DePaul Cristo Rey 2011-2012 Annual Report

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Believe, Achieve, Become. Read how the DePaul Cristo Rey community experienced the first operational year of Cincinnati's newest Catholic High School.

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Page 2: DePaul Cristo Rey 2011-2012 Annual Report

Dear Friends of DePaul Cristo Rey,

If I could sum up in one word what our first year of operation as DePaul Cristo Rey High School was all about, it is this: Hope!

What are the signs of hope – literally and figuratively? Let me share a few.

Hope is alive and well in the young men and women who chose to become the very first students of a brand new high school. Hope is visible in the parents, grandparents, family members who have entrusted these young people to us – a hope that they find and grow into the potential each of them carries within. Hope is the giant leap that our students take every day as they board vans to go to their Corporate Work Study sites and undertake the process of becoming a new generation of young professionals. Hope is palpable in the life of each staff member who left other positions to take a risk with us in extending the Cristo Rey mission in Cincinnati. Hope is on the lips of every DePaul Cristo Rey student who says, “My goal is to graduate from high school and college.” And they start saying that on their very first day at our school.

When you walk down the halls of DePaul Cristo Rey High School, you notice that the door to each room has a small plaque next to it. Each plaque bears the image of a famous person along with a quote. For the conference room where we welcome most of the guests who come to visit, tour and learn about our students and school programs, we chose the image of poet Langston Hughes and a quote from a poem I memorized back in fifth grade:

Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly.

That message of hope, intended originally for our students, is for everyone who enters or passes the room. We sense it in the heart and mind of every person who has helped this school spring to life. Hope is what helped us to frame the central values we stress with our students on a daily basis: Believe, Achieve, Become. Our sponsors, the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, are women of hope. The people who share their stories in this report – Jessica Jump, Jasmine Wade and Rick Reynolds – speak words of hope. Our Board members, advisors, benefactors, Corporate Work Study Program partners, business leaders and friends from so many sectors of this local community – all are witnesses to hope. The hope that makes us believe in our students, helps them achieve their audacious goals and dreams, and guides and supports them as they become the very gifted young adults their Creator intends them to be. Thanks for joining us on this journey of hope!

With a grateful heart,

S. Jeanne Bessette, OSF, Ed.D.President/CEO

2011-2012 Board of Directors

PRESIDENT / CEO S. Jeanne Bessette, OSF, Ed.D. DePaul Cristo Rey High School

CHAIR, BOARD OF DIRECTORS Paul G. Sittenfeld Robert W. Baird & Co.

VICE CHAIR, BOARD OF DIRECTORS S. Barbara Hagedorn, SC Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati

TREASURER Eleanor B. Irwin US Bank, Retired

William Baechtold Graydon Head

Barbara Bennie Community Volunteer

Jack Bunker J Bunker Marketing, Retired

S. Brenda Busch, SC Working in Neighborhoods

Willie F. Carden, Jr. Cincinnati Board of Park Commissioners

Bernice Cooper Freestore Foodbank

Jessica White Hall The Procter & Gamble Company

S. Catherine Kirby, SC, Ph.D. Archdiocese of Cincinnati Catholic High Schools, Retired

Rev. Eric Knapp, SJ St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church

Thomas Neyer, Sr. Al. Neyer, Inc., Retired

James B. “Rick” Reynolds Bartlett Company

Julie M. Ross Community Volunteer

Page 3: DePaul Cristo Rey 2011-2012 Annual Report


“I want my sons to go

to college, and I believe

DePaul Cristo Rey is a

place where they both

can be successful.” – Jessica Jump

Jessica Jump believes that DePaul Cristo Rey will make a difference in the lives of her sons. She has three boys: Austin, a DPCR

sophomore; Cody, a freshman, as well as a fifth grader. She works more than 50 hours a week as an assistant restaurant manager with work days that include everything from scheduling employees to managing customer complaints to sometimes even delivering pizzas. It’s a challenge balancing those work demands with raising her sons as a single mom, but giving them the opportunity to attend a Catholic high school has always been her goal. When asked about their family’s experience at DePaul Cristo Rey, she simply says, “They love it and I love it.”

