American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 a 2 9 0 8 Nor111 Nacxni Slreer. Rul-hank, CA 91504 *L)OHS NO: L541,LACSDNO: 10181 Tci: (888) 288-AETI, * (818) 845-8200 - Fax: (818) 845-8840 . wwwaetlab. %%GE~D OCT 1 O 2009 Haley & Aldrich Number of Pages 2 aley & H h ; In$. I 500 South Kraemer Blvd. Suite 370 Date Received 10/04/2005 ! I Brea, CA 92821-6723 Telephone: (714) 985-3434 Attention: Tom Tatnall Date Reported 10/05/2005 Project ID: 32486-000 project ~ame: Delphi Sysrem Corp. Site: 1201 N. Magnolia Avenue Anaheim, CA 92801 Enclosed please find results of analyses of 2 solid waste sampies which were analyzed as specified on the attached chain of custody. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to cal.1. Checked By: Approved By: - ~eL-.~~2 ~~~~~- Cyrus Razmara, Ph. D. Laboratory Director

Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

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Page 1: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 a2908 Nor111 Nacxni Slreer. Rul-hank, CA 91504 *L)OHS NO: L541,LACSDNO: 10181 Tci: (888) 288-AETI, * (818) 845-8200 - Fax: (818) 845-8840 . wwwaet lab . % % G E ~ D

OCT 1 O 2009

H a l e y & A l d r i c h N u m b e r of P a g e s 2 aley & H h ; In$. I

500 S o u t h K r a e m e r B l v d . S u i t e 370 D a t e R e c e i v e d 10/04/2005 !

I B r e a , CA 92821-6723

T e l e p h o n e : (714) 985-3434 A t t e n t i o n : Tom T a t n a l l

D a t e R e p o r t e d 10/05/2005

P r o j e c t I D : 3 2 4 8 6 - 0 0 0 p ro jec t ~ a m e : De lph i S y s r e m Corp.

S i t e : 1201 N . Magnolia Avenue Anaheim, CA 92801

Enclosed please find results of analyses of 2 solid waste sampies which were analyzed as specified on the attached

chain of custody. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to cal.1.

Checked By: Approved By: - ~eL-.~~2 ~ ~~~~~-

Cyrus Razmara, Ph. D.

Laboratory Director

Page 2: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

Chain of Custody Record


Haley & Aldrich Adbiess

500 S. Kraeiner Blvd., Suite 370

g ~ o o . ~ a z a : d I : ~SRI.? i i l j9si ~ ~ o r s 0 0 3 O ~ l n k - o n n

P~OJUC: hfansgcr

Tom Tatnall TeIc~hnnn h'!,mbnr (Area Code)

(714) 985-3434 Cify Slsfe

Brea CA

f l ~ n t : ; - n TI C C c t O D S ~ O S ~ ~ : By Lab O ~ r r k r i l . For ?!on!hs



L n b o r ~ t o y Namr


Lab-mlor) ,*riil:csr 9 7 ~ I ~ p b o n ~ N,,rnhc~ 2834 Naomi St., Burbank CA 91504 Tel: (818) 845.szoo

Pro)c(! N n n ~ and Locanon (.Sl?!e)

Delphi, Anaheim CA

Is& biz, c>"h.

Confrn~l'P!>rrba~e Order/?l,o:~ NP

I ~ r s Around Trne Reglared

m2.4 Hours f l 48Hours f l 7 U a y s 3 7 ~ Days f l 2 r Days ~ 0 f , ? . - r s

Sire Conlacr LiibConlar! Anaiysrs (Attach list if more space is needed) T. Tatiiall Jim 1,in


M;tinx Containers

QC Rrqi~irsmcn!.? (Speaiy!


10i4/2005 -

Lab N~rnllcr

S p t i B ! : n s f n , r ! : n ~ s ~ ~ o o ~ ~ t ~ o ~ s af Pi.i?rpt



Cl,rtoi/v Ntrmopr


Page 1 of 1

Sample / 0. No and Description (Containers for each sample may be conihin on one line)


~ s o o z i s s ~ o o o o r

1 I I l l l t l (A !re m y ilc assessrll f s?mp:es am reinhe(! !\donln? longer i h i l 1 n m l f ~ )


Date 2 Time 3 $



08 35 1 08'20 1

2 2 "J 0

x 1 X



Page 3: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

Chain of Custody Record

Ors:.?P'~ ?<9,->h+r

HA-000009 Llntr


0 2 4 ~ o u r s f l48n~urs Oroa, ,s Dl4 nays 0 2 7 nays 001hers-. . . ~p

1 $hor7!01' nC1?>f1



Haley & Aldrich


f RocnivcriBy

2. Recrivcd By

3 R m c t u ~ d B y

Pr"!?ct ~ , ~ * . + : ~ ~ ~ ~

Tom Tatnal l




I RolnqtirshPd By

2 Religplshed By

3 RoDnni~rsiicdBy








m a


Page 4: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a 2 9 0 8 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO: 10181 Tci : (888) 288-AETI, . (818) 845-8200 Fax: (818) 845-8840 . www.astIab.com


rea. ('I\ 02X1l-6723 I hone: (7 14)985-3434

Attn: Tom Talllall


' 1201 N Magnolia Abenue

, Aiiaheim, CA 92801

Page 2 I'rojecl ID 32486-000 GTL Job Number Submztted Cl~ent

Project Na111c Delpbl System Corp. - 348:3 - 10/04/2005 HGK , -1 -

Method: (6010B,LEAD), Lead, ICP QC Batch No: 100405


QC Batch No: 100405 Sample Spiked: MA5994 QC Prepared: 1010412005 QC Analyzed: 1010412005 Units: mglKg

QC Batch No: 100405 Sample Spiked: MA5994 QC Prepared: 1010412005 QC Analyzed: 1010412005 Units: mgiKg

Page 5: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 28348~2908 North Naomi Street, Burbank, CA 91504.DOHS NO: 1541,IACSIlNO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288-AETL. (818) 845-8200 * Fax: (818) 845-8840 - www.aetlab.com

Data Qualifiers and Descriptors

Data Qualifer:

In the QC section, sample results have bee11 taken directly from the ICP reading. No preparatioil factor lias been applied.

A~xalyte was present in the Method Blank.

Result is from a dlluted analys~s.

Result is beyond calibration limits and is estimated.

Analysis was performed over the allowed holding time due to circumsia~~ces which were beyond laboratory control.

Analyte was detected . However, the analyte co~lcentration is an estimated value, which is between the Method Detection Limit (MDJ.) and the Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL).

Matrix spilce recovery is outside co~~t ro l limits due to matrix interference. Laboratory Coiltrol Sample recovery was acceptable.

Sui-rogate recovery is outside control limits due to n ~ a t r ~ x interference

The analysis ofthe sample required a dilution such that the surrogate concentration was diluted below the method acceptance criteria.

Results represent LCS and LCSD data

%Limi: Perce~ii acceptable limits

%REC: Percent recovery.

C0n.L: Acceptable Control Limits

Conce: Added colicelitration to the sample.

I.CS. Laboratoiy Control Sample

MDI,: Metl~od Detection Limit is a statistically derived number which is specific for each inst~unlent, each method, and each conipound. It indicates a distinctively detectable quantity wit11 99% probability.

