“缶轟 も¨ |:κ ('日 もい 2)希 竜 王国 "Hl¨ 222つ 01・ lt,!0こ /38角 mに ,m30-5-200n J/0ツ 20122幅 1呵 Ч調 ((汗 H職 肩平耳 ) wF―t赫 ${g{, rirffidn, frliq zo e+'rm zotg-glzu 29, TFF 1935 €lrr4 qEt qfoqp 4gtq t-ount rixdq, {€Tilfr q?l=t, T{nwrgl {qg{, ffiis 20 3rrrkl 2013 24-04/2043ハ ―赫 劇Ч マ町赫 iT― 翻闘静再 , 2釧 0023Щ 2∝ 0)哺 18論 2酬 哺輛 育爺 R口 tcr、 1● ,静 側面 m颯 ,さ ,缶 きも蜘 ■躙18論蒻躙で (1)孤 m哺 W Ч I。角翻 I tCIDさ ,a無 : h 1載 lH,― o wR― (1)う m― o国"」 2TT赫 轟命 ¨ ,2013 m l (2)奮 R鵜 育前 | (3)aく ヽЧ´奮赫 cIマ |」 爺可峙 uO印 | 2喩 に一 (1)コ .lcI而 稀 まヾ含針●町爺Rて ゛― (T)` '静 ''奇 研時始 ,… ぃЧ u咽 1こ で¶れЧ●く平響 n wttR I即 呵研嚇 , 2010: ,t rr, -- ti {rt , I l 37

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「  ヽ、   ィ  ヽ

“缶轟 餃 希 赫 も¨

もぃ な |:κ 卿 ('日 もい

缶 2)希 輌 竜 王国"Hl¨

市 222つ 01・lt,!0こ/38角 ゛


赫 赫

…J/0ツ 20122幅…

く1呵 Ч調


wF― t赫

${g{, rirffidn, frliq zo e+'rm zotg-glzu 29, TFF 1935

€lrr4 qEt qfoqp 4gtq t-ount

rixdq, {€Tilfr q?l=t, T{nwrgl

{qg{, ffiis 20 3rrrkl 2013

…縮 甲 24-04/2043ハ lλ―赫 劇Ч3Π中国マ町赫 輌・iT― 剛 翻闘静再


2釧 0023Щ 2∝ 0)哺 躙 18論 蒻 躙島2酬 卿 爾 哺 輛 育爺 R口 可tcr、

。ヽ平1●,静側面 m颯 ,さ,缶きも蜘

■ 躙 18論 蒻 躙で(1)孤 鍮 m哺円 W ЧI。 う 赫 角 翻 可 I tCIDさ,a無 :


1載 円 ‖lH,― o wR― (1)う m― o国 sЧ .Ч"」

で■2TT赫 轟 命¨

卿 輛 ,2013 m l

(2)奮爾 撫 R鵜ゴ 櫛 鵬 口 育 前 |

(3)aく Чヽ 奮赫 舅cIマ |」 爺 可峙uO印 諦 |

2喩躙に一 (1)コ 輸 奇.lcI而 稀ま 含ヾ針●町爺Rて ■ ―

(T)` '静前 ''奇 研時始さ,… ぃЧu咽・

1こ で¶れ Ч●く平響n wttR I即呵研嚇,


,t rr, -- ti {rt , I l


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―oヽ Ч

",飾20… 2“ 3

: (u)“ 郡職油¬耐研き'ミ 劇耐始さ調m、 缶馴 9奮 爺哺ヽ赫 ;

0)“双ば'金 3両同さ颯 t揃 ,wtl竜 0き爺 輸lm潮哺 ;

‐ (Ч )“釘蒙や'金 乖備 さ¬缶輸 奇燎円 河ぃ ;

(0 `節可Ⅵl。■''ミ 釧缶始さ

ul場・ ;

(可)``0群清 晉ご'金 訴編 さ価 冒綸冊爺ス (τ平耐じ 呵 ― 鎌

楡蜀T)赫昭 2002希 ヨ椰■6育 可れM哺ぱ(痛活 F研 呵 研町77'マRЧ耐ヽ同sく |● 1く l


: (2)劇 平ゴ鎌 哺 希,奇 膏 メヽtcI● さ象 wi捕 育根輛おギ さ贖 赫 奮

燎備 さ蛉HⅥ :■ 研ゴtη 奇調 oFtlTM育 蒻希1載 平ば臨 さ|



添扁t― (1)爾 静ゴ ヽ研輛 轟南訂f論 ヽ 爾ヽ 赫 哺 哺珈m捕 諦 ■¶

赫 希鏑・

ヾ 爺 Щ ttF希 ― 範 輸 爺 命郭TЧて円。1爺 可け l

(2)哺疇螂珠讀)]図 承誦ヽ可赫 希赫 でWη研蘇ヽ囀 爺 ミ 誦ヾ輛可哺編

育旅 F嘲論 函 爺 哺 河 面 R鍮 訳 静綺fれ 爺油 |

4哺 蛾W― 希T蔵―哺 喘晰漏捕 ヾ 劇H"可請 可れ,金 破薇τ ttЧ 奮

…馴呵 ヽ翻 論倒前論 議 ゃヽ 輛ζ朝厭葛 さ,奇 仲預即てき:一

(T)師満蒻爺 Ⅶξ3,6ゴR9希 W輸 希_栗 愉弼 Ⅶ阿 司薇m/雨雨 囀

く■レ甲紺mtt Ct・ く‖しf襴論 やく■1可 青昭 фく"I,

(U)爺 轟 馴 諭 椰 こ4で 12希 研輛 メ¶■f裁 爺 竜 くUo翻 釧 m阿 耶 ぃ く.|;

(■)卸 哺Wず)躙 5鶯 釘希 誡鍮 Tf裁 哺 _輛 /て西漏 爺 )¬競 希歓 巡Gメ:Ч qlく ¬1;

(■)爺 満 薔 計 tTRT 7ごk18(2)` 網 h鋼 雨 欽 哺 _T甫 論 可 ぃ くqI■ 1;

(0 …

論 甲111ヽ 研希 3面輛 倍RRtt m則 て町誦 喘、■l,

(可)噺 綸 W論 Ⅶξ 13象 14希 研希 釧眸 円 ヽ wl命 希可Ч3謙国 欧 哺 報郎


lヽ¬ W釈 哺ボ載椰金お臨 赫 論爺 1中く」L

Чくも平お喘赫 ヽ3哺蒻弔‖鮒IЧ¨_ぃЧ希ヾ さ|

IInd er{i i.q a 9 t3

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gtfqrrd {nict, f(ti* zo effR zotg フ38(1)

5. 1可含甫 ,J飾市民Y 可 可甲靖d● .― 軸 赫 ″マて鋼研不可 輌

哺 ¬ 頭 弼 油 ■ 5滴輔 可 硼 h′ 飾 F……… …………Ⅲ

命 Чく可|‖ 金釘町 Ψ―

..l、 藪新 1驀 赫 赫可 乖満 命

摘 爾 諭 覆 輌 赫 1驀 赫 ′叩 障― 酬 赫

討 奇 師 哺 命 令都硼 箭 燎 市油 |

軍 檎 諭 ,T― → t師哺 翠 丁載 31R― 褒 γ 宿 河 輌 命 GIく |れ

も呻 /可軌 燎軸 騎 命 哺 命 輸 赫 命―

諭 鋼 可

剌 Os劇 制 司 雨 硼 h箭 前 ぎ

諭 づ 取 き 育

鋪 てョTさトロ「 |

可ゴ奇ξl可Tlu可 可可戻F■万雨静吼_嚇潮 w舗哺 奇 むぃ 爛マ謳零令

諭 ボ 命腋 、1凶 ぐ、фlて 劇61ЧOI― yく |・ 取 W哺 さ′輔 い

刈さ1劇gl― 諭 ‖l,1赫 31mごヽ 鋼Ч命 赫 命 3TM瞑鋼酬賄 き |

飾 輛 い ①赫 軸 軍Tla hw前 _

1口 m刺 。¬Ч 鍮 赫 ぃ甲w3al _鋼珊2噸 :夢図 輛 缶 劇 輸 繭 嘔 ゛ 一 釧くヽ 刊

哺 同 可 哺 )

3-/nw(魚 ′W雨ヽ 平粛岡PttΠ _ 劇く樹

4」側 赫 諭 輔 0・ 爺う′鋪 T幸蘭 ― 劇く刊

5 8輛命マ

「應 T覇両マ町 ¬熙町町 ‖υsd爾


F¥苛 _ 劇q、劇

a師 哺 赫

乙 脳 咄 赫

0)鋪 T謝論 諭 前 喩ヽ ね軍育赫 的 硼 ゛研 50′ 軍爾

爾 un嘱 詳TJ油 ゴ静πl w甫可¬寺 T fttΠ /赫

・  ´ ・




― 劇くヽ 習

一 劇くヽ 刊 可PΠ

t) cftF-fu-s GrM drrTl

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_。 ■Ч、前 29-2∞ 3

738 (2)

凩 同 曰 悧 郡 躍畷驚

‐ヽき②塩Ⅷ頸 鰈 凛

赫 詢 赫 詢 |

0揚]ぽぅ蜆 猾 鵠 鯰 檻劇‖舒 思金 -1

9 輛 謙 可 蔽 前 一

載 町可 10命 繭 翻 瑯 伽 ′輌浦

赫 GIヽ1可。 爺 爺 命錬 薄 捕 奇 取 鋪 Rて前 命飲 鋪 桶

輸 輔 命 輛 命 輛 司 沌 賄 帥 翼 輸 謙 命 諭 爺輛

卿 耐 お 諭 預 さ‐

lTl市師 ′雨 呵 諏 :溝 岡 綸 爺 さ 劇ヽ 晒 赫 諭

恭駅 ざ Tヽ舗喩赫 赫 命Wう ;

lUl乖 隔 師 ′am衡 師 :¥渕 薄 可薇 同―

命 マ圏 爾 ヽ

lWl誦廠 ′師

:釘養 ′揃 m′ 瞳 。 い 分 鋪輛

畷禽ぶ金訥縁1て論師田 赫 命甲朝 う|

12)… Чf時綸 命 域lく |`ソ 1鳴 赫 雨 明 /~′ き :衡 礎 轟

輌 命 ス誡 諭 司゛ ′命マ鋼鏑 哺 繭 諭 籠 T090簡 1命 憮

繭 研 舗 酬 稀 可 口l、.|||

0)捕和 9T~′ 軸 m命 爺師諭 會 ′面m可 纂画

取 劇Φ GIさ 可 `研 ずだ 31u ttRヨ マ不て 劇Φdlさ′輛 Clu赫

劇‖釧01き |

10 鰈ボ河 ‖lЧ qus― (1)訴沿硼 命研輛 可響` りIЧ 可む 命鍮ぃ潮ヽ

輸 百 爺 閥 椰 Π 諭 弱 W町 うョ mO前 叩 1う

鋪 随 wtta m m劇 ‖・

取 櫛 舗 揃 可 蘇漸 ′軍 輌

赫 もЧ゛ CIDく」|ざ可 |

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m20… 2"3 ア38(3)

o)爾 m諭 _゛ 9π 諭 平山 命弼 油 研踊 命飾 ら妍 喩


・|づ れ 闘 綸 諭 輌哺 哺 舗 |


l■ う釘面 竜 束 飾 3鴨 諭 鍋 討 ′嚇 彊 師

綸 衡 3田 鋪 則 画 鋪 榊 命 赫 哺 て 赫 ブ w機 的6鴨 舗 ′ョ Mゃ 諭 _諭 論 耳 。 9薇 命 頭 師

赫 酬 鍮 口 育資 喩 f漱 粛 諭 劇 れ 赫 酬 師

0ぼ ¬ヽデや。ф

刊 lЧ

・|¬奇劇コlo■ 可 3TM赫


13)¨ ′爺 もЧく載 祈 鴻 爺楡可 爾涸含 命 Чマ.lq鋪諏 T耐可

―輌キ育録岡 憲斗ざ 命 醐 漸 講 師可 6命 軸

頭 漏 輔 哺 厳同 前 |

|)調 鋪 命w―P円 0)書 賑俸ザ輔 ql。 命論 蒻喩′囀楡哺 輔 ′鋪 田 ィ 伽 薄 輌 命 合 な 7可飾 に |ゅ 諭 赫 ゛

赫 w譴 鍮 飾 I劇 ‖q Чq‖ 釈 劇фdlミ繭


lTl t T酬稀 T wilЧ■1命 哺 願/面繭 glマlヵ齢 山 命

錬 可 奇 Ш :

lUI T命 鍮ζe戯可 輛 命山 命wO町 可可 o■

lTl司Tや 薇 缶 w命 ,マ 3面爾 硬煎 劇‖Ч′耐 m諭繭 ゛ 3が ゛師お ■ ぜ田 |

l■lw― l■ あ 赫 Tw画 書 赫

闊 謙 謙 軸

赫 戚 a飛 缶/_/… 爾 6 TIE諭 爾 哺可 ЧlqЧф‖ の、■|き可 鎌 翫 罰 画 薫『 、1国 赫 含下 蘭 含 平 T命

釘哺町Ч‖lυ lЧ,3Th Φく■|マキ叩 |

le1 3が 諭 面 哺 命 賢 む 命 Чマ●lq′ 帥 #奇 科 T_刈‖樹 川」ф′W可 命飲 弧 討 酬 赫 摘 噛 赫 耐

諭 褒愉 萄 Ч 呵 育爾ゴζ面 ぅ 蠅 哺 命 可浦 |

11.可謙 Π 凛 〕マR今 命 me口 町._(1)●ず口町謙 舗 Ⅷ Ч 呵 鋪

命可漱綸蘇町的 哺師

計':一oョ m諭 鍮 脚 諭 繭 取 哺 ゛含 怪師 哺

,/'f,.fiBfid {anw{r3i o), gq Mf q,t Grf}q{fiT +1 arfie r} oo ffi 6.y'

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738 \4)―

o、 Ч,,飾 20m2043

無 面 飾 哺 冷 晰 滞 甫 命 赫 育(電F2育 欧 TIR ЧI●Ч命

硼 Wい哺 萌 譴 師轟 Ty、d輛 詢 |

lul cn∩硼 諭 日画 5命 鋼TR栄 爺 鋼蔵可′叩 3葺 可21T針誨

も呻 命可Ч 哺 鍮 ,f席粛 命 .|‖ wもパ}ミ澪 ずて/爺懸ョ群ま 命,ゅЧう釘∩暉両wき _奇 可可成、1 研u砥命 3う ∩Q町 もcф

劇‖0-対‖ Wゴ 漁 可 ?口T可 劇фdlさ |

l■l釧給 謙 籠満 も③ 枡 輌 命 弼 嚇輸 輸 輔 ョ|マ |

輛 y‖ IЧ 咽 waf油 可れ 命 稀 彎 げ 4う 飲 穴 ЧIもЧ奇

輔 両 司姉 1疇h ЧttЧ 呪 輔 請 哺 赫 o6鴨 諭

m ttf改 洸 輛 |

0輌 輸 輸 輔 命 ョ1嘲 _輔 綸 的 Чl,dl諭 會 け鋼 → 命譴 哺 可 Ч‖l

υl爾 諭 織「 3爾 命魏 赫 諭哺 ヽ 薄 Ч 呵 命 令 鋪 獅 的 師 可哺 諭 爺 櫛 訂Ftt ul、 ■け

~)輛 椰 耳 論 。¬面 命 岬 訳 櫛 雨 前 η帖 さ哺 甫

哺 耐 い 面 油 諭 師可30マ 6命 謙山 頭 れ 可Qて前 ′爺 稀

講 師ご8命 燎山 可哺 飩 5訴 諭 爾 命 飲 済 輛 |

騨翼計二Υ條竃w喘赫箭甲哺 ∩翻 ざ命哺 喩可舗裁 可豫 1焉哺 綸 ゛幸駅 下こ劇Φgl主

1ヽ31輛 呵 ョ m命 軸 櫛 ЧIЧ て前 葺缶 可く。dlさ′奇 蓼‖Ч■1諭 研 雨 命 飲 F:釧柚 фくJIモ漸 1釘輛 詭 も呻

哺 輛 爺 柿 TR綸囲 w阿 命 師ζ可哺 峨 可さ|ョ m命研輛 驀ハ 雨 命 飲 _赫 綸

諭 輔 ¬ 耳Чtt Ч Ч J

輔 捕 鎌 陶 前 謙 翻 櫛 箭 輸 甲 前 捕 珂 可油 |

12)ぜ自Ч田面 命可燎輔¬町的 輸瓢 _lTl鎌爺 命

計 命 ЧマЧlq′ 回 喩 訳―



ン商 店 命 蒻 甫 赫 諭 噛 奇 囮 |

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劇 Ч,,m20-2m3 738 (s)

lul tt m諭 諭 甲 T tt sIく′耐 い Tw‖Ч■1刊商 函 キ哺

、電фずヽ 喩 0森昴 Jリコ 3う 針誨 も呻 命 マ阿 釘潔o2'針 誨

,Ч,命 卿 て体郎ン可動 ,新蘇可汗a可針釘資可Ч、d可べ今 |

l■l― 哺 うギ満 爾 刊蘭 T命 繭 鋪 諭 w池 可 覆油 詢

咆 ′命 赫 諭 論 回゛研 0研 30鋪 ゛司 哺 詢 咆 |

l■lⅢ綸 輔 耐 )赫 輸 爾 パ た う間 四 命 飲 輔 山



に)弼f博酬 取 ЧIЧ l朝 lqlさ ヽ Ⅶ 呵 今赫 珊 耐 諭 w捕輸 さ,命 嚇輸 可舗捕

―モ浦 綸 ゛争飛 下こ劇Φdiさ


171哺 椰 吼 ョ 輛 命 研輌― ЧI¶ 釈き育飾 aくさ。|さ′

命 椰 Π 奇 研雨 命 飲 F:― ф、■11油 |― 的 も

哺 言潮 爺 ず日熊蒔岡 下霜可命腋 可晰 轟 飾 さ|ョ 鎌浦 命

研輛 ζFQ ttR命 欧 研蔵 可て繭 綸 驀耳円可碇市諭 輔 ¬ 耳,劇ⅣIЧ ,

輔 捕 鎌 Π― 謙 椰 捕 諭 輔 甲 詢 ・Ta Ⅶ w油|

0)て甫 d介同 輌 奇命鍮てでЩ 劇l‖IJ町き|¥町駅 き喩:一

lTl― 諭蒻愉面 Ⅶ呵 育闘 ヾ ゛ 師 師 /理剛 Wm育

叩 革

命 輌 輸 捕 赫 鍮 箭

lul可醸 面 ]可 て 論 ,配 可甫 可 uく lqき 捕 諭 無満 主 Ⅲ )甫

輔 漸 甫 命 GIくld楡 同 Ⅶ 呵 命 ― 諭 卵戯 鎌 蠅 暉 や3奇

可町 衡轟ヽ もψ 命 電T旧 命 Чマ●lq櫛 諭 研耶命 wa n可wф命さ|マw録円命針n可 ミ珊含罰甫可a可田 Ч‖lulЧ ,/可だ0■ 命

疎 酬 。/F函 智 徹 “猥 録 耐 駒 耐 前 |

l・TI Ⅲ 橘

―l■ ttTI赫舗 可 輛 油 可 驀田 命喩 繭

諭 鋪倉 う′ギ喩同 下ョlЧ J glく |百可Чфlヽ 命'哺

赫 命誡 う

輸 命 輸 輔 諭 っ てftt ul」1前′謙 嘱眸 可 て 呼 網

frtq qd d fir qeffi€rfr q+: eiliq{ fu-q1 qmr dqT 1

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73816) g*srrd {Ficr, klio zo errrw zors

0刊 iЧ■1命 驀新 韓 T/司鰊 活 諭 ぢ甫 葺 可熊 庁 T/wΠ 郁 派 精 研呵

童 舗 諭 飾 計群′輔―

箭 軍爾 哺 輔 諭 qlЧ tt Φく■|

輛 |

~)輸命輸 輔 命哺 舗 栖 飼ば 諭 Ч■晰豪 葺瘍」1前

鎌 31H uJ側 酬 哺 哺 取 誡 岬 可 ф謝■ 前 |

l■lW画 謙 珊諭 命 ■l‖ 育― 司0/Чく|■ f漸 赫 ゛

Ⅶ命令」|‖ 書雨さ|

131硼 郡 漸 U漸 o2TCrT晰詠 m― 綸 輔

…/Wマ R鎌頑沿 訂燎爺 命可哺 うミ ミ刑→た面 頭 f派綸輔

m詭 螂 令薇 田 可 詢 1戯 椰 満 Ⅷ 櫛 書輛

輸 /モ輸 う啄示柿司爺回う qlポ 諭 Ш命さ′ョ 含輔 命針輛

釧 訳 れ 諭 31-捕 a甫 |

12_頭れ 命琳 柿 可 諭 ,f油_― ←)赫 呻 諭 捕 櫛

心 ヽ 劇州Ч 舗 命 可 ゛ 硼 n・T弼 ギ 赫 豫 町 命 腋 鏑

だヤ司T 詢 |

・)― 命

…諭 晰洵 哺 試 爺 妻 刊岡 命 令

¨ 身飲舗さ|

13_… Ⅶ 呵 ざ →

― (1)可ホ油禽 爺 耐 〕 glマ IJ阿今

諭 T前 う摘 鍋 可耐 可りlЧ 赫 ¨ 舗 諭 市鎌 ロ

輸 蒻 爺は 研 切剛 鱈 呵 輛 ul、‖|1驀 Ψ ■1可輛 て育0前 咆 ごヽ 31「Tu劇 酬 哺 諭 駅 vttd゛

…帥 椒 |

12)J謙駅 箭 e可け 6い刊 1`)対 R耐前 ЧIもЧ葺詳駅 0マ (畑雨

諭 ul、 111′ RRギ斗劇‖劇_劇‖劇てRマた憮F干 £朦町可 W命可TI

14_鋪 舗 可 蓼1:Ч Jl鋪 Glヽ:01諭 哺 (面台可_赫 軍 ■群 爾

刊円¶諭 誡 函 赫 飲 釈 謙 /卸 輛 可δ 衡、哺 欧

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― ・・Ч ,前 20-2"3 738(ア )


