Design of steel Beam Dimensios :- Span m 12 1 m 4 Max. Deflection factor 300 Steel. 37 ield stress (Fy) 2.4 Straining actions :- Kg.m 32000 Kg.m 0 Kg 8000 Design :- 2083.333 Check normal stress :- cm 271.109 < Lu = 400 cm cm 377.618 < Lu = 400 cm cm 5.470 b = 1.313 < 0.58 1.274 < 0.58 IPE 1.830 >0.58F t/cm2 1.392 0.942 Safe Check shear stress :- qact 131.040 Safe Check Deflection :- Kg/m' 8.000 r cm 1.532 Safe cm 4.000 It's Safe to use IPE 550 Cb Lu t/cm 2 Mx My Qx Zx req. cm 3 h = 550 20bf /√Fy 1380(Af/dFy)Cb rT Fltb1 t/cm 2 Fltb2 t/cm 2 Fltb t/cm 2 Fact. / Fall. Kg/cm 2 WxL.L rall

Design of steel Beam.doc

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Design of steel Beam.doc

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Page 1: Design of steel Beam.doc

Design of steel Beam

Dimensios :-

Span m 12 1

m 4 Max. Deflection factor 300

Steel. 37 Yield stress (Fy) 2.4

Straining actions :-

Kg.m 32000

Kg.m 0

Kg 8000

Design :-


h =



Check normal stress :-

cm 271.109 < Lu = 400 cm

cm 377.618 < Lu = 400 cm

cm 5.470 b = 210

1.313 < 0.58Fy

1.274 < 0.58Fy IPE 550

1.830 >0.58Fy t/cm2 1.392

0.942 Safe

Check shear stress :-

qact 131.040 Safe

Check Deflection :-

Kg/m' 8.000

r cm 1.532 Safe

cm 4.000

It's Safe to use IPE 550







Zx req. cm3

20bf /√Fy



Fltb1 t/cm2

Fltb2 t/cm2

Fltb t/cm2 Fltb = .58Fy

Fact. / Fall.




Page 2: Design of steel Beam.doc

t = 17.2


Weight Area Dimensions Axis X-X Axis Y-Y

h b s t c h-2c

kg/m` mm mm mm mm mm mm mm cm

550 106 134 57.2316 550 210 11.1 17.2 24 41.2 467.6 67120 2440 22.3 2670 254

Choosen by designer :-

Weight Area Dimensions Axis X-X Axis Y-Y

h b s t c h-2c

kg/m` mm mm mm mm mm mm mm cm

550 106 134 57.2316 550 210 11.1 17.2 24 41.2 467.6 67120 2440 22.3 2670 254

Safty factor 3

Calculated according to Z req :-

Zx req. =


Awebr1 Ix Sx rx Iy Sy

cm2 cm2 cm4 cm3 cm4 cm3


Awebr1 Ix Sx rx Iy Sy

cm2 cm2 cm4 cm3 cm4 cm3

Page 3: Design of steel Beam.doc

Axis Y-Y Details Surface Area


cm mm mm

4.45 120 M27 188 17.7

Axis Y-Y Details Surface Area


cm mm mm

4.45 120 M27 188 17.7

ry dmax Um Ut

x10-2 m2/m\ m2/t

ry dmax Um Ut

x10-2 m2/m\ m2/t

Page 4: Design of steel Beam.doc

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Area Weight Area Dimensions Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Details Surface Area

