Deploying Web Applications En

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  • 7/31/2019 Deploying Web Applications En


  • 7/31/2019 Deploying Web Applications En


    Copyright If you find any problems with this documentation, please report them to Business Objects

    S.A. in writing at [email protected].

    Copyright Business Objects S.A. 2004. All rights reserved.

    Trademarks Business Objects, the Business Objects logo, Crystal Reports, and Crystal Enterprise are

    trademarks or registered trademarks of Business Objects SA or its affiliated companies in theUnited States and other countries. All other names mentioned herein may be trademarks of

    their respective owners.

    Patents Business Objects owns the following U.S. patents, which may cover products that are offered

    and sold by Business Objects: 5,555,403, 6,247,008 B1, 6,578,027 B2, 6,490,593 and


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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK iii


    Chapter 1 Introduction 5

    Business Objects products and J2EE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

    Components you need to install for J2EE web applications . . . . . . . . . 6

    Custom J2EE application deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

    Chapter 2 Assembling a Web Application 11

    J2EE web applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    Assembling the application in a WAR file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    Adding the Business Objects components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

    Which Business Objects components does my web application need? 13

    How do the Business Objects components fit together? . . . . . . . . . . . 18

    Defining the web application directory structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

    Assembling the components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    The document root directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

    The /WEB-INF directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24The /WEB-INF/classes directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

    The WebiApplet directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

    The WebiApplet/AppletConfig directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    The /WEB-INF/lib directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

    The /META-INF directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    Generating a WAR file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    Static resource files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

    Customizing and running a sample Ant script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

    Before using a custom Ant script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

    The sample Ant scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    Configuring the batch file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

    Configuring the properties file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

    Running the Ant script . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

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    iv Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Chapter 3 Deploying a Web Application 39

    Deploying a J2EE web application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40Static resources on a web server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

    Manually deploying a J2EE custom application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

    Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

    Whats in the documentation set? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

    Where is the documentation? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

    Send us your feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

    Customer support, consulting and training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

    How can we support you? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

    Looking for the best deployment solution for your company? . . . . . . . . 48

    Looking for training options? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48

    Useful addresses at a glance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

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    c h a p t

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK


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    6 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK




    With BusinessObjects, you can create custom solutions using the Java 2

    Platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) technology. You can then deploy and runthese solutions on an application server.

    This chapter explains which components you need to install for J2EEdeployment and how they relate to each other. It also provides an overview ofthe steps required to deploy custom solutions.

    Business Objects products and J2EE

    J2EE is a platform from Sun Microsystems for building distributed enterpriseapplications. Among its core components are JavaServer Pages (JSPs).

    JSP is a technology that you can use to design and build web sites withdynamic content. JSPs use a range of related Java technologies, allowing youto build anything from a simple form up to a full business application based onWeb Intelligence.

    JSPs contain server-side scripts embedded in HTML code using special tags.In a JSP, you write scripts in Java. These scripts can access the WebIntelligence Report Engine object model (REBean), BusinessObjectsEnterprise and Crystal Reports object models.

    For information about creating web applications using the Web IntelligenceReport Engine SDK, refer to the Customizing Web Intelligence with REBean


    You can find information about J2EE at .

    Components you need to install for J2EE webapplications

    To develop and deploy a custom solution using Web Intelligence report engineSDK you must install:

    BusinessObjects Enterprise XI

    Java 2 SDK

    an application server
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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 7


    Business Objects products and J2EE 1

    a web server

    You can configure many application servers to function simultaneously asboth an application server and a web server. This is known as a

    standalone configuration. In this case you do not need to install aseparate web server.

    The figure below shows how these components fit together in a J2EE customapplication deployment.

    The following two sections discuss Java 2 SDKs and application servers.

    For information on installing BusinessObjects XI, see the BusinessObjectsEnterprise Installation Guide.

    Installing the Java 2 SDK

    To write JSPs you need to install a Java 2 SDK which contains a suite of class

    libraries and debugging tools for creating JSP pages.You can download this software from the Sun web site. At the time ofpublishing, the correct URL is:


    To check if you have a Java 2 SDK installed, open a DOS command prompton Windows or a shell prompt on UNIX and enter the following command:


    Application Server

    Business Objects

    Enterprise Cluster

    Web Application DatabasesRepository






    Java 2 SDK

    BusinessObjects EnterpriseSDK and/or

    Web Intelligence SDK

    and/or RAS and Viewers

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    8 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK


    Business Objects products and J2EE1

    java -fullversion

    If you have a Java 2 SDK installed, the command returns the Java 2 SDKversion.

    Installing an application server

    Application servers are programs that process operations for applications thatrun via a web server. They provide object services for JSP pages and Javaservlets on the web server. Some application servers provide additionalfeatures such as load balancing, transaction management, and clustering.

    To install the application and web servers and configure them to work together,follow the setup and configuration procedure in the documentation providedwith your application or web server.

    Custom J2EE application deploymentTo enable users to access a custom J2EE application, you must make itavailable over an intranet, an extranet or the Internet. To do so, you mustdeploy the assembled application on an application server.

