Delivering New Development Plans Rosie Leven Principal Planner 0131 244 1538 [email protected]. gov.uk

Delivering New Development Plans

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Delivering New Development Plans. Rosie Leven Principal Planner 0131 244 1538 [email protected]. Setting the legislative framework Providing advice and support on operation Providing comments on drafts, MIRs and PPs Promoting the sharing of good practice. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Delivering New Development Plans

Delivering New Development Plans

Rosie LevenPrincipal Planner0131 244 [email protected]

Page 2: Delivering New Development Plans

PAD’s role in Development Planning

• Setting the legislative framework

• Providing advice and support on operation

• Providing comments on drafts, MIRs and PPs

• Promoting the sharing of good practice

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Development Planning

• What are development plans for?

• What type of plans do we want?

• What’s the new process?

• What’s the progress with the new


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What are DPs for?

To provide a vision To show where development should and should not go

To coordinate development and infrastructure

To guide decisions on planning applications

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The new plans

A significant shift in process and product

• Quick to prepare, regularly reviewed

• Early engagement• Well project managed• Focussed on delivery

• Short, map-based plans

• Visionary and spatial• Concentrate on big

ideas/issues• Strong evidence base

Aim is for good but not necessarily perfect plans

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The new DP landscape

The Development Plan

Strategic Development Plans

Local Development Plans

Supplementary Guidance

Non-statutory guidance

Action programmes

Monitoring Statements

Development Plan Schemes (inc. Participation Statements)

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What’s the process?

Old System

Issues Paper

Draft Plan

Final Plan

Pre- Inq


Inquiry Mods Adopt

Character of Engagement

Involve Consult/ Negotiate Justify Consult/ Negotiate

New System

Main Issues Report

Proposed Plan


Adopt with


Character of Engagement

Involve Consult/ Negotiate

Inform Justify

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What’s the process?

Old System

Issues Paper

Draft Plan

Final Plan

Pre- Inq


Inquiry Mods Adopt

Character of Engagement

Involve Consult/ Negotiate Justify Consult/ Negotiate

New System

Main Issues Report

Proposed Plan


Adopt with


Character of Engagement

Involve Consult/ Negotiate

Inform Justify

Page 9: Delivering New Development Plans

New examination process

• Evidence submitted up-front

• No right to be heard orally

• Reporter determines form

• Based on issues, not individual


• Limited scope to depart Reporter(s) recommendations

Inquiry sessions


Written submissions

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Proportionate evidence base

• Monitoring Statement• Environmental Report• Housing Needs and Demand

Assessment• Housing Land Audit• Transport Assessment• Urban Capacity Study• Retail capacity Study• Landscape Character Assessment• Flood Risk Assessment• Accessibility Analysis

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Environmental Assessment

• SEA/HRA are part of the process

• Inform plan content• Focus on significant effects• Centre on early, effective

engagement around Main Issues Report

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Key Agencies


Scottish Water

Scottish Enterprise

Regional Transport Partner-


Crofters Commission

Health Boards

Historic Scotland

Transport Scotland

Highlands & Islands Enterpris


Page 13: Delivering New Development Plans

Plans that make a difference…

Legislation provides a framework

Individual leaders make it happen Planning Authorities But also - Agencies

- Development industry - Communities

- Environmental bodies

Shape a vision – provide clarity

Find solutions - deliver the plan

Gather evidence – set out the reasons

How to articulate the vision – to communicate what you want to do and why?

Attitude, culture, communication

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What in the Plan? What in the AP?

How? Who? When?

What? Where?

APs should stimulate action not just record progress

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Project Management

• 5-yearly review

• LDPs within 2 years of SDP approval

Main Issues Report – Proposed Plan

• 9 Months

Proposed Plan - Examination

• 9 Months

Examination and approval/adoption

• 9 Months

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Insert maps of DP Progress

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Lessons from initial plans

Rigorous project managementNew approach to productSpatial & visionary - not thematicDetail on site specificsClear on alternativesGood use of maps/graphicsProportionate evidence base

Generic visionToo much/too little detailToo many ‘main’ issuesGaps in evidence baseRush to publish MIRCompendiums of policyUnrealistic on delivery

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Next steps

Planning Reform – Next Steps• Examinations consultation • Review of SDPs • Identify and share best practice• LDP charrettes• Gateway Review

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Delivering New Development Plans

Questions?Suggestions?Good examples?