MS: Matiix Spikc

MS Dli: Matrix Spike Duplicate

Page 6: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 &2908 Noi-tli Naoini Street, Burbank, CA 91504 .DOIFIS NO: 1541,LACSDNO: 10181 Tcl: (888) 288-AETL - (818) 845-8200 -Fax: (818) 845-8840 - www.aetIab.com

Data Qualifiers and Descriptors

ND: Analyte was not detected in the san~ple at or above MDL.

1'QL: Practical Quantitation Limit or ML (Minimum Lcvel as per RWQCB) is the rniliimu~n co~ice~itration that can be quantified with move tila11 99% confidence. Talcing into account all aspects of the elrtire analytical i~~stru~nei~tatioli and practice.

Recov: Recovered conceiitration ill the sample.

RPD: Relative Perce~it Difference

Page 7: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. ,- ?- .:,.* .v.-

2834 a2908 Nortli Naoini Street. Rurbaok, CA 91504 -DOHS NO: L S ~ I . I . A C S ~ E L ~ - . . . ; ,:lD Tei: (888) 288-AETI.. (818) 845-8200. Fax: (818) 845-8840. www.ac t i ab .com

QCV 1 0 2005

O r d e r e d B y

H a l e y & A l d r x c 500 Sou th Krae

~ r e a , CA 92821-6723

Te lephone : (714) 985-3434 A t t e n t i o n : Tom T a t n a l l

P r o j e c t I D : 3 2 4 8 6 - 0 0 0 p r o j e c t prame: Delphi S y s t e m Carp.

S i t e : 1201 N . Magnolia Avenue

Anaheim. CA 92801

Enc losed p l e a s e f i n d r e s u l t s of a n a l y s e s of 1 s o l i d was te

sample which was ana lyzed as s p e c i f i e d on t h e a t t a c h e d c h a i n of c u s t o d y . I f t h e r e a r e any q u e s t i o n s , p l e a s e do n o t h e s i t a t e

t o c a l l .

Checked By: LL Approved B y : - - -J - --

Cyrus Razmara, Ph . D .

L a b o r a t o r y D l r e c t o r

Page 8: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

Chain of Custody Record

@24 Hours OSK Flours D 7Da.v~ I 4 D,?:/.v 0 2 1 Days g131heis ~ ~-p I

Cusfodv V\il,mbi.r

HA-00001 0

JNon-Haraid O F I ~ ~ F ~ B O~.4rn lnllagt nPo,son 9 WL~nknnldo



O ~ r t : , m To Cienf ~ ~ i . c : , n p a ! ~ ; . i a ~ [34~ch$vi. For hlonfbs

Labsralon. N 3 m ~


c ~ n t

Haley & Aldrich Prc+rf h l s n a g ~ r

Tom 'I'atnall

Tom Amtin6 i'lmp 4ng;rirrd QC f?cgt,:r?rnrrtr (Speriw!

Page 9: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

Chain of Cusfody Record

Haley & Aldrich I Ton1 Tatnall ( AETL 1 101412005 / HA-00001 0 i 1 I I


O N O ~ - H ~ L ; ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ a ~ r n z n i c nsk~r, irri!ant O ~ o i s o n B MUnknnrvn nRe!um TI ciienr O u ~ s p o s a i wy Lab D i i T h i w For hqonths

Tum Arnord Ttmp Rsqasrcrl

0 2 4 Houe 0 4 8 Hours fi7 Days I4 Days n21 Days (70lhcn_____

1. Rs!rnq:,t$hni! By

2 Relrnovrshed By

QC Fiequrrcncn!~ (SpNrfyl

3 R~,in~i!rsnedBy

8 . Rnceivcd By

2 Rrccivrd By



C o m m ~ o l s I


T m e






Time 3 Rci-rivrd 13y Dele Tlmr

Page 10: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 &2908 Noriii Naomi Stl-cet, Burbank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12AACSDNO: 10181 Tc l : (888) 2 8 8 - A E T L . (81 8) 845-8200 Fax: (818) 845-8840 - www.aeL1ab.com



Anaheim, CA 92801

re;,, ('A 92821.0723

Telephone: (714)985-3434 Attn: Toin Tatnall

Page: 2 Project ID: 32486-000 Project Name: D e l p h i System Gorp.

Method: (6010R,LEAD), Lead, ICP QC Batch No: 100405

QC Batch No: 100405 Sample Spiked: MA5994 QC Prepared: 10/04/2005 QC Analyzed: 10104/2005 Units: rngiKg

QC Batch No: 100405 Sample Spiked: MA5994 QC Prepared: 1010412005 QC Analyzed: 1010412005 Units: mglKg

Page 11: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814&2908 North Naorni Strect, Bui-bank. CA 91504.DOHS NO: 1541.I.ACSDNO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288-AETIL . (8 18) 845-8200. Fax: (8 18) 845-8840 www.aetlab.com

Data Qualifiers and Descriptors

Datr~ Qunlifer:

*. I11 thc QC section, saniple results have been taken d~rectly from tile ICP reading No preparation factor has been applied

Ailalyte was present in the Method Blank

llesult is from a diluted analysis

Result is beyolid calibration limits and is estimated

A~lalysis was performed over the allowed holding time due to circumsta~lces which were beyond laboratory control.

Aiialyte was detected . However, the analyte conce~ltratioi~ is an esti~naled value, which is between the Method Detectio~l Limit (MDL) and the Practical Quaniitation Limit (PQL).

Matrix spike vecovery is outside control liniiis due to inatrix interference. Laboratory Co11t1-ol Sa~nple recovery was acceptable.

Surrogate rccovery is outside control limits due to matrix interference.

The analysis of the sanlple 1-equired a dilution such that the surrogate coi~centration was diluted below tbe method acceptance criteria.

Results represent LCS and LCSD data

%Lirni: Percent acceptable limits.

%REC: Percent recovery.

C0n.L: Acceptable Coi~trol Limits

Conce- Added concentration to liie saliiple.

LCS: Laboratory Cons-01 Sa~nple

MDL: Method Detection Li~nit is a statistically derived ilumber which is specific for each instrument, each method, and each co~npound. It indicates a distinctively detectable quailtity with 99% probability.

MS: Matrix Spike

MS UU: Matrix Spike Duplicate

Page 12: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 &2908 North Naomi Strcet, Burhank, CA 91504 .DOHS NO: I541.1,ACSDNO: 10181 Tcl: (888) 288-AETL * (818) 845-8200. Fan: (818) 845-8840. www.act lah.com

Data Qualifiers and Descriptors

ND: Analyte was not detected in the sample at or above MDL

PQI.: Practical Quantitation Limit 01. MI, (Minimum Level as per RWQCB) is the minimum conceneaiion that call be quantified with nmore than 99% confidence. Talcing into account all aspects of the entire analytical instrumentation and practice.

Recov. Recovered concentration In the sample

RIJD: Relative Percent Difference

Page 13: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratorv Inc. 2834 8~2908 Nortli Naomi Street, Burbank, CA 91504 -DOITS NO: 1541,1,ACSDNO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288-AETL. (8 18) 845-8200. Fax: (818) 845-8840. w w w . a e t l a b R E c E I v E D

OCT B 8 200.5

T e l e p h o n e : ( 7 1 4 ) 9 8 5 - 3 4 3 4 A t t e n t i o n : Tom T a t n a l l

Job N u m b e r Order Dace C l r e n r

P r o j e c t I D : 32486-000 P r o j e c t Name: Delphi S y s t e n Corp.

S i t e : 1 2 0 1 N . Magnolia Avenue

Anaheim, CA 92801.

