> Farewell to Paul Keiner > Travels with Miss Candy Middle School Culture today NEWS FROM FALL TERM 2008 Derryfield THE DERRYFIELD SCHOOL

Derryfield Today, Fall 2008

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The fall 2008 issue of Derryfield Today.

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Page 1: Derryfield Today, Fall 2008

> Farewell to Paul Keiner> Travels with Miss Candy

Middle School Culture





Page 2: Derryfield Today, Fall 2008

Blast Off in PhysicsErin Ferguson ’10 and James Donovan ’10 take measurements for their projectile labin physics. They are setting up the target with the goal of landing a marble in the can.

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contentsTable of

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Derryfield Today is published by the Advancement Office at The Derryfield School. If you note errors, please notify us at603.669.4524, ext. 2261 or send an email to [email protected]. Correspondence may be addressed to: Director ofCommunications, The Derryfield School, 2108 River Road, Manchester, NH 03104-1396. The Derryfield School welcomes students of any race, color, creed, national or ethnic origin. The School does not discriminate in its hiring, admission policies, or programs on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, or disabilities.



FALL 2008


Middle School Culture 16by Diane Allen

Travels with Miss Candy 25by Sara Dewey ’03

Paul Keiner 29by Diane Allen


Message from the Head 2Around Campus 4Breakthrough Spotlight 10Cougar Athletics 12Derryfield Images 14Update on Alumni 20Life After Derryfield 25Faculty Profile 29


Steven BurkeChairBedford, NH

Nigel DonovanTreasurerBedford, NH

Craig SellersHead of SchoolManchester, NH

Cathryn Vaughn ’91SecretaryManchester, NH

John Allard ’83Manchester, NH

Bradley Benson ’78Derry, NH

Robert ChinWindham, NH

Christine CikaczChester, NH

James DavisNew Boston, NH

Dr. Louis FinkBedford, NH

Preston Hunter ’98Bedford, NH

Laurie LampBedford, NH

Paul LeBlancManchester, NH

Donna K. LenckiCandia, NH

David LockwoodManchester, NH

Thomas MansonNew Boston, NH

Constantinos MokasManchester, NH

Christopher MorganAmherst, NH

Jeffrey PollockManchester, NH

Janice RomanowskyHampstead, NH

Richard Sigel ’81Manchester, NH

William ZornHooksett, NH


Annie Branch Director of Communications

Diane AllenStaff Writer

Griffin York & KrauseDesign

Puritan Press, Inc.Printing


Kate ErskineDirector, Breakthrough

Mark Blaisdell, Donna Bowe, Dan Muskat ’82, Gill Roberts ’99, Paul Whitmore

Sara Dewey ’03


Diane Allen

John Bouton

Annie Branch

Bianca Nicolosi ’09

Whitney Lockwood Berdy ’00

Laurie Lamp


Diane Allen Alumni Coordinator

Lori Evans ’00Director of Annual Giving

Gail GordonAdvancement Office Coordinator

Alice Handwerk Director of Donor Relations

Jennifer Melkonian Assistant Head of School

for AdvancementFRONT COVER: Olivia LoChiatto ’14 focuses on thechallenges of the high ropes course at the end of theadventure unit of physical education.

INSIDE FRONT COVER: Juniors make measurements fora physics project.

BACKGROUND: Crew coach Bill Madden talks withrowers before New Hampshire Championships.

TOP: Schoolgirls gather in a performance of the middleschool musical, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

Page 4: Derryfield Today, Fall 2008

I like a school that thinks of every place on campus as alegitimate learning space. We presume, rightly so, thatclassrooms are central to our mission. But the most excit‑

ing schools see opportunities for learning moments every‑where – in the hallways, on the playing fields, in the audito‑rium lobby, waiting for the bus, and packing up a locker.Perhaps this is why, the first time I walkedinto The Derryfield School’s McIninch roomduring lunch time, I was captivated by all thelearning going on, beginning with the simplemessage of a teacher sitting at each table eat‑ing with the students.

We know that middle school students areunique people who, by and large, remainreceptive to sharing a meal with their teachers. Only later,after inquiry, did I learn from Mr. Blaisdell, our Head ofMiddle School, that we tend to assign middle schoolers to arotating pattern of table–mates. In this way the MiddleSchool builds a sense of community while addressing someof the understandable lunchroom anxiety about with whomone will sit on any given day. The occasional well‑timed“free seating” lunch becomes a joy, not a source of stress.

You may also notice, hanging from the rafters in the mid‑dle school McIninch room, three oversized banners eachemblazoned with one word – “Respect,” “Integrity” and“Kindness.” It is entirely possible for our middle schoolersto say (to riff on a popular book from several years ago)that, by reflecting on these big ideas, everything I need to

know in life I learned during lunch in theMiddle School at Derryfield.

Please consider coming to Derryfield andsharing a meal with us in the McIninchroom. You may find that the occasional tatortot and slice of pizza has the Proustian capac‑ity to transport you back to your own middleschool days. At the same time you will be

amongst students who reflect on important values, takethem down from the ceiling, and model respect, integrity,and kindness all around our campus every day.

headMessage from the

2 Derryfield Today – Fall 2008

“...everything I need to

know in life I learned

during lunch in the

middle school at


Craig N. SellersHead of School

McIninch Moments

Page 5: Derryfield Today, Fall 2008


Winter Carnival 2-5

Jazz All-State Music Festival 6-7

Summer Opportunities Fair 8

College Planning Night for Juniors 12

Breakthrough Super Saturday 21

Chicago Alumni Reception 25


Sophomore Pasta Dinner 6

Lyceum Gallery Reception 6

Upper School Musical 6-8

Senior Blood Drive 10


US Admitted Student Reception 1

MS Admitted Student Reception 2

Classical All-State Music Festival 2-4

Parent/Faculty Association Auction 4

Senior Dinner 7

Lyceum Gallery Reception 17

Breakthrough Super Saturday 18

D O N ’ T M I S S I T !

musicalupper schoolLooking for a quality theatre perfor‑mance? Come see members of theDerryfield Players performing in theupper school musical, Aida, on March6–8. Check for tickets online in the endof February at www.etix.com.

J U L Y – N O V E M B E R

calendareventsIMAGES FROM THE FALLFor more photos, visit our online gallery in the ‘Exploring Derryfield’ section of www.derryfield.org.

www.derryfield.org 3

Clockwise from top right: Head of School Craig Sellers speaking at the Leadership Donor Party with Derryfield

Founders. n Members of the student and faculty teams for the Madden Flag Football Tournament. n Alex

Camerino ’12 prepares Thanksgiving baskets to deliver to Manchester families. n Derryfield coaches at the turf

field dedication. n JV soccer player Emilyann Keller ’11 goes for the ball in a game. n Austin Hammer ’14 as

Huckleberry Finn in the middle school musical.

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4 Derryfield Today – Fall 2008


Get Real

Ham Radio

Kass Award

Thank You, Mr. Coogan

Legacy Society Profile

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETYCongratulations to the following Derryfield

seniors who were inducted into the

National Honor Society during a special

assembly on October 14, 2008.

Leah J. Burke

Colette M. Chretien

Ryan M. Clauson

Christina A. de Bruyn Kops

Katherine M. DiPastina

Bonnie J. Frieden

Alexa R. Hasselman

Daniel Jin

John R. Kalliel

Rose Z. King

Lydia A. MacKenzie

Frederick W. Manson

George A. Mokas

Stephen J. Reichheld, Jr.

Anne R. Rynearson

Adam N. Spierer

Margaret P. Steer

Sandra M. Stonebraker

Get Real “Warning: interaction with this group maycause you to get up, get going, and dosomething REAL. EDUCATE ‑ INNOVATE‑ PARTICIPATE.” This is the introductionat the Get Real Foundation’s website. As anindependent school, Derryfield is involvedwith many foundations. What makes thisone so distinctive? The Get Real Foundationwas conceived and launched by Derryfieldjunior Vanessa Rodanas and her alumnusbrother, Rex Rodanas ’08.

According to their website, the Get RealFoundation is “organized to encourage andbalance thought, creativity, and actionthrough hands‑on projects synergizing andrecognizing our broader value to societyand our world.” And they are off to a magnificent start! As a result of their fund‑raising work, Vanessa and Rex were able topresent Families in Transition, a local chari‑ty aimed at helping local families in crisis,with a $1,000 Honorarium at FIT’s AnnualFashion Show on October 2.

Continuing their work with Families inTransition, Get Real is currently workingon a fund raising opportunity called “SleepTight.” The goal is to have new participantsin the FIT program receive new beds. GetReal encourages people to buy Family FunPacks of four tickets to any game of theManchester’s Wolves 2009 Football Seasonat a discount rate to help the cause.

Recognizing the value of theirDerryfield education and with a strongdesire to give back, Vanessa’s most recentcampaign is with Stonyfield and Kaboom“to make more play spaces for kids.” Shecollected specially marked StonyfieldYogurt lids – the protective metallic lidsfound under the top plastic lid of a 16‑ or8‑oz. container. The organization collectingthe most lids by the deadline will win a$50,000 grant for a volunteer‑built play‑ground and the chance to help chooseanother group to receive the same prize.For more information on this and other GetReal initiatives, please visit their website athttp://getrealfoundation.synthasite.com.

