Describe the changes you saw. What plants were first to arrive on the scene? Will the area look like it originally did? How long will it take to change?

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  • Describe the changes you saw. What plants were first to arrive on the scene? Will the area look like it originally did? How long will it take to change?
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  • Ecological Succession Primary Secondary
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  • HINT: Tiny, mostly microscopic, and they secrete enzymes to break down rock These are Pioneer Species first organisms to colonize an area Bacteria, fungus, and lichens (algae and fungus)
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  • Big changes can now take place because the presence of soil has opened up a new world.
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  • Different species or organisms living in the same habitat utilize the same limited resources (food, space, water, light, oxygen, and minerals). The organism better adapted for the environment will take over the area.
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  • 1.Barren rock 2.Soil formation 3.Grasses and small plants grow from seeds brought in by animals or wind 4.Lichens die because they dont receive enough light. 5.Grass community survives for many generations, makes soil deeper and more fertile.
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  • 6.Non-woody plants (shrubs) with deep roots crowd out grasses 7.Grasses and shrubs are not stable because they are not diverse 8.Pine trees with shallow roots invade and crowd out shrubs 9.Broad leaf trees take root and replace pine trees
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  • CLIMAX COMMUNITY a community that does not undergo further succession (stable and diverse)
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  • Community has been cleared by a disturbance that does not destroy the soil Fires Storms Human Activity Same series as primary succession, but it goes quicker because you dont need to form soil
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  • Yellowstone Fire
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  • Ecological Succession Notes 1. Ecological succession - _____________ __________________________________ Primary Succession Secondary Succession 2. Pioneer species - _________________ __________________________________ Examples include: ___________________ 3. Bacteria, fungus, & lichens break down rocks to make ______. 4. Succession occurs because of ____________. 5. The organism _________ adapted for the environment will take over the area.
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  • Primary Succession Primary Succession: 1.____________________ 2.Soil formation 3.Grasses and small plants grow from seeds brought in by __________________________ 4._________________ because they dont receive enough light. 5.Grass community survives for many generations, makes soil deeper and more fertile. 6.Non-woody plants (shrubs) with deep roots crowd out grasses 7.Grasses and shrubs are _________________ because they are not diverse 8.Pine trees with shallow roots invade and ____________________________________ 9.Broad leaf trees _________________ and replace pine trees 10._____________________________ a community that does not undergo further succession (stable and diverse)
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  • Secondary Succession Secondary Succession: Community has been cleared by a disturbance that ___________________________________ _________________ Storms _________________ Same series as primary succession, but it goes _____________ because you dont need to form soil
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