駅 輔 可 濠 Ru■1詢′赫 稀 蠅口 7奇 蒙赫 Tlwさ′謙

載 劇‖q一劇‖Ч てRO可 泊町 輛 可 可命可TI

赫 a町 m/金 Fぎo医T きヽ哺F 帯ヽ R■汗ざ可_― (1)琢含下

で肝轟可 刊旧L 劇"|‖

ф 可 謙辰1/衡譴可 命晰む /き市 clpa

h鰊 菊 ね Ⅲ

命 耐 ′燎舗 論 命 wm可 ■

w熙可aFmtta tt Ч、。マミ今:一

lTl a舗河 Ч 呵 書14唸 命 蕪 2TT 31c― 命 可哺 書W浦網 m"跡 o命 こ繭 奮 卜「 育 Ow喩 命哺 哺

司甫/哺 /、dlu fン)爺 下 (狂岡■ 8う ミ銀油食肩 ЧIもЧ命 領FRo中|…揃 可 輛 命 椰囲 ゛ 剣漏 Ψ ■!奇 司輸 れ れ

哺 Ч ゛ Ч 舗 ′赫 ′れ 申 ′ 輛ヽ 1嶽ヽ 輛 Щ ′餃 輔

赫 l― l′爾 国く,,可≧厖前間 、コく,m′

濠口 二 甲 ′

TTR― れ 釧 資 鋼 前 m一 硼 取

鴨 劇く制 酬ヽ 論 自 前 爺 |

lul叩 9奇 欧 釈 yIもЧ命 針Ⅳ R郁濡 掏掟 |

マ町0可 /、 lvq tt lul可 図 雨面 前


赫 ヽヽ卵 マ介 R煮羽でF隔耳Ч′ 岬 可 国ヾ棘鮮 glく | マ可 ¬国町 う

― ― 駅 輔 鋪 哺 い 時 油 岬 呻 /w雨マTRπ 赫 葺 可f崚7 詢 ぎ口TI 楡 /く |‐● 劇くфlヽ 諭 m赫 請 命 赫 w赫 含諭 舗 |… trr、 1国

下だ隣河 /ゴ、FK痛′0金_ЧЧq′ ヾヽ千れ円 0マ師可 赫 ′魚 師可′輛

Φ劇I UI命 紆論 訳哺 赫 ′奇脳 瞭 ′飾 赫 T琢爺 ,諭

晰 派 輌 騨 ′市 飾 侍甫 命 FTf満 可

"軍爬 可赫 命

m、 哺 爺 ヽ Чttd金可 司介TI

ボヽ 命電輛 爺 諭 可マ師 さ■qlⅥ dL一 ←)Ч"Φ

琢新商可w ЧJI諭 繭 謙 /可 画 ら gく1晰轟 喩 我 耐爾 命 雨 町 う

評 楡 慾 T可呵 れ 申 Φく・

1油 :



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738(8) strgqa {rEqt, k+ia zo elrm zors

lTl静前 輛 a/前可/前浦 諭 呻 ′фlヽUI′ 輛 鋪 哺噛 命

爺 う 蘇雨 命―


lul前繭 翻 け 0鎌 爺 知 爺 命哉 う雨 前 珊 輔 ;

0哺 命酬 もЧ・ K命 て漸 櫛 岬 駅 硼 ―命Чマ引q

赫 鋪舗河飾 ゴ 諭 赫 ;

l■l― 可 国 命 頭 派 躙 熊面 諭 躙 論 l-6命 飲 ″

も"諭 鋼哺 命qlく′我 3T― う;

~)― 命 劇‖Чミ蔀 綸 |、 |マ |′ 衡輔 輛 /嚇 諭 紬 ′

m tt Tlw姉 ′繭 覇 ′哺 四 謙 毅 ゴ 研

赫 肺 舗 l

12)黛万 軍綸 萄 下卿「平雨 謙 赫 喩 廠 け

辞 翻 派 赫 諭 』 飾 こマ前 ‐

lTlボ肖阿′哺剛命 鎌 詢雨 命 謙百 可角T謙 ホ甫卿 可

lUl ヾ ぼ 織 町 く劇 謙 く劇 も劇 lく 命 W研 層 命 ゞ 謙

31-/S司 甜 油 ゴれ哺 /輛 ,誦油 ′硼 ′鋪頑 覇ミk積 き

謙 n」


赫 誦 薇 Πtt Ψ ¶ 哺 輛 油

3Tly lマヽ 輸'stt

η画 ●櫛 金`Ψ■11論研さim唸 祠 ‖馴嚇 ,晰訥 Ⅲ 硼 さ嚇 ;ず漁 嚇 ЧI劇 縁圏 w耐 さ

謙 鏑 耳QP耳 爾 F・町国日 oヽ J劇 l` Rヌ可 ul、マ||;

l■l哺剃 命 赫 喩 π¬雨 命 詢で可満 赫 爾 諭 研 |

夕`GICICt tt gIく 1哺印πf袂 司甫 諭 蒲` う′wTは爾喩新潮

3TM oЧ ゛u哺編 ぜ甫 誦訳 :

lnl豫洒 諭

可 赫 |ヽさF瀧 ゛―

′帖 lく |

晰 濡 命 賑 回 針 0鋼 TT輛 可 可 鋪 命 ЧI劇 Чфc tt фく可|,

に)a爾 島論 ぃ 肩 命甲薇 命 令命騎 可濡 諭 詢 可/瀬咽

ЧIЧ 綸 研 爺 漱 1赫 楠 謙 繭 赦 爾 哺 詢 ′

輛 可/赫 命 飲 H」 I TO tt фlくUI哺 可 劇фdiポ浦 あ

薫町 命 fむ,舗 甲 豪 命 晰M済 さ′ポ満 台耳諭 雨細 、長劇

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―o・ Чメ,m20… 2013 738 (9)

輌 面 珂 NACO)gIく 1劇 H● 劇‖Ч π ttafm含 輸 研 ЧI。 .


l■l輛 箭 珂 舗 諭 節 ヽ g2TcrT硼雨 GIマIW諭 せ 爺

諭 面 可 鋼

lUl衡爺 国 ゛ 町 れ う繭 諭 魚天/Ⅶ蘇 円 マ綸 可 諭 孤 ′

我 赫 劃 赫 藤 資 咋 呵 輛 爺 ;

付)録耐 命/剥 命 glく1躙而 育面嗜 哺 命 きΠ 勲 則 命

飲 哺 則 /て摘 命 飲 哺 蒻 喩 T介 可 翻諭 釈 |

。)哺 m哺 刈‖爛 ポ浦 諭 、劇IЧ 綸 綸 赫 箭 昴軸「 う

‖|■ l ul、 ‖l′ 命 哺 満 諭 耶師命腋 CIF Ⅲ :|コ駅 詢 |

18 Чゴ奇甫'Tl―

劇、w― 諭 ,TR・Tご資…

載 Ч枷

l― 可 憮 市 可 ‐ (1)嚇綸 爺潮れ a蒻 命」|‖ ゛可赫

Чq■ |‖ ゛櫛 臨 鎌 菊 wう ぼ 含哺 喩 m/可期 金 clu Чl鳴

瓢 う 捕 輌 面 /録面 諭 哺 甫 7繭い 研輛 酬

ЧIЧ tt uRI

12)甲喩f油田ガi箭 劇Ч曖 もЧ tt t面 稀可 JI■ 1電話表 3浪 卿 6

諭 Rttbゴ 珈 詭 T― 輸 哺 命 rlFT謙 哺 命 W

輔 耐油 甫 命 赫 う O TIR哺 ほ 育"‖

劇倒 1繭 諭

弧 |

(3)百ご卜副町 lal ЧIマ 飾 爾 箭 oψld tt hTJI、 .11謙

゛ trm恩 無 可甫 ぅ wmi3日 耶 輔 ゛ ЧIЧ 録 囲 爺 可

輸 可 舗 蘭 諭 繭 諭 可油 aw爾 ゴfm命 備 Rη刺

詢 |

|)ヽ研バ ー油 /命可 命 呻 ゛ りIЧ f油爾 諭 輔 ′麟 蘭 諭

師館命 3下両熊哺 命哺訳 慾扉爾新 箭 蜻Π 詢 |

0)dψld FFT飲 爺 薇喩 F清刑甫 3漁 J¬ い 諭 可お甫

d rtqel ild-rf, qrgd 6qql Eln I

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738 ( 10)




.)… lヽW… 可町 赫 蘇 餘 刊 口 天 _鎌 乳 2013

命 輌町うり|マ 食研 哺 諭 れヾ 対櫛 可f浦 命 哺 甫 爺 耐 )ョ |、 |

価 哺 命 令耶 町 金諭 雨ぃ |い 編 爾 椰硼 w烏椰 ね ゛

も可 翁命 可 Ⅷ暖 T言油 祀F、耐漏 含w巾 刑 爾 ▼5f沿剛 師漏師

繭 モi「lT I

19.輸旺―←)平輛 )赫 き赫 可謙Fヾ師 詳弔―哺 くus

嚇 ヽ 1860諭 躙 21命 お t嚇 浦 珂舗 哺 命 下面蒻 命 司 誦 い

箭 誦 50師"|.1可

れ l

l)哺 綸 哺 載 奇 同 )η 赫 輌 命 哺 飾 3F― う


可ゝ¬由¬ぼゃTで も劇cpl Ⅲずロロ、国「

総 都ヽ 可0ロ モ針喩 |

黒鶏鶴鵠謂:凛鶴 熙 w紆 lm

希 劇ЧЧluヽ 」円0■211-,

v平 賦 w―山

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dflf€rtc llrFi, kti* zo qrrca zot: 738(11)

6や甲T loさ R卵マ)

el― → 衡マ‖I」 ф

下_赫師 )命 衡マ‖:■ф

1.可F可 町 3r-3T輛 く可可l:

1l W口 3波 37-爾 鮮平

111 おけれ ら哺 琢n朝マ16′ 嚇 37M ЧI劇 超"d10マ

囃 聞 可耐計 翠田

awЧ 鋪 諭 mml■ 2群 れ 1獅 哺 転 捕 可 雨 前 JQItr「 劉 可 師 、

輸 可命 心哺 輸 /コ IЧ Jl o dill t釧 ¬甫 ぜ河 癒 |

1_2 0rT・T

121赫飾 命 飲 Чt"町 命 論 軸 _w_剣 哺 奇 刈‖劇劇‖Чπ y竃

"a爾 ―Φ、.1輛


■22歌楡 テ可 繭 駅 aコ赫 詭 仰 呻 詢 爺 マ|

123 マ試fロテ命 鴨 ,針正舟 d、さ ゃ さqlqlく′゛可奇 :「同 長)可 可成N(翁マ uき 繭

マゴ刈l tl・_、町QR翻階葺、gl口 |■ 1可眠、 |

124輛 喩 叩 師 お 金輔 摯 T詢 咆 ′論 飾n ЧΦIく ぅ Fu‖ lq

可、理耳ギぎ125繭 赫 舎て,国

“ "―・囚 命 層 豪 洵 可飲 |

2.31-輛 :

21 ¬ぼ表FF『 ミi爺う飾 Rttfゃ市 :紺 ¨ 、k■d‖ 月IJC12 0今 ‐

0-/、 Ч口|、 下師wi,台師河 _ 200 て「


2.2 qFtrrrd errgv ffift5_ g-crA Frqftfun qmo Eh);_

. q{FrsilB!=n{ FeT G qfterroq 200 て「千Чヌ3

3.釘 駈 両 祠 隋 可T赫…


31 m暉 鋪 濠 師 諭 可 輛 漸 咽 。|さ 稀 clF爺口 論 下師 命師 Jヽ哺輌 u素薇7市可マ lw喩 嗽■含下,研田町葡面ヽ 輸 命 可琢)群 く面羽可


釘 漏 可Rw嘲 諭 網 もЧ tt Чく1■ 下轡 1捕 柵 隔命 師 漁 ■ もЧ司|く 画 飛T憫や さ謙 マw鋪 甲 ぁ J輛 雨 繭 さ 葺fき「

=F祠長)「Fこ芽可 膨可ゴ爾 爺 Ttt wT uЧτFく可 御含可ゴ 雨Ч 03,R7可 モi_Fモ



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738 (12) e-rtgqG {rq{r, f({is 20 3TrtR 2ot3

3.i.2 oil-flfi-qq fufu€{ q_dqz{ d rfler. ddz{ \'q qlrs鋼3頭 奇 ,・押」セ 鎌 頭 命 Ч呼 ′鋪 描 T爺口 ′

―謙 腋

織 l '

314欄― ¨ う赫 ゼ鯖 ぎ向 抽

315 -櫛

32 我 響肝椰 うズ嵩 諭 喩 魚命 育diЧ l ul。 |さ 可町 硬ヽ マ)銀Ⅶ面

育飾 マ綸 可 鋪 ●れ T ul。 |さ 命繭 箭 耳

…酬 f派 31cRQTT

.う マ綸 命 Чk● lqさ…

う缶 R/Ч哺 缶 輛 ul、・||IЧ、■ 驀 嗜

稀 繭 諭 漏 口 畿哉 謙 哺 f満謙 T,薇 俸岡 ′ヽ誦ポ 瀧,

マぎf漱,a掏帷 向 命Wホ fl七 可奸漸 き可/… う


ミテnだ)¬「 |

33 驀 命 ざ回 マ)輔 さ蹄 赫 ′f油甫ポヽ ■可釧む うもЧ●Iく 舗

さ,s劇 檬晰命寸帽 う爺 ′捕 耶漏 諭 赫 £翻`|・ |さ′可備 clu

繭 哺 鋪 Ⅷ 節 金平田 ミ |

4. Ч油 油 :

41 W→7f導可‐ ‐

“J軒 溝 wヽ謙 鉢 園 術 れ に f鶏 鍵 |

412… れ 爺 ざヽ 熟 耳 諭 刈‖q wn命 薇 Ч舎司肝習可t,く目釈うて論

0せ /可だ|

413面 隷 可 Jl‖ ′GicrCく 爾 可|‖′赫 翻ヾ喘 命Щ Чくdm嘲 諭

哺 呵 測 漏 i■ 油 頭 oは 資 詢 箭 姉 CIn語 可


42 qlミ劇0■ fttΠ (命_■_3.ト

421師掏 派 販 ]f漸命 令 飲 赫 _我 Rtt WIIЧ 可 葺w金 鋪漏

瑚 踊 うさ′命 哺翻 命 欧 Ч獅 胴 鋼 命 w捕 舗 テ舎w潤 師

含町命 令 飲 Чg師一

Ч2師 て派 覇 ぎ口,R市 研a ttM論 マ可薇薫w∈ )甲ηπ同つ

我 可 赫 1笏闘 うまは 研 油 ′J′ 繭 諭 づ ′諸 決

諭 J′ 赫 ′マて関 ヽF油 赫 楡 面 冴 諦誡 研 躍 た,

衡w教 3国障耳研 職 含町舗 命長沢 ま マ脅爺 さ′3面可 言ヽ¶ 可t、

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赫 く・ Ч",fヽ

市市20 elTM 2013 738(13)

° 422可 顧桶輌ff羊ゎ請 諭 m,35科 謙 喩 捕 命衡マ見w一Ч師 油 剛

南 фヽdマ翻 諭 舗 諭 晰 れ 1‖IJ OTΠ ttT可敵 |

■ 423我 哺 駅 育τ前 3_さ ,市 ゛ 飛盲=|く


。|。 中 命餅平う

wntt Φく.:モ確 !ヽ

424釘陶 縮 硼 :釘噛 繭 引 き捕 綸 喩 赫 飲 甲…

, 中 詢 咆 |

425 ヽЧЧIヽ マラ町 :

oて可 鋪熊 河 隊琢 け 款 命 3)

0劇賄 雨 /赫 司

5. ‖:■q… だ 臓 爾 択 ′

舎 赫 蠅 駅 釘詢 ЧI噸


glヽ1台 ЧくlJ∩可 ul、`ll l

6.劇 〔:●ф 薇 :

61 睫 可:舗奇 我 刈qq劇ポ

"ふ赫 ゞ歓 命 師い 鋪 駆躙 詢


a2面 冊 ∫ :鰤 鋪 れ 輔 研 卍 鋪 諭 て審 F詢 薇 1

63 捕 輸 爾 うJ耐獅 ゎ赫 et膏 晰 浦 爺 欧 命 glく 1可21T御謙 031H

m命 ゴ膏聯奮卿 下い |

7_面 満 い 食)研―

:師師 研う面 漉 爾 鋪 硼 ′繭 m刺

…Ⅲ 編 ゞマー l角乳 1998命

―駒 ― lt暉 卿 咽 ′

市 齢 可 訂 潰 ,プ甫舗 釈 ゛ 悧 命T舗 師献 ● Ч21c―

詭 耶 田 .可 命 輌 命 輛 耐 可 赫 誦 赫 輛 油 SЧ ポ

ず漸 命喩 命 耶羽 01ンΠ― l

可_合飾 可ヾ→ 師 押 :■Φ

l_う輔 R祠憂Ta可 :

下_ゴ可 0■ 雨鋪 o晰 漏 )硬祈 柿 可 晰漱 べ ′舗 い ′さ 甲 哺 ′

む 甜 ′0も 1く 0弱 0中 )繭 |


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738 \14 )

劇ヽ Ч,,m20… 2013

Ч 、 Tさマ u戴面 爺清 T(旅 嘲sf漸 ′

′中 ,W岬哺 ′

節 U軸 ′櫛 湘 ′ 哺 赫 捕 ′爾 師 満 ′ c121H■ 研 誦

ヾ :a3.れ ′―

′赫 ,f河


も の

′ヽ譲 画 澱 釘 陪 1

0可 研 、押。‖油阿 前 :120可千電F+40可千電,

11哺 舗 可 れ ヽ哺 諭 櫛 町 600含η →u OR 9oo Rη ttT可鈴

硼 町 2喩尺 dヽ|れ 詢 咆 wTでヽ 命・ l― う鎌 綸 配 命 飲

軸 引 詢 可哺ュコ繭 れ れ 青劇国お 鋪れ ,徹 油 ′ヽ

頭 爺 RЧ嘩 謙 苛欽 晰注 命 wね 飾 詢 咆 |れ れ cFT

薇 山 田 爺 甲 詢 可餃 |

12 R哺 爾冷面 ざ河a哺 可 命 論 可油甫 命 ― 命 可Π ポ漏 可 ■|‖′

S■фl Чdlご`R耶マョ尽兼蒸R命 ■l‖ て日可満 もЧ tt fきΠせくu」 |¬食會 1

13 W'ミ 繭 ね a角即爾 」奇 舗 ′¬円ftt yn蘇哺 ョ|く 1可9_TT論

31FT動 命 萌 可 言ε剛 粛 |

14 可喩で当う飾 命飲 含甜耶師 sЧфRU1 0■ で)き可モ而表 |

15 劇鯛安 、Φlqd1 0哺南 → J誨 いヽ Π―

命 長、 寸油可面 劇・ t・

赫 詢 椒 |

■6ゴ 奇甫 角耐 理 シ

■al畿 漏 同 ね 命揃 剛 的 即 d‖ 赫 甲■■W諭 鋤 舗 |

162● ね 命勲 団 譴 即 d‖ 聯町 漸 櫛 青甲 3/3■ 0前 |

17… 糊 一 哺 甫 衡厳 蜀 命 哺 四 命 御輛 謙 牙可爺 綸 動

司ヽ 命 ЧI劇 ,可淋漏 a¬訳 命 楡 _

171回 ¨ ′、l国 駅ΦIマ′楡 T蒻舗 鍵 glく1鋪誦 ね

諄 面 奇 書い 0そ囲 Ψ 討 論 爺 命 ЧI雙榊 ‖命呵 鋲 揃 |

172… マ|1劇 J glく 1劇 ‖Ч ttHq瞑 蠅 爺 同 奮 命 Чlq劇


■8 ■■6Ul→可一 劇,3υl赦 研 市 闘 ′R哺 0孤 甜 釘2研 哺 舗 輛

glく 1揃 w ttф dlさ 1劇 ,sU マ)可 書 cr7Ч tt ф■ 80て耐● こ ぶ甲石研 て日 甲

фうヽ10■1楡 ′輔 斎豪町 可鋼 さ甲ョ命 us Rul諭 竃含町1奇 可町 あ可 哺

¬たマ可 ざ河 3の 輸 研 u6日 ЧR藪ョ 期 揃 ul■ 1 可侯〕マ| ■RTき耳

ヽ ″ヨ可¶ 毎 弔 →

`→可 令 ぜ衡 可 彎 くuT可 令 可 Q「 i)薄 |● l ulT新工 |

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―oヽ Ч■ m20 0Trm 2"3 738(1s)

1 2.漱 翰ぎ爺 いて 針可:

四 動 櫛 旋 諭 伽 ′激 淋 赫 菰 嘲 樹 詢 さ′融

劇ヽфl爛Чld■′動 いR調飾「れ 鋪ヽ ― ЧIЧ 館 陶 命 glマ|

揃 Ч I■ 1翻 訳 |

22 織命油舗ラ可

′劇|‖ 1劇d:織れ浦′蒻剌雨峨 Q甲■)′


赫 謙 甲泰 ゛輌 舗 嚇 嫌


向 ′平お む前

詢 は 眠 Q爺 研輌 粛 さ|

23い い \′、Cru_ミ…

l― ¨ nべ 前 ほ赫 鍮 h、 前 Φd、 ぜ綺可、玉河兼口R知ヽ

「含′-0さ 甲RTぜ百詢敵倉平洋πm

向 ,湘 誌 論 ヽ 鋼 o鋼 頭 )硼 鋼 球 諏 派 繭 輛

資 哺 電蝕 前 |

24勲 輛 謙 鋼 咆 剛 む 捕 捕 椰 赫 奇 u襦 輌


鍵 ′酬 れ R tt TIR T師 滝 田 う

R崎 爾 可雨

て回 油 1繭 菅 眺―

輪 命 咽 恭 赫 可 ゛ 漏 M譴 れ 、Чヽ・諭


``レ /

。 劇|‖ 1劇Ca蒻 9、 諭 亜 闘 護 置 輔 油 駅 潔 網

鉢鋪 命釘潔 可 忠酬IΦ■|

・ wtt wう 1図■■賠 酬 m菫 市 油 師 命 的 w輔研 柿 |

・ 可裁 諭 令状 哺 甲 稀0-さ 赫 摘 言 35R命 ゛

´ 硼 ′硼 哺 前 巧 飲 奇←薫 旬 ― さ′動


角命 令ф‖■ モ浦 |

● …

17含■ 託 ′喩 驀i含′命 w町 謙3)義 可 慾鑓 前 ′

25赦 可

′鰤 稀て雨 む瀾 朧 舎詢 楡 |

3_額薮爺 爺丁ず :ヽ

313毒 琴 洒


て戻 )蘇 )平 ,刊 四 ■ 命 令 Ч 端 00-■ 甲 0さ 針 IWヽ u‖ あ

薇 お ぃ 哺 可 説 T司 改 |

._″=一 ―

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738 (16) ede'rq {rsqt, f({ifi 20 }TrfR 2013

a2鰯雨 下 剣ヽ 爺 諭 Mキ う口 輔 輛 1蔀 需 蘭 薇 ′い 軸

可 ― ′輛 雨 豫π f商 命 師論 詭―

硼 而 tTMう

Rf‖PT可 0 「FI



411、側 状 て師―

的 即 d‖ 輛 ′甲 鳶 nw TITЧ oモ鵡 漱 π

マII喘■ Glマl… 価 鋪 命 育晰濡画 /― 詢 |

412も劇 欄 可 く取 即 沿 ふ ′甲 31R“ 雨Q飽 即 。‖― ,甲さ

せき命ゴヽ 3/ヽこ命 ― RN/t反肴可 ョ 珀陽下可 ¥き命言だ) "

裁 姉 命/― ョ 派揃 勲 洋 3面m/急 輛 ョ 派油

ミとfミヨマコ)「oll131)鞠 ゴヽfミ違「司5晨予Tk牙


3`‖F)Rョ15T3TD詢 丁餌 α )【要¬`てT州 J側 熙 t牙;Tヽ:

鋼 鏑 パ 議 可―

足漸 |

4'雨 爺 會 輛 ― 哺 命 赫 命 峨 帥 命 J輛 繭 下さ 捕

雨 和 飾 爺 日 命 ЧI劇 F河師 油 命可 面 う 0資 ゃ亜 市 輛 諭

¬鸞 :ヽ一

421f補 熊 両 爾 ′ く1可 劇くф lヽ 可 き れ 雨 捕 詠 J Gl、|ぃNミ 可QTT

輌 育猾 |

422… マ|1対・ =|ヽ

1劇■Ч 劇‖Ч瞑 可 爺 田 調 喩 ЧI嗅り ‖|

5_ 劇〔:● Cp ttql、 :

51 鈍 ¨ 舗 甫 諭 劇dq Jヾ ゛ 衡輛 f諏 命 師い 鋪 野田 詢




弼 J膠ぎ滸一抑 鎗 ゴロ可輔 研 Ⅳ 鋪 諭 楠 ぎ卜w咆 |

マ喩 嫌動漏漱命 てヽ ′釧¬回¬「 赫 舗 ′甲収嘲贈軍 ∫鰤油因哺 gく1可 21T

N髄 釧 題諭 命お 爾 tヾM薇|

もЧ CDヽ U::

赦 諭 w岡 繭

"wぃ締 T師 範 鋼 師 捕 お /もЧфヽ Ч

爾 嘲 朝ヽ 前 |





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sfrgna rrqqt, tflis 20 q-rrkr 2013 738(1h

:ご 62 まさ膏口 /¬向琴3葛舗TЧくIЧ 綸 綸 赫 諭′稀・

硼 /可 可 湘 商 31n f哺 も劇」 請 諭 くマ||う′mm命・ RR JΠ国師 お /sЧфくり1/で泰野 研含可ゴoЧ ゛Ru■ き命 |

7.面 潰 い 蔵)可 師 硼 :い輌 可青輛 資 可 鋪 硼 誦 m刺

…い町 ごk雨司 合罰,1998命 蠅w録 町nTTI驀


. 命 m瓢 耐 満 ′プ 甫 ふ 釈 頭 悧 命Ψ舗 鉢 献 ゛ 可嘱 剛

竜 卿 瓶 可 命 輌 命 赫 可 劇M油 誦 1諭剛 T(所漉 もЧ●|、

ゴ漸 命喩 命耶羽 金 fttπ 諏ヽ輛 |

可 .

付MttΠ tt Ч:く:2に)命 釘TR¨1_哺 T→ 爺 .■.3.命 飲 ¬国 国

謙 plFT哺


ヨ 町 哺 命 ■lFT下 うJ潮漏 軍爺 浦 命 飲 含騎 硼 ゴ 諭 f¬FRギ) モ)デ,|

2可 畑 冷 J耐 :哺 T酬 畑 諭 爺 赫 Ⅶ T wdi可諏


が 可中 、簡`イ

T tt Ж O下 箭 硼 m誦 晒 w ttclk!・ 謙

′驀 澪

′無 濶 赫 鎌 無 紬 瞼 繭 赫 輛

赫 蘇今命腋 可鋼 う可 謝改 |

u郁 練 命 楡 可 恭 獅 命 輛 金 諭 耶 け 司 CSれ た漱 う

弱 卿 ‖ 甲 ■ 諭 参 哺 岬 諦 咆 |い 榊 晒 弱 赫 命

Jl‖ ,琢)ざ` さガド市可 ■倒、 Чtudl金 繭 。¬「

u司 1可成ヽ |

■ 哺 Tう W師 輔 ′赫 ,… 謙 鈍 れ 傑 鴫 詢

咆 |

可 葡 覇 哺 竜 耶 田 詳 ■ 可磁 |


'Ч臼 可ぎ 市 合 可 衡 食 面 理 合 町 て き η 司所 ヽ ‐

22 爺 ■ _0び 潮 一 可哺 可 漏 昭 命 命 R3あ 腋 、国 o‖ ‖|」 ф′て可 aTp

命 町 T葺 褒袢 峨 さ 衡マ譲 杯 派 耳哺 あ 蠅 喘1、 ポ |

腔 ク多 ~

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。ЧЧ,,m20輌 2m3

. 23

_■.3.ゴ柿 :

π 載 PRT■ ξ国円 含可

可Jう ,金 ∩匿RT浪=ヽ

奇 豫捕 命咽 哺 ゛61ア

鰊 謙 赫 命咽 漁 い )6ヨ

榊 青画 面 諭 命


苛町鎌 赫

…f捕 は面う諭面 哺 6錬誡 あ榊で1

ffii dR dersqi qtl ritqT 哺 6錬誡 市 榊 で1

兼 餘 甫 諭 面哺 lo錬誡 市 樹マ 1

赫 輛 飲雷 い 国 市 )


… …耐 的 い 索 耐 お 謙 に刈ヽd

消 うざヽ ハ粛蘇町げn言)ぜ口 ¬帳●



Glcrcく 可 ヾ 司100書 い 向

蔀 面100書 い 面 )

恭 豪400書

繭命 苛

…qqqef oen vq qfterq oer 420司け

2.4 sqcr oeT (der ur) -o. rrrq tqe

u Jquld f沌 ¨ 可敵

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iFfrg'rd {FIEI, Rli* zo ,:rrrw zor: 738(19)


∫ ζ Ч tt q劇さlЧ01譴 鍮

可 可 マ1酬 剣躊輛 伸録司 命頭

25 ■qu:df資 諭 詢 輛 爾 油

下 W會 う赫 でも‖命 楡 可 蘇捕―

含配 含 Ⅶ 缶 駒

てョTを卜ΠT I

` u 弱 消 葺織 た 薇 赫 もЧや Cヽ!ul可1抱 |

可 椰 Π 蘇 拍 てだ 誦 |

可 赫 票拝キ|

3.哺 T命 欽 31-諏 WI SЧ фヽ Ul

下 哺瞑 lMlさ輛

可 甲 崩 漱 m可 晰 む き 前 司

可 」qu田 衡可 faf燎当日能

可 鍮 命甕諏 命 W甲 劇Crk■ 輛 謙 甲 諭 飾 T岬 ‖

U¨ 8可 赫 舗 命咽 命 錬 誡 命 飲 ■■d‖ て

舗調 滸 T長禽 釈 ′

m雨 薇 |

]慕 軍ゞ窯命Ⅲ謙W

可 3T― 鎌 即 繭 刈〔1● ф lCPR)命 飲 31-捕

赫 /s Ч c12、υ


ョ 釧琢爾濯卜食

コ 派ヽ村斎命

こ 師 圃 耐 盲 円 臼 面 命―

命 腋-3満

R謙 もЧфくυl

師 wnwⅢ… …



4_う赫 薇 :油 肺 戦 ′舗 葺蒲 侮 同 ね ′¨ .T濶 a ak Ч奮 河 嘲 G赫 ′尚 、剣 ミ′i哺 奇 蒙 購 .求 W目 可 き 命′弱

叩 命咽 Uう 爺諭下 Tぼ う含繭 ‖」ф命蠅 駅 き■


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。口Ч,,前 20 31TM 2013

5_劇 〔:劇 中 洒

軍 舗 命 鮨 命 諭 劇oq叩 ゛ 蘇捕 f歓 命 師

舗 平囲

マ1■lT モTTFさ lτ l

U雨 叩 :… 鋪 輌 輸 硼 Ⅳ 鋪 諭 呻 前

モn膚ミ,マ |

T3T― 軒 捕 哺 丁 ′諭 呻 赫 舗 ′T鰤

輛油面や霰|、 1可顕 ∩面前 31FT蓼浦 命 お 爾…

ボ今 |

6.面 潰 帥 食)可 ―:師輌 己う輛 潰 爾 師 Щ 誦 齢 刺

蕪 陣 謙 ― lim.1998命 ―鰊 耳可前 1藁


誦 m刺 輛 漉 ′抑 鎌 釈 ゛ 口 命耶舗 鉢献 ゛ 可QIC―

的 鼎 明 ′可 奇轟 命赫 可 す日漏 誦 1諭剛 π(所演 sЧ口|く

ぴ潮 命¬耶浦 命耶羽 ゛ |ンπl謙潮 |

可‐赫 畿命 ぜて頑 ミ ‖1■ Φ

畷 W刊 団 Tさ,鵡 千 河ヾ tr「 前 鰤 命 SЧ劇|ヽ 命 爾 雨

諄禽橋翼翠:鷲認恣溜認蒻葛ヒЪ薦珈‖lJΦ Ⅷ賄 f沿 繭 :

w蒻 釘繭 南 T3鮫 刊 阿 諭 鋼 師 弧 :要 ′ヨ 興 』 命 叩 下

胸 製 ギ |

い 轍 ′‖1刊dlツ I噸 ~trr W獨 ゛晰 櫛 瀬 砕う‖ldΦ 命


下お 四 命 針キ T言浦 |

23む 棚 真 綿 ∬ 聴 瀾 欄

ф■61Чく 獅ヾ Q諭 市卿 可師 闘 命…

命 mp晒 う

m豪 gバ 1秤橘― wo‖ 輸 飾

―詳π可磁 |



3. BqtFqu[:1 elrd i-s srqeiffs mfr-{ e}ifr5 gqffii-o eltfrz iqrfrq tnr a-rzr

e 3r.q {{rs-s $tfr

2T奇 前 硼 輸

4派 輛

6Φ‖ヽ可師薫■可む鋼8識 輛

4_ヾ●|● Clp゛載 :

軍 鋪 命 舗 論 諭 劇dq叩 ゛ 蘇捕 f諏 命 詢い 舗 胴 師

詢 咆 1

で 朝。 到 鶯 ゛ 濤 輔 輌 T'可叩 ヨ町 輔 諭 研 g「 詢

楡 |

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s-frera rrqqx, Rci6 20 srrtFT 2013 738 (21)

可 3T― お : マ命 ,ボ筆)1榮命 無 ′ 針←預円T 4求 ゛ ,

赫 輛 輛 酬 卿 輛 賄 則 Ⅲ 命 お 可 で四

薇 |

5.輛 潰 帥 蔵)研 ―:い師 ヨ育釧賦 軍 師 Щ tt m可

鋼鎌こ師町 ごk― l∩¬ ,1998命―

鯨町轟新 1驀…

′命 m可 輛 減 T綸 ふ 沢 ゛ 悧 命T舗 針献 ゛ ЧQTc―

的 卿 瓶 可 爺 専 赫 面 耐 可 赫 誦 赫 輛 油 もЧ・

ず漸 命 輸 命耶羽 ゛ f漱「



薇 TRfT l介可

1.tTFT台 可/圏 雨 G:マ :Ч くd id■ld ttFT ЧttT舗 吉 諭 備 ご :

11 椰 師 亜 積 可T晰濡 釘 漏 師 :弱 彎 げ 命・IFT下 葺赫 命 飲

可21T瞳 |

12 研可:゛喩 鮨a● Tclf」際ポ■ 釘円司冒/TRh詢′含n可 爾 命PRo斎:mず載 ,く国奇譴 |

13 鋼 輌 ―

131w彎 け 命 叩 下 うて副 濡 命 飲 可師 含簡 T捕 命 蠅 駅 諦命

0で赫 命腋 赫 Ч 訂モ洵 可歓 |

■32編:油 諭…

前 奇もЧ・ R我 輛 命飲 ′Ψ 赫 鯵 面

織 司 ホ 釘に 24載 司国 前 |さ 諏 ね…

請 ヽ

赫 諭 24載 可β 3TM哺 ぎnlЧく電 繭 命 硼 而 舎爺

d c12,鯖師 諭 画 測 可詢 諭 市 さ|

133W部 商 m′ 喰 ―cT台 命 ョ 叩 命・ lPT Uう 織 面

楡 瀾 譴 鋪 騰 ‖|」Φ―

舗 |

134晰爾 面 に 諭 菰 ′我 -0命 弱 嘔口 命 咽 可う

m測 時 西 的 鋪 随 ‖1.中 _討2_爺 _■.0_舗下:嗽J。■ 31~… :酬 諭 命 飲 瞳


3_ 可奇可 含可 ●n可):琢■PT tt PR ttelT瞳

4_ J豆:0■ m:41 掟 :

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738(22) E-dFr'td l"rr{, fr+iq :o :rrrg zotg

下 ボ 育無 載 命 耶珂 面 マ野 T、さ」|¬會 、は T3慇ゴ 命・l「Tu命UυS 8合 ntて _l

こ 耐 鎌 価 命 令 飲 ― 釧―

T 爺珂飾可礫漏洋命 RR_cp‖ く|

■ 3T― もЧ cpヽ UI/qlくЧ―

¬漏 可 /郵図 Π 赫

3¨ 椰啄蜀欄尚食

可 劇収 |■ 輛

, ‖|くっ 0明 前 命 耶 な 繭 命 頭 閥静欧

可 爺漸 卿面

ヨ ョ耐 謙 喩 罰命 令飲 -3m鷲42-赫 無 醐 は ヽ ミO mm刺 輛ゴF赫


ll縮 商 対J、前 厠 m喩 繭 機 的

筋 誦 蘭 ¨ 飾 諭 t敵 劇さIЧdl o価 請 抱 |

下 繭 訳 即 0■ 4戯 鋪

可哺 頭 ■■策 的 輛

可 奇 m命 咽 うΦ‖゛ ф‖―

_ 35瀧可 錬 誡 命 甲 T¬ぼ /嚇u錬楡 命ЧI刈′ゎれ 針藤h可 面 諭 ず潮そ-4T aう 椒 |

.繭 袢 蘭 ぅ赫 輛

3■ 1可 動

市油飾_尊哺命2,甲釈 ′R鈷′甲鋼 ′

ミ11モ li 「 マ5iキ

′ 赫

可 き妾漱 可27T…ョ茨T¬睫 更n― 食

5T釘覆爾 命熱 」、両 ね

こ 鋼 画 一、中く→一ヽ 輌 ′寸ぎヽ計

こ 命Ⅷ 卿 縮 こ剣赫 赫

3■ 可QTT対 .lqф に |ゅ

こ 酬 輔 諭 Ч師 動

可 電濡 詠駅/棘

- 100て日ヽF

可町 可可 鋪ミ I(来可 ゛ 年限 訳 可

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dtrgrta {FIIF{. iici6 zo srqg zot: 738 (23)

43 a■衰マHm赫 ¬ /爺可 :


ヾ引 /や

可 に lゅ 命 飲 満 。■

可 司だ 07可)含可


い 軍釘

44 私`R


■ 輔 滝 叩隅

赫 漏

赫 油

Чマ●Ц′前 田 師 ゆ 可

。‖ l― 耶→ : 下Π (距国甫 命 ¶円 可 う 耶ぽき IF tt tR脳

卿 |

45 Jquld鷺 姉 轟 :冨W叩 命 叩 可う束愈 T命 飲 詭

卿 |

5.1 対〔lqф Ow―

下 31y3TM可 命 qlボ ゛ ‖・|IЧ l w W満 研呵 哺雨 平浦 命

PR甲 中町 Ⅶ 日 Ч町下 さ 可頸椰軒 фくIЧ l司ゼ円]哺 耐 命 貪R謙 駅

諭 赫 岬 可輌 対 り Ⅲ 頭―

dT фくIЧ I― |

u nw即 さ 0コ _w鵡 ミ囀句 (1008m師耳マ輔

赫 哺―

命 飲 赫 ):薫郡 む 象

…繭 命 腋 囃h師 ぷ ‖1■ф 爺献 司国 cr2く IЧ I可油 |

nw甲 0諭 tЧqu1 31-命 腋 甲 輛 赫

"繭赫 師 赫 |

可 マ兼哺 :可含靱0。決 劇|ぃ ぃぜ 可町 マ麟fttT/■漏 き浪 や卜赫

画 ぼ /6R f口 軍 趙 命 飲 釘酬 ―卿 岬噸 可 諭 ぴ 漸 き nl

可 舗 奇 :舗甫 諭 劇dq釧蝠 ゛ 猟浦 t尉青R命 詢い 鋪 躙 咽

詢 咆 |

こ 面 哺 :が 市 う咄 ヨ轄 油 輔 硼 測 輔 諭…

詢 咆 |




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可 翻護側膏ゎ 西可:可命 釘弱司可 ,釧卜 側平 ゎ 赫 舗 ′甲 R可衡市 ¨

gⅨ I■2TT NM 3TH押 命 訥 可 椰 剛 櫛 |

5_2 ゴ T命 飲 赫 可ml_):


命 枷 う前 ゛ F詢 抱 謙

_ヽ中 蜘 載 卿・輸 耐

楡 |

lUl 鋪 雨 命 爛‖Ч~諭 織 面 論 諭 可浦 謙 W飾誦 喩 諭 謙 哺 |

l■l 飾 奇 織 弼 晰 酬 命 飲 311-m「 ul、.1謙 鋪 団

命襴 肺 釦 甫 可 ― ftt w油 |

6_ S ЧCpヽ υ::▼繭 詢 奇

可 ,く !劇 謙 蠅 マ四 фく●1詢 :~

下 31- 命 飲 31- 3とΠ ttMttF tt W師 可命

ご商眠/もЧф、ul l

u 10奇 秦清


可 甲 螺 ‖ T而 謙 W椰 繭 赫 T磁 鍮 → 劇嗽 IJ輛 |

マ 8可 赫 鉢 命叩 命 録 誡 命 腋 即 o■ 1顧 諦赫 雨 赫 ′

fミTFざP。尽チて Rttft=干 |

3 Чヽ恕研■ Ч鯛

可 i汀浄T可命

ヨ 舗 哺 ボ 釈 諭 寸称

可 翻トロ師下 もЧ c12ヽυ1/薇凋溝即耳a可可 |

61 舗黛 Π 飲 覆 諭 即 o‖ 中

下 赫 油

U qlЧ劇 蒙h可 師清 ¬はオ命5謙 命Wa脳 漁前

可 デ腋甫 命市町71麒爺 命マ哺 如 書

3 Чは1鋪廿ヾ 日ヽ R/耳むう一洋TttUて 寸Hk天

可 詳 に Rて蒔 葛 可 摘 裁 下 劇

田 緊 儒

3 T鉢 ポ 褥 )劇 イマヽ 不 油

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dfrs.rd {FFrt, R{i6 20 er't< 2013 738(25)

