Delivering Transformational Reform Together Wednesday 18 - Thursday 19 January 2017 Hinckley Island Hotel, Leicestershire Programme Media partner: We make IT work

Delivering Reform Together - Police ICT · sessions by making use of the cloakroom facilities onsite. ... Sue Shapland. Kevin Shapland ... Our theme this year is “Delivering Transformational

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Page 1: Delivering Reform Together - Police ICT · sessions by making use of the cloakroom facilities onsite. ... Sue Shapland. Kevin Shapland ... Our theme this year is “Delivering Transformational


Delivering Transformational Reform Together

Wednesday 18 - Thursday 19 January 2017 Hinckley Island Hotel, Leicestershire

ProgrammeMedia partner:

We make IT work

Page 2: Delivering Reform Together - Police ICT · sessions by making use of the cloakroom facilities onsite. ... Sue Shapland. Kevin Shapland ... Our theme this year is “Delivering Transformational



Jurys Inn Hinckley Island Hotel Watling Street Hinckley, LE10 3JATel: 01455 631122Web: https://www.jurysinns.com/hotels/hinckley-island

Information Point

Please contact the CJS registration/information desk.

Refreshments, Lunch and Dinner

Morning and afternoon refreshments and lunch will be served in the Rotunda and the Lakeside. A drinks reception will be held from 19:00 in the Rotunda with dinner being served in the London Suite from 19:45.


For security reasons please wear your badge at all times. They are colour coded as follows:

CJS Staff – Purple Speakers – Green Delegates – White Exhibitors – Red Press – Yellow

The venue is a public building and has not been exclusively reserved for the summit. We have made reasonable arrangements to secure the summit rooms but would ask delegates to be watchful for any unauthorised personnel and to be kindly compliant with any security requests.

Due to the nature of the event, and the level and type of attendees, delegates should be aware and alert with regards to discussion in public areas.

Please limit the amount of excess baggage you take into the sessions by making use of the cloakroom facilities onsite.

Delegates are reminded that their personal property is their own responsibility and neither the venue nor the organisers can accept responsibility for any loss of items.

Internet Access

Free Wi-Fi is available at the venue. To access:

- Log on to Wi-Fi, select ‘Jurys Inn Wi-Fi’

- A pop-up window will appear - please enter your name and email address

- Once the information has been completed, this will redirect you to your homepage and login is complete.

Disabled Access

Ground Level: Summit and Expo - Innovation Zone accessed via outside ramp.

First Floor: Syndicate rooms (workshops) accessed by lift.

Please notify CJS if you require any additional assistance.

First Aid

Any attendees requiring First Aid should visit the hotel reception or contact the CJS team.

Fire Regulations/Instructions

If you discover a fire, raise the alarm immediately by breaking the glass on the nearest fire alarm call point. On hearing the fire alarm, please leave the building by the nearest fire exit. Our event supervisors will escort you to the fire assembly point, opposite the security hut.

Local Taxi Service

Taxis can be booked via the hotel reception or by calling A1 Taxis – 01455 615161 (all taxi charges must be settled by individuals).


The authorised presentations will be available post event. All delegates will be sent a link to access these when they are released.


Feedback in relation to the summit is invaluable in assisting the organisers to plan future events. An email will be sent to delegates on the morning of the 19th January with a link to an online survey. We would ask that you take a few minutes to complete this.


The summit has been organised on behalf of The Police ICT Company and the NPTC by:

CJS Event Solutions Rickyard Suite, The ElmsIsham Road, PytchleyNorthants NN14 1EW

Tel: 0333 222 4061Email: [email protected]: www.cjsevents.co.uk

On-site mobile contact number for CJS Event Solutions is: 07815 632941.

Event Team

Event Support Team:

Amanda McCormick, Diane Bounds, Isabel Taylor,Laura-Beth Hazell, Sue Shapland.

Kevin Shapland

Event Director

Atlanta Lloyd

Event Coordinator - Exhibition

Belinda Russell

Event Coordinator - Speakers

Jamie Docherty

Event Assistant - Workshops

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We are delighted to announce that this summit is Continuing Professional Development (CPD) accredited with seven CPD points. If you would like to receive these, please email [email protected] who will arrange for a certificate to be sent to you.For further information on CPD, please visit www.cpduk.co.uk

Dear Delegates,

The Police ICT Company and National Police Technology Council (NPTC) have pleasure in welcoming you to Hinckley Island Hotel for their joint ICT Summit.

Our theme this year is “Delivering Transformational Reform Together”. That means our focus will be on how technology can, and will, be used to enable transformational reform in policing and blue light services and how this can only be achieved by doing things differently and working in partnership with each other and industry.

We all know we live in exciting and unpredictable times – new governments, new strategic priorities, new budgeting restraints, and above all, new criminal challenges. Over the next two days, we hope to share new approaches, new solutions and importantly, new thinking outside the box so we can leverage the Power of One in this quest for reform.

Technology has had a dramatic impact on the way we live and work. If anyone had been in a deep sleep for the last five years, they would now be waking up to a very different world: one where the world’s biggest retailer doesn’t own a store, the world’s biggest taxi company doesn’t own a taxi and the world’s biggest hotelier doesn’t own a hotel.

Progress in technology will continue to dramatically change the world going forward, and policing is no exception. These new technologies have the potential to redefine how we perform policing and we need to exploit this exciting opportunity to re-imagine the future. However, it is only by working together that we will be able to take advantage of this digital revolution. So let’s be the ‘team’ that delivers the same level of technology-enabled transformation within policing so that we can support our forces through better ICT.

We all know the impact that the Internet has had on the way we live and work. When you consider the combined further impact of social, mobile, digital, artificial intelligence, block-chain, cloud and analytics then it is predicted that this impact could be greater by a factor of ten.

So, by learning from how technologies are being applied in other sectors, the police service must use its resources more intelligently, target criminal activity more proactively, and deliver a faster, more consistent response.

Delegates at this summit will hear from a range of impressive and engaging speakers from across the wider policing family, Government, HMIC (Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary) as well as key partners from industry – present and future.

We have listened to your feedback from last year’s summit, so we will have more breakout sessions, more supplier-led workshops and more networking opportunities.

Much has been done recently to set and publish standards, to share best practice between forces and, in some notable cases, to commission work to design and stand up national solutions. However, only determined joint work between police forces and industry technology-providers, together with focus brought by the PCCs who set the budget for forces and commission the necessary capital investment, will deliver the solutions we need for policing in the future. It is the role of The Police ICT Company and the NPTC to make this happen – and this conference is an important step on that journey.

Martin Wyke Neil Roberts Chief Executive Officer Chief Information Officer, The Police ICT Company Surrey and Sussex Police and Chair,

National Police Technology Council

Save the Date

ICT Summit 2018

24th - 25th

January 2018

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10.00 Registration open with refreshments available in the exhibition areas

11.30 Formal summit opening

Martin Wyke Chief Executive Officer, The Police ICT Company

Neil Roberts Chief Information Officer, Surrey and Sussex Police and Chair, National Police Technology Council

11.50 The importance of delivering digital transformation collaboratively

Stephen Kavanagh Chief Constable, Essex Police and Chair, NPCC Digital Policing Board

Hacer Evans Director, Digital Policing Portfolio

Highlighting the importance of collaborative working at national and local levels. Preparing for the delivery of improved/new digital products and services, thus transforming the way that forces manage digital crime. A brief overview of the digital portfolio’s approach to delivery and key areas of progress to date.

12.25 Supplier-led workshops (1)

BT Syndicate Room 11

Meeting the challenge of the digital agenda within and across forces

David Darch Head of Police Client Team, BT

Richard Hatcher Regional Sales Manager, Police and Justice Team, Cisco

Tim May Solution Architect, Police Client Team, BT

BT and partner Cisco will be presenting the Digital Networking Architecture approach which has been developed jointly between our teams to meet the specific needs of the Police market. This solution based around Cisco powered open architecture includes the use of Cloud Services (Public, Private, Hybrid) connected directly to the network, with workloads being moved between these environments. To ensure usability and security, identity and access management controls can be linked back to national level security operations centres, with services provided by the dedicated BT Police Managed Services team.

IBM Syndicate Room 12

Would your force like to improve your response to issues like modern slavery, troubled families, CSE and repeat offenders?

Mark Goossens Client Executive, Home Office and Police, IBM

Clare Mortimer Executive Partner, GBS Cognitive and Analytics, Public Sector, IBM

The Police ICT Company has recently extended the national agreement with IBM providing access to analytics tools until 2020. In this workshop, IBM will share information about the capabilities that are available to law enforcement organisations, at no additional cost, through The Police ICT Company national agreement. These capabilities extend beyond the i2 Analysis Software that analysts in every force are using already, to include predictive and video analytics tools – to help your teams make use of the ever-increasing pool of data that is available including the hours of BWV and CCTV footage. They will describe some of the best-of-breed solutions that UK forces have built using the tools, including modern slavery in Manchester, predictive identification of repeat offenders in Bristol, and highest risk individuals for CSE in London. From this workshop we’re seeking to identify lead forces to work with as we build these solutions out, to allow them to be deployed across the UK, so every force can take advantage of them.