Enclosed p l e a s e f i n d r e s u l t s of a n a l y s e s of 13 s o l i d w a s t e samples which were a n a l y z e d a s s p e c i f i e d on t h e a t t a c h e d c h a i n of cus tody . I f t h e r e a r e any q u e s t i o n s , p l e a s e do n o t h e s i t a c e t o c a l l .

Cnecked By: --

Cyrus Razmara, Ph.D. Laborazory I l l r e c t o r

Page 14: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

Chain of Cusfody Record

c!isi~& Ntrrnbcr


f l~on-wazarr i flfnmrnalrrc f l s k n lrrrrenr Q m s n n B U~lkno%,n

D a A


O ~ c t t i r n To Ckn t a ~ ; i s p o s a l R y i a b D ~ r r h i i e For hlnnlhs

Lnbomfori. h'srns



Haley 8L Aldrich Projsc: smr#;>Qcr

Tom TatnaIl

T:,m Crnrlnd Time Roquimd

B 2 n Hoiirs 0 4 8 l i o i i r i O 7 ~ a y s O 14 Days 0 2 ; Days f l ~ f h e r s - . - ~ .

QC R o q t r n ~ r n o ~ ? ~ (SpcciWj

Page 15: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

Chain of Custody Record

O ~ o n - ~ ? i ; r d B~lamrnablr n ~ k r n !m:airl O?o,soo R m ~ ~ n r ? o w n n~et:,n To C!~a?l ~ ~ s p o s a ~ s ; ' :ab O~rc?rve For


Haley & Aldrich

Turn k o i m d T;nn 9~.~t,imd

0 2 4 Hours 0 4 8 Vours 2 7 Days 3 i 4 Days n 2 ! Days jl?!ners ___.....-p- ~



OC Rcqlijrrmrnfs :Sprri?~>

P,~roii, llt,.mb~r

HA-00001 4 P r p c t Manager

Tom Tatnall Lahoralnry Y.7mo


Page 16: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American -. Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 &2908 NortB Naomi Street, Burbank. CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541,LACSUNO: 10181 Tcl: (888) 2 8 8 - A W L . (818) 845-8200. Fax: (818) 845-8840. www.actlab.com


0 South I<racmar Rlvd.

Attn: Tom Tatnall

Page: 2

Project ID: 32486-030 Project Name: 3elphi System Corp.

Method: (8082), Polychlorillated Bipheilyls (PCBs) by GC

. .

Page 17: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834a2908 North Naomi Strezt, Burbank, CA 91504 .DOfIS NO: 1541,I,ACSDNO: 10181 Tei: (888) 288-AETL * (818) 845-8200 - F e x : (818) 845-8840. www.aetIab.com


S i t e

500 South Icracmer Blvd.

Attn: Torn Tatnali

Page: 3

Project ID: 32486-000 Project Name: Delphi System Corp . .

Method: (8082), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC QC Batch No: 101005

Aroclor-1221 (PCB-1221) Aroclor-1232 (PCB-1232)

I Arocior- 1242 (PCB- 1242)

Page 18: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 a2908 Norlli Naomi Street, Burbank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541,LACSDNO: 10181 l'ei: (888) 288-AETI, . (818) 845-8200. Fax: (818) 845-8840. www.aellah.corn


500 South Krae~ner Rlvd.

Telephone: (714)985-3434 Attn: Tom 'Satnail

Page: 4

Prqject ID: 3 2 4 8 6 - 0 0 0 Project Name: Delphi S y s t e m Corp.

Method: (8082), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC QC Batch No: 101005

late barnplea I U / U I / Z U U ~

Ge Prepared -- -. separation ~~ Method . -- .

Date A~~alyred --~~ ~~ ~. . Matrix

2.00 1 ND

Page 19: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental .. Testing Laboratory ..- Inc. 28348~2908 North Naomi Stl-ezt,Burbank, CA 91504.DOHS NO: 154I.LACSD.UO: 1018I TeI: (888) 288-AETI,. (818) 845-8200. Fax: (818) 845-8840. www.ac t l ab .com


00 South Icraemer Blvd.

Telephone: (714)985-3434 Alti~: Tom Tatnall

Page: 5

Project ID: 32486-030 Project Narne: Delphi System Corp.

Method: (8082), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by (iC QC Batch No: 101005

-- Date Samoied

Page 20: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 &2908 Nost11 Naolni Street, Burbanii, CA 91504 'UOHS NO: 1541.1,ACSDNO: 10181 Tci: (888) 288-AETL . (818) 845.8200 * Fax: (818) 845-8840. www.actSab.com


Attn: Tom Tatnall

Page: 6

Project ID: 32486-000 Project Name: Deiphi System Corp.

Method: (8082), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC QC Batch No: 101005

~. .~ .... .

Page 21: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 &2908 North Naolni Strcct, Burbank, CA 91504 vDOI1S NO: 1541,LACSDNO: I O I X I 'Tel: (888) 288-AETl, . (818) 845-8200 - Fax: (818) 845-8840 . www.ac t lab .com


Telephone: (714)985-3434 Attn: Tom Tatnall

Page: 7

Project ID: 3 2 4 8 6 - 0 0 0 Project Name: Delphi System Corp.

Method: (8082), Polychloriilated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC QC Batch No: 101005

Page 22: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 8~2908 North Naorni Street, Burbank, CA '91504 * DOHS NO: 1541,IACSDNO: 10181 Tcl: (888) 288-AETl_. (818) 845-8200 ' Fax: (818) 845-8840 * www.aetlab.co~n


Haley & Ald~~ch a 500 South Icraemer Blvd

Telephone: (714)985-3434 Atin: Tom Tatnall

Page: 8

Project ID: 32486-000 Proiect Name: D e i ~ n l Svstem Corp

MUL -.

S i t e

Page 23: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. - 2814 8~2908 North Naomi Street, Uurbank, CA 91504' DOHS NO: 1541,I.ACSDNO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288-AETL ' (818) 845-8200 Fax: (818) 845-8840 - www.aetlab.corn


! Haley & ~ldricl l 5 0 0 South I<raemer Blvd.

Telephone: (714)985-3434 Attn: Tom Tatllall

Page: 9

Project ID: 3 2 4 8 6 - 0 0 0 Pro'ect Name: Deiahi S s t e m Carp.

Method: (8082), Polychloriilated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC QC Batch No: 101005

'2005 Solid Waste Solid Waste

Page 24: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 28348~2908 Nonh Nao~ni Street, Burbanli, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541,LACSDNO: lOl8I Tel: (888) 288-AETL. (818) 845-8200 * Fan: (818) 845-8840 www.aetlab.com


I Halev & Aldr~cli 500 South Krae~ner Blvd


Telephone: (7 14)985-3434 Ann, Torn Tatnall

Page: 1 0

Project ID: 32486-000 Pro'ect Name: D e l p h i System C o r p .

Method: (8082), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC QC Batch No: 101005

1 Our Lab 1.D.


A,",,",. ,,,, ,. ,,,-, ,,., -~ ~ ~ ~ . . ,. . . . .- - f '--- Arocior-1232 (PCB-1232) 4.00 ' 10 : ND ND ND

~ i 0 ~ ~ ~ 1 2 4 2 ) I 4.00 10 I ND - Aroclor-1248 (PCB-] 248) 4.00 10 53.8 60.8 ! 47.3

Page 25: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 28148~2908 North Naomi Strcet.Bur-bank, CA 91504 .DOHS NO: 1541,I.ACSI>NO: 10181 Tci: (888) 288-AETL. (818) 845-8200 Fax: (818) 845-8840. www.actlab.co~n


Tclephonc: (714)985-3434 Atto: Tom Tatnail

Page: 11

Project ID: 32486-000 Project Natne: celphl systerr Corp.