    For a custom application that uses the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDKor Business Objects Enterprise SDK, you must deploy the necessary BusinessObjects components with the application. To do so, you must:

    1. Assemble the application components and the Business Objectscomponents in a Web Application Archive (WAR) file.

    J2EE web applications on page 12 discusses how to assemble theWAR file.

    2. Deploy the WAR file.

    Deploying a J2EE web application on page 40 describes how to deploythe WAR file.

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 9


    Business Objects products and J2EE 1

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    10 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK


    Business Objects products and J2EE1

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    c h a p t

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web


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    12 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web Application



    J2EE web applications are assembled and deployed in Web Archive Files

    (WAR). After you collect the components of your web application in theappropriate directory structure, you must create a WAR file that you candeploy on your application server. This chapter discusses:

    the components that must be contained in a web application that uses theWeb Intelligence SDK orBusinessObjects Enterprise SDK or RAS andViewers SDK.

    the directory structure of a web application

    where to place each component in the directory structure

    how to generate a WAR file.

    J2EE web applications

    A J2EE web application is a collection of JSP pages, classes, and otherapplication components that can be deployed on an application server.

    A web application that uses the Web Intelligence SDK orBusiness ObjectsEnterprise SDK contains:

    the application components

    These include JSP pages, HTML pages, classes and libraries.

    application configuration filesThese files describe the web application and its configurationparameters. Generally these files, such as the deployment descriptor, arestandard J2EE components. Some application servers also requirespecific configuration files. For more information on these, refer to thedocumentation provided with your application server.

    Business Objects components

    These include classes and libraries as well as applets and othercomponents from Business Objects.

    Assembling the application in a WAR file

    To deploy a custom Web Intelligence application, you must archive thecomponents in a WAR file. A WAR file is an archive file with the extension .war,in which you can bundle together the components of a web application. WARfiles are defined in the Java Servlet API 2.2 specification.

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 13

    Assembling a Web Application

    J2EE web applications 2

    To assemble all the components in a WAR file, you must:

    1. Create a directory structure for the application.

    WAR files require a specific directory structure. For information on the

    directory structure, see Defining the web application directory structureon page 19.

    2. Add the application components in the directory structure.

    3. Add the Business Objects components.

    The sectionAdding the Business Objects components on page 13discusses how to add the Business Objects components.

    4. Generate a WAR file containing the directory structure and thecomponents.

    Generating a WAR file on page 28 describes how to generate a WAR


    Adding the Business Objects components

    To add the Business Objects components to the application, you can do oneof the following:

    copy them manually from your Business Objects installation to thedirectory structure of the application

    For information on manually coping the components, see Assemblingthe components on page 21.

    customize one of the sample Ant scripts provided with the SDK samples

    For information on using a sample Ant script, see Customizing andrunning a sample Ant script on page 29. As well as adding the BusinessObjects components, the sample Ant script generate the WAR file.

    The Business Objects components that you must add are described in WhichBusiness Objects components does my web application need? on page 13.

    Which Business Objects components does my webapplication need?

    A web application that uses the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK orBusiness Objects Enterprise SDK and RAS and Viewers SDK must containcertain Business Objects components as well as the standard J2EEcomponents. You can also include or customize other Business Objectscomponents in a custom application.

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    14 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web Application

    J2EE web applications2

    The components required by the application depend on whether you are usingthe Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK orBusiness Objects EnterpriseSDK and RAS and Viewers SDK.

    The following table lists the components and configuration files required by aweb application that uses one or more of Web Intelligence Report Engine SDKorBusinessObjects Enterprise SDK or RAS and Viewers SDK. It also listsoptional components available in your Business Objects installation that youcan include in a custom application.

    Component File name Required/Optional






    + V


    BusinessObjects Enterprise SDK

    Main files for theBusinessObjectsEnterprise SDK









    req req


    required to use theORB.



    req req req

    Business Objects and third party configuration files

    Jakarta log4jproperties file

    This is theconfiguration filefor the log4jpackagediscussed onpage 15. opt

    Configuration filereader.

    boconfig.jar req

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 15

    Assembling a Web Application

    J2EE web applications 2

    Business Objects and third party components

    Apache logginglibrary.

    This is a loggingpackage fordebuggingapplications.

    The Jakarta log4jsystem is part of

    the Jakartaproject. See

    Required ifwilog.jar is used.

    log4j.jar opt

    XML and XSLtools

    These are thirdparty componentsfor using XML and

    XSL that areincluded in theBusiness Objectsinstallation.





    Web Intelligence components

    Web IntelligenceReport EngineSDK

    This contains theREBean package.

    webi.jar req

    Component File name Required/Optional






    + V

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    16 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web Application

    J2EE web applications2

    Web Intelligenceservlets

    This contains thegateway betweenthe WebIntelligence appletand its server. It isrequired only if theJava Report Panelis used.

    cdzlet.jar opt

    Web IntelligenceJava Report Panel

    This is used if yourweb applicationcreates and editsWeb Intelligencereports.

    Note that you canalso create andedit documentsusing the REBean

    package ratherthan using theJava ReportPanel. For moreinformation, seethe CustomizingWeb Intelligencewith REBeanguide.