Susan Grodman, advisor to theDerryfield chapter of Key Club, was notsurprised that Rex and Vanessa would takeon such a challenge in the name of commu‑nity service. “Both have been active mem‑bers of Key Club, logging in hours throughinitiatives both within the structure of theSchool and on their own in the local com‑munity.” According to Vanessa, this workinspired them. “Rex and I were inspired byour local charity work, coming up with therealization that youth has a powerful forcewhen we all work together. Giving a fewhours here and there, nothing too exten‑sive, can make a huge impact on our com‑munity. We hope to mobilize our younggeneration to be mindful of their actions


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and environment so we can create abetter world for the future. The mostdifficult hurdle so far has been gettingeverything organized to let as manypeople as possible know about ourorganization. I hope that this articlewill help initiate interest and inspirepeople to join us by becoming mem‑bers and getting active in their commu‑nity.”

Ham Radio Devin Walker of Windham is a ham.This 15‑year‑old sophomore whoattends The Derryfield School inManchester, not only builds hamradios from the tiniest metal piecesone’s eyes can see, he also belongs tothe elite organization of ham radiooperators who listen in and listen outacross the air waves of the Americas aswell as worldwide.

“Hamming is unlike using a cellphone. With a cell phone, you pick itup, call a number, and you know whois at the other end. With hamming, Inever know with whom I am going tospeak. I can reach as far as Chicago, oreven Louisiana, depending on air cur‑rents and repeater towers,” Walkersaid.

Walker has been involved with ham‑ming for two years and follows in thefootsteps of his grandfather and hisfather. Working out of his “Man Cave,”as his mother calls it, Walker turns thedials, listens to the noises, and commu‑nicates to anyone who will listen. “Ispoke with a Fed‑Ex driver the othernight,” Walker said. “Where else couldyou have a conversation with a real

life Fed‑Ex driver and he would tellyou about his job, what he does, andwhy he likes it? Everyone is so niceand polite.”

Throughout history, ham operatorshave provided a valuable service to thesafety and security of those who livewithin their reach. “I can operate mysystem on a simple 12‑volt battery andcommunicate throughout the region.Just think, no electricity, no power, andI can talk to people who can help us,”he said.

Walker, like his peers, belongs to theAmateur Radio Emergency Service(AERES) organization. While regional‑ized, AERES “was critical in 2005 whenHurricane Katrina devastated normalcommunications for many days. Thehams provided communications foremergency operations centers, shelters,hospitals, marshalling areas, and manyother agencies such as the AmericanRed Cross, Salvation Army, city andcounty governments. TEARRL, the nationalassociation forAmateur Radio,has formalagreementswith FEMA,CitizenCorps,and

the National Weather Service as well.”Due to the ham’s ability to use 12‑

volt systems as backup power, amateurradio operators can communicate con‑tinuously when cell towers are down,communication systems become over‑loaded and when infrastructures fail.

“I am new to Morse Code,” Walkersaid. “Even though I have studied andknow Morse Code, I have to ask otherhams to slow down so that I canunderstand the message. Sometimesthey go really fast.”

When asked, why not just get acomputer program that would tie intoyour ham radio system and decode theinformation for you, Walker simplyreplied, “That would be cheating. Thisis fun and who knows who will be thenext person with whom I will bespeaking.” Reprinted from the September 19, 2008issue of the Pelham‑Windham News.Written by Doug Robinson.

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Devin Walker ’11 “hamming” it up in his “MAn Cave.”

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Kass AwardThe second Simeon Kass Award, a giftfrom the Boelig family in honor of SimKass, was presented to Valera Filatov ’09. Below is an excerpt from his winningessay, the whole of which can be foundonline.

Culture, heritage, creed. Our culturalbackgrounds are both how we perceiveourselves and the means by which oth‑ers see us, coloring their view of us asan equal human being. Daily, whethersubconsciously or knowingly, whetherin thought, speech, or writing, we passjudgment on ourselves and othersbased on race, riches, creed, color ofskin, or gender. “He’s Jewish, they’reIrish, she’s poor,” we may observe. Yetwhat truly hides under each person’sculture and heritage, for us, are thestereotypes that we associate witheach; taking a person at face valuebased on such stereotypes paints theperson instead into something they arenot, closing our mind against their bet‑ter characteristics. Today, as globaliza‑tion pushes people of different culturesand world views together, it is evermore important that we remain open‑minded and ensure that prejudice and

stereotypes don’t cause us to overlookothers’ individual worth.

It’s hard for me to define my culture,especially in respect to my influences. Icould say that I’m a first‑generationemmigrant from Russia who hasundergone naturalization and is nowan American citizen, but that soundsmore like an excerpt from a dry legaldocument than a description of the ori‑gins of my self‑view. Ultimately, I seemyself as Russian and not American,but that is caused by my upbringing inRussia and my maintaining of my cul‑tural connection through a consciouseffort by reading and speaking the lan‑guage. However, I owe much of myopen‑mindedness, tolerance, andrespect for other cultures to havingspent the larger portion of my life inAmerica. In any case, it is the conglom‑eration of both cultures that sums upto my character and point of view.

My first encounter with another cul‑ture was through the world ofHollywood. Being a young boy, I wasno stranger to television. However,growing up in Russia, I noticed thatthe world pictured in the shows thatmy family watched was not the sameas the one outside my window. Thelogical conclusion was that this reflect‑ed the drastically different life inAmerica. My first visit to America wasnot the result of a transcontinentalflight, but of videotapes; I was intro‑duced to America, the land of suburbsand skyscrapers and a pluralistic soci‑ety, while remaining in a mostlyhomogenous culture that still held theremnants of the Cold‑War beliefs. I

wasn’t quite sure why some Russiansdidn’t like what someone likeMacaulay Culkin’s character in HomeAlone stood for – the world portrayedthrough the Western media seemedwelcoming and better off than the oneI inhabited. To me, that character rep‑resented a different, although not nec‑essarily better, life with differences Inever expected to overcome. There Iwas, being attracted to such a strangesociety, yet due to expectations I didn’tquite understand at that age, repelledfrom it at once.

– Valera Filatov ’09

Thank You, Mr. CooganForty‑two years ago (forty‑two yearsago?!?) a rather exotic red‑haired mandressed in a herringbone tweed jacketwith suede patches and smoking apipe sauntered into my freshmanEnglish Composition class and foreverchanged the trajectory of my life. Ihave no doubt I was not a member ofan exclusive club; Jack Cooganchanged lives.

As many of you know, Mr. Coogansuffered a pretty serious stroke three‑and‑a‑half years ago. We all have ourday‑to‑day “to‑do” lists and then wehave our before‑I‑die “to‑do” lists.Visiting him was on both of my lists. Iwas more than anxious to visit himand revisit our past, but finding amutually agreeable weekend was achallenge. He and his forever lovelywife, Mary, have three grown childrenand two grandchildren and their livesare as full as mine.

My husband and I arrived on

6 Derryfield Today – Fall 2008


Kass Award recipient Valera Filatov ’09 with hismother Mila Filatova (right) and award sponsor C.Raymond Boelig (left).

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Saturday, September 20. MyPennsylvania friends and family wereenvious of my impending trip to NewEngland in fall, as well they shouldhave been. It was one of those gloriousdays when the waning days of summerbite into those first cool, autumnalbreezes and the light is copper andcasts such a warm glow over the earth.I pulled into the driveway and took amoment to breathe deeply and collectmyself before ringing the doorbell. Ihad no idea how debilitating the strokehad been or how he would look. Maryopened the door and there was Jack,seated in a wheelchair just behind her.And thus began an afternoon of uncon‑trollable beaming.

To say that he has not changed oneiota is to speak to a spirit fully intact,and a joy and delight in living that –under any circumstances – is rare. Hisself‑deprecating humor, his alwayswitty responses, his breadth of knowl‑edge, his insatiable curiosity, and theirrepressible twinkle in those Irish eyes

is there in abundance. We spoke, feverishly aware that out time togetherwould move swiftly. We found our‑selves alternating between our past lifeat Derryfield, our present life withgrown children and his grandchildren,and my favorite of all – the sequence ofevents in his life that led him to teach‑ing, something he said, “was not onlynot on the table – it hadn’t evenentered the room!”

I kept hearing the word “privilege”in my head all afternoon. To say that Iwas mousey, shy, introverted, self‑con‑scious, and afraid of my own shadowbefore JC entered my life (and believeme, even for a Jewish girl, the irony ofthose initials does not escape me!)would not even begin to paint the pic‑ture. I lived a very small, narrow life. Itwould not overstate the case to saythat one person awakened in me all ofmy senses and put them in overdrive.He set a standard of excellence that Imay not always achieve but is one Ialways try to achieve. He chiseled inme a palate for discrimination in allthings. And he gave me the theater. Itwas a very short walk, indeed, fromauditioning for a part in one of theplays he directed to developing self‑confidence and the first twinges ofbeginning to believe in myself – that Imight have something to offer theworld.

Here is one example of the kind ofteacher and man Mr. Coogan was andis: If I am not mistaken, Derryfield’sfirst major theatrical production wasCurse You, Jack Dalton. How he ever gotme to audition is a mystery but he cast

me in the part of Mrs. Dalton, thehero’s formidable mother. The partclearly called for someone to carry herself with that hyper‑erect Victoriancarriage. Alas, my carriage was closerto cro‑magnon man. A gentleman himself, Mr. Coogan’s direction helpedto transform me into the character. Hewould clear space, turn on a recordplayer, and formally waltz me aroundthe room so that I would begin to getthe feeling of how to hold myself onstage.

On the day I graduated in 1969, myfervent wish was to receive the Englishaward that he would hand out to somelucky graduate during the ceremony.That great honor went to my dearbuddy, Bill Partlan, who was mostdeserving. But I was devastated. Afterthe festivities, Mr. Coogan handed mea small, wrapped package to openwhen I was alone. It was the bookActing by Stanislavski. And this wasthe inscription:Mother Dalton,Whatever good has happened between uscan never be taken away. So save me adance, I’ll be there.Jack Coogan

I must have read that inscription ahundred times. It is so true that oneperson can change the world – oneperson at a time. But it is never moretrue than when that one person is ateacher.