Austin was in eighth grade at St. Lawrence Elementary School when he and his mom first learned about DePaul Cristo Rey. Ms. Jump’s interest was piqued when she heard that DPCR would offer a Corporate Work Study Program and be co-ed. Affordability was also important. “The other high schools we considered were ridiculously expensive, and I felt like we might not fit in. Nobody should be singled out for the amount of money you make or the kind of family you’re raising,” she says. “Tuition was a big thing for me to consider until I sat down at DePaul Cristo Rey and found out how I could work out payments. After we visited the school, the staff knew us by name. I just don’t think another, bigger school would quickly know both me and my child by our first and last names,” she adds.

Her early interest in the Corporate Work Study Program has grown into admiration. She believes that Austin’s CWSP placement last year at Messer Construction had a great impact on him. “The Messer staff treated him so well. He really liked working there, and it taught him a lot of responsibility,” she explains. This school year Austin is working at the University of Cincinnati while Cody is assigned to Catholic Health Initiatives. Their mom is looking forward to seeing them both mature through these job placements.

When she considers her sons’ futures, Ms. Jump says Cody has expressed interest in becoming a doctor while she sees Austin working with animals. Regardless of what they eventually choose for their careers, she says, “I want my sons to go to college, and I believe DePaul Cristo Rey is a place where they both can be successful.”


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ACHIEVEJasmine Wade wanted something different for high school

when she considered DePaul Cristo Rey and later enrolled in its first class. She wanted new friends, new opportunities

and a place to fit in. Now looking back on her freshman year, she certainly managed to achieve those goals and far more as she learned to balance multiple commitments and manage her time with impressive results. She achieved the honor roll all four quarters while working five days a month in her Corporate Work Study Program (CWSP) position at the Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. Her CWSP performance reviews showed she consistently exceeded expectations, and on her final review, her supervisor noted her initiative, professionalism and cheerful attitude. At the all-school assembly on the last day of classes in June, her classroom efforts were recognized with academic awards in computer technology, physical science and religion. She also received Most Valuable Player awards for both volleyball and basketball. Then, at the assembly’s conclusion,

she was recognized with the Yearlong Bruin Award, DPCR’s most prestigious student honor. The award is named for the school mascot and recognizes lead-ership, faith, integrity and academic achievement. “I was so surprised; I didn’t expect that at all. My mom cried when they called my name,” Jasmine recalls.

Now a sophomore following the Honors Math/Science track, Jasmine has thrived at DPCR. “I love this school; it’s different for me. I feel comfortable here and I can be myself. Everybody knows me and how I learn,” she explains. Her grades in her ninth grade classes sometimes surprised her because she didn’t always find academic success in elementary school. “My ninth grade teachers encouraged me to do more, stayed on me about my work and made sure I had my assignments completed. They pushed me to do better and I did,” she says.

Jasmine’s favorite ninth grade subjects were math, science, health and religion. All fall right in line with her future goal to be an obstetrician. Her Corporate Work Study placement this school year is also a good fit - she’s working on the high-risk pregnancy floor at Good Samaritan Hospital. She knows she has many years of study ahead of her to achieve her career goal and has one emphatic college goal, “I want to go out-of-town; I don’t want to stay home for college,” she says. She mentions Spelman College in Atlanta as an option, or she’d like to explore schools in Florida or California.

It seems that Jasmine is making the school theme, “Believe, Achieve, Become,” her personal mantra. “I believe I can do whatever I set my mind to,” she says. “I want to achieve all the goals I set for myself and become the best I can be to succeed in life.”


“I love this school;

it’s different for me.

I feel comfortable here

and I can be myself.

Everybody knows me

and how I learn.” – Jasmine Wade

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“Everyone talks

about the need and

challenge to keep

young professional

talent in Cincinnati.