    ThinCadenza.jar opt

    Web IntelligenceHTML cascading

    style sheetsThese files arerequired for theWeb IntelligenceHTML viewer.

    file_name.css req

    Component File name Required/Optional






    + V


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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 17

    Assembling a Web Application

    J2EE web applications 2

    Default settings forthe WebIntelligence Javareport panel.

    Required only forthe Java ReportPanel.



    Default settings forWeb Intelligencereport creationwhen using theWeb IntelligenceReport EngineSDK.

    defaultConfig.xml opt

    JavaScript filesused to provideDHTML popupmenu functionality.








    image files for theWeb IntelligenceHTML viewer.

    These arerequired for allapplicationsunless they viewdocuments in PDFor Excel formatonly.

    file_name.gif req

    Debug, trace andhelper tools jtools.jar req

    Web Intelligencelogging utilitylibrary

    wilog.jar opt

    RAS and Viewers SDK files

    Component File name Required/Optional






    + V


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    18 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web Application

    J2EE web applications2

    How do the Business Objects components fittogether?

    The Business Objects components provide Web Intelligence, Crystal Reportsand BusinessObjects Enterprise functionality and support utilities to theapplication. They also enable the applicaton to access the Business Objects

    cluster. The deployed web application uses the data in the Business Objectsconfiguration files to access the Business Objects cluster.

    Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK applications

    The figure below shows where the Business Objects components fit in acustom Web Intelligence application deployment. It also illustrates how thecomponents relate to the Business Objects deployment.

    RAS and ViewersSDK






    Web Services files

    Web Servicesconsumers library




    Component File name Required/Optional






    + V


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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 19

    Assembling a Web Application

    Defining the web application directory structure 2

    Defining the web application directorystructure

    Before you assemble the application components, you must define thedirectory structure for the application. To do so:

    1. Create a root directory with an appropriate name for the application

    2. In the root directory, create the following directory structure.



    Application Server

    Business Objects Enterprise Services


    Enterprise SDK DatabasesRepository

    Web Intelligence servlets


    Web Intelligence SDK

    Browser trace and configurationutilities

    XML and XSL tools

    RAS and Viewers SDK

    Java 2 SDK

    CMS, Page Server/Cache

    Server, Event Server, Program

    Job Server, Report Job Server,


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    20 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web Application

    Defining the web application directory structure2

    The table below describes the directories and discusses which componentseach directory must contain.

    Directory Description

    root directory (/application_name) This is the root directory of theweb application, known asdocument root. It contains allthe public files that can beserved to clients. Theseinclude the JSP pages, HTMLpages, image files and otherstatic web resources.

    This directory should have anappropriate name for the webapplication.

    /application_name/classes contains servlet and utilityclasses that are accessible toclients

    /application_name/META-INF contains the manifest file,

    As with WEB-INF, the fileslocated in this directory areconsidered as private files andare not served to clients.









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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 21

    Assembling a Web Application

    Assembling the components 2

    Assembling the components

    The rest of this guide is concerned with the Business Objects Enterprise SDK

    and Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK and associated REBean samples.

    After you create the directory structure, you must place the applicationcomponents in the appropriate directories.

    /application_name/WEB-INF contains all resources relatedto the application that are not in

    the document root of theapplication

    Files located in this directoryare considered as private filesand are not served to clients.

    This is where your webapplication deploymentdescriptor, web.xml is located.

    /application_name/WEB-INF/classes contains servlet and utilityclasses that are used by theweb application but cannot be

    downloaded by clients, andconfiguration files for the WebIntelligence Report Engine SDK

    /application_name/WEB-INF/lib contains JAR files that are usedby the web application butcannot be downloaded byclients

    For example, this is where youplace Web Intelligence SDKJAR files.

    /application_name/WebiApplet contains the JAR file used forthe Web Intelligence JavaReport Panel


    contains configuration files forthe Web Intelligence JavaReport Panel

    Directory Description

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    22 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web Application

    Assembling the components2

    This section explains where in the directory structure you must place eachcomponent. It also lists the source for each component. A component may becreated by a developer or copied from an existing Business Objects product orweb application.

    For a description of each component, see Which Business Objectscomponents does my web application need? on page 13.


    You can add Business Objects components to a WAR file by customizing oneof the sample Ant scripts. In this case, you do not need to copy the BusinessObjects components into the directory structure. See Generating a WAR fileon page 28.

    The document root directoryYou must add the application components to be accessed by the client in thedocument root directory.

    The following table lists the standard J2EE and Business Objects componentsthat must be stored in the document root directory or an appropriatesubdirectory as well as the source of each component.

    Component File name Source

    JSP files *.jsp created by the application

    developer or copied from oneof the WAR files in$INSTALLDIR\Tomcat\



    HTML files *.html

    image files *.gif


    other static resources

    Note: If yourapplication server isconfigured to run witha web server, you candeploy static resourcefiles on the web

    server whiledeploying the rest ofthe application on theapplication server.See Static resourcefiles on page 28.

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 23

    Assembling a Web Application

    Assembling the components 2

    Web IntelligenceHTML cascading

    style sheetsThese files must beaccessible to the JSPpages that are usingthem.