h b s t c h-2c w

kg/m` mm mm mm mm mm mm mm cm cm mm mm

7.64 80 6.00 7.64 2.64 80 46 3.8 5.2 5 10.2 59.6 80.1 20.0 3.24 8.49 3.69 1.05 N.A. N.A. 32.80 54.80

10.30 100 8.10 10.30 3.63 100 55 4.1 5.7 7 12.7 74.6 171 34.2 4.07 15.9 5.79 1.24 N.A. N.A. 40.00 49.50

13.20 120 10.40 13.20 4.73 120 64 4.4 6.3 7 13.3 93.4 318 53.0 4.90 27.7 8.65 1.45 36 M10 47.50 45.60

16.40 140 12.90 16.40 5.93 140 73 4.7 6.9 7 13.9 112.2 541 77.3 5.74 44.9 12.3 1.65 38 M10 55.10 42.60

20.10 160 15.80 20.10 7.26 160 82 5.0 7.4 9 16.4 127.2 869 109 6.58 68.3 16.7 1.84 44 M12 62.30 39.40

23.90 180 18.80 23.90 8.69 180 91 5.3 8.0 9 17.0 146.0 1320 146 7.42 101 22.2 2.05 50 M12 69.80 37.10

28.50 200 22.40 28.50 10.25 200 100 5.6 8.5 12 20.5 159.0 1940 194 8.26 142 28.5 2.24 56 M12 76.80 34.30

33.40 220 26.20 33.40 11.89 220 110 5.9 9.2 12 21.2 177.6 2770 252 9.11 205 37.3 2.48 60 M16 84.80 32.40

39.10 240 30.70 39.10 13.66 240 120 6.2 9.8 15 24.8 190.4 3890 324 9.97 284 47.3 2.69 68 M16 92.20 30.00

45.90 270 36.10 45.90 16.47 270 135 6.6 10.2 15 25.2 219.6 5790 429 11.20 420 62.2 3.02 72 M20 104.00 28.80

53.80 300 42.20 53.80 19.78 300 150 7.1 10.7 15 25.7 248.6 8360 557 12.50 604 80.5 3.35 80 M20 116.00 27.50

62.60 330 49.10 62.60 23.03 330 160 7.5 11.5 18 29.5 271.0 11770 713 13.70 788 98.5 3.55 86 M24 125.00 25.50

72.70 360 57.10 72.70 26.77 360 170 8.0 12.7 18 30.7 298.6 16270 904 15.00 1040 123 3.79 90 M24 135.00 23.60

84.50 400 66.30 84.50 32.08 400 180 8.6 13.5 21 34.5 331.0 23130 1160 16.50 1320 146 3.95 96 M27 147.00 22.20

98.80 450 77.60 98.80 39.56 450 190 9.4 14.6 21 35.6 378.8 33740 1500 18.50 1680 176 4.12 106 M27 161.00 20.70

116.00 500 90.70 116.00 47.74 500 200 10.2 16.0 21 37.0 426.0 48200 1930 20.40 2140 214 4.31 110 M27 174.00 19.20

134.00 550 106.00 134.00 57.23 550 210 11.1 17.2 24 41.2 467.6 67120 2440 22.30 2670 254 4.45 120 M27 188.00 17.70

156.00 600 122.00 156.00 67.44 600 220 12.0 19.0 24 43.0 514.0 92080 3070 24.30 3390 308 4.66 120 M27 202.00 16.60

N.A.=not available for this IPE size


Awebr1 Ix Sx rx Iy Sy ry dmax Um Ut

cm2 cm2 cm2 cm4 cm3 cm4 cm3 x10-2 m2/m\ m2/t














Page 5: Design of steel Beam.doc

Design of steel Beam

Dimensios & Loads :-

Span m 7.5 Effictive width m 2 Tie rod :- No tie rod

