1 st of January – 31 st of December 2014 Deliverable 3 Conference report

Deliverable 3 Conference report - Europa · Final report Deliverable 3 Page 3 Outstanding experts were invited as keynote speakers for sharing their territorial experiences, the latest

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Page 1: Deliverable 3 Conference report - Europa · Final report Deliverable 3 Page 3 Outstanding experts were invited as keynote speakers for sharing their territorial experiences, the latest

1st of January – 31st of December 2014

Deliverable 3

Conference report

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LIDOBS conference report

1. Executive summary (general aspects about the Conference)

The International Conference on Living Donation High Quality practices-LIDOBS

Conference was held in Barcelona on November 6-7th. This conference was aimed to

achieve consensus for the best practices in Living Organ Donation and Transplantation

field in order to assure high quality programs.

The main organizer of this event is Hospital Clinic of Barcelona; Transplantation

Assessorial unit of this hospital as principal Coordinator. Other units actively involved

in Living Donation programs were part of the coordination.

Due to the background as main coordinator in three European projects such as:

EULID, ELIPSY, ODEQUS; collaborating partner in ACCORD project and member in

other projects as well as leader in donation and transplantation field, Hospital Clinic of

Barcelona presents itself as potential coordinator for this project. For such experience

European Commission trusted to support this initiative and together they collaborated

in this international event.

As a steering committee were assigned main actors in the previous projects and

experts in Living Donation programs.

The target group of the Conference was enough wide and composed by:

Healthcare experts on Living Donation.

Healthcare young professionals interested on Living Donation.

Managers of transplant centres applying Living Donation programs.

International organizations on transplantation.

Health official’s policy-makers.

Donor and recipients associations.

Bioethical and legal professionals

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The main goals of the conference:

To achieve consensus and formulate recommendation for Living donation

practices in order to assure high quality practices.

To set up a community of experts in Living Donation Programs that will

continue to expand and increase the knowledge on the donation and

transplantation procedures.

The latest evidence-based outcome of living donation procedures were aggregated

and discussed in six important topics. The discussion in where were involved the most

important experts in the field, continued for a period of nine months using a virtual

platform and reached conclusions during the face to face seminar held in Barcelona

prior to the Conference on 5th of November.

The six areas in which the conference program was structured were:

1. Ethical and legal aspects of living donation

2. Living Donors protection

3. Kidney Living Donors medical and psychological follow-up

4. Liver Living Donors medical and psychological follow-up

5. Living Donors registry

6. Quality indicators and certification

2. Participation

The Conference brought together more than 100 participants from almost 55

transplant centers with Living Donation programs, representing 31 countries from

Europe, Asia, America and Africa; to discuss and to define consensus on the safety,

transparency and quality of Living Donation programs.

During the Conference were discussed the emerging issues, the current pressing

problems and challenges, the need to set standards and develop ideas and strategies

for high quality living donation programs to ensure safety, quality and transparency of

these programs.

The conference programme was prepared in the way to be as more attractive and

interesting to the audience; taking in consideration the heterogeneity of the

participants in terms of knowledge and involvement if Living Donation activity.

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Outstanding experts were invited as keynote speakers for sharing their territorial

experiences, the latest evidence-based outcome of Living Donation and special

remarks and recommendations.

The great focus of the LIDOBS Conference programme was dedicated to the sessions

of the Working Group activities. As mentioned above, the context of the conference

was structured in six main topics that were discussed within six working groups.

The working group activities have started since the beginning of the project and were

held through an online platform for all the timelife of the projects. More than 70

experts with a well known knowledge, action and standing in the field of

transplantation and living organ donation were invited as members in the working

group. This platform was offered as chance for all the professionals to contribute in

shaping the field of living organ donation. This virtual character of the LIDOBS

community enables professionals among the globe to be able to have access to

knowledge, support in advancing knowledge and standards in living donation and thus

form a solid base for further actions in the field, influence practices and policies.

