236 IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN QUANTUM ELECTRONICS, VOL. 5, NO. 2, MARCH/APRIL 1999 Design and Construction of an Optoelectronic Crossbar Switch Containing a Terabit per Second Free-Space Optical Interconnect Andrew C. Walker, Marc P. Y. Desmulliez, Associate Member, IEEE, Mark G. Forbes, Stuart J. Fancey, Gerald S. Buller, Mohammad R. Taghizadeh, Julian A. B. Dines, C. R. Stanley, Giovanni Pennelli, Adam R. Boyd, Paul Horan, Declan Byrne, John Hegarty, Sven Eitel, Hans-Peter Gauggel, K.-H. Gulden, Alain Gauthier, Philippe Benabes, Member, IEEE, Jean-Louis Gutzwiller, and Michel Goetz (Invited Paper) Abstract— The completed detailed design and initial phases of construction of an optoelectronic crossbar demonstrator are presented. The experimental system uses hybrid very large scale integrated optoelectronics technology whereby InGaAs-based de- tectors and modulators are flip-chip bonded onto silicon in- tegrated circuits. The system aims to demonstrate (a 1-Tb/s aggregate data input/output to a single chip by means of free- space optics. Index Terms—OE-VLSI, Optical interconnects, smart-pixels. I. INTRODUCTION T HE COMPLETED design of a demonstrator system being developed to explore the capabilities of optoelectronic interconnects based on hybrid integrated circuits (III–V semi- conductor on silicon-CMOS) and free-space parallel optical connections is described in this paper. A major aim of this paper is to investigate the use of such a technology to pro- vide aggregate input/output (I/O) data-rates to a conventional CMOS chip in the terabits per second domain. Interfaces Manuscript received November 24, 1998; revised March 22, 1999. The project SPOEC was supported by the European Union under the ESPRIT proactive scheme: Microelectronics Advanced Research Initiative (MEL-ARI) Opto-Cluster. The work of M. P. Y. Desmulliez was supported by NATO under Grant CRG 961061. A. C. Walker, M. G. Forbes, S. J. Fancey, G. S. Buller, and M. R. Taghizadeh are with the Department of Physics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland, U.K. M. P. Y. Desmulliez and J. A. B. Dines are with the Department of Computing and Electrical Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland, U.K. C. R. Stanley, G. Pennelli, and A. R. Boyd are with the Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, Scotland, U.K. P. Horan, D. Byrne, and J. Hegarty are with the Department of Physics, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland. S. Eitel, H.-P. Gauggel, and K.-H. Gulden are with the Centre Suisse d’ElectroM´ ecanique (CSEM), Z¨ urich CH-8048, Switzerland. A. Gauthier and P. Benabes are with the Ecole Sup´ erieure d’Electricit´ e, F-91192 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France. J.-L. Gutzwiller and M. Goetz are with the Ecole Sup´ erieure d’Electricit´ e, F-57078 Metz Cedex 3, France. Publisher Item Identifier S 1077-260X(99)06060-8. working on the scale of terabits per second and above will be required to meet the I/O requirements of future generation inte- grated circuits and switching systems [1] but calculations have shown [2], [3] that electrical interconnects have fundamental difficulties, arising from the skin effect, in achieving links of these bandwidths over distances of several centimeters. While state-of-the-art CMOS already offers production electronic interface technology with a capacity of 160 Gb/s [4], these limitations suggest that a new technology capable of delivering an order of magnitude more bandwidth—of the order of several terabits per second—is required to meet long-term needs. In recent years, a technology referred to as optoelectronic very large scale integration (OE-VLSI) technology has emerged as offering a potential solution to this problem. It is based on hybrid integration of surface normal optoelectronic devices with mainstream VLSI electronics using attachment techniques such as flip-chip bonding. A number of experi- mental demonstrator systems using this technology have been already constructed with terabits per second or near terabits per second optical interfaces [5]–[7], but fully populating these systems has been difficult and complete operation of such an interface is yet to be achieved. In addition, certain issues such as electrical crosstalk and thermal uniformity are unresolved. In order to fully exercise such an interconnect in a realistic system context, we have chosen to construct a crossbar switch that exploits an optical fan-out of 64 input signals by a factor of 64 to provide the connectivity required by the switch matrix. With a 250-Mb/s targeted data-rate for each signal, the capacity of the internal interconnect is 1 Tb/s, while the system can be fully tested with only 64 input sources. In the course of this design, we have explored the issues that limit the design and have developed the technologies required by such free-space optical interconnects, including micro/diffractive optics, optomechanical packaging, vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) and modulator fabrication and smart-pixel VLSI design. Although the prime motivation for constructing this experi- mental system is to explore the potential of optical interconnect 1077–260X/99$10.00 1999 IEEE

Design and construction of an optoelectronic crossbar

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Page 1: Design and construction of an optoelectronic crossbar


Design and Construction of an OptoelectronicCrossbar Switch Containing a Terabit perSecond Free-Space Optical Interconnect

Andrew C. Walker, Marc P. Y. Desmulliez,Associate Member, IEEE,Mark G. Forbes, Stuart J. Fancey,Gerald S. Buller, Mohammad R. Taghizadeh, Julian A. B. Dines, C. R. Stanley, Giovanni Pennelli,

Adam R. Boyd, Paul Horan, Declan Byrne, John Hegarty, Sven Eitel, Hans-Peter Gauggel,K.-H. Gulden, Alain Gauthier, Philippe Benabes,Member, IEEE,

Jean-Louis Gutzwiller, and Michel Goetz

(Invited Paper)

Abstract—The completed detailed design and initial phasesof construction of an optoelectronic crossbar demonstrator arepresented. The experimental system uses hybrid very large scaleintegrated optoelectronics technology whereby InGaAs-based de-tectors and modulators are flip-chip bonded onto silicon in-tegrated circuits. The system aims to demonstrate (a 1-Tb/saggregate data input/output to a single chip by means of free-space optics.

Index Terms—OE-VLSI, Optical interconnects, smart-pixels.


T HE COMPLETED design of a demonstrator system beingdeveloped to explore the capabilities of optoelectronic

interconnects based on hybrid integrated circuits (III–V semi-conductor on silicon-CMOS) and free-space parallel opticalconnections is described in this paper. A major aim of thispaper is to investigate the use of such a technology to pro-vide aggregate input/output (I/O) data-rates to a conventionalCMOS chip in the terabits per second domain. Interfaces

Manuscript received November 24, 1998; revised March 22, 1999. Theproject SPOEC was supported by the European Union under the ESPRITproactive scheme: Microelectronics Advanced Research Initiative (MEL-ARI)Opto-Cluster. The work of M. P. Y. Desmulliez was supported by NATO underGrant CRG 961061.

A. C. Walker, M. G. Forbes, S. J. Fancey, G. S. Buller, and M. R.Taghizadeh are with the Department of Physics, Heriot-Watt University,Edinburgh EH14 4AS, Scotland, U.K.

M. P. Y. Desmulliez and J. A. B. Dines are with the Department ofComputing and Electrical Engineering, Heriot-Watt University, EdinburghEH14 4AS, Scotland, U.K.

C. R. Stanley, G. Pennelli, and A. R. Boyd are with the Department ofElectronics and Electrical Engineering, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G128QQ, Scotland, U.K.