I believe DPCR can

become an important

channel for change in

our city.”

– Rick Reynolds

Rick Reynolds brings many perspectives to his role as a member of the DePaul Cristo Rey High School Board of Directors. He’s the parent of three children educated in Catholic schools who are now pursuing

careers; he’s a successful professional serving as portfolio manager at Bartlett & Co.; he’s an education advocate and volunteer, sharing his expertise with many organizations including serving as board chair of St. Xavier High School and as a volunteer with CISE, the Catholic Inner-city Schools Education Fund. He brought all of this experience with him when he joined DPCR’s Board in 2011 and now says, “I’ve served with a lot of volunteer projects and this one asks a lot, but I believe it can deliver a lot to the students and this community.”

When he joined the Board, Rick already knew the Cristo Rey model as well as several board members and school supporters. “A lot has happened with this school in a very short period of time,” he says. “It’s a tremendous challenge to start a new high school. DePaul Cristo Rey has to not only educate students, but also find them jobs and transport them to those jobs. These are enormous tasks; particularly with no alumni or parent base to rely on for financial support. However, this mission is very compelling, and it’s a new and exciting concept for this city,” he adds.

“The students are the draw; I enjoy seeing them when I’m at DPCR,” continues Rick. “It strikes me that they are pretty typical teenagers but after talking to some of them, I have realized that many have difficult family and financial situations that are not like those of most teenagers I know. Aside from their circumstances, I realize they’re just kids and I’m really glad we are here to fill in for some of what’s missing in their lives,” he says.

Rick says DePaul Cristo Rey must continue pursuing growth on several fronts to become the strong, positive community force that other Cristo Rey schools have become in their cities. “Part of ‘becoming’ is financial, raising the funds and recruiting the Corporate Partners to sustain the school. The other part is physi-cal, as we explore expanding the facilities to meet the growing enrollment. It’s also important to increase community recognition of the school mission, and all of these have to happen simultaneously, which is a great challenge,” he says.

Yet while realizing all the school itself must become, Rick also sees the potential for everything DPCR students can become for themselves, their families and their communities. “After these students go to college, I hope they will return to or stay here to become leaders and role models in Cincinnati and the region,” he says. “Everyone talks about the need and challenge to keep young professional talent in Cincinnati. I believe DPCR can become an important channel for this change in our city.”


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HONOR ROLL OF DONORSDePaul Cristo Rey High School would like to express appreciation to the following individuals, foundations, organizations and businesses for their generous donations received from July 1, 2011, to June 30, 2012.

DePaul Society $100,000 +Anonymous Foundation Jacob G. Schmidlapp Trusts, Fifth

Third Bank, TrusteesSC Ministry Foundation

elizabeth ann Seton Society

$50,000 – $99,999Anonymous IndividualMarge and Charles J. Schott


criSto rey Society $25,000 – $49,999Ruth J. and Robert A. Conway

FoundationThe Thomas J. Emery Memorial

Queen city Society $10,000 – $24,999 Anonymous Individual Anonymous Fund of the Greater

Cincinnati FoundationH.J. BenkenThe Andrew Jergens FoundationJack J. Smith, Jr. Charitable Trust,

PNC Bank and Karen B. Wachs, Co-Trustees

The Sutphin Family FoundationUrsulines of Cincinnati

charter FunD SuPPorterS $20,000 PleDge Payable Over 4 YearsAnonymous IndividualEllie and Kevin IrwinBill and Barbara KoehlRobert and Mary MaxwellSt. Francis Xavier Church (2)Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati

in Honor of: S. Brenda Busch, SC S. Barbara Hagedorn, SC S. Catherine Kirby, SC

Paul and Betsy Sittenfeld Michael WilgerThe Williams Foundation

beneFactorS oF DPcr Society $5,000 – $9,999 Barbara ApkingMary Jane BlinkaBurleigh Family FoundationDavid and Susan Deye Fund of The

Greater Cincinnati FoundationGettelfinger Family FoundationNdukwe FoundationSisters of St. Francis of Mary

Immaculate, Joliet, IL John and Francie PepperRick and Vicky ReynoldsU.S. Bancorp Foundation

PreSiDent’S Society

$1,000-$4,999The Richard L. and Patricia F.