The virtual platform offered to the experts:

read more about the purpose and the agenda of LIDOBS

meet other group members working in the same field

find an emerging collection of material regarding living organ donation

get to know about the results of former European Union funded projects in the


get to know the aims of LIDOBS better

share thoughts and comments with each other

Furthermore the experts were invited to contribute to the further development of

LIDOBS and to:

share with the group members documents, publications, links, references on

the field of living organ donation, which they think could contribute to the

creation of this knowledge platform.

share with the group experiences of their country or of the centre/institution

they are working regarding living organ donation

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indicate which have been major achievements in their country/institution

regarding living organ donation and high quality standards

share their concerns regarding developments in the field of living organ

donation in their institution/in their country/internationally

share emerging issues in the field of living donation which their feel need


tell which are to their opinion current pressing problems and challenges in

living donation which shall be address

share ideas for any future developments in the field

The platform was designed in this way in order to engage within working group

members a discussion and to provide a platform for long-term support and exchange

and collaboration.

Each one of the members of the working group will have the possibility of feedback on

achievements, emerging issues, ideas and pressuring concerns and problems in the

field. A summary of all the discussion was created and the final draft of it was

presented in the LIDOBS Conference on day 6 and 7th of November.

As ultimate target is to proceed with a consensus for the main actions that need to be

taken in order to have high quality programs on Living Donation.


WGs LIDOBS values

Safety Quality


High quality practices




Living donor protection

Liver living donor follow-up

Quality indicators and certification




Ethical andlegal aspects

Kidney living donor follow-up

Living donor registry

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On the face to face meeting held in Barcelona on November 5th, all the members of

the working groups had the possibility to discuss the final draft of their work and to

define the final presentations that they will made during the following days of the

Conference. A new innovative methodology was proposed and used for the better

definition of the main actions.

3. Description of METHODOLOGY used for the Working Group activities of

LIDOBS Conference

Operative steps

A. Topics: six working groups were created around six key aspects of living donation process:

WG1: Ethical and legal aspects of living donation

WG2: Living Donors protection

WG3: Kidney Living Donors follow-up

WG4: Liver Living Donors follow-up

WG5: Living Donors registry

WG6: Quality indicators and certification

B. Participants: To ensure a broad representation of European actors (territorial region objective of the support granted by the EU), it was agreed that each working group meets the following requirements:

a. At least 6 members per working group and one coordinator b. At least 3 of them from 3 different European Member States (MS) c. In total, no less of 15 MS represented.

C. Virtual activities: The virtual character of the LIDOBS enables professionals

among the globe to be able to have access to up to date information, support in advancing knowledge and standards in living donation and thus form a solid base for further actions in the field, influence practices and policies. Once received the confirmation of the participants who joined a working group, they received their personal login details to the working group page in where they could:

a. Read about LIDOBS Project (aims, background and motivation…) b. Review up-to-date information about LIDOBS Conference agenda c. Meet other group members working in their field worldwide; d. Find an emerging collection of material regarding living organ donation; e. Get to know about the results of former European Union funded projects in

the field prior to LIDOBS; f. Share and discuss their ideas with the group.

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D. Guidelines: We proposed to the members of the working groups begin the discussion through the on line platform, prior to the Conference. Furthermore, we urge them to follow a highly structured process that allows them to collected ideas within the groups maintaining a consistency in method and a balanced style.

a. Defining the task and deadlines b. Collection and recording of ideas c. Discussion d. Selection of bibliography e. Prioritization

Tools used:

1. LIDOBS Consensus Canvas (Annex 1) 2. Televoter (during the conference)

E. Pre-conference meeting Nov 5, 2014:

Where are we now? A total of 68 international experts interested in joining efforts to improve the

quality of living donation and establish an international consensus intended to protect living donors’ health and safety through research activities have participated in the online activities. 50 of them attend to the pre-conference face to face meeting in Barcelona.

Manuscript draft for discussion and LIDOBS Consensus Canvas ⇒ Prior discussions

- Collection and review of literature - Achievements and trends What has been done? What other emerging issues have to be considered? What experiences we should highlight as examples of high quality

practices on living donation process?

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⇒ Moving forward Recommendations - Need to identify possible challenges and elaborate solutions. - What strategies and actions might be taken by living donation

programmes, in order to ensure safety, quality and transparency in the living donation process?

Description of the proposed action WG1. Ethical and legal aspects: 10WG2. Living Donor Protection: 9

WG3. Kidney living donor medical & psychosocial follow-up:WG4. Liver living donor medical & psychosocial follow-up: 9


WG5. Living Donor Registry: 5 WG6. Quality indicators and certification: 4


For each recommendation:


What concerns does it solve? Linked to values of: Safety, quality & transparency Level of requirement: Compulsory, advisable or excellence Territorial applicability Applicability tools Identify other experiences to highlight What other emerging issues should to be considered?

