and several technologies and

    approaches are utilized. The market oers dierent solutions and suites to

    meet up with developers, many of them provides dierent layers of abstrac-

    tion and environment to work with. However all of these oerings come in

    bundle, with a pretty static choice, based on the vendor technologies. In a

    dierent way, some good project at the Platform level exist; we want to take

    a look at a specic PaaS that is having a great momentum today, we are

    going to introduce the open PaaS par excellence: Cloud Foundry.

  • Chapter 3

    Cloud Foundry

    In the cloud era, the application platform delivered as a service, often called

    Platform as a Service (PaaS ), makes much easier to deploy, run and scale

    applications. At the state of the art, some PaaS oer a limited language

    and framework support, do not deliver key application services and restrict

    deployment to a single cloud. Cloud Foundry [20] is the industry's Open

    PaaS and provides a choice of clouds, framework and application services.

    As an open source project, there is a broad community both contributing

    and supporting Cloud Foundry [21].

    Open cloud and open source are only part of the transformation underway,

    there are also continuous innovation and high velocity agile development

    along the way. Some open source projects foster inclusiveness and sacri-

    ce velocity, while some increase velocity at the expense of transparency.

    Cloud Foundry's unique vision is to foster contributions from a broad com-

    munity of developers, users, customers, partners and independent software

    vendors while advancing development of the platform at extreme velocity.

    Cloud Foundry exists to provide a platform for the community of customers,

    partners and even former competitors to collaborate, teach, share and learn

    together, accelerating the pace of innovation and contribution.

  • 38 Cloud Foundry

    3.1 A Good Choice

    Cloud Foundry does not stop its openness to the code, but extends it to

    dierent environments. Being an Open Platform as a Service is about having

    the ability to make several choices [22] that best t developers, as represented

    in Figure 3.1, such as:

    Choice of Developer Frameworks:The platform supports several and common frameworks such as Spring

    for Java, Rails and Sinatra for Ruby and Node.js. There is also sup-

    port for Grails on Groovy and other JVM-based frameworks integrated

    into Cloud Foundry. As far as now the choice is restricted to those

    languages, the project will soon integrate other languages as Cloud

    Foundry matures;

    Choice of Application Services:Application Services allow developers to take advantage of data, mes-

    saging, and web services as building blocks for their applications. Cloud

    Foundry currently oers abstract logical components that link appli-

    cations to external services like MySQL, MongoDB and Redis [23]. In

    addition, the services can be extended; the PaaS oers interfaces and

    constructs to link not natively supported services from scratch;

    Choice of Clouds:Cloud Foundry can run on several variety of clouds, both private and

    public are supported [24]; it is up to the developer and organization

    where they want to run it. Cloud Foundry can be run on the top of

    OpenStack or Amazon Web Services as well;

    Type of Usage:Platform's code is open sourced at Cloud under the Apache

    License making it easy for anyone to adopt and use the technology in

    virtually any way they want. This is one of the best ways to avoid the

    risk of lock-in and foster additional innovation.

  • 3.2 The Architecture 39

    Figure 3.1: A Triangle of choice

    Cloud Foundry is an interoperable PaaS framework that allows users to have

    freedom of choice across cloud infrastructure and application programming

    models, and cloud applications. Therefore developers do not have to worry

    about Virtual Machine conguration or environment setup anymore; a de-

    ployment can be really speeded up, as we discussed in. 2.1.2.

    It appears clear now as Cloud Foundry needs to oer portability, extensi-

    bility and scalability, to comply to PaaS standards. The architecture itself

    demands modularity and cross-compatibility between the dierent IaaS, in

    order to provide an environment ready to be used.

    3.2 The Architecture

    Cloud Foundry has been designed with a simple but eective concept in mind:

    \The closer to the center of the system, the dumber the code should be" [27].

    Distributed systems raise fundamentally hard to solve problems [25], every

    component that cooperates to form the entire system should be as simple as

    it possibly can be, and still do its job properly.