AETL Job N u h e r S u b m l i l c e d C l l e n t

Method: (8082), Polychlorillated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC QC Batch No: 101005

I (Jnits

Page 26: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 8~2908 North Nz~onri Strcet, Burbailk, CA 91504 0DOHS NO: 1541,LACSDNO: IOiXi Tel: (888) 288-AETI. (818) 845-8200 'Fax: (818) 845-8840. www.actlab.com


Site -

500 South Kraetiler Blvd.

Telephone: (714)985-3434 Attn: Tom Talnall

Page: 12

Project ID: 32485-000 Pro'ect Naine: Del h i S stem Coru.

Method: (6010B/7000CAM), CAM Title 22 Metals (SW-846)

~. .

Lead .

. . .. Silvzl-


j Vanadium 5.0 , ND

IZinc ~~~ , . -

Page 27: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental - Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 &2908 North Naomi Sireei, Burbaiik, C A 91504 'DOHS NO: 1541,LACSDNO: I O I X i Tel: (888) 288-AETL - (818) 845-8200 - Fax: (818) 845-8840. www.actiab.com

ANALYTICAL RESULTS O r d e r e d By Site

Telephone: (714)985-3434 Attn: Ton] Tatr~all

Page: 13

Project ID: 3 2 4 8 6 - 0 0 0 Pro'ect Name:

Method: (6010B/7000CAM), CAM Title 22 Metals (SW-846) QC Batch No: 101005

- . .. . . . .- ' 1. 3 2 5

- ;Beryllium i ND

I 1.3 2.5 ND ND ND .- -- ND

2.5 8 5.0 1 14.3 4 . 1 0 ~ I -- 9.55

-. .~ A

Cobalt 2.5 1 5.0 / T N D 2.505 1 ~~ -.4 --AP .- d-~~~~.. .. .. 8

I Copper 5.0 13.9 , 13.0 8.65 1 !. - - 2.5 .~. -- 14.5/1275-- -

1,cad 39.4 78.5 122 ! ..

Mercury (By 121'4 7471) 0.1 0.2 ND ND ND

Molybdenum 1 2.5 ' 5.0 ! ND ND ND -p

hickel ! 2.5 5.0 6.10 I 4.255 ! 8.25 4.853 4.705 -: ~. -- -- .-

Silver I 2.5 5.0 ND ND

Thalliu~n 1 . 0 5 ; - - .~ ~

1 Vanadium 2.5 5.0 22.3 i 13.9 . 15.2

2.5 1 5.0 1 19.8 ! 34.9 t 26.4 i 38.4 i 16.2

Page 28: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 8~29118 North Naomi Street, Burhank, CA 91504 .IlOHS NO: 1541,LACSDNO: 10181 Tcl : (888) 2 8 8 - A E T L - (818) 845-8200 Fax: (818) 845-8840 www.actlsb.com


I Hale) & Aldrlch

S i t e

Telephone: (714)985-3434 Atbl: Tom Tatnall

Page: 1 4

Project ID: 32486-000 Pro'ect Name: Del h i S stem Corp.

Method: (601 0B/7000CAM), CAM Title 22 Metals (SW-846) QC Batch No: 101005

... .

.~. . Mercury (By EPA 7471)__ i ---

'l'hallium ~ n n a d i u m

lZinc ~

Page 29: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental .. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 a2908 North Naomi Street,Burbank, CA 91504.DOHS NO: 1541.LACSDNO: I0181 Tel: (888) 288-AETL (818) 845-8200 - Fax: (818) 845-8840 - www.ae t l ah .com


Teleplrone: (714)985-3434 Attn: Tom Tatnall

Page: 15 Project ID: 32486-000

pro'ect Name: Delphi System Corp.

Method. (6010B/7000CAM), CAM Titlc 22 Metals (SW-846) Q m L I E CXJNTROL REPOR'J

QC Batch No: 101005 Sample Spiked: 34849.01 QC Prepared: 1011012005 QC Analyzed: 1011012005 Units: mglKg

- . sample , MS '~-Ms-.' DUP RPD MSIMSD , MS RPD


REC % 1 %limit 1 %Limit 1

--~ 2.22 I O ~ ~ - - ~ . O O ; I.1s r I.0o 2.22 107

. - - .. .. -. . - Beryllium ND , 1.00 I 0.89 89 1 1.00 ! 0.89 89, <1 80-120 1 <I5 - I

b~ad i i~ iom .- . ND 1 1.00 1 0.91 92 1.1 b0-120 ' <I5 , Chromium <1 , 80-120 <15

. o.

'- 1.00 ) 1.01 95 1.00 1.011 95

I <1 1 80-120

-. Copper . . ~1 0.153 . 1- 1.00, 11.8 103 1.06 ~ 1 . 103 <I 80-120 4 s .. .-

I i end ND 1.00 1 0.94 94 I 1.00 1 0.93 ' 93 1 1.1 1 80-120 <15 1 , ---"

Mercury (By EPA 7471) ~~ 0.01 1.1 , 80-1201 <15 ! p i iy i ideoum ~~~~ ;. 2.49 104 .,-~ k1;rirrl 1.00 I 2--~-'-7 , 80-120 i <15 ~ ..u..u. -.~. I Selenium I ND 1.00 -- SiI,rrr ND I 1.00 I

QC Batch No: 101005 Sample Spiked: 34849.01 QC Prepared: 1011012005 QC Anaiyzed: 1011012005 Units: rnglKg

~ - ,

Arsenic .. . Barium - .. ~~. - -, . Beryllium


, ~ ,- ~. I I ,-UA 1.02 1 102 I 80-120 1 I I

Page 30: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory ---- Inc. 2834 &2908 Nol-ih Naomi Street. Burbank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.LACSDNO: 10181 Tel : (888) 288-AETL. (818) 845-8200 ' Fax: (818) 845-8840 . www.actlab.corn

ANALYTICAL E S U L T S Page: 1 6 Pro'ect ID: 32486-000

Method: (6010B/7000CAM), CAM Title 22 Metals (SW-846)

QC Batch No: 101005 Sample Spiked: 34849.01 QC Prepared: 1011012005 QC Analyzed: 1011012005 Units: mglKg


Vanadium L~-~ ~ ~ I ! 7inr

Page 31: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 &2908 Nol-lh Naolni Street, Burbank, CA 91504 .DOHS NO: 1541,LACSDNO: 10181 Tcl: (888) 2 8 8 - A E T L - (818) 845-8200 Fax: (818) 8 4 5 - 8 8 4 0 . www.aetlab.corn


S i t e

Telephone: (714)985-3434 Atb: Toill Tatnall

Page: 1 7 Project ID: 32486-000

. Delphi System Corp.

Method: (8082), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC

QC Batch No: 101005 Sample Spiked: 101005 QC Prepared: I011012005 QC Analyzed: 1011012005 Units: mglKg

~p~~ .- - M S ~ MSI

Recov , % REC i 500.00' 100 500.