可 m命 郡 牙 (洒蘇 顧 補 食

ョ 謙 抽 ね

5T ゴ訂尋郡喉、 き可

て てき財藤,ずだ奇


…u I潮両 R‐I倒 1舎 ご妹献肩 赫

62 価 シ 榔 爾 命 飲 31-即 d‖ 赫 謙 もЧ∽、υl_回爺 湾 →艤 戯 /wm命 _.ud‖ 31-赫 謙

Чヽфくυl F日 奇 薇 ,7輸 詢 哺 軍 識 ― 〔PHS)い 一→命

― 甲 口 ЧqI」 うヽ さ|

7. W醍 研 →

Щ晒 由潮 厳 針/囀 -Tqfrrffi 3rgrflEr d qn-d

i qr+{ sslEr{ of srr-rwt6il: 3Nq-drd7;IRlq dq. w6T

/7赫 鍮 固 赫 )Ч ql」 我 捕 さ′蘇可 騨耳命 令

鋪 哺 諭 鋼甫だ濡 Ч,Φ J21cr「 薫藤 輔 諭 ヾ )奇 Ⅲ Ttt WT葺 く劇|

ЧIJl tlT「rlい 行お前 命籠 )J廠蜀 、ぃ。‖爺 卿 1補 命 て 輛

舎聰暉浪お _き n:一


輌 /Q阿甫 価 輸


ぜヽ 平翁/m/t\ 円/oてメ駄命

R反市■/赫u■くd輛 !q'Ts,/gg{fr (em< vtca fu-w)

¨ 囀 /J\可命〔可¬マIマT争D

叩 wa前 輔 0甜爺 l― 1/、本劇/き甲甫/囀

町 RIT軸 u時、可/囀 優猥I゛⇒ /銅

岬 前 輛 \qW,/glg{d}/e.3rTei

ф l」 ′■lф ′`ldlは n録 商 月ヽヽ劇/ぜ 研ヽ0

▽` ヤ

計` ポ漁⇒/銅 /せヽ

鵡 前 檬 輔



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738 (26 )―

oЧ Ч,,m20-2013

嗜u薫ゴ計むRこ マ駅針/ぜ 可ヽ0/t浪神喩

CTe],/ €iq{fr ,/ gqq3i1.gZ g1lc'orT{,'

/€g'qew輛 輛 マ摯針/て N`胃/C\可命

‐ 前―

yrS/ST{ff /ffiqTwrrd ffileqFR (gddefr) Ч輔 w可 諭言(国

u■くd職 諏 lbl Atrrqqs Z fivqqs\-s / fiqqlrtrrr / ft€ / drT

珊 野 市 輛 aqv d qr-€-d-gqd ({ild-m)-rir)

71 命`きて 赫 …

/u■ dヽ tt・含 赫 0両独駅二 可aT

8_晰 漏 ‖ l」 ● :‐`

多 /

熊楡藪 Tマ叩画 命 師マビ神田 可 司稀可

71 計ヽきて 商 …

/u■ dヽ ヽ・

3 赫 0両称R二 赫釧 田 /価 証 ミ輛 20輔 ヾ 命 舗 可 ゛ 研 甲 轟

乙2猾 信臨ゞ 剛 ∬聰悪鴇欄qф

、tlゅ ¬い 蒙戯 哺 _育 ビ甫:

■ び id-$i,fi rlihr dq/3r*qfld/trq-fi-IE q stf.rdl rem o1 dpft

市a哺 面 す飲 ,ql● マ舟

誡 櫛


1 薇 鏃 臆 画 20m可 、劇фl・lFT 1

つ4 咄 dヽで お れ 20熙 可 、劇фl¶町 1

3 輛 lo M可 、劇фl¶町 1

て 8唸 師計R可 命輛 鱚 罰

π 嗽」o‖ 鋼 m―可さi現倫 持面て、宏1。月賑演 謙 甲 嫌 訳 あ 黛、 loo■呪 o2TT赫ミう

動 T爺 黛 π 錬 訳 命 飲 赫 60

…am命 甲 諭 即。H申 61=

徴で 謙 きR tt wttf澪面 60R■


い‖詠頭 31=群町 e厳 詢 能 36可11,こ

cgltrc dsIT qrsr a1 €igr 哺 6豫π 市 詢 で 1

勲 訃浦 諭 輛 哺 lo猟覆 命 詢 で 1

lo― 雨 謙飾 睡 ては呻 詢研 数」0■ 油 鴨


>10<30時 299 qrfqe

' so f${il{ goo s,l.qe3il-qtr {ewr{Gprq d fu{ &}rq-d 50

…湘 質 命 鍮 マご嶽 田 25 赫

) φ0

赫 fお 訥 )

~薇 ~~ ~

80qマ tc l|


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odg.rq trqqd, f<ri6 20 3rr€ 2013 738(27)

謙駅玲 マ哺 可400¬

"申歳 劇筒

硬 蒻 浦 由 奇 命 やR― 呻 ¨ 命 甲

論 命 鰤マー: 42b t轟7+40計 序


160 sriq-e鷲 豪 100 srfq-e

耐 ミ

…q<rqcf oeT Cq .ffieT"T (qiq) oei T,o…



赫 奇― 洒 :

爛‖劇 ¶お 前 ′哺 ¨ 赫 統 諏 司粛 台′繭 諭

師 晰 wR諫 舗 帥 赫 論 ′

輔 諭

れ Ⅲ 即 d而 師 ― l― lЧ嘲■赫 謙 職 鋼 師

き き uき/轟ま¬雨 雨 桐 )f瑚/Wn― 育命輔 命 ポこう

鍮 楡 面 黛淀 命 TT可釧 wΠ れ ま 缶 マ¬前 |…

もЧ劇10赫 研 ЧldJ稀 可 て補 雨 l

赫 揃 話 ′繭 目 奇飾 謙 湘 油 酬 勲 哺

¨ 橘 R師 雨 前 的 刊 洋もЧ憎 くω 可 |

Ⅲ 下¬飾 語 諭 驀 ゛ 飾 ]фヽ・1詢 稀 さ讐 やポ楡 諭 爺 雨

Wさ Ⅲ 繭 抽 面 奮融 む′謙 蒻


釧輔 再ヽ′1940命'国

Ⅶ奇 可 Чlo¬ 帯冷 |

赫 わ 可m劫 ′呻 可 31-哺 耐 輛 Ⅷ 詭 鍮

輌 命 W釘 哺 金讀 ご賄 赫 命 急 IoW爾濡 もЧ゛ 咽

討 |

面 潰 帥 食)可 ―:硼雨 う輛 資 可 師 覗 誦 m刺

…い 輛 いマ嗣 m.1998命 嘔 駅 前 謙 軒 lτ匿 孵 昭


誦 m刺 輛 潰 ′抑 鎌 R頭 口 命 ぴ舗 師ぼ

"Ч嘔 剛

的 駆 m′ trT命 輌 命 輛 耐 2TT゛飾 誦 含献 爾 輛 油 もЧ●К

【ヽ]|ミ )ヽじ「「命 ¬Ttt tiゝ T羽 :ヽヽ 千1)う=こTTス兼潮 |





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o・ Ч ,m20… 2∝ 3

…向 町 11含腋 )

・ 輛 哺 ゴ1:可h/可ヾ ■ミ捕 訳シ 張 れ 可 TcR‐R― 綸 ミ

鋪 廟 爾



轡p下/鋼電っ て百 f剃苛爺畿 tR寺ボ )

鍮 π 画―

研 前 嗽 螂 命W而 :3_謙倉町 2010命 釘輛 哺満干/… 命師7_明

l WilЧ■1可 ■|‖ : ………………………………

く1倒 ……………… ………含可て前 …諭 可 に 3o赤 ョ轟誨)……………

輛 言 …………貢燕 頭 0… ¨………………輛 由 ■ ………………

1 31B ttR今 莉 可葺…………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4 可日 : □ ■■くm □ 3国

■ R爺 回 :□ 5喩雨 前 隷 舗 □ 輔 甲…□

軸 □ w輸 喩

□ 兵ヽC/町■● l.ficsq n fuTq

6 際合 T命 画面 可 可|‖ :………

7. fuftfi d q'qt qfo6 6-1 q-q ;

Чく可|‖ …… … … … … …………… … 赫ヾ 輸 …………… … … …………

ЧOI : マ1lqノ/マ !さく ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ―…… てTモ「てf卜でT ¨……………………………

師 …■イ……………硼 …………………缶薇…論 言い 30恭 向 ……………………………………… 命可 寸……

キ油 頭 0… ………………………………………~■ ……………

& ЧくIЧ 諭市や¬甫可議 哺町簿o硼ξ奇蒻 マ哉)

□ 蒻両 □ 研麻 □ 副 T □ 眈

□ 講 潮 □ 輛 ゛ 肺 飾 齢 瑯 □ 晰 市 前

9 針赫 可 縁 瓢 :

翠:Ч■1研 縞爾


ワ 鮮画面

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dfll{Fld {!iq;r, t({r6 20 eFt-kl 2013 738 (29 )

10 年ql… /」 11く t所沫可/」 11く 角T甲 含斎命踊そぃ面轟 ∩軍牙干赫

ЧI¶ 稀可`lЧ Iさ ?

□ ぎ □ 捕1l cr● 13可 輛 画 ¬両師町 ‖Gd゛ 奮 噛 ЧIЧ 諭 可で き ?

□ ぎ □ 哺

12 月1■ q

爺 雨 愉 命lh t稀 諭 甲 R惣「 ……… …………… ………………………………

■Чol卜欄 疏 駅 ■ 葺研 師 a,、。¬蔵 :