    The architecture is both portable across dierent infrastructures and funda-

    mentally extensible itself. The components are modular and loosely coupled,

  • 40 Cloud Foundry

    they know each other in a loosely coupled way via a Publisher-Subscriber

    message system called NATS; where any direct call, to dierent agents and

    all the tasks, and request communicate on. Every component in this system

    is horizontally scalable and self recongurable in case of failure, meaning it

    is possible to add as many copies of each component as needed in order to

    support the load of a cloud, and in any order with resilience properties always

    in mind. Since everything is very decoupled, it does not even really matter

    where each component resides or runs.

    We can break down the whole system into ve main components, as displayed

    in the Figure 3.2, plus a message bus: the Cloud Controller, the Health Man-

    ager, the Router, the DEAs (Droplet Execution Agents) and a set of Services.

    Figure 3.2: Cloud Foundry Architecture

  • 3.2 The Architecture 41

    3.2.1 NATS

    NATS is a lightweight publish-subscribe and distributed queuing cloud mes-

    saging system, Cloud Foundry's message bus, written in Ruby. It is the

    system that all the internal components communicate on.

    The dierent agents, within the architecture, re o dierent messages and

    receive them from other components on dierent subjects. When the other

    components have completed their tasks, usually send a message back on the

    NATS bus. Other components have the option to listen to what is happen-

    ing on the NATS and perform peripheral tasks, such as ensuring the DNS is

    correctly congured for deployed applications, logging activity, or managing

    scalability. The NATS client is also built with EventMachine [26], which

    means communication is asynchronous and does not block the invoker which

    can immediately handle any NATS messages that are pushed to it; the pub-

    sub system oers in addition multiple subjects for several communications

    and tasks. When each daemon rst boots, it connects to the NATS message

    bus, subscribes to subjects it cares about (ie: provision or heartbeat signals),

    and also begins to publish its own heartbeats and notications. We are able

    to replicate mostly any component, in this way as we only require the NATS

    endpoint, for each component, to acquire the connection and the message

    ow for each task.

    3.2.2 Cloud Controller

    The Cloud Controller is the main orchestrator of the system. This is an

    application that uses EventMachine[28] to be fully async and Sinatra[29]

    (web application library) to expose REST APIs. This component exposes

    the main REST interface that the Command Line Interface (CLI) tool \cf"

    talks to. The orchestrator of the system wears many hats, the main ones:

    Control of the life cycle of an application;

    Initiation of the staging process of a new application;

  • 42 Cloud Foundry

    Selection of the best DEA agent;

    Reception of information from the Health Manager about applications;

    Control of client's access credentials;

    Management of the spaces, organization and user;

    Binding of services to the applications.

    The Cloud Controller maintains a database (CC DB) with tables for organi-

    zations, spaces, applications, services, service instances, user roles and tasks.

    Relying on the data structure created during the deployment and rst run

    of this component, the Controller takes care of several tasks.

    Each time a command is issued, via CF CLI, the Cloud Controller checks if

    the user is authenticated - authentication is performed by providing a UAA

    Token in the authorization HTTP header- and if has the right role, combined

    with a set of permissions, to manage the life cycle of the applications. There

    is an access validation whenever the users try to access to the space and orga-

    nization associated. While the Cloud Controller can answer the REST calls

    via Sinatra and provide the right endpoints for all the client requests, by us-

    ing Sequel (an object relational mapping tool) it can asynchronously update

    the Postgres database and dynamically be notied of changes. The Cloud

    Controller can be seen under a Model View Controller (MVC), where: the

    model is persistent on a database and associated with specic logic classes

    at run-time; the view is represented by the REST APIs that oer specic

    endpoints to the CF CLI commands issued; and the controller is partially

    obtained through specic REST logic and partially through a set of spe-

    cic classes that interact directly with other Cloud Foundry components,

    via NATS, and are driven by database updates and events. The high level

    architecture of this version of the Cloud Controller can be summarized as


    Sinatra HTTP framework;

    Sequel ORM;

  • 3.2 The Architecture 43

    Thread per request, currently using Thin in threaded mode;

    NATS based communication with other CF components.