Alderson Family FundBarbara and Dan BennieJack and Margaret BunkerDavid and Christin BurleighCatholic Health InitiativesElizabeth and Edward ConnellyCharles and Anne CusickRichard and Marcia DeCourseyGreg and Karen FarfsingGarry Family Gift FundKathleen and Gerald Greene

Family Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Michael and Mary Jo HaverkampImmaculate Heart of Mary ParishJesuit Community at St. XavierKlekamp Family Fund of The

Greater Cincinnati FoundationMr. and Mrs. Robert KohlheppPolk and Pinky LaffoonEileen and Braden MechleyDavid and Diane MocciaPaul and Terri MuethingChristine and Thomas Neyer, Sr.Harry and Helen Rabe Family

Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Colleen and Dave RettigKathy and Dennis RobbPatricia and Stephen Robertson

Family Fund of The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

Snowden and Marianne RoweHolly SchapkerSt. Mary’s ChurchDr. John and Susan TewTurner Construction Company Sparkle and Tom WorleyThomas and Paula Zalla

Mother Margaret george Society

$500-$999Bill and Julianne BaechtoldJim DaffinAndrew DeyeEmilie and David DresslerMike and Lisa HabelKen and Ruth HorneyLawrence Kyte, Jr.George and Allie MagginiJake and Angie McCulloughMount Notre Dame High SchoolMark RadojitsJoseph and Mary RomanoSisters of Charity of CincinnatiKathleen StaleyJayne Zuberbuhler

leaDerShiP Society

$250-$499Tom and MC BrennanMichael and Marianne BrunnerWillie and Tonda CardenAlbert CashAnn ChiskoMichael ConnellyMichael and Kathleen DohertyAndy and Lindsay FarfsingTim GarryRobert GriffinDick and Kathy HaglageMark C. HoganPaul KocsisDaniel and Donna LeahySteve and Amy LundMichael MarreroMike and Mary McGrawNorah and Joe MockChris MooneyJim and Vi PowersPatricia and Fred SchlimmMartha SchuelerSisters of Notre Dame de NamurSt. Anthony ChurchEd and Betty StengerRichard and Carol StevieJoe WesslingColin Willer and Kerry MurphyGeorgine and Tim WolohanPeggy and John Zink

bruin Society

$1-$249John and Eileen BarrettMargaret BernardWayne and Jane BessetteAdeline BessetteS. Jeanne Bessette, OSFCarl and Nelly BessetteWayne and June BessetteMary Ellen BetzTom and Mary Jo BlankemeyerS. Mary Bodde, SCPerry BooneEleanor BredenGerald and Andrea Breen† Susan BrendleS. Susan Bruno, OSFGina and Dale BuranHugh and Mary ByrnesRenee and Flavio CiprianiBrandy ClarkS. Kathryn Ann Connelly, SCS. Joan Elizabeth Cook, SCS. Jean Marian Crowley, SCJoseph and Wynne CurryDave and Ann CusterThomas DehmerS. Patricia Dempsey, SCMary DickersonClaire and Albert Dierckes, Jr.

Steve and Caroline EderS. Janice Ernst, SCMatt FlegeKenneth and Margee GarbschJane Garvey and John LanierDr. and Mrs. Rodney GeierSharon GermanBill and Louise GioielliS. Grace Gratsch, SCS. Joan Groff, SCLarry GryppS. Helen Miriam Gunn, SCJoy GunzaDrew HarmonJudy HarmonyDonald HeimbrockSalena HernandezS. Katherine Hoelscher, SCWilliam HuesmanAnn and George HunterRaymond Huseman and Jeanne