■ 互

CヽI中 で


■IH 輌 輛

輛 げ

弧 う

輛 諭 哺

釘RT喩 /下獅命/m


は再 命師演 面 命鎌 )Ч咽ラRた 豪円 含可 w ttф。|さ o

13_… も"→ t`:d‖ 雨T~:1… 卿 2融 受IЧc 3面 薇

鍮 いヽうm

``` マ■レ


平哺 寸

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ア38(30) efrsrc rrqr*, Rli+ 20 iirrR 2013

ミ ……………… 輌 部甫 鎌 部甫 載甫/ma/市 /m諭謙 む oヽgⅨ I Ⅲ 可фくq1/下爺 意缶 可


tlW捕 瘤 浦―

―ヽぃ Ⅲ :哺 ぷ Wさ 謙 箭測 師 ¬


赫 憫 ゴ 輌―

m。 13命 捕 可マ甫 舗 奇 (旅 m捕 研

Чld可 赫・IT/t戻綸 |

ミ q●■食可/諭 意 ヽ 硼押 薇 敵 mぅ 錬 ゃ Чфl、 命

赫 爺 諭 閥 計 ヽ き 可 油・

れ 可 輸 輔 諭 dヽが |く,現師

赫 /マギ対ヽ |

マ冴Π :

含青怖ф :

E-€TeTrm-df qrEr4Tt oT srq .....


-q)tqrc'rq 36\ ...................


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―o・ Ч ,飾 20-2∝ 3 738(31)

q.rd fi.{. 2: rr'.ftTcldr{Sq un1 o-d7 argd's 6r afifi-6-gq o-{i

竜 ―tII

O臨 ざ可 いに う¬n師 ご街¬汗と下 ゛可 て)

赫 鵬 画


向 輛 呻

m2010命 釘キ TI命羽 /… 命榊7-t171 輌 可

・|‖ :… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

2 Чol:`|lq/マ |● ヽ…………………………………………………………赫 ………………

…師 ……… … … …… … … くlυq … … ……… ……… ……… … f`■恭 ………

…………赫 寸は 3・0ボにマ鸞→……………………琺再甘………………

ぜ翁可(に0_… ……………………………………………~寸 …………3 31WTマ R今 可 可葺……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. {qFI : 3 nqr ftipq □ 国

ュ 郡 轟 :□ 爺 雨 輛 市 輛 □


□ 囀嗜 ― □ Wtta wm

匡]蔚ヴ 明 i軒 □ 命 、円 可

□ m


6 赫 ね 命軍n TT.|‖

7. tR-drd +q d qqq qfu or crq

ЧくJl‖ … … … … … … ……ハ 赫 爺 卿

Чdl:`|lq/マ |さく.……………………………………………………………………雨圏喩研

輸 … … … ……マ1瑚 … ………… … … 鋪 恭

キヽ 頭 0… ……………… 魚康 T可

8 卿 諭 司今て面 繭 輌 油 飾 輛


qgrcffi +q fl €n6'T d.(

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738 (32)―

oヽ Ч",飾


抽 飾 輛 w謝 れ 積 :

□ m □ 赫 □ 舗 命

□ 蒸 国□ 甲 鋼 頭 □ 3-命9 鍮 燕 可 可 録画 :

翻呵 爾― 国嘩 う……………

赫… … … … … … …

¨… … … … … … … …

満 満… … … … … …

¨… …

10劇 lЧ司IЧ O/■`:く

可縁 日 /■ ||て ,m金 奇 可 f冷 硼 轟 鋪 田 和 れ

ЧI¶ 稀可 `IЧ Iさ ?

□ ぎ □ Jll cral1 3可

¬熙町可ヽG゛ 資 蠅哺 り|マ 諭 掟 さ?

□ ぎ □ 捕

12可 BARC/AERB゛ 呻 り|¶ う ヽ さ ?

□ 司 □ 捕

13 4ql Pc― PN DT翻輔諏再 命 dさ qlピ唾可さ?

□ ぎ □ 捕

14 ‖IJq ttW潤日

― 識 命 |い ゼ稀 諭 菅T― …………………………………

tЧЧI詢軒漸派T¬服嗜 舎

りヽ 。讀 :

I 互

Cヽiゆ マ河

ヽプ 輸 輛 面


輛 甫 哺

師 命∩耐 ゴ 命舗 即 れ 繭 両 爺 o

輛 も③ 命 卿 研 鋪 司 :


卿 2m受 IЧC 3 1k爾 釘 ま

ざミ師鎌 う)¨ ……………………………

輔 青 …… … …………


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FnRIrrd {lqct, IfiFF 20 sTrlR 2013 738 ( 33)

爺 、u:I明

う …………… 雨画 (耶潤)ざk椰酒)m/赫 /¬南/含下画 諭

謙 金 、。ヽ GIく|… 町Φく。1/下哺 意ヽ W怖 腋 型 輛 硼 減 輛和

雨 前 命― Ⅲ :哺 謙 硼 さ謙 箭測 帖 w爾 書 硼


m.2013命 椰琳ヨW■ 0可令謙 赫 爾

Чld可 赫 /需■ |

や q司■れ /輸 ttt W申13缶賄 衡瓢 育録 )Чфlく 命 喩 前

請 諭 穏倉 育′うⅦ 筒 輛 m箭 。ヽ」劇|マ′可漏 豪考・ lT/てだ■ |

マイロ : Effier{f,df qrffi or qF{

sTqfdq a1 +f,i飾 :


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,飾 20… 2013

下百 ■ .ぜ_3:輛 /研買ヾヽ ミ珂0モ国今 /可買ざoマ河

さζ捕 可 爾

13-w/,中 Ⅵて/■ヾ可含可→ 詢

鍮 偏 W― 酬―

mm呻舗 倉 乳 2010命 椰精 哺 満 可/… 命 飲 赫 咽

1・ …

可 可l‖ :

2. qdr : r||q/Y|{{ dnifl-d

淵 睛 Ttt m00表 向 ………………………………………6可 甘

キヽ 頭 0………………………メ満詢 言…………………3.31R■ T軍ヾ 可 鷲

4. 輛 : [∃ ■llく F口可 Eコ 鋼

5_司 漏 :□ 赫 輛 漱 舗 甲 可 中…

□ ¨ 軸 □ ―爾

□ 藩に/甲れf E]命 RЧ ■

n B-fFT

6. srurtrrd,/s-qft.ie,/qRf'r elq d wrft or qrq,■ ,哺 司ヽ プ刊 :………

Чq■ 1‖ … ¨…… …………… … … 赫ヾ τ面 雨…… … …………………… ……………

Чdl:IIlq/マ ||く …………………………………………………………丁き會可 ……………………

輸 ………… … ………………… … … … … く10劇 ……… … … … … ……… …… fヽ可恭 …

淵 嚇 1言 い さ0余 3可舗 )¨…………………………………………… 軸 苛……

ぜ―うて1 3T「」ミピ) ¨………………………………………………………………¨…………………… 1ギFT「Jて7 TT …………………………………

8_Чくl● 諭 wtt TcR司幅ゴ 哺 嘔禽 い 。IJkう も劇 マヾ式)

□ 哺画 □ 釘費 □ 軒 l □ 職

□ 赫 喩 □ 輛 輌 町 肺 齢 測

9 軒可:0■ む甲薇1可 ,¨

□ gm可 □ 勲 諦 □ 呵 き可冨

□ 泰 卿 Ⅲ…

詢 誡)

ダ ‐

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―ぃ Ч,,m20躙 2m3 738(35)

lo_→可 n下 哺可 捕 可 可口町 日 :

ね :

Eコ ミ町群命 ね Eコ 燎石可裁

油 肺 0調 師 赦 :

□ m □ 赫 輔 □ で肖 a

□ w鋼 頭 □ 暉 鰤 金 □ 質 鋼


rm:lelqq1qn deq-d Frrfte{ d)

満… … … … … … … … … … … … … …

鍮 赫

軍 _畷 豪 浦 卜 珂

。 い 可 鋪 国 雨 RIれ 雨 :

百 万 輸 輛 哺 輛 m

u.山 :鋪 晰

録 ゴ 諭 TT可画 … …………………………

無 ヾ 可 鋪 剛 剛 赫 m~う 爾 諭 燕 町 loo゛

爺師う :、グ

百 万 嚇 輔 c197面 m

Tr. crql tT● Itt d/■ ■ヽ ¬成漱可 /■ llヾ


円 ヾ 苛 命 令論 J司蘭阪I nttd日

可:、 n剛`lЧ iさ ?

□ ぎ □ 捕

可 _守 q:3_可 甲 ゴ qく Ul豪 群可 Is。 ヾ 可介ず J■司 蘇 硼 Ч で舟 奮 さ ?

□ ま □ 捕

ξ ttq l敬鋼ギ T/臀軍裁 令 J謬含 可同 栽 質 ヾ ?

□ ぎ 「Ilぜ_撻準●:L―

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738 (.36) df,RFtd {l=Ft;r, t(ils 20 sTrrR 2013

・ 7.■ 劇:嗽卜 咆 ¨ 浦 爺 泊 ¬ → 3T希 剰 に 百さ ?

□ ぎ □ 哺

' 7. ‖l■ ql可_:

鈷 ギキ∩虔T奇 に!ぃ て含竃可 刈も劇|… …………………

貧Ч●1肝鰤 醐 w喩 育―

Чttgボ :

は市 命含辞可マ輔 命舗 可く霜 哺て燕円 0可 Ⅷ洋o

も 命卿 可

'藪可 :

1… 卿 2疏 奨lЧC 3面 薇

鍮 い鎌 う)¨

衡 翼 耳 .… …

輔 寸 ュ=プ/……………………………………


に|ゅ う 姉 ■|‖ 輌 輛

面 げdl`ka

輛 哺 蘇n饗 輔 /でT命/m/輔くldl―

1 slcrcく

2 価 飾



…5 劇〔1劇 ф CヽIゆ

6 鋼 ,■Ч ЧI

― ベ

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3粛鰊ョマ oЧ Чメ,tFiF 20 311m 2013フ38(37)

う ……………平画 e円■ 謙 輔 m/ヾ 田画3/市 /nttΠ マ翁 論マ金

dヽヽgN口面 Φく。1/mt飾 蒻押 飲 71k捕 硼 哺 輛 静―

命― Ⅲ :哺 鏃 Wさ 謙 う1鍮瑯 W輌 帖 硼 綱 嗽


3-m,2013命 捕 可て甫 静輸 謙 赫 研 ЧI引

需 TIT/輔■ |

う q●■れ /輸 tヽ 理 押…

衡刺 う鋏 町Чфlく 命 喩 繭

請 う 豫倉 う,う Ⅵ臼It締羽 輛油論 諭 。ヽメ |、,マ油 涙柿 /фoη l

椰 : 雨 隠 粛 w飾 甫 研 JI‖

赫 諭 憶飾 :

い`プ /

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738(38) Ent€rr€ {Fiq1, f({rd5 20 }Ir|kt 2013

…(ftrrq rr tfuq)

・ IJlヽ MFT ― 曾可

仰うm『うmaqFtrrro ftmP{6 (ir$ frfocsr q-{fusfi)

lTI N l― l 700 350

lul嫌こ〕聾 l― l

― T輌 急倉Ч師

1500 750

O ffi 1?4tu6 sq crq

I cf('l l-l(I,

roo ,P $-+ct sso sld g-fid{

qfdT El-q efrr/sTarqr s-qft Te qT silrstirrnT

010m雨 2000 1000

lUl 11--20 m 3000 1500

l■121-30豫雨 4000 2000

030゛ 赫 熙 5000 2500

ミ町口Fミ希ざ可 レ

lTl笥啄櫛 ね 1000 500

(u) qanffi +q A fdr€rEnT d<

1000 500

到 前 .… 可 国

…/平前/ф dく

い駅 /w軟 /で■o′ まま爺′寸甲哺 パ0もη

1000 800

WI駅嘔 /甜 む 3000 1500

豪帖日もψ ぐFも① 命m)

800 500

張 れ 諭 t油 哺~~

500 250

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rfrffa treqd, ftri6' 20 3r{€r 2013 738 (39)

鋼 」 計 4

「 ¬ヽ円 11 含R口、)

Iヽνq… で 可QTTヽキ哺 Ч司 l、 ¬円平司計

咀 コ lЧ・

角口可 .

2013→ 3TttT η哺 可 → tR w浦 而 ヮi●Ч

面 赫

GヽヽGIマ1賓 刺 賄 輸 ulqlさ 稀 粛/覇耐 )/■ …… ……………………

命 価 命 椰輛 T― T……………………… Чql……………………………………m(縮 葺

……………国 う ………………諭 ヮ 誦)萌 呻 価 さ命でモ司漏弼


印 炸 酬 赫 瓢 雨 喩 Ⅷ 嗽 琴 蘭 m,2013命 鋼輛 驀

¨ さ|

輸 驀 囀脂 w編 薇 繭 刊画 諭 酬 潮 命 誦

硼 れ 諭 waで 飾 1驀 薇漸 Ч‖lυ lЧ,t市だ卜■ ‐ 「TI



軸 赫 可・


輔 鋪 爺 諭 衡財 :

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Ч ,m20… 2013

郷■ 5

0再 11含飲 )

研 哺 w→ 鍮 り :oЧ

訴 油 W,2010 ttt Ч:、:4命 椰輛 可瓢 油 → MI可 loЧ


gq ft+'it qff cry{dft 1 d frftft€ ftdtrc a}i erd d eiq$-r', .rfrfuo

{arFf{r (Trq)


・|‖ … ……… 1……… ………

…・・ ………………・ ……………針赫 …………… ……………諭

薇 抽 て く1国 w罰 中 研 ゛前 翠 向 轍 鐘瓢 阿 赫 ,2040


W四可………………………………………………諭 ¢繊責可τ町衡J瑞

い 喩/ 釧誓稔彎ジ 爾 教/ 湖 /衡町 /命T 命 前 、фd

赫 /寸終鎌て相苛φ/F粁珈ゴづえ喩寺下だ/うゴ鮨漱令て満 /ヽta面は命耶珂マ鋪萄可

裁 /爺沢∩ 蔵 ぜ円 /針硼 司 ● /可N両 さ 耳い 耳町可 綸 /赫 Ta 劇J。 .

綸 載 彎 網 (蠅η 5鷲 赫 衡楠 ………… ゛ ……雨 講 師 )命

衡奇Чく目 ?口町uldlさ |


哺 甫 ,f師粛 赫

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g*irr|a {rqct. fi<liq zo er.rw zot: 738 (41)

…∩ 町 13,ぜ38.2食 f決)

qrcsft r : E;Sfu6-d {Qrrrfler} d {fu{sr 6T qngrT

(→ 爺 可 甲 研 F ttT/刺` Щ` 飾 哉 |

師 取 赫 |オンてE「ロヤ) (*)


TT■ |‖

可 Чol

…諭 輛

…輔 /…綸 諭 w補


gtt"ft z : s-frfuf,d terTq-{rcr} of lM d qerrtq d

軍 ¨



マ汀 Чdl…

Ⅶ 呵 可 」|‖

赫 賦

舗 蘭 諭 奮

哺 鵡


甫 贅



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738 142 )

劇qЧ,,t轟 20珊52013

…い 1→

今沢豪Ftt R同可ぜ

赫 揃 誦 /R司師萩7 呻 針¬回回 う 軸 命

昴 /ヽも劇c121 sЧ ЧIく 勲 舗 諭 諫肖 金哺筒ボ 諭 m命 飲 軸

飾 ぼ la― l CFT彎町 赫 謙 T舗 藪浦 1騨哺 飾 無耐

(師熟 的 可 彎 前 稀可 ulヽ`|「

辞 問 燎 :_命■oう 捕 綸 繭 諭 哺■0嘲 ″主 斎弧 研

‐lFT呻 師 満 た け 融 詢 命 W含 繭 爾 CIFT′ 硼′

釧q劇 |●′T野 衡師刊已 奇可0マ河 31n/0¬甫 マ翁 m/Q円 甫 ぅ w′鋪嘲 輛 ′赫 い )民憮硼′赫 釦 ′録画 哺則


稀覗 謙 劇。16酬 駒 `IЧIもЧ●1く 3繊 命 m

爾 稜 鋪 薇 |

ごこ 前 OM∝ 輔 )瞭 _揃 誦 載 鋼 :前 喩 赫 w舎揃 語 辞哺 潔 欄耐 命n司淋漱 角wでい ま奇 :一

時 )哺 市鵜

lal tョ雷 /3命針で/、 d、、月、/い蒻爺詢/ポ盲 諭 理可

m sЧ・|く 可 豫潤

国 ヨ 赫 奇 劇鯛CrDゃЧう―


|」劇|く,研輛 фく」|

れ 飾 含 J櫛 奇 可 ゛ 硼 輛 討 論 輛 )命 飲 価 証 命

疏 。‖針くu■ 静町I FTR蓼口 青W膏綸′哺 甫 輛漏綸 諭 てヽ To厳

雨 椰図 下 含′,qlЧ 鉢町1謙汁 |

―腋 爺 綸 国 録


飲 捕 綸 鋼

録 ′さ :

W Ч ttq弼 敵 司 哺鳳

奇 赫 臥琢 録


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dnRrrrd {$ItIl. Ifllm 20 srftd 2013 738 ( 43)

繭 甲 含命 隷 餘・

爾 論 論 7劇‖Ч■ 痢 袖 ′1971令

釘輛 輔 下 さ)

●|、 輸 で卜回 鑢

ЧI劇 ね 鑢

3: ¨ 心こ員爺前 で豫訳

t‐I10 師 繭 油 両 面 で派 覆


う や億画 Ч‖lυ lЧ

'R蘇緊 Ч‖lυ lЧ

'嘲簡 ′奇晰浦 う

く R―I Rl― 鑢

IЧ:ヽさuJ隷 価町 向 い 衡録 W銅 諭 爺 可 河

qlヽ6マ |1劇■/ヽ lυЧ¬まTζ厭聯甫 gl、 I可町 御痛れ ,IもЧう更可 ポ栞a資 派 山

―/網 浦 m引 1ぃ 嘲 ′鈍 呻 ′赫 刺

輛 嚇 赫 喩 輔 ′ 呻 Wm赫蒻 、

鋼 中 繭 可 PttT赫 ′蜘 前 針 耐 輛 同 呻

卵 価 奪驀 珂 鎌 Π ゛ 劇Nc w爺 柿 ¬理 可1哺鋪 新 ′mぴ 師 ホ 祠

命 w輯 奇司爾 綸 |


フ プ

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Чョ,前 20輌 2013

ワ:oЧ 下

Ч」 劇瞭 訳

中‖ RヽttRマ 葺Ⅲ可椰派T哺袋輔 諭 動 :_

lЧ川 諭 衡財 :

2 fン可 :

3鈍 可 ■|‖′我 資 奇 :

4. fudr .D-I ;If{ :

s. ter|ft qil:6. qIf,I o-I qIII :

7. qq ST {erH .-

r. qR rrrenqTcnrmra d o-q Een,t n) ersrororzg{sTm o-r qH :

2 可ミ 可マ 育 ЧJ可 釘 さ 命 平 ぃ 爾 Ч雨 :



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sals:ta trqrr, Rliq zo eFfR zor: ア38(45)

Ч‐‖鋪 ぎ

… …帥 ■lFT a鋼 師 弧 鎌 喩 繭 嚇 赫 腋 輛 呵

1月 iol可 輛 :……

2喩 釈 可 頭 :

下 鴫 こび訥 ■鎌町 .隷3.飾 載 赫 ― :

4月 lGI諭 油 b幸 可 :

5飾 /‖ lol¬阿鮒q劇 IЧ :

6臨 命 劇刊 月lq!翁 颯 :

7弱 可裁 命 u劇 命 劇‖.‖ ldl諭 颯 :

&311 clcF鍮 油 潔 碕 我 面 :

9卿 命w赫 酬 輛 /wtt Ч鮒」輸 Tlw m奇 て 戯

瞑飾 司

甘w肝卜 輸 可 輛

亀 知

10熊闘 lul諭 呵臼:m奇 奮 爺衰 取飾 Q

2-卿 3赫

1l u」 命謝判 qЧ■0‐ 的は…

可oЧ 日ヽ

丁琶ポ来覆 うF汗倹楡可

1理 論 愉 :

2. TilO !6-r tlrr:

3. Tilo or ffiri:

4. Td-o aff eng'

5 Tag 4T {alT:I:

zF. qR wqgrnZeryqfld q d aj 3rw(r/q{e-Tr;I @r t1st:

q uft A.g s{ i E) o} w an .r+r,

rT 3Tq {ql.T, ft.R"l C* :_...... .. .....

. F*=.4- -

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“輌 勁 3

¨ 輸 可→1セ g∽ 爾 Чo「



2増q"爾 輛 :互 ヽ Чび油 ■、~ .報

3」 q∽ 可 qqttlq

理 ゛ ゴ 卿 鸞 葡 赫 /前 可 y Φ Iマー

覗 撫 殉

Ч 撫 殉 命藁阿 飯 令(口 yΦIく 講 師 漁 T氏漸

■ 奮 嚇 赫 卿 哺可


嘲 くЧ a筋 誦 w葺 輛 、 輸 TR「 町ぎ/哺前 可 rlFT 99TclT T竃

可 取 鰤 汚 可 可

即 命η師 譴 諭 mヽ ′可 価 枡 襲 可爺翻 命t漸可 可W可 命 謙 百 Jg可 可1赫師 諭 哺 命 6刈Ч Iご あ fttRぎ ンぎ/哺


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― …Ч ,飾 20輌 2013 738(47)

…い 町 15含腋 )

Ti-31QIT「 百哺 /師ヽ 鍮

→ 爺 す

1. TTQ-q 4T ilTI :

2理 : …… … … … … … … …… … … … … …

3 fttT: ……………

4 Чol :

6. qallr frfu"e of crSq :

7. qf,{ut or frofr-oa c)g FJT{) '

8哺師町/RttΠ :

9舗洒 命 TT ttdll奇 奮

lo哺判 命 |ヾく f油可 :

11. {|dr6/q-{|qqf :

rz. ergqff :

13 ffisiq o1 orfts '

ヴ師 ご

命諭 甲 鋪 漁 師 可・


fufuwrcrq .rT qlq G qal

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Ч,,前 20輌 2013

ヾ万 円下 研師可 可捕 /¬日¶日 ミい


含 T覇ヽ市 R哺 ぜ

劇くd"‖ lф


前 可 ・ ll‖

れ 諭 輛

哺 潔 凛面 諭 奪1-

carq q{tq A rff Efi efi ftfls)

理 論 ワ 輛

油′哺 03T― 郡h哺

潔 さ


爾 回 m命 (蒲黎 ,新漁 0研 」|‖

frft;-ercs or qrrr \d qdr

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― ・ЧЧ ,論 20… 2∞ 3 738 (4q)


載 ヾ

q-ffi qftfdd{ te - go (srf,irr)

W.市 . もЧ Cpヽ U: W…1 食′

/訂鶯T命 百阿фq、,310x600 mlm― ss 1

2 摘 誦 .


3 ぜ関 蘇お′0さで可マ同藤轟■w詢 6-1/2 42

4 摘 山 ′油

′‐ 7 つ4

5 摘 下請′詠驀蒻

′‐ 7-1/2 12

6 摘 締 ′油

… …


7 輛 漱 識 摘 ′130'■ 4

8 tnNJqr, wrq s)fur, zza ft.ff. 6

9_ qNqi, 3rTfft. frl qie. roo fr.fr.. {tTd{i rfi-f, 4

10 咄 Rヾ赫 ′下ヽ ′225`■ 4

trNJql. ffi&-o, fu.crl d'Mi, Qe. zoo fi.fr.- Ts.cs.


12 cNq{, fr:q srdZ{q 6xz. Be, rfe, zoo fi.{1.-cq-.cfl.


43 qRq{. g?idc, aq|q{dq, zao F.fr., {nTd-fl €la 1

14 1

15 呻 い 咽 諭 hw隷 哺 竜 ■3 1

16 神 下 さ咽 憫 繭 漏 で珊静 輔 竜 #4 1

17 神 嘔ζ鍵 哺 面 ′

寺 11′ 殖 訳 雨 れ 5研統


18 市 議 綱 前 ′¨ 研 15′ 哺 Rマ 雨 前 ′5研統


19 市 議 哺 薇 .… ,22キ豪 蘇綸 詭 ′5研統


20 柚 tlE船 研 卿 むF奮 可■3金■ 6

可 爺掟


つ4 袖 Чlq縮 研 tPW轟 畿 ′3/8Wぶこ

■Nヽ 126研 職


22 眈…

′飾 ′赫 ′3′250命 、2250η


23 い ′squ…

`豪 甲 ′2研 2

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フ38(50) diftqrrd rtrqqt, kiis 20 sTrrR 2013

24 へ 、節喰簿T事た ¬ゴ 劇τ晰轟お 1700■ 1

25 時 圏 纂 群 吼 前 旅 3無 れ ―師 1

26 赫 ′

′華 ′劇τ 憶 ′170含命 1

W_下 . もЧф 、り: W31-

Ⅲ _■aもЧφ、り:郡ヒ

1 衰фqく 命W町 ‐ 300x200x70

含命′w/w_マ 耐 頭 甲 3993


2 せ。期 砧 ,商 ′雨 6-1/2斎ゴ 4148 6

3 `。期赫 きれ鴫 択ヽⅢ 71/2寺討 4148 6

4 1

5 E-q{dq qqr{{d er{ Era o{+i T{T {qrc Tfl.(€. 1

6 薇 漏 劇 Iも対 鏡 Ⅲ 228W甲 甲 ~200命 哺 .


7 Чも` 知 ■ヽ'F日

■300'■ )製き3■■ 200命


8 嚇面マt螂、■―


綸命0,280含 命


9 fur feq - roo fiff. 1


q輔 |ヽ

・d qく劇R戻できてヽ さ¬さ蒻 1

11 飾 蚤受 研 覇 1



13 6

14 渤 可 的 ■5命 …3″ 詢 疎 捕 ヨ 7命 1

15 ¨ 〒轟語 頭 泰可― /命 油 鎌 翔

W lマスでT


16 赫 総 ′ ′鋪 ′160'■ 1

17 1

18 哺 漱 ヽ 可 飛■ 時 可―

軍 紀 ′璽


顧 ′240含 命 1

可 _35_ もЧф Uヽl 岬…

劇 :‖ lrЧ Ч劇 (Tf希て

1 祠 ′ ●|ヽ

寺 760Ⅲ で南 x46゛命 檬0マ 84金_命 前

=寺計 3に国 4769/1968


2 2

3`‖も」′at良ヨ可. фlc」 1

4 36 ■NTTI x 46 RT可 2


頭 ママ:171/1985zoof{..tx 6ff g{Tw 2

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F*qtrd {Frq;r, k+iq zo rrrn zor r 738(51)

6 貪 マヽ わて 命町 者R450含命に研)x 300含 命

侍→ x80Ч Ч m)1


赫 ′ 赫 2

8 ‖|ヽψ′ゆ劇′期Ч」 マ河 輛 沢可マc、、

鋪 讀


9 勲 `ぐ4q 3

W.:牙 テ _ もЧф Uヽl w31-

田 o■ :ま I SЧфくU:/…W_3fl もЧΦ くUI

…1 赫 ′でfとTSて ヽ/Rqヽ

宅マ|」U`S ttЧ ′能

釧 T4


う4 Ⅲ 円 ・Ⅲ 32TCrr誦 ′爾 繭 駅 2


セ 鋪

硼 鈍 3

4 3

5 qN{qT, da}.i, ftftm, oqro qE qdr of q+rf-G S 1

6, :L\- -:\^\-- ,- \- : _______.L<i'i4d{, Oetrd{, {{d W d{g 3



蜀 命漱 竜 cr2 Ч劇 4

8 摘 甲 ′詢 ′謙 誡 轟 4

9 浦Ⅲへ 諭 油 つ‘

10 橘 研′Ⅶ 抽ウ‘

、理可 ffttW m (鈴 _a_)さζもЧфくЧ

もЧΦ ヽυl w31-

1 sl● 塚 ■ 輛 4

2 輔 W詢 命 ポ満 w 1

3 ¨ 油 :回 ヽ 1

4 ¨ 油 :朧蒻 4



6 劇イマ|」 諦 ●遼冥 1

7 編 竜 姉 1


…前 祠 4




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・Ч・ ,前 20輌 2013

ね ′劇 ヾ 尋 温 ● 更T可 脚 可ま れ 鋼 師 。ЧфくЧ

■ _

もЧΦ Uヽ:岬 ・31-

1 rTs, f+-de- rdr{r, 1000x 10 fi.fr.srqfis{, 2 orrt-c


2 帥 弱 ボ繭 ′Ⅲ 繭 輛 舗 山前 ′50'論


3 1qlcg′ qlマ l′ Чl劇 IЧ I」 、

ヨ10C I● dqヽ l ヽ忠朝 劇 16。 ′


4 魏 豪赫 ′、て、qd′ 釘 ■5 60 Ftt Xlm


5 to, wtW grg+ fi-oa7rfr-a'w, 30 wris srErdl 1

6 ? ,€fi't. {eTd<r {&d +sox:soxzs fi.fi. 1

7 沌

`。 劇′ GЧ d… 櫛 2

8 {Ite. fffiaa r-dr{r. 0.05 ft.d.x0.012s ft.d. 6

9 中ヽ′衡藪薇桶可 劇 1劇,10 Rttxolo a命 6

10 фISてく.鰤 油 ′qs爺 可 6Ⅲ 1

11 WlcTu qr{mt frMc, 6 dqcr zqo de 1

12 雨 詢 う 環 竜 嗽 P∝ 1劇 ぃ 硼 ぅ.12ql中く1


13 dg{. dqErft, fr,iffiqs, zs it.fr.x r.s fq.fr,roo tiiqa


14 れ 轟t取 れ 嚇請 油 60甲W 1

15 れ t,`荀ぼ l― ■ヽ a)75含η命 10お甲




…R‐こ 晰 激 π 硼 市爺 咽


17 輛 こ¬哺 研 :dぐ′れ 卸石2豪橘 10R命20含命


18 さに てЧ三 ∩可TM′ うて 轟 `。 1対 . 100x13R命




'で'筋 歳節転機 3

20 froq. cs.3rw.S. .dr{r, E) .hr{, c}-d ofrtR z{id-Sgr, so fr.8., rso frfr


21 1

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―oЧ Ч,,前 20輔 2013


Tq$, k{is'20 3rrrRr 2ot3

赫 甲 2101/2013ハ/17-鴨ヽ劇間l渭

希釘預表 348`意3(3)` 釘蓼刊 奮雨 倍躙


■論 2082哺 雨 編 螂 中 ヽ動 き

赫 諭

3ぎ ロヽマ希。ЧЧI。 、 .円 金マ¶師れ啓Ru専 れ 蒻 満

Raipur・ thc 20th August2013


l. Short title,extent alld cOmmencement.‐(1)Thcse rules may be callcd the Chha■ isgarh

Statc UPcharyagriha Tatha Rogopchar Sambandhi Sthapanaye Anugyapan Niyam,2013.

(2)They Shall cxtend tO thc wholc state ofchhattisgarh

O)They shali comc into forcc from thc date Of is pubHcaJOn in thc offlcial Gazettc

2. Derlnitions.― (1)In thcsc rulcs,unlcss the contcxt Othcrwisc rcquirc,一

o)“Act"mcans the Statc of chhattisgarh Upchavagriha Tatha Rogopchar Sambandhi

Sthapanayc Anugyapan Adhiniyam,2010;

(b)``Appellate Authori″ ''means thc authOr■y deflned in rulc 9 0fthcsc rtlles;

(c)“AYUSⅡ"mcans AyuⅣ cda, Yoga, Unant Siddha and HomcOpathy systcms of


(d) "Schedule" means a Schedule appended to these rules;

(e) "State Government,' means the Government ofChhattisgarh;(f) "unethical Act" means any unethicar act defined in chapter 6 or any misconduct

defined in chapter 7 of the Indian Medical councir (professional conduct, Etiquette,and Ethics) Regulations 2002.

(2) words and expressions used and not defined in these rules, but defined in the Act, shallhave the same meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act.

3. ^ supervisory. Authority.- (l) The District collector of the concemed dishict shall bethe Supervisory Authority under these rules and shall be assisted by a District committee indischarge ofthe functions assigned to it under the Act.

(2) The Supervisory Authority shall consider the recommendations made by the Districtcommittee in all matters and sha make decisions relating to registration ani /or grant oflicenses to a Clinical Establishment.

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738 (s4) E'iIRTII6 TFiq;I, I({Ifr 20 3F[RI 2013

4. Functions of Supervisory Authority.- The Supervisory Authority shall perform all functions

necessary to regulate the functioning of Clinical Establishments in the State ofChhattisgarh,

which are as follows:-

(a) To grant/renew, suspend or cancel registration/license of a Clinical Establishment as

per the provisions under Section 3, 6, 8 and 9 ofthe Act;

(b) To enforce imposition ofpenalties as provided for under Section 4 and l2 ofthe Act;

(c) To obtain fees for registration / issue of license as required under Section 5 ofthe Act;

(d) To enforce standards as required under Section 7 and l8(2) ofthe Act;

(e) To inspect and investigate as required under Section I I ofthe Act;

(0 To investigate complaints related to shallful negligence with the provisions ofthe Act,

as reouired under Section l3 and l4 ofthe Act:

Provided that, the above functions of the Supervisory Authority are not

exlraustive in nature.

5. Oflice of the Supervisory Authority.- The Supervisory Authority shall maintain an office

to be designated as "Office of (....district name) Clinical Establishment Registration and

l.icensing Authority". The office shall work as the Secretariat of the District Committee.

The office shall be served by appropriate staff who shall report to the Chairperson of the

District Cornmittee.

6. Income of the office of Supervisory Authority.- The fees / penalties payable by the

Clinical Establishments sy'all become the income of the office of the Supervisory Authority'-iof the concerned district and shall be used for the purposes of carrying the activities

assigned to it.

7. Initial corpus of the Supervisory Authority.- The State Gov€rnment may provide grant-

in-aid to the Supervisory Authority to supplement its resources, provided that, the quantum

of such grant-in-aid shall be determined on the basis of an assessment of their income and

expend iture.

8. District Committee.- (1) The constitution oithe District Commiftee shall be as follows:-

I . Chief Medical and Health Officer (CMHO)

I Dist rict Collector's norninee

[Not belorv the rank of Deputy Collector]

- Chairperson


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20-2013 738 ( ss)

3. Commissioner/CMO of the Urban Local Body - Member

of the Headquarter Town of the District

4. CEO, Zilla Panchavat - Member

5. Representative of Chhattisgarh Environment - Member

Conservation Board

6. District Ayurveda Officer - Member

7. Civil surgeon, District Hospital - Member-Secretary

(2) At least 50 % of the members must be present in order to form quorum in any

meeting of the District Committee. The representation from the Urban Local

Body/Municipal Corporation shall be compulsory.

(3) The District Comrnittee may form one or more teams for the purpose of inspection ofClinical Establishments. Such team(s) shall comprise of minimum 4 members, from

various disciplines including a representative from AYUSH and the representative of

Urban Local Body shall compulsorily be present.

(4) The reports of Inspection Team(S) shall be placed before the District Committee for

making recommendations to the Supervisory Authority in respect to Clinical

Establishments, inspected by the team(s).

9. Appellate Authority-1p) Following authorities are delegated the powers to perform the

functions of the Appellate Authority, to consider appeals against the orders issued by the

Supervisory Authority, as provided under Section l0 ofthe Act:-

a) Director of Health Services- In respect of all Allopathic Clinical Establishments,

other than hospitals attached to Medical Colleges;

b) Director of Medical Education- In respect of Medical College Hospitals;

c) Director, AYUSH- In respect of Clinical Establishments belonging to Ayurveda,

Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy systems.

(2) The Appellate Authority shall issue a written receipt for every appeal letter / application

received by it and shall dispose ofthe appeal within 90 calendar days from the date of issue

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738 (s6) gfr€.|6 {FTt, ftci6 zo sI'TR zol:

(3) The Appellate Authority may confirm, modifl or set aside the Supervisory Authority's

order or pass any sueh an order as it may deem justified.

Prescribed standards.- (l) Every clinical Establishment liable to obtain a license under

the Act must fulfill the standards prescribed in Schedule I appended to these rules in this

regard which may be amended from time to time.

(2) No Clinical Establishment shall be allowed to operate without a valid license after the

expiry of9 months from the date ofnotification ofthese rules. The time period includes the

initial 3 months for applicatiof,. followed by 6 months for inspection and rectification of

gaps, found during the inspection by the District commiftee./-any delay in the inspection by

the District committee beyond 9 months irom the date of notification of these rules, shall

entitle the Clinical Establishment to continue its operations until the inspection is done by

the committee.

(3) The establishments who fail to comply with the prescribed standards after the above

mentioned additional period shall not be issued license under Section 6 ofthe Act'

(4) Notwithstanding, anfhing contained in sub-rule (2) of this rule, the Supervisory

Authority may grant an existing clinical Establishment further time for rectif,ing the gaps