    *.css $INSTALLDIR\Tomcat\




    Web IntelligenceHTML generationscripts

    These scripts mustbe accessible to theJSP pages that are

    using them.These script files arerequired forapplications that viewWeb Intelligencedocuments.

    bomenuIE.js $INSTALLDIR\Tomcat\







    message.js $INSTALLDIR\Tomcat\




    wherexxis the messagelanguage

    image files for WebIntelligence HTML

    generationThe images directoryshould be in thedirectory where theJSP pages that areusing it are stored.

    Note: You must notrename the WebIntelligence imagesdirectory when youcopy it to an


    *.gif $INSTALLDIR\Tomcat\




    Component File name Source

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    24 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web Application

    Assembling the components2

    The /WEB-INF directory

    You must add private files that are not served to clients in the /WEB-INFdirectory.

    The deployment descriptor, web.xml must be stored in the /WEB-INFdirectory. Web.xml can be created manually, generated by your developmentenvironment, or retrieved from an existing application and modified.

    Deployment descriptor

    A WAR file requires at least one deployment descriptor file, web.xml. Thedeployment descriptor is an XML file that describes the web application andthe components it contains.

    Some application servers also require their own additional deploymentdescriptors. For information, refer to your application server documentation.

    Example: Deployment descriptor

    The following text is an example of a simple web.xml file that defines an ID, aname and a description for a web application.


    The /WEB-INF/classes directory

    Application components may use servlets or classes that are not served to theclient. You must place servlet and utility classes used only by the applicationin the /WEB-INF/classes directory.

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 25

    Assembling a Web Application

    Assembling the components 2

    The following table lists the Business Objects components that must be storedin the /WEB-INF/classes directory and where to find them.

    The WebiApplet directory

    The WebiApplet directory contains files necessary to use the Web IntelligenceJava Report panel. The following table shows the files in the directory:

    Note: The WEBI-INF/classes folder also contains files necessary for the WebIntelligence Java Report Panel. See The /WEB-INF/classes directory onpage 24.

    Component File name Source

    Jakarta log4j propertiesfile

    See also the Apachelogging package listed inThe WebiApplet/

    AppletConfig directoryon page 26. generated when log4j isactivated

    Default settings for WebIntelligence reportscreated using the WebIntelligence Report

    Engine SDK.The defaultConfig.xmlfile is also deployed inthe /WebiApplet/

    AppletConfig directoryto set default settings forthe Web IntelligenceJava Report Panel. SeeThe WebiApplet/

    AppletConfig directoryon page 26.

    defaultConfig.xml %Common ProgramFiles%/Business Objects/3.0/java/webiApplet

    Component File name Source

    Web Intelligence JavaReport Panel applet

    ThinCadenza.jar %CommonProgramFiles%/Business Objects/3.0/java/webiApplet/

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    26 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web Application

    Assembling the components2

    The WebiApplet/AppletConfig directory

    Applications that use the Java Report Panel must use the configuration file inthe WebiApplet/AppletConfig folder for default settings for the report panel.

    The following table shows the files in the directory:

    The /WEB-INF/lib directory

    Applications may contain classes or JAR files that are not served to the client.

    You must place JAR files used by the application in the /WEB-INF/lib directory.The following table lists the Business Objects and third party components thatmust be stored in the /WEB-INF/lib directory and where to find them.

    Component File name Source

    Default settings for theWeb Intelligence JavaReport Panel.

    The defaultConfig.xmlfile is also deployed inthe /WEBI-INF/classesdirectory to set defaultsettings when creatingWeb Intelligencedocuments with the WebIntelligence ReportEngine SDK. See The /WEB-INF/classesdirectory on page 24

    %CommonProgramFiles%/Business Objects/3.0/java/webiApplet/AppletConfig

    Component File name Source

    BusinessObjectsEnterprise SDKmain files










    Business Objects\3.0\java\lib




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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 27

    Assembling a Web Application

    Assembling the components 2




    WebIntelligenceReport EngineSDK


    WebIntelligencelogging utilitylibrary


    Configurationfile reader


    trace andconfigurationutilities


    Web ServicesConsumersLibrary





    third party XMLand XSL tools

    xalan.jar $INSTALLDIR\Tomcat\



    Apache logginglibrary.

    See also thelog4j propertiesfile listed inThe /WEB-INF/classesdirectory onpage 24


    Debug, traceand helper tools jtools.jar %CommonProgramFiles%\Business Objects\3.0\java\lib

    Component File name Source

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    28 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web Application

    Generating a WAR file2

    The /META-INF directory

    The META-INF directory contains a standard manifest file, whichcan contain information about the files packaged in the WAR file.

    The manifest file in a WAR file is the same as manifest file contained in a JARfile. is generated when you create the WAR file or you can createit manually. For information, see

    Generating a WAR file

    When you have created and assembled the components of your application,you must generate the WAR file that you will deploy on your application server.You can do so using one of the following methods:

    an Ant scriptAnt is a Java and XML based build tool from Apache that uses XML as itsscripting language. As Ant is Java based, its scripts are cross-platform.