P. Horan, D. Byrne, and J. Hegarty are with the Department of Physics,Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland.

S. Eitel, H.-P. Gauggel, and K.-H. Gulden are with the Centre Suissed’ElectroMecanique (CSEM), Z¨urich CH-8048, Switzerland.

A. Gauthier and P. Benabes are with the Ecole Superieure d’Electricite,F-91192 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France.

J.-L. Gutzwiller and M. Goetz are with the Ecole Superieure d’Electricite,F-57078 Metz Cedex 3, France.

Publisher Item Identifier S 1077-260X(99)06060-8.

working on the scale of terabits per second and above will berequired to meet the I/O requirements of future generation inte-grated circuits and switching systems [1] but calculations haveshown [2], [3] that electrical interconnects have fundamentaldifficulties, arising from the skin effect, in achieving links ofthese bandwidths over distances of several centimeters. Whilestate-of-the-art CMOS already offers production electronicinterface technology with a capacity of 160 Gb/s [4], theselimitations suggest that a new technology capable of deliveringan order of magnitude more bandwidth—of the order ofseveral terabits per second—is required to meet long-termneeds.

In recent years, a technology referred to as optoelectronicvery large scale integration (OE-VLSI) technology hasemerged as offering a potential solution to this problem. It isbased on hybrid integration of surface normal optoelectronicdevices with mainstream VLSI electronics using attachmenttechniques such as flip-chip bonding. A number of experi-mental demonstrator systems using this technology have beenalready constructed with terabits per second or near terabitsper second optical interfaces [5]–[7], but fully populating thesesystems has been difficult and complete operation of such aninterface is yet to be achieved. In addition, certain issues suchas electrical crosstalk and thermal uniformity are unresolved.

In order to fully exercise such an interconnect in a realisticsystem context, we have chosen to construct a crossbar switchthat exploits an optical fan-out of 64 input signals by afactor of 64 to provide the connectivity required by theswitch matrix. With a 250-Mb/s targeted data-rate for eachsignal, the capacity of the internal interconnect is 1 Tb/s,while the system can be fully tested with only 64 inputsources. In the course of this design, we have exploredthe issues that limit the design and have developed thetechnologies required by such free-space optical interconnects,including micro/diffractive optics, optomechanical packaging,vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) and modulatorfabrication and smart-pixel VLSI design.

Although the prime motivation for constructing this experi-mental system is to explore the potential of optical interconnect

1077–260X/99$10.00 1999 IEEE

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Fig. 1. General architecture of the system demonstrator.

technology, it is nevertheless the case that crossbar switchesare a good example of a system that can exploit the highconnectivity offered by free-space optics. Thus, although theswitch does not fully address the needs of a specific applica-tion, it remains a valuable generic architecture for consideringhow OE-VLSI may be used for routing applications.

In this paper, we describe the design of the system intro-duced above and report on the initial stages of constructionand findings on some of the important issues in the design ofterabits per second scale optical interfaces. The overall systemarchitecture is described in Section II. The optical layout ofthe system and design of the optical demonstrator hardware arediscussed in Section III. Descriptions of the VLSI switchingcircuit and the modulator/detector array with which it is flip-chip integrated are given in Sections IV and V, respectively.The inputs to the crossbar system are provided by a VCSELarray, whose performance characteristics are given in SectionVI. General conclusions are drawn in Section VII.


The demonstrator system, that has been designed as part ofthe European project Smart Pixel Optoelectronic Connections(SPOEC), takes the form of an optoelectronic matrix–matrixcrossbar [8]. The functional schematic of such a systemis shown in Fig. 1. Starting from the left-hand side, inputelectrical data (64 signals) are converted into optical signalsby an electrically addressed 8-by-8 VCSEL array (circuit C1).Each of the 64 optical outputs from the array are themselvesfanned out 64 times by an 8-by-8 fan-out diffractive opticalelement (DOE). The resulting set of 4096 optical signals,incident on the InGaAs optoelectronic chip (circuit C2-a)defines a partition of 64 blocks or “super-pixels” at theoptoelectronic interface. Each super-pixel receives the full setof 64 optical input signals and converts these into electricalsignals which are electrically fanned-in (fan-in of 64-to-1) bythe silicon-based 0.6-m (CMOS) routing chip (circuit C3).The unique output from each super-pixel, which representsone of the original set of 64 signals, is converted back intoan optical output by means of a differential pair of multiple-

quantum-well (MQW) spatial light modulators (circuit C2-b).The 64 output optical signals are sent, in this case, to a simpleoutput chip composed of an array of photoreceivers (circuitC4) flip-chip bonded onto a silicon chip (circuit C5) thatconverts the signals to electrical outputs.

The crossbar system thus includes a 6464 switch matrixwith optical inputs and outputs permitting nonblocking one-to-one or unrestricted broadcast connectivity. The target data-rateis 250 Mb/s per channel. The system is designed as a packetswitch with the routing chip configured by the packet header,which contains the address information provided as part ofthe optical inputs. Arbitration between those inputs whichsimultaneously request access to the same output is handledinternally by means of a cyclic priority scheme.

In this demonstrator, a strained InGaAs on GaAs optoelec-tronic chip implements the optical-to-electrical and electrical-to-optical conversion of the signals, thereby allowing the useof a single chip for the circuits C2-a and C2-b. The interfacingof this chip with the silicon-based routing chip is carried outby solder-bump flip-chip bonding [9]. The specified overallthroughput of the switch (i.e., before fan-out) is around 16Gb/s, corresponding to 62 250-Mb/s data inputs. The tworemaining optical inputs are used for the (differential) clocksignals which are distributed optically to each super-pixel [10].

It is worth noting why we chose to use a separate, optically-connected, output chip rather than taking the signals directlyoff the routing chip. Firstly, we wanted to avoid having to drive62 signals off-chip at 250 MHz. Drivers with this performanceconsume significant amounts of power and take up morearea than we had available on the routing chip. Secondly,this routing chip is partitioned so that the high-speed signalsare local to each super-pixel, and thus all the necessary datainputs and the clock are provided optically within the super-pixel area. By providing an optical output we maintain thisindependent structure and avoid the problem of tracking fastsignals across the chip (which can lead to serious cross-talkdifficulties). The advantage of optical interconnects is againdemonstrated in this context by the simple manner in whichthe output modulators can be driven directly from the digital

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Fig. 2. Optical layout of the system demonstrator.

circuitry. It is also the case that, by avoiding cross-chip high-frequency signals, this partitioning is particularly suited toscaling up in size.


