2007 Organic chemistry Z 0200 Design and Synthesis of Cell-Penetrating Peptides — [46 refs.]. — (JIANG, Y.; SOOMETS, U.; LANGEL, U.; Handb. Cell-Penetrating Pept. (2nd Ed.) 2007, 537-551; Dep. Neurochem. Neurotoxicol., Univ. Stockholm, S-106 91 Stockholm, Swed.; Eng.) — Lindner 45- 220

Design and Synthesis of Cell-Penetrating Peptides

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Organic chemistryZ 0200 Design and Synthesis of Cell-Penetrating Peptides — [46 refs.]. —

(JIANG, Y.; SOOMETS, U.; LANGEL, U.; Handb. Cell-Penetrating Pept. (2nd Ed.) 2007, 537-551; Dep. Neurochem. Neurotoxicol., Univ. Stockholm, S-106 91 Stockholm, Swed.; Eng.) — Lindner

45- 220