Where do we want to go? - Share knowledge with the attendees about the discussion process,

international experiences and other EU projects. - Presentation of the working groups main conclusions and the suggested

recommendations to be included in the LIDOBS Conference Consensus Leaflet: Recommendations on Living Donation. High Quality Practices

- To gather the opinion of the attendees of the LIDOBS Conference about these

recommendations. - Join LIDOBS as a commitment of the work group members to continue working

on the promotion of the consensus and distribution of recommendations. During the Conference, professionals from 20 institutions with living donation transplant programmes joined LIDOBS Network signing the Framework Agreement Invitation.

F. LIDOBS Conference Nov 6-7, 2014

- Open discussion on the main issues of the working groups drafts - Presentation of Consensus Canvas of each working group with the suggested

recommendations: (ANNEX LIDOBS Consensus Canvas)

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WG1. Ethical and legal aspects: WG2. Living Donor Protection: 3


WG3. Kidney living donor follow-up. Medical & psychosocial: 5 WG4. Liver living donor follow-up. Medical & psychosocial: 3 WG5. Living Donor Registry: 3 WG6. Quality indicators and certification: 3


- Voting process on Impact level and Feasibility level for each recommendation.


G. Post Conference

Preparation of the LIDOBS Conference Consensus Leaflet. Nov-Dec, 2014

Final Round to review the content and collecting feedback from participants and authorities on the design of the leaflet. After final review, 22 recommendations were defined.

Linguistic review & printing

Starting dissemination of the leaflet

Jan 2015

H. Results (Leaflet description and content) Page 1. Cover page: LIDOBS Consensus. Recommendations on Living Donation.

High Quality Practices Pages 2-3. Presentation Pages 4-5. Index & graphics legend Pages 6-11. LIDOBS Recommendations (22 recommendations ) Pages 12-13. Summary of main EU-funded projects on living donation

- 9 projects from 2007 to 2015 Page 13. Acknowledgments

(Gratitude for 100 professionals from more than 50 institutions linked to living donation transplant programmes in 31 countries

Page 14. LIDOBS Network information .)

Page 15. Institutional supporters and authorities

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Other results in terms of Information, Documentation & Knowledge

Six manuscript documents; (one per each topic discussed).

Bibliography: more than 100 references were collected.

Six LIDOBS Consensus Canvas including 23 recommendations with the

respective results of their Impact and Feasibility (presented to the Conference

attendees and underwent to the televoter process)

Collaborative online platform (created for the Conference and still active for the

further use within LIDOBS Investigative projects).

Database of more than 400 institutions and professionals linked to LD

programmes around the world.


Near 140 professionals were interested to actively participate in the Conference; out of

them 82 attended to the Conference and 68 participated in the working groups.

Currently, 28 professionals from 20 LD programmes from 13 countries signed the

Consortium agreement.

4. Minutes from the Conference – Main actions

Day 1: 6th of November 2014

The venue of the conference was the Conference Room Farreras Valentí situated

inside the hospital Clinic of Barcelona. The capacity of the room is up to 110 people

and the attendance of LIDOBS Conference was notable.

The beginning of the Conference was dedicated to the Opening ceremony and the

welcoming speech. The round table of this session was composed by the invited

authorities that supported and helped for the conference development. Each of them

made a short welcome speech.

European Commission (EU) Hélène Le Borgne and Dirk Meusel; Council of Europe

Marta López Fraga ; World Health Organization (WHO) Marie-Charlotte Bouësseau;

Organització Catalana de Trasplantaments (OCATT) Jaume Tort; Organización

Nacional de Trasplantes (ONT) Beatriz Domínguez-Gil on behalf of Rafael Matesanz ;

Hospital Clínic de Barcelona Josep Maria Campistol, Medical Director.

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Moderator of this session was Martí Manyalich; director of LIDOBS Conference.

The second session was dedicated to the Key Notes Speeches for the state of the arts

in Living Donation. Outstanding experts were invited as keynote speakers for sharing

their territorial experiences, the latest evidence-based outcome of Living Donation and

special remarks and recommendations.

State of the art on Living Donation in Europe and in USA; respectively presented by

Dr. Lisa Burnapp, (UK) and Prof. Alan Leichtman. Closed the session with the

presentation made from Dr. Gonzalo Crespo, Spain who presented “Living liver donor

assessment: ensuring the safety, quality and transparency.

The following session was dedicated to the European Research Projects on Living

Donation; a short summary of the most important European project was made.