Thank you, Mr. Coogan, for givingme my life.

– Barbara Novak Platt ’69

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A photo of Jack Coogan from the 1970 Initium.

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Legacy Society ProfileEven before my first visit to campus 15years ago, I knew that Derryfield wasn’tan ordinary school. That realizationcame when I read this sentence fromthe School’s Statement of Philosophy:“Academic achievement without com‑passion and concern for others ismeaningless.”

At the time I was happily ensconcedin my life in northern California, hav‑ing founded a school in San Franciscoand later working at a family founda‑tion on behalf of children and families.The search consultant, who had beenhired by Derryfield to help the Schoolfind a successor to Mark Hurlbut,remembered my New Hampshire rootsand called to invite my interest. When

the packet of material arrived, it wasthat powerful statement that drew meto Manchester for my first interviewwith the Search Committee in August1993.

I wish I could remember everyonesitting around that conference table atthe McLane law firm that summer day– my mind’s eye now sees Betty Jipson,Dom D’Ambruoso, Bill Glahn, andCaryl Brensinger – but the character ofour conversation and the warmth andintelligence of those assembled aresomething I will never forget. Myanticipation that Derryfield was a spe‑cial place was reinforced that day andonly continued to deepen during mytenure as Head of School from July1994 to June 2000.

Now, in semi‑retirement as a consultant to independent schoolsnation‑wide, I have an even clearersense of the qualities that have madeDerryfield such a distinctive, eventransformative, experience for so manyyoung people and the adults whoguide them.

Above all, of course, are the faculty– women and men who have devotedtheir lives to teaching and learningevery day with the students: in class‑rooms, art studios, on stage and inrehearsal rooms, on the fields andcourts, and on the Merrimack River.Memories of hearty intellectual debatestill make me smile and make megrateful for their company over theyears. I hold deep affection and regardfor all those behind the scenes, or atthe very visible reception desk, whowith skill and good humor juggled

budgets and donations, boiler roomsand vehicles, landscaping and tele‑phone calls. It was a well‑oiledmachine almost all the time.

I was blessed to serve under threefine Board Chairs – Bill Glahn, CarylBrensinger, and Catharine Newick.Such volunteer leadership can never betaken for granted in any organization,and their ability to attract and inspirethe trustees in their flock, respond tomyriad needs from staff members andfamilies, and always keep their focuson the future, on the long‑term vision,made possible in those years theexpansion of the campus and the newmiddle school.

Something about the culture of theschool – a vigorous, relevant, wide‑reaching program; acceptance of theindividual; an atmosphere of mutualsupport; the expectation of high stan‑dards – drew sincere, determined,wholesome students. I recall a prospec‑tive parent asking me “What is theDerryfield type?” and I could honestlyrespond that there was no Derryfieldtype, but rather a collection of motivat‑ed, talented individuals. These youngmen and women felt safe enough (nota universal high school experience) totake responsible risks, try new things,and set out on new adventures; theywere courageous enough to makethemselves heard, assume leadershippositions, and devote precious time tohelping others.

Derryfield’s culture of caring forothers led the community to welcome,house, and support the remarkableSummerbridge program, not an

8 Derryfield Today – Fall 2008


1 9 6 4 L E G A C Y S O C I E T Y

websiteplanned giving

Please consider joining Nancy andbecome a member of the 1964 LegacySociety!

Visit our interactive planned giving web‑site at www.derryfield.planyourlegacy.orgor contact Jennifer Melkonian, AssistantHead for Advancement, at 603.669.4524 orby email at [email protected].

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inevitable commitment for a youngand frugal school, but the right thingto do. I believe still that the “concernfor others” philosophy is at the heart ofthe School’s success. We were morethan the sum of our parts and therewas a place for everyone at the table.

My greatest wish for families every‑where has always been that they havea variety of healthy, available choicesfor their children’s education. ThatDerryfield exists and thrives is a hugegift to families throughout the region,and it hasn’t happened by magic. Inorder for the School to survive, toattract and retain outstanding teachers,and to continue to provide access totalented boys and girls from diversebackgrounds, each one of us must doour part to ensure the School’s future,to fulfill its mission, and to achieve itsvision. No nobler purpose exists thanto send out into the world ethical,

respectful, generous, creative, confi‑dent, well‑educated young men andwomen.

I am proud to be part of theDerryfield community and I take deeppleasure in my decision to join the1964 Legacy Society by rememberingDerryfield in my estate planning.

– Nancy Stearns

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Former Head of School Nancy Stearns.

K E E P I N G U P - T O - D A T E

derryfield newsonlineWant to know more about what’s happening at Derryfield every day? Check out the online news portal by clicking on ‘News &Events’ on www.derryfield.org. Here are the introductions of a sampling of stories from the fall term.

Día de los MuertosIn what has become a tradition for seventh grade Spanish students, the classes of Señora Roberts and SeñoraErskine gathered together to remember

their loved ones who have passed at their Día de losMuertos celebration...

Ninth Grade Welcomes Asian VisitorsAs Derryfield tackles the global educationelement of our Strategic Plan, we look fora variety of ways to bring the world to ourcampus. Helping us with this initiative on

November 19th were several Asian students from SNHU...

Vertical Dreams Trumps Mother NatureThey geared up for it all fall term. Theywere ready for the challenge – ready to dosomething they never thought they woulddo. But sometimes Mother Nature has

other plans. Coach Jeff Hastings to the rescue with Plan B!

Parents Take on Organic ChemistryHow many times has the simple questionabout what happened at school todayresulted in a seven‑letter response:“Nothing.” One group of Derryfield

parents were recently given the opportunity to find out forthemselves...

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Students Give ThanksAt the beginning of Thanksgiving break,

staff and students from Breakthrough visit‑ed the Kiwanis Club of Manchester to giveprogram updates, and to allow students tothank the Club in person. The KiwanisClub of Manchester has generously sup‑ported Breakthrough since its inception in1991 through both an endowed Bud SmithScholarship and unrestricted gifts to theprogram’s Annual Fund. After commentsand updates from Kate Erskine, Director,two Breakthrough students andBud Smith Scholars, AseebullaNiazi (a tenth grader at TheDerryfield School) and IsadoraJacquez (a seventh grader atHillside Middle School) sharedwith Kiwanians their experiencesin the program. The followingare words from Aseebulla Niazi ’10:

Good afternoon, my name is AseebullaNiazi and I am currently in the tenth gradeat The Derryfield School. I have been partof Breakthrough for five years, first as astudent and now as a teacher. Back in fifthgrade, I applied to Breakthrough not reallyknowing much about the program, but Ihad been told from many people that itwas a great program and a great opportu‑nity to get to college. As time went on, Igrew with the program and learned to loveeverything about it, from the crazy teachers

to the long homework assignments. Thisone time in the seventh grade, I rememberputting off playing basketball on a reallynice day, just to do homework. This pro‑gram has helped me tremendously on thepath to college. It has helped me to be pre‑pared to get into The Derryfield School,which in itself is the pathway to college.Also, as a sixth and seventh grader, ithelped me develop good leadership skills,which has made me who I am today – aconfident, courageous leader and teacher.

Without Breakthrough, I wouldnot be the student I am now.

One of my finest memories ofbeing a student at Breakthroughwas in the seventh grade.During Celebration at the end ofthe summer, I had the opportu‑nity to give a speech to all of the

students, teachers, and families ofBreakthrough. It was my first speech infront of so many people, and to this day,the walk to the podium sends a chill downmy spine. It was thrilling. I have a feeling Iam going to be involved with this programall through my high school career, collegecareer, and perhaps all through my life.Breakthrough just doesn’t let you go!

Thank you to all the members of theKiwanis Club for believing in the studentsand teachers of Breakthrough Manchester.

10 Derryfield Today – Fall 2008


Breakthrough Super Saturdays

November 22

December 20

January 31

February 21

April 18

May 16

School After School

November 18, 25

December 2, 9, 16

January 6, 13, 20, 27

February 3, 10, 17

March 3, 10, 17, 31

April 7, 14, 21

May 5, 12, 19





I would not be

the student

I am now."

Page 13: Derryfield Today, Fall 2008

Mapping Breakthrough’sFuture: The Strategic PlanThe heart of Breakthrough’s mission isfuture‑oriented: helping sixth gradersenvision their long‑term path to collegeand giving teenagers and young adultsreal‑world teaching experience thatinspires them to become professionaleducators. Like any school or organiza‑tion, in order to best continue servingthis unique mission, the program itselfmust think strategically about itsfuture.

The last formal BreakthroughManchester strategic planning processwas completed in 2000 and providedthe framework for much of what theprogram has become in the past eightyears. On a national level, theBreakthrough Collaborative and affili‑ated sites have spent the past two yearslooking toward the future ofBreakthrough as a movement that willchange education in America. As oneof the oldest programs in the nation,Breakthrough Manchester and itsstrategic plan plays a role in the direc‑tion of that movement, and even moresignificantly, in the educational trajec‑tories of the students it serves. By

thinking about how student services,teacher training, and fundraisingefforts will work together in futureyears, we ensure that Breakthroughbecomes even more efficient and effec‑tive as a catalyst for inspiring the nextgeneration of students and teachers.

The completed strategic plan will beavailable on our website at the conclu‑sion of the planning process.