5 Angle of roof 5.71

L.L 50 Max. Deflection factor 200

Steel. 37 Fy 2.4

Loading :-Assume :-

h = Span/40 mm 187.5 From tables try. C 200Kg/m' 135.3499

Kg/m' 134.6783

Kg/m' 13.46642

Straining actions :-

Kg.m 951.6787

Kg.m 94.68577

Kg 505.0436

Design :-

109.1806 From tables try. C 160

Check normal stress :-

0.961079 Safe

Check shear stress :-

qact 42.08697 Safe

Check Deflection :-

Kg/cm' 1

r cm 2.120913 Safe

cm 3.75

It's not Safe to use C - Channel 160

D.L cover Kg/m2









Zx req. cm3

Fact Kg/cm2




Page 6: Design of steel Beam.doc

No tie rod

Calculated by Excel sheet :-


Sec. No.Weight Area

Dimensions Axis X-X

h b s c h-2c

kg/m` mm mm mm mm mm mm cm cm cm

200 25.3 32.2 15 200 75 8.5 11.5 24.5 151 2.01 3.94 1910 191 7.7

Given by user :-


Sec. No.Weight Area

Dimensions Axis X-X

h b s c h-2c

kg/m` mm mm mm mm mm mm cm cm cm

160 18.8 24 10.4 160 65 7.5 10.5 22.5 116 1.84 3.56 925 116 6.21

Safty factor 3

Awebt=r1 ey Xm Ix Sx rx

cm2 cm2 cm4 cm3

Zx req. =

Awebt=r1 ey Xm Ix Sx rx

cm2 cm2 cm4 cm3

Page 7: Design of steel Beam.doc

Axis Y-Y Details Surface Area


cm mm mm

148 27 2.14 40 M20 66.1 26.1

Axis Y-Y Details Surface Area


cm mm mm

85.3 18.3 1.89 35 M20 54.6 29

Iy Sy ry dmax Um Ut

cm4 cm3 x10-2 m2/m\ m2/t

Iy Sy ry dmax Um Ut

cm4 cm3 x10-2 m2/m\ m2/t

Page 8: Design of steel Beam.doc

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

Weight Area Dimensions Axis X-X Axis Y-Y Details

h h b s c h-2c W

mm kg/m` mm mm mm mm mm mm cm cm cm cm mm mm

1.69 30 30x15 30x15 1.74 2.21 0.84 30 15 4.0 4.5 9.0 12 0.52 0.74 2.53 1.69 1.07 0.38 0.39 0.42 N.A. N.A.

4.26 30 30 30 4.27 5.44 0.80 30 33 5.0 7.0 14.5 1 1.31 2.22 6.39 4.26 1.08 5.33 2.68 0.99 N.A. N.A.

3.79 40 40x20 40x20 2.87 3.66 1.45 40 20 5.0 5.5 11.0 18 0.67 1.01 7.58 3.79 1.44 1.14 0.86 0.56 N.A. N.A.

7.05 40 40 40 4.87 6.21 1.30 40 35 5.0 7.0 14.5 11 1.33 2.32 14.1 7.05 1.50 6.68 3.08 1.04 N.A. N.A.

6.73 50 50x25 50x25 3.86 4.92 1.90 50 25 5.0 6.0 12.5 25 0.81 1.34 16.6 6.73 1.85 2.49 1.48 0.71 N.A. N.A.

10.6 50 50 50 5.59 7.12 1.80 50 38 5.0 7.0 15.0 20 1.37 2.47 26.4 10.6 1.92 9.12 3.75 1.13 N.A. N.A.

10.5 60 60 60 5.07 6.46 2.88 60 30 6.0 6.0 12.5 35 0.91 1.50 31.6 10.5 2.21 4.51 2.16 0.84 N.A. N.A.