SUMMIT AGENDADay One: Wednesday 18th January



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Software AG Syndicate Room 16

Best practices for accelerating your digital transformation

Johnny WrenchDirector of WCS, Demand Management Implementation Lead at the British Army

Richard WilliamsDirector of Chiefy Consulting, CoE Lead at the British Army

Hear from the British Army Delivery Team on how Software AG are helping both organisations accelerate their Digital Transformation Journeys - from understanding the business issues that lead to their transformation, to the people, process and technology lessons learned. This will be a unique opportunity to discover what best practices you can take away, and with the Digital Fitness Assessment, how Software AG can help you better understand your own readiness for transformation.

13.15 Buffet lunch and networking in the exhibition areas

14.05 “ All for one and one for all!”

Ian Bell Enabling Programmes Director, National Police Chiefs’ Council

Claire Head ICT Programme Manager for Mobility and Digitisation, Cumbria Constabulary

Ian Hogarth ICT Business Development Manager, Cumbria Constabulary

What is the enabling programmes work stream? What will it deliver? Through this session Ian Bell will give an overview of his programme, the aspirations, the technologies, the opportunities to deliver a technology enabled Policing Vision 2025.

Ian will be joined by members of Cumbria Constabulary who have been piloting some of the technologies the enabling programmes will deliver. Cumbria will take us through the successes, which deliver an agile, mobile and more informed workforce.

14.40 Supplier-led workshops (2)

Microsoft Syndicate Room 11

2020 Digital policing demystified

Matt Bishop Digital Advisor and CTO for Policing, Microsoft UK

The policing vision for 2025 provides forces, partners and suppliers with a clear direction - one that involves transformation of all aspects of policing. We call this digital transformation. For many of our customers seeking to transform, the questions are the same:

• Where do I start?• How long will it take?

In this workshop we will look at how Office 365 and Azure supports digital transformation within policing, and what are the practical steps that you can take now. We will discuss how forces can use Microsoft technology to collaborate nationally, locally and with partners.

#ictsummit17 #ictsummit17

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Sungard AS Syndicate Room 12

Redefining the emergency services through collaboration and innovation

Tim Cox Head of Services Product Architecture, Sungard AS

Paul Daglish Business Development Manager, Public Sector, Sungard AS

With the number of applications required by police forces in the UK, a reliable infrastructure is paramount to meeting service delivery targets.

This session will cover the key requirements of Government Cloud services and the benefits of having a secure, resilient and flexible infrastructure in place for operational applications managing all data types, including official.

We will also discuss how our UK Sovereign Cloud platform can provide a secure link from Amazon and Azure services, to store evidential data within an official secure environment. Plus, how best to achieve your cloud-first ambitions quickly and efficiently, with minimum disruption to front-line services.

Learning outcomes:• Key considerations with applications in the cloud • The importance of having a resilient platform for service delivery• Benefits and importance of working with Public Service Network (PSN) supplier• Public sector-specific real-life examples of cloud infrastructure being used today

Vodafone Syndicate Room 16

From reform to transform: a marked change

Mark Allen Industry Advisor, Vodafone

The nature of crime continues to change and the needs of society and public expectations, all create significant challenges for policing in the UK. These challenges, along with the continuing need to control costs, require an important change agenda. Change in the way forces collaborate with each other and other agencies require change in interaction and in leadership approaches. This creates an opportunity to reimagine policing, to break down borders and to think differently about data and stakeholder expectations. The Police Vision 2025 sets out a journey to address these, but how do you turn that vision into reality?

The Vodafone workshop, which includes a view from the front line by Phil Davies, Superintendent at Greater Manchester Police, aims to challenge thinking and sets out an approach to develop a coherent strategy.

15.30 Refreshments and networking in the exhibition areas

15.50 Supplier-led workshops (3)

Adobe and Bytes Software Services Syndicate Room 11

Modernising ICT and optimising software spend

Malcolm Gardner Public Sector Digital Marketing Expert, Adobe

Bengta Jordan Public Sector Digital Media Expert, Adobe

Chris Hibbert Enterprise Solutions Director, Bytes Software Services

A review of the emerging changes and trends in ICT and how these may impact and support digital policing over the next decade. Bytes will outline our approach to supporting police ICT, and the impact on, wider public sector, in developing transformative change programmes, driving cost savings and implementing effective ICT solutions. The main focus of the session will be on software solutions, services and agreements providing examples of how Bytes has assisted at both a national and local level in modernising organisations. As an example of how a modern and creative solution has been put in place to drive down costs whilst providing the latest technology and improved security, Bytes and Adobe will review the recent Adobe Enterprise Term Licence Agreement.

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Axon Public Safety Syndicate Room 12

Capture to courtroom

Jeremy Habberley Sales Director, Axon Public Safety

Axon Public safety, a part of TASER International, makes communities safer with innovative public safety technologies. Founded in 1993, TASER first transformed law enforcement with its electrical weapons. TASER continues to define smarter policing with its Axon brand which includes a growing suite of connected products and services from body cameras and digital evidence management tools to mobile apps. More than 150,000 lives and countless pounds have been saved with TASER’s products and services.

HP Syndicate Room 16

Partnering to transform policing

Nimesh PatelPublic Sector Technology Specialist, HP

Jaclyn MolloyPublic Sector Account Manager, HP

HP are making significant strides as a technology partner in policing and as our client portfolio evolves into 2017, our relevance to the segment also grows. We are a company dedicated entirely to PC and print innovation and our progress across 2016 demonstrates that HP’s vision and new style of IT client portfolio are addressing the core challenges faced in policing. HP has solutions that strive to mobilise the officer, drive force savings and improve collaboration, and more recent innovations are helping forces adopt new ways of working, making transformational changes on the widest scale possible. HP has an exciting new story to share with you, and we look forward to partnering with you in 2017.

16.40 Innovation suppliers – “lightning talks”

Facilitated by Robert Leach Deputy Chief Executive Officer, The Police ICT Company

A series of short (three-minute), fast-paced talks from our Innovation Zone exhibitors who will showcase their projects and innovative practices.

17.45 Close of Day

19.00 Drinks reception served in the Rotunda

19.45 Dinner served in the London Suite

Pre-dinner speaker – Simon Weston CBE Falkland Veteran and Charity Campaigner

In 1982 Simon Weston was severely injured in the Falklands conflict. His story is very much one of overcoming adversity, dealing with change and having a positive mental attitude with a firm belief you can overcome whatever challenges are thrown at you.

Magic by award winning magician, Jamie Docherty

During the evening there will be an opportunity to make a charity donation and participate in a light hearted interactive quiz, ‘All for one and one for all’. Donations will be shared between the Care of Police Survivors (COPS) and Embrace, a charity that supports child victims of crime.

Tables at dinner have been allocated, please refer to your badge for the table number.

Simon Weston CBE, Falkland Veteran and Charity Campaigner

In 1982, the Sir Galahad was destroyed in Bluff Cove on the Falkland Islands. On board was Simon Weston, Welsh Guardsman, a name and face that was going to become well known for his struggle to overcome his injuries (46% burns) and redefine his role in life.

Following his injuries, Simon’s road to physical, spiritual and mental recovery saw him active in a number of highly successful ventures including ‘The Weston Spirit’, a Liverpool-based young people’s charity and more recently “Care After Combat” His charitable work earned him an OBE in the 1992 Queen’s Birthday Honours and, in the 2016 New Year`s Honours Simon was awarded the CBE.

Page 8: Delivering Reform Together - Police ICT · sessions by making use of the cloakroom facilities onsite. ... Sue Shapland. Kevin Shapland ... Our theme this year is “Delivering Transformational



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TASER and ø are trademarks of TASER International, Inc., registered in the US and other countries. For more information, visit www.taser.com/legal. © 2016 TASER International, Inc. All rights reserved.

SLIDO SUPPORTEREstablished in 1992, Niche Technology serves 119,000 sworn officers worldwide through the Niche Records Management System (NicheRMS). The company’s sole focus is the development, implementation, support and enhancement of law enforcement software. Niche Technology supports the specific requirements of policing to help ensure our system meets critical policing needs, especially in large police agencies.

NicheRMS is used in more than 100 agencies, including 10 of the 30 largest police agencies in the English-speaking world.

To learn more about Niche Technology, please contact us at [email protected].


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Jamie Docherty, Magician

Jamie is a member of the world’s most prestigious magic society, The Magic Circle and a member of Equity, the Actors Union. His style of magic is modern and comical and you will be truly entertained.

During Jamie’s award-winning close-up magic act, he will wander around the tables and perform magic right in front of your eyes, or even in your own hands!

Find out more about Jamie at www.jamiedochertymagic.co.uk, follow him on Twitter: twitter.com/magicianjamie and Facebook: www.facebook.com/jamiedochertymagic

Page 9: Delivering Reform Together - Police ICT · sessions by making use of the cloakroom facilities onsite. ... Sue Shapland. Kevin Shapland ... Our theme this year is “Delivering Transformational



Designed by law enforcement for law enforcement, the TASER X2 incorporatesagencies’ most requested capabilities, such as a backup shot and the ability to display a warning arc without removing the cartridge. A dependable piece of law enforcement equipment that ’s feature-rich, simple to use and similar in size to previous models.