A. Functional Description

The optical system layout [11], shown in Fig. 2, is designedto work at 956 and 1047 nm, the wavelengths of the VCSEL’sand modulator readout laser, respectively. The two opticalpaths through the system are: 1) from the VCSEL arrayto switching chip (Arm 1 or input arm) and 2) from thereadout laser to output chip detectors via the routing chip(Arm 2 or output arm). In the input arm, a square arrayof 64 optical input signals is provided by the 8-by-8 arrayof VCSEL’s. The output from the VCSEL’s is partiallycollimated (increased in/number from 3 to 6.7 at 95% powergathered) using a refractive microlens array. A multi-elementbulk lens (Lens 1) collimates the 64 beams. These beamsare then fanned-out to form an 8 8 array by a diffractiveoptical element (DOE1) and directed toward the routing chipby two polarizing beamsplitters (PBS-A and PBS-B) whichoperate as polarization-independent reflectors at the VCSELwavelength. A second multi-element bulk lens (Lens 2) imagesthe 64 64 array of optical signals onto the single-endeddetectors of the routing chip. The collimated and polarizedbeam from the read laser (Nd:YLF) is fanned-out to an 816array by DOE2 and passed through PBS-A which is operatingas a polarizing beamsplitter at this 1047 nm wavelength. Aquarter wave plate ( in Fig. 2) circularizes the polarizationbefore Lens 2 images the read beams onto the 88 array ofdifferential modulators that form the output from the routingchip. Reflected light from the modulators is collected by Lens2, converted to a polarization orthogonal to the input by thequarter-waveplate and reflected by PBS-A. To permit PBS-Bto be an identical design to PBS-A, a half-wave plate ()polarization rotator is inserted between them. Lens 3 imagesthe output beams onto a matching 88 array of differentialdetectors on the output chip.

Binary phase gratings are preferred over multi-level gratingsfor all the diffractive components because they provide very ef-fective zeroth-order suppression despite their lower efficiency.This is essential to avoid optical crosstalk where the zeroth-

Fig. 3. 3-D rendering of the optomechanical arrangement of the designedsystem baseplate.

order image of the input signals overlaps with quadrants ofthe four central super-pixels. The use of diffractive optics inan optoelectronic interconnect requires that critical wavelengthstability and array uniformity are maintained to ensure correctalignment of the beams onto the detectors. In this system theuniformity across the VCSEL array needs to benm. The optical components are mounted using the slot-plate approach [12]. A baseplate has been designed withV-grooves in which the barrel mounted components sit. Theadvantages of this scheme include the ease of focal adjustmentcombined with good stability. The three circuit boards thathold the VCSEL, routing and output chips are mounted onadjustable brackets for fine angular and positional control.The entire optomechanical system, shown in Fig. 3, fits intoa box approximately 30 cm 20 cm 10 cm in dimension.For compactness, the continuous-wave Nd:YLF laser whichprovides the modulator read beams is mounted below theoptical baseplate.

B. Optical Design

A telecentric 4-f imaging system, composed of custom-mademulti-element lenses, conveys the signals from the VCSELarray to the InGaAs/CMOS routing chip. A second 4-f relayimages the outputs from the routing chip to the output chip.The specifications for the three lenses that make up thissystem (see Fig. 2) are shown in Table I. Lenses 1 and 2 arefive-element telecentric anastigmatic lenses, developed fromearlier designs [13] using the CODE V ray-tracing software.A particularly demanding aspect of the optical design is therequirement that Lens 2 has excellent image quality over thewavelength range 956–1047 nm to ensure good performancefor both the input (VCSEL) and read (Nd:YLF) beams. Theoutput Lens 3 is an adaptation of Reiley and Sasian’s lens [14].

Lens 2 has to be well-corrected over a large field (17.5-mm diagonal). This requirement led us to choose an f/4 lensafter working through the trade-offs inherent in compound lensdesign. Lens 1 was then required to be f/6.7 to demagnify the

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data channel separation from the 250-m VCSEL pitch to the149.5- m pitch of the detectors on the routing chip. In turn, afurther demagnification is desirable between the switching chipand the output chip to minimize the area of the output chip.The use of microlenses on the VCSEL chip is required sincethe multimode emission from the VCSEL’s contains 95% ofthe output power in a cone of Numerical Aperture (NA) 0.17.To collect this optical power with a single bulk lens wouldpresent challenges to later optical elements so it was decidedto split the collimation function between an 8 8 array ofrefractive microlenses ( m, diameter 162 m) andthe following bulk Lens 1. The fused-silica microlenses areoperated at f/3 to reduce the NA of the beams to 0.075 andthus match the NA of Lens 1.

Modeling of the two arms of the system has shown thatwe can expect spot diameters at the detectors on the switchingchip of 19 m (90% enclosed energy). The expected spot sizesfor the read beams at the modulators (80%) are 26m andthe reflection from these is imaged to 13-m (80%) spots onthe output chip detectors. All of these dimensions are takenat the extremes of the imaged field. When manufacturing andassembly tolerances are included in the model, the requireddiameter for these three devices is expected to be 24, 28,and 18 m, respectively. Following this analysis, and allowingfor alignment margins, device diameters of 35m have beenspecified for the modulators and detectors on the switchingand output chips.

Discrimination between the two wavelengths used is re-quired within the system. While the 1047-nm beam from theNd:YLF read laser can be polarization routed, the InGaAs VC-SEL array is not polarization controlled. The two beamsplitterstherefore need to act as PBS’s at 1047 nm and as losslesspolarization-independent reflectors at 956 nm to route theVCSEL emission efficiently. In addition, the large number ofbeams incident on the routing chip, combined with the degreeof fan-out, requires that these beam-splitters operate over therelatively wide incident cone angle of 7.5 . The chosenPBS design is based on an air-spaced construction [15], ratherthan the usual cemented glass cube configuration, to exploitthe inherent asymmetry and thus improve the performance.The materials used for the high/low refractive index coatingsare TiO ( ) and SiO ( ). 27 layers werecoated on a substrate of B270 ( ) resulting in atotal thickness of 4.7 m. Experimental tests of the fabricatedbeamsplitters have shown a contrast greater than 2:1 between

and polarization reflection at 1047 nm and, importantly,more than 99% reflectivity of bothand polarizations at 956nm. These characteristics are maintained over a 16angular

Fig. 4. Theoretical and experimental reflectivity coefficient spectra of thepolarizing beamsplitters developed for routing optical signals through thesystem.

Fig. 5. Physical layout of one super-pixel on the CMOS routing chip.

range centered at 45. The designed and measured spectralperformances are shown in Fig. 4. It should be noted that,on the InGaAs/CMOS routing chip, the modulators in eachdifferential pair are orientated vertically to reduce the influenceof nonuniform beam splitter performance as a function of fieldangle at 1047 nm.

There is scope for significant increase of the density of datachannels relayed by optical schemes of the type describedhere. The spot size predictions above indicate that a receiverarray on a pitch of 50 m could be addressed, allowingdata communication rates in the order of 10 Tb/s using thelenses described above. This would require considerably moredense electronic design at the routing chip than currently butindicates the potential of free-space optical relay of data.

C. Optical Power Budget

A calculated optical power budget for the demonstratorsystem is shown in Table II. The optical power reaching therouting chip is of critical importance to ensure that sufficient

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photocurrent is available for the silicon receivers to operateas designed. In the table, power losses are indicated in thetwo optical paths shown in Fig. 2. The values tabulated arethose at an extreme field angle corresponding to the worst casefor beamsplitter performance. Because of the limited outputpower of the VCSEL’s and the large fan-out, arm 1 is themost critical in terms of power budget. Hence, the stringentrequirements on PBS reflectivity at 956 nm and the adoption ofcomposite collimation optics for the VCSEL’s. The predicted8.6- W optical power on each of the routing chip detectorsand the resulting photocurrent of 4.7A, is expected to permitoperation with a satisfactory margin.