    You can find more information about Ant at:

    the JAR utility included in Java 2 SDK

    You can find more information about the JAR utility at:

    a WAR generation tool included with some application servers ordevelopment environments

    Static resource files

    If your application server is configured to run with a web server, you can deploystatic resource files on the web server. For more on static resource files, seeStatic resources on a web server on page 41.
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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 29

    Assembling a Web Application

    Customizing and running a sample Ant script 2

    Customizing and running a sample Antscript

    Sample Ant scripts are provided with the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDKsamples. You can customize these scripts to assemble the components of aweb application and the required Business Objects components, and thengenerate a WAR file that you can deploy directly on your application server.The Ant scripts assemble the:

    web application files web application configuration files Business Objects components and libraries

    Business Objects configuration files, if necessary

    Before using a custom Ant script

    You must organize the application and configuration files in a J2EE webapplication directory structure. This includes all of the components required bythe custom application except the Business Objects components andconfiguration files. The Ant scripts copy the Business Objects components andlibraries from your installation. For a list of the Business Objects components,see Which Business Objects components does my web application need? onpage 13.

    All the components must be assembled in a J2EE web application directorystructure required for a WAR file. This is described in Defining the webapplication directory structure on page 19.

    Source WAR file

    Instead of organizing the application and configuration files in a J2EE webapplication directory structure, you can archive these files in this structure in aWAR file. You can then set the appropriate property to allow the sample Antscript to access the components from the WAR file rather than the directorystructure.

    After you run the Ant script the result is a deployable WAR file containing theapplication components from the source WAR file, as well as the requiredBusiness Objects components.

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    30 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web Application

    Customizing and running a sample Ant script2

    This is useful if you want to deploy the application on multiple clusters. You cancopy the source WAR file to each cluster and create the deployable WAR fileusing the customized Ant script. This means that the deployable WAR filecontains the correct Business Objects components and configuration files for

    the cluster. Additionally, a WAR file is more portable for copying and moving.

    To generate the source WAR file containing the contents of the directory, youcan use the JAR utility or create an Ant script.

    The sample Ant scripts

    You can find the sample Ant scripts with the Web Intelligence Report EngineSDK sample. Each sample Ant script consists of three files. These are:

    Assemble_WebApp.xml, the Ant script.

    assemble_deploy.bat, a batch file that runs the script on Windows assemble_deploy, a shell script that runs the script on UNIX, includes the applicationparameters used by the Ant script

    An additional Ant script specific to the sample might also be provided with thesample: sampleNameAssemblyScripts.xml.

    Before you run the Ant script you must configure the batch and propertiesfiles with the appropriate parameters for your application and environment.

    You can rename the batch and property files to suit your application. If you do

    so, ensure that you use the new file name of the properties file in thepropertyfile attribute of the ant command when you configure the batchfile.

    Configuring the batch file

    You must ensure that the script can find your Java and Ant installations usingthe JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME variables. You must also ensure the batchfile can find the property file and the Ant script. To configure the batch file:

    1. Open sampleNameAssemblyScripts.bat in a text editor.

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 31

    Assembling a Web Application

    Customizing and running a sample Ant script 2

    2. Ensure the JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME variables are set.

    If JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME are not set in your environmentvariables, you must set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME to the directorieswhere you have installed Java 2 SDK and Ant. For example:

    Set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.4.2

    Set ANT_HOME=C:\jakarta-ant-1.5.1

    If you have set JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME in your environmentvariables, you must comment the JAVA_HOME and ANT_HOMEvariables in sampleNameAssemblyScripts.bat, by typing REM before theJAVA_HOME and ANT_HOME variables. For example:

    REM Set JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.4.2

    REM Set ANT_HOME=C:\jakarta-ant-1.5.1

    3. In the ant command, ensure that the propertyfile attribute contains

    the name of your property file and the buildfile attribute contains thename of the Ant script. For example:

    %ANT_HOME%\\bin\\ant -propertyfile -buildfile

    Assemble_WebApp.xml %1

    4. Save and close sampleNameAssemblyScripts.bat.

    Configuring the properties file

    In the properties file, you must specify information about the web applicationand your Business Objects environment. You must define the:

    location of the application components

    Business Objects installation directory Business Objects functionality required by the web application build properties for the deployable WAR

    You can define this information by setting properties in file.

    There are two types of values that you can set for these properties. A value

    can indicate: a directory path, a file name or a combination of both

    These values indicate where the Ant script can find applicationcomponents or where it must generate WAR or ZIP files. The directorypath can be an absolute or relative path.

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 33

    Assembling a Web Application

    Customizing and running a sample Ant script 2

    Deployment descriptor properties

    The deployment descriptor, web.xml, is an XML file that describes the webapplication and the components it contains. In this section, you can definevalues for tags in the deployment descriptor.

    For more information on deployment descriptors, see Deployment descriptoron page 24.

    The following table describes the properties that you can use to create orupdate tags in the deployment descriptor.

    Example: Defining the deployment descriptor properties

    The following example defines a name, description and default page for theweb application.

    # Display name of the web application. The display-name tagof the web.xml file is created or updated with this value.


    # Description of the web application. The description tag ofthe web.xml file is created or updated with this value.web-app.description=Custom Web Intelligence application.