TASER and ø are trademarks of TASER International, Inc., registered in the US and other countries. For more information, visit www.taser.com/legal. © 2016 TASER International, Inc. All rights reserved.

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08.00 Registration open with refreshments available in the exhibition areas

09.00 Welcome

Katy Bourne Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex and Chair, The Police ICT Company Board

Neil Roberts Chief Information Officer, Surrey and Sussex Police and Chair, National Police Technology Council

09.15 Keynote speaker

Rt. Hon. Brandon Lewis MP Minister of State for Policing and the Fire Service

10.00 Police transformation and the policing vision 2025

Chief Constable Sara Thornton CBE QPM Chair, National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC)

Julia Mulligan Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire and Chair, Police Reform and Transformation Board

Sara Thornton and Julia Mulligan will provide an overview of the development of the Policing Vision 2025, the approach of the Police Reform and Transformation Board and their plans for policing in the future.

10.30 Refreshments and networking in the exhibition areas

10.55 Forming to transform

Commissioner Ian Dyson QPM City of London Police

Paddy Tipping Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire

Sarah Wilkinson Chief Digital Data and Technology Officer, Home Office

The Information Management and Operational Requirements Coordination Committee (IMORCC), has been created by policing, and for policing. It faces a crowded landscape. The challenge is to land a governance structure that brings together the three pillars of technical, security and business design, to support the collaborative technological innovations of national policing in times of financial pressures and reorganisations. The IMORCC will draw upon existing talent and innovative thinking from across the nation, without disrupting funding streams, and will work with existing Home Office Programmes without dictating to or derailing them.

11.25 Panel discussion - police reform and transformation

Chaired by Katy Bourne Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex and Chair, The Police ICT Company Board

Chief Constable Sara Thornton CBE QPM Chair, National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC)

Julia Mulligan Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire and Chair, Police Reform and Transformation Board

Commissioner Ian Dyson QPM City of London Police

Paddy Tipping Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire

Sarah Wilkinson Chief Digital, Data and Technology Officer, Home Office

Neil Roberts Chief Information Officer Surrey and Sussex Police and Chair, National Police Technology Council

Having heard from a selection of senior leaders and experts in their fields about the vision for policing, some of the key structures being built to deliver that vision and the challenges that brings, this will be your opportunity to pose questions to them about police reform and transformation in a dynamic “Question Time” Q&A session, chaired by Katy Bourne.

SUMMIT AGENDADay Two: Thursday 19th January



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11.55 Network code for the police

Sir Thomas Winsor Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary

12.25 Lunch and networking in the exhibition areas

13.25 Panel discussion - how technology can bring to life the policing vision 2025

Chaired by Ian Bell Enabling Programmes Director, National Police Chiefs’ Council

Hacer Evans Director, Digital Policing Portfolio

Dave France Director for Crime, Policing and Fire Group IT, Home Office Digital, Data and Technology

Richard Thwaite Managing Partner, Chaucer Consulting

Stephen Webb Director, Law Enforcement Programmes

In this panel session, we will hear from programme and technology leads on the progress of their critical work streams. These will have a direct influence on both technology and the way we work across policing in the coming years. The session will focus on delivery, and the dependence this will have on policing, to ensure policing and wider law enforcement are as cohesive as they need to be.

14.25 The company and the council - under the spotlight

Paul Lander Managing Editor, Police Professional

Martin Wyke Chief Executive Officer, The Police ICT Company

Neil Roberts Chief Information Officer, Surrey and Sussex Police and Chair, National Police Technology Council

Paul Lander puts your questions to: Martin Wyke and Neil Roberts.

Paul will sum up the highlights of the two days and explore with Martin and Neil what they think the next steps will be in the reform and transformation of police ICT, the role that the Company and the Council will play in delivering that future vision and some of the challenges ahead. In addition, over the course of the summit, Paul will have been speaking to suppliers, PCCs, police officers and those from the wider policing family, to find out what you want to know, from the hosts of this year’s summit. He will then put your questions and concerns to Martin and Neil, with an opportunity for debate and further questions from the floor. No one should leave the summit with a question unanswered.

15.05 Closing remarks

Katy Bourne Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex and Chair, The Police ICT Company Board

15.15 Summit close

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Stephen Kavanagh, Chief Constable Essex Police and Chair, NPCC Digital Policing Board

Stephen is the Chief Constable of Essex Police. He was appointed to the role in May 2013 having served 28 years with the Metropolitan Police Service.

His previous roles have included: Commander to SO15 Counter Terrorism Command where he led on developing a clearer performance culture working closely with the security services to ensure the links from the “local to global” were maximised; DAC for Territorial Policing where he was responsible for the 20,000 officers delivering local policing to London; DAC for Specialist Operations with responsibility for protection and security as well as being responsible for the investigations into phone hacking and ancillary corruption issues.

Stephen is an advocate of better use of technologies, localism and informed intelligence. He is the National Lead for Digital Investigations and Intelligence and is the chair of the Digital Policing Board.

Hacer Evans, Director, NPCC Digital Policing Programme

Hacer is currently the Director for the NPCC Digital Policing Programme; a critical national-level major project which will bring about significant changes in the way frontline police officers operate, as well as supporting transformation of the wider criminal justice system.

Hacer’s career in policing started at Thames Valley Police in the field of forensic science. In 2001, she transferred to British Transport Police where she held various leadership positions as Scientific Support Manager, Head of Profession for Justice and Forensic Science and Head of Transformation. Hacer successfully delivered the National CCTV Strategic Alignment Programme across BTP and Network Rail.

In 2015, Hacer transferred to Sussex Police to take up the national digital policing role.

Martin Wyke, Chief Executive Officer, The Police ICT Company

Martin has spent the last 30 years working for companies in the retail and telecommunications/media sectors as well as a short tenure with CSC – a large systems integrator and outsourcer. Martin has held CIO positions at Debenhams, Energis, Littlewoods Shop Direct Group, Virgin Media and most recently TalkTalk.

He has experience in IT solutions aimed at driving forward efficiency and effectiveness, most recently in telecommunications. He has a proven track record of leading IT organisations while stabilising service, coupled with initiating and delivering significant business and digital transformational programmes. At TalkTalk, he had full production responsibility for all IT and customer-facing platforms and ownership of the delivery of all technology programmes. Prior to 2012, he was Chief Technology Information Officer and member of the Operating Board at Virgin Media for three years.

Neil Roberts, Chief Information Officer, Surrey and Sussex Police and Chair, National Police Technology Council

Neil’s role means that he is accountable for all the infrastructure, systems, people and policies for the effective, efficient and secure management of data, information and knowledge for policing in Sussex. He looks after Surrey, as IT is a shared service between the forces. He joined the two forces in November 2014.

His career spans over 20 years across a broad mix of public and private sector organisations, from leading IT for multi-national financial services companies to shaping the delivery of ICT services within the Houses of Parliament.

Neil’s expertise in integrating technology solutions and driving efficiencies through in times of great change, is called upon heavily as policing becomes more and more dependent upon IT to meet ever-changing strategic, tactical and financial demands.

Ian Bell, Enabling Programmes Director, National Police Chiefs’ Council

Ian is the lead for the NPCC Enabling Programmes work stream and Director of Information for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Police. Ian joined Cambridgeshire Constabulary in September 2008 as Head of ICT Service Delivery. He has since progressed through roles as Head of ICT for Cambridgeshire, to leading the collaboration of the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire ICT and Information Management Departments.

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Connected PolicingHelping you meet today’s policing challenges.

Connected Policing is focused on the issues and challenges you face. We see technology as an enabler – facilitating what you need to do – but more efficiently and at less cost.It’s about enabling officers to work effectively wherever they are; it’s about forces working together to share resources and maximise efficiency and it’s about engaging with ever more demanding citizens.

Connected officers, connected forces, connected communities.

Connected communitiesConnected officers Connected forces


Page 14: Delivering Reform Together - Police ICT · sessions by making use of the cloakroom facilities onsite. ... Sue Shapland. Kevin Shapland ... Our theme this year is “Delivering Transformational


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Page 15: Delivering Reform Together - Police ICT · sessions by making use of the cloakroom facilities onsite. ... Sue Shapland. Kevin Shapland ... Our theme this year is “Delivering Transformational


Don’t just reach your customers.Know them.

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Robert Leach, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, The Police ICT Company

Robert is responsible for putting in place the required organisational capabilities of the Company, and leading various programmes of activity to deliver the objectives of the Company, to meet our customer’s needs.

An honours graduate of Sheffield Hallam University, Robert has over 30 years’ experience in ICT services related sales management, business development, and operational and general management across four companies – Nixdorf, NCR, BT and Capita, responsible in both BT and Capita for leading and growing their Police and Justice sector business. Robert joined the Police ICT Company in October 2015, and was appointed Interim Deputy CEO on 1 February 2016. He brings to the ICT Company his knowledge and contacts across policing and justice stakeholders, including the supplier community.

Rt. Hon. Brandon Lewis MP, Minister of State for Policing and the Fire Service, Home Office

Elected Conservative MP for Great Yarmouth in 2010, Brandon was appointed Minister of State for Policing and the Fire Service at the Home Office on 15 July 2016.