Hybrid OE-VLSI technology imposes a certain numberof constraints on the layout of the silicon electronics. Forexample, the positioning of the photoreceiver circuits, mod-ulator drivers and the solder-bump pads required for flip-chip assembly, puts stringent constraints on the placement ofelectronic circuits with the two metal layer process chosen forfabrication. In addition the maximum die size permitted by the

silicon process has implications on the degree of smartnessof the super pixel. The physical organization of the electronicchip is discussed in this section in the light of these constraints.A description of the transceivers is also given, along with theirpredicted performance and the key design issues relevant todesigning a terabits per second OE interface.

A. Digital Circuit Design

1) Physical Organization of the Super-Pixel:The physicalpartitioning inherent in smart pixel technology makes thelayout of the super pixel easily recognizable. The CMOSrouting chip consists of 64 super-pixels, each of them dividedinto four blocks of 16 pixels as shown in Fig. 5. The overalldimension of the super pixel is 1614.5m in the and

directions with a pixel pitch of 149.5 m. This leaves acrosslike area into which is fitted the logic global to the superpixel (in the horizontal branch) and routing of internal signalsand power cells (in the vertical branch). The input, solder-bump, bond pads have 18-m diameter and 149.5-m pitch.The output bond pads for the modulators are spaced at halfthe super pixel pitch.

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Fig. 6. Functional block diagram of one super-pixel within the CMOS routing chip.

Fig. 7. Timing diagram for the header plus data, and the clock and synchronization signal.

2) Description of the Super-Pixel:The functional configu-ration of one super-pixel is shown in Fig. 6. This architectureencompasses input and output interface circuits (and ,respectively) an address decoder for each channel, a cyclicpriority encoding block piloted by a 6-bit counter and amultiplexer which routes the selected input toward the lightmodulator acting as the output device for the super pixel.Each super-pixel includes two clock pixels (differential opticalsignal), 62 input data pixels, two output amplifiers for themodulators, and scan path test logic for monitoring the addressdecoders and multiplexers. The input and output interface cir-cuits are, respectively, analog receivers and modulator drivers.Because of their importance in optoelectronic hybrid-VLSItechnology, they are discussed in more detail in Section IV-B.

Input data at each of the detectors are bit serial andorganized into packets of arbitrary but equal length for allthe channels. Each packet consists of a header section anda data section. The 7-bit header consists of a flag whichspecifies a valid address and a 6-bit addresswhich identifies the destination of the packet. There is agap between header and payload (2 clock cycles) to allowadditional time for proper multiplexer switching. Each super-pixel has its own address and thus all received packets with an

address that matches are considered for output. However, onlythe highest priority packet is successfully transmitted to theoutput modulator. This optically embedded routing mechanismassociated with super pixel level arbitration of simultaneousoutput requests, removes the need for a global electroniccontrol. It also avoids routing over long tracks across the chipand keeps all control signals local to a super-pixel. Anotherkey aspect of this smart pixel architecture is the optical clockdistribution to each of the super-pixels. This also avoids globalrouting across the chip and helps to minimize clock skew,potentially allowing higher clock rates.

The design of the arbitration scheme has been implementedso as not to compromise the performance of the data routingor the address decoding circuitry. An asynchronous arbitrationring, using a cyclic address encoder tree, is chosen over arandom priority scheme since it requires less space on thechip and is simpler to test. No provision has been made, onthe switching chip, for the buffering of data discarded duringarbitration or for feeding back to the input information on theloss of the discarded packets.

A specific external electrical signal (syncin Fig. 7) indicatesthe beginning of an address. It should be noted that it is theonly external signal needed to synchronize operation of all the

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super pixels. Consequently this signal is distributed over thewhole circuit through long tracks but provided the first activeclock edge arrives aftersync has settled at each super pixelthere is no problem regarding the propagation delay of thissignal. Thus, the frame rate is affected but not the data rateof the payload. Since data transmission is asynchronous, theclock signal is only needed during address decoding phase.This helps in minimizing power consumption of the circuit.

3) Layout and Packaging of the Chip:The overall chip(14580 15 640 m) has been designed on a 0.6-mtechnology from Austrian Mikro Systems. The core logic ofthe super pixel is surrounded by horizontal and vertical powersupply tracks (120 m wide). The chip package is a PGA256cavity-up carrier. 128 pins are devoted to digital power supply;18 to digital signals including a global reset signal, a globalsynchronization signal, and 16 other test signals. 100 pins aredevoted to analog power supply and bias signals.

B. Analog Design of Optoelectronic Receivers

The routing chip uses two types of receiver to amplifythe detected photocurrent to a standard digital logic level: asingle-ended receiver for the data channels and a differentialreceiver for the clock channel. The data receiver uses a simple,single-ended, dc-coupled transimpedance design similar tothat described in [16]. The data receivers are designed tohave a typical power consumption of 2.5-mW each, givinga total peak power consumption of 10 W during header de-coding. The constraint of a two-level metal silicon processrestricted the total width available for power analog suppliesto approximately 40 m per pixel. The voltage drop due to theresistance of the power supply rails between the edge and thecentre of the chip placed the primary limit on the receiversupply current. The average power consumption is reduced byselectively disabling receivers during data reception accordingto whether the packet address matched the super-pixel address.

Electrical tests of a prototype data receiver indicate aminimum sensitivity of 5- A peak photocurrent at a datarate of 100 Mb/s (Fig. 8). The limited operating speed andthe pattern-dependent-jitter in the eye diagrams were dueto the low transit frequency of the on-chip, long-channeltransistor that was used to generate the small input currentfor electrical testing; calculations predict a roll-off at about 40MHz. Simulations indicate that the receiver itself operates to200 Mb/s. The receiver sensitivity is limited by the dc offsetarising from transistor mismatch rather than thermal noise. Oursimulations indicate that the system will operate at a bit errorrate as low as 10 . The design included in the final routingchip was modified to slightly improve sensitivity to 3.5A,matching the requirements of the optical power budget.

The clock receiver uses an electrically differential tran-simpedance receiver (Fig. 9). The two-beam implementationallows a higher bandwidth at the same photocurrent per diodefor the clock channel so that it can support a 250-MHzreturn-to-zero (RZ) clock waveform (equivalent to a 500-Mb/s data stream). It also allows the two clock VCSEL’sto be biased close to or slightly above threshold to reduceturn-on delay. Two single-ended transimpedance front-ends

Fig. 8. Eye diagram showing the buffered output of an electrical test versionof the data receiver, 100-Mb/s 5.0-�A peak input current.

Fig. 9. Simplified schematic of the electrically differential clock receivercircuit with a transconductance-transimpedance postamplifier.

are followed by a differential transconductance amplifier;the currents are subtracted at node and converted to adigital output voltage by a second transimpedance stage.The transconductance-transimpedance postamplifier offers animproved gain-bandwidth product compared to a conventionalvoltage gain design [17]. A diode-connected clamp transis-tor [16], in parallel with the feedback resistor of the finaltransimpedance stage, limits the output swing and preventsthe nonlinearity of the feedback transistor from degradingthe transient response. The main benefit of the electricallydifferential approach over the conventional approach to imple-menting a two-beam receiver [18], which uses two photodiodesconnected in series and requires electrically independent n-type and p-type contacts for all photodiodes, is a simplificationof the InGaAs fabrication process (see Section V). The receivercircuit also has better immunity to common-mode voltagenoise. The cost is a more complex receiver design withhigher power consumption and layout area. However, the small

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number of clock channels per chip justifies the additionalcomplexity. Simulations indicate operation to 500 Mb/s at apeak photocurrent of 3.5A per photodiode but experimentaltests were limited in speed by the same problem as the datareceiver.