    # Default document of the web application. This value isadded to the first row in the welcome-list tag of theweb.xml file if it is not already set.web-app.default-document=default.html

    # Virtual directory of the web application. TheConfiguration

    Tool uses this information.

    #web-app.virtual-directory=The commented property is indicated in bold.

    Property Description

    web-app.display-name creates or updates the display-nametag with the name you set

    web-app.description creates or updates the description tagwith the description you set

    web-app.default-document creates or updates the welcome-listtag with the file name you set

    web-app.virtual-directory defines the virtual directory for theweb application

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    34 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web Application

    Customizing and running a sample Ant script2

    The location of the application components

    You must define the location of the application components to be included inthe deployable WAR file. The application components can be stored in adirectory or an archive file. The following table describes the properties thatyou must set

    Example: Defining the location of the application components

    The following example specifies that the application components are in theC:\Applications\WebApplication.war file.

    # Directory path for source directories.#web-app.src.dir=

    # Directory path and file name for a source WAR file thatcontains the application components.web-app.src.file=ApplicationComponents.warweb-app.src.path=C:\Applications

    The commented properties are indicated in bold.

    The Business Objects installation directory

    You define the location of your Business Objects installation by setting theinstallation path in the businessobjects.path property. For example:

    businessobjects.path=C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 11

    The Ant script uses this information to find components that it must copy from

    your Business Objects installation.

    The Business Objects functionality used by the web application

    You can define which Business Objects functionality your web applicationrequires. The Ant script includes the required components for the functionalityin the WAR file.

    Source type Property Description

    Directory web-app.src.dir the path for the directory wherethe application components arelocated

    The components in this directoryare included in the WAR filegenerated by the Ant script.

    Archive files web-app.src.file the name of the source WAR file

    The components in this WAR fileare included in the WAR filegenerated by the Ant script.

    web-app.src.path the directory path where thesource WAR file is located

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 35

    Assembling a Web Application

    Customizing and running a sample Ant script 2

    The following table lists the properties and the Business Objects functionalityto which each one corresponds. Set the property for each feature that yourweb application requires.

    Example: Defining the Business Objects functionality used by the web


    The following example includes Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK, theJava Report Panel and the third party XML and XSL functionality in the webapplication.

    # If the web application requires Web Intelligence SDKfunctionality, comment out the following line and add Y asthe value.webi.sdk.need=Y

    # If the web application requires Web Intelligence ReportPanel functionality, comment out the following line and add

    Yas the value.webi.applet.need=Y

    # If the web application requires the Java XML parserprovided with Business Objects, comment out the followingline and add Y as the

    # External library list. Include the path and file name foreach JAR file separated by a semicolon (;).#external-lib-path.list=D:/xalan-j_2_3_1/bin/xml-apis.jar;D:/xalan-j_2_3_1/bin/xercesImpl.jar;D:/xalan-j_2_3_1/bin/xalan.jar

    The commented properties are indicated in bold.

    The deployable WAR file build parameters

    After you have specified which components the deployable WAR file contains,you must define the properties for the WAR file.

    Property Componentwebi.sdk.need Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    webi.applet.need Web Intelligence Java Report Panel

    bo.xml.need third party XML and XSL tools

    external-lib-path.list If you do not want to use the third party XMLand XSL tools provided with Business Objects,you can set the path and file name of the JARfiles for your XML and XSL tools.

    The paths must be separated by a colon (:) onUNIX or a semicolon (;) on Windows as

    illustrated in the example on page 35.

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    36 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web Application

    Customizing and running a sample Ant script2

    The following table describes the properties that define how the Ant scriptperforms the steps required to create a deployable WAR file.

    Example: Defining deployable WAR file build parameters

    The following example creates the C:\Applications\WARs\WebApplication.warfile. It creates a temp directory in C:/WebApplication and deletes it once theWAR file is generated.



    # Directory path and file name to use when generating theWAR file.web-app.dest.file=WebApplication.warweb-app.dest.path=C:\Applications\WARs\

    Ant scripts for additional steps during assembly

    In some cases you might want to carry out additional steps during theassembly of an application. You can automate these additional steps byincluding a call in the Ant script to an additional Ant script tailored for this task.

    Step Property Description

    temporary directory temp.dir the path to the directorywhere the Ant scriptcreates a temporarydirectory to use whileassembling the webapplication

    Note: The temporarydirectory is deleted oncethe deployable WAR file iscreated unless you set theDEBUG property.

    DEBUG indicates that the Antscript must not delete thetemporary folder

    WAR file createdby the Ant script

    web-app.dest.file the name of thedeployable WAR file

    web-app.dest.path the path to the directorywhere the deployableWAR file is created

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 37

    Assembling a Web Application

    Customizing and running a sample Ant script 2

    You do this by setting the name of the additional Ant script in property, for example:

    Running the Ant script

    Once you have configured the batch and properties files, you can run the antscript. To do so:

    1. Navigate to the directory that contains assemble_deploy.bat.

    2. Run sampleNameAssemblyScripts.bat.

    The script generates a deployable WAR file in the destination directoryspecified in the properties file. A BUILD SUCCESSFUL message is displayedwhen the file is generated.