    By adopting these components the Cloud Controller can oer specic APIs

    to the clients that grant:

    Consistencyacross all resource URLs, parameters, request-response bodies and error


    Partial updatesof a resource can be performed by providing a subset of the resources'


    Paginationsupport for each of the collections;

    Filteringsupport for each of the collections.

    A developer typically will interact with the Cloud Controller only during the

    rst process of \pushing" an application to Cloud Foundry, that it can be

    translated into a simple upload of his application and a transfer of the only

    les that are really required to run the piece of software. The deployment

    of an application starts always with an initial push. Thanks to the CF CLI

    and the Cloud Controller, the application's le are ngerprinted and the or-

    chestrator can keep track of the changes, it is like a built-in version control

    system. Then the client only sends the objects that the cloud requires, in

    order to create a full \Droplet" (a droplet is a tarball of all application's code

    plus its dependencies, all wrapped up into a droplet with a start and stop


    Moreover the Cloud Controller is in charge to manage a blob store, contain-


  • 44 Cloud Foundry

    Resources:les that are uploaded to the Cloud Controller with a unique SHA such

    that they can be reused without re-uploading the le;

    Application packages:un-staged les that represent an application;

    Droplets:the result of taking an application package, processing a buildpack and

    getting it ready to run.

    The blob store uses the FOG technology (a Ruby cloud service library) such

    that it can use abstractions like Amazon S3 or an NFS-mounted le system

    for storage.

    3.2.3 Droplet Execution Agent

    This is an agent that is run on each node that actually runs the applications.

    So in any particular cloud build of Cloud Foundry, there will be more DEA

    nodes then any other type of node in a typical setup. Each DEA can be

    congured to advertise a dierent capacity and dierent built-in image for

    the applications, identied via \stack" label. So not all DEA nodes are of the

    same size or are able to run the same applications. The DEA itself is written

    in Ruby and takes care of managing an application instance's life cycle. It can

    be instructed by the Cloud Controller to start and stop application instances.

    It keeps track of all started instances, and periodically broadcasts messages

    about their state over NATS (meant to be picked up by the Health Manager).

    The Droplet Execution Agents were designed with an idea in mind: as much

    as possible modular. We do not need to know exactly the id of a DEA node,

    or to make a direct call to start/stop an application; when we talk about a

    DEA we need a service, an agent that can fulll the request. NATS here has

    a central role: the nodes publish an advertise message with their capabilities

    and the orchestrator, Cloud Controller, browses between all the messages to

    nd the most suitable. We can congure each execution node and set up a

  • 3.2 The Architecture 45

    dierent capacity, stack, disk size in order to create pools of execution agents.

    The DEA does not necessarily care what language an app is written in. All

    it sees are droplets: a droplet is a simple wrapper around an application that

    takes one input, the port number to serve HTTP requests on and it also has

    two \buttons", start and stop. So the DEA treats droplets as black boxes:

    when it receives a new droplet to run, it tells it what port to bind to and runs

    the start script. A droplet again is just a tarball of the application, wrapped

    up in a start/stop script and with all the conguration les, rewritten in

    order to bind to the proper database. Once it tells the droplet what port to

    listen on for HTTP requests and runs its start script, then the app properly

    binds to the correct port; later it will broadcast on the bus the location of

    the new application so the Routers can know about it. If the app did not

    start successfully it will return log messages to the CF client that tried to

    push this app, telling the user why their app did not start. To summarize,

    the key functions of a Droplet Execution Agent (DEA) are:

    Stage applications:a DEA uses the appropriate buildpack to stage the application, the

    result of this process is a droplet;

    Manage Warden containers:after the staging process the applications run in Warden containers, a

    DEA is in charge to control them;

    Run droplets:a DEA manages the lifecycle of each application instance running in it,

    starting and stopping droplets upon request of the Cloud Controller.

    The DEA monitors the state of a started application instance, and

    periodically broadcasts application state messages over NATS for con-

    sumption by the Health Manager.