Franz-HusemanS. Dolores Johnson, SCS. John Miriam Jones, SCS. Marie Patrice Joyce, SCJerome R. JuddDavid KanitzMarilyn KaylorShannon and Kreg KeeseeS. Martha Kienzler, OSFS. Catherine Kirby, SCS. Georgia Kitt, SCS. Ruth Kuhn, SCKathryn LadrickCharlie and Jean LimS. Monica Lucas, SCS. Irene Luther, SCS. Patricia Malarkey, SCJames and Susan MarrsMark and Joann MaxwellRay and Kathryn MazzaErin McQuadeS. Patricia Mitchell, OSFS. Annina Morgan, SCBrian and Paula MuethingJulie Muething and Greg

GoldblattEileen MullenDarrick and Sarah MurphyNannette NaglS. Patricia Newhouse, SCJames and Surita NewmanGregory Nolan and Michele

Boullie-NolanS. Joseph Ellen Noppenberger, SCS. Jane O’Brien, ANGGreg OliverTerri PanPatricia PaulettS. Annette Paveglio, SCHoward and Jeanne PecquetKristi Phillips-SchwartzAmelia and Tom RiedelMike and Kathy RobinsonDan and Kennetha Schmits

† denotes deceased6

Page 7: DePaul Cristo Rey 2011-2012 Annual Report

David SchusterSt. Elizabeth PhysiciansS. Rita Sturwold, SNDdeNJeff Susor and Erin NealonJohn TafaroLou and Debra TerharS. Marie Irene Tessmer, SCS. Regina Tevis, SCPhilip and Joan ThompsonJohn and Teresa TrebbienS. Martha Seton Tsai, SCS. Mary Pauline Tsai, SCGeorge and Kim VincentHarry VoetAnne Marie and Richard WagnerS. Anne Wayrowski, OSFIngrid and Jerry WeberJudith WimbergS. Mary Carol Wintzinger, SCSteve and Nellie WulffDavid and Marilyn YoungS. Mary Jo Young, OSFTherese Young

Matching giFt coMPanieS Baird Foundation, Inc. Barnes Group Foundation, Inc.Edison GiftsITW Matching Gift ProgramSC Johnson Fund, Inc.

giFtS in KinD

Evangeline Andarsio, MDS. Donna Marie Baier, OSFBagel BrothersBalloonworksBoys Hope Girls HopeEleanor BredenGina ByrnesCargill Flavor SystemsCollege of Mount St. JosephDress for SuccessHeidi Mechley-FeltonCamille GartnerS. Paula Gonzalez, SCKeating Muething and KlekampS. Elaine Kerscher, OSFSt. Xavier High School S. Pat Mitchell, OSF

Emily PanS. Montiel Rosenthal, SC, MDSuzanne Bessette-SmithJude O’Grady TyznikWagman Company Joe WesslingXavier University S. Mary Jo Young, OSFTherese YoungMany individuals who donated

clothing for our students

MeMorialS In Memory of Joseph Berson

S. Marie Irene Tessmer, SCIn Memory of Josephine

Bramlage S. Marie Irene Tessmer, SC

In Memory of Ben Brauer Sparkle and Tom Worley

In Memory of Ray Chandler Sparkle and Tom Worley

In Memory of S. Armin Cooper, SC S. Imelda Cooper, SC

In Memory of Joseph Dermody S. Marie Irene Tessmer, SC

In Memory of Mike Farrell Sparkle and Tom Worley

In Memory of Beth Fries Sparkle and Tom Worley

In Memory of Geneva Gutman Sparkle and Tom Worley

In Memory of Eileen Hagedorn S. Marie Irene Tessmer, SC

Sparkle and Tom WorleyIn Memory of Arthur Herrmann

Sparkle and Tom WorleyIn Memory of James Kasselmann

Pat and Steve RobertsonIn Memory of Janice Krekeler

Hodory Sam and Maureen Baker

Judy Barron Barron, Peck, Bennie &

Schlemmer Co., LPA S. Jeanne Bessette, OSF Rosemary Brune George and June Coors Peggy Fisk