    If an error message is displayed, verify that the information in your batch orproperties files is correct.

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    38 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Assembling a Web Application

    Customizing and running a sample Ant script2

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    c h a p t

    e r

    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Deploying a Web Application

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    40 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Deploying a Web Application



    To enable users to access a custom solution you must make it available over

    an intranet, an extranet or the Internet. To do so you must deploy theassembled application on a web or application server.

    This chapter describes how to deploy a J2EE or ASP custom Web Intelligencesolution on a web or application server.

    Deploying a J2EE web application

    Once you have assembled a J2EE web application, you must deploy it on anapplication server.

    To deploy a J2EE web application that uses Web Intelligence Report EngineSDK or the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI SDK or the RAS and Viewers SDK,the application must be archived in a WAR file as described in Chapter 2.

    As well as the standard J2EE application components and configuration files,the WAR must contain the Business Objects components and configurationfiles required by the application. These components are described in WhichBusiness Objects components does my web application need? on page 13.

    You can manually deploy a web application directly on your applicationserverand web server for separate static resources.

    The following figure shows where the deployed custom application

    components are located in a J2EE environment.

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 41

    Deploying a Web Application

    Deploying a J2EE web application 3

    Static resources on a web server

    If your application server is configured to run with a web server, you can deploystatic resource files on the web server.

    The following figure shows where the deployed custom application

    components are located when you deploy the static resources on a webserver.



    Application Server

    Business Objects


    Web Application (WAR file)



    Java 2 SDK

    Application components

    Configuration files

    Business Objects

    components and

    configuration files

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    42 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Deploying a Web Application

    Deploying a J2EE web application3

    Manually deploying a J2EE custom application

    You can deploy a WAR file directly on your application server. The procedureand requirements depend on your application server. For information on howto deploy an application on your application server, see the documentationprovided with the server.

    If your application server is configured to run with a web application and youwant to deploy the static resources on the web server, you must make thesecomponents available on the web server. For information on doing so, see thedocumentation provided with the web server.


    Before you manually deploy a custom application, you must have alreadydeployed a Business Objects application, for example InfoView on the samecluster with the same application and web server configuration.

    This is to ensure that the application server is configured and that anyBusiness Objects virtual directories used by the application are created.



    Application Server

    Business Objects


    Web Application (WAR file)



    Java 2 SDK

    Dynamic application


    HTML files

    Image files

    Other Static


    Configuration files

    Business Objects

    components and

    configuration files

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 43

    Deploying a Web Application

    Deploying a J2EE web application 3

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    44 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Deploying a Web Application

    Deploying a J2EE web application3

  • 7/31/2019 Deploying Web Applications En


    a p p e n d i x

    Business Objects

    Information Resources

  • 7/31/2019 Deploying Web Applications En


    Documentation and information servicesA

    46 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Documentation and information services

    Business Objects offers a full documentation set covering its products and

    their deployment. Additional support and services are also available to helpmaximize the return on your business intelligence investment. The followingsections detail where to get Business Objects documentation and how to usethe resources at Business Objects to meet your needs for technical support,education, and consulting.


    You can find answers to your questions on how to install, configure, deploy,and use Business Objects products from the documentation.

    Whats in the documentation set?

    View or download the Business Objects Documentation Roadmap, availablewith the product documentation at .

    The Documentation Roadmap references all Business Objects guides andlets you see at a glance what information is available, from where, and inwhat format.

    Where is the documentation?

    You can access electronic documentation at any time from the productinterface, the web, or from your product CD.

    Documentation from the products

    Online help and guides in Adobe PDF format are available from the productHelp menus. Where only online help is provided, the online help file containsthe entire contents of the PDF version of the guide.

    Documentation on the web

    The full electronic documentation set is available to customers on the webfrom support web site at: .

    Documentation on the product CD

    Look in the docs directory of your product CD for versions of guides in AdobePDF format.
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    Customer support, consulting and training A

    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 47

    Send us your feedback

    Do you have a suggestion on how we can improve our documentation? Isthere something you particularly like or have found useful? Drop us a line,

    and we will do our best to ensure that your suggestion is included in the nextrelease of our documentation:[email protected].

    Note: If your issue concerns a Business Objects product and not thedocumentation, please contact our Customer Support experts. Forinformation about Customer Support visit:

    Customer support, consulting and training

    A global network of Business Objects technology experts provides customersupport, education, and consulting to ensure maximum business intelligencebenefit to your business.

    How can we support you?

    Business Objects offers customer support plans to best suit the size andrequirements of your deployment. We operate customer support centers inthe following countries:


    Australia Canada

    United Kingdom


    Online Customer Support

    The Business Objects Customer Support web site contains information aboutCustomer Support programs and services. It also has links to a wide range oftechnical information including knowledgebase articles, downloads, andsupport forums.

    http://[email protected]/[email protected]/
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    Customer support, consulting and trainingA

    48 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

    Looking for the best deployment solution for yourcompany?

    Business Objects consultants can accompany you from the initial analysisstage to the delivery of your deployment project. Expertise is available inrelational and multidimensional databases, in connectivities, database designtools, customized embedding technology, and more.