in respect of shortage of nursing staffonly, provided that:

(a) Such relaxation shall be given against a rvritten request from the owner/proprietor

of the Clinical Establishment;

(b) The application for relaxation must be made along with the application for

registration; {(c) The maxim-rfifi'perrn issible time for rectification of gaps shall not be more than 3

years from the date ofgrant ofregistration;

(d) During this period the unskilled and untrained staff working in the establishment

shall have to undergo a course of nursing/midwifery/paramedical of 6 months

duration and obtain a certificate under Chhattisgarh State Skill Development


(e) After the relaxation period of 3 years all the

rules shall be applicable for the establishment

allowed to work in the Clinical Establishment.

standards as described herein the

and only qualified staff shall be


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dfrsrrd {Ficr, kqiq zo :+rre zor: 738 (s7 )

ll. Procedure for issue of license.- (l) procedure for Registration and licensins ofexisting establishments shall be as follows:_

a) All clinical Estabrishments arready in existence on the date of notification ofthese rules shall apply for registration to the office of the concerned SuperVisory

Authority within 90 days from the date of notification of these rules, as per theformat given in Schedule 2;

b) As per Section 5 of the Act, every application must be accompanied by fees asprescribed in Schedule 3 and in the form of a bank draft or postal order in thename of the Supervisory Authority. The fees prescribed in Schedule 3 may berevised from time to time;

c) The Supervisory Authority shalr issue a Registration certificate upon receipt ofsuch application with the prescribed fee. The Registration certificate shall beissued in the format given in Schedure 4. The Registration certificate shall bevalid for a period of6 months from the date ofissuance:

d) The Supervisory Authority shall order the District Committee to inspect theclinical Estabrishment of the applicant within the validiry period of theRegistration certificate to confirm (or otherwise) eligibility for issue ofricense:

e) where the Estabrishment is certified to be operating as per the prescribed

standards, the Supervisory Authority sha issue a ricense under Section 3 and 6 ofthe Act, which shall be valid for a period of5 years, as prescribed under Section g

ofthe Act. The license shall be issued in the format given in Schedule 5;

f) where it is found on inspection, that the establishment does not fulfill theprescribei*i#ndards, Supervisory Authority may refuse to issue a license;

g) where the Establishment fairs to obtain a Iicense under these rules, theestablishment shall have to apply afresh for license. The fee for application sha

be same as prescribed for a new Clinical Establishment. Establishments applyingfor the second time under these rures sha not be issued Registration certificateand the establishments shall not be deemed to be resistered.

(2) Procedure for Licensing ofnew establishments:_

a) Any new clinical Estabrishment sha only be allowed to operate after obtaininga valid license, after the Rules have been notified.

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738 ( 58 .)


,前 20輌 2∝ 3

An applicant intending to set up a Clinical Establishment, after the notiiication of

these Rules, shall apply to the concerned Supervisory Authority as per the format

prescribed in Schedule 2 along with the fees prescribed in Schedule 3.

The Application form must indicate the date of commencement of Clinical

Establishment which shall not be less than 30 days from the date ofapplication.

The Supervisory Authority shall indicate a tentative date for inspection in its

acknowledgment letter / receipt.

Where it is found on inspection that the Establishment does not fulfill the

prescribed standards, Supervisory Authority may refuse to issue a license.

Where the establishment fails to obtain a license under these rules. the

establishment shall have to apply afresh for license. The fee for application shall

be same as prescribed for a new Clinical Establishment. Establishments

applying for the second time under these Rules shall not be issued registration

certificate and the establishments shall not be deemed to be resistered.

(3) General conditions applicable to all Clinical Establishments are as follows:-

a) The license shall be kept affixed in a conspicuous place in the Clinical

Establishment in such a manner so as to be visible to everyone visiting the


In case the license is lost, destroyed, mutilated or damaged, the Supervisory

Authority may issue a duplicate license against the application of the Clinical

Establish_ment and after the payment of fees as prescribed in Schedule 3. Aiza

certiilcate bf resistration / license issued under this rule shall be marked

'Duplicate' in frana lseat;

The license shall be non-transferable. In case of change of ownership or

management, the Clinical Establishment shall inform the Supervisory Authority

ofany such change and shall have to apply again for registration or.issuance ofa

fresh license, as the case may be;

In the event ofchange of ownership / change in the category of license / change

in location or closure of the establishment, the license shall be surrendered to the

Supervisory Authority;

All inspection reports ofthe Supervisory Authority shall be placed in the public

domain and shall be available on demand to the General Public;








rage b o1 5/

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…,m20輌 姻 3 738(59)

License shall be issued/granted in the name of Establishment and the Proplietor

and not in the name ofthe Owner;

In case of Multi-specialty /Super-specialty hospitals having Diagnostic

Facilities or Physiotherapy Units separate application should be filed for

licensing of such Diagnostic and Physiotherapy Units. Small Clinical

Establishments where routine/small pathological procedures are canied out shall

not require separate license under these rules.

Procedure for Renerval of License.- (1) Every Establishment must apply for renewal of its

license atleast 3 months before the date of expiry of its license.

(2) The procedure for renewal shall be the same as for licensing ofnew Establishments.

Register of Clinical Establishments'- (1) The Supervisory Authority shall maintain a

register indicating category wise list of Clinical Establishments licensed to operate in its

jurisdiction. The information shall be in the public domain and shall be easily available on

demand to General Public.

(2) The Register shall be prepared and updated in the format prescribed in Schedule 6

(Table 1) which may be amended from time to time.

14. Records to be maintained by Clinical Establishments.- Every Clinical Establishment shall

maintain such records ofpatient treated and / or admitted by it for treatment as prescribed in

Schcdulc 7 and may bc a"cnded from time to timc.

15. Reporting of contagious or communicable / notifiable diseases.- (l) Every Clinical

Establishment shall submit the report data and statistics on contagious or communicable /

notifiable diseases to the Chief Medical and Health Officer ofthe concerned district:-

a) Immediate written report through e-mail or Fax (within 24 hours or on next rvorking day

in case of holidays) as per format in Schedule 8 in case a person with any of the

following notifiable diseases is received / admiued / treated by a Clinical Establishment

like: Dengue, Swine Flu, Bird flu, Tuberculosis, Small Pox, Cholera, Plague, Scarlet

fever, Yellow fever, Diphtheria, Typhus, Relapsing Fever, Cerebrospinal Fever,

Poliomyelitis, Viral Encephalitis, AIDS, Meningococcal Meningitis or any other disease

notified by the Government of lndia, from time to time;

b) Monthly report as per format in Schedule 9.

Wiz--"',t- Pa?e 7 of 57



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738 ( 60) o-d-g'ra rrqqt, f-{i+. 20 3FrRI 2013

16' Participation in National /state p'bric l{earth programrnes.- Every crinicalEstablishment sha participate in a Nationar / state pubric Hearth programmes subject rosuch guidelines which the Directorate of Hearth Services may issue in this regard, from timeto time. Participation under various schemes of Nationar/ state Government shall bevoluntary' Statisticar repo(s of National or state programmes / schemes like- Derivery,caesarean Section operation, Immunization, Sterirization operation under Famiry welfare,cataract, Sickre celr erc. shalr be produced before the chief Medicai and Health officer ofthe concerned District when demanded.

obligation to secure patient's Convenience.- (r) Every clinicar Estabrishment shalrensure that the patient and / or a person authorized by him/ her receives the folowing:-

a) The relevant information about the nature, cause, likery outcome of the presentillnesV treatment/ operation;

b) The relevant information about expected costs and complications;c) An access to his / her crinical records, at afi times during admission and treatment

and alier d ischarge I

d) Photocopy of medical records after discharge or death (a{ler paying fees forphotocopy, if necessary);

time of discharge, which slrould contain date oftreatment given, operations, investigations, and

(2)Every Clinical Establishmcnt shall cnsurc fO‖ Owing rights Of thc paticnt and his/hcr


a) RighttO dignity and privacy during cxaminatiOn,proccdurcs and trcatmcnt;

b) Right to get informcd cOnscnt bcforc ancsthcsia, b100d and b100d prOduct

transftlsiOns and invasivc/ high risk prOccdurcs/ treatment, risks, bcncflts,

altcrnativcs if any and as tO whO sha‖ pcrform thc rcquisitc proccdurc. Infonllcd

conscnt includcs informatiOn in a languagc and in a manncr that patient can

undcrstand; can takc risks and bencflts; has altcmatives availablc and rcquisitc

pr9CCdurcs tO bc pcrfOrmcd accOrdingly; =

c) Right Of a fcmalc paicnt tO havc propcr p● vacy du`ng cxaminatiOn ln case of

cxaminatiOn by a lmalc dOctOr,a fcrnale a■cndant 122ust bc prcscnt;

c)A dischargc summaッ at thc


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e-d-g'ra rreq;, foiio 20 3rrrm 20 13 738 (61 )

d) Rights to confidentiality of reports. Such reports and information should not to be

disclosed to anyone other than the patient or person authorized by the patient;

e) Right of a person suffering from HIV to receive care without any discrimination.

Not having a Voluntary Testing and Counseling Centre cannot be a ground to refuse

care. For management of patients who are HIV positive, the nursing home should

follow guidelines circulated by NACO (National AIDS Control Organization) from

time to time:

f) Right to dignity in case of,death or withholding ofthe body by the hospital;

g) Right to referral/transfer to any other facility that the palient or hiVher attendant may


h) Right to be asked for a prior consent before being examined by studentVinterns for


(3) The indoor patients shall be considered to be under the custody of treating physician

who shall be solely responsible lor the safety ofsuch patients.

18. Procedure of Receipt and Registration of complaints (Grievance Redressal) at the

level of Supervisory Authority.- (l) All communications / complaints in writing (by

whatsoever mode they are received) addressed to the supervisory Authority, either by name

or designation, shall be received by the office ofthe Supervisory Authority.

(2) All complaints shall be duly recorded and serially numbered in a register to be

maintained by the office ofthe Supervisory Authority indicating sender's name and address

ofthe complainant as presgribed in Table 2 of Schedule 6.---- t(J) Complaints receivefby hand shall be immediately registered and an acknowledgement

receipt shall be issued across the counter. Complaints received through other modes shall be

registered within I working day lrom the date ofthe receipt ofthe complaint.

(4) For complaints received through mail / email /fax, an acknowledgement shall be senr ro

the complainant within 3 working days of the receipt of the complaint.

(5) complaints and other communications requiring urgent attention shall be placed

expeditiously before Supervisory Authority.

(6) The complaints received in respect to the chhaftisgarh State Upcharyagriha Tatha

Rogopchar Sambandhi Sthapanaye Anugyapan Niyam, 20t3, shall be examined through a

Committee formed by the Supervisory Authority of the concerned District. The Chairperson

of such committee shall be of a rank higher or equivalent to a Deputy Collector and shall

include a specialist doctor ofthe concerned discipline.

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738 \62)―

oヽ Ч ′m20… 2043

19, Miscellaneous.- (l) Employees of the Supervisory Authority to be pubiic servants- The

staffof the office of the Supervisory Authority shall be deemed to be public servants within

the meaning of Section 21 of Indian Penal Code, 1860.

(2) The Supervisory Authority shall have the power to cancel the license of any Clinical

Establishment found to be in any unethical practices.

(3) Amendments to the rules and /or its schedules- The Government may amend these Rules

and /or the Schedules, there of, from time to time.

By order and in the narne ofthe Governor ofChhattisgarh.M. M. MINJ, Deputy Secretary.

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e-*e.rd {|qTd, ffiifr 20 3T'TR 2013 738 (63)


(See Rule 10)


1. Minimum InfrastructureRequirernent:

1.1 Location and Surroundings-

1.1.1 The clinic shall be located in an open place, having clean

parking space.

1.1.2 The clinic shall not be adjacent to on open sewer, drain

factory/establishment emitting smoke or obnoxious odour.

surroundings with adequate

or public lavatory or to a

1.2 Building-

1.2.1 The building used for the clinic shall comply with the relevant municipal bye-laws enforced

from time to time.

1.2.2 The access to the clinic building shall be friendly for the persons with disability.

1.2.3 The rooms of the clinig shall be well ventilated, lighted and shall be kept in clean and"' ?;;Y

hygienic conditions.

1.2.4 The flooring shall be washable with disinfectants such as not to permit relention of

accumulation of dust.

1.2.5 Arrangement for taking anti infective/disinfection measures in all clinical procedures shall

be available.

1.2.6 Each clinic shall have clean and hvsienic toilet.

つ Space Requirements:

Individual Allopathic clinics- It shall liave the

Consultation/Treatment room and rvaiting area

follor.r ing miltirttuur standatds -

200 sq.ft

Individual AYUSI{ Clinic- lt sliall have L}re Ibilou'ins mir.iir.nurn slandards.

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フ38(64) す計口t劇 .Чメ,R蒲 20」円● 2013

o Consultatior/Treatment room and waiting area

Emergency First Aid:

200 sq ft

つJ Every doctor has a professional obligation to extel.rd services to

must provide immediate medical aid in all cases of medical

providing medical care and are registered under these rules

functional life saving equipments:-

protcct life All thc clinics

cinergcncy All clinics

must have the fO110、 ving





3.1.1 Ambu Bag

3.1.2 Oxygen cylinder with flow meter, catheter and mask

3'1.3 IV infusion set and lv fluids like Normal saline, dextrose and ringer lactate

3.1 .4 There should be staff trained in cardio pulmonarv resuscitation

3.1.5 ErnergencyMedicines


In case a patient is brought in a critical condition to a clinic and it is decided to refer tlre

patient to a hospital, the patient shall be treated and stabilized before being referred / slrifteil

to the hospital, provided also that tlie patient shall be transferred to a higher cerltre or

Nursing Home/Hospital, accompanied by a medical attendant along w'ith all rnedical records

(including X-rays, investigation reports, clinical notes).

"-JIt is also expected that the doctor who had treated the patient initially shall keep in touch

with the institution to which the patient has been transfened to, so as to rerrain aware ofthe

patient's condition.

Entrance zone:

1,1 Signage-

4.1.1 Prominent display boards in local language and Pictorial depiction

4.1 .2 Boards/Charts providing information regarding the services available and the timings of the


4.1.3 Boards or chat'ts meutioning Proplietor's Name. Nar.ne of tl.re doctor- his qualification-

Stream of rledicine plactised. Address. Telepl.ror.re nurlber. email Id (if any).

4.2 Outpatienfflepartment-

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―。●Чらm20型 三

一 ―一―一――― than onc Clinic in an

421 Clinics fOr Valious mcdiCal disCiplincS ― If thCrc arC morc

Establishment then there shall be separate cabins for valious disciplines available in the



Basin, X Ray Film View Box and other set of tools as may be required for different



toilet in case of a single clinic'

4.2.3 If there is a pharmacy in the premises it should be located in an area conveniently

accessible to the Patients.

4.2.4 Emergency Room: The emergency room should have an easy access to the incolning


4.2.5 Treatment Room:

o Minor OT

o Dressing Room/lnjection Roorn

5. Human Resource: Clinical services shall only be provided by a qualified nedical

practitioner as described in the Act'

Support Services: *'- :,y'

Electricity- Provision for continuous


supply of electricity and porver back up should be

Water Supply- Provision for safe drinking water and hand washing arrangements

shall be there.

All Clinics have to maintain firefighting equipnlents like extinguishers as plescribed by

municipal authorities.

7. Vヽaste Disposal: The Disposal ofヽvastcs in the hoSpital shan bc in accordanccヽVith Bio―

Mcdical Wastc(Managcment and Handling)Rule,1998 Provislons shall bC nnadc for

scgregation and safc disposal of bionlcdical、VastcS,Sharps and Syringcs cithCr by thcir o、in

rcsourccs or through tic― tlp、、ith Comn10n Bionlcdical`ⅣastC Trcatinncnt Facilitics




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738 (66) BitsTd {|qrl{, ffiis 20 srriRT 2oj3


Pathological laboratory:

a. Small Lab: Routine clinical procedures like HB, TLC, DLC, Uri'e Sugar (Bloodand Urine)

b. Large Lab : Above Procedures plus Blood - Urea , Cholestrol, RFT, LFT, LipidProfile, Bio Chemistry, Microbiology, Histopathology, Common Homone Assay :

T3, T4, TSH, Prolactin, Urine and Blood Culture, Elisa Test, elcThe minimurn area ofthe laboratory should be: 120 + 40 Sq. ftThe clinical laboratory shourd be provided with 600mm wide and 900mm highbench of length about 2 metres per technician and enough room for pathorogist i.charge of the laboratory. Each laboratory bench should have a raboratory sink withswan neck fittings, reagent shelving, gas and power point and counter cabinet. Top ofthe laboratory bench should be acid alkali proof.

All clinical laboratories should keep records properly with the name of the patients, theiraddress and the name ofthe referral doctor along with the details of investigation results.

All Pathology labs have to maintain firefighting equipments like extinguishers as prescribed

by municipal authorities.

All labs should have Personal protective Equipmerx (ppE) for the staffClean toilet facility for sample collection with due privacv.

~`ジ ア

16 SupewisOw Doctoト

161 4ヽinilnunl qualiflcatiOn tO run a small LaboratOry is an MBBS degrcc

1 6 2 Minimum qualiflcatiOn tO run a largc LaboratOry shall bc MD/DCP in Path01ogy

17 Technical Personnel‐ The tcchnical pcrsOn pcrforming tcsts undcr thc supcrvision Ofthc

supervisOry dOctOr shOuld havc thc f0110wing q、lalincations:_

1 7 1 Diploma in Mcdical LaboratOry Tccl■lo10gy(with a Course of atleast of One ycar

duratiOn)aWardcd by a University, State Govcrnlllcllt, CCntral Tcchnical Board

1 7 2 Any such cOulsc apprOvcd by thc Govclnmcnt of Chhattisgarh,flolll tinlC to tinlc






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う01ヾ `て 0ヽЧメ,t■市20 aT暉 2013 73S (67)

1 8 C011eCtiOn Centre‐ C011cction Centrc can be run by a Dヽ4LT or a traincd nursc ThC

collection centre should have a room of atleast 80 sq ft area, where facilities of collectton

and storage of samples and proper transportation ol samples from centre to medical lab

should be p'rovided. The transportation should be done carefully with proper marntenallce

of cold chain.

Radiotogy And Imaging:

The role of Radiology Centre is to provide Radio Diagnostic Services and tl.rerefore' it