. 1- i

QC Batch No: 101005 Sample Spiked: 101005 QC Prepared: 1011012005 QC Analyzed: 1011012005 Units: mgiKg

( . - , .- . , - - - . - - - - -~ ~,

LCS LCS LCS LCSILCSD~ i i Concen i Recov 1 % REC : % Limit 1 i i . 1 . - - --

SOO.OO ' 470 00 94 j 75-125 1- j I.. I 1 . r : . I - . I

Page 32: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. - 2834 8~2908 Norlli Naomi SLreel,Rurbank. CA 91504 .DOHS NO: 1541.1dACSDNO: lO181 Tel: (888) 288-AETL. (818) 845-8200. Fax: (818) 845-8840 ' www.aetIab.com

Data Qualifiers and Descriptors

Data Quali3er:

* In the QC section, sample results have been taken dnectly froin the ICP reading No preparation factor has been appiled

B: Analyte was present in the Method Blank.

D: Result is from a diluted analysis.

E : Result is beyond calibration limits and is estimated.

H : Analysis was performed over the allowed holding time due to circumstances which werc beyond laboratory c011trol.

3: Analyte was detected. However, the analyte con cent ratio^^ is an estimated value, which is between the Method Detection Liinit (MDL) and the Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL).

M : Matrix spike recovery is outside control limits due to matrix interference. 1,aboratory Control Sample recovery was acceptable.

SG: SUI-rogate recovery is outside control liinits due to mawix interference

SS: The analysis of the sample required a dilution such that the surrogate concentration was diluted below the method acceptance criteria.

X : Results represent LCS and LCSD data.


%Limi: Percent acceptable limits.

%REC: Percent recovery.

C0n.L: Acceptable Control Limits

Conce: Added concentration to the sample

LCS: 1,aboratory Control Sample

MDL: Method Detection Limit is a statistically derived number which is specific for each instrument, each method, and each compound. It indicates a distinctively detectable quantity with 99% probability.

MS: Matrix Spike

MS DU: Matrix Spike Duplicate

Page 33: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834&2908 North Naolni SL~.eer, Burbank, CA 91504 .DOHS NO: 1541,LACSDNO: 10181 Tel : (888) 288-AETL - (818) 845-8200 ' Fax: (818) 845-8840 f www.ae l lab .com

Data Qualifiers and Descriptors

ND: Analyte was not detected in the sample at or above MDI

PQL: Practical Qua~ltitation Limit or MI. (Minimum Level as per RWQCR) is the mini~nun~ concentration that can be quantified with more than 99% confidence. Taking into acco~ult all aspects of the entire analytical instrumentation and practice.

Recov: Recovered concentratioil in the sample.

RPD: Relative Percent Difference

Page 34: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 &2908 Norrlr Nao~rii Sti-ccl, Burbank, CA 91504 *DOIIS NO: I ~ ~ I , L A c s I I ~ ~ @ ~ ~ ~ Tel: (888) 288-AETL * (818) 845-8200 - Fax: (818) 845-8840 www.aetlah.corn

OCT 1 8 2003

Ordered B y -

H a l e y & A l d r l c h Number of P a g e s 3 500 Souct, Kraemcr B l v d . S u l r e 370 D a t e R e c e l v e d 1 0 / 1 0 / 2 0 0 5

B r e a , CA 92821-6723 Dace R e p o r t e d 1 0 / 1 2 / 2 0 0 5

T e l e p h o n e : ( 7 1 4 ) 9 8 5 - 3 4 3 4 A t t e n t i o n : Tom T a t n a l l

P r o j e c t I D : 32486-002 P r o j e c t Name: Del.phi System Corp .

S i t e : 1201 N . Magnolia Avenue

Acaheim, CA 92801

Enclosed p l e a s e f i n d r e s u l t s of a n a l y s e s o f 1 s o l i d waste sample which was a n a l y z e d a s s p e c i f i e d on t h e a t t a c h e d c h a i n of cus tody . I f t h e r e a r e any q u e s t i o n s , p l e a s e do n o t h e s i t a t e

t o c a l i .

Approved By: - 4-- -

Cyrus Razmara, 2h.D.

Labora to ry E l r e c t o r

Page 35: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Pnc. --

2834 North Nao~ni Street Burbank, CA 91504 * DOHS NO: 1541. LACSD NO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288-AETL (818) 845-8200 * Fax: (818) 845-8840


$ q !.j p ;? % .: u * 5 .> 1. V"'

Page 36: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

Chain of Custody Record


Haley & Aldrich


500 S. Kraemer Blvd., Suite 370

0 ~ 0 ~ ~ u a ~ a i d nni?nin;.ibii. D ~ k , n irngnt O ~ a r s o n 8 WUPWOW~

Lahcrirory Namc


i n h o r n f ~ ~ Address R ToiCphOne N N N N ~ Z Z 2834 Naami St., BurbankCA91504 Tel: (818)


Pmo,w;rl MensG<:i

Tom 'I'atnalt Telrphonr Niirnbrr lrlren Code)

(7 14) 935-1434

L3~cnirr. ?o c18nnr W~isposai ey L L ~ brlrchlvo FL - b~rnt"s


1011 01200s

! .?b Mtilmlhor

Cu~iwJy Nc,mh~r


Page 1 of I Z~pCpCnde

92821 C ~ t y


Turn Aioi~nd Trmo Rrqcrred

~ Y I W ~ S 3 4 8 H m 0 7 ~ a y s n 14 Days 3 2 1 Days ~Ofhcrs.. ,,

Spcca! insmreoris/connjt~nnn ct niircar

Prqccl hr8!ume and Lwa t r~n :SlnlS)

Delphi, Anaheim CA




06 R+qoirnnonli (Sp~dyJ

mrafrcri Months longer than I rnoolfi!

Anniysls (Affach lisf if more space is needed) S ~ t e Contact

T. Tatnall

I . Received By

2. RerrwsdBy

3. neccived ey




f Reimq~ishadBy

2 Re1,fi~nguaned By

3 Rcitnrju!shed By

%' 8 2


Jim Lin





Preservatives Conta iners

C~nlraci~Pi.ihhaso OniedCuofe h'o



~ s r o


i rmc



[A tee may be nseased if snvplos ar?

Samp le / D. No, and Descr ip t ion

(Containers for each sample may be cornbin on one line)



~ w s i h f e Hazard ldentrtrcatrmn


1011 012005










x l

Page 37: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. .-

2834 8~2908 Nnilh Nao~ni Street. Rurbank, CA 91504 * DOI-IS NO: 1541,LACSDNO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288-AETL. (818) 845-8200. Fax: (818) 845-8840 - www.actIab.com


S i t e

Telephone: (714)985-3434 Attn: Tom Tatilall

Page: 2 32486-002

. , - r.

Method: (8082), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC QC Batch No: 101005

Page 38: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 28348~2908 iVo1.1h Naonii Strcel, Rurbank, CA 91504 .DOHS NO: 1541,LACSDNO: 10181 Tcl: (888) 288-AETI.. (818) 845-8200 Fax: (818) 845-8840 * www.acilab.com

Ordered Bv



Telephone (714)985-3434 ~ t t n l Tom Tatnall

Method. (8082), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC QlJALITY CONTROL REPORT

QC Batch No: 101005 Sample Spiked: 101005 QC Prepared: 1011012005 QC Analyzed: 1011112005 Units: mglKg

QC Batch No: 101005 Sample Spiked: 101005 QC Prepared: 1011012005 QC Analyzed: 1011112005 Units: mglKg

Page 39: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American -. Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 28348~2908 Noi.ih Naolni Street. Burbank, CA 91504 .I)OHS NO: IS4I.LACSDNO: 10181 Tcl: (888) 288-AETL - (818) 845-8200 - Fax: (818) 845-8840 * www.aetlab.corn

Data Qualifiers and Descriptors

Data Qualifier:

In the QC section, sample results have been taken directly from the ICP reading. No preparation factor has been applied.