    To guarantee a good availability, DEA periodically checks the health of the

    applications running in it. If a URL is mapped to an application, the DEA

    attempts to connect to the port assigned to the application. If the application

  • 46 Cloud Foundry

    port is accepting connections, the DEA will consider that application state

    to be \Running". If there is no URL mapped to the application, the DEA

    checks the system process table for the application's process PID; if the PID

    exists, the DEA will consider that application state to be \Running".

    3.2.4 Warden

    The container of dierent apps on DEA nodes. The Warden's primary goal

    is to provide a simple API for managing isolated environments. These iso-

    lated environments (or containers) can be limited in terms of CPU usage,

    memory usage, disk usage, and network access. The isolation is achieved by

    namespacing kernel resources that would otherwise be shared; because the

    applications will be co-located on the same node. Obviously the intended

    level of isolation is set such that multiple containers present on the same

    host should not be aware of each others presence. This means that these

    containers are given (among others) their own PID (Process ID) namespace,

    network namespace, and mount namespace while the resource control is done

    by using Control Groups (cgroups). Every container is placed in its own con-

    trol group, where it is congured to use an equal slice of CPU compared to

    other containers, and the maximum amount of memory it may use. Warden

    is a daemon that manages containers and can be controlled via a simple API

    rather than a set of tools that are individually executed. While the Linux

    backend for Warden was initially implemented with LXC, the current ver-

    sion no longer depends on it, this because running LXC out of the box is a

    very opaque and static process[30]. There is little control over when dierent

    parts of the container start process are executed, and how they relate to each

    other. Because Warden relies on a very small subset of the functionality that

    LXC oers, this tool executes pre congured hooks at dierent stages of the

    container start process, such that required resources can be set up without

    worrying about concurrency issues. These hooks make the start process more

    transparent, allowing for easier debugging when parts of this process are not

    working as expected.

  • 3.2 The Architecture 47

    3.2.5 Router

    The Router routes trac coming into Cloud Foundry to the appropriate com-

    ponent, usually Cloud Controller or a running application on a DEA node.

    The router is implemented in Go. Implementing a custom router in Go gives

    full control over every connection to the router, which makes it easier to

    support WebSockets and other types of trac. All routing logic is contained

    in a single process, removing unnecessary latency. When gorouter is used in

    Cloud Foundry, it receives route updates via NATS from the Droplet Execu-

    tion Agents. Routes that have not been updated in two minutes, by default

    are pruned. Therefore, to maintain an active route, it needs to be updated

    at least every two minutes. In this way we guarantee updated routes and

    a sort of monitoring. If the applications have an entry in the router table,

    we can assume that they are running and they are reachable, otherwise they

    would have been removed. If the DEA node or the application itself crash,

    the gorouter will lose the entry after few minutes.

    In a larger production setup there is a pool of Routers load balanced behind

    Nginx or some other load balancers. These routers listen on the bus for noti-

    cations from the DEA nodes about new apps coming online and apps going

    oine. When they get a real-time update they will change their in-memory

    routing table, that they consult in order to properly route requests. So a

    request coming into the system goes through Nginx, or some other HTTP

    termination endpoint, which then load balances across a pool of identical

    Routers. One of the routers will pick up the phone to answer the request, it

    will start inspecting the headers of the request just enough to nd the Host:

    header so it can pick out the name of the application this request is headed

    for. It will then do a basic hash lookup in the routing table to nd a list of

    potential backends that represent this particular application.

    3.2.6 Health Manager

    The Health Manager is a standalone daemon that has a copy of the same

    models the Cloud Controller has and can currently see into the same database

    as the Cloud Controller. This daemon has an interval where it wakes up

  • 48 Cloud Foundry

    and scans the database of the Cloud Controller to see what the state of

    the world \should be", then inspects the real state to make sure it matches

    the one desired. If there are things that do not match, then it will send

    specic messages back to the Cloud Controller to correct this incongruity.