shall be run by appropriately qualifred specialist in Radiology and Imaging'

Tl-re Radio Diagnosis Units generally deal with Radiography' Ultrasonography (USG)'

Nuclear medicine and Computed Axial Tomography Scaruler (CT Scan)' Magnetic

Resonance Imaging (MRI) etc.


have facilities like colour Doppler, Echocardiography, computed Axial Tomography Scan

(CT scan), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and other Nuclear Medicine related tests'

All Establishments having Radiology and Imaging facilities must fulfill the clattses

laid down in the SAFETY MANUAL plepared by ATOMIC ENERGY

REGULATORY BOARD. Some of the points include:-

o Availability of lead screen near the control panel and lead aprons for technicians'




local language.


rvalls on r.vhich the scattered beam falls shall not be less than 23 mrn thick'

. Windows shall be lead painted or shielded rvith i'7 rnm lead' if there'

The Center should have beer-r approved by the Atomic Energy Regulatory Body'

3. Ultrasonography:

3.1 All Establishn-rents performing Ultrasonography should have a license under the PC-PNDT


i.l In case the Llltrasol'ttc facilit"v maintains a potable machine' the r:se of such urachine shall

be limited to rl.re l.rospiial prerlises as prescribc-d undcr the PND',f guidelines.








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738(68) e-frere wqa, Rli* 20 3TrrR 2013

4. Qualifications:

4.1 Supervisory Doctor-

4.1.1 Minimum qualification for X-Ray and Sonography shall be MBBS with Training/Diploma

in a relevant discipline, approved by the Government of Chhattisgarh'

4.1.2 Minimum qualification for higher levels of services (cT Scan, MRI etc.) shall be MD

Radiology/ Radio Diagnosis / Diploma in Medical Radiology and Electrology / Diplon-ra in

Medical Radio Diagnosis/Diploma in Medical Radiology or any other Qualification/ Degree

or Diploma recognized by MCI.

4.2 Technical Personnel- The technical person performing the tests under supervision ofthe

supervisory doctor should have one of the following qualifications :-

4.2.1 Diplorna in X-ray and Imaging awarded by a University, state Government oI central

Technical Board.

4.2.2 Any such course approved by Goverrunent of Chhattisgarh' from time to time'

Support Services:

Elcctricity― Provision for continuous supply of elcctricity and poM′ er back up shall bc thcrc

V/atcr Supply‐ Provision for safe drinking、 vater and hand washing arrangcmcnts shall bc


All Radiology Labsレ 活vc to maintain ircighting cquipmcllts like cxtinguishers as

prcscribcd by N4unicipal Authoritics.


Thc Ccntcrs must bc providcdヽvith all instrumcnts/cquipmcnts rcquircd fOr cmcrgcncy&

basic lifc support

Thc clinic providing intcrventiona1 /contrast studics nlust havc instrtlnlcnts/

equiplllcnts/mcdicines to dcal、 vith any allcrgic and/or anaphylactic cornplications that rnay


7. Waste Disposat: The Disposal of wastes in the hospital shall be in accordatlce u'ith Bio-

N,ledical Waste (iv{anagement and Handling) Rule. 1998. Provisions shall be nrade tor

segfegation and safe disposal of biomedicai rvastes. -sharps and slringes eithcr"bl lhcit orrtl

lesources or throu-qli tie-Lrp ivirh (lor.nmon Bromeclical \\ asre flcalrrrcrit Fecilirics













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ir{fe.ra rrqqf,, iiri6 20 r{rrm 2013 738 (69)



(Definition as per 2(e) of the Ae t)

home: Must fulfill the standards prescribed for the clinics in part A of this Schedrile.

Arrart From the above: The basic minimum facilities to be provided bv lhe

Matemity Homes are as follows:

Maternity Facilities-

a. All Matemity Homes should be able to caruy out procedures like Suction and

Evacuation, Dilatation And Curettage, Caesarean Section and Caesarean

Hysterectomy on an emergency basis;

b. Blood transfusion facilities shall be available rvithin the premises or a dedicated

blood bank facility o' the panel of the institution. The names, addresses a'dtelephone numbers of such licensed blood banks have to be orominentlv


c. Maternity Homes should have Gynecologists, Surgeons, Anesthetists. ar.rJ

Pediatricians on roles.

d. Provision for hot waler shall be there.

"- -,-tAll Maternity Homes must haye:

oPD Area- The minirnum standards for all individual opDs shall have to be as

mentioned in the standards lor Clinics in pafi A of this Schedule.

IPD Block-

100 sq. ft. for one bed and additional 60 sq.

ft. for every additional bed ir-r the roorlr

Distance betr,een tn'o beds 6■

Clearance betu,ecr.i bed aricl rvail











illc hcs6  一 )

一 わ‘



, ´

Nlinimum Area Required

Floor space pcr bcd in、 vard

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738 ( 70)

劇ヽ Ч ,前 20釧 蒻 2013

Width Of dOOrs in thc、vall 3■


Numbcr ofurinals

36sq i

I per 6 bed

Number of toilets and baths 1 per 6 bed

Number ofwash basins I per l0 bed

Operation Theatre (sterile zone)

Instrument Sterlization

300 sq feet

50 sq. ft.

Scrubbing up←hcre ShOuld be prOper zoning iii5

protcctivc,clean zOnc and sterile zOnc

25 sq食

Labor Room with Toilets

Doctor's Duty Room

Nurses Station

140 sq. ft. + 20 sq. ft.

100 sq■ (with tOilct)

100 sq. ft.(with toiler)

Ward StOre 100 sq. ft.

Trolley Bay *_rl^-( onsu ttlng Kootn and Examination Room

30 sq. ft.

120 sq. ft.

2.4 Labour Room-

a. Labour. Table

b. New Born Resuscitation Unit

c. Emergency Medicines

d. Shadow Less Lamp

e. Instruments for Assisted Deliveries

1-. Minor Surgical Instrunents

1.5 lJcrr Born care at.ea-

a, TItis unit sliall be located w,ithiu or in close prorinrit\ to lirbor roonl

b. Radiant Wanner.s must be kcpt in this are a.

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―o● Ч、 前 20… 2m3 フ38(71)






Emergency Medicines

Suction Machines

Minimum equirrments required for Maternitv home:

a. Labor Table

b. Foetal Monitor (Doppler or Cardiotocograph)

Neonatal Resuscitation Kit

One suction machine with power back up & one standby foot sttction machine

Minimum one oxygen cylinder for 8 beds or part, with one standby cylinder

Arnbu bag, Oxygen mask catheter, and nebulizers

g. Minimum one Infant Wanner

h. All instruments equipments required for emergency & basic life support

; F-^.--..,, T,"-

j. Dressing Trolley

k. Instruments & equipments required for Emergency Obstetric Care (LSCS.

Obstetric Hysterectomy, Forceps)

l. Defibrillator.

Diasnostic Services: Diagnostics Services like Pathological Lab, USG, Foetal

Monitor and empanelled blood bank tie up, portable X-ray, ECG machine, if available

shall be as per the standards prescribed in Standards of Diagnostics in Part B of this

Schedule. ".";tSupport Services:

a. Electricity- Provision for continuous supply of electlicity and porver back up shall

be there.

b. Water Supply- Provision for safe drinking water and hand u'ashing anangemellts

shall be there.

c. F-ire safety- All Maternity Homes have to rnaintain firefighting equipr-nents like

fire extingu ishers.

Waste Disnosal: The Disposal of nastes in the hospital shall be in accordance rvith

Bio-Medical Waste (Managernent and I-landling) Rule. 1998. Ptovisions shall be

made for segregation and sale disposal of biorredical uastes. sharps artd sltinges

eithel b-v their or.vn rcsources or througli tie-rp i.r,irh Comnron Biornedicai \\'aste

'i r e atr.ner.it Facilities.




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738 (72)―

oЧ Ч ,前 20… 2“ 3


It is an establishment where massaging, electrotherapy, hydrotherapy, medicalgymnastics or any other similar processes are usualry carried on for the purpose of treatmentofdisease or deformity. Folrowing standards shall be maintained for the physiotherapy Unit:-t'

Same as prescribed for a clinicin Part A of this Schedule.




3. Equirrments:

I . Short Wave Diathermy

3. Magnetic Therapy

5. Interferentialtherapy

7. Paraffin wax bath

9. Ultra Sound Therapy' *- -'f

Microwave Diathernty

Laser Therapy

Lumbar Traction and Cervical Tractiou

Hot Packs

Hりman ResOurce:

Such Establishments shall be under direct supervision of Bacheror of physiotherapyfrom a recognized univerlity or institute.

Male or female employees providing such therapy shall be under direct supervision ofa qualified Physiotherapist as mentioned above and shall possess a minimumqualificatio' ofhigher secondary and minimum practical experience as prescribed bvthe MCI in Physiotherapy department of any hosoital.

4. SuppOrt serviccs:



Electricity- Provision for continuous supply of electricity a'd power.back,p shall bethere.

water Supply- Provision ror safe drinking rvater and hand washing arr.angerrentsshall be there.

Fire saflety- All Physiotherapy units have to n.raintain firefighting equipments rike tireexringuishers.

waste Disrrosar: The Disposal of rvastes in the hospital shall be i' accoraance withBio-N4edical waste (Managemenr and Handling) Rule. 1998. pro'isions sha bemade lbr segregation and sale disposal of bio'.redical wastes. sharps a'd s1..r.inceseither bl their orvir resources or th'ough tie,up *,ith comrron lrio'redical \\,asteTreatr.r)en1 Facilities.






J-ge 2i-) af 5 i

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ddR{ttd {"iqd. k+iq zo errrs zors 738(73)


1. The Basic Minimum Facilities Provided trv a Nursing Home/Hospitals includes:

1.1 Emergency First Aid- As prescribed for a clinic in part A ofthis Schedule.

1.2 Indoor Admission facilities- The HospitalAJursing Home shall provide indoor

facilities for various disciolines.

1.3 Other Services-

1.3.1 The facility shall have ear-marked space for OPD block as per standards as prescribed

for clinics in Part A ofthis Schedule.

1.3.2 Services of one Medical Practitioner on duty shall be available 24hrs for attending

emergency calls of indoor patients. 24hrs duty of Medical Practitioner shall not be

compulsory if Day Care Centres are available. But availability of Doctor is

compulsory till a patient is there in the Hospital.

1.3.3 Diagnostic Services if available shall be as per standards prescribed for Medical

Laboratories in part B of this Schedule.

1.3.4 Services of Physiotherapist if available shatl be as per standards prescribed for

Physiotherapy Units in Part D of this Schedule.

2. OPD Block: Minimum Infrastructure requirement: As prescribed for a clinic.

■ mm… mα Aξ嘉 出dおmぬ」。

4, Inpatient Derrartment:

4.1 Wards-

a. The ward Should have Enough space between beds (as prescribed in clause 8 of

Part E ofthis Schedule)

b. Separate toilets for nrales and lenrales

c. Separate room for infectious patients

d. Fire fighting equipments/evacuation plan/exit plan and firc alarm

e. Emelgency Tray

f. Suction Machine

g. Oxygen cylinder wirh Mask & Anibr-r Bag

h. Dressing Trolley

i. Separate s,ards for males and females

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738 \74 ) dfis'rd {srct, R{s 20 qrrR 2013

4.2 Intensive Care Unit (If available)-

Intensive Care Unit shall be well supported by medical and paramedical staff ir.r order

to provide Resuscitation and Shoit Tenl Cardio Respiratory Support including

Defibrillation. Following standards shall be maintained for Intensive Care Units:-

a. Entrance door- 4 ft wide

b. Space per ICU bed- 100 sq. ft.

c. Distance between two adjacent beds- 3.5ft

d. Curtain/partition between beds

e. Bedside Supply- centralised oxygen supply facilities must be available.

f. Suction Machine beside each bed

g. Non Invasive Electronic Monitoring- SPO2, HR, R.hythrn, NIBP, ECG,


h. Ventilator And Defibrillator

i. Crash Carl Trolley/ Resuscitation Tray

j. In- House Basic Clinical Lab

k. Imaging Facilities- X-Ray, USG, ECG

l. Qualified R.esident Medical Officer

m. Nurse and support staff

n. Separate hand washing facility

o. WheelchairsiStretchers

p. Separate Mediciiie a*fl Consumable Storage.

4.3 Operation Theatre Complex/ Zone-

a. Pre-operative room / area

b. Changing room for stalf

c. Scrub Area

d. Sterilization Roorl

e. Store

f. Provision for hot water

g. Operation Table

h. Shadow Less Larnps

i. Post- Operative (Recovery) Roorn

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くヽ Чメ,鰤 市 20朝粛 2013

. 4.4 Labour Room - As prescribed for Maternity Homes in Part C of this Schedule.

' 4.5 New Born Care Unit- As prescribed for Maternity Homes in Part C of this Schedule.

5. Support Services and Necessary Requirements For Staff:

5.1 Support Services-

a. Diet- Diet may either be outsourced or adequate separate space for cooking shall be

provided. Hygienic food as advised by the physician shall be available to the patients.

b. CSSD (Central Sterile Supply Deparlment) (Compulsory for hospitals with 100 beds

or more)- Adequate space and standard procedures for sterilization and sterile stolage

shall be available. A practical protocol for quality asslrrance of CSSD shall be


c. Laundry- There shall be separate storage facility for dirty and clean linen and also for

infected/soiled and non-infected /non soiled linen.

d. Electricity- Provision for continuous supply of electricity and power back up shall be


e. Water Supply. Provision for safe drinking water and hand washing arrangements shall

be there.

f. Fire Fighting equipments- AII hospitals to have fire fighting equiprnents like Fire


5.2 Necessary requirements for staff-

a. The stalf employet-sh:Xll be fi'ee from any contagious disease and shall be provided

with clean uniforms suitable to the nature oftheir duties.

b. The workers shall be medically examined at the time of employment and periodical

checks ofthe staff should be done.

c. Staff shall be ensured for rnedical hazards and statuary rules of emplovment shall be


6, Equipment: The Nursing Homes shall provide and maintain the following:-

a. All instruments/equipments required for emergency and basic life support

b. ECG Machine

c. EnTergency Tlay

d. One Suction Machine & one Standby Foot Sr"rction Machrne

e- N,{ir.rir.nunr olle ox) gen cylinder for 8 beds u.itli one Standbl, Cylinder

I Defibrillator


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738 (76) dn|qrrc rl-rH, fu+iq zo errr*e zors


g. Infusion Pump

h. Dressing Trolley

i. Facility for power back up

j. Fire Fighting Equipments/ Evacuarion plan

Minimum requirements of Operation Theatre-

a. Operation Table

b. Boyles Machine

Laryngoscope with 5 blades ofdifferent sizes

Endo Tracheal Tubes of all sizes with connections

Pulse Oxymeter/ Multi - parameter Monitor

Electric Suction Machine with generator connection

g. Foot Suction Machine

h. Emergency Tray with Medicines

i. Autoclave

j. Shadow Less Lamp

k. Electric Cautery

l. Defibrillator

m. Oxygen cylinders in sufficient number

Minimum Instruments and Equipments required for Nursing Home /Hospital-

Minimum required instruments & equipments shall vary as per parlicular

specialty/super spetidi{, however, a list has been provided as per Indian public

Health Standards (ArLnexure -A).

Hosnitals as per availabilifv: Hospitals / Nursing Homes offering multi-specialty isuper-specialty services must l.rave specialists in the relevant discipline either on their

pay roll or as a panelist in their list of consultants. The minimum qualification

required for such specialists shall be as indicated in the table below:-






Specialty / Discipline Desirable QualificationsSuper Specialist DNB/MCH/DM/ Post PG Diploma/ Fello*'ship

General Surgeor.r

;-; - -----rn) srcl ait

MS/DNB, (General Surgery)

,\l D/l )N l J. (Ur.ucral Merlicine)

Obstehic jan & Gynaecologist DCjO (OBG)i\4SiDNB/N{D

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劇呵Ч■ 飾 20… 2013 フ38(77)

Pacdiatrics DCH/MD(Paediatrics)/DNB

Orthopaedics MS/DNB/D ORTH

ENT Specialist 4ヽS/DLO

Anaesthetist MD(Anaesthesia)/DNB/DA

Eye surgeon MD/MS/DOMS/DNB/(Ophthalm010gy)

Dental Surgeon BDS

Pathologist MD/DNB/DCP

Radiologist MD/DNB/DMRE/DMRD/DMRPsychiatrist MD/DP〕 ,4ノDNBDermatologist MD/DNB/Diploma

General Practitioner lallqpathg MBBS/ or any other degree in allopathic


General practitioner (ayush) BAMS/BHMS/ BUMS/Siddha/Yosa

Specialist ofAYUSH Post Graduate in AYUSH


Resident Medical Officers / General Duty Medical Officers-

Nulsing Home must have at least one Resident Medical Officer

Medical Officer for every 20 beds.

Nursing staff and other supportive staff - Minimum nursing and other support stalfshall be in the ratio indicated below:,_- {?-:/'

Every Hospital /

/ General Duty

S.No Category of Staff rvhich

should be available in any




For holv many


Number to be


1 Nursc/Midwifc 20 beds ol its part 1

2 General Duty Attendant 20 beds or its part 1

つ Sr.veeper l0 beds or its part 1

*This is On 8 bourly basis(per SIift)~~~~ ~~ ~~~― ――――

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738 (78) 'sfrgrra trqcr, ifib, 20 3TrtR 2013

8. Phvsical Standards:

Specification of areas for Clinical Establishment

Item Minimum Area Required

Minimum floor space per bed in ward 100 sq. ft. for one bed and additional 60 sq ft

for every additional bed in the room

Minimum distance between two beds 6 ft.

Minimum clearance between bed and wall 60 mm

Minimum width of doors in the wall 3ft.

Brath&Toilct 36 sq. ft.

Number of Toilets and Baths 1 per 6 bed

Number of Wash Basins I per 10 bed

Minimum area of Operation Theatre (sterile

zone) up to 10 beds

140 sq. ft.

>10 andく 30 beds *J 200 sq. ft.

>30 bcds 300 sq. ft.

Area fol Instrument Sterilization 50 sq. ft.

Area for scrubbing up

Ar'ea for pantry (NH more than 20 beds) 80 sq. ft.

Labor room with Toilets l4O cn ft + ?O qn fi

Doctor's dr"rty room 100 sq. ft.(with toileo

Nurses Station 100 sq. ft.(with toile0

Arca ior USG As pel PNDT Gr-ridelines

PaEe 26 .l 5t

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赫 劇ヽ Ч ,前 20朝 `I"2013 738 (79)

Area for laboratory 120 sq. ft. + 40 sq. ft.

Physiotherapy unit wirh equiprnenrs 160 sq. ft.

Ward Store 100 sq. ft.

Trolly Bay 30 sq. ft.

Consulting Room and Examination Room 120 sq. ft.

9. Emergencv Medたal Sewices:

91 All Nursing Homes wherevcr registercd mcdical practitioncノ s arc cngagcd,must

primarily attcnd the emcrgcncy patients and provide basic life support without

considering thc flnancial ability of thc paticnt, and thcn rcfcr, if ncccssary、 tO thc

ncarest privatcゎ ubliC hOspital With Suitablc mcdical rcport about thC ailmcnts,as

carly as possiblc Goldcn HOur Trcatmcnt Protocols shall bc f01lo、 vcd

92 Evcry Nursing Homc shall havc al1 logistics for cmcrgcncy basic lifc support with

traincd medical and paramedical personnel

93 Evcry nursing hOmc shall cnsurc that they must prescribc rational drugs to thcir

patients and follow the provisions Ofthe Dnlgs and Cosmctics Act,1940

9.4 Every Nursing HOme has a prOfessiona1 0bligation tO cxtend its scrviccs 、vith duc

expertisc for protcctin」 fc in cmcrgcncy or in disastcr

10. Waste Dis,osal: The Disposa1 0f、″astcs in tllc hOspital shall bc in accordancc with

Bio―Mcdical Wastc(Managcmcnt and Halldling)Rule,1998 Provisions shall bc madc

for scgrcgation and safc disposal of biOmcdical、 vastcs,sharps and syringcs cithcr by

thcir own rcsources or through tic― up 、vith Conlmon Blomcdical Wastc Trcatnlcnt


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ア38(80) Ernfgrrd {trqqt, l({is 20 3Trrkt 2013


(See Rule ll)




Application for Registration / Renewal ofregistration u'der The chhattisgarh State

Upcharyagriha Tatha Rogopchar Sambandhi Sthapanaye Anugyapan Adhiniy am,20l0

I . Name of the establishment:

Address: Village/ Town:.................. Taluka

District: .... ... State ....pincode

Email id lヽobic No~`

ジ /



D Year of starting:



l-l Municipal Corporation l-l Others

I I lndividual Proprierorship[-l Regisrered Pafrr]ership

fl Registered Company l-l Co-operative Society

f-l Trust / Charitable Irsu f--l Corpolation

6 Name of orvner of clinic:.

7. Name of perscn incharge of clinic:

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dfrs?rd {.rcr. ktio zo eTrf€ zot: 738(81)

Designation Education eualification

Address: Village/ Town: .......Taluka

District : State ........................Pin code

Email id… ………….… ……・ ―・ … …・ ・…………・Mobile No… …_… …………………・…… …

8. System of Medicine offers (please tick whichever is applicable):

I Allopathy

[-l Ye'

I J Yes

Ayurveda f-l Unani tr Siddha

l lomeopathy L__j Yoga and Naturoparhy I Physiotherapy

9. InfrastructureDetails:

Area of Establishment (in sq. ft).............

Total Area .....,,Constructed Area............

lα Whdher ЫOmぶ/ waste disposal license obtained frolll Panchayat/

Municipality/ Municipal Corporation?

□ No