Analyte was present in the Method Blank.

Result is from a diluted analysis

Result is beyond calibration limits and is estimated.

Analysis was performed over the allowed holding time due to circumstances which were beyond laboratory control.

Analyte was detected. However, the analyte concel~tration is an estimated value, which is between the Method Detection Limit (MDL) and the Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL).

Matrix spike recovery is outside control limits due to matrix interference. Laboratory Control Sa~nple recovexy was acceptable.

Surrogate recovery is outside control limits due to matrix interference

S8: The analysis of the sample required a dilution such that the surrogate concenaatioil was diluted below the method acceptance criteria.

X : Results represent LCS and LCSD data


%Limi: Percent acceptable limits

%RE(:: Percent recovery.

Con.1.: Acceptable Control Limits

Conce: Added concentration to the sample

LCS: Laboratory Colltrol Sanlple

MDL: Method Detection Limit is a statistically derived number which is specific for each instrument, each method, and each coinpound. It indicates a distinctively detectable quantity with 99% probability.

MS: Matrix Spike

MS DU: Matrix Spike Duplicate

Page 40: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. -- - 28348~2908 North Naolni Strcet, Burbank. CA 91504 .DOHS NO: 1541. LACSDNO: 10181 Tcl: (888) 288-AETL - (818) 845-8200 - Fax: (818) 845-8840 * www.aetlab.com

Data Qualifiers and Descriptors

ND: Analyte was not detected ill the sample at or above MDL.

PQL: Practical Quantitation Limit or ML (Minimum Level as per RWQCB) is the minimum concentration that can be quautified with more &an 99% confidence. Taking into account a!! aspects of the entire analytical illstrumentation and practice.

Recov: Recovered concentration in the sample.

RPD: Relative Percent Difference

Page 41: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing .- Laboratory Inc. 2834&2908 North Nanmi Strecl, Burhank. CA 91504 -DOHS NO: 1541,LACSD E E ~ ~ D Tel: (888) 288-AETL - (818) 845-8200 9 Fax: (818) 845-8840. www.aet

OCT 2 8 2005

Ordered B

Telephone: (714)985-3434 Attention: Tom Tatnall

Project ID: 32485-000 Project Name: Delphi Syster. COrp.

Site: 1201 N. Magnolia Avenue

Anaheim, CA 92801

Enclosed p l e a s e f i n d r e s u l t s of a n a l y s e s of 2 s o l i d was te samples which were ana lyzed a s s p e c i f i e d on t h e a t t a c h e d c h a i n of c u s t o d y . I f t h e r e a r e any q u e s t i o n s , p l e a s e do n o t h e s i t a t e t o c a l l .

Approved By: -"-3 EE~~w~??Lrp-~~~=~~= ~ .

Cyrus Kazmara, Ph .D.

L a b o r a t o r y D i r e c t o r

Page 42: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

Chain of Custody Record

Page 43: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 &2908 North Nao~ni Street. Burhank. CA 9 1504- DOHS NO: 1541,1AACSDNO: 10181 Tcl: (888) 288-AETT_.. (818) 845-8200. Pax: (818) 845-8840 - www.aet1ah.com


00 South I<raemer Bivd.


Attn: Tom Tatna i l

Page : 2

Project ID: 32485-000 Project N a m e : Delphi S y s t e m Corp.

Method: (M8015G), TPH as Gasoline and Light Hydrocarbons Using GCIFID QC Batch No: 102005

Y %..I YY ...,,.l" ~- .... ...

; Date Prepared ......

Page 44: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 & 2908 North Naorni Strezt, Burbant. CA 91504 - DOHS NO: l541,LACSDrUO: lOl8l Tel : (888) 288-AETL. (818) 845-8200. Fax: (818) 845-8840. wwwazt lab .com


Attn: Tom Tat~iall

Page: 3

Project ID: 32486-003 Prqject Name: Delphi System Corp.

Page 45: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 8~2908 North Naomi Street. Burhank. CA 91504.I)OHS NO: 1541,LACSDNO: 10181 721: (888) 288-AETL. (818) 845-8200. Fax : (818) 845-8840 - www.actlah.com


't-idle! & Aldrlch >00 South IKraemer Blvd -iulir 570 Urea CA 92821-6723

Telephone (714)985-3434 A t t ~ l Tom Tatnall

S i t e , . ~~~~. ~~ .. . . ~ . ~~~~~~~~~~~

I201 N. Magnolia Avenue 'Anaheim, CA 92801 I

Page: 4

Project ID: 3 2 4 8 6 - 0 0 0 Project Name: Delphi Sys t em Corp.

~ - -~ ~

Method: (8082), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC QC Batch No: 102005

D a t e Prepared IV/LU, L U I - 1. Preparation Methodp-' 1 3 5 5 0 ~ I 3:

b a t e ~ n a l ~ z e d :10/20/2005 ;10/2(

Matrix : .. . .--.---

1~~~ - .. Date Sampled ---

i Date Prepared

Page 46: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental .- Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834&2908 North Naoini Street, Burbank, CA 91504 .DOHS NO: 1541.1,ACSDNO: 10181 Te l : (888) 288-ACTL . (818) 845-8200. Fax: (818) 845-8840 - www.uet1i1b.com


Haley & Aldrich 1 930 - Soiith Kraemer Blvd Sure 370

I Rrea, CA 9282 1-6723

S i t e

1201 N Magnoha Avenue I Anaheim, CA 9280 1

Telephone: (7 14)985-3434 Attti: Tom Tatnall

Page: 5

Project ID: 32486-000 Project Name: De lph i System Corp.

Method: (8270C), Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCIMS (SW-846) QC Batch No: 102005

-- Matrix -- Units

Anthracene Azobeiizene Rn,,.riAin,. , , . .. , , , , .' , , , > -~ HenZo(a)imthracene

-- - , Benzo(k)fluoranlhene


~ i s ( 2 - ~ i i l o l - ~ t b o x ~ ) m ~ t h a i 1 e

12-Chloropheiiol 4-Cliiorophmyi pl~eny i ether -

-- iUi-n-odyi phtlialale (Dioctyi estcr) I 0.25 0.50 . ~~~ ~p~ . .~ ~ ~p~- . ,- ~ ~~

Page 47: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 8 ~ 2 9 0 8 North Naomi Street. Durbank, CA 91504 -DOHS NO: 1541,L.ACSDNO. 10181 Te l : (888) 288-AETL . (818) 845-8200 Fax: ( 8 1 8 ) 845-8840 www.aet1ab.com


Paee: 6 - Project ID: 32486-000 Project Name: Delphi System Corp.

Method: (8270C), Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GC/MS (SW-846) QC Batch No: 102005

I i I 00.01 00.01 - -- .. .__ 1 0 / 1 9 / 2 0 0 5 / 2 0 0 5 1 I...

005 i0/20/2005 ! ~~...

B I 3550% 1 I -- i 005 110/21/2005 I 1

- -. Date Sampled -

' I ) a l e P I e p a i e d I - Preparat~on Method - Date Analyzed -- Matr~x


Solid Waste

I- 10/21/2

Solid W --

I Dilution Factor


llibcnzofuran 'I;:;:~;;;;;;~;:: .- 1,4-Dichlorobenzene . . .

