Derive Formulae for a Well-To-Do Break from Working Life Image source: http://goo.gl/2YvHQ

Derive Formulae for a Well-To-Do Break from Working Life

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Semi-retirement is not only a way to keep money flowing in but if you are workaholic and love what you do, semi-retirement can be no less than a happy and comfortable lifestyle.

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Derive Formulae for a Well-To-Do Break from Working Life

Image source: http://goo.gl/2YvHQ

f you thought that retirement life is all about quitting the work, putting on pants higher and taking dinner earlier, give it a re-think. You could bring in varieties in your retirement

life, but for that you, always, are going to need enough amount of cash.


You worked 60 to 70 hours per week and, now, have realised that life is just a way too short to socialise and look after your kids. Have you planned for a new financial shift that life is awaiting in the retirement age? Instead of taking a full retirement, why don’t you think over semi-retirement?

Semi-retirement is not only a way to keep money flowing in but if you are workaholic and love what you do, semi-retirement can be no less than a happy and comfortable lifestyle.

In the UK, as the new law related with retirement age is about to get enforced, lots of people will be breathing easily. Now, they are being given an opportunity to work for more years and save enough before finally calling it quit.

Formulae for a productive semi-retirement phase

Image source: http://goo.gl/ovoDt

However, whether you are planning for a semi retirement or full retirement, there are some basics to take care of.

Reduce debt burden: Semi-retirement years might come with lots of debt burden. It’s a fact that more debts you have, more money is needed in the retirement years. So, when looking for part time jobs, you must look into the salary being offered and do not settle down on anything that is less than four times your housing costs.

Increase savings: As soon as you decide to take break from full time employment, employers entitled benefits, such as IRA or 401(k) retirement policies, will stop functioning for a while. You must become creative in savings during this phase. You should plan out investments in the emergency funds and other retirement policies.

Increase income: Before semi-retiring, try to increase your income as this will help you decrease the dent loads.

In the middle of the race, your next step should be to calculate the money, you are going to require in the semi=retirement phase of your life. If few expenses will decrease then, also, on the other hand certain expenses, such as utilities and health insurance, will rise.

Equity release is the best retirement option for unlucky retirees

Image source: http://goo.gl/XIVPS

But, when you are planning for a full time retirement, nothing but the retirement plans availed during the productive age can take care of you. If you have not been so forthright to avail retirement plans, equity release is the best available option that you are left with.

Over the years, equity release schemes have been a major factor to boost up the lifestyle of retirees.

In a nutshell, whether you are semi-retiring or planning a full time retirement, derive a formula to pass on your golden period with ease and comfort.