17.7 65 65 65 7.09 9.03 2.75 65 42 5.5 7.5 16.0 33 1.42 2.60 57.5 17.7 2.52 14.1 5.07 1.25 22 M10

17.5 70 70 70 6.73 8.57 3.42 70 40 6.0 6.5 16.0 38 1.42 2.20 61.1 17.5 2.67 11.4 4.10 1.15 22 M10

26.5 80 80 80 8.64 11.00 3.84 80 45 6.0 8.0 17.0 47 1.45 2.67 106 26.5 3.10 19.4 6.36 1.33 25 M12

41.2 100 100 100 10.60 13.50 4.98 100 50 6.0 8.5 18.0 64 1.55 2.93 206 41.2 3.91 29.3 8.49 1.47 30 M12

60.7 120 120 120 13.40 17.00 7.14 120 55 7.0 9.0 19.0 82 1.60 3.03 364 60.7 4.62 43.2 11.1 1.59 30 M16

86.4 140 140 140 16.00 20.40 8.40 140 60 7.0 10.0 21.0 97 1.75 3.37 605 86.4 5.45 62.7 14.8 1.75 35 M16

116 160 160 160 18.80 24.00 10.42 160 65 7.5 10.5 22.5 116 1.84 3.56 925 116 6.21 85.3 18.3 1.89 35 M20

150 180 180 180 22.00 28.00 12.64 180 70 8.0 11.0 23.5 133 1.92 3.75 1350 150 6.95 114 22.4 2.02 40 M20

191 200 200 200 25.30 32.20 15.05 200 75 8.5 11.5 24.5 151 2.01 3.94 1910 191 7.70 148 27.0 2.14 40 M20

245 220 220 220 29.40 37.40 17.55 220 80 9.0 12.5 26.5 166 2.14 4.20 2690 245 8.48 197 33.6 2.30 45 M20

300 240 240 240 33.20 42.30 20.33 240 85 9.5 13.0 28.0 185 2.23 4.39 3600 300 9.22 248 39.6 2.42 45 M24

371 260 260 260 37.90 48.30 23.20 260 90 10.0 14.0 30.0 201 2.36 4.66 4820 371 9.99 317 47.7 2.56 50 M24

448 280 280 280 41.80 53.30 25.00 280 95 10.0 15.0 32.0 213 2.53 5.02 6280 448 10.90 399 57.2 2.74 50 M24

535 300 300 300 46.20 58.80 26.80 300 100 10.0 16.0 34.0 232 2.70 5.41 8030 535 11.70 495 67.8 2.90 55 M27

679 320 320 320 59.50 75.80 39.90 320 100 14.0 17.5 37.0 247 2.60 4.82 10870 679 12.10 597 80.6 2.81 58 M27

734 350 350 350 60.60 77.30 44.52 350 100 14.0 16.0 34.0 283 2.40 4.45 12840 734 12.90 570 75.0 2.72 58 M27

829 380 380 380 63.10 80.40 46.98 380 102 13.5 16.0 33.5 313 2.38 4.58 15760 829 14.00 615 78.7 2.77 60 M27

1020 400 400 400 71.80 91.50 50.96 400 110 14.0 18.0 38.0 325 2.65 5.11 20350 1020 14.90 846 102 3.04 60 M27

N.A.=not available for this channel size

Sec. No.

Sec. No.


Sx t=r1 ey Xm Ix Sx rx Iy Sy ry dmax

cm3 cm2 cm2 cm4 cm3 cm4 cm3


Shear Center x

















Page 9: Design of steel Beam.doc

1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 20.00 21.00 22.00 23.00


mm400 1020380 829350 734320 679300 535280 448260 371240 300220 245200 191180 150160 116140 86.4



Page 10: Design of steel Beam.doc

120 60.7100 41.280 26.570 17.765 17.560 10.650 10.550 7.0540 6.7340 4.2630 3.7930 1.69

Page 11: Design of steel Beam.doc

22 23

23 24

Surface Area

7.14 41.00

17.40 40.74

13.71 47.77

19.47 40.00

17.52 45.40

22.40 40.06

21.32 42.06

27.30 38.50

26.67 39.64

31.20 36.10

37.20 35.10

43.40 32.40

48.90 30.60

54.60 29.00

61.10 37.80

66.10 26.10

71.80 24.40

77.50 23.30

83.40 22.00

89.00 21.00

95.00 20.60

98.20 16.50

105.00 17.30

111.00 17.70

118.00 16.50

Um Ut

x10-2 m2/m\ m2/t







Page 12: Design of steel Beam.doc

24.00 25.00

No tie rod 1.00 8.00One tie rod 2.00 10.00Two Tie rod 3.00 10.00Three tie rod 4.00 10.00Four Tie rod 5.00 10.00