3,3'-llichlorobenzidi~ie -- 2;4-Diclilorophcnol - .- --

Dietliyi phthaidte (Diethyl ester) 1 . . Dirnctliyl phtlialate (Dime

~. i 2,4-Dimelliylphenol 4,6-Diiiitro-2-methyIphend

2.4-Dinitrophmol 1- 2,4-Dinitrotoluenc

~ D i ! ~ i t r o t o l u c n e (2,6-DNT) I 0.25 vl~-- ND

- 10.25 - 0.50 - --

ND I l'luoranthcne .- -A . -, iIiinrei,,r 1 0.25 0.50 1 ND ND 7 7

..... " I-I." ~- --+ ~~

2-~itroaniiine i 0.25 0.50 -. . . . - i- ND I N D T ND I

?-Nitroaniline I .. / N D ,--. - ND ~. , 14-Nitroaniline 0.50 ND ND I ND -. -, - 1 :

0'25 1 0.50

.. ! 4 Nitrobenzene (NR) 0.25 ND ND I m t ~.., I ~.hlii,.,,,,hi.~.ni I 0.25 I 0.50 I ND ND ND

Page 48: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834&2908 North Naomi Strecl. Burbank. CA 91504 .DOHS NO: 1141,LACSDNO. 10181 Tei: (888) 288-AETL. (818) 845-8200 * Fax: ($18) 845-8840 - www.azrlab.com


Page: 7

Project ID: 3 2 4 8 6 - 0 0 0 Project Name: D e l p h i System Corp .

Method: (8270C), Seinivolatile Organic Compounds by GCIMS (SW-846) QC Batch No: 102005


N-nitrosodiplieiiylan~i~ -- Peniachlorophenol



Page 49: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 &2908 North Nziomi Street, Burbank, CA 91504 -DOHS NO: l541,LACSDNO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288-AET1.v (818) 845-8200. Fax: (818) 845-8840 - www.aet lab.com


Ordered By Halev & Aldrich

Si t e

' 1201 N Magnolia Avenue 00 South I<rae~iizr Blvd.

Telephone: (714)985-3434 Attn: Toin Taliiall

Page: 8 32486-000


Method: (8082), Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) by GC QUALITY CONTROL REPORT -

QC Batch No: 102005 Sample Spiked: 102005 QC Prepared: 10120/2005 QC Analyzed: 1012012005 Units: rnglKg

QC Batch No: 102005 Sample Spiked: 102005 QC Prepared: 10120/2005 QC Analyzed: 1012012005 Units: rnglKg

Page 50: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American - Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 8 ~ 2 9 0 8 North Naoini Street, Burbank, CA 91504 .DOHS NO: 1541,I.ACSDNQ 10181 Tel: ( 8 8 8 ) 288-AETI. . (818) 8 4 5 - 8 2 0 0 - F a x : ( 8 1 8 ) 845-8840 * www.aet Iab .com


Attn: Tom Tatnall


11201 N Magnoha Avenue Anaheim, CA 92801

Page: 9 32486-000

Method (8270C), Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCIMS (SW-846) QUALITY CONTROL REPORT

QC Batch No: 102005 Sample Spiked: 102005 QC Prepared: 1012012005 QC Analyzed: 1012112005 Units: mglKg

QC Batch No: 102005 Sample Spiked: 102005 QC Prepared: 1012012005 QC Analyzed: 1012112005 Units: mglKg

Recov % REC % Limit

100.00 110.00 i 11

Page 51: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 a2908 Nori l l Nao~n i Street, Bu~.hank, CA 91 504. DONS NO: 1541,I,ACSDNO: 10181 Tel : (888) 288-AETT.. (818) 845-8200 * Pax: (818) 845-8840 0 www.actiab.corn


Ordered By I l ialey & Aldtich 500 South Icraerne~ B l vd

i Su~te 370 'Brra, C A 92821 -6723

Telepllo~ie (714)985-3434 Attn Tom Talnall

Si te

Page: 10 Project ID: 3 2 4 8 6 - 0 0 0 project Name: Deighi System Corp.

Method: (M8015D), TPH as Diesel and I-Ieavy Hydrocarbolls Using GCIFIU

QC Batch No: 102005 Sample Spiked: 34988.02 QC Prepared: 10/20/2005 QC Analyzed: 1012012005 Units: mglKg

QC Batch No: 102005 Sample Spiked: 34988.02 QC Prepared: 1012012005 QC Analyzed: 10/20/2005 Units: mglKg

Page 52: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American -. Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834&2908 Noi-ti1 Nao~ni Slieer,Rui-hank, CA 91504.DOHS NO: l541,LACSDNO: 10181 Tcl: (888) 288-AETL ' (818) 845-8200 ' F a x : (818) 845-8840 ' www.aetlab.com


Telephone: (714)985-3434

Attn: Tom Tali~all

Site r 1201 Pi Magnolra Avenue 1 Anahelm, CA 9280 1

Page: 11 Project ID: 3 2 4 8 6 - 0 0 0

pro'eclName: Delphi System Corp.

Method: (M8015G), TPH as Gasoline and Light IIydrocarbons Using GCIFID QUALITY CONTROL REPORT

QC Batch No: 102005 Sample Spiked: 102005 QC Prepared: 1012012005 QC Analyzed: 1012012005 Units: mglKg

QC Batch No: 102005 Sample Spiked: 102005 QC Prepared: 1012012005 QC Analyzed: 1012012005 Units: mglKg

Page 53: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 &2908 North Naorni Strecl. Burbank, CA 91504.DOHS NO: 1541,I~ACSDNO: 10181 Tcl: (888) 288-AET12 * (818) 845-8200 - Fax: (818) 845-8840. www.aetIab.com

Data Qualifiers and 1)escriptors

Data Qualifier:




E :






X :

In the QC section, sample results have been taken directly from the ICP reading. No preparation factor has bee11 applied.

Analyte was present in the Method Blank.

Result is from a diluted analysis.

Result is beyond calibration limits and is estimated.

Analysis was performed over the allowed holding time due to circumstances which were beyond laboratory control.

Analyte was detected . However, the analyte collcentration is an estimated value, which is between t11e Method Detection Limit (MDL) and the Practical Quantitation Limit (PQL).

Matrix spike recovery is outside control limits due to matrix interference. 1,ahoratory Control Sample recovery was acceptable.

Surrogate recovery is outside control limits due to matrix interference.

The ailalysis of the sample required a dilution such that the surrogate conceniration was diluted below the method acceptance criteria.

I<esults represent LCS and LCSD data.

%Limi: Percent acceptable limits.

%REC: Percent recovery.

Con.L: Acceptable Control Limits

Conce: Added concentration to the sample

LCS: Laboratory Control Sample

MDl.,: Method Detection Limit is a statistically derived number which is specific for each instrument, each method, and each compound. It indicates a distinctively detectable quantity with 99% probability.

MS: Matiix Spike

MS Dli: Matl-ix Spike Duplicate

Page 54: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 &2908 Norti, Naorni Strcel. Burbank, CA 91504 'DOHS NO: 1541,I.ACSDNO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288-AETL - 1818) 845-8200 . Fax: (818) 845-8840 www.aetlab.com

Data Qualifiers and Descriptors

ND : Ailalyte was not detected in the sample at or above MDL

PQL: Practical Qua~~titation Limit or ML (Minimum Level as pcr RWQCB) is the minimum co~lcentration that can

be quantified with Inore than 99% confidence. Taking into account all aspects of the entire analytical i~~strumentation and practice.

Recov: Recovered concentration in the sample.

