Description of my target audience

Description of my target audience

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Page 1: Description of my target audience

Description of my target audience

Page 2: Description of my target audience

The type of audience I am aiming my music video at is 15-25 year olds. The reason behind my choice of age group is that my video will be about a teenage girl trying to get the attention of a guy which is relatable to allot of teenagers so is suitable for this age group. The music video will be narrative based so teenagers will be able to follow the theme.


Page 3: Description of my target audience

My video will be aimed at females as the main singer is a female singing about a male. As the song is about a relationship females are able to relate from the point of view of the singer. The R&B style song is able to appeal to males also.


Page 4: Description of my target audience

In terms of income as my target market is young people so would fall under the category of social grade D/E. The D category is working class and the E category would apply to the teenagers as they would have part time jobs or be unemployed. Both categories would apply to my target audience as 15-25 ranges from teenagers to adults.

Social Demographic

Page 5: Description of my target audience

As the majority of my target audience will be students they would most likely have part time jobs. As my music video is free this will ideal for my target audience as some of them will be unemployed and would not have money to music. My music video will be on YouTube therefore is free for anyone to see.


Page 6: Description of my target audience

As my target audience is young people that are into R&B music they could potentially have different hobbies. They could be outgoing that like to socialise so could hear R&B music at parties or be into dancing and singing. Or they could be the opposite and be into staying indoors and listen to music online. My target audience will be both as R&B is a popular genre.


Page 7: Description of my target audience

The style of my target audience will be different depending on the type of person. As the song can appeal to females and males the type of style can be very broad. The teenager section of my target audience would have more of a street style e.g jeans and trainers. Where as the 20- 25 section would dress more sophisticated as they’re older but still have a sense of street style in their casual wear.


Page 8: Description of my target audience

The type of television shows my target audience will be into are scandal, the blacklist and revenge as they will be teenagers. In terms of films The hunger games, Ted, Fast and furious as they are popular with young people. Also other genre of films like romantic and Sci-Fi they would be interested in. Artist like Beyonce, Usher and Ciara would be popular amongst my target audience as they are well known R&B artists.

Media Grouping

Page 9: Description of my target audience

This is the approach to understanding mass communication, the audience is responsible for choosing their own media to meet their requirements. For my music video the females are able to relate to the main character as the scenario happens in everyday life. My video reflects situations that females go through and the audience would be familiar with the genre as R&B is very popular.

Uses and Gratifications in my video

Page 10: Description of my target audience

The utopian theory is the belief that audiences consume media products with a clear set of pleasures to draw from that experience.

For my music video I aim to give my audience an escapism, Dyer states that people are exhausted of everyday life so in my video I’ve created a situation in which the audience can relate to however is still not common. In terms of a solution my music video will give my audience enjoyment as it is not predictable.

Utopian theory