Note that the output chip is clocked using an electrical signalfrom the word generator (which provides the electrical datainput to the system) and that the phase of this signal is adjustedmanually to achieve synchronization with the routing chip.

An important design consideration was electrical crosstalkbetween receivers due to simultaneous switching noise inthe analog power supply. Several techniques were used tocontrol crosstalk: approximately 2 pF of gate-oxide decouplingcapacitance were included in each pixel to filter the high-frequency supply noise; the decision stage of the receivercircuit, which created most of the switching noise, was givena separate analog power supply to that used by the sensitivefront-end and post-amplifier; and a total of 100 external powersupply pads were used for the analog supplies to provideacceptably low inductance.

The analog cells have been laid out to fit within a digitalstandard cell of height 38 m for ease of integration withthe digital logic circuitry. The data receiver occupies a widthof 117 m including flip-chip pads, power supply rails anddecoupling capacitors. The clock receiver occupies a width of255 m.


The III–V semiconductor optoelectronic interface arrayscomprise only modulators and detectors. The photodetectorsreceive the optical inputs and are single ended; that is, a singlephotodiode is used to detect each channel of information. Theoptical outputs (modulators) are differential; two diodes areused to “transmit” each channel of information, one carryingthe data while the other carries its logical complement. Thetwo diodes in the differential output pair use a common n-type bias voltage and separate digital driver circuits are used todrive the two p-type contacts with the true and complementarydata. Compared to the conventional approach of two series-connected modulator diodes, this approach reduces switchingnoise on the modulator bias voltage, but requires larger silicondriver circuits to sink the total photocurrent through each diodeof the pair rather than the difference between the two. Themodulator bias voltage is separated from the detector bias toavoid electrical crosstalk and to permit separate optimization.

The arrays are fabricated from In(Al,Ga)As strain-balancedmultiple quantum well (MQW) p-i-n structures grown bymolecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The structures are depositedon GaAs substrates with an intervening buffer layer 2-m-thick containing a linear grade in In concentration. The topp -InGaAs contact layer includes Be-doping to facilitate theformation of low resistance, nonalloyed ohmic contacts. Fullerdetails of the MBE grown MQW layers have been described in[19]. The processing of the arrays includes: 1) mesa isolationof the individual devices by a two-step wet chemical etch; 2)liftoff of a sputtered gold film with a bilayer photoresist toform nonalloyed contacts to the detectors and modulators (the



Fig. 10. (a) SEM of a section of the finished InGaAs–GaAs optoelectronicdevice array showing detail of the modulator (see text). (b) Top view ofa section of the device array, showing a modulator mesa (center) and onedetector (above).

gold film serves the additional purpose of a high-reflectivitymirror on the modulators); 3) trench isolation of the lowern contact layer to disconnect electrically the modulatorsand detectors; and 4) overall passivation with PECVD SiO.Fig. 10(a) shows a scanning electron micrograph of a crosssection through an array. The isolation trench is located onthe left hand side of the picture, the nmetallization is leftof centre, a detector mesa is on the right, while the overallSiO passivation layer is also clearly visible. Fig 10(b) showsa top view of modulator (middle) and detector mesas withthe isolation trench clearly visible. Test diodes fabricated aspart of an array indicate turn-on voltages around 0.8 V andreverse saturation currents of less than 10 nA for a mesa witha diameter of 30 m.

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The modulators used in the demonstrator system are de-signed to operate with the available 5 V. However, there is aclear trend to decreasing voltages being used in the underlyingSilicon CMOS, and it would be very desirable to remaincompatible with these voltages. Thus modulator design atlower voltages is an important issue, and is also being pursued[20]. The basic physics of the quantum-confined Stark effectdetermines the electric fields required to change the absorptionof a given material (InGaAs MQW’s in this case). Thus toreach the same fields with lower voltage requires that thethickness of the region over which the voltage is dropped tobe decreased, effectively decreasing the number of QW’s. Oneapproach to accommodating this decrease is to make betteruse of the available absorption by incorporating the activeregion in an optical cavity [21]. This can be achieved in thesedevices by incorporating a Bragg mirror stack between thesubstrate and the diode structure, forming an optical cavitywith the back metal mirror. We have modeled the optimumcombination of mirror reflectivity and number of quantumwells for different voltages [20]. As the voltage decreases thenumber of wells is decreased, with an increase in the mirrorreflectivity to counteract the loss of absorbing material. Themajor limitation of this approach is one of device manufacture.For correct operation the wavelength of the absorption peak ofthe MQW material must be accurately positioned with respectto the resonant wavelength of the optical cavity, which isdetermined by the cavity length. Modern MBE growth canachieve accuracies of 1%. Modeling suggests this wouldbe sufficient to grow devices for the low finesse cavitiesrequired for 3.3 V or perhaps 2-V operation, but would be veryproblematic for operation at lower voltages. To circumvent thisproblem we are investigating the possibility of postgrowthetching of the cavity thickness to tune the cavity resonancewavelength. More immediately, we are also harnessing thisapproach to obtain improved modulation performance with theexisting 5-V electrical drive.


The demonstrator switching system includes an 88 VC-SEL array to provide the input signals. The fabrication of thearray of VCSEL’s and their drive circuits are described in thissection.

A. VCSEL Structure

The overall design of the VCSEL’s is shown in Fig. 11and is based on dislocation-free strained AlAs–GaAs–InGaAsheterostructures. The MOVPE-grown VCSEL’s are designedfor top emission at 960 nm and consist of 30.5 pairs of/4thick Al Ga As and GaAs layers for the bottom Braggmirror and 22 pairs for the top mirror structure. In order toreduce the electrical resistance of the Bragg mirror structure,each interface is linearly graded over a region of 30 nm. Toreduce the free carrier absorption, the doping level is increasedin the region with low intensity of the standing optical waveand decreased in regions of high light intensity. The totallength of the cavity is 270 nm including three central 8-nm-wide In Ga As quantum wells separated by 10 nm wide

Fig. 11. Schematic cross section of the VCSEL design used for the 8� 8optical input array.

GaAs barriers. A /2 thick GaAs contact layer concludes thestructure. The individually addressable 88 (square) arrayswere processed on quarter 2-in. wafers. The pitch is 250mand the overall size of each array, including bonding pads,is 3 3 mm . The VCSEL’s have 10-m circular aperturediameter. The measured capacitances of the centre VCSEL(of longest wiring) and border VCSEL (of shortest wiring) arecalculated to be 3.05 pF and 1.05 pF, respectively.