Brandon has a BSc Economics and LLB Hons (Law) from the University of Buckingham. He also holds an LLM in commercial law from King’s College London.

During his political career, he was Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at the Department for Communities and Local Government from September 2012 until July 2014. He served as Minister of State for Housing and Planning at the Department for Communities and Local Government from July 2014 until July 2016.

Outside politics, he is a qualified barrister and a company director. Before joining the Government, Brandon was an active member of a number of All-Party Parliamentary groups, including those for Enterprise Zones and local growth as well as Local Government. He was co-chair of a group on coastal erosion and continues to work with colleagues who represent other coastal towns to highlight common issues in their constituencies.

Brandon served on Brentwood Borough Council for more than ten years, with five as leader.

Katy Bourne, Police and Crime Commissioner for Sussex

Katy was elected by the public to serve a second term in office in May 2016.

Katy has responsibility for setting the strategic direction and priorities for policing in Sussex. She is also responsible for setting the police budget (approx. £250m) and the local police precept as well as holding the Chief Constable to account for the delivery and performance of the force. In addition, Katy has a statutory duty to commission support services for victims of crime and deliver community safety initiatives and crime reduction grants.

Katy is a Board Director of the national College of Policing and Chair of the national Police ICT Company. She is also Chair of the Sussex Criminal Justice Board, a member of the Home Secretary’s National Domestic Abuse Oversight Group and Chair of the Association of PCCs, Performance, Standards and Accountability Group.

Claire Head, Programme Manager, Cumbria Constabulary

Claire works for Cumbria Constabulary as a Programme Manager in the ICT Department with responsibility for delivering ICT-enabled change programmes.

Born and raised in Cumbria, Claire joined Cumbria Constabulary from leaving school and carried out various administration roles before leaving to run her own retail business and raise her family.

In 2005 Claire returned to the Constabulary and commenced working in the project environment in 2007 covering a number of roles including Test Team Manager, Business Analyst, Project Manager and Currently Programme Manager.

Ian Hogarth, ICT Business Development Manager, Cumbria Constabulary

Ian leads the department, which provides Project and Change Management support for Cumbria’s ICT change projects.

He was born in Cumbria, starting his working life in financial services. Moving to London to manage his first project in the early ‘80’s, over the next 20 years he successfully delivered major ICT projects for both private and public sector organisations.

Ian moved back to Cumbria in 2003, joining Cumbria Constabulary in 2004 on a 12-month contract but has been there ever since. Ian’s teams have successfully implemented ICT projects that have significantly changed the way the Constabulary operates, including their Mobility and Digital Working programme.

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Vodafone Power to you

We’re helping organisations like yours to think differently about data, to break down borders, and to reimagine policing

If you need more information visit Vodafone.co.uk/public

Working towards transformation together

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Chief Constable Sara Thornton, Chair, National Police Chiefs’ Council

The first Chair of the National Police Chiefs’ Council, Sara joined the Metropolitan Police Service in 1986. Over the next fifteen years her career alternated between operational postings in West London and strategic roles within New Scotland Yard. She served with Thames Valley Police as Assistant Chief Constable, Deputy Chief Constable and Acting Chief Constable before holding the role of Chief Constable for eight years until March 2015. She has also been Chair of the ACPO Intelligence Portfolio, Vice-Chair of ACPO Terrorism and Allied Matters, Director of the Police National Assessment Centre and ACPO Vice-President.

Sara is a member of the Royal College of Defence Studies, the Advisory Board for the Oxford University Centre for Criminology and the International Advisory Board for the Cambridge Executive Police Programme. She is a graduate of Durham University, also holding a Master of Studies (MSt) degree in Applied Criminology and Police Management from Cambridge University alongside honorary doctorates from Oxford Brookes University and Buckinghamshire New University.

Sara was awarded the Queen’s Police Medal in 2006 and made a Commander in the Order of the British Empire in 2011. She has also been recognised with a Career Achievement Award from the Police Training Authority Trustees and the Sir Robert Peel Medal for Outstanding Leadership in Evidence-Based Policing.

Julia Mulligan, Police and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire

Julia was re-elected as North Yorkshire’s Police and Crime Commissioner in May 2016. Her priorities continue to focus on improving services for local people, particularly the most vulnerable and victims. She is committed to embedding a customer service ethos, modernising the local criminal justice process and better protecting and supporting rural communities.

At a national level, Julia chairs the Police Reform and Transformation Board, which works to ensure policing is prepared for emerging threats, and which co-ordinates the Police Transformation Fund. Julia also sits on the Board of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners and holds the national PCC portfolio for integrity, overseeing the Independent Police Complaints Commission transition programme.

Julia continues to chair the National Rural Crime Network, leading its national campaign for fairer funding for rural forces, and its work identifying issues of particular interest to rural communities.

Commissioner Ian Dyson, City of London Police

Joining the Metropolitan Police in 1983, with service as Assistant Chief Constable to Surrey Police from 2008, Ian Dyson moved to the City of London Police as Commander in 2010.

Leading organisational change and Economic Crime, he also led Contact Management and national rollout of the 101 non-emergency number. Assistant Commissioner from 2012 leading cultural change, staff empowerment and innovation, he was promoted to Commissioner in January 2016 and awarded the Queen’s Police Medal in the New Year Honours.

Stepping up from his National Policing Lead for Information Assurance, Commissioner Dyson created the Information Management and Operational Requirements Coordination Committee.

Paddy Tipping, Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire

Former MP Paddy Tipping was elected as Nottinghamshire’s first Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) in November 2012, and re-elected with an overwhelming majority in May 2016.

He has been at the forefront of the national discussions on police funding since he was elected to this role and is currently Chair of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners’ Resources, Efficiency and Strategic Finance Standing Group. He is one of 12 members of the national Advisory Group, set up to look at the challenges posed by the ongoing austerity measures, and was closely involved in the ‘Reshaping Policing for the Public’ report. He also chairs the Specialist Capabilities Governance Sub-Group set up to oversee the work of the Specialist Capabilities Programme. As an MP, he undertook a number of efficiency studies for the then Prime Minister Tony Blair, and he was closely involved in setting up the Lawrence Inquiry.

Sarah Wilkinson, Chief Digital, Data and Technology Officer at the Home Office

Prior to joining the Home Office Sarah spent 23 years in financial services, holding CIO roles at Credit Suisse, UBS, Deutsche Bank and Lehman Brothers.

Sarah is a Non-Executive Director of The Police ICT Company, and a member of the advisory boards of the Department of Computing at Imperial College and the Department of Mathematics at Oxford University.

Sarah was voted number three in the 2015 TechUK 50 (Dec 2016) and number twenty-six in the CIO 100 (Apr 2016).

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Sir Thomas Winsor, Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary

In October 2012, Sir Thomas was appointed as Her Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Constabulary. He is the first holder of that office to come from a non-policing background.

Sir Thomas graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 1979 and is a lawyer admitted to practise in both Scotland and England and Wales. In private practice, he specialised in complex commercial projects, finance, public law and the design and operation of economic and safety regulatory systems for essential public services such as energy, water and transport. He was a partner in major commercial law firms in the City of London, and between 1999 and 2004, Sir Thomas was the Rail Regulator.

Between October 2010 and March 2012, Sir Thomas carried out a review of the pay and conditions of service of police officers and police staff in England and Wales. The review was carried out at the request of the Home Secretary and was the most comprehensive for more than 30 years. Legislation to implement a significant proportion of Sir Thomas’s recommendations was passed in March 2014.

Sir Thomas’s knighthood was announced in the 2015 New Year Honours list.

Stephen Webb, Director, Law Enforcement Programmes, Home Office

Stephen is Director for Law Enforcement Programmes at the Home Office, which includes acting as Senior Responsible Owner for the Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme (ESMCP), Home Office Biometrics (HOB) and National Law Enforcement Data Programme.

He has been a civil servant for 25 years and has previously worked as Director of Corporate Services in the National Crime Agency, and in a number of roles in the Home Office, Northern Ireland Office and HM Treasury.

Paul Lander, Managing Editor, Police Professional

Paul joined West Yorkshire Police in 1980. He left after six years and entered the publishing world, working in a range of roles including 13 years as a director of McMillan-Scott, where he published and managed titles in professional, consumer and membership sectors before establishing Police Professional in 2004. He has been the journal’s Managing Editor since 2006.

Richard Thwaite, Managing Partner, Chaucer Consulting

Richard heads up Chaucer Digital within the Chaucer Consulting Group. With over 30 years’ experience in leading technology functions in manufacturing, financial services and the public sector, Richard is well placed to offer clients crucial insight into managing highly complex IT transformation programmes. Richard was CIO for the Metropolitan Police Service in London for two years where he helped transform their technology strategy and implement tablet devices for front-line officers to record crime and witness statements - reducing IT costs whilst implementing a mobile-first, cloud-based technical architecture to enable the use of modern technology to fight crime and reduce policing costs.

Dave France, Director for Crime, Policing and Fire Group IT, Home Office

Dave France is the Director for Crime, Policing and Fire Group IT, in the Home Office Digital, Data and Technology function.