School Year TeachersTo support students during the schoolyear, Breakthrough recruits high schoolstudents to serve as teachers, tutors,and mentors. As Breakthrough teach‑ers, these students learn valuable lead‑ership skills and form strong bondswith Breakthrough middle schoolers.The following is a list of students serv‑ing formally on our Super Saturday orSchool After School teaching faculties.Other students from Derryfield andnearby high schools also work one‑on‑one with students who need extra helpduring the year.Nick Alberts, DerryfieldEmily Anderson, DerryfieldCatalina Benech, DerryfieldJustess Bowles, West HS

Lauren Bradley, Derryfield*Leah Burke, Derryfield*Steve Burke, DerryfieldMelissa Cail, Central HS*Veronica Caron, Memorial HSMaria Cervantes, Memorial HSAidan Corrigan, Central HSMickey Cunliffe, Derryfield*Fedeline Desire, Memorial HS*Jamie Ducharme, DerryfieldJustin Eldridge, Derryfield*Jon Ericksen, West HSErin Ferguson, Derryfield*Taylor Goudreau, DerryfieldKatherine Grisanzio, Derryfield*Hunter Holbrook, DerryfieldDaisy Jacquez, Central HS*Daniel Jin, Derryfield*Kemal Kadic, Derryfield*Ellie Kaufman, DerryfieldEmmy Keller, DerryfieldRose King, Derryfield*Travis Kula, DerryfieldPatience Lekien, Memorial HS*Cameron Lencki, DerryfieldHunter Manson, DerryfieldAdrian McLeod, DerryfieldPhilip Melanson, Derryfield*Drew Mokas, Derryfield*Rachel Moss, DerryfieldAseeb Niazi, DerryfieldMaddie Northcutt, DerryfieldJordan Poirier, West HSMaeghan Provencher, Derryfield*Kristen Ryan, DerryfieldAnne Rynearson, Derryfield*Tayla Satkwich, DerryfieldElise Shattuck, Derryfield*Binh Tran, Memorial HSAnuj Vadalia, Derryfield Maddy Walsh, Trinity HS*

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Breakthrough teacher Kadina Mazic ’10 with three of her students.

*indicates a student who has taught at Breakthrough for more than one year

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After initially being postponsed by

weather, and with Mother Nature once

again threatening delay, the ribbon was

officially cut for the School’s new turf

field on Thursday, October 16, 2008.

Derryfield pride was evident as all

school athletes, dressed in their uni-

forms, watched Preston Hunter ’98 cut

the ribbon and, facing the new flagpole,

joined the Derryfield Concert Choir in

singing the National Anthem and the

School song, Sing out for Derryfield.

This field will allow those games that

would have previously been forced to

reschedule to be played on their original

dates without having to extend the ath-

letic season to accommodate rain or

flood postponements.


12 Derryfield Today – Fall 2008


Boys’ Varsity CrewNew Hampshire Championships: 4th & 13thHead of the Fish: 13thSpencer McCormick ’09, Class of 1970 Award

Girls’ Varsity CrewNew Hampshire Championships: 3rdHead of the Charles: 16thHead of the Fish: 8thMeg Steer ’09, Co-Captain, Class of 1970 Award

Varsity Field HockeySeason Record: 12-1-1NH Championship Semi-Finalists (Class S)Ann DiPastina ’11, All-State (1st team), All-ConferenceKatherine DiPastina ’09, Co-Captain, Senior Twin State

Team, All-State (1st team), Senior All-Star, All-Conference, Class S Player of the Year, Class of 1970 Award

Sadie Fowler ’09, Co-Captain, All-ConferenceJesse Stephens ’10, All-Conference

Varsity GolfSeason Record: 17-33rd at State Team Championships (Class M/S)Marty McCormick ’11, All-Conference, 6th at State

Individual ChampionshipsChris DuPuis ’09, Class of 1970 Award

Boys’ Varsity SoccerSeason Record: 12-0-3NH Championship Finalists (Class S)Steve Burke ’10, All-State (HM)Mickey Cunliffe ’09, Co-Captain, All-State (HM), Class of

1970 AwardKemal Kadic ’09, Co-Captain, Lion’s Cup Team, All-State

(1st Team), All-ConferenceBrandon Rivard ’10, All-State (2nd Team), All-ConferenceAnuj Vadalia ’11, All-State (2nd Team)

Girls’ Varsity SoccerSeason Record: 13-3New Hampshire State Champions (Class S)Andrea Green ’10, All-State (2nd Team)MacKenzie Logan ’11, All-State (2nd Team)Kim Pollock ’11, All-ConferenceAislinn Smith ’11, All-Conference, All-State (2nd Team)Camille Smith ’09, Co-Captain, All-State (1st team), All-

Conference, Class S Player of the Year, Class of 1970 Award

Boys’ Varsity Cross Country3rd at Granite State Championships (Class S)Will Keller ’10, Co-Captain, All-Conference, Qualified for

Meet of Champions, Class of 1970 Award

Girls’ Varsity Cross CountryQualified for Meet of ChampionsLeah Burke ’09, Co-Captain, All-Conference, Qualified for

Meet of Champions, Class of 1970 Award

OPPOSITE (clockwise from top left): Will Keller ’10 at theDerryfield Invitational. n Kaitlin Fink ’11 takes a shot ongoal. n Sam Hough ’10 evades a Lancers defender. nMickey Cunliffe ’09 shows off some fancy footwork. n Girls’first boat gives it their alat the Head of the Charles. nBonnie Frieden ’09 and Lydia MacKenzie ’09 lead the pack.n The boys’ first boat makes a final push for the finish lineat the Head of the Charles. ABOVE: Matt McCormick ’09takes a putt in a golf match.


statechampionsCongratulations to the girls’varsity soccer team for winning their eleventh statetitle, the first since 2005. Thethird‑ranked team beat Wilton‑Lyndeborough to take the Class S title.

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OPPOSITE (clockwise from top right): Carolyn Kegel’13 and Austin Hammer ’14 dance in the middleschool musical, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. nStudents head back from the new turf field after agame of flag football. n Mr. Moerlein works with mid-dle school students in his art studio. n Students fromMrs. Josephson’s Rebel Literature class experienceblindness during class. n Sarah Dolloff ’12 and hergrandmother in class on Grandparents’ Day. THISPAGE (clockwise from above): Spencer McCormick’09 walks his father through an experiment in OrganicChemistry. n Dustin Leclerc ’14 wears the birthdayhat in Spanish class. n Sarah Coler ’13 tackles theelevator shaft at Vertical Dreams.

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cultureMiddle School

Taking Risks in a Community of Supportby Diane Allen

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NucleusDan Muskat ’82Questions about the quality of educa‑tion and life at Derryfield arise often.People ask me about the schoolbecause my daughter, Alex, just startedsixth grade this year. Not many ofthose inquiring who are new to NewHampshire know that I am an alum‑nus. Why are people surprised by myenthusiastic answer?

People seem to be impressed withthis “up‑and‑coming” independentschool. I hear that Derryfield is makingits name in the upper echelon of col‑lege circles. I am not surprised.Derryfield is not a new school. It is notnew to the upper tier colleges. I saythat Derryfield today is the sameDerryfield it was when I started thereover 30 years ago. There is a nucleusthat drives this institution that has notchanged one iota.

The world is dynamic. Derryfieldhas always been a leader. The core val‑

ues that drove the School thus far arethe values that maintain excellence.When my daughter tells us how theteachers care, how the school is differ‑ent, and how excited she is to get tothe bus every day, I am not surprised.The underlying theme of the anecdotesI hear from my daughter echoes what Itold my parents at the end of theschool day. The faces change. Newbuildings are built. Trophy cases getlarger. But the institution remains ourfamily’s favorite place to learn.

Derryfield provides a comfortingeducational environment. Having justsurvived our first advisory conference,my assumptions were confirmed.There is a deliberate sensitivity to theanxiety of a student new to middleschool. While academic expectationsare made known, the faculty is equallyaccessible to students and parents. Thecommunication is not only welcome, itis encouraged. Clearly the aim is for

the student to succeed in a friendly,positive, and encouraging environ‑ment.

No, I am not surprised thatDerryfield has not changed; I amthrilled. I fully expect that Alex willgraduate with the same positive out‑look, college preparedness, and strongpersonal growth that I felt when Igraduated. We will be proud to haveher sister follow in her footsteps. Ihope that Alex and Sam will not besurprised when they are asked if theirchildren are happy at Derryfield.

Donna BoweI am thankful every day when I walkthrough the front door of the middleschool, as I am greeted by an amazingHead of Middle School, Mark Blaisdell.With his Dunkin’ Donuts cup in hand,he greets every student and facultymember. I watch the students arriveand greet their friends as they’re

www.derryfield.org 17

T here is no question that the Middle School at Derryfield is a unique place – compared to other middle schools, andeven compared to Derryfield’s Upper School just a few feet away at the other end of the connector. Lead by MarkBlaisdell, the faculty takes seriously the task of providing its students with the skills necessary to handle the rigors

of the Upper School – but not too seriously. There is a delicate balance between work and fun. We asked several members of the middle school community to find a word that they felt best described the Middle School. They all focused on the environment created for the students that allows them to take the risks necessary to grow and learn: nucleus, amazing, love,comfort, and risk. The Derryfield Middle School seems to have found the key to building a community for our youngest(and bravest) learners.

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approaching the door, and a smileadorns their faces as they pass Mr.Blaisdell. What strikes me even more isthe fact that he knows something abouteach individual. Some arrive with gui‑tars in hand and say, “‘Mr. B.’ checkout this new pick.” You see, “Mr. B.”plays in a band and also coaches theGuitar Club – how cool is that? Thenthere are those conversations whichinclude the Red Sox. Yes, fans, Red Soxnation lives right here in the MiddleSchool. Or a student will stop at thedoor, math book in hand, and ask aquestion regarding the previous night’shomework. Did I mention Mr. B. alsoteaches math? Amazing!