I I . whether clearance obtained from cG Environment conservation Board?

Eコ No

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- 738 (s2 ) Ertrsq€ TFrFt, fccis zo srrrm zot:

12. Human resource:

Total no. ofstaffas on date ofapplication

Please furnish the following table:_

(Scparatc sheet tO be attac

13. Payment option for registration fees:

l. Online payment 2. Demand draft 3. postal order

Amount (in words),............




Category of staff Name Qualification Registration


(where applicable )

Nature of



permanent /

visiting Iconsultation

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Bfrstrd {rqqd, ffiis 20 :{qkl 2013 738 (83)

I, ...................'.. .on my behalf and on behalf of

my company/ society/ association/ body, hereby, declare that the statements made above ae

correct and true to the best of my knowledge and I shall abide by all the rules and regulations

under the chhattisgarh State upcharyagriha Tatha Rogopchar Sarnbandhi Sthapanaye

Anugyapan Niyam, 2013.

I, further underlake to intimate to the appropriate Registering Authority any

change in particulars given above.



Name of Signatory AuthoritY with

01Lcial Seal


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(・ Ч,,m20躙 2Cl1 3




Application for Registration / Renerval ofregistration under The Chhattisgarh State

Upcharyagriha Tatha Rogopchar Sambandhi Sthapanaye Anugyapan Adhiniyam' 2010

1. Name of the establishment: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Address: Villase/ Town: ..... Taluka

District: .......State ....Pin code

Tel No(ヽVith STD codc)… … .… ………………………………………Fax No.

Email id......... MobileNo.......

3. Year of starting:

4 Location:


fl NJunicipal Corpolation l-l Oth"rt*_;

5 f-l lndividual Proprietorship fl Regislered Partnership

l---l Registered Company fl Co-operatii,e Society

fl Trust / Charitable f] PSU fl Corporation

6. Name of olvner of Medical Laboratorv:

7. Name of person incharge of Medical Laboratorv: … … ……… …… … …………

Designation Educatior.r Qualification

… … 一― … …「 aluka

Page 32 of 57

Address V illage, Tour:

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Br*grf6 {lrlq:{. k{is 20 3T.fR 2013 /J6 l d),

District: ......'State ....Pin code

Email id.¨ ……………… Mobilc No.… ………………………………… …

8. Providing testing and Diagnosis:


fl Pathology Lab [-l Collection Center

Diagnostic and imaging centre:

fl x-Ray I Sonography t] cr Scan

fl Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) E Isotope Scans f-l Any other

9. InfrastructureDetails:

Area of Establistunea{n sq. ft)...... .......

'Total Area ...... .Constructed Area... ........ .

10. Whether biomedical waste disposal license obtained from Panchayat/

Municipality/ Municipal Corporation?

I Yes f No.

I l. Whether clearance obtained from CG Environment Conscrvation Board?

n No.

12. Vヽheth

13. Whether registered under PC-PNDT Act?






□ erc‐□










[_l v.'

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o・ Ч ,m20… 2013

・ 14. Human resource:

Total no. of staff as on the date of application

Please furnish the following table:-



Category of


Name Qualification Registration No.

(where applicable )

Nature of


(Separate sheet to be attached for various categories of staff)

15. Payment option for registration fees:

I . Online Payment 2. Demand draft 3. Postal order

Amount (in words)

Receipt No. ...... :::.*{

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dfr{rrg Tr-rrr, Ftiq zo errrw zor: 738 ( 87)

r, ...................... .on my behalf and on behalf of mycompany/ society/ association/ body, hereby, declare that the statements made above arecorrect and true to the best ofmy knowledge and I shalr abide by all the rures and regulationsunder the chhattisgarh state upcharyagriha Tatha Rogopchar Sambandhi Sthaparraye

Anugyapan Niyam,2013.

I. further undertake to intimate to the appropriate Registering Authority any changein particulars given above.



Name of Signatory Authorify with

Offlcial Seal


PaBe 35 of 57

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738 (88) d*grrd {Ftttt, kqt+ zo sllw zot:




Application for Registration / Renewal of HospitaUMaternity Homes/Nursing

Home registration under The Chhattisgarh State Upcharyagriha Tatha Rogopchar Sambardhi

Sthapanaye Anugyapan Adhiniyam, 201 0

l. Nameof the Establishment: ... ... ......

2. Address:

Village/ Town:. .. Taluka

Email id… ………………………………………………………MObilc No

Year of starting: . . ..::.:.j.;j

4. Location : lMunicipal Corporation f-l Others

5. Orvnership: !lndividual Proprietorship I Registered Partnership


I Registered Company

n Trust / Charitable

! Co-Operative Society

f] Psu I Corporation

6. Name of orvner of Hospital/Maternify Homes/Nursing Homes):

Page 7E or 5 t

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d*grrc {FTt, fu-* zo ,:r.rg zot: 738 (89)

1, Name of person in-charge:...... .

Designation Education Qualification

Address: Villase/ Town: .......Taluka .........

District: .......State ....Pin code.

Tel. No. (With STD code)............. ......FaxNo.

Emallid Mobile No… … …………………… …

8. System of Medicines offered (please tick rvhichever is applicable):

! Yoga and Naturopathy

9. Providing inpatient care:

f] Hospital I Nursing Home f] Maternity Home

I Atry otlier (please spesify)...................'-J "10. ProvidingDiagnosticServices:


Ll Atlopathy

L-l Homeopathy

! Pathology Lab

Diagnostic and imaging centre:

tr--i -,I t.\ rav

I Magrretic Resonance Imaging (MRI)

Infrastructure details :

I Ayurveda tr Unani f] siaana

LJ Lolleclron L enter


□ □


Isotope Scans

CT Scan

Any other

Alea of Establislmrent (in square meters). .

fotal Area . .. . .. .. .. ....Ccnstructed Area.....


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738 (90) e-fr$rd {"rct. fuliq zo errg zo'1:

a. OutpatientDepartment:

Specialty wise distribution of OPD clinic:

S. No Specialty No. of rooms Remarks

b. In Patient Department:

Total No. ol beds ..................

Specialty wise distribution ofbeds (in case the hospital is more than 100 beds):-

S. No Specialfy No. of rooms Remarks


Whether Biomedical Waste Disposal License obtained from Panchayat/

Municipality/ Municipal Corporation?

LJ Yes l--l No.

d. Whether clearance obtained from Chhattisgarh Environment Conversation


fl Y"' n No.

e. Whether clearance obtained from BARC/AERB?

n Y"t I No.

f. Whether registered under PC-PNDT Act?

[]xoPage 38 cf 57

l- I YCS

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12. Ⅱuman resource:

Total no of staffas on date of appliCation … … … … … …

Plcase furnish thc fo10wing t■ lα―

Nature of service

tempera/ Permanent

/visitirrg / consultation


No. (where

applicable )

QualificationCategory of staff

Other please


(S"p*"t" ttt""t to b" "tt^"hed

for various categories of staffl

13.Payment op6on folleジ tra■。nたes:

1 0nlinc paymcnt 2 Dcmand draft 3- Postal order

Amount (in words)... .. . .

Dctails … … …

D o^6;nr l\I^f\ccglpt I \u.

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738 (92) sdl{r|d T|qTd, ftrifr 20 3TrfK 2013


I, ...................... .on my behalf and on behalf of rny

company/ society/ association/ body, hereby, declare that the statements made above are

correct and true to the best of my knowledge and I shall abide by all the rules and regulations

under the Chhattisgarh State Upcharyagriha Tatha Rogopchar Sambandhi Sthapanaye

Anugyapan Niyam,2013.

I, further undertake to intimate to the appropriate Registering Authority any change

ir, particulars given above.



Name of Signatory Authority rvith

Official Seal


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Ed€r€ {rsq-t. ffii6 20 errf€ 2013 フ38(93)


(See Rule ll)



Other Areas

Registration Fee

(in Rs.)

Registration Fee

(in Rs.)

Individual Clinic ( All Pathies)

(a) Graduates 700 350

(b) Post- Graduate diploma and degree holder 1500 750

(c) Poly clinics & other Clinic 700/doctor 350/doctor

Nursing Home and/or Maternity Homes or Hospitals

(a) Up to 10 beds 2000 1000

(b) I l-20 beds 3000 1500

(c) 21-30 beds 4000 2000

(d) more than 30 bedsダ

5000 2500

Pathological Laboratory

(a) Pathological Laboratory 1000 500

(b)Collection Centre for Pathological Labs 1000 500


(a)USG/ECHO/Color Dopplcr/X― Ray/


1000 800

(b) MRI/ CT Scan/ Angiography 3000 1500

Amendment fees (In addition to original fee) 800 500

Duplicate Copy of License 500 250


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738 \94 ) saRFrd {EFDI. Id;Itrf 20 3lrfRt 2013


(See Rule ll)


Registration No

It is, hereby, certified that the Establishment

Address.......... ...... under

the ownership of Mr./Mrs

has paid a total sum of Rupees .(in figure)

(in words) and is registered under the

Chhattisgarh State Upcharyagriha Tatha Rogopchar Sambandhi Sthapanaye Anugyapan


This registration, however, does not guarantee the above mentioned

the license under the Act. The registration Certificate will be valid till

"- -_/

Nanie ofthe Snpervisory Authority..... . ..



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adeqs {rqq{, f<ris 20 3TrrRI 2013 738(95)


(See Rule ll)





License No........

Subiect to terms and conditions specified in Schedule 1 of the these rules, license is' hereby,

granted to Clinical Establishment (Name)..


Plonriet nr's Name -, , uy, r! ru,

Address... . ..... ...

Registration No.................... ... under the State Upcharyagriha Tatha

e Anugyapan Adhiniyam, 2010 to establish /rrur tl.reRogopchar Sambandhi StS

Clinical Establishment......... ...

(lndividual CliniciPolyclinic/ Physiotherapy Clinic/Pathology Labl Radiology and Imaging

centre/ Maternity Home/ Hospital/ Nursing Home under the system of Medicine viz:

Allopathy/Ayurvedic/Homoeopathy/ Unanii Siddha/ Naturopathy) for a period of 5 years r.e.

From............. . . . ...To..............


` Scal Date:

Snpervisory Aulhorit)

Fage 43 ct 57


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。ヽ Ч ,師 市 20a鴫 2013


(See Rule 13,Clause 8.2)


District.…………………¨ Status as on Remarks (*)



Name and

address of




of Clinical



Date of



Date of

issue I

renewal of


Validiけ of



(*)lndicate entry / page number ofthe applications folder






Name of

Complainant the


Name of



against whom

the complaint

is made


ion done

(")Enter cases registered u'ith .{ppeliate Authority

_ ′:■ '

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dd-€'r|d 1rqrr. Rli* zo erts zor: 738 (97 )



(Rule 14)

Every Nursing Home/ Clinical Establishment shall maintain and preserve medical

records for a period of five years from the date of the patient attending the hospital.

Following records shall be maintained:-

1 OPD Records: The "OPD paper" ofa patient attending the OPD should contain the

Doctor's name and detailed clinical notes including patient's name, age, occupation,

chief complaints, onset/duration/progress of illness, past history, personal history,

family history, detailed examination findings, provisional diagnosis and treatment


IPD Records: The Nursing Home shall keep the following details of the patients

admitted in the Nursing Home as an in-door patient, narnely:-

(i) Records of admission

(iD Discharge / DOR/LAMA/ Absconding/Dearh of the patient;

(iii) Records of Treatment

(iv) These registers..lf to be duly maintained and updated chronologically , copies

of which have to be kept in the record room of the nursing hone for at least 5

years. The information in this regard shall be supplied to the Supervisory

Authority, as and when required.

3. Other Registers to be maintained: Other Registers to be maintained are:-

i. Labor Room Register

ii. Operation Theater Register

iii. MTP register (if registered under the Medical Ten.nination of Pregnancy Act.


iv. It4edico Legal Register

v. Laboratorl Rcgister

t'i. Radiolog),andInterging Register

vii. liltr-asorrograplil Register.

章 ニノ11_ ´ Page 4.c of 57

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738 (e8) s#grrd {nrq:r, kli* zo :r're zor:

n  x

V PC-PNDT Register

Medical Certificate Register with certificates in duplicate

Complaint Register

Birth Register fNotified to such medical officer as authorized)

Death Register (in such format as prescribed by GovemmenVstate LevelAuthority)

Information in terms of Govemment programmes / areas of work (e.g. materr.ral

health, child health, immuni zation, family planning, vector borne disease,

National Leprosy Eradication Programme, Revised National TB Control

Programme, Integrated Disease Surveillance project, NRHM initiatives, Janani

Suraksha Yojana)






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B-algrrd tl;IrFt. l(lFF 20 sTrt€ 2013 738 (99)





Follolving entries are to be made in the birth register:-

I . Date o'f birth:

2. Gender:

3. Name of the child, if any:

4. Father's Name:

5. Permanent address:

6. Mother's Name:

"--/7. Place of birth:

1. If institutional -- then -- Hospital/lnstitution Name:

2. if Home Delivery -- then -- Address:

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738 ( 100 )― ・

Ч ,前 20… 2∽ 3



(ThiS part to bc dctachcd and scnt for statistical processing)

l Address ofthe l■ other:

2 Religion of the family:

a. Hindu b Musliln c Sikh

3. Father's education:

4. Mother's education:

5. Father's/Mother'soccupation:

6. Age of the mother at the time of marriage:

7 . Age of the mother at the time of this birth :

8. Total number ofthe children born alive:

9. Type of attention at delivery: (Tick the appropriate entry below)

Institutional - Private /Government

Delivery at Home

10. Method of delivery: (Tick the appropriate entry below)

1. Normal

2. F orceps/Varu{m

3. Caesarean

I L Birth rveight (in Kgs.) (lf available):

d Cl■isuala

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o'fr{trr6 TEq1. R{iq 20 srtrkt 2oi3 738 ( 101)



Following entries are to be made in the Death register:-

1. Date of Death:

2. Name of the deceased:

3. Sex of the deceased:

4. Age of the deceased:

5. Place of Death:

a. If institutional -- then - Hospital/lnstitution Name:

b. If Death at home -- then -- Address:

c. Other (Specify)................

y/--- '-"'':f

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738 ( 102 ) 赫 く|ヽ Ч,,前 20凛下国 2013



(This part to be detached and sent for statistical processing)

1. Address of the deceased:

2. Religion of the deceased:

a. Hindu b. Muslim

3. Occupation of the deceased:

c Sikll

4. Type of medical attention received before death:

a. Institutional

b. Medical attention other than institutional

c. No medical attention

5. Was the cause of death medically certified? Yes

d Christian


6. Name of Disease or Actual Cause of Death:.J7 . In case of death of a female, whether the death occurred during pregnancy or at the

time of delivery or within 6 rveeks of the Delivery : Yes No

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R-frsAA rrqt. Rfq 20 3Trtfn 20.13 738 (103)


(See Rule 15)


S No


Name of the disease

Category of disease

Total no. of patients admitted

Date of first patient admitted

Total no. of deaths

Arca flom、、1lich maxin凛ノ′nO

patients arc adlllittcd

ノ/~PaBe 52 ci 57

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フ38(104) BRftsr|d {rqtn. F{is 20 3TrrRI 2013




S.No. Instrument Minimumrequirement

1 Tray, instrumenVdressing with cover, 3 10 x 200 x 600mm-ss


ん Glovcs surgcon,latcx stcrilizttlc,SiZC 60乙

3 Gloves surgeon, latex sterilizable, 6-112うι

4 Gloves surgeon, latex sterilizable, size 7 う4

5 Gloves surgeon, latex sterilizable, 7-l i2 12

´0 Gloves surgeon, latex sterilizable, 8


7 Forceps, backhaus towel, 130 mm 4

8 Forceps, sponge holding, 228 ntnt 6

9 Forceps, afiery, pean straight, 160 mm, stainless steel 4

10 Forceps hysterectomy, curved, 22.5 mm 4


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Sm_Ⅲ Q壼 d山 ,ワ 5 6

う‘ Forceps, tissue, all/is 6x7 teeth, straiglrt, 200 mm-ss ′

13 Forceps, uterine, tenaculum, 280 mrn, stainless steel 1

14 Needle holder, mayo, straight, nanow jarv, 175 mm, ss 1

15 Krife-handle surgical for minor surgery # 3 1

16 Knife-haudle surgical for rnajor surger; # 4 1

17 Klife-blade surgical, size 11, for minor surgery, pkt of5 D

00 Knife-blade surgical, size 15 for minor surgery, pkt of 5 4

19 Klrife blade surgical. size 22. for major surgery. pkt of 5 D

20 Needles. sutrrre lrianuular point. 7.i crrr. pkr of tr つ

21 Needles, suture. rourd bodied. 3/8 circle No. l2 nkt of6 つ

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― ・qЧ メ,m20輌 2013 738 ( 10s )

S.No. Instrument Minimumrequirement

22 Rctractor,abdOminal,Deavers,sizc 3,2 5 cnlx 22 5 cm1

23 Retactor, double-ended abdominal. Beltouis. set of2 つ4

24 Scissors, operating curved mayo-blunt pointed l7Omm l


一 Retractor abdominal, Balfour 3 blade self-retaininp l

26 Scissors, operating, straight, blunt point, i 70 mm 1


2 Gloves Surgeon, latex, size 6-112Ref.4148 6

3 Gloves surgeon latex, size 7-1/2Ref.4148 6

4 Bowl, metal sponge, 600 ml, Ref. IS: 5782 1

5 Speculum vaginal bi-valve cusco's graves srnall ss 1

6 Forccps spongc h01ding,straigh1 228ヽ 4MH Scmkcn 200mm


7 Sound uterine simpson, 300 mm graduated UB 20 mm 1

00 Forceps tltcrinatclla"lum duplay DBL― CVD,280 mm 1

9 Forceps tissue - 160 mm 1

10 Anterior vaginal wall retractor stainless 1

Torch without batleries 1

一 Gloves surgeon, latex. size 7, Ref:4148 6

(, Gloves surgeon, latex size 6 Ref. IS: 4148 ′

14 Battery dry cell 1.5 V 'D' Type for Itern 7G 1

15 Speculum vaginal bi-valve cusco's/Grea Ves Medium ss 1

16 Forceps artery. straight, Pean, 160 mm l

17 Scissors operating. straight. I45 rnm, Blunt/Blur.tt

l-orceps ulel ine r ulscllurn cur.r cd. Museur, 2J0 rrrrrr



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738 ( 106 ) vdl{rrrd {Frqr, K{rd; 20 3TrrRr 2013


S. No. Instrument Minimumrequirement

1 Trolley, dressing caniage size 76C, long x 46 cm wideand 84 cm high. Ref. lS 476911968


うι Towel, trolley 84 cm x 54 cm 1

う0 Gown, operation, cotton 1

4 Cap. operation, surgeon's 36 x 46 cm 2

5. Gauze absorbent non-sterile 200 mm x 6 m as oer IS:171/1985


6 Tray instrument with cover 450 mm (L) x 300 mm (W) x80 mm (H)


7. Macintosh,opcration,plastic 2

00 Mask, face, surgeon's cap of rear ties: B) Beret type with

elastic hem2

9. Towel, glove 3


S. No. Instrument Minimumrequirement

1 Facemask, plastic w/rubber cushion and headstrap, set of4 4

2. Airway Cuedel or Berman, autoclave rubber 2

J. Laryngoscope. set with infant, child J

Jt Catheter, endotracheal w/cuff, rubber set J

5. Forceps, catheter, Magill, adult and child sizes 1

6. Connectors, catheter, staright/curved ♪

7. Cuffs for endotracheal catheters 4

8. Breathing tubes, hoses, corurectors 4

9 Vaporiser, halothane l10 Needle. spir.ral l

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・ЧЧtt m 20噸 2"3 738 \107 )


S.No. Instrument Minimumrequirement

1 Diathermy machine 1

2. Dressing drum all sizes 1

3 Lamps shadowless:Ceiling larnp 1

4 Lamps shadowless: Portable type 1

5 Steriliser 1

6 Suction Apparatus 1

7 Trolley for patients 1

8 Trolley for instruments 1

9 Boyle's Apparatus with accessories 1


S,No. Instrument Minimumrequirement

1 Rod, flint-glass, 1000 x 10 mm dia, set of twog


2 Cylinder, measuring, graduated Wpouring lip, glass, 50ml ,

0 Bottle, wash, polyethylene Wangled delivery tube, 250 ml 1

4 Timer, clock, interval, spring wound, 60 mimrtes x 1


5 Rack, slide drying nickel/silver, 30 slide capacity 1

6 Tray. staining. stainless steel 450 x 350 x 25 nm 1

7 Chamber, counting, glass. double neubauer ruling 2

8 Pipette, serological glass,0.05 ml x 0.0125 ml 6

9 Pipette, serological glass, 1.0 ml x 0.10 ml 6

10 Counter. differential, blood cells. 6 unit 1

ll Ccntlifllgc,lnicro― hcmatocrit,6 tubcs,240v 1

12 f--ovel glass lor counting chamber (item 7), Bor of I2 1

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738 ( 108 )

劇ЧЧ礼 柿 20… 2013

う0 Tube, capillary, heparinized, 75 mm x 1.5 mm, vial of 100 10

14 1

ぐυ Lancet, blood (Hadgedorn needle) 75 mm pack of 10 ss 10

16 Benedict's reagent qualitative dry components for soln 1

17 Pipette measuring glass, set of two sizes 10 mI,20 ml 2

00 Test tube, w/o rim, heat resistant glass, 100 x 13 mm 24

19 Clamp, test{ube, nickel plated spring wire, standard type 3

20 Beaker, HRG glass, low form, set of two sizes,50 ml, 150ml

うι Rack, test-tube wooden with 12x22 mm dia holes 1


illr,i-irr?i14 9 ri

riq|d{, { r aln d{fJ qrcql, -ntr.ja 6Rr ln{6tq ffiqEqnTrdq, {If{i<.riq i qidd dqr 96rRra 2013.