He has a background delivering complex business solutions in Commercial/Wholesale Banking. His experience covers both the programme and project direction through to the construction of architectural road maps and their subsequent delivery along with overall delivery and departmental strategy.

His major responsibility in the Home Office will be to direct the design, build and deployment of national law enforcement systems, ensuring that they are highly effective, efficient systems which leverage modern digital technologies and provide world-class law enforcement capabilities.

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Apps sold separately; availability may vary.Not all features are available in all editions or versions of Windows. Systems may require upgraded and/or separately purchased hardware, drivers, software, or BIOS updates to take full advantage of Windows functionality. Windows 10 is automatically updated, which is always enabled. ISP fees may apply and additional requirements may apply over time for updates. See microsoft.com. 1. Based on HP’s internal analysis as of January 14, 2016, of mobile devices preinstalled with Windows 10 Mobile, designed to pass MIL-STD-810G and IP67 testing, the ability to run virtualized corporate apps on a big screen using an optional dock, and a biometric solution for security. 2. Optional dock required and sold separately. Peripherals sold separately. 3. HP Workspace software update for Windows 10 required and planned in a future release. Subscription required. Corporate application must be licensed on corporate network for virtualization. © Copyright 2016 HP Development Company, L.P. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

HP Elite x3The one device that’severy deviceThe HP Elite x3 is HP’s first built-for-business mobile device to deliver seamless phablet, laptop, and desktop business productivity in a single device.1

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Our areas of expertise include:

• STORM command and control

• SmartContact – Public Contact Management

• Digital Evidence Management

• Digital Interview Recording

• Managed ICT services

Sopra Steria has a proven heritage of partnering with criminal justice organisations across Europe. In the UK we are delivering innovative solutions and services to over 60% of police forces and these are driving efficiencies and improving policing outcomes.

For further informationTel:+44 (0)370 600 4466e-mail: [email protected] us on twitter @SopraSteriaPS

A European leader in digital transformation

Supporting safer communitiesDriving efficiencies and improving policing outcomes


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Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences — enabling our customers to create, deliver and measure personalised, high-impact content that their constituents can access from virtually any device, including smartphones, tablets, PCs and televisions.

Adobe has been setting the standard for digital experiences since the company’s founding in 1982. From desktop publishing to electronic documents to interactive web experiences and games, Adobe has transformed numerous industries. With every innovation, we have always focused on ways to make content more engaging and valuable.

Our solutions include: Adobe Creative Cloud, which offers the most innovative tools and cloud-based services for creating digital media; Adobe Document Cloud, which provides a modern way to manage documents at home, in the office and across devices; and Adobe Marketing Cloud, which delivers groundbreaking solutions for data-driven marketing. Our innovation and leadership in two large categories, Digital Media and Digital Marketing, provides our customers with a real competitive advantage, positioning Adobe for continued growth well into the future.

Adobe and Public SectorAdobe transforms public sector customer experiences with digital capabilities that improve engagement, cut costs, and make government more efficient. Adobe’s cloud-based solutions enable organisations to create and deliver content in a way that citizens and employees have come to expect. Adobe provides the public sector with tools to digitise services and measure its impact while securing mission-critical content across all devices:

• Create powerful and engaging digital forms, documents, and creative assets

• Collect and store digital content in a centralised location, and tag it to easily find, share, and use later

• Manage digital content, helping to ensure it’s delivered at the right time and in the right place

• Protect digital assets with data-centric encryption, wherever they’re stored or transported

• Collaborate and share content through live and on-demand web conferencing

• Deliver connected digital experiences across websites, mobile apps, and forms

• Measure and optimize the effectiveness of citizen digital experiences

Adobe and PolicingAdobe has a long history of working with Policing. Many of your organisations will have worked with, through the Police ICT Enterprise Agreement, our creative tools and forensic imagery specialists.

However, there is another side to Adobe. We have been applying our innovative capabilities to policing and security challenges such as: exploiting and managing video and imagery; enabling users to focus, analyse, and collaborate rapidly and securely; and securing and sharing information safely within and across department and national boundaries. Our technologies provide rapid deployment capabilities: from training and operational communications, through intelligence analysis and production, to citizen interaction and web experiences – allowing users to get the right information to decision makers, faster.

Axon Public safety, a part of TASER International, makes communities safer with innovative public safety technologies. Founded in 1993, TASER first transformed law enforcement with its electrical weapons. TASER continues to define smarter policing with its Axon brand which includes a growing suite of connected products and services from body cameras and digital evidence management tools to mobile apps. More than 150,000 lives and countless pounds have been saved with TASER’s products and services.

Our areas of expertise include:

• STORM command and control

• SmartContact – Public Contact Management

• Digital Evidence Management

• Digital Interview Recording

• Managed ICT services

Sopra Steria has a proven heritage of partnering with criminal justice organisations across Europe. In the UK we are delivering innovative solutions and services to over 60% of police forces and these are driving efficiencies and improving policing outcomes.

For further informationTel:+44 (0)370 600 4466e-mail: [email protected] us on twitter @SopraSteriaPS

A European leader in digital transformation

Supporting safer communitiesDriving efficiencies and improving policing outcomes


Introduction to Bytes Software Services

Bytes Software Services is an award-winning software reseller with over 30 years’ experience working with Police forces. Bytes specialise in software licensing, on-premises and cloud deployment solutions, asset management and training services. We advise on the most cost effective and flexible ways to deploy and purchase technology solutions from over 600 vendors including Microsoft, Adobe, Symantec, Snow and Veritas to name a few.

Bytes and Police ICT Relationship

Bytes have been a valued strategic partner of The Police ICT Company since its inception, assisting with the modernisation and rationalisation of the IT contracts for its member forces.

In partnership with The Police ICT Company and through utilising the strength of our relationships with our software vendor partners, we have been able to negotiate bespoke agreements on behalf of Police ICT, creating unique opportunities to reduce the cost and simplify the management of purchasing across the best of breed software vendors.

Adobe ETLA

In early 2016, The Police ICT Company partnered with Bytes to negotiate a national Adobe ETLA agreement, allowing all member forces quick and easy deployment of the latest versions of Adobe Enterprise and Creative products at the lowest price level.

The ETLA is the first of its kind, offering participating forces guaranteed compliance throughout the contract length, a higher level of service and technical support from Adobe, higher levels of security and easy transferability of licensee between forces.

Currently 30 forces have purchased through the Police ICT Adobe ETLA, leading to a saving of over £1million versus traditional procurement methods.

Ongoing Support/Upcoming Projects

As well as assisting the Police ICT Company and its members in the management of the Adobe ETLA, Bytes are currently working with several tier 1 software vendors in the hope to replicate the success and cost savings achieved through the National Adobe contract.

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There is an ongoing drive for transformational change across UK policing. BT and Cisco believe that a move towards digitally enabled policing - and justice - is the key to enabling such transformation. Secure Digital Transformation will radically improve the evidential and case file journey through the police and justice system; better meet the needs and expectations of the public re engagement and dialogue, and enable forces to work together far more effectively, sharing knowledge, resource and infrastructures.

Both BT and Cisco have a long history of working with and supporting UK policing, with account teams and specialists dedicated purely to the police sector. As well as that interaction, we also engage regularly with forces at the major police conferences and workshops we support, keeping up to date with the issues you face and the strategies you pursue. We also serve, in a similar manner, many of the organisations you need to work and communicate with; local government, the MoJ and the health sectors for instance.

We don’t just supply ‘IT’, however. Our aim is to work with you, as both individual forces and the collective world of policing, working with other partners and suppliers large and small to deliver digitally enabled solutions that are focused on your business issues and operational strategies, not the technology.

The new and emerging technologies will of course have a critical role to play, but they need to be secure and they need to fit into policing practices and requirements, not the other way around. Our focus will always be on making the technology secure and fit ‘the job’, not the job fit the technology. Which means less cost, less need to learn new ways of working and less disruption all round.

We are already delivering many innovative solutions to forces based on these principles, from flexible working for Greater Manchester Police to more cost effective and efficient data hosting for Surrey Police; from video justice for Sussex and Kent, to IT management for Devon and Cornwall. And of course, the innovative SEPSNSA programme for Surrey, Thames Valley, Hampshire and Sussex forces – delivering real measurable cost savings from day one.

We also offer a unique set of network coverage capabilities – we have the most comprehensive mobile coverage through EE, the mobile network provider for ESN, Cisco powered Wi-Fi deployed using UK Gov. approved design patterns, and the UK’s most extensive fixed line network - and we can integrate it all to provide you with the connectivity you require wherever and whenever needed.

As such we believe we are the natural partners to help you deliver technology enabled policing, cutting costs and delivering increased efficiency.

If you can spare the time please visit us on the BT stand, attend our workshop or engage with us in the evening. We’ll be on hand to talk to you. www.bt.com/connectedpolicing

David Darch, Head of Police Client Team BT – [email protected]

Richard Hatcher, Regional Manager, Police and Justice Team, Cisco - [email protected]

HP Inc. is the leading printing and personal systems technology company in the world, our mission is to create technology that makes life better for everyone everywhere. The Police sector in particular, is one in which we are finding ourselves becoming more relevant, with our new style of IT solutions enabling many of the transformation areas laid out in the 2025 Vision for policing. HP operates with the heart, creativity, and energy of a startup, and with the brain, muscles, and determination of a Fortune 100 corporation. We use this unique combination, along with our 50,000 world-class employees and 76-year legacy of innovation, to engineer experiences that amaze our customers. Our portfolio has been completely revamped during 2016 and we have a strong story to share; our solutions can mobilise officers, drive savings, improve collaboration and enable officers and staff to work in a completely new way.