Students? Likewise, amazing! Whenyou think about a private middleschool, you may assume a strict or arigid curriculum. Yes, our students arechallenged academically, athletically,and theatrically. We all learn abouttime management and how to takerisks, but we also have fun learning.From my desk, I have the daily plea‑sure of watching a group of studentscoming down the stairs on their way toband holding their instruments andalready singing. I hear the excitementin their voices as they walk to scienceclass talking about Alka‑Seltzer rock‑ets. Take the time to ask a studentabout science class, or, better yet, visitMrs. Robichaud’s or Mr. Hettler’s class‑room. Ask math teacher Mr. Brandtwhat all those pieces of colored 3 x 3stickies hanging on his wall or thehuge jar of dice are used for.

What I enjoy most is being part ofthis wonderful community! Teachers,

students, friends, co‑workers – yes, weare truly an amazing community inevery sense of the word.

Paul WhitmoreAfter 34 years of teaching in publicschool systems and enjoying therewards of retirement, why did Idecide to come back to teaching andwhy Derryfield? It can be summed upin one word: LOVE. I realized after allthese years, and especially during mytwo years away from the classroom,how much I missed seeing studentswhen they learn a new English conceptor when they set goals and achievethem. I honestly felt that I still hadsomething to offer them and could perhaps inspire them to become betterreaders or writers or simply better people.

There still was that spark for teach‑ing, which I call Love. For me, this hasexisted for about 48 years when I wasinspired by a fourth grade teacher whotook an interest in me. She joked withme, helped me get through math,pushed me to become a better writerand reader, and essentially inspired meto be the best that I could be. I stillremember her smiling and laughingeach day because for her, teaching wasa joy. From fourth grade on, I wantedto be just like her.

I realized Derryfield was a good fitthe first day I came to visit. I saw atrue difference in the way studentswere taught in the few hours I visited.I asked several students what theyenjoyed most about Derryfield. Themost popular response was, “I love all

the people. I have so many friends.Also, the teachers are great! They real‑ly care about you.” Of course, thisexists in public school systems, buthere at Derryfield, the students areunique in that they are the core of whywe are here. Public school systems tryto model this and some succeed. Butmany times it is the student who some‑times gets lost in the public schoolshuffle. Not true at Derryfield!

This Derryfield community offers somany opportunities: sports, drama,band, chorus, clubs, spring trips, andstrong academics, to mention a few.Staff and students get to know eachother in a variety of different settings.Focusing on the strengths and notdwelling on weaknesses is importantin helping to build the character ofeach of our students. In all settings,there is a great deal of caring and love.Who wouldn’t want to be part of some‑thing this awesome? At The DerryfieldSchool I hear laughter and joy as I didin fourth grade. I hope it never ends!

18 Derryfield Today – Fall 2008


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RiskComfortGill Roberts ’99Derryfield has truly become my homeaway from home. Not because I spendevery day of the work‑week in itsclassrooms and hallways, but because Ifeel so comfortable being here. When Ifirst arrived as a student, I was a ner‑vous wreck, wondering how my newclassmates would treat me, if I couldhandle the course load, and how onEarth I would fare on an actual softballteam, having never played on a teambefore. The moment I arrived on dayone, all of my fears dissipated and Ifelt a huge sense of relief. A number ofmy classmates greeted me at the doorand genuinely wanted to know moreabout who I was and where I hadcome from. Really?!? From that pointon, I knew that this was theplace for me.

I felt this same sense of comfortwhen I returned as a faculty member.Again, I was nervous. Would I performwell? Would I inspire these kids?Would I remember ANY of the Latin Ihad learned in college?!? Once again,all of these elements fell right intoplace. I was so content with this schooland all of its amazing attributes that Ihad no problem settling right back in.Many things had changed but, to mydelight, one had remained very muchthe same – that comfortable, home‑likeatmosphere that Derryfield had pro‑vided to me so many years prior.

We do a fantastic job of welcomingothers into our community and mak‑ing them feel at ease. It is an invaluableability and one that makes me extreme‑ly proud to call this my second home.

Mark BlaisdellReal learning is a risky business…

I think we easily misunderstandadolescence when we characterize it asa time when our teens and tweens arewilling to consider and take risk afterrisk without thinking of the conse‑quences. Further, I think we too oftenthink of risk‑taking in adolescencepejoratively. In fact, we know atDerryfield that creating an environ‑ment that fosters adolescents to takerisks at a time when they are increas‑ingly self‑conscious is the key to theirgrowth. Teens and tweens can readilyname the risks that they take – oravoid – in schools. Can you rememberthe risk of looking dumb or too smartas a middle schooler? The risk ofputting yourself out there as a leader?Of looking out‑of‑place on the athleticfield or of getting up on stage to per‑form? Do you remember the risksinvolved in forming friendships out‑side of certain circles? I rememberthem well.

Previously having taught for overten years at the high school levelbefore coming to Derryfield, I havealso seen the results of students whohave never taken the kinds of risks thatfoster their development as youngadults. This is why I believe it is criticalfor schools to find ways to help stu‑dents move in and out of their comfortzones. You can do this by offering acurriculum that challenges students totake intellectual risks and/or seek addi‑tional support when it is needed. Youcan do this by making athletics avail‑able for everyone and then coaching in

a way that honors everyone’s contribu‑tion. You can do this by mandatingthat each student spend time with hisor her peers putting on a theatrical per‑formance. Or by teaching students tosupport each other in a ropes coursecurriculum over two years. Better still,like we do at Derryfield, you can offerso many areas for students to takerisks that it just becomes part of theirnatures – in a positive way! To adapt aphrase, “Nothing ventured, nothinglearned.”

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ABOVE: Students enjoy the three-legged race dur-ing a middle schol field day. OPPOSITE: StudentsMr. Moerlein enlists help setting up a sculpture.

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20 Derryfield Today – Fall 2008

alumniThe news contained in this section coversthe period of May 26, 2008 – November 5,2008. For more recent news, or to post anote, please log on to the Derryfield Portalat www.derryfield.org.

1968Dorrie Freedman writes, “After teachingsevere special needs students for 10 years, Inow work for the Department of MentalRetardation in Massachusetts as a TransitionCoordinator. I assist 18–22‑year‑olds andtheir families in moving from their specialneeds educational programs to our adultservice system. My primary creative pre‑occupation has been singing for 35 yearswith the Tanglewood Festival Chorus, theall‑volunteer official chorus of the BostonSymphony Orchestra and Boston Pops. Wehave recorded with both the BSO and Popsand traveled to Japan and Europe withthem. I sing every summer at the Tangle‑wood Music Center in Lenox, MA andevery winter at Symphony Hall in Boston.”

1970The Alaska State Council on the Arts haschosen Homer writer Nancy Lord as thenew Alaska State Writer Laureate. She

began a two‑year term on October 1, 2008.She succeeds current State Writer LaureateJohn Straley from Sitka. As State WriterLaureate, she will represent the Counciland the State of Alaska in communities,schools, and libraries conducting work‑shops and readings. Nancy was unani‑mously chosen for this position by theAlaska State Council on the Arts.

1988Melanie Kerr Gabree is the mother of twoboys and lives in Bedford with her hus‑band, Mike. Her two‑year‑old sons, Alexand Will, keep her active. Melanie serveson the Council for Children & Adolescentswith Chronic Health Conditions in Concord.The statewide advocacy organizationaddresses issues impacting the lives of chil‑dren with chronic illness and their families.Melanie and her sister, Jennifer, are cur‑rently working on a children’s book featur‑ing photographic illustrations. n LauraCoulter married Gavin McCarthy, a profes‑sional musician and music teacher, on June29, 2008 at the Wayside Inn in Sudbury,MA. They continue to make their home inAllston, MA where they welcomed theirfirst child, Conlon Henry, on November 13.Laura is working to re‑establish her customcouture and bridal apparel design business

In MemoriamFormer Derryfield trustee William

Stone passed away on August 4, 2008.

Mr. Stone was a first lieutenant in the

U.S. Army during the Korean War and

operated Stone and Michaud

Insurance for over 30 years. He was on

the Derryfield Board of Trustees for

eleven years and chaired the Board

from 1977–1980. Mr. Stone is

survuved by his wife, Claire Stone, as

well as his children, Susan Stone

Doherty ’82 and Sean Stone ’83, and

their families.

Former Derryfield faculty member

Robert Lemer passed away on

November 21, 2008 after a long ill-

ness. Mr. Lemer graduated from

Syracuse University in 1951, received

an MBA from Harvard University in

1960, then a master’s in education

from Harvard Graduate School of

Education in 1963. He taught in sever-

al area schools and worked in the guid-

ance department at Pittsfield High

School upon his retirement.

Update on

Faculty member Jeff Hasting’s sons,Jayden and Tristan.

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(www.lauracoulter.com). She’s beendesigning costumes for a Boston‑basedmulti‑media/dance company calledKINODANCE (www.kinodance.org),most recently for the premier of twonew original pieces (Fuse andBehemoth) performed in April at theInstitute of Contemporary Art inBoston. Finally, Laura is pursuing amaster’s degree in education (part‑time), and is an adjunct professor inthe School of Design at Mount IdaCollege in Newton, MA. n ErinO’Shaughnessy was married to JohnWalsh in a ceremony in Sunapee, NHon August 23, 2008. Erin is a businesscontinuity/disaster recovery specialistwith Fidelity Investments in Merrimack.John is a senior investment specialistwith Fidelity in Merrimack.