    For more information, contact your local sales office, or contact us at:

    Looking for training options?

    From traditional classroom learning to targeted e-learning seminars, we can

    offer a training package to suit your learning needs and preferred learningstyle. Find more information on the Business Objects Education web site:
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    Useful addresses at a glance A

    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 49

    Useful addresses at a glance

    Address ContentBusiness Objects productinformation

    Information about the full range ofBusiness Objects products.

    Product documentation

    Business Objects productdocumentation, including theBusiness Objects DocumentationRoadmap.

    Business Objects Documentationmailbox

    [email protected]

    Send us feedback or questionsabout documentation.

    Online Customer Support

    Information on Customer Supportprograms, as well as links totechnical articles, downloads, andonline forums.

    Business Objects ConsultingServices

    Information on how BusinessObjects can help maximize yourbusiness intelligence investment.

    Business Objects Education


    Information on Business Objects

    training options and modules.[email protected]://[email protected]://
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    Useful addresses at a glanceA

    50 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK

  • 7/31/2019 Deploying Web Applications En


    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 51


    AAnt scripts

    overview 28sample scripts 29

    application servers 8

    BBusiness Objects

    consulting services 48, 49support services 47training services 48, 49

    Cconsultants, Business Objects 48customer support 47

    Ddeploying J2EE web applications

    manually 42static resources 41

    deployment descriptor 24documentation

    feedback on 47on product CD 46on the web 46roadmap 46

    Eeducation. See training

    Ffeedback, on documentation 47files

    Assemble_War.xml 30boconfig.jar 14bomenuIE.js 17, 23

    bomenuNS.js 17, 23browserDetection.js 17, 23bus405.jar 14cdzlet.jar 16cecore.jar 14, 26celib.jar 14, 26ceplugins.jar 14, 26

    cereports.jar 14, 26cesession.jar 14, 26ceutils.jar 14, 26cexsd.jar 14, 26CorbaIDL.jar 14CRDB_JavaServer.ini 18CRDBJavabeansServer.jar 18CRDBJavaServerCommon.jar18CRDBJDBCServerCommon.jar 18CRDBJDBCServer.jar 18CRDBXMLServer.jar 18crlovexternal.jar 18

    crlov.jar 18crlovmanifest.jar 18defaultConfig.jar 26defaultConfig.xml 17, 17, 26drillcontextDOM.jar 17drillcontextDom.js 23drillcontext.js 17, 23dsws-bicatalog.jar 18dsws-common.jar 18

    dswsreportengine.jar 18dsws-session.jar 18jtools.jar 17log4j.jar 15, 14, 28message.js 23MetafileRenderer.jar 18

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    52 Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK


    rasapp.jar 18rascore.jar 18

    ReportPrinter.jar 18ReportTemplate.jar 18sampleNameAssemblyScripts.bat 30, 30,

    31serialization.jar 14, 26ThinCadenza.jar 16, 25webi.jar 15, 27webireporting.jar 18webireporting-jsf.jar 18WebiReportWizard.jar 18web.xml 24

    wilog.jar 17wiserv.jar 27witools.jar 27xalan.jar 15, 27xercesImpl.jar 15, 27xml-api.jars 27xml-apl.jar 15

    Iinformation resources 45, 46


    JAR utility 28Java 2 SDK 7JSP 6overview 6

    J2EE web application componentsdeployment descriptor 24HTML generation scripts 23HTML generation style sheets 23image files for HTML generation 17, 23Jakarta log4j package 15, 27

    Jakarta log4j properties file 14, 25Java Report Panel 16trace and configuration utilities 27Web Intelligence SDK 15, 27Web Intelligence servlets 16, 27XML and XSL tools 27

    J2EE web application directories

    /classes 20/META-INF 20, 28

    /WebiApplet 25/WebiApplet/AppletConfig 26/WEB-INF 21, 24/WEB-INF/classes 21, 24/WEB-INF/lib 21, 26components 2228root directory 20, 2223

    J2EE web applicationsassembling 2128assembling in a WAR file 13Business Objects components 13components 12

    deploying 4042deployment overview 68directory structure 1921generating WAR files 28requirements 6static resources 28Web Intelligence SDK deployment 18

    Java 2 Platform Enterprise Editionsee J2EE

    Java 2 SDK 7Java Server Pages

    see JSP

    JSP 6

    OOnline Customer Support 47

    Rresources 45, 46

    Ssample Ant scripts

    application component properties 34Assemble_War.xml 30Business Objects functionality properties 34

    35Business Objects installation property 34configuring the batch file 3031configuring the properties file 31customizing 30

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    Deploying the Web Intelligence Report Engine SDK 53


    deployment descriptor properties 33running 37

    sampleNameAssemblyScripts.bat 30WAR file build properties 35

    supportcustomer 47locations 47technical 47web site 47

    Ttechnical support 47training, on Business Objects products 48

    WWAR files

    Ant scripts 28deploying manually 42deployment descriptor 24generating 28JAR utility 28static resources 28

    webcustomer support 47getting documentation via 46

    useful addresses 49web servers 8web sites

    support 47training 48

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