Whilst we continue to support traditional form factors across desktop and laptop which will support our customers throughout their Windows 7 to 10 transition, where HP are truly innovating is in the ‘agile worker’ category. Pertaining to the changes we are seeing in regards to how our customers are viewing and adopting client devices, our portfolio comprises a selection of core form factors that are stylish, flexible and above all, business ready. We have created a group of enterprise class mobile devices that cater for the user who only occasionally has the need for a mobile device and for the ultra-mobile officer, who must maximise their time out of the station, policing the streets with access to all the core systems required to complete tasks efficiently.

HP have recently created a solution that replaces mobile phone, tablet/hybrid and the bank of desktops at the station. The HP Elite X3 is the one device that’s every device; a fully functional dual sim phone that also has the ability to provide desktop and notebook like experience on the move. Officers need only carry one 6-inch phablet, and can get access to any legacy X86 applications via Windows 10 continuum. Our Desk Dock allows the officer to dock the Elite X3 in a hot desking area, connecting to mouse, keyboard and screen, gaining access to a full legacy desktop environment, all the whilst the power remaining on the phablet. When on the move or in the car, the officer can connect to the HP Lap Dock to extend the screen to a full 12 inch notebook experience, again, the power and data remaining on the phone. The Elite X3 aligns closely with the vision for the way the officers could work in the future and is a new category of computing in which HP will continue to innovate and invest through 2017 and beyond.

HP are confident that our solutions can help forces realise some of visions they strive to put in place over the coming years. We look forward to sharing our story with you, and forging a strong partnership at regional and national level.

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Modernising ICT and optimising software spend

Contact your dedicated Bytes Account Manager to find out more.

In partnership with over 600 software suppliers

The Police ICT Company partnered with Bytes to negotiate a national Adobe ETLA agreement, allowing

all member forces quick and easy deployment of the latest versions

of Adobe Enterprise and Creative products at the lowest price level. I am extremely grateful to Bytes and Adobe for the will, commitment and flexibility they have demonstrated which has helped secure this agreement and we are delighted to be forging a constructive relationship with them.

Martin Wyke Chief Executive, Police ICT.

Owen [email protected] 418 500

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IBM Supporting Police Digitisation

Public safety plays a critical role in supporting economic growth and vitality by reducing the cost of crime and enhancing the desirability of communities as places to live and locate businesses. It also has a direct impact on the levels of societal trust and interaction.

Despite the importance of public safety for economic growth and vitality, many types of crime continue to rise. Additionally, borderless crime, such as cybercrime and Internet fraud, is becoming more prevalent. New types of crime and internet enablement are driving increased volume and velocity

data. To manage these changes within a period of austerity, forces need to adapt existing, siloed, systems and tools so they can better tackle the challenges they face today.

The Police ICT Company have recently extended the national agreement with IBM providing access to analytics tools until 2020. At the summit, IBM will share information about the capabilities and training that are available to law enforcement organisations at no additional cost. We will describe some of the best-of-breed solutions that UK forces have built using the tools, including Modern Slavery in Manchester, Predictive identification of repeat offenders in Bristol, highest risk individuals for CSE in London.

Since the first agreement was put in place in 2015 IBM have worked with the National Analyst Working Group and College of Policing to create 20 online learning courses providing the Analyst and Researcher communities quick and cost efficient access to training aligned to the Intelligence Professionalisation Programme to support them in making better use of the tools, as well as providing classroom training and technical support to the forces.

With the extension of the agreement, the Police ICT Company have secured continued access for Law Enforcement organisations to the full IBM i2 software portfolio including connections to allow analysis across geospatial and ANPR data as well as mobile capabilities and next generation network analysis tools. Moreover, the extended agreement includes access to new capabilities that support analysis of image and video data, predictive analytics and the creation of performance dashboards and reports; along with access to services to support forces in maturing their use of these technologies over a further two years.

Across Europe, Government Agencies are using the tools to develop and adopt new ways of building intelligence and supporting investigations. These form the building blocks for the application of the toolset, to address;

- Open Source Investigation and Intelligence needs, removing foreign language as a challenge as a barrier to investigators and analysts;

- combining legacy structured data with new unstructured data to provide richer insight and understanding;

- predicating threats to the public from serious crime and terrorism;

- and linking to possible future threat patterns.

Through better data collection and integration, the capabilities provided are allowing law enforcement agencies, despite the volume, veracity and velocity of data, to create more time for their experts to think, plan and act with confidence to achieve operational effect.

Please visit the IBM stand at the Summit to find out more, the IBM team are looking forward to meeting.

Microsoft digitally enables public safety and justice organisations by embracing the disruptive force of technology, empowering every member of every organisation to focus on prevention and protection in an effort to deliver more impactful outcomes for the people they serve and protect.

Engage the citizens you protectPublic safety and justice organisations that work with Microsoft and our global partner ecosystem can work seamlessly with citizens and use collaborative tools and data insights to make more informed decisions and deliver more impactful actions that better protect the people they serve.

Enable your service personnelMicrosoft re-imagines productivity to help all public safety and justice workers to do more and achieve more anywhere, at any time, on any device. Critical requirements necessitate the right device, available with the right software, in support of the security and productivity regulations of public safety and justice scenarios.

Optimise your operations in public safetyEnable dynamic multi-tiered command decision making through real-time, actionable intelligence; enablement of concurrent alert and data correlation; and facilitation of cross-agency collaboration using public, private and hybrid cloud solutions that increase efficiency, scale and simplification.

Transform your servicesEnable dynamic, multi-tiered command decision making with a solution that allows uniformed law enforcement personnel and command staff to quickly and accurately analyse and visualise data, including video. Discover information, patterns and trends that drive more informed decisions and more effective planning to better the safety and security of citizens and communities.

“Software AG offers the world’s first Digital Business Platform.

Software AG helps you combine existing systems on premises and in the cloud into a single platform to optimise your business and delight your customers. The unique combination of process, data integration and real-time analytics in one comprehensive middleware platform enables customers to drive operational efficiency, modernise their systems and optimise processes for smarter decisions and better service.

With Software AG, you can rapidly build and deploy digital business applications to exploit real-time market opportunities. Get maximum value from big data, make better decisions with streaming analytics, achieve more with the Internet of Things, and respond faster to shifting regulations and threats with intelligent governance, risk and compliance.

Building on over 40 years of customer-centric innovation, the company is ranked as a leader in 14 market categories, fuelled by core product families Adabas and Natural, Alfabet, Apama, ARIS, Terracotta and webMethods. Software AG has more than 4,400 employees in 70 countries and had revenues of €858 million in 2014.

The world’s top brands trust Software AG to help them rapidly innovate, differentiate and win in the digital world.Software AG, Your digital future today”

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“OneForce” by SCC enables digital policing, now and into the future.

SCC and its technology partners have decades of experience in delivering world-class IT solutions across industries and government bodies, including public safety and policing. We have brought our experience and capabilities together to create a leading, integrated supplier solution for UK policing.

Expanding digital evidence far beyond the immediate value of body worn video, an ecosystem of innovative technologies has been developed by experienced operational officers and industry-leading technologists. Utilising a secure-hosted, UK based platform to increase interoperability, the solution provides an integrated, end-to-end solution, enabling efficiency across the blue-light spectrum.

UK policing wants more modern practises led by technology and the Police ICT and Home Office need common standards so law enforcement agencies can share information between agencies better and appropriately. We support this by remaining open in our software and hardware standards, and using common open industry standards rather developing bespoke and application specific solutions.

Our ecosystem is formed from market leading suppliers, working together to form a coherent and capable solution that addresses all the needs of digital data capture and processing, including a forensic capability with mobile technologies. We have a capability that is centred on our Sentinel pan-government accredited cloud platform, ensuring that UK sovereignty is at the forefront of our capability with our cloud platform being entirely sited in UK owned and operated data facilities. The key players in our ecosystem are working tirelessly to innovate and create a real technological advantage for UK policing and public safety agencies.

SCC can provide the entire OneForce solution from our award winning Sentinel data centres. The platform is aligned to the Government Security Classification scheme and keeps data secure to CESG IL2 and IL3 (OFFICIAL/OFFICIAL SENSITIVE) security standards. The platform also has ISO27001:2013 certification, for total piece of mind.

Sentinel by SCC provides you with access to a government approved cloud platform for digital evidence. It provides faster IT implementation but also keeps data secure, as the most established and cost effective Cloud solution from the first Pan-Government Accredited provider.

As a UK company with UK based data centres and skilled people, SCC aims to help you transform the way your organisation operates by planning, supplying, integrating and managing your technology. We make the technology work for the end user through partnership, knowledge and passion.

Supporting the Police ICT Company, OneForce works with Police, local authorities and government departments to enable the frontline;

“From call or kerbside to court and conviction using seamless technology!”