    This is how it is handled the loss of an application or even a DEA node

    per say. If an application goes down, the Health Manager will notice and

    will quickly remedy the situation by signaling the Cloud Controller to start

    a new instance. If a DEA node completely fails, the app instances running

    over there will be redistributed back out across the grid of remaining DEA

    nodes. Health Manager monitors the state of the applications and ensures

    that started applications are indeed running, their versions and number of

    instances correct. The Health Manager is essential to ensuring that apps

    running on Cloud Foundry remain available and scale correctly, it is needed

    to restart applications whenever the DEA running an app shuts down for

    any reason or Warden kills the app because it violated a quota or just the

    application process exits with a non-zero exit code.

    Conceptually, this is done by maintaining an actual state of applications and

    comparing it against the desired state. When discrepancies are found, actions

    are initiated to bring the applications to the desired state, i.e. start/stop

    commands are issued for missing or extra instances, respectively. The current

    Cloud Foundry release is using this component, but a new brand version will

    be soon released under the name of \HM9000".

    3.2.7 User Account and Authentication Server

    Also called UAA, it is the identity management service for Cloud Foundry,

    its primary role is as an OAuth2 provider, issuing tokens for client applica-

    tions to use when they act on behalf of Cloud Foundry users. It can also

    authenticate users with their Cloud Foundry credentials, and can act as a

    Single Sign-on (SSO) service using those credentials (or others). It has end-

    points for managing user accounts and for registering OAuth2 clients, as well

    as various other management functions. It provides single sign-on for web

    applications and secures Cloud Foundry resources. In addition it grants ac-

    cess tokens to client applications for use in accessing Resource Servers in the

  • 3.2 The Architecture 49

    platform, including the Cloud Controller. It is a plain Spring MVC webapp

    that provides:

    OAuth2 authorize tokens;

    A login endpoint, to allow querying for login prompts;

    A check token endpoint, to allow resource servers to obtain informationabout an access token submitted by an OAuth2 client;

    A Simple Cloud Identity Management (SCIM) user provisioning end-point;

    OpenID connection endpoints to support authentication, to get userinfos and check id.

    The authentication usually can be performed by command line clients by

    submitting credentials directly to the authorization endpoint.

    3.2.8 Services

    Cloud Foundry Services are add-ons that can be provisioned alongside an ap-

    plication. There are two ways in which Cloud Foundry enables developers to

    add services to their applications, Managed Services and User-provided Ser-

    vice Instances. Managed Services have been integrated with Cloud Foundry

    via APIs and provision new service instances and credentials on demand;

    while user-provided Service Instances are a mechanism to deliver credentials

    to applications for service instances which have been pre-provisioned outside

    of Cloud Foundry.

  • 50 Cloud Foundry User-provided Service Instances

    Sometimes we need only to provide a simple endpoint and a set of credentials

    to our application, before we push the application on the PaaS. Therefore if

    we know the connection parameters before the deployment, or just we do not

    need any Broker logic, we can inject this setting during the publication phase.

    The Cloud Foundry CLI will prompt us with basic and static information

    that we can associate with our service, whenever we want to add a Service

    Instance, an entity represented by a set of: hostname, port and password.

    Service Instances enable developers to use external services with their appli-

    cations using familiar workows; in addition the user-provided ones (against

    the one provided via a Service Broker) are service instances which have been

    provisioned outside of Cloud Foundry, as we can only dene the parameters

    to connect to, without providing any kind of additional logic. For example, a

    DBA may provide a developer with credentials to an Oracle database man-

    aged outside of, and unknown to Cloud Foundry. Rather than hard coding

    credentials for these instances into an application, it is possible to create a

    mock service instance in Cloud Foundry to represent an external resource

    using the familiar create-service command, and provide whatever creden-

    tials the application requires. Once created, user-provided service instances

    behave just like other service instances. Managed Services

    Cloud Foundry provides an API which is used to integrate services with

    Cloud Foundry, each time a new Managed Service manager is added, an in-

    teraction stars where the Cloud Controller is the client and the manager of

    those services is the Service Broker. The APIs involved are RESTful HTTP

    API, those should not be confused with the version of the Cloud Controller

    API, often used to refer to the version of Cloud Foundry itself; when one

    refers to Cloud Foundry V2 typically refers to the Cloud Controller version.

