8/13/2019 Design Comparison http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/design-comparison 1/19 Wireless Data Acquisition and Plotting: Final Presentation Review and Analysis of the Design Project University of Tennessee, Fall 2013 Presented to Dr! A"idi and #$# %00 st&dents 'e(te)"er 1*, 2013

Design Comparison

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Wireless Data Acquisition and

Plotting: Final PresentationReview and Analysis of the Design Project

University of Tennessee, Fall 2013

Presented to Dr! A"idi and #$# %00 st&dents

'e(te)"er 1*, 2013

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Topics Summary of the project's development timeline

Pro!lems encountered and our solutions

"#planation of the plotting soft$are% various approaches Technical analysis of sampling and data transmission

Future $or& and conclusion

Topics Timeline Pro!lems Technical


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Summary of Timeline Three separate plotting methods

 ( )odified *ogan Stan&'s Plotting Soft$are

+ Discovery of latency pro!lem ( ,-. Plot / Perl / data pipe

+ -ot enough control

 ( 0tustomPlot

+ Stro!oscopic pro!lem

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*ogan Stan&'s Soft$are: modified 1ery slo$ $aveforms

.na!le to handle high

  sampling rates "#tremely messy


A!solutely no

  dynamic scaling

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*ogan Stan&'s Soft$are: modified Advantages of *ogan's soft$are:

 ( Direct line dra$ing using 4pen1 requires very

little a!straction: this means it could possi!ly !e

more efficient if it $ere developed more fully

 ( The plot $as easy to read

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*ogan Stan&'s Soft$are: modified5mplementation: We used the Windo$s net$or& AP5 to

acquire data from the Arduino server6 A TP handsha&e is

used to esta!lish a connection% follo$ed !y the

transmission of .DP data6 Samples are scaled to *ogan'sformat so that his code can plot them6 The server $as

configured at the commandline6

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-e#t: ,-.plot / Perl script Pros:

 ( )ore dynamic6 The plot $ould !e scaled each

time a plot $as created% !ased on $hat the

highest and lo$est samples $ere6

 ( "#tremely simple implementation

 ( The data $as piped through stdout and used to

spa$n a ,-.plot instance in realtime

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Topics Time*ine Pro!lems Technical onclusion

,-.plot / Perl Script ons:

 ( 1ery high latency due to the plotting of every

point received

 ( Slightly less fle#i!ility

 (   -e$ instances of ,-.plot for every screen

update is very ugly and inefficient

 ( orollary: not as dynamic as $e'd li&e

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A vie$ of the ,-.plot solution 5t's some$hat !etter loo&ing7


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0t ustomPlot SolutionPros:

 ( ompletely 4S independent

 ( an run as a standalone e#ecuta!le% provided theshared li!raries are availa!le

 ( 1ery nice for plotting live data

 ( "#tensive documentation

 ( Po$erful li!raries

 ( ,ood community locally

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 0tustomPlot 1ie$"ven !etterloo&ing than the ,-.plot solution7

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0tustomPlot onsons:

 ( Plotting could !e very ta#ing to P.% depending

on the frame si3e and refresh rate

 ( Slightly more overhead in terms of dependencies

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0tustomPlot4ther considerations:

 ( )ultithreaded handling of input from the server

and output to the monitor6 Data is read in over

.DP% and stored in a circular !uffer inside a

thread6 The same data is read from the !uffer and

plotted in another thread6

 ( onfiguration data is stored inside of a te#t fileand read at startup for convenience

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8est Solution: 0tustomPlotThis method $as sho$n to allo$ for very efficient

plotting% certainly the most efficient that $e have tried6

8eing a!le to adjust the $indo$ during e#ecution is very

nice6 This solution is e#tensi!le as $ell% as there are verymany areas ripe for improvement that could !e easily

tac&led $ith the 0t li!raries6

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Technical Analysis

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)atla! $as used to analyse some of thedata $e received6

We counted 9;<= points per period

$hich $ould yield a sampling rate ofaround 9>?&sps6

@o$ever% from a previous test% ouraverage sample B rate $as only C6<&sps6 The difference !et$een the

average rate and $hat $as sho$n inthe picture could mean that there aresamples that are not !eing sent !y theArduino !oard6

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Technical Analysis

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After consulting $ith a DSP e#pert% it $asdetermined that samples are pro!a!ly!eing missed in the firm$are on theArduino !oard6

Plausi!le e#planation: the fact that $e gather? samples one at a time then transmitthem all at once over W5F56 While thetransmission is !eing performed% ne$samples are not !eing received6

Solution: Whenever a sample is generated !y

the AD generate an interrupt andimmediately store the sample inside of acircular !uffer6 This $ill allo$ samples to!e gathered even during the middle of atransmission6

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Future Wor&: Firm$are✔  Stop using the slow AnalogReadPin() function and

instead generate an interrupt whenever a sample has beenacquired and store that sample inside of a circular buffer.

✔  Once the circular buffer has been implemented, transmitsamples from it instead of the current buffer.

✔  Increase SPI Bus Speeds on both the Arduino Board andthe WIFI shield to increase data TX speed.

✔  Networking: remove man-in-middle (router) and performan ad hoc connection to the client.

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Future Wor&: Plotting Soft$are

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Add a control panel that $ill allo$ users to input thesampling rate of the AD% so that time can !e displayed on

the hori3ontal a#is6 Add a control panel that $ill allo$ the user to adjust the

hori3ontal and vertical scales of the plot and ho$ manypoints that are displayed at the same time6

Add a control panel that $ill allo$ the user to set a triggervoltage so that the plotting soft$are can trigger li&e a realscope6

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All's Well That "nds Well

  We've loo&ed at our failures and successes% and our

solutions to the several stum!ling !loc&s6 5 !elieve $e

might have had a more fulfilling project if $e had a

little more time% !ecause $e're at the point $here

another month $ould sho$ drastic improvements6

  Than& you for your time6 Fin.  

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