Pam and Brad Gerdes Henry and Virginia Gessing Great Traditions Development Group, Inc. Sarah Gutfreund Hixson - Electrical Engineering

Department Hixson, Inc. Richard and Marlene Hodory Tom and Marty Humes Michael and Janice Kahsar Linda Roberts Jacobs Family

Fund Nancy and Bill Keating Joan and Bill Keating, Jr. Janet and Larry Keiner Virginia Kemme King Lighting Kathy and Tom Liguzinski Tom and Jean Macejko Carol Marker Bill and Dori Matson Bill and Beth Mulvihill Mark and Kathy O’Brien Josh Perlstein Keith Perlstein Steve and Pat Robertson Leon and Mary Jean Schellman Patricia Schlegel Philip and Nancy Shepardson David and Marcia Siebenburgen Paul and Betsy Sittenfeld Ed and Betty Stenger Kathleen Stockham Mary Beth and Tom Sundermann Eugene Utz Gertrude Utz Martha Wolf Sparkle and Tom Worley Dick and Jane YostIn Memory of Genevieve Lynch

Georgine and Tim WolohanIn Memory of Clifford Mueller

Sparkle and Tom WorleyIn Memory of Mildred and John

Muething The Muething Family

In Memory of Patty O’Donnell Sparkle and Tom Worley

In Memory of Reid Rizzo Drew Harmon

In Memory of Ruth Schenkel Sparkle and Tom Worley


In Honor of Barb Bennie Steve and Chris Hils

In Honor of S. Jeanne Bessette, OSF Colleen and Dave Rettig

In Honor of S. Shirley Dix, SC 75th Birthday Robert and Mary Maxwell

In Honor of S. Barbara Hagedorn, SC SC Ministry Foundation

In Honor of Karen Hoeb SC Ministry Foundation

In Honor of Rev. Eric Knapp, SJ S. Sally Duffy, SC

In Honor of Patti Ries’ Fifth Anniversary at GCF The Greater Cincinnati Foundation

In Honor of Mr. and Mrs. FB Schlimm, Sr. Margee and Ken Garbsch

In Honor of Paul and Betsy Sittenfeld Hoeb Family Fund of the Greater Cincinnati Foundation

In Honor of Sisters of Charity 2011 Golden Jubilees S. Irene Tessmer, SC

In Honor of Sisters of Charity 2011 Silver Jubilees S. Irene Tessmer, SC

In Honor of S. Joan Wessendarp, SC Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati

Every effort has been made to keep this list error-free. If your name was overlooked or improperly printed, please accept our apologies. We invite you to contact us to correct the error by calling 513-861-0600.




Foundations ..................................... $ 1,013,000

Individual Gifts ................................. $ 936,800

Charter Fund Scholarships ........... $ 45,200

Total .......................................... $ 1,995,000

Source of Funds

Page 8: DePaul Cristo Rey 2011-2012 Annual Report

Archdiocese of Cincinnati


Burke & Schindler, PLL

Catholic Health Initiatives

Catholic Health Partners

Catholic Inner-City Schools Education Fund (CISE)

Cincinnati Reds, LLC

College of Mount St. Joseph


Freestore Foodbank

Frisch’s Restaurants, Inc.

Gallagher SKS

Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney

Keating Muething & Klekamp PLL


Megen Construction

Messer Construction

Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

St. Elizabeth Physicians

Thomas More College

TriHealth and Good Samaritan Hospital

Turner Construction

Western & Southern

Xavier University

DePaul Cristo Rey High School, sponsored by the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, provides an opportunity for young women and men

with economic need to obtain a Catholic, college preparatory education made affordable through an innovative Corporate Work Study Program.

1133 Clifton Hills AvenueCincinnati, Ohio 45220


(513) 861-0600www.depaulcristorey.org

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corPorate PartnerS who eMPloyeD StuDentS During the 2011-2012 School year