Anthrax: An Epidemiologic Perspective Denise Dietz Public Health Epidemiologist

Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

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Page 1: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Anthrax: An Epidemiologic Perspective

Denise Dietz

Public Health Epidemiologist

Page 2: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax


Overview of anthrax

Explain different types of anthrax


Why a good weapon


Page 3: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Bacillus anthracis

Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack

Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax

11 cutaneous anthrax

5 deaths (23%) All inhalation

About half of inhalation cases

Page 4: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Epi Curve of Anthrax Attacks

Note: arrows indicate inhalation anthrax, based on 5 letters sent

Actual 2001 Anthrax Attack Epi Curve

Page 5: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

What is Anthrax?

Bacteria Soil Usual route through infected animals

Spore forming Types:

Inhalation Cutaneous Gastrointestinal

Incubation period 1-7 days (up to 60 has been shown; 43 days in USSR)

Page 6: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Inhalation Anthrax

Page 7: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Inhalation Anthrax: Pathway

Deposition in alveolar space

Macrophage ingestion

Transport to mediastinal lymph nodes


Replication/Toxin Release = hemorrhage, edema and necrosis

Page 8: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Inhalation Anthrax: Clinical Progression

Stage 1 Lasts hours to a few days

“non-specific” symptoms including Fever

Fatigue, malaise



Sweating, chills

Shortness of breath (dyspnea)

Page 9: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Inhalation Anthrax: Clinical Progression

Stage 2 Develops abruptly Symptoms include

Sudden fever Shortness of breath (dyspnea) Diaphoresis (excessive sweating) Shock Stridor (high pitched sound resulting from turbulent air flow

in the upper airway)

X-ray and chest computed tomographic (CT) abnormalities Mediastinal widening, infiltrates, pleural effusions

Page 10: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Chest X-Ray of 2001 Inhalation Anthrax


Day 6 of clinical course

Page 11: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Inhalation Anthrax: Treatment

Animal experiments suggest critical threshold for treatment

In 2001, all four patients exhibiting signs of fulminant (sudden/severe) illness prior to antibiotics expired

Treatment with ciprofloxacin or doxycycline

Page 12: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Cutaneous Anthrax

Page 13: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Cutaneous Anthrax: Transmission

Contact with contaminated skins, wool or hides, or products made from these

Contact with tissues of animals that are clinically ill or dead from anthrax

Contact with soil contaminated with spores or contaminated bone meal used in gardening

Page 14: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Cutaneous Anthrax: Pathway

Deposition on skin


Replication/Toxin Release =

hemorrhage, edema and necrosis

Page 15: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Cutaneous Anthrax: Clinical Progression

Local Edema

Ulcer forms (Day 2)

Small vesicles appear discharging clear or serosanguinous fluid -containing organism

Black Eschar develops, dries up, and falls off within 1-2 weeks

Systemic symptoms may occur

Page 16: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Cutaneous Anthrax: Treatment

Antibiotic treatment is warranted

Mortality rate 20% untreated

Mortality rare among those treated

Ciprofloxacin or Doxycycline

Page 17: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Gastrointestinal Anthrax

Page 18: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Gastrointestinal Anthrax: Pathway

Deposition on oral cavity


Replication/Toxin Release =

hemorrhage, edema and necrosis

Deposition in terminal ileum or cecum


Replication/Toxin Release =

hemorrhage, edema and necrosis


Page 19: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

GI Anthrax: Clinical Progression

Oral or Esophageal Ulcer

Regional Lymphadenopathy







Bloody Diarrhea

Acute Abdominal Pain


Day 9

Page 20: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Gastrointestinal Anthrax : Treatment

Fewer studies

Anticipated case fatality rate 4 -12%

Antibiotics recommended – ciprofloxacin or doxycycline

Page 21: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Why Weaponize?

Working Group on Civilian Biodefense ranked bacillius anthracis as one of the top organisms with the ability to cause disease and deaths in sufficient numbers or to gravely impact a city or region.

Page 22: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Why Weaponize?

Optimal Characteristics


Living (can replicate) Bacterium √

High Stability Spores √

Highly Virulent LD50 ~2,500-55,000 √

Quick Incubation 1-7 days √

Dissemination Efficient Aerosol


Page 23: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Weaponized Anthrax


High spore concentration

Uniform particle size

Low electrostatic charge

Treated to reduce clumping

Page 24: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Epidemiology of Anthrax

Overall, not common Animal vaccination programs available Spores remain prevalent in soil

GI anthrax Reports mostly from Asia and Africa Mostly from undercooked food

Cutaneous Most common out of three US cases = 224 1944-1994, one in 2000

Inhalation US cases = 18 from 1890-1976 Most US cases involved with goat hair/wool/tannery; 2 lab


Page 25: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Anthrax & Bioterrorism

One case of any type of anthrax is “red flag” and is immediately reportable to local or state health department

Inhalation anthrax report of great concern

Gastrointestinal and cutaneous anthrax necessitates immediate r/o of natural cause

Page 26: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

“Getting the Call”

Immediately reportable confirmed or suspected anthrax

Clinical and Microbiological support

Different species of bacillius

Gram positive, non-motile, blood agar

Investigation begins

Most written recommendations are based on inhalation attack

Page 27: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax

Epidemiology Investigation

Demographics Travel History during Incubation Period Food History for possible GI anthrax Any other known cases

Links to residency, workplace, school, vacation, etc.

Environmental Testing Determination of prophylaxis – Prophylaxis is indicated

for persons exposed to an airspace contaminated with B. anthracis. Ciprofloxacin, doxycycline, and penicillin G 60 days

Page 28: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax


Inhalation anthrax most probable for attack

Ability to spread easily

High virulence

Any report of anthrax requires investigation

If treated early enough, antibiotics can help clinical course

Prophylaxis is available for those in airspace - 60 days!

Page 29: Denise Dietz Public Health EpidemiologistBacillus anthracis Bacteria implicated in 2001 biological attack Overall, 22 persons sickened 11 inhalation anthrax 11 cutaneous anthrax


Anonymous. Weapons of Mass Destruction. http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/intro/bio_delivery.htm. Last updated Sept 2007. Accessed November 8, 2010.

Heath and Human Services. Update: Investigation of Bioterrorism-Related Anthrax and Interim Guidelines for Exposure Management and Antimicrobial Therapy, October 2001. MMWR Weekly; O2001 50(42); 909-919

Inglesby, T.V., O’Toole, T., Henderson, D.A., Anthrax as a Biological Weapon, 2002: Updated Recommendations for Management. JAMA. 2002; 287(17):2235-2252.

Jerningan, D.B. et al. Investigation of Bioterrorism-Related Anthrax, United States, 2001: Epidemiologic Findings. EmergInfect Dis. Oct; 8(10):1019-1028

Sirisanthana, T. and Brown, A. Anthrax of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Emerg Infect Dis. 2002 Jul;8(7):649-51