1989Kimberly Frederick writes, “I burnedmy dissertation last year in a spectacu‑lar ‘bonfire of the sanities.’ Friends andrelatives joined in burning objects oftheir oppression, too; then we ates’mores! Yum! And Vince and I adopt‑

ed a baby girl, Zora Naomi AnnabelFrederick Webb, on June 22 after aboutthree days notice. She was born onJune 20. Pretty crazy world!” n A littlebirdie tells us that Alexander Sturkegraduated magna cum laude from theF.W. Olin Graduate School of Businessat Babson College, with an MBA onMay 17, 2008. He is currently employedas an assistant brand manager atHasbro, Inc. in Pawtucket, RI. He andhis wife, Laurie Ciardi, live in HydePark, MA with their daughter, RubyLucia. n Janice Mosher Danis writes,“The family has grown! My husband,James, and I were blessed with a son,Griffin James Danis, on July 8, 2007.After a premature labor scare at 25weeks and being told he definitelywould come early, he ended up comingone day late! I cannot believe he is one‑and‑a‑half. His big sis Briana is three.We are busy but happy here with thechildren and our two labradors. Mybrother, Bill Mosher ’96, is engaged;an early summer wedding is plannedin a tropical locale.”

1990Maura Duval Griffin reports, “Justwanted to let you know that J.R. and Iwelcomed our first child, AdrienneElizabeth Griffin, into the world onSeptember 19, 2007. She is more funthan we could have ever imagined.And naturally, she’s a huge Red Soxfan. Anyone interested in looking atpictures of someone else’s kid, checkout www.yoadriennegriffin.com.Cheers!”

1992Hilary Hornor Boynton writes, “Nickand I just had our fifth child (a boy),Tanner Hamilton Boynton, in March.Now we have five under 4.5 (four boysand a girl) so life is a bit crazy thesedays. However we wouldn’t change athing. We are having a blast.” n

Rumor has it that Rachel Sturkereceived a Ph.D. from the Departmentof Population, Family andReproductive Health at the Johns


Class of 1968 at their reunion dinner in September.

Shelley Stout Fajans ’88 with her husband Ken attheir wedding on October 25.

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Hopkins Bloomberg School of PublicHealth, Baltimore, MD on May 22,2008. She is currently employed by theNational Institute of Health, FogertyInternational Center as a Public Healthand Science Policy Analyst. She andher husband, Joshua Stebbins, Esq.,live in Washington, DC and had theirfirst child, Zoe Skibbie on December15. n Katherine Ryan Anish writes,“My husband Josh and I have a newbaby boy, our first child. NathanielRobbins Ryan Anish was born inManhattan on April 17, 9 lbs. 4 oz., 22.5 inches long (a big baby!).”

1993Chris Ormsbee reports, “After gradu‑ating from Bentley I worked four yearson Wall Street, changing careers after9/11 to real estate finance to takeadvantage of low interest rates andhelp single moms, retirees, veterans,even newlyweds purchase their firsthomes intelligently. Things havechanged with the housing collapse and

I find myself reevaluating my priori‑ties. I’ll be going back to school for myMBA this fall and am still looking forthat special woman. www.curacaosun‑shine.com” n Aubrey Rosenthalwrites, “I am finally acknowledgingthe outside world after the birth of ourson Huckleberry James Clapp, whoarrived on July 22, 2008 at 6:05 a.m. Hewas 7 lbs., 13 oz. and 20 inches long.After one month the little man hadgrown a whopping three inches andthree pounds (can he eat or what?).”

1995Fulfilling his dream of filmmaking,Todd Norwood recently finished workon the film Tricks of a Woman to be pro‑duced by Mutressa Movies. It starsVincent Pastore (The Sopranos), NatashaLyonne (American Pie), Carlos Leon(Oz), Scott Elrod (Men in Trees), andDennis Lemoine (Illegal Aliens). Toddrewrote the script and directed thestory about a fashion photographerwho makes a bet with a colleague that

22 Derryfield Today – Fall 2008



To Laura Coulter McCarthy ’88 and her husband, Gavin, a

son, Conlon Henry, on November 13, 2008.

To Janice Mosher Danis ’89 and her husband, James, a

son, Griffin James, on July 8, 2007.

To Kimberly Frederick ’89 and her husband, Vince Webb,

an adopted girl, Zora Naomi Annabel, born June 20,

2008, and delivered to the happy couple two days later.

To Maura Duval Griffin ’90 and her husband, J.R., a

daughter, Adrienne Elizabeth, on September 19, 2007.

To Katherine Ryan Anish ’92 and her husband, Josh, a son,

Nathaniel Robbins, on April 17, 2008.

To Hilary Hornor Boynton ’92 and her husband, Nick, a

son, Tanner Hamilton, on March 18, 2008.

To Rachel Sturke ’92 and her husband, Joshua, a daughter,

Zoe Skibbie, on December 15, 2008.

To Aubrey Rosenthal ’93 and her husband, Tracy Clapp, a

son, Huckleberry James, on July 22, 2008.

To Joyia Rich Fazelat ’96 and her husband, Ahad, a son,

Sameh Rich Fazelat, on June 6, 2008

To Brenna McCandliss Thomas ’96 and her husband,

Shane, a son, Zander Trevett, on April 17, 2008.

To Derek Gelinas ’98 and his wife, Vanessa, a son, Asher,

on June 4, 2008.

To Jason Steffen ’98 and his wife, Nancy, a son, Jackson

Peter, on November 11, 2007.

To faculty member Jeff Hastings and his wife, Wendy, a

son, Tristan David, on October 27, 2008.


online?are youAre you on facebook? Have you joinedthe Derryfield alumni group? Check usout if you want to reconnect with class‑mates, learn about upcoming alumnievents, and find out what’s happeningat Derryfield.

Paul Keiner at his farewell reception with wife Debby, daughters Lesley Keiner Herzberg ’95 and DanaKeiner ’98, and son James Keiner ’01.

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he can transform an ordinary fish market girl into a high fashion model.Todd is also getting ready to releasehis own web show, Meet the Mayfarers,which he will write, produce, and actin. It will feature a four‑minute weeklyepisode targeting the YouTube audi‑ence. Meet the Mayfarers, which can beviewed at www.mayfarers.com, willpremiere this winter.

1996Joyia Rich Fazelat happily announcesthe birth of her first child, a boy, SamehRich Fazelat. Sameh was born on June6, 2008 and everyone is healthy! n

Brenna McCandliss Thomas writes, “Iam still in Denver and loving it. Shaneand I welcomed Zander TrevettThomas into the world on April 17,2008 at 1:38 a.m. He was 7 lbs., 15 oz.and 20.5 inches long. I decided to stayhome with him and I am loving beinga stay‑at‑home mom. It is lots of work,but the best job ever.” n AbbySilverman reports, “I got married in

June 2007 in Boston to Matt Fischer,whom I met while earning an MBA atthe University of Michigan in AnnArbor. We recently moved back to theBoston area from Minneapolis for mymarketing position – where I recentlytransferred from the Cardiac RhythmManagement division to theUrology/Gynecology division ofBoston Scientific.” Derryfield alumsmay reach her at: [email protected] Emily Newick was married to SteveGaughan, son of William and JoanGaughan of Wellesley, MA, at Emily’sparents’ home in York Harbor, ME onSeptember 13, 2008. Steve and Emilyare both Middlebury College gradu‑ates. Steve is a GIS planning analyst forthe New Hampshire Department ofEnvironmental Services.

1998Jason Steffen writes, “I graduatedfrom Harvard Law School last yearand am working at the PublicDefender’s Office in Mohave County,

AZ. I miss New England, but my job isgreat. Even more exciting, I’m now afather. Jackson Peter Steffen was bornlast November. He’s keeping my wife,Nancy, and me quite busy (becausehe’s exceptionally cute).” n NathanSwift reports, “I’ve been living in theUK for the last five years, studiedOpera at the Royal College of Music ona scholarship for international students(Dartmouth’s coveted James B.Reynolds Scholarship for ForeignStudy), and have sung in over 20 oper‑atic productions since my arrival. Inaddition to that, I spent four years atthe BBC in New Media to supportmyself in London during my post‑graduate work and now work as amanagement consultant in technologystrategy for the Department of Healthand the NHS Choices project.” n

Preston Hunter was married to NicoleNeyowetti of Edison, NJ at St.Elizabeth Seton Church in Bedford,NH on July 5, 2008. ChristopherOgden and Alden Kasiewicz served asco‑best men while Preston’s sister,Laura Hunter ’00, was one of Nicole’sbridesmaids. Nicole is finishing herlast year of law school at FranklinPierce Law Center in Concord, NH.Besides working as a project engineerfor Eckman Construction, Preston sitson the Board of Trustees for TheDerryfield School. n Derek Gelinaswrites, “My wife Vanessa and I wel‑comed our second child, AsherGelinas, into the world on June 4. Heweighed 8 lbs., 6 oz., and was 21 inchestall. His big sister Kaylee thinks he’s

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Jed Cahill ’97, Matt Purtell ’97, Kate Reis Cahill ’97, Jess Shute ’97, Jess’s friend Ryan, Amanda Fiedler’97, Emily Newick Gaughan ’97, Helen Gemmill ’96, Kate Newick ’00, Kelly Steele ’97 and BrianGuercio ’97 at Emily’s wedding on September 13.

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great and kisses him at least five timesan hour. He’s a joy to the whole familyand is always ready to smile at us.Everyone’s doing very well and so farlife with two car seats has been terrif‑ic.” n Andrew Hickok reports, “I mar‑ried Andrea Klayman in May 2008 inWaitsfield, VT and recently moved toBrookline, MA. I’m glad to be ridingout the economic meltdown from thesafety of business school at BostonCollege. I spent the past several yearsworking in management consulting forthe energy industry, which is where Iexpect to continue my career. My wifeis a first‑year resident in internalmedicine at Beth Israel DeaconessMedical Center. Being in graduateschool makes me more fully appreciatethe excellent education in math andwriting that I received at Derryfield.”

