You are going to explore 1) the Rainforest Biome Rainforest Biome Rainforest Biome Rainforest Biome 2) the Mediterranean Biome Mediterranean Biome Mediterranean Biome Mediterranean Biome Join the description to the correct picture: 1) Rainforest Biome 2) Mediterranean Biome Always hot Rains nearly every day Winters can be chilly Only 2% of sunlight reaches the ground Summer droughts High summer temperatures 1 Design a Plant Challenge Design a Plant Challenge Design a Plant Challenge Design a Plant Challenge Your Challenge: Your Challenge: Your Challenge: Your Challenge: Design a plant for the future! Explore our Biomes to discover the neat tricks plants have evolved to help them live, thrive and survive in their habitat. Then use what you’ve learned to design a plant of your own. Before you go: Before you go: Before you go: Before you go: Label the drawing to show what essentials plants need to grow: KS3

Design a Plant Challenge KS3 Your Challenge 2014.pdf4) Cape Aloe (grid reference 247 455—the large spiky plant on the corner) The Cape Aloe is a succulent - it stores water in case

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Page 1: Design a Plant Challenge KS3 Your Challenge 2014.pdf4) Cape Aloe (grid reference 247 455—the large spiky plant on the corner) The Cape Aloe is a succulent - it stores water in case

You are going to explore

1) the Rainforest BiomeRainforest BiomeRainforest BiomeRainforest Biome

2) the Mediterranean BiomeMediterranean BiomeMediterranean BiomeMediterranean Biome

Join the description to the correct picture:

1) Rainforest Biome 2) Mediterranean Biome

Always hot

Rains nearly every day

Winters can be chilly

Only 2% of sunlight reaches the ground

Summer droughts

High summer temperatures


Design a Plant ChallengeDesign a Plant ChallengeDesign a Plant ChallengeDesign a Plant Challenge Your Challenge:Your Challenge:Your Challenge:Your Challenge: Design a plant for the future!

Explore our Biomes to discover the neat tricks plants have evolved to help them live,

thrive and survive in their habitat. Then use what you’ve learned to design a plant of

your own.

Before you go:Before you go:Before you go:Before you go: Label the drawing to show what essentials plants need to grow:


Page 2: Design a Plant Challenge KS3 Your Challenge 2014.pdf4) Cape Aloe (grid reference 247 455—the large spiky plant on the corner) The Cape Aloe is a succulent - it stores water in case

The Rainforest BiomeThe Rainforest BiomeThe Rainforest BiomeThe Rainforest Biome Use the map of the biome together with the grid references and picture clues to help you

find the plants and answer the questions as you walk around.

Look at the cartoons. Use them to help you explain why the Rainforest can be a tough

place to live.

1) Traveller’s Palm (grid reference 157 492) Estimate the length of the largest leaf.

Touch the leaves (gently). Describe how they feel and explain how this is useful to the plant.

(If you can’t reach the Traveller’s palm, use one of the plants nearby!)

2) Banyan Tree (grid reference 144 487)

Can you see the roots which are growing down towards the ground (positively

gravitropic). How does this help the plant to survive?

3) Bismarck Palm (grid reference 145 497) How are the huge leaves adapted so that rainwater runs off?

Look at the roof of the Malaysian house to give you a clue.


Page 3: Design a Plant Challenge KS3 Your Challenge 2014.pdf4) Cape Aloe (grid reference 247 455—the large spiky plant on the corner) The Cape Aloe is a succulent - it stores water in case

5) From the Canopy Walkway Look down on Eden’s canopy. How is being tall, growing quickly and being

flexible useful to a rainforest plant?

6) Cocoa (grid reference 160 502) The newest leaves on the cocoa trees look floppy and dead -

how might this help the tree?

7) Rattans (grid reference 172 503)

Rattans are a family of spiky, climbing palms. Look carefully to find the

rattan climbing up the other palms. (look behind the large stump and up the

rock face). Think of two ways the spikes help the plant to survive.



8) Pitcher Plants (grid reference180 485)

Explain how pitcher plants ensure they receive enough nutrients.


4) Drip Tips (found throughout the Rainforest Biome)

Pointy drip tips encourage rainwater to run off the leaves.

Draw and label two examples of leaves with drip tips.

Page 4: Design a Plant Challenge KS3 Your Challenge 2014.pdf4) Cape Aloe (grid reference 247 455—the large spiky plant on the corner) The Cape Aloe is a succulent - it stores water in case

The Mediterranean BiomeThe Mediterranean BiomeThe Mediterranean BiomeThe Mediterranean Biome

Plants take in water through their roots and lose water

through tiny holes in their leaves called


What process takes place in plants’

leaves that needs water?

Long, hot, dry summers make life tough for plants. Use the map of the biome

together with the grid references and picture clues to help you follow the trail and

find out how they cope.

Water also stops

plants from wilting.

1) Olive (grid reference 208 470) Describe the olive leaves and explain how these features help the plant to


2) Broom (grid reference 235 467) Some plants, like this broom, have lost their leaves altogether.

How is the broom able to photosynthesise without leaves?

3) Silver Tree (grid reference 245 463) The silver colour is caused by pale hairs on the leaves. Explain how this

survival strategy works. The pictures below are a clue.


Page 5: Design a Plant Challenge KS3 Your Challenge 2014.pdf4) Cape Aloe (grid reference 247 455—the large spiky plant on the corner) The Cape Aloe is a succulent - it stores water in case

4) Cape Aloe (grid reference 247 455—the large spiky plant on the corner) The Cape Aloe is a succulent - it stores water in case of drought.

Draw an aloe.

Label your picture to show:

1) Where this plant stores

its water.

2) How aloe protects its

water from predators.

5) Cork (grid reference 227 454) Pick up and feel the pieces of cork bark. Describe it.

The cork acts like a fire blanket protecting the heart of the tree from the


6) African Hemp (grid reference 205 454) Carefully stroke the leaves of the African Hemp. How do they feel?

How do you think this helps the plant cope with dry conditions?

7) Herbs and Aromatic plants (grid reference 205 462)

Sniff out some smelly plants - you can rub the leaves gently to make the

smell stronger.

Think of two ways smell can be useful to a plant.

Page 6: Design a Plant Challenge KS3 Your Challenge 2014.pdf4) Cape Aloe (grid reference 247 455—the large spiky plant on the corner) The Cape Aloe is a succulent - it stores water in case

Back from the Biomes ?Back from the Biomes ?Back from the Biomes ?Back from the Biomes ? Look at the front of this sheet to remind yourself of your challenge.

Summarise what you have found out:

Rainforest BiomeRainforest BiomeRainforest BiomeRainforest Biome

Typical plant adaptations:

Mediterranean BiomeMediterranean BiomeMediterranean BiomeMediterranean Biome

Typical plant adaptations:






















Back at School Scientists believe that our climate is


What do you think our future climate

will be like?

You can do some research to support

your ideas.

Now design a plant for the future. It

must be;

•••• adapted to its climate

•••• useful to humans

•••• have a name

Send us your design. Each term one

lucky winner will receive a prize from

the Eden shop.

Be sure to include

your name,

your school's name,

your address and age.

Send designs to: The Schools Team Design a Plant Challenge Eden Project Bodelva Cornwall PL24 2SG