B. Electrical and Optical Characteristics

The DC electrical and optical characteristics of the VCSELarray bonded onto their PCB are shown in Fig. 12. The meanthreshold current is 2.6 0.05 mA, the mean thresholdvoltage is 1.9 0.01 V and the output power at 8 mA is1.25 0.02 mW. The power conversion efficiency is 6.30.1%. For this chosen array, all the 64 VCSEL’s are lasing(100% yield) with an emission wavelength of 956 nm and amaximum wavelength variation across the array of

nm at 8 mA of input current. The additional wavelengthvariation when all VCSEL’s are operated simultaneously isexpected to be nm, which corresponds to anestimated temperature increase of 17 K, that is caused bya dissipated power of around 600 mW. These wavelengthvariations are within the tolerance acceptable to the diffractiveoptical elements.

High-frequency operation of the VCSEL array prebiasedat 1.9 V threshold, bonded onto the PCB, was tested withdata rates up to 500 Mb/s. Fig. 13 shows the resulting eyediagram measured on an HP54750A digitizing oscilloscope.The eye is clearly open which demonstrates that data ratesabove 500-Mb/s nonreturn-to-zero (NRZ) are possible withthis VCSEL/driver/PCB subsystem. Even without any prebias,the transfer of 250-Mb/s signals is possible. In this casethe turn-on delay is 1.6 ns with an estimated maximumcontribution of 0.7 ns from the PCB/driver subsystem. Theelectrical crosstalk can be a potential source for errors whenmany VCSEL’s on the PCB/driver assembly are operatedsimultaneously, however this was found to be negligible.The measured optical intensity fluctuations induced by themodulation of one VCSEL on the output power from aneighboring VCSEL operated at a constant current of 8 mAwas measured to be below 10% and further measurementsshow that the observed crosstalk originates from the parallel

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Fig. 12. Electrical and optical characteristics of the VCSEL array, as bonded onto the PCB.



Fig. 13. Eye diagram of the VCSEL/PCB subsystem operated at 500-Mb/sNRZ.

wiring on to PCB. Since the chosen VCSEL had the longestparallel wiring on the driver PCB and VCSEL array, thesemeasurements represent the worst case. Table III summarizesthe target specifications and the measured characteristics ofthe VCSEL array in the PCB/driver subsystem. The assemblyexceeds all of the system specifications.

The fabrication of larger, and/or more dense, VCSEL ar-rays may require close integration with external silicon drivecircuits by such techniques as flip-chip bonding to minimizecrosstalk between the power lines to each device. Such integra-

Fig. 14. Cross section showing the VCSEL/PCB subsystem, including theheatsink and mounting arrangement.

tion is being actively explored for possible future exploitationby a number of research groups.

C. PCB and VCSEL Drivers

The VCSEL array is mounted on an intermediate sapphiresubstrate, itself fixed on the PCB, as shown in Fig. 14. Todesign the circuitry on the PCB, the VCSEL is modeled as a105- resistance at the current versus voltage (– ) operatingpoints (2.4 mA, 1.85 V) and (8.0 mA, 2.44 V). Using thismodel, a simple passive impedance two-port network hasbeen designed to provide a match between the specified 50-

digital signal generator and the VCSEL load. This givesa compromise between maximum bandwidth and a minimum

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sensitivity to the dispersion in the VSCEL characteristics overthe array. The PCB is 109 mm long and 62 mm wide andis attached to the slotted baseplate by means of an adjustablemount. If we assume that 0 and 1 have the same probabilityof appearing in the signals, the heat dissipation is 0.77 W forthe VCSEL array and 6.14 W for the PCB (6.91-W total).In the worst case (maximum dissipation, each diode emits allthe time) we expect 1.25 W for the VCSEL array and 8.50W for the PCB (9.75 W total). We have designed a heat sinkthat locates close to the back plane (ground plane) of thePCB. A temperature sensor (PT100) is included in order toachieve feedback and be able to regulate the temperature. Thisis accomplished with the aid of a Peltier element incorporatedinto the heatsink.


The system demonstrator described here brings togetherthe full set of technologies required to take advantage of thepotential of free-space optical interconnects. Detailed designsof all components have been completed and this permits us todraw some important conclusions.

Firstly, we have shown the feasibility of operating anoptoelectronic system incorporating an optical input to asingle silicon chip in the terabits per second domain. Thedesigned system not only considers the hybrid OE-VLSI chipitself, as has already been investigated by other researchers,but also includes a practical infrastructure whereby the fullperformance can be demonstrated and assessed. As a designprocess alone this has proven to be an extremely valuableexercise, in advance of the later phase of this work in whichexperiments will aim to confirm the predictions of the varioussimulations.

Secondly, this study has acted as a driver for a number ofimportant optoelectronic and optical technologies. An 88VCSEL array capable of providing a 16-Gb/s electronic-to-optical interface has been developed and has been measuredas satisfying numerous other system requirements, particu-larly with respect to array uniformity. New microoptical anddiffractive optical elements have been fabricated along withcompound lenses designed to handle large arrays of opticalsignals over the required fields of view (18 mm). Novelbeam-splitters have been designed and successfully tested; andthe challenge of providing a compact stable optomechanicalassembly has been addressed. The development of our InGaAsmodulator arrays has permitted the evaluation of improved(simplified) fabrication processes, suited to arrays of this size.

Finally the various constraints imposed by distributing op-tical interfaces across a conventional CMOS chip have beenaddressed. This latter has led to the development of low-powerreceivers with novel designs and a study of the impact ofembedding large numbers of such sensitive analogu circuitswith digital microelectronics. From this, we have concludedthat the major factors limiting the communication capacityof this optoelectronic interconnect system are the constraintsassociated with the receiver designs. Combining sensitiveanalog electronics with digital circuitry in such close proximityis always going to be a challenge. In this system, with the

limitation of using only a two-metal silicon process, theneed to minimize: 1) voltage drop along the receiver powersupply rails and 2) switching noise appearing on the analogpower supply has proven particularly problematic. However,these are not fundamental difficulties and the use of presentgeneration CMOS technology, with multiple metal layers andsubstantially smaller feature sizes, immediately remove theseconstraints. Another parameter that is greatly improved by themove to silicon with smaller feature sizes is the receiver powerdissipation. In the designed system, the power dissipated byeach receiver was 2.5 mW, corresponding to an overallpower demand of 10 W (Tb/s) . This was close to the limit ofwhat could be easily dissipated. A study of the impact of sizescaling on power consumption [22] has shown that as featuresizes drop toward 0.1m so the electrical power consumptionof the receivers also drops, giving the prospect for opticalinput at the level of 0.3 W (Tb/s) although, beyond thispoint, physical limitations on transistor performance will limitfurther improvement in this metric. Similar studies by otherauthors support this trend [23], [24]. It is worth noting that theoperating speed per channel scales in line with the decreasingtechnology size even if there is no further improvement inphotodiode capacitance from the values quoted above. Alikely future implementation of a 1-Tb/s interface in a 0.1-mtechnology would be in the form of 256 channels of 4 Gb/sper channel. A system with 4096 channels, such as the onedescribed here, is therefore potentially capable of significantlyhigher bandwidths. The detailed study referred to above [22]indicates that the performance of the electronic receiver isunlikely to be the limiting factor for bandwidths well in excessof 1 Tb/s. This illustrates one of the attractive features of usingoptical techniques to solve the interconnect problems of thefuture.