Chronogically EULID, ELIPSY, EULOD, HOTT, ODEQUS and ACCORD project were

summarized for the audience by respectively Assumpta Ricart, Ana Menjivar, Williem

Weimar, Linde Van Balen, Martí Manyalich and Beatriz Domínguez-Gil/Kirsten Ooms.

An overview of the past and actual situation from the European Commission toward

donation and Transplantation was made by Hélène Le Borgne: "Living donation in the

light of the EU Directive, EU Action Plan and EU-funded projects".

The next sessions were dedicated to the presentation of the work and conclusions of

each working group. The six working group had the possibility to share their main

results of the activities they have done within nine months. To each group was

assigned a session and each group had its own way of presentation. As previously was

decided that the Coordinator of each working group will present the main actions to

the public and the public had the possibility to vote about each action. As it was

explained above (methodology) each action underwent to vote for the level of Impact

and Feasibility.

For the presentation of the work of each working group there was diversity in the way

of presentations. This helped to make more attractive the agenda and give more

diversity and innovation in the structure of the conference.

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More in details in following:

WG1 Session

Opted to divide the time in two portions; to have a presentation from a member of

European Council; for so Marta López Fraga was invited. “Council of Europe

Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs” WG1. Remarks and

recommendations: Christina Papachristou, Germany

WG2 Session

The same structure was followed by the WG2 Living donors protection; in where as

speaker was invited Didier Mandelbrot from USA who made a presentation about the

protection criteria used by the transplant center in USA.

WG2. Remarks and recommendations: David Paredes, Spain

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WG3 Session

Meanwhile a different way of presentation was chosen by WG3 Kidney living donors:

medical and psychosocial follow-up.

The session was structured as a round table in where were invited six opinion leader.

They were there to discuss and to give opinions about the main issues that were

defined as most important from the members of the working group.

Round table invited speakers:

CLINICAL FOLLOW-UP. Federico Oppenheimer, Spain / Willem Weimar, Netherlands

SURGICAL FOLLOW-UP. Mireia Musquera, Spain / Chris Rudge, UK

PSYCHOSOCIAL FOLLOW-UP. Xavier Torres, Spain / Christina Papachristou, Germany

After the discussion and the interaction- questions and answers, the coordinator of the

working group presented the Remarks and recommendations: Ignacio Revuelta, Spain

WG4 Session

The last session of this first day of the conference was the one of WG4 Liver living

donors; medical and psychosocial follow-up.

During this session were made three presentations about the experience of different

expert/centers on Liver Living Donor follow-up.

Pediatric Living Liver Donor Follow-up: Itxarone Bilbao- Hospital Bellvitge Barcelona.

Adult Living Liver Donor Follow-up: Refaat Kamel- Egypt.

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Special Complications after Live Liver Donation- The Risk of Thromboembolic Events

Amelia J. Hessheimer

Day 2

7th of November 2014

The following day the Conference agenda followed with the sessions of the two

remaining working group.

WG5 Session

Living Donor registry:

One other topic very important was discussed within this session. There were

presentations about the different existing living donor registry and their respective

characteristics. Maria Valentín presented the ONT registry experience, Jordi Comas

shared the experience of OCATT registry and in the end Kirsten Ooms shared the

ACCORD registry featuring.

As conclusions the coordinator Fritz Diekmann presented Remarks and

recommendations surged from the discussions within working group 5.

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WG6 Session

As last presentation for the WG activities was the presentation of Wg6 Quality

Indicators and Certification. A presentation about the new items and definitions within

this area was made by Jordi Colmenero, Spain and afterwards the Conclusions and

Recommendations surged from this group were presented by Ana Menjivar.

In continuity the conference proceeded with the rest of the agenda. There were

different speeches from the invited experts.

Dr. Francis Delmonico was in charge of the session dedicated to the trafficking issues

related to the organ donation.

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The last presentation was the one made by Dr. Marti Manyalich in position of LIDOBS


Moving towards a partnership to international cooperation and consensus on living

donation; Foundation of Living Donor Observatory (LIDOBS Network)

As last session of the Conference was the session in where the health care

professionals shared with the audience their personal experience from the other side

of the panel; not as professionals but simply as living donors. The session was

moderated by Dr. David Paredes and proved to be very attractive and full of emotions.

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Annex - Conference Agenda

5. Other comments

The project has made some changes as described in the first application.