Meet Ian Sherratt (CTO) and Charlie Anderson (Specialist Police Consultant) at our stand today to find out more about our solution, and understand how we’re already supporting policing across the UK.

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Sopra Steria is a European leader in digital transformation and digital innovation that makes a difference is at the heart of what we do. With a proven heritage of partnering with public safety organisations, Sopra Steria is committed to supporting the continuing transformation of the emergency services and providing effective solutions that meet today’s challenges for savings, efficiency and enhanced customer service.

At Police ICT our experts will be on hand to discuss areas such as:

• Transforming call handling and citizen engagement

o Our renowned STORM command and control solution supports rapid deployment decisions and provides critical information to those attending an incident.

o With SmartContact™ we deliver more accessible, consistent and joined up contact management across the force for emergency and non-emergency communications across multiple contact channels.

• Enabling improvements in operational policing - effective information analysis, access and management:

o Providing officers with an integrated technology solution to support the end-to-end criminal justice process.

o Supporting intelligence gathering and case file management with an approach that brings together all the aspects of the digital evidence management chain of custody in a single offering. This includes our joined up information management platform, secure, robust and compliant infrastructure on which the evidence is stored including semantic search of the information, as well as digital information recording services, records management and digital evidence acquisition solutions.

• ICT service excellence and transformation – we reduce operational ICT costs and support continuous service improvement while freeing up resources to focus on front line service delivery.

We work with 60% of UK forces and have over 40 years’ experience delivering mission critical solutions across Europe. We have a proven reputation for delivery excellence and building long-term trusted partnerships as seen by our client success stories:

• Cleveland Police: Flexible strategic partnership for Operational, Enabling and ICT services that are assisting the Force reduce the impact of financial and operational challenges and keep officers on the frontline.

• We are working with two of the largest UK forces to deliver digital interview recording solutions that are transforming the way that interviews are accessed and processed, saving valuable time spent on management and administration, as well as delivering considerable efficiency savings.

• Kent Fire and Rescue Service: Multi-agency STORM command and control system with Kent Police has strengthened collaboration so they can jointly deliver a more resilient and effective 999 service. It is also expected to save KFRS around £2m.

• South Yorkshire and Humberside Police: Both forces’ contact and dispatch centres will use SmartContact®, an integrated multi-channel customer contact and resource management solution - the first of its kind in the UK.

• STORM Command and Control is used by 60% of UK police forces and national solutions for Scotland, Sweden and Abu Dhabi.

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Sungard Availability Services is a leading provider of critical production, recovery services and UK Secure Sovereign Cloud Services to Police forces across the UK.

Our expertise and experience in disaster recovery and resilient production environments, accredited for all areas of the public sector, enables delivery of joined-up services that are more resilient and always available.

Using our expertise and range of services, Sungard AS can help UK Police forces:

• Achieve their digital transformation and cloud first goals

• Ensure resilience and availability for critical front end applications

• Deliver interoperability

• Gain access to innovative Application Providers

UK Secure Sovereign Cloud Services

As a Public Services Network (PSN) service provider, Sungard AS can fully support your “cloud first” ambitions with government-approved UK Sovereign Private Cloud infrastructure. Our specialists provide round-the-clock support and system monitoring, so you can retain control over your applications without the burden of owning and managing the underlying infrastructure.

Police IT solutions can’t be built on a one-size-fits-all approach, so by virtue of our UK Secure Sovereign Cloud Services, we can help you identify the optimal infrastructure solution for your organisation. Applying a combination of skills, programme methodologies and experience, our experts can provide a supported, low-risk migration of your services onto our accredited government cloud service.

Your migration plan will be executed according to our proven processes, including validation of workload compatibility, dependencies, roll-back plans and performance testing to ensure everything works flawlessly.

Working with Application Providers

With operational policing becoming an information-driven enterprise, faster, simpler access to knowledge is a force multiplier for patrol officers. So we have partnered with a number of leading, agile Application Providers to offer a broad – and growing – range of innovative applications for policing, powered by resilient, Government-approved infrastructure from Sungard AS.

These apps span a range of functions and capabilities to help forces reduce crime, protect victims, increase public confidence and deliver connected policing – all while reducing operational overheads. Some of the Application Providers we work with include:

• Protech: CRM membership services to assist with professional development.

• Facewatch: Evidence submission and collaboration

• Fish Digital Forensics: Fingerprint and evidence processing

• Unilink: Case Management Solution

We also offer an Application Community (AppCom), winner of the Innovative Cloud Services award at the NetApp Partner Awards 2015, providing UK Police forces access to our partner Application Providers through the G-Cloud framework.

With Sungard Availability Services, your applications, data and systems will always be up and running – and operating at peak efficiency. By eliminating the resource burden of managing the underlying infrastructure, you can focus resources on reducing crime, protecting the vulnerable and increasing public confidence, through a connected, mobile police force.

The nature of crime continues to change, complex crimes such as fraud and cyber-crime increase. The broader evidence sources for traditional crime, the needs of society and public expectations, all create significant challenges for Policing in the UK.

As the demographic landscape changes, the differences between urban and regional policing need widens. In addition the significance of areas such as mental health creates different skills requirements of forces.

The complexities of these new challenges do not change the underlying need to control costs; through driving a productivity agenda and ensuring assets are utilised efficiently.

Together this all creates a significant change agenda. Change in the way forces collaborate with each other and other organisations, responding to the need for joined up local government. Change in interactions and change in leadership approaches.

Police forces are more scrutinised than ever before and Public Expectations are also changing, there is an expectation for presence and access both physical and online.

This creates an opportunity to reimagine policing, to break down borders and to think differently about data and stakeholder expectations.

The Police Vision 2025 sets out a journey to address these, but how do you turn that vision into reality?

Vodafone helps forces realise this vision by achieving Better Enabled Officers, Better Operational Agility and Better Community Engagement. Recognising it is a broader challenge than just technology, but encompasses, People, Process, Space and Culture.

It is clear the Police Officer is central to policing. Enabling them to maximise visibility within the community whilst giving them information at the point of policing and the ability to capture and share information securely and efficiently whilst maintaining safety is critical to successful outcomes.

Connecting Police Forces to ensure the right sources of intelligence and information, gives them capabilities to manage resources, events and incidents in a comprehensive and effective way.

Engaging with Communities to enhance relationships and presence, both on and offline, utilising digital tools to maximise effectiveness of 2 way communications, is essential to creating the environment of trust necessary to deliver the Policing Vision.

As we do this, we consider the technological trends and advancements Vodafone is involved in to reimagine next generation of policing.

About Vodafone UK

Vodafone UK is a total telecommunications provider in the United Kingdom and is part of the Vodafone Group, one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies providing a range of services including voice, messaging, data and fixed communications. Vodafone has mobile operations in 26 countries, partners with mobile networks in 49 more, and fixed broadband operations in 17 markets. As of 30 September 2016, Vodafone had 470 million mobile customers and 14 million fixed broadband customers.

Vodafone UK partners with businesses of all sizes - from start-ups and small businesses to the largest corporates and the public sector. The company has worked with UK businesses for over 30 years, starting out as a mobile provider and becoming one of the UK’s leading total communications partners. It provides a range of voice and data services, secure communications infrastructure, fixed and call centre capability, unified communications and was the first mobile phone operator to offer a truly converged service for fixed and mobile.

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[email protected]

+44 (0) 121 281 8618 www.scc.com

Contact Us

The challenge

To enable our front line officers and staff to work from any location including in the street, without compromising their access to desktop applications


• Reduce abstraction from the street.

• Improve service provided to the public

• Enable the officers to have greater intelligence on the street

• Prepare officers for the Emergency Service Network and future connectivity

• Allow officers to interact with emerging Command and Control technology – “SAAB Safe” as it rolls out

Essential criteria and objectives

1. Use existing systems to reduce need for training, enabling the ability to swap from internal to mobile applications, seamlessly

2. Utilise modern technology to drive efficiency, enabling resources to focus on what matters to the public

3. Develop an integrated solution allowing data and information from a variety of systems to be seamlessly available and reused with minimal human effort

4. Develop a flexible solution to meet the changing needs of the public and the workforce

5. Provide the foundation necessary to allow them to modernise how they work, where they work and the way they work together

Cheshire Police’s Transformational Journey


Connected, intelligent, productive policingIn the future, officers and staff will be connected to each other and the public and able to work freely within our communities. Information and systems will be joined up and available for use when and where they are

needed. Skills will be mainstreamed to ensure their front line are capable and confident in tackling changing criminality. Technology will be employed to make policing easier, more effective and more efficient.


Following internal analysis undertaken by Cheshire Police, to identify opportunities to drive efficiency savings across frontline resources, SCC were selected as the most competitive & capable supplier to support the deployment of 1900 Microsoft Surface 3 devices.

SCC’s rapid deployment initiative of delivering pre-provisioned, complete build devices, across multiple regional hubs, enabled Cheshire Police to meet their aggressive rollout timescales with minimum impact to operational policing.

Light touch handovers supported the facilitation of successful device familiarisation. Culture change ensured front line officers and PCSO’s were, within weeks, able to effectively

complete operational tasks on the street that were previously constrained to being within a police station.