Another parameter that will increase with time is clock fre-quency. The SIA Roadmap [1] predicts off-chip data rates forapplication-specific integrated circuits to rise to over 1.5–3.0GHz by 2012. This is well within the capability of theoptoelectronic interface devices developed as part of thisstudy. The desire to communicate off-chip at whatever clockfrequency the silicon is operating can not only be satisfiedby these optical methods but becomes progressively easier tosatisfy as the silicon technology itself improves.

The system that we have developed as a focus for thisresearch, corresponding to the switching fabric of a crossbarinterconnect, is not intended to be a complete architecturein its own right. Nonetheless, the completion of its designand the assessment of the critical components illustrates themanner in which the enormous capacity of free-space opticalinterconnects might be exploited in realistic high-performancesystems of the future.


The authors acknowledge the contributions made by A.J. Waddie, G. R. Smith, and N. Ross to this paper. Inaddition, the authors would like to thank their colleagues in theother projects of the European Commission MEL-ARI OPTOCluster for useful discussions.

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Andrew C. Walker was born in Harrow, Englandon June 24, 1948. He received the B.A. degreein physics, the M.Sc. degree in quantum electron-ics, and the Ph.D. degree in physics from EssexUniversity, Exssex, U.K., in 1969, 1970, 1972,respectively.

His Ph.D. research included the first observationof the photon drag effect in semiconductors. From1972 to 1974, he was a National Research Councilof Canada Postdoctoral Fellow with the Laser andPlasma Group, Ottawa, and worked on the gener-

ation and detection of picosecond 10-�m wavelength pulses. Following ayear as a U.K. Science Research Council Fellow, he joined the U.K. AtomicEnergy Authority, Culham Laboratory, in 1975 to work on the applicationof lasers within the fusion research programme. In 1983, he joined Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., where he is currently Professorof Modern Optics in the Physics Department, studying optoelectronic devicesand optical interconnects, and their applications to free-space digital opticalprocessing. He is currently Coordinator of the Scotland-based Centre for Inte-grated Optoelectronic Systems (CIOS) and of a European optical interconnectsproject (SPOEC). These multi-institute programs target the construction ofdigital optical processing and switching demonstrator systems and exploita wide range of semiconductor optoelectronics and optical/optomechanicaltechnologies. He has published over 180 scientific papers and letters.

Prof. Walker is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scotland,U.K., and serves on its Council. He is also a Fellow of the U.K. Institute ofPhysics, and was Secretary to its Quantum Electronics Group in 1982–1985and Chairman of the Scottish Branch in 1993–95.

Marc P. Y. Desmulliez (A’96) received the French Diploma of electricalengineering of the Ecole Superieure d’Electricite of Paris in 1987 and receivedthe Ph.D. degree in optical computing, from the Department of Physics,Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., in 1995.

He is currently a Lecturer in the Department of Computing and ElectricalEngineering. His research interests are in the design and performance analysisof optoelectronic systems, system level integration and fabrication and designof MOEMS. He is a committee member of the IEE Professional GroupPG13 (optical technology), which aims to promote optoelectronics amongthe electrical engineering community and the general public at large.

Dr. Desmulliez is a U.K. Chartered Physicist and Chartered Engineer.

Mark G. Forbes was born in Kilmarnock, Scotland, U.K., in 1973. Hereceived the B.Eng. (Hons.) degree in electronics and physics from theUniversity of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., in 1995. Between 1995and 1998 he was working toward the Ph.D. degree at Heriot-Watt University,Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., where his research has focused on the design ofphotoreceiver circuits in large arrays. He has recently accepted a position withCadence Design Systems in Livingston, Scotland, U.K.

His current research interests include mixed-signal and analog VLSI circuitdesign.

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Stuart J. Fanceywas born in Edinburgh, Scotland,U.K., in 1967. He received the B.Sc. (Hons) degreein physics from the University of St. Andrews,Scotland, U.K., in 1989 and the M.Sc. and Ph.D.degrees from Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh,Scotland, U.K., in 1992 and 1996, respectively.

His thesis work concerned the development ofsemiconductor single-photon avalanche detectorsfor telecommunication wavelengths and theirapplication to the study of quantum-well systemsusing time-resolved photoluminescence techniques.

Since 1996, his research interests have been in the field of optical designfor optoelectronic interconnects and he is currently employed as a ResearchAssociate in the Department of Physics at Heriot-Watt University working onoptoelectronic interconnect demonstrator systems.

Dr. Fancey is a member of the Institute of Physics and the Optical Societyof America.

Gerald S. Buller was born in Glasgow, Scotland, U.K., on January 16, 1965.He received the B.Sc. degree in natural philosophy from the University ofGlasgow, Glasgow, Scotland, U.K., in 1986 and the Ph.D. degree in physicsfrom Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., in 1989.

He has been a Lecturer in the Department of Physics, Heriot-Watt Univer-sity, since 1990. His research interests mainly concentrate in applications ofphoton-counting technology, including time-resolved photoluminescence andtime-of-flight optical ranging, specifically in the use of semiconductor single-photon avalanche diodes at infrared wavelengths, up to and including 1.55�m. His other research interests include optical thin-film multilayer coatings,particularly the design, growth and characterization of structures grown byion-assisted deposition.

Mohammad R. Taghizadehreceived the B.Sc. de-gree in physics (with highest honors) from MashhadUniversity, Iran, in 1977, the M.Sc. degree in op-toelectronics from Essex University, U.K., in 1978and the Ph.D. degre in physics from Heriot-WattUniversity, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K., in 1982.

He is currently a Reader in Physics at Heriot-Watt University and is in charge of the Diffractiveand Micro-optics Research Group at the Departmentof Physics. He has published over 180 papers andholds several patents on various areas of lasers and

optoelectronics, optical computing and diffractive and microoptics.Dr. Taghizadeh is a member of the Optical Society of America.

Julian A. B. Dines was born in Glasgow, Scotland,U.K., in 1969. He received the B.Sc. (Hons.) degreein physics with electronics in 1992 and the M.Sc.degree in computer science in 1994, both from theUniversity of Manchester, Manchester, U.K., andthe Ph.D. degree in 1997 for his thesis “Opto-electronic Computing: Interconnects, Architecturesand A Systems Demonstrator,” from Heriot-WattUniversity, Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.

He is currently a Lecturer in the Department ofComputing and Electrical Engineering at Heriot-

Watt University in Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K. He works in the MicrosystemsGroup and his research interests include: optoelectronic interconnects, paralleland high-performance computer architectures, high-speed VLSI design (Si andGaAs; digital and mixed-signal), and system-level integration/system-on-chipdesign.

C. R. Stanley received the degree with 1st ClassHonors in electronic engineering from the Univer-sity of Sheffield, Sheffield, U.K., in 1966 and thePh.D. degree from the University of Southampton,Southampton, U.K., in 1970 for research into thenonlinear optical properties of semiconductors.

He joined the Department of Electronics andElectrical Engineering at the University of Glasgowin 1972 as a Research Fellow, and was subsequentlyappointed Lecturer (1974), Senior Lecturer (1982),Reader (1989) and Personal Professor (1992). He

was responsible for establishing the Glasgow research activity into themolecular beam epitaxy (MBE) of III–V semiconductors in 1977, and sincethen has been author or co-author of over 85 papers on MBE and relatedtopics. He spent six months from October 1997 on industrial secondment withMotorola in East Kilbride, under a scheme financed by the Royal Academyof Engineering.

