Inspirational Publishing ™ ® {Meredith 2015 © copyright} | Confidential 1 By; Jeremy Meredith Executive Director Email;[email protected]m DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION


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Inspirational Publishing ™ ® {Meredith 2015 © copyright} | Confidential


By; Jeremy Meredith Executive Director

Email;[email protected]


Inspirational Publishing ™ ® {Meredith 2015 © copyright} | Confidential


The Spartan Project!

Situations, Weapons, Objective, Tactics


School drop outs are at an all-time high. Let’s face it kids today just don’t see the incentive to go to school. We aren’t

providing the financial opportunity’s they need. Many of them end up in jail or prison because there is no other way for them

to make money, except through violence and crime. Our economy is out of control. We need a solution. We believe we have

one that could change everything and put us back in the lead as a country.

The objective is clear. Stop drop outs, save our economy. If students finish school, we thrive. If not, we fail and prisons

get full. There is no future without jobs and education. This is the answer.

Imagine… One Coach, two team captains, and 20 students all being trained to be marketing warriors. The whole school

competing for employment on the team, every kid gets paid but only the top 20 students are guaranteed income and benefits.

The school picks the coach. The coach picks the two team captains Varsity and J.V. They put together a team of 20 highly

trained highly motivated professional school fund-raisers, the “Spartans” of the marketing world. The product they will be marketing is hundreds of 24”x36” high gloss, full, theater sized school posters, featuring team schedules and upcoming

events, all in high definition 3D, with the mascot and kids almost jumping out at you. These graphics are all creatively filtered

into one another, for maximum exposure and effect, $500 to the student with the best poster design each quarter. Talk about

easy money for a car or college…We also have special incentives for our talented and most popular students to train, work with and build up the special ed students to overcome their disabilities such as special rewards and enhanced commission scales, even though according to my feasibility study, sales were higher when the students sold with a handicap student. I guess kindness is rewarded in society. Ha! (see feasibility study)!

The posters will be free to the public. Yes “FREE!”, and distributed to all the kid’s families and school sponsors. The

marketing warriors / Students will be strategically positioned outside high traffic supermarkets and grocery stores. They will

stand together in pairs of two’s fully equipped with info covered stands and photo wear. We’re talking the latest I-Pads and I-

phones, poster development software and good old fashion paper and pen just in case, dressed in full attire, Jeans and Letter

Jackets, with a newspaper headline declaring their position and cause, soliciting the community into being featured on our

posters. $50 gets your face on the poster. $20 if you’re disabled or poor, along with a short inspirational phrase for the kids

and an opportunity qualifying you for nonprofit tax deductible advertising and PR. All advertising is handled through our

“separate” nonprofit call center. The only condition for our students to work is that… THEY HAVE TO STAY IN SCHOOL!

Second chances for all!!$$!


Let’s do the math… Every kid has a minimum goal of 14 sponsors a week and work less that 15hrs Monday-Friday

after school. Less than 3 hours a day. So Just less than 1 sponsor an hour in a high traffic setting at a grocery store during the

week after school, unless they go solo on the weekends without us, which we will expect. But let’s say they don’t. 14 sponsors

@ $50 each is $700. 25% goes to the student or $175 in 15 hours is $11.75 an hour reaching their minimum rate of success.

We guarantee $10.00 per hour or $150 a week no matter what, just to give them a nice cushion. So $700 coming in from each

student or 20 not including those that are not on the team but still sell is $14,000 each week or 56,000 a month. 20% or

$11,200 each month goes to the school for bus and space, or $134,400 each year operating at minimum success rate, not

including ad space sold by our foundation call center which could bring in well over a quarter million not including what the

kids sell. The Coach gets 5% or $700 a week versus a minimum $500 a week guarantee salary not including benefits. And the

Team captains get 5% between the two. $400 for Varsity, $300 for J.V. versus a $250 a week guaranteed salary for each of

them. We keep 45% with a 10% reimbursement from the foundation call center making it 50 to 55%. We will say 50% to

simplify. 50% of

$56,000 is $28,000 or $336,000 a year from a single district. After taxes and publishing brings us close to about $250,000.

Even if we drop it down to a safer number say $200,000. Take that from 5 Districts that’s $1,000,000 in a single year. Think

how many districts are in the Country, in the World? Not to mention the Tax deductions we get from our nonprofit call center.

Schools will make millions. Kids will make 10’s of thousand, not to mention the best job training money can buy, backed

from one of our most prestigious Universities. And those that helped make it happen will make Billions. The math doesn’t lie.

We wish to perform a demonstration on 5 different school districts to show that our methodology is effective and

should eventually be applied in every school district in the country. The period we are requesting funds for is 18 months to

work out all the bugs if any, but we may only require funding for a year then seek other outside investors to cover the fast

growth that is predicted. We require $660,450 to complete the project. We are providing $360,450 in capital and volunteer service and equipment. We are requesting $300,000 in the form of a grant to change the world. We are backed by Boise State

University and supported by the following. (See appendix)