SCC’s approach supported Cheshire Police to free up officers and staff to work from anywhere, increase efficiency/effectiveness and implement a solution that is now being built on across the whole organisation to deliver genuine and sustainable change. Cheshire's solution is flexible, simple and maximises the capability of the individual from the start allowing the maximum about of time to be spent on what matters to the public of Cheshire.

SCC are proud to be the enabling partner that allowed Cheshire Police to make a huge leap towards their future vision.

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Secure Sovereign Cloud Services• Security and Data Protection Services

• Digital Transformation Services

• Powering Application Providers

• Delivering Interoperability

Contact us to learn how Sungard AS can help your digital transformation0800 143 413 | www.sungardas.co.uk

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Airpoint is a leading provider of frontline mobile solutions to UK police forces, providing 6 constabularies with access to key information whilst out on duty. In the police sector Airpoint federates information from multiple local and national sources which is used to streamline processes and reduce the requirement for back office resources.

The next step has been taken and we now proactively deliver information based on a user’s location, role and other context parameters. This can be seen in the dynamic briefings implementation for police officers. It is however, equally applicable to other agency workers as a means of collaboration.

Black Marble (http://www.blackmarble.com) is a multi-award winning software development company, with a major focus on the Microsoft platform. Black Marble is led by a team of globally-recognised industry experts with a wealth of experience in solution planning, for on-premises, mobile and cloud solutions.

In 2015, Black Marble launched tuServ (http://www.tuServ.com), our award-winning application for policing. tuServ is a mobile policing application that facilitates a force wide structural and operational change in how data is captured, managed and processed. The ease of use enables officers to quickly and simply capture digital evidence and information, improving the quantity and quality of that evidence.


Computacenter and VMware partner to deliver a transformational Enterprise License Agreement for the UK Police Forces.

Computacenter is Europe’s leading independent provider of IT infrastructure services, enabling users and their business. We advise organisations on IT strategy, implement the most appropriate technology, optimise its performance, and manage our customers’ infrastructures

VMware, a global leader in cloud infrastructure and business mobility, accelerates customers’ digital transformation journey by enabling enterprises to master a software-defined approach to business and IT.

We look forward to meeting you at our stand to learn show how this partnership will add value to your IT Strategy

Create Intelligence is a UK headquartered provider of data-analytics solutions to global law enforcement, central government, and defence agencies. Our technology called “Chorus” is an analytical solution for automatically cleansing and analysing complex datasets; including call data records, computer forensics, financial transactions, ANPR, and GPRS data, providing analytical tools to answer key investigation questions immediately.

It is currently deployed in some of the largest law enforcement agencies in the UK, and has assisted in securing convictions in many high-profile cases by delivering capabilities including visualisation, case management, geo-spatial analysis, automated reporting and cross case analysis via intelligence sharing.

Edesix designs, develops and manufactures a range of professional Body Worn Camera (BWC) solutions. Our BWCs are regularly utilised by Police, Paramedics, Prison Officers, Civil Enforcement Officers and a variety of Lone Workers, globally.

The VideoBadge is a user-friendly, robust and secure BWC, capable of efficiently recording shift-long HD video and audio footage from the viewpoint of the operator.

Together with the custom developed VideoManager software for handling, editing and sharing BWC footage, VideoBadges provide users with an advanced, easy-to-use solution for gathering and readying evidence of recorded incidents. BWCs have been proven to deter aggression, rapidly resolve disputes and protect frontline workers.

Equiniti Charter enables law enforcement and other public sector organisations to improve the service they provide to the public through collaborative working, secure information sharing, and business process efficiency gains in the areas of covert policing, document sharing and management, case and complaints handling, and hosting services. In particular our EQ Charter Systems division has been setting the industry standard for innovative, robust solutions for managing covert operations for fifteen years and is trusted by over half of UK police forces and ROCUs to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of their covert investigations and enable secure information sharing capabilities.

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Imagine what your force would be like if you could have all personnel who require access to applications from vendors like CHIPS, KIM, FIS, NICHE, NORTHGATE, WPC as well as standard applications like Microsoft Office – but all on a mobile device! – and all without developing a single mobile app!

2Go, our Enterprise Application Mobility Layer technology, enables forces to offer mobile device access to ALL their enterprise applications on the move regardless of format or vendor whilst remaining fully data secure. In addition, our user-definable, user-selectable custom gestures and specialised keyboards make mobile use even more efficient than laptop use!

Geoff Smith Associates, market leader in departmental, regional and national Law Enforcement computer software solutions to enhance productivity, enrich intelligence and provide efficiency savings. All our solutions are based upon our core Cyclops technology allowing rapid development and enabling fully integrated applications with enterprise document management.

Off-the-shelf and tailored solutions include Colossus Intelligence and Case Management, Open Source Investigation, Crime, Custody, CycComms - the UK leading RIPA solution with Digital Forensics, and CycCovert our CHIS and Surveillance authorities suite. GSA delivers international solutions to ACRO including the Exchange of Criminal Records with Europe and Worldwide, and deployed Conviction History (PNC) solutions to Jamaica and Gibraltar.

Huddle is the cloud collaboration solution that helps teams to stay productive and to work securely beyond the firewall with colleagues, partners and suppliers. Huddle’s investment in UK data centres, security certifications and preferential pricing through the Crown Commercial Services (CCS), means we are the de facto cloud collaboration tool for central government, local government organisations and public sector bodies.

No other solution delivers the security of Huddle while delivering a user experience that employees and clients love, making it easy to store, access, share, sync and work on files with anyone you need to.

The heart of IT is about empowering people—and being able to serve and secure all types of users, on all the devices they use, wherever they are. With an end-to-end Service Management solution, only LANDESK unifies and automates the delivery of all the assets and services users need across mobile, cloud, and personal computing environments. By making users happy, we make IT more strategic and business more productive.

The LANDESK end-to-end Service Management solution encompasses four essential areas: * Unified Endpoint Management * IT Service Management * Endpoint Security * IT Asset Management

MarkLogic for Intelligence Led PolicingData is one of the Police’s most important and valuable assets. Intelligence, Operations and Analysis depend on access to multiple sources of data – from national, regional and local systems. Typically this data resides in relational databases and integrating this data and being able to search it is difficult and expensive because of its siloed nature. MarkLogic breaks down these silos and makes information more accessible and faster.

About MarkLogicMarkLogic is the only Enterprise NoSQL database platform that is proven in systems supporting a significant number of Public Safety, National Security, Government, and commercial organisations around the world. MarkLogic has a track record of successful engagement with both National and Regional Police Forces in the UK, United States and Europe.

Redactify is specialist redaction software from UK Allied Associates, helping organisations avoid leakage of confidential data. Redactify encrypts selected text and images within documents for tightly controlled collaboration between authorised users.

Redactify integrates with Office applications and web browsers to securely conceal specific sensitive content using public-key cryptography. Further custom plugins can be developed for integrations with other software platforms.

Neighbourhood Alert is the largest and fastest growing secure, two-way police community messaging system in the UK. We have grown considerably in 2015/16 and now deliver 4.5 million messages a month to over 425,000 citizens, on behalf of 21 Police forces as well as Fire and Rescue Services, utility companies and Local Authorities across the UK.

Alert can integrate with national and local systems with an advanced REST API which enables control room, force website and mobile app connectivity. We guarantee to provide free integration with future Police.uk interconnectivity as it is established.

NICE public safety solutions integrate and put into context information from many sources to help emergency communications centres and investigation departments reconstruct and understand the who, what, when, where and why of an incident.

NICE Inform, the industry leading digital evidence management solution, gives emergency communications centres better insight into how to continuously improve their operations.

NICE Investigate is the leading open, digital policing solution that automates and expedites the entire digital investigation process, helping to increase case clearance rates.

Over 3,000 police forces worldwide rely on NICE solutions for digital policing.

W: www.digital-policing.com T: +44 (0) 1489 771 200

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SSCL Transforming Shared Services for UK Policing

For more information about SSCL and our work with Police, please contact Lucinda Crump at SSCL on: 07834 420 771

Cabinet Office Next Generation Shared Services

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National Intelligence and Investigations Conference

Tuesday 10th – Thursday 12th October 2017Jurys Inn Hotel, Leicestershire

For further information or to register for the event please visit contact CJS Event Solutions on 0333 222 4061 or email [email protected].

Media Partner:

National Intelligence Conference

19th - 20th June 2017Crowne Plaza, Stratford-on-Avon

For further information or to register for the event please visit contact CJS Event Solutions on

0333 222 4061 or email [email protected].

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Tuesday 14th March 2017Marriott Hotel, Leicester

Homicide Working Group Child Death Sub-Group National Conference


For further information or to register for the event please visit contact CJS Event Solutions on 0333 222 4061 or email [email protected].

Delivering conferences and events on behalf of our clientsCJS brings creative, innovative, cost effective solutions to all aspects of event management.

At CJS we pride ourselves on high levels of customer service, so if you are looking for full event management support or simply someone to provide your delegate badges contact:

Kevin Shapland on 0333 222 4061 or email [email protected]

CJS Event Solutions - Your event. Our delivery.


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