For achieving the goals and the objective of the project we found appropriate to make

some changes related to the job description for the staff involved - in terms of “hours

of dedication to the project". Since the project was postponed from the first schedule

(May 2014) to the new one November 2014, the time table of the organization was


More time was needed in order to accomplish all the requirements for the project. We

aimed and we believe to have organized a Conference that fulfilled our expectation

and reached all the objectives and goals.

However, in order to succeed we had to revalue and to consider more the problems


Contact and deal with the experts who were invited to participate as key

opinion experts within the six working groups of the Conference

The scientific review and preparation of all the documents that were presented

and discussed during the two days of the Conference.

The objective of the participant number; until the conference day there were

not 100 participants registered (as established in the project proposal).

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Difficult to find sponsors for the conference- sponsorship campaign took more

time that prevented.

More time was dedicated to contact and deal with all the experts who were invited to

participate as well was increased the time dedicated to the scientific review of the

consensus documents.

Changes on the registration fees and time limits were made. Discounts offers were

presented to the students, nurses and psychologists.

Expected outcomes of the Conference and how they were accomplished.

LIDOBS Network was expected to consolidate its status and to expand the

membership with more members.

All the participants of the conference were invited to be part of LIDOBS Network. Was

notable the interest shown from the attendant and a considerable number of them

signed the agreement for being part of the LIDOBS Network.

6. Main Conclusion

LIDOBS Network will continue the activity for improving the Living Donation and

Transplantation procedures. The safety of the living Donors and the high quality of

Living Donation programmes are and will remain the main aims of LIDOBS.

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1st of January – 31st of December 2014


Conference Agenda

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www.eulivingdonor.org/lidobsconference Hospital Clínic de Barcelona [email protected] Assessoria de Trasplantaments – Direcció Mèdica Tel. 34 (93) 227-1865

International Conference on Living Donation High Quality Practices 6-7th of November 2014 Barcelona, Spain

Day 1: Thursday, 6th of November

8:00 Registration Sala Farreras Valentí

Esc. 9 Planta 3

Hospital Clínic,


8:30 –


Welcome and conference presentation

Chair: Martí Manyalich

European Commission (EU)

Hélène Le Borgne

Dirk Meusel

Council of Europe

Marta López Fraga

World Health Organization (WHO)

Marie-Charlotte Bouësseau

Organització Catalana de Trasplantaments (OCATT)

Jaume Tort

Organización Nacional de Trasplantes (ONT)

Rafael Matesanz

Hospital Clínic de Barcelona

Josep Maria Campistol, Medical Director

9:00 –


State of the art on living donation

Chairs: Jaume Tort / Marie-Charlotte Bouësseau

Keynote speakers:

Lisa Burnapp, UK

“Living kidney donor follow-up: state-of-the-art and future directions"- European Experience

Alan Leichtman, USA

“Living kidney donor follow-up: state-of-the-art and future directions"- USA Experience

Gonzalo Crespo, Spain

“Living liver donor assessment: ensuring the safety, quality and transparency”.

10:00 Coffee break

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www.eulivingdonor.org/lidobsconference Hospital Clínic de Barcelona [email protected] Assessoria de Trasplantaments – Direcció Mèdica Tel. 34 (93) 227-1865

10:30 –


Chronology of European Projects on Living Donation

Chair: Hélène Le Borgne, Brussels / Dirk Meusel, Luxembourg

EULID- Assumpta Ricart

ELIPSY- Ana Menjívar

EULOD- Willem Weimar

HOTT - Linde van Balen

ODEQUS- Martí Manyalich

ACCORD- Beatriz Domínguez / Kirsten M. Ooms-de Vries

Presentation: Hélène Le Borgne: "Living donation in the light of the EU Directive, EU Action Plan and EU-funded projects"


12:30 –


Ethical and legal aspects of living donation

Chair: Eva Pokörna, Czech Republic / Núria Masnou, Spain

Presentation: Marta Lopez Fraga :

“Council of Europe Convention against Trafficking in Human Organs”

WG1. Remarks and recommendations by: Christina Papachristou, Germany

13:30 – 15:00 Lunch


15:00 –


Living donors protection

Chair: Ingela Fehrman, Sweden/ Levent Yücetin, Turkey

Presentation: Didier A. Mandelbrot, USA

WG2. Remarks and recommendations by: David Paredes, Spain


16:00 –


Kidney living donors: medical and psychosocial follow-up

Chair: Christian Hiesse, France / Josep Maria Grinyó, Spain

Round table invited ponents:

Clinical follow-up: Federico Oppenheimer, Spain ; Willem Weimar, Netherlands

Surgical follow-up: Mireia Musquera, Spain; Chris Rudge, UK

Psychosocial follow-up: Xavier Torres, Spain; Christina Papachristou, Germany

WG3.Remarks and recommendations by: Ignacio Revuelta, Spain

17:30 Coffee break


18:00 –


Liver living donors: medical and psychosocial follow-up

Chair: Niclas Kvarnström, Sweden / Pål-Dag Line, Norway

Round table invited ponents:

Pediatric Living Liver Donor Follow-up: Itxarone Bilbao Adult Living Liver Donor Follow-up: Refaat Kamel

Special Complications after Live Liver Donation- The Risk of Thromboembolic Events. Amelia J. Hessheimer

Presentation: WG4. Remarks and recommendations by: Amelia Hessheimer

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Hospital Clínic de Barcelona www.eulivingdonor.org/lidobsconference Assessoria de Trasplantaments – Direcció Mèdica [email protected] Tel. 34 (93) 227-1865 3 - 3

Day 2: Friday, 7th of November


9:00 –


Living donors registry

Chair: Maria Valentin, Spain / Bernadette Haase-Kromwijk, The Netherlands

Discussion round table

WG5. Remarks and recommendations by: Fritz Diekmann, Spain

Sala Farreras Valentí

Esc. 9 Planta 3

Hospital Clínic,

Barcelona WG6.

10:00 –


Quality indicators and certification.

Chair: Jaroslaw Czerwiski, Poland / Rosana Turcu, Romania

Presentation: Jordi Colmenero, Spain

WG6. Remarks and recommendations by: Ana Menjívar, Spain

11:00 Coffee break

11:30 –


Declaration of Istanbul Custodian Group

Chair: Beatriz Domínguez, Spain / Ana França, Portugal

Presentation: Francis Delmonico, USA

12:00 –


Moving towards a partnership to international cooperation and consensus on living donation. Foundation of Living Donor Observatory (LIDOBS Network)

Chair: Francis Delmonico, USA

Presentation: Martí Manyalich – LIDOBS

12:30 –


Experiencing living donation

Chair: David Paredes, Spain / Jordi Vilardell, Spain

Round table- participants: Federico Oppenheimer, Spain; Ingela Ferhman, Sweden; Melania Istrate, Romania; José Ignacio Sánchez, Spain*; Andriew Healey, Canada*; Antonio Sayago Rodriguez, Spain.

International Conference on Living Donation High Quality Practices

6-7th of November 2014 - Barcelona, Spain




This conference is receiving funding from the European Union in the framework of the EU Health Programme.

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1st of January – 31st of December 2014


LIDOBS Consensus Canvas

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Action 1Description of the proposed action

1: Ethical and legal aspects Legislation

2: Living Donors protection Instutional Training

3: Kidney Living Donors follow-up Scientific Bodies Clinical

4: Liver Living Donors follow-up Level of: 1 2 3 4 5 Safety Compulsory National Further research / publishing

5: Living Donors registryImpact:

Quality Advisable European Mass media dissemination

6: Quality indicators and certificationFeasibility:

Transparency Excellence International

Action 2Description of the proposed action

1: Ethical and legal aspects Legislation

2: Living Donors protection Instutional Training

3: Kidney Living Donors follow-up Scientific Bodies Clinical

4: Liver Living Donors follow-up Level of: 1 2 3 4 5 Safety Compulsory National Further research / publishing

5: Living Donors registryImpact:

Quality Advisable European Mass media dissemination

6: Quality indicators and certificationFeasibility:

Transparency Excellence International

Experiences to highlight What other emerging issues should to be considered? Other remarks

I:10 F:10 71 - 67



Applicability tools

Principle of Justice


Linked to topic: What concerns does it solve?

Linked to values


Level of


Experiences to highlight What other emerging issues should to be considered? Other remarks

I:10 F:7 71 - 71

Principle of Justice


Linked to topic: What concerns does it solve?

Linked to values


Level of


WG1: Ethical and legal aspects

International Conference on Living Donation High Quality Practices

LIDOBS Consensus Canvas on Living Donation IssuesExchanging knowledge to improve the quality of programs and assure the safety of procedures in Living Donation



Applicability tools