RPD: Relative Percent Difference

Page 55: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 &2908 North Naomi Street, Burbank, CA 91504 DOHS NO: 1541,LACSDNO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288-AETL (8 18) 845-8200 Fax: (8 18) 845-8840 www.aetlab.com a

To: Tom Tatnall

From: Dr. Cyrus Razmara, AETL

Date: November 16, 2005

Subiect: Correction of Qualifier for Surrogates


NOV 2 1 2009

Haley & Aldrich, Inc.

This package contains revised final report pages. These pages should replace previously released data for the AETL job number listed below. For your reference, a copy of the Chain-of-Custody form that lists the job number and your project information is attached. If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you.


AETL Job Number: 34986

For pages 5 to 7

Cyrus RazGra, Ph.D. Laboratory Director

Page 56: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:


Haley & Aldrich Address

500 S. Kraemer Blvd., Suite 370

m 2 4 ~ o u m 0 4 8 ~ o u r s O 7 ~ a y s 0 1 4 Days 0 2 1 Days nothers

Project Manager

Tom Tatnall Telephone Number (Area Code)

(714) 985-3434 Cay


o ~ o n - H a w r d O~ lammabk D ~ k i n Irritant t l ~ o b o n B m ~ n k n o w n

I I !page I of I

o ~ e t u r n TO client ~ ~ i s ~ o s a l ~ y Lab O ~ r c h i v e For Months

Laboratory Name


Laboralw Address 8 Tekphone Number 2834 Naomi St.. Burbank CA 91504 Tel: (am, w.szoo

ho@ Name and L o w t m (Stale)

Delphi, Anaheim CA


CA Site Contact

T. Tatnall ZqCode

9282 1

Turn Around Time Required



Lab Number


Jim Lin

ContracWmhase Ordermuote No

OC Requiremenls (Specify)

Custody Number



3Y984- o l 3\1486- 02,

relamed Months longer Ulan 1 m U 7 )

~2 2

: X

Sample / D. No. and Descnpbon (Containers for eacb sample may be combln on one Ime)



Possibk Hazard ldenfdicalan

0 ' 0 '

Analysls (Attach 11st dmore space IS needed)


Specml InslNUanslCondilcm of Recerpl

g 2

q k q 4 s a

Q O Z 2 X



1011 912005

1011 912005


Preservabves Containers


12 40

12 45

$ 2

$ 2 1


$ 2


5 s

Sample (A fee may be assessed rf samples are

5 c4

8 $




x X

2 8 ' 8 8 T 6

Page 57: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 & 2908 North Naomi Street, Burbank, CA 91504 DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288-AETL (818) 845-8200 Fax: (818) 845-8840 www.aetlab.com

ANALYTICAL RESULTS O r d e r e d Bv S i t e

I Waley & Aldrich 500 South Kraemep Blvd. / Suite 370

' Brea, - - CA 92821-6723 - -. - - -

- --

Anaheim, CA 9280 1

- - -. -- - -

Telephone: (71 4)985-3434 Attn: Tom Tatnall

Page: 5

Method: (8270C), Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCIMS (SW-846) QC Batch No: 102005

/ Client Sample I.D. I I / CSOO17-CC-01 CSOO18-CC-01 1 1

pk"18n't H &A

Project ID: 32486-000 Project Name: Delphi System Corp.


Anw&$tes MDL PQL 1 d s u l ~ s Reqults R e q y k t s 1 Acenaohthene 0 . 2 5 1 0 . 5 0 1 ND ND ND

I ' rar~ $I& ' jtab %yt@@$f& 34986




Benzidine 0 . 2 5 0 . 5 0 ND ND ND

Benzo(a)anthracene 0 . 2 5 1 0 . 5 0 1 ND ND ND

1 Azobenzene I I I I I I I

0 . 2 5

0 . 2 5 1 0 . 5 0 1 ND

L \-2 , ,. d

Benzo(k)fluoranthene Benzoic Acid Benzvl Alcohol

/ Butyl benzyl phthalate / 0 . 2 5 1 0 . 5 0 1

0 . 5 0






4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether 0 . 2 5 0 . 5 0 ND ND ND

0 . 2 5 0 . 5 0 ND ND ND

ND Anthracene ND

J ., Bis(2-chloroisopropyl) ether Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate 4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether

1 Di-n-octyl phthalate (Dioctyl ester) 0 . 2 5 0.5C


0 . 2 5 1 0 . 5 0 1 ND





0 . 2 5

0 . 2 5

0 . 2 5

0 . 2 5

0 . 2 5

0 . 2 5


0 . 5 0

0 . 5 0

0 . 5 0

. - ND

/ 4-Chloro-3-methvl~henol 0 . 2 5 1 0 . 5 0 1 ND





0 . 5 0

0 . 5 0

0 . 5 0

















Page 58: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

Page: 6

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 & 2908 North Naomi Street, Burbank, CA 91504 DOHS NO: 1541, LACSD NO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288-AETL (81 8) 845-8200 Fax: (8 18) 845-8840 www.aetlab.com

Project ID: 32486-000 Project Name: Delphi System Corp.



Method: (8270C), Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCIMS (SW-846) QC Batch No: 102005

- .- -. - , Our Lab I.D. [ ~ e t h o d ~lankf 34986.01- -- 1 - . .. . 34986102 - 1 / Client Sample I.D. 1 1 /CSOO~~-CC-O~CSOO~~-CC-O~ 1 1

1 Matrix I I Solid Waste I Solid Waste / Solid Waste I 1 1


Date Sampled Date Prepared Pre~aration Method

Units I mg/Kg I m a g / mgKg I




3-Dichlorobenzene ,4-Dichlorobenzene

3,3'-Dichlorobenzidine 2,4-Dichlorophenol Diethyl phthalate (Diethyl ester)

Dilution Factor


Dimethyl phthalate (Dimethyl ester) 2,4-Dimethy lphenol 4.6-Dinitro-2-methylphenol




1 I 1 I 1 /

1.2-Dichlorobenzene 0.25








3 5 5 0 ~





Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene

0.25 1 0.50 1 ND













Fluorene 0.25



3-Nitroaniline 4-Nitroaniline Nitrobenzene (NB) 4-Nitrophenol













0.25 1 0.50 1 ND























































Page 59: Delphi, facility investigation report, appendix F, section 2 · American Environmental -. Testing Laboratory Inc. 2814 a2908 Norill Naoiiii Strcct, Bur-bank, CA 91504. DOHS NO: 1541.12ACSDNO:

American Environmental Testing Laboratory Inc. 2834 &2908 North Naomi Street, Burbank, CA 91504 DOHS NO: 1541,LACSDNO: 10181 Tel: (888) 288-AETL (818) 845-8200 Fax: (818) 845-8840 www.aetlab.com


Page: 7

Method: (8270C), Semivolatile Organic Compounds by GCIMS (SW-846) QC Batch No: 102005

Project ID: 32486-000 Project Name: Delphi System Corp.

Units Dilution Factor 1 I 1 I 1 I

d?4e&ibmb Hmi@p=. 34986

Date Sampled Date Prepared Preparation Method Date Analyzed Matrix

- . - I I ,

Analytes MM, PQL 1 Results 1 Results / Results I

1 Pentachlorophenol 1 0.25 / 0.50 / ND I ND / ND I I I

i%&- 10/19/2005


3 5 5 0 ~


Solid Waste

H &A

00-01 10/19/2005


3 5 5 0 ~


Solid Waste

00-01 10/19/2005


3 5 5 0 ~


Solid Waste