    The services API is versioned independently of the Cloud Controller API.

    When we need to oer a Manage Service, we need to provide a logic construct

    called Service Broker. The Broker is the term used to refer to a component

  • 3.3 Roles and Organizations 51

    which implements the service broker API and oers an endpoint to the Cloud

    Controller during the provisioning of the required service. In general, service

    brokers advertise a catalog of service oerings and service plans to Cloud

    Foundry, and receive calls from Cloud Foundry for ve functions: fetch cat-

    alog, create service, bind service, unbind service and delete service. What

    a broker does with each call can vary between services, is totally up to the

    business logic that a developer would add; in general the command create re-

    serves resources on a service and bind delivers information to an application

    necessary for accessing the resource. The reserved resource is called a Service

    Instance, what a service instance represents can vary by service, obviously:

    it could be a single database on a multi-tenant server, a dedicated cluster,

    or even just an account on a web application.

    How a Service Broker handles the life cycle of all these services created is

    again up to the service provider/developer. Basically Cloud Foundry only

    requires that the service provider implements the service broker API: a bro-

    ker can be implemented as a separate application, or by adding the required

    HTTP endpoints to an existing service, we need only to comply to a specic

    set of REST APIs.

    3.3 Roles and Organizations

    As shown in Figure 3.3, Cloud Foundry oers many meta objects within the

    concept of the organization. Each organization is a logical abstraction that

    encompasses three things: domains, spaces and users. A domain is exactly

    a domain-name, like or This feature allows nal user to

    associate application to custom domains registered to an organization. Each

    application deployed on the PaaS is always a web application, that needs to

    be reached from the Internet. Via a domain, we can congure several appli-

    cation and aggregate them under the same internet domain name. Tipically

    when we use for the rst time Cloud Foundry, a default domain is available to

    all spaces. Domains can also be multi-level and contain sub-domains like for

    example \store" in \". Domain objects belong to an organi-

    zation and are associated with zero or many spaces within the organization,

  • 52 Cloud Foundry

    moreover they are not directly bound to application, but a child of a domain

    object called a route is.

    A route, is associated with an application and bind the application with the

    Figure 3.3: Organization and Roles

    domain. Once a web application is pushed to Cloud Foundry, a route, must

    be provided. The route is at the end a subdomain, that will let the Router

    component forward all the request to the right application. The Space, as

    shown in Figure 3.3, is always part of an organization; in addition every

    organization can have multiple spaces. The concept of the spaces provide

    separation and boundaries for all the application. The default ones for a

    standard Cloud Foundry installation are development, test, and production.

    In each space we can deploy multiple applications.

    In order to control and manage the users and the whole organization some

    permissions are required, such as:

    Org manager: the org-admin permission is used to edit the AccessControl List (ACL) on the organization. The org-admin permission is

    required in order to create or delete an app-space, the enumerate app-

    spaces, to manage organization level features, to change the plan for

    an organization, to add users to the organization;

  • 3.4 Command Line Client 53

    Org audit: the org audit permission gives the user rights to see allorganization levels and application space levels reports and also all

    organization space level and app space level events;

    The app space permissions are required to handle applications and services,

    some of them are:

    App space manager: this permission is required to edit the ACL onan app-space. In addition, it is required to add additional managers,

    to invite developers and to enable/disable/add features to the app-

    space which can then be used by applications within the app-space.

    The admin permission on an app-space does not give one the ability

    to create or delete app-space's. This function is considered to be an

    operation on the org object;

    Developer: the permission is required in order to perform all operationsagainst apps and services within the app-space. With this permission it

    is possible to: create, delete, stop, change instance count, bind/unbind

    services, read logs and les, read stats, enumerate apps, change app

    settings. If we were to map this to today's current system, all users

    have the developer permission for their account;

    App space audit: the audit permission is required to read all statefrom the app-space and all containing apps. If all users have this audit

    access, they can do anything that is non-destructive. They can enu-