1999Shannon Cain and Ryan Arnold weremarried on September 9, 2007, at theHarrington Farm in Princeton, MA.Bridesmaids included KathleenFlahive and Gill Roberts. The couplehoneymooned in Hawaii (Oahu andthe Big Island) and currently live inSomerville, MA. Shannon is a grantwriter for Discovering Justice, a smallnonprofit in the Moakley USCourthouse in Boston, and working onher MA in Publishing and Writingfrom Emerson College. Ryan is a matheditor for a development house in theSouth End of Boston. n Sara Schwartzwas married to Jeffrey Mohan in

Lincoln, MA on June 14, 2008.Derryfield alumni in attendance wereHannah Arnold, LaurenAbrahimzadeh, Stacey Starner, KateDavis, and Andrea Schwartz ’01. n

Kathleen Flahive was married toMatthew Baron on September 20, 2008in Dennis, Cape Cod, on the beach atCrowe’s Pasture (a conservation area).Her bridesmaids included SharonPozner ’98 and Shannon Cain Arnold.Kathleen is co‑owner of The DanishPastry House, a bakery and cafe inMedford and Watertown, MA.Matthew is a senior software engineerfor 3DVIA.com in Concord, MA.

2000Rebecca Rideout is a recipient of the2008 Morrison Film Fellowships,awarded by the Maine CommunityFoundation. Named for the late film‑maker Jane Morrison, the fund wasestablished in 1988 to support buddingfilmmakers. Rebecca graduated fromBennington College with a B.A. in doc‑umentary video. Since then she hasworked in film and television produc‑tion. She will use her $1,040 fellowshipto take a course on producing anddirecting documentaries at the MaineMedia Workshops. n Melody Chagwrites, “About one week afterDerryfield Today came out announcingthat I was in Champaign, IL, I acceptedan offer with the ABC affiliate inSeattle, WA! I am now a reporter for

24 Derryfield Today – Fall 2008


Pat Santosso ’01, Jessie Brasley Wood ’01,Krista Keeler ’01, and Gill Roberts ’99 join AndyWest ’01 and his bride Ashley Smith at theirwedding on September 26.

Peter Russell ’02, Julia West ’02, FrancescoFinocchiaro ’02, Molly Zink Finocchiaro ’02,Andrew Tsai ’04, and Patrick Finocchiaro ’15 atFrancesco and Molly’s wedding on August 3.

Lori Evans ’00, Ginna Lockwood ’03, SandyLockwood ’15, Whitney Lockwood Berdy ’00,Veronica Beaudry ’00, and Dena Marrinucci ’00at Whitney’s wedding on August 18.

continued on page 26...

Derryfield alumni have been attending a plethoraof weddings recently. Below are alumni photosfrom just three suchevents. Congratulations toall!

Love is in the Air

Page 27: Derryfield Today, Fall 2008

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For two years former middle school teacherCandy Chaplin has taken her skills – andeducational supplies – to the small villiageof Cheskum in Nepal. Last year SaraDewey ’03 joined her.

I look down two lines of children inworn, white school shirts standingin a dusty schoolyard. Each child

holds a garland made of deep redrhododendron flowers and waxy greenleaves. Candy Chaplin, or “MissCandy” as she is known here, leads thecharge down the gauntlet. She bows toevery child as he or she places the gar‑land over her head, presses her handstogether and murmurs “dhanyavaad.”My friend Rachel and I follow a bitmore apprehensively, leaning down tothe small children as they cover us ingarland after garland until we’reburied up to our eyes, offering them achorus of “namaste, namaste,dhanyavaad, dhanyavaad.”

This is an important day for the stu‑dents because Miss Candy is a specialwoman in this village. We are inCheskum, Nepal, a small mountain vil‑lage in the Solukhumbu region justsouth of Everest. Motorized vehiclescannot travel the narrow, foot‑wornpaths to Cheskum; the village is onlyaccessible by five days walking fromthe capital, Kathmandu. The land isbarren in late winter except for a fewfields of winter wheat, but magnificent,snowy Himalayan peaks dominate thehorizon. At this particular school, MissCandy and her foundation, the NepalChildren’s Health and Education

Foundation, have built a school andprovided teachers with training,salaries, and basic classroom scienceequipment. Many of the students tellme in beginner’s English that science istheir favorite subject in school.

We finally make our way throughthe alley of children to the place ofhonor at the front of the crowd. I’monly considered a VIP because I’mwith Miss Candy, who some here callthe “Sir Edmund Hillary of theSolukhumbu region of Nepal.” (SirEdmund Hillary set up schools forSherpa children in the Everest region.)In Cheskum, there are few options foryoung adults: many of the teenageboys of this village have alreadyworked as porters on trekking expedi‑tions; the teenage girls have few alter‑natives to early motherhood and a lifeof subsistence farming in the rockysoil. Students who wish to continuetheir studies at the secondary levelmust leave the village and move to thedaunting unknown of Kathmandu.

In the schoolyard, children crowdaround an impromptu stage in front ofour seats. The school is a low U‑shapedset of buildings arranged around thebarren courtyard. The floors are dirtand the corrugated metal roofs are fullof holes. Children perform traditionalsongs and dances, recite Nepali poetry,and tell us through a translator of theircommitment to improving their villageand the role of education in their lives.

I am staggered by these earnest chil‑dren and by their ability to articulatethe importance of education in theirlives despite the poverty and remote‑ness of their home. By engaging theshared visions of the villagers, MissCandy is starting with the schools tosupport the villagers’ efforts to shape asustainable future for this village. Somuch work remains to be done here:villagers dream of more teachers, awomen’s micro‑lending program, andeven a hydroelectric project to providethe village with electricity for the firsttime. But it all begins with education.

Travels with Miss Candyby Sara Dewey ’03

To learn more about the work of the Nepal Children's Health and Education Foundation, check out www.nchef.org.

Page 28: Derryfield Today, Fall 2008

KOMO news. It’s a huge jump and agreat opportunity for me to work in amajor market. The move has actuallyallowed me to reconnect with a fewother Derry‑field grads! So far, I’menjoying all the Pacific Northwest hasto offer. I absolutely love living indowntown Seattle, although I haven’tsurvived a winter here yet – we’ll seehow I feel after nine months of rain!” n

Whitney Lockwood married BryanBerdy on August 16 in Newport, RI.They live in Newport, and Whitneyrecently started her own company,Churchill Celebrations, which special‑izes in wedding planning, design, andcoordination.

2001Lauren Murphy Ireland reports, “JohnIreland and I were married on August5, 2006 at the Round Barn inWaitsfield, VT. It has been over twoyears, although I still feel like a newly‑wed. My brother Gerard Murphy ’98,Zach Bioteau, Matt D’Alessio, PatSantoso, Krista Keeler, Bekah Angoff’00, Emily Scott, and Alissa Whitewere all in attendance. Even MaxAnderson ’14 was there. We justmoved to Goffstown a few months agofrom Burlington, VT.” n ChrissyMurphy recently held her audiencecaptive at a Derryfield all‑schoolassembly while she presented aslideshow of her 10‑month circumven‑tion of the Continent of Africa. With

photos of her on the back of acrocodile, kissing a baby monkey, andbeing attacked by an 800‑pound goril‑la, Chrissy melded the excitement oftravel with the importance of preserv‑ing our endangered species, whiletouching on some recent African histo‑ry. Since graduating from Derryfield,Chrissy has studied in Scotland,England, and France and has workedin Japan before her trip around Africa.Next on her plate: graduate studies inHindi and religious studies in England.n Andy West and Ashley Smith weremarried on Friday, September 26, inthe Eolia Mansion at HarknessMemorial State Park in Waterford, CT.Derryfield alumni in attendance wereKrista Keeler, Jessie Brasley, FredCoolbroth, Pat Santoso, Gill Roberts’99, Mallory West ’08, and Julia West’02.

26 Derryfield Today – Fall 2008



Laura Coulter ’88 to Gavin McCarthy on June 29, 2008 in

Sudbury, MA.

Erin O’Shaughnessy ’88 to John Walsh on August 23, 2008

in Sunapee, NH.

Duncan Rotch ’88 to Jenny Hudson on August 18, 2007 in

Portland, OR.

Shelley Stout ’88 to Ken Fajans on October 25, 2008 in

Amherst, NH.

Emily Newick ’97 to Steve Gaughan on September 13,

2008 in York Harbor, ME.

Abby Silverman ’97 to Matt Fischer on June 30, 2007 in

Boston, MA.

Andrew Hickok ’98 to Andrea Klayman on May 18, 2008 in

Waitsfield, VT.

Preston Hunter ’98 to Nicole Neyowetti on July 5, 2008 in

Bedford, NH.

Shannon Cain ’99 to Ryan Arnold on September 9, 2007 in

Princeton, MA.

Kathleen Flahive ’99 to Matthew Baron on September 20,

2008 in Dennis, MA.

Sara Schwartz ’99 to Jeffrey Mohan on June 14, 2008 in

Lincoln, MA.

Insley Barr ’00 to Richard Jones on August 8, 2008 in

Bloomingburg, NY.

Whitney Lockwood ’00 to Bryan Berdy on August 16, 2008

in Newport, RI.

Alex Moerlein ’01 to Dorothy Bandura on October 10,

2008 in West Chester, PA.

Lauren Murphy ’01 to John Ireland on August 5, 2006 in

Waitsfield, VT.