Prof. Stanley is a member of the Institute of Physics and the Institution ofElectrical Engineers, and serves on the Faculty Management Committee andthe EPSRC Functional Materials College.

Giovanni Pennelli was born on October 23, 1967, in Lucca, Italy. He receiveddegree (cum laude) in electronic engineering with a thesis on “models andApplications Of Quantum Electronic Devices,” in 1992. After compulsoryNational Service in 1993, he returned to the University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy, andreceived the Ph.D. degree for a thesis entitled “new Materials for a Silicon-Based Optoelectronics,” in 1997.

He moved to the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, U.K., in April 1997to work as a Research Assistant in the MBE group. In particular he dealswith optoelectronic device fabrication and process development of III–Vsemiconductor as part of the European ESPRIT project SPOEC (Smart PixelOptoElectronic Connection).

Adam R. Boyd was born in 1971 in Paulton,Bath, U.K. He the degree in materials science andengineering and the Ph.D. degree entitled “ArgonIon Laser Modified and Monitored Chemical BeamEpitaxy of GaAs, AlGaAs and InGaAs,” from theUniversity of Liverpool, Liverpool, U.K., in 1992and 1997, respectively.

In 1996, he moved to the MBE Research Groupat the University of Glasgow, Glasgow, U.K.

His main research interests lie in the design andprocessing of optoelectronic devices and the MBE

growth of GaAs, AlGaAs, and InAlGaAs structures for such devices.

Paul Horan received the B.Sc. degree in experimental physics from Univer-sity College, Galway, U.K., in 1984 and the Ph.D. degree in physics fromTrinity College, Dublin, Ireland, in 1988 for a thesis on nonlinear optics.

Following a year as a Visiting Researcher at Hitachi Central ResearchLaboratories, Tokyo, Japan, he returned to join the staff of the Hitachi DublinLaboratories at Trinity College. In 1997, he joined the Dublin Institute ofTechnology as Assistant Head of the School of Physics where he continues topursue interests in optical computing, optical interconnects and Fabry–Perotmodulators in association with staff at Trinity College.

Declan Byrne was born in Carlow, Ireland, onAugust 11, 1973. He received the B.Sc degreein experimental physics from University College,Dublin, Ireland, in 1996, and is currently workingtoward the Ph.D. degree in physics from Trinity Col-lege, Dublin, and is funded by a Forbairt researchscholarship and ESPRIT.

His current research activities include Electroab-sorption modulators and semiconductor microcavi-ties for optical interconnects.

Mr. Byrne is a student member of the IOP.

Page 14: Design and construction of an optoelectronic crossbar


John Hegarty received the Ph.D. degree in physicsfrom University College, Galway, Ireland, wherehis thesis concerned the luminescence of rare earthdoped manganese fluoride, in 1976.

From 1977 to 1980, he was with the Solid StateSpectroscopy Group at the University of Wisconsin,Madison. From 1980 to 1986 he was Member of theTechnical Staff, AT&T Bell Laboratories, MurrayHill, NJ, where he performed research in opticalsemiconductors, glasses, optical fibers and magneto-optical waveguides. In 1986, he became Professor

of Laser Physics, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland, where he is also head ofSemiconductor Optoelectronics Group. His current research activities includespontaneous emission processes in semiconductor microcavities, optical com-puting and optical neural networks, excitons in wide bandgap II–VI quantumstructures, lasing action II–VI materials, semiconductor diode laser physicsand new applications. In 1989, he became Technical Director, OptronicsIreland, the Irish National Research Programme in Optoelectronics and from1992–1995 served as Head of Department of Physics, Trinity College, Dublin,Ireland. Since 1996, he has been Dean of Research at Trinity College.

Prof. Hegarty is a Member of the American Physical Society, the OpticalSociety of America and a Fellow of the Institute of Physics.

Sven Eitel was born in Tubingen, Germany, in1968. He received the Dipl.-Phys. degree from theUniversity of Karlsruhe, in 1995 and is currentlyworking toward the Dr.-Ing. degree in the Optoelec-tronics Group at the Swiss Center for Electronicsand Microtechnology (CSEM) in Zurich, Switzer-land.

His main research interests are the design, fabri-cation, and characterization of VCSEL arrays.

Hans-Peter Gauggel was born in Sigmaringen,Germany, in 1966. He received the Dipl.-Phys.degree and the Dr. rer. nat. degree, both in physics,from the University of Stuttgart, Germany, in 1993and 1998, respectively.

His graduate research work involved the design,processing and characterization of GaInP–AlGaInPDFB lasers.

Dr. Gauggel is a member of the OptoelectronicsGroup at the Swiss Centre for Electronics and Mi-crotechnology (CSEM), Zurich, Switzerland, where

he is working on the development and fabrication of GaAs-based VCSEL’sand VCSEL arrays.

K.-H. Gulden received the diploma and Ph.D. degree in applied physicsfrom the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany, in 1990 and 1994,respectively.

After joining the Paul Scherrer Institut, Zurich, Switzerland, he workedon the development of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers and integratedoptoelectronic integrated circuits for applications in sensors, biochemicalanalysis, and optical interconnects. His expertise includes epitaxial growth,semiconductor processing and laser physics. Over 50 technical publicationsand three patents have accompanied this work. He is head of the Optoelec-tronic Device Section at the Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de MicrotechniqueSA (CSEM) in Zurich, Switzerland.

Alain Gauthier was born in Paris, France, in 1950.He received the degree of “diplome d’ingenieurde l’institut National de Sciences Appliques deRennes” in 1975.

He is currently a Professor of microelectronics.His research interests include both analog and digitalelectronics and particulary the design of sigma–deltaanalog-to-digital converters.

Philippe Benabes(M’98) was born in Nice, France,in 1967. He received the degree of “diplˆomed’ingnieur de l’Ecole Centrale Paris” in 1989.

From 1989 to 1991, he worked for ThomsonSintra ASM as a board designer. He received thePh.D. degree in 1994 for the work “widebandbandpass SD converters.”

He is currently professor of electronics atSUPELEC. His research interest include both analogand digital electronics and particulary the design ofbandpass sigma–delta analog-to-digital converters.

Jean-Louis Gutzwiller was born in Mulhouse,France, on February 28, 1962. He received the“Dipl ome d’Ingnieur” from the “Ecole Suprieured’Electricit,” in 1985.

He joined the Department of Electronics, EcoleSuprieure d’Electricit, Campus de Metz, in 1986. Hehas conducted research in instrumentation design.

Michel Goetz was born in Saint Mihiel, France,on April 23, 1961. He entered the Ecole NormaleSuprieure de Cachan, France, in 1980, received theM.Sc. degree from the University of Paris 6, France,in 1982 and the Ph.D. degree from the Universityof Metz, France in 1994.

He became a Professeur Agrg in 1984. He wasappointed Professor of Physics at the Ecole Su-prieure d’Electricit in 1985 and became DeputyDelegate for Research & Industrial Relations in1998. His current research includes nonlinear optics

and optical interconnects.Prof. Goetz is a member of the Optical Society of America and the Optical

Society of France.