Andrew West ’01 to Ashley Smith on September 26, 2008

in Waterford, CT.

Molly Zink ’02 to Francesco Finicchiaro ’02 on August 3,

2008 in Lawrence, MA.

Lee Rynearson ’03 to Anastasia Lorenz on June 30, 2008

in Goffstown, NH.

Faculty member Tina Govatos to Alex White on September

6, 2008 in Sugar Hill, NH.

Breakthrough Director Kate Erskine to Jolene McWhirter on

August 18, 2008 in Rye, NH.

Adam Desfosses ’03 and his girlfriend MeganHedlund join Lee Rynearson ’03 and his brideAna Lorenz at their wedding on June 30.

...continued from page 24

Page 29: Derryfield Today, Fall 2008

2002Molly Zink and Francesco Finicchiarotied the knot on Sunday, August 3,2008. The wedding took place at HolyRosary Church in Lawrence, MA withthe reception at their favorite Italianrestaurant, Bella Italia, in Tyngsboro,MA. The happy couple honeymoonedin Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon,Yellowstone, and Mount Rushmore.Derryfield alumni in attendance were:Andrew Tsai ’04 (an usher), PeterRussell, Julia West, and futureDerryfield alumnus PatrickFinocchiaro ’15.

2003Lee Rynearson and Anastasia Lorenzof Niskayuna, NY were married June30, 2008 at Uncanoonuc MountainPerennials in Goffstown. The receptionwas held at the Cherry Room at C.R.Sparks Restaurant and Bar in Bedford.The couple enjoyed a quiet honeymoonin Maine at a family campsite.Anastasia and Lee both recently gradu‑ated from the Rochester Institute ofTechnology. They moved to Japan thisfall where they both teach engineeringto Japanese students.

2004Cara Bishop writes, “I graduated cumlaude from William Smith College witha triple major in Dance, Arts Educationand Spanish & Hispanic Studies. I am

attending graduate school at TempleUniversity in the fall for my master’s inDance Education. I think of my time atDerryfield often and truly believe thatmy education there helped me tothrive so well in college.” n CaleMacMichael‑Magruder writes, “Nowthat I’ve graduated from CarnegieMellon, I’ll be working at BechtelCorporation’s Power Division design‑ing the “Next Gen” Nuclear PowerPlants that will begin construction onU.S. soil in the next decade. It’s a goodopportunity for someone just startingout as a mechanical engineer, but I’mnot sure if I’ll be there for more thantwo years because the opportunities inDoD contracting are exploding rightnow, and it’s much more fast pacedwork, and thus a place I think I’drather be.” n Michael Moran reports,“Next year I will be working inManhattan for a middle‑market invest‑ment banking company called Jefferies.Right now I’m dealing with the terribleprocess of finding an apartment in thecity. On a side note, I may be roomingwith Derryfield alumnus Tom Flahive’03, who is also working in the city. Ihope all is well at Derryfield and hope‑fully I’ll get a chance to stop by andsay hello before I head off to NewYork.” n Geoffrey Kirsch was nameda Rufus Choate Scholar at DartmouthCollege. The award is given to under‑graduates with an academic ranking inthe top five percent of their class.Kirsch was a Presidential ScholarResearch Assistant during his sopho‑more and junior years.

2005After spending time in Iraq, EmmaLeBlanc has returned home. While inIraq she served as a photographer foran article entitled “Awakenings” for JOMagazine out of Amman, whichfocused on the Sahwa Council, com‑prised primarily of former insurgentswho have now decided that Iran is theenemy – not the United States. GQ isplanning to do a similar story on the“Awakening” for their February issue,also using her photos. Emma is cur‑rently working on a book project aswell as some other writing.

2006Rachel Romanowsky has been namedConference Rookie of the Year forlacrosse in NESCAC, the conference inwhich Trinity College plays. n SarahUmberger is continuing her stage workas Columbia, the tap dancer, in a pro‑duction of Rocky Horror Show atWittenberg University. She also dancedin the school’s fall dance concert inNovember.

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Alex Moerlein ’01 marries Dorothy Bandura onOctober 10.

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28 Derryfield Today – Fall 2008


2007Douglas Lindner writes, “I’m runningfor New Hampshire State Represent‑ative in District 8 of HillsboroughCounty, which consists of Manchester’sWard 1 (where Derryfield is). In casepeople are wondering whether or notthe signs they see on their way toschool are for the same person they’rethinking of, yes, they are. Please feelfree to visit my websitewww.douglindner.com.” n OliviaCowenhoven reports, “Kat Myers ’06and I lived at Middlebury College forseven weeks this past summer,immersed in a Spanish‑language pro‑gram. I took three classes: Grammar,Journalistic Writing, and Childhoodthrough Culture – all in Spanish. I alsosang in a choir and played for the ten‑nis club in the Spanish School.Everyone signed a pledge not to speaka word of English, and sometimes itwas difficult, but at the end of sevenweeks, we were all pretty much flu‑ent.” n Continuing a Derryfield tradi‑tion, Maeghan Buckley participated inModel UN for Union College, helping

her team to victory. She writes, “I wason the First Committee: Disarmamentand International Security. I was theonly freshman permitted into the classbecause of my previous experience atDerryfield. My entire team won anaward (Honorable Mention) for repre‑senting Zambia. This was the first timein a long while that Union had sent ateam to NMUN, so winning an awardwas a big deal. I am planning on beingpart of the team this year as well.”

2008Congratulations to Kelly Schwarz, afreshman at Johns Hopkins University,who was the only “walk‑on” selectedto the field hockey team this year. n

Audrey Morgan started classes at theCulinary Institute of America on July29 and her experience there has beeneverything she hoped for... and more!She started “Fish” class, which starts at5:00 a.m., and she works for six hoursin a refrigerated room. She said her

chef’s whites go immediately into thewashing machine each day. n AkashVadalia has kept up his hard work onthe tennis court. He has made theBrandeis NCAA Division III men’s ten‑nis team in his freshman year. n AlanKeith tells us that he’s enjoying hisfreshman year at Colgate. Besides try‑ing to decide between majoring in eco‑nomics, environmental science, ormathematics, Alan is staying busy withthe extra‑curriculars. He has joined afencing team and has two jobs – one asa lifeguard and another as a videojournalist.

FacultyCongratulations to Coach JeffHastings and his wife Wendy who hadtheir second child, another boy, onOctober 27th. Tristan David Hastingsjoins his big brother Jayden in theHastings family.

Tim Jundanian ’06, Parker Mitchell ’07, Hannah Will ’08, and Emily Monty ’06 gather to cheer Derryfieldboats at Head of the Charles in October.

Stephanie Fiebrink ’03 married Tim Broderick, Jr.on May 31.

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profileA s we spend some time in this

issue of Derryfield Today think‑ing about the middle school – its

beginnings and its metamorphosis intothe comfortable learning environmentit has become – we cannot envision itspast success without the guidance ofPaul Keiner. Upon his departure fromDerryfield last spring, we lost a leg‑endary figure who left his mark on theSchool in many ways.

We have all known Paul Keiner as ateacher, coach, mentor, musician, folksinger, carpenter, and movie aficiona‑do. He is also a husband, father, and,now, a student. After 24 years of teach‑ing and refining skills in literature andorganization in Derryfield’s middleschool, Paul decided to follow anothercalling and is back in college to begin a second career as an occupationaltherapist. It was something he beganthinking about a few years ago whenhis daughter had a severe reaction to a bee sting resulting in a need for occu‑pational and physical therapy. Theordeal inspired him in a new direction,a way to use his teaching skills toachieve a different end.

Paul began his tenure at TheDerryfield School in 1984, teaching sev‑enth and eighth grade students on the

top floor of what is now the upperschool. With a full beard and head ofhair, but still sporting his celebratedbow tie, he soon became known for hismethods in teaching organizationalskills. Known as “Keinerization,” themethod involved skillful note‑takingand notebook keeping. And althoughsome students thought this process cre‑ated more work than they would haveliked, it generated far more work forPaul. Mr. Keiner was often seen carry‑ing 15 notebooks at a time down stairsand out to his car to be evaluated andgraded when he got home. In the end,his students appreciated the work, andbeing “Keinerized” became a valuabletool in their future education and lives.This was clearly evidenced by themany testimonials written on Paul’sbehalf for his farewell party inSeptember. We heard from several ofhis former students who are nowteaching his organizational methods,not only to their students, but to theirown children.

With teaching and Derryfield in hisblood, Paul has resisted the temptationto cut his ties with this institution byreturning to the School twice so far. Wewere able to entice him to teach a finalclass to alumni and other community

members prior to his farewell party onSeptember 28. The class was met with apacked house – standing room only inthe Lyceum. Then, on November 25, astanding ovation in the auditoriumgreeted Mr. Keiner as he took the podi‑um to deliver the Thanksgiving assem‑bly address.

Paul Keiner is a man of many labels,but he is, above all, a teacher. We wishhim well in his new career and thankhim for his 24 years of service toDerryfield, its students, and the entirecommunity. But we won’t say good‑bye. See you later, Paul.

– Diane Allen

Paul Keiner Teaches his Last Class


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Paul Keiner teaching a master class at his farewellcelebration in September.

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2108 River Road Manchester, NH 03104-1396




Turf Field DedicationTrustee Preston Hunter ’00 cuts the ribbon celebrating the

opening of Derryfield’s new turf field as Athletic Director

Lenny McCaigue, Trustee Chair Steven Burke, and Assistant

Head of School for Advancement Jennifer Melkonian look on.

Parents of alumni: If your son or daughter nolonger maintains a permanent address atyour home, please notify the AdvancementOffice at 603.669.4524